How to recognize the onset of menopause? What are the first signs of menopause in women? Physiological changes in menopause.

The menopause is divided into three stages, and the first of them is premenopause, the symptoms of which some women begin to feel already at the age of forty. The process of fertility decline is physiologically inevitable, it is easy to recognize, and there are many ways to alleviate your condition.

Prev menopause(premenopause) is the initial stage of menopause, during which changes occur in the body of a woman associated with adaptation to a constant decrease in the level of hormones secreted by the ovaries. It lasts about 2 years and ends with the last menstruation. Every woman after 40-45 years old begins to notice the first symptoms of the premenopausal stage.

The onset of the menopause is accompanied by mood swings, high blood pressure, and other symptoms that may persist throughout the menopause. They manifest themselves individually and directly depend on the lifestyle and processes in the body responsible for general state health.

Diagnosis of premenopause is possible before the age of 40 (about 3%), and after 55 (about 20%), and is not always a sign of pathological conditions. Often such atypicality indicates only the genetic characteristics of a woman.

Signs of menopause

The premenopausal period is hard to miss. A number of changes in the body, which manifest themselves at the physiological and mental level, are obvious both to the woman herself and to those around her. The main symptoms of premenopause:

  1. Premenstrual syndrome is more pronounced: pulling pains in the lower abdomen, irritability, mood swings, uncontrolled appetite and headaches become companions of this period. If all these manifestations were familiar to a woman before, then with an early menopause, the onset of menstruation becomes even more painful.
  2. Violations menstrual cycle: it becomes longer, and blood discharge is much poorer. On average they come every 2 months.
  3. Hot flashes are a sudden increase in body temperature. The skin of the face and decollete turns red, shortness of breath appears, darkens in the eyes. As soon as the attack stops, sweating increases. The number of hot flashes per day determines the difficulty of the course of the climacteric syndrome: up to 5 - mild form, up to 15 - medium, up to 30 - severe.
  4. Difficulty in controlling emotions is one of the most common symptoms of a woman's premenopausal state. Hormonal changes affect the nervous system. Violation of sleep and wakefulness and rapid fatigue result in irritability. Especially often overcomes anger, which is difficult to cope with. The situation is complicated by the fact that others often take it for whims and bad character. Such negative emotions are accompanied by a headache. Often, a woman falls into.
  5. Due to the decrease in secreted mucous secretion, dryness appears in the vagina, which negatively affects the sensations during intercourse. Sexual desire is also significantly dulled, and therefore there may be problems in relationships with men. The discharge itself becomes poorer and can change its quality - consistency, color, smell. Odorless mucus is considered normal. In all other cases, you need to contact a specialist.
  6. Disruptions in hormonal function lead to a deterioration in brain activity. Memory becomes dull, it is more difficult to remember not only new information, but also to remember facts from the past. There are difficulties with concentration. It becomes difficult for a woman to do the same thing for a long time.
  7. Manifestation initial stage menopause in a woman is considered to be a malfunction of the cardiovascular system. High blood pressure with all the ensuing consequences - headache, heart palpitations, burning sensation in the chest area - makes itself felt at this age.
  8. Breast sensitivity is not a frequent, but occurring phenomenon at the initial stage of menopause. In combination with abundant blood secretions, it may indicate the initial stage of development of neoplasms. Breast cancer is a disease that most often affects women over 40. It is very important to visit doctors regularly and undergo genital examinations at this age.

Signs of premenopause do not appear with the same intensity in all women. Factors that affect the course of premenopause:

  • genetic factor - those representatives of the weaker sex who inherited good health, and whose mothers endured this stage relatively easily, are very likely not to face serious problems either;
  • lifestyle - smoking, alcohol, stress, malnutrition, hard physical or mental labor aggravate the condition during this period. A healthy diet, physical activity, the absence of bad habits and a calm psycho-emotional state alleviate the menopause syndrome;
  • diseases of any organs, and first of all - the reproductive system: during this period, their course is aggravated, the likelihood of complications increases.

The body of a woman during menopause

The premenopausal period is the time when the level of follicle-stimulating hormone in the blood rises. This process is combined with a decrease in the level of estradiol, one of the main female sex hormones.

The ovaries continue to function, producing estrogen and progesterone, but their activity is reduced. Therefore, normal periods with ovulation preceding them take place, which means that it is still possible to get pregnant during premenopause. Carrying a child at this age rarely occurs without complications. It is strongly recommended not to forget about reliable contraception, which must be prescribed by a doctor without fail.

The constant decrease in female hormones in the pre-max state most of all affects the following body systems:

  1. Sexual. The quality and quantity of secretions change, the microflora of the genital organs becomes more susceptible to infectious diseases. Changes also apply to the menstrual cycle - menstruation becomes less, less frequent. Also frequent are complaints of sensitivity and hardening of the mammary glands in the menopause, sometimes painful lumps are felt. In women with mastopathy, the disease takes on a special form at this time. Hormone therapy and constant monitoring of the health of the genital organs by a competent specialist is what will help to avoid complications.
  2. Cardiovascular. Estrogen deficiency leads to fragility of the walls of blood vessels, which negatively affects blood circulation and blood pressure. All women over 40 are advised to eat foods containing healthy polyunsaturated fats to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their elasticity.
  3. Urine-genital. Hormones of the estrogen group ensure the normal functioning of the bladder and the tone of the muscles of the small pelvis. Accordingly, their decrease provokes such pathological conditions as urinary incontinence, discomfort during urination, cystitis. In addition to menopause, the causes of these diseases can be problems in the functioning of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems. Special exercises, for example, Kegel gymnastics or imbuilding, help to solve these problems well.
  4. Digestive: metabolism slows down significantly. This leads to an increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood, swelling, constipation, flatulence and rapid weight gain. Stomach pain and nausea - a reaction of the digestive system to increased arterial pressure. A healthy, balanced diet and the rejection of junk food will help to avoid these difficulties.
  5. Bone. The bone tissue becomes more fragile, the likelihood of fractures due to mechanical injuries increases. In addition, the condition of the skin and hair worsens. In the diet of a woman during menopause, there must be foods rich in calcium. It is also recommended to take vitamin complexes containing essential trace elements.
  6. Nervous. The instability of the emotional state is also provoked by hormonal surges.

In addition to these changes, in women during premenopause, all chronic diseases. However, we must remember that menopause is a natural and gradual process. The body is able to adapt to changes, and with proper prevention, menopausal syndrome can even proceed without problems.

In the modern world, women try to achieve as much as possible materially before devoting themselves to motherhood. But unfortunately, this is not included in the plans of the female body. Often the onset of the first symptoms of menopause in women at the age of 40 is perceived as a tragedy. Not every lady is ready to put up with this. Some perceive menopause as the decline of life and the approach of old age, while others perceive it as natural changes in the body, laid down by nature.

The number of eggs is laid in the womb. At a transitional age, they begin to mature under the influence of sex hormones that control all systems of the female body, from the nervous to the sexual.

With age, the number of germ cells in the ovaries decreases and when they are completely gone, menopause will come. After its onset, the body slows down its processes. The skin becomes less elastic and begins to age. General weakness in the body and other ailments appear.

It is believed that menopause usually occurs between the ages of 48 and 52.. But this phenomenon is individual. Someone is waiting for the onset of menopause at the age of 39, and someone is able to conceive a child up to the age of 55. If a woman has a strong reproductive system, early onset of menopause is a non-pathological manifestation of the body. Usually this manifestation is associated with heredity.

Unfortunately, it is unrealistic to delay the onset of menopause. There is no tool that can do this.

Accelerating Factors

Usually the onset of the first signs of menopause in women at 44 years. There are failures of the menstrual cycle and general ailments, the nature of the discharge changes. There may be an earlier onset of menopause, at 41, for example. There are many things that can speed up menopause.. These include:

The first signs of menopause in women at the age of 44 and earlier were manifested in disturbed menstruation and malfunctions. nervous system. This response of the body was caused by a sharp reduction in the production of sex hormones.


Before menopause, menstrual flow occurs irregularly and with delays. They become scarce, and the period of menstruation is short. Sometimes there is uterine bleeding, which is very similar to menstruation.

It is worth remembering that bleeding is a signal of serious disorders in the reproductive system of a woman, such as a malignant tumor of the uterus. Therefore, uterine bleeding requires careful diagnosis.

A few years before menopause, the ovulatory period begins to occur less and less. A 44-year-old woman, whose health less and less suggests the possibility of conception with age, may face infertility. Therefore, you should not postpone pregnancy until such a late period.

For women who for some reason decide to postpone conception, gynecologists are advised to freeze germ cells in advance. So that even after 50 years they can experience all the joys of motherhood with the help of artificial insemination.

Closer to menopause, the risk of developing tumors increases every year. For prevention, it is necessary to regularly visit specialists such as a mammologist and a gynecologist.

It is impossible to neglect contraception during the period of restructuring of the reproductive system. An irregular menstrual cycle does not guarantee that ovulation cannot occur. Experts advise to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy for another 12 months, after the last menstruation.

From the side of the psyche

Early menopause at 40 can be a big blow for a woman. Reducing the level of female hormones is reflected in behavior. There is a nervous breakdown, irritability and sudden changes in mood.

How easily a woman will endure such a difficult period for her body depends on whether she is satisfied with her life. If she has a favorite job, a husband, children, good friends, she will not show symptoms such as insomnia and migraines.

Age-related changes lead to a slowdown in metabolism, which, in turn, contributes to aging. Hence the appearance of signs that a woman begins menopause.

  1. Tides. One of the most recognizable symptoms. The main feature of the tides is the heat, sharply throwing into sweat. They appear several times a day for 2-3 minutes. With them, the heart begins to beat faster, chills and general ailments appear. The strength of the attacks is different for everyone. For some, it can cause loss of consciousness, while others may not even notice its onset.
  2. Migraine. It is a common manifestation of menopause. It is characterized by a severe, unbearable headache. In addition to migraines, exacerbations of heart disease and hypertension often occur.
  3. Deterioration of memory, hearing, attention and vision. This is due to the deterioration of cerebral circulation.
  4. Decreased amount of vaginal discharge. A decrease in the amount of female hormones leads to dryness in the vagina. The lack of secretions reduces the protection of the genital organs from infections and inflammatory processes. Sexual intercourse can bring discomfort due to lack of lubrication.
  5. Decreased libido. Of course, it depends on the characteristics of the psyche and health of the woman. Sometimes women become more passionate than they were in their youth.

For some manifestations of the body, it is necessary to consult a specialist. They may be pathological. These symptoms include:

Early onset of menopause has its benefits. The premenstrual cycle stops, which is painful for many girls. It stops terribly pulling the lower abdomen and chest pain. Menstruation is coming to an end, which so often interfered with an active lifestyle and sex. Menopause shows its unpleasant signs for only a few years, and after that a new active life begins. A woman can only pay a little more attention to her health.

The development of medicine allows you to have a child even after 45 with the help of IVF. Even if the climax has already arrived. Donor cells can be fertilized and implanted into the patient's body to carry the fetus.

For many women, the mere thought that they will not be able to avoid menopause leads to a panic state. However, from the point of view of medical science, all processes in female body occur cyclically, and menopause is the same natural process as puberty in a girl or the heyday of the reproductive period in young women. Therefore, it is not worth perceiving this phenomenon as some kind of catastrophe, even if we are talking about an early menopause. Knowing the features and the first signs associated with the restructuring of the female body, you can properly prepare for the upcoming changes.

What changes in the body occur during menopause

It should be noted right away that menopause is a gradual process of restructuring the female body. Its duration is different, for some female representatives this period can last up to ten years or even more. Help to know about approaching menopause characteristics, or, as they are also called, harbingers. All of them are due to a change in the hormonal background of a woman, caused by a decrease, and then a complete extinction of ovarian function. Against this background, the reproductive capabilities of the female body are reduced.

In the normal course of this process, these changes take place slowly, without causing serious problems for the ladies. It’s just that the body gradually adapts to the ongoing changes, getting used to working in new conditions. It is worth noting here that both the physiological settings and the psycho-emotional component change dramatically. Let's take a closer look at these important points.

Physiological changes during menopause

Since each female body has its own individual characteristics, menopause for all women is different. By the way, only one out of ten ladies experiences discomfort associated with this period. In the rest of the fair sex, menopause proceeds calmly, only sometimes its symptoms cause some discomfort.

Regarding changes in the functioning of organs and systems. All fixed dysfunctions are due to metabolic disorders. They appear as follows:

  1. Changes in body weight (more often it increases, but its loss can also be noted).
  2. There is increased gas formation and flatulence phenomena.
  3. Often there is a disorder of the stool (in most cases it manifests itself in the form of constipation).
  4. Due to the developing weakness of the muscles of the bladder, there is frequent urination, and sometimes urinary incontinence.
  5. Hormonal changes affect the cardiovascular system: there are complaints of rapid heartbeat (tachycardia), increased blood pressure.
  6. Decreased defensive ability immune system which causes allergic reactions.
  7. There are serious changes in the sexual sphere: sexual desire decreases, in rare cases there is a complete loss of libido.

To the above changes, it should also be added that the restructuring of the body leaves its mark on the appearance of a woman: the skin becomes dry, its elasticity is lost, the structure of nails and hair deteriorates. During this period, it is very important to provide the body with competent care, which consists in good nutrition and skin hydration. This is easy to achieve through the use of high-quality cosmetics.

Distinctive features of the early menopause

All of the above deviations from the norm during physiological processes are also observed in early menopause. The only difference is that the first symptoms of menopause in this case are observed in women aged 40 years and even earlier. But most women notice the first symptoms of menopause after the age of 45, which is considered a normal physiological age for this period. All the reasons for the onset of menopause at a young age have not yet been fully studied, but it has been precisely established that among the unfavorable factors:

  • surgical removal of the ovaries;
  • other surgical operations on the genitals;
  • serious dysfunction of the hormonal system;
  • genetic predisposition.

Particular attention should be paid to the last point, because if close relatives in the female line had cases of early menopause, then it is likely to expect its onset at a young age in daughters or granddaughters.

Another feature characteristic of early menopause is that all negative manifestations increase rapidly, accompanied by a more pronounced manifestation of symptoms. As a result of the rapidly developing process of changes, the female body experiences extreme stress, which causes a significant deterioration in well-being.

In principle, against the background of the extinction of ovarian activity at an early age, all the same phenomena are observed as with a normally occurring menopause. But there are exceptions. For example, due to the cessation of the normal production of the hormone estrogen, the skin undergoes dramatic changes. The skin quickly loses its elasticity, deep wrinkles and pigmentation appear. In short, the aging process is rampant.

Some of the most common symptoms of early menopause include:

  1. Violation of the menstrual cycle. This is the main sign that signals the beginning of a restructuring in a woman's body. Moreover, not only the usual schedule of menstruation is violated, their nature also changes. Some women have meager discharge while others, on the contrary, experience severe blood loss. Often the situation becomes critical, and then you can not do without the professional help of doctors.
  2. Hot flashes are one of the most typical signs of menopause. It is characterized by a sharp rise in temperature. There is an unbearable sensation of heat on the face, body. As a rule, such attacks are accompanied by the appearance of hyperemia (red spots) in the neck area, on the chest, and other parts of the body. Hot flashes can occur up to several times in one day, very often they are replaced by an attack of severe chills.
  3. Increased sweating is an indispensable companion of hot flashes. By itself, increased sweating is extremely rare.
  4. Violation of sleep can also be attributed to the harbingers of menopause. Women begin to complain of insomnia around the age of 40-45. At the same time, it is noted that they do not fall asleep well, wake up several times in the middle of the night, and in the morning they experience malaise and a broken state. More than a third of women of critical age face similar phenomena.
  5. Emotional instability seriously affects the usual way of life. Hormonal restructuring in some cases changes the psyche of women so much that it alarms their close circle. Some ladies become irritable, and sometimes even aggressive. Other representatives of the female half of the population, on the contrary, withdraw into themselves, become depressed, constantly complain about something and cry.
  6. Bone fragility develops due to the fact that during menopause there is an intensive leaching of calcium salts from the body. It is this feature that causes fragility of bone tissue. Experimentally, scientists have found that in menopause women lose up to 3% of bone mass. For this reason, it is very often at a critical age that complex fractures and other injuries occur.
  7. Intimate problems, expressed more or less intensely, are observed in almost every woman of mature age. Hormonal shifts lead to the fact that the mucous tissues of the vagina secrete little secret, which causes their dryness. For this reason, itching and burning sensation appear, and sexual intercourse becomes painful.

In addition to these main symptoms of menopause, attacks of weakness and severe headaches are often observed. During this period, taste preferences and perception of smells may also change.

Regardless of the age when the harbingers of menopause announced themselves, the entire transitional period of the body is divided into several stages. The whole process of "turning off" reproductive functions occurs against the background of a decrease in the production of the hormone estrogen. As a rule, it lasts five years or more. But with early menopause, these changes, as already noted, can occur in an accelerated mode.

In medical circles, it is generally accepted that the onset of menopause occurs 2 years before the last menstruation, and the end of this cycle is approximately 4 years after the last ovulation. This whole process is divided into the following stages:

  1. Premenopause. The onset of this period depends on the individual characteristics of each woman: with an early menopause, it is 38-40, and with a normal course, after 45 years. But in some women, up to the age of 50, there are no deviations in the course of physiological processes. In such ladies, the ovaries work well, only sometimes the intervals between periods become longer. It is at this stage that hot flashes, bouts of the blues, and sexual disorders first appear.
  2. Menopause occurs around the age of 50-53. During this period, the ovaries completely stop functioning, although menstruation can still be observed occasionally. True, the intervals between their appearance are increasing. At this time, the main symptoms are especially pronounced. Lack of estrogen causes abnormalities in the work of the cardiovascular sphere, endocrine disorders, such as diabetes mellitus, are not excluded.
  3. Postmenopause. This term is usually called the period when there was a last menstruation and until the end of a woman's life. This stage is characterized by the fact that all previously disturbing symptoms completely disappear. This means the completion of all hormonal changes.

Thus, we can conclude that the main symptomatology that accompanies menopause falls on the first two stages. It should be noted here that the beginning of one stage and its transition to the next level is extremely difficult to determine. Indeed, often in women, the course of menopause differs from the process described in the medical reference book.

To clearly define the boundaries of the stages mentioned above, doctors recommend that all women after 40 must visit an endocrinologist. Not bad if such a consultation will be held at least once a year.

True, modern medicine has new diagnostic methods. Today, a special test “for menopause” is used in practice, with the help of which the level of follicle-stimulating hormone is determined. This is a very accurate analysis that allows you to fix the onset of menopause. A similar test strip can now be freely purchased at a pharmacy. True, this analysis is significantly inferior in the accuracy of the result to laboratory research methods.

Important! Bad habits, especially smoking, can lead to early menopause. Among the negative factors are also stress, lack of body weight, strict diets.

Effective Therapies

Once again, I would like to emphasize that the onset of menopause does not mean the end of an active life. Some women believe that this period has its beautiful sides. So that unpleasant symptoms do not interfere with enjoying life, you should use the means available to modern medicine. The following methods will help prolong youth and get rid of discomfort at different stages of menopause:

Hormone replacement therapy
This is very effective method, which allows you to compensate for the deficiency of hormones produced by the body due to special preparations. Basically, these are pills that are taken for a long time according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor. True, this method is not suitable for all women. Among the contraindications for such therapy:

  • oncological pathologies;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • strokes;
  • diabetes;
  • endometriosis;
  • mastopathy;
  • thromboembolic disease in the acute phase.

In addition, it is very difficult to find an adequate hormonal drug, since this drug group causes a lot of side effects.

Herbal preparations are highly safe, although they are not as effective as hormonal agents. But, nevertheless, this is a good alternative to such drugs, because it allows you to balance the psycho-emotional state, improve sleep, increase vitality.

Other medical preparations
At this moment pharmaceutical industry produces a lot of funds that can alleviate the condition of women in different periods of menopause. Basically, such drugs act simultaneously in several directions: relieve anxiety, cheer up, stop somatic manifestations. There are drugs that reduce sweating, relieve headaches, normalize sleep. To achieve the desired effect, such funds are recommended to be taken in courses with short breaks.

Psychotherapy also has a whole arsenal of effective techniques that can help women adapt to the changes taking place in the body. Classes with a specialist in this field will help you tune in to the positive, get rid of the anxious feeling. These sessions are best done as an adjunct to medical therapies. They are well combined with practices such as meditation and yoga.

Innovative tools
Innovative tools successfully complemented the possibilities modern medicine. Separately, it is worth noting drugs, such as PPG, which is administered as injections. It is able not only to localize the unpleasant symptoms of menopause, but also has a rejuvenating effect on the entire body.

Summing up all of the above, I would like to emphasize once again that menopause is a natural process that the female body can handle on its own. This is laid down by nature itself. And all the problems associated with the course of this period can be easily eliminated. For this, medicine has all the necessary means.

To survive the troubles characteristic of menopause, do not refuse the help of professionals. Competent specialists will help to choose the optimal treatment program for each woman. It must be remembered that the timely start of therapy will alleviate the condition and make it possible to lead a full life.

Video: the first symptoms of menopause in women

Signs of menopause in women at 40 are different, but they are all associated with certain deviations from the norm. Each female representative may have symptoms to a greater or lesser extent. Changes in the reproductive system are not terrible if the onset of this stage is determined in a timely manner. This period of life occurs in all women. At this time, the body prepares for menopause. If the body is predisposed to diseases, the likelihood of their development after menopause increases.

Menopause occurs at an earlier age if the female body has been adversely affected. Negative factors include:

If a woman takes contraceptive drugs for a long time, changes in the body occur later. This is due to the presence in medicinal composition hormones. Before menopause, there is a climacteric syndrome. It can be characterized by the presence of some health problems in a woman, a deterioration in general well-being, which is caused by hormonal changes.

Common signs of menopause in women:

  • disruptions in the menstrual cycle;
  • causeless increase in body weight;
  • hot flashes;
  • heart palpitations (even if the person is at rest and not exercising);
  • sleep disturbance, etc.

Such symptoms should not immediately cause panic; it is not worth diagnosing some kind of ailment on your own. In the presence of a set of deviations, it can be considered that the body is on initial stage menopause.


One of the important features

The main symptom is changes in the menstrual cycle. With menopause, there is a weakening of the activity of the functioning of the sex glands. Such a process initially manifests itself in the form of menstrual disorders, which eventually completely stop. Premenopause signals changes and the disappearance of the ability to reproduce. This is a temporary period during which the functionality of the ovaries fades, menstruation ends in full. Its duration varies in individual cases from 2 to 8 years.

Phase 2 menopause (menopause) is characterized by the presence of final uterine bleeding. It is provoked at the hormonal level. After that comes postmenopause.

This is the length of time from the last blood discharge to the complete completion of the ovaries' performance of their functions. Then comes gradual aging. The duration varies, on average it is 7 years.

The onset of menopause is evidenced by irregular menstrual bleeding. A woman can observe changes in the amount of discharge and time intervals. They sometimes become shorter (less than 21 days) or longer (over 35 days). If the menstrual cycle is disturbed, the woman should visit a medical facility. The examination will help to identify what failures are associated with, often they can indicate the development of diseases.

More about tides

Menopause at 40 years old and at a later age will not do without the appearance of hot flashes. This is the reaction of the pituitary gland to the process of reducing the level of estrogen, hormonal imbalances. The response of the pituitary gland is an explosive increase in the amount of LH (luteinizing hormone) produced. Due to its unexpected release, a rapid internal temperature rise is provoked.

The manifestation of hot flashes is as follows: unreasonably, a person experiences a sharp, intense heat in the upper body, he develops redness on the skin in the area chest, face and neck.

Although sweating comes on quickly, the body temperature of a person externally remains almost unchanged. During hot flashes, women feel bad in most cases, it is felt great weakness, activity is low. The duration of each flush can be 30-60 seconds. The level of intensity differs individually. Sometimes hot flashes are rare, but their number in 1 day can reach 60 times. For this reason, it is necessary to change clothes frequently.

Particularly difficult cases occur when, during a high tide, a woman loses consciousness for a short time. At night, this symptom interferes with normal sleep. The next morning, a person feels very tired, lacks vitality and energy. Hot flashes can provoke diseases associated with abnormalities in the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

The appearance of hot flashes is recorded in a larger number of female representatives in middle age. At the same time, they are more common in thin people than in obese subjects, so they cause more discomfort. Do not confuse high sweating, which is caused by dysfunction thyroid gland, and sudden sweating of an intermittent type in menopause.

Frequent symptoms

The separation of sweat in large volumes is able to accompany each flush. Attacks can occur with a huge force of fluid release. Drops of sweat appear on the forehead, due to a strong degree of humidity, large spots appear all over the body and on clothes. During the night hours, the profusion of sweating increases (you need to change clothes, change the bedding).

However, it should be taken into account that the described process is physiologically natural. It is necessary because it allows you to regulate the internal temperature and remove accumulated toxic substances from the body. During the entire menopause, sweating performs a similar function, which is characteristic of the normal state.

Some symptoms of menopause in women can appear simultaneously. For example, with nocturnal tides, insomnia always makes itself felt. It also indicates the onset of the stage in question in the life of a woman. A young man without health problems is able to fall asleep in a few minutes. Over time, the rate of falling asleep decreases. For example, for an elderly person, the time allotted for falling asleep can reach 1-2 hours.

With menopause, women often toss and turn for hours, they are disturbed by anxious thoughts, especially if they have to get up early tomorrow or have a responsible day at work, and their appearance and feelings are far from ideal. During the night tides, a person will definitely wake up. Because of this, the whole complex of negative emotions is quite acutely felt, then it can be difficult to fall asleep for a long time.

When insomnia worries for several days, and special remedies do not help, you can use specific methods to achieve a positive result. medicines. However, before you start taking them, you should try to change the usual actions that are associated with the process of falling asleep.


Headache during menopause is familiar to almost every woman. This symptom can manifest itself as a reaction to depressive-type disorders that are characteristic of the period under consideration. If we talk about headaches, then they should be attributed to pain due to tension. Since there are problems with rapid relaxation, negative emotions, there is an overstrain of the muscles on the face. The woman's face takes on a tired expression, becomes gloomy. Then it makes itself known headache. It grows gradually, has a low level of sharpness.

Pain can provoke muscle tension in the neck and shoulders. The onset of menopause often entails a migraine, the likelihood of which is high. It manifests itself in the form of sharply arising severe headaches in the forehead or in the temples. The presence of headaches often indicates arterial hypertension. With the development of such an ailment, a woman in the morning feels heaviness in the back of the head. The face becomes swollen, bags under the eyes are visible. This symptom is caused by taking a number of medications, such as heart medications. Pain is also provoked by food products, in which organic compounds, nitrites are present.

The period of menopause in women at the age of 40 is characterized by abrupt changes associated with mood. May be present:

Sharp fluctuations in the emotional background are manifested by a sudden change in excellent mood, irritation, a desire to cry unreasonably. For some women, the problem is the appearance of a lump in the throat, which makes you want to swallow it all the time. However, even frequent swallowing movements do not come to the rescue. A lump in the throat makes itself felt due to an uncomfortable sensation. There are no other negative manifestations. This problem does not haunt a person all the time, it disappears without extraneous influence. But when anxiety is observed for a long time, it is necessary to consult a doctor, undergo an examination, since a symptom sometimes signals a malfunction of the thyroid gland.

In the list of signs of menopause, there are deviations associated with the functioning of the brain: memory impairment, inability to concentrate. Absent-mindedness and poor memory during menopause in women over the age of 40 are directly dependent on hormonal changes.

Ladies complain about the appearance of itching and dryness in the vagina. Since hormonal changes occur in the female body at different phases of the menopause, changes in the organs of the reproductive system cannot be dispensed with. There is a process of thinning of the mucous surface of the vagina. In this case, a decrease in the volume of natural lubrication is observed. Due to such deviations, women begin to feel itching and excessive dryness. During sexual intercourse, female representatives experience pain, while the discomfort becomes much stronger.


Other signs: too frequent urination, intervals between urges become much shorter, urinary incontinence is likely. These symptoms can signal the onset of menopause. With it, the number of hormones, thanks to which bladder and the sphincters of the organ are in good shape, contracting. This factor causes mild or significant discomfort in women during urination, small urine output is likely when the cough reflex is triggered if a person laughs or sneezes. Symptoms may increase the degree of depression, which often causes nervous breakdowns(to prevent serious problems, you need to visit a psychologist).

If symptoms of menopause appear in women, you should immediately visit a gynecologist. This action will help to avoid problems, since an experienced doctor will prescribe the correct hormone replacement therapy, recommend suitable means for rational protection. If among the signs there are specific deviations, then you should definitely seek help from a cardiologist, neurologist, psychologist.

Menopause is a natural period in the life of any woman. It occurs when the time allotted by nature for bearing and giving birth to children (the fertile period) ends. The cyclic fluctuations of the hormonal background gradually weaken, ovulation disappears, menstrual bleeding stops. The last menstruation in a woman's life is called menopause, and the postmenopausal period lasts for another year, when menopause usually ends.

Why does early menopause occur?

The beginning of hormonal changes occurs in each woman individually, but menopause at an early age is most often associated with diseases. It occurs in about 1 in 100 middle-aged women, and the incidence increases over time.

Early suppression of the hormonal activity of the ovaries occurs in women aged 40 and older (up to 45 years). If menopause begins at 35-40 years old, it is called premature. The earliest age of onset of such a condition is not limited, because it can be caused, for example, by the removal of the ovaries as a result of an abdominal injury or oncological disease even for a young woman. Nevertheless, menopause, which came at the age of 30, is casuistry, that is, a very rare occurrence, it definitely requires treatment. The earlier the disease occurs, the more severe its consequences.

The activity of the gonads of a woman and the menstrual cycle is a complex system that is regulated both by a mechanism feedback, and with the participation of gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland. Gonadotropins are produced under the influence of releasing factors (substances that promote their release), which are produced by the hypothalamus. This entire chain has connections with the cerebral cortex and the autonomic nervous system, which ensures the functioning of the body without the participation of consciousness. Any impact on one or another link of regulation can cause a violation.

The reasons for the onset of early menopause have a different origin, but most of them act directly on the ovaries, irreversibly damaging them.

  1. In some women, there is a genetic anomaly responsible for the early cessation of ovarian function. At least two such genes are known. In addition, with genetic mutations, ovarian tissues become insensitive to follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), as a result, ovulation stops or does not exist at all (you can read about ovulation disorders). The genetic nature explains the cases of early menopause in families, when it occurs prematurely in a grandmother, mother, daughter, and so on.
  2. Some hereditary diseases are manifested not only by early menopause, but also by other symptoms. For example, women with galactosemia have damage to the brain, liver, they develop cataracts (reduced transparency of the cornea of ​​​​the eye) and amenorrhea (lack of menstruation). hereditary disease blepharophimosis is manifested by eye damage and is accompanied by premature.
  3. Increase the likelihood of early menopause surgery on the pelvic organs - ovaries, tubes, uterus. So, the removal directly damages the actively functioning tissue with follicles, and the removal causes an adhesive process, affecting, among other things, the sex glands. Another mechanism is aseptic (non-microbial) inflammation after surgical interventions. Play a role and chronic inflammatory diseases of the ovaries (salpingoophoritis).
  4. Treatment of malignant tumors with radiation therapy. If a woman was exposed to this for cancer of the uterus or adjacent organs and received a total dose of 6 Gy of radiation, her ovaries would be irreversibly damaged. The same situation can arise in case of accidents at industrial nuclear facilities. Under the action of a lower dose of radiation, the consequences depend on the age of the patient, the duration of exposure to radiation and other factors.
  5. Early onset of menopause is possible in the treatment of a malignant tumor of any localization with the help of chemotherapeutic drugs. First, they suppress the division of rapidly multiplying cells (both tumor and follicle cells). Secondly, chemotherapy drugs have a direct detrimental effect on these cells, destroying them.
  6. Autoimmune diseases are processes in which the body, as a result of an error in the immune system, begins to consider its own cells as foreign. Most often this happens in infectious diseases, when pathogens (bacteria or viruses) have areas in their genetic material that are close to the cells of the body. Autoimmune diseases include Addison's disease with damage to the adrenal glands, type 1 diabetes mellitus, and some types of hypothyroidism (decrease in thyroid gland activity). All these conditions are accompanied by damage to the ovaries. Sometimes only the gonads are exposed to autoimmune influence, they develop chronic inflammation, and the follicles are replaced by scar tissue.
  7. For many women, the cause of early menopause remains unknown. Now there is more and more data about what causes it to be transferred earlier viral infection. Viral particles are embedded in normal cells and do not manifest themselves in any way, but gradually cause the death of follicular cells.

Clinical picture and consequences

Signs of early menopause

  • Violation of the menstrual cycle, lengthening the interval between menstruation, a decrease in the volume of secretions and the complete cessation of menstruation ().
  • Infertility.
  • Manifestations of estrogen deficiency.

Cessation of menstruation is one of the most early symptoms insufficiency of ovarian function. They say about amenorrhea if there were no periods for at least six months. If they occur more often, but less than once every 35 days, this condition is called oligomenorrhea. It also speaks of the approach of an early menopause. Amenorrhea is secondary, that is, before its onset, the woman had a normal menstrual cycle.

An important sign of menopause is the inability to get pregnant. It is secondary in nature and is associated with damage to the gonads of a woman. A decrease in the production of sex hormones in the ovaries by a feedback mechanism causes an increase in the release of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) by the pituitary gland, the concentration of which in the blood increases significantly. According to the level of this hormone, the degree of inhibition of the activity of the sex glands is judged. If the concentration of FSH exceeds 20 units / l, then the onset of pregnancy is almost impossible.

Symptoms of early menopause are also due to a decrease in the action of estrogens on all organs and tissues. They resemble the usual menopause, but are more pronounced:

  • a feeling of heat, redness of the face, sweating, sudden attacks of shortness of breath - the so-called "hot flashes";
  • disorders of the emotional and mental sphere - irritability, tearfulness, sleep disturbance, difficulty in remembering and analyzing information, decreased performance;
  • damage to the heart muscle with the development of dyshormonal myocardial dystrophy, which is manifested by interruptions in the work of the heart, shortness of breath when walking, stabbing pains in the left half of the chest without connection with the load, various types of discomfort in the chest, sometimes prolonged and quite strong;
  • dryness of the vaginal mucosa, burning and itching in the vulva, urinary incontinence when coughing, laughing, sudden movements.

Consequences of pathology

Due to a premature failure in the hormonal background of a woman, the consequences of an early menopause develop, which significantly reduce the quality of her life for many years:

  • osteoporosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • autoimmune processes.

Osteoporosis and osteopenia are conditions caused by estrogen deficiency. As you know, under the influence of these hormones, the bones absorb minerals from the blood, primarily calcium. In addition, estrogens stimulate the production of calcitonin, another hormone that strengthens the bone structure.

With a decrease in the level of female sex hormones, calcium ceases to enter the bone tissue, despite its high content in the blood. At the same time, the processes of bone resorption, that is, “resorption”, are intensified. Bones eventually lose their strength, pathological fractures occur. Even with a small injury or an unsuccessful turn, a woman can get a fracture of the femoral neck, radius, and a compression fracture of the spine. Symptoms of osteoporosis are decreased height, bone and back pain, and changes in posture.

Estrogens protect a woman from the development of atherosclerosis. With their deficiency, low-density lipoproteins (“bad cholesterol”) actively damage the vascular wall, causing inflammation and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the arteries. The consequence of early atherosclerosis is a heart attack, stroke, thrombosis of the mesenteric vessels and other vascular diseases.

Atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels causes the development of coronary heart disease. It is rare in young women, but with early menopause, the frequency of the disease increases significantly. Myocardial ischemia is manifested by pressing or burning pains behind the sternum that occur when walking or climbing stairs and quickly pass after stopping.

Why is early menopause dangerous for other organs? If it is caused by the so-called resistant ovary syndrome, it is often accompanied by other autoimmune processes. With simultaneous damage to the thyroid gland develops autoimmune thyroiditis Hashimoto. This disease can be manifested by signs of hypo- and hyperthyroidism. The activity of the heart, nervous system, digestion is disturbed, the condition of the skin and hair worsens. Occurs in such patients and autoimmune alopecia - baldness. Autoimmune thrombocytopenia is accompanied by bleeding with minor injuries, bruising on the skin and mucous membranes.

Type 1 diabetes mellitus and Addison's disease (adrenal insufficiency) are autoimmune in nature. These are serious conditions that can lead to disability and even death of a woman.

Treatment of early menopause

If we remember the reasons for this pathological condition, we will see that in most cases it is impossible to influence them. Thus, etiotropic therapy is practically not used.

What to do with early menopause? First of all, you need to contact a gynecologist. The doctor will examine the patient, find out the history of her life and illness, prescribe studies:

  • determination of the level of gonadotropic hormones, estradiol, prolactin, thyroid-stimulating hormone;
  • to exclude pituitary adenoma - X-ray examination of the Turkish saddle, computer or magnetic resonance imaging of this area;
  • ultrasound procedure reproductive organs - uterus, ovaries;
  • mammography or ultrasound examination of the mammary glands;
  • genetic analysis to detect hereditary anomalies;
  • densitometry for timely recognition of osteoporosis.

Unfortunately, the answer to the question of how to stop early menopause is unknown to medicine. No means have yet been invented to restore the lost function of the gonads, and transplantation of these organs is also not performed.

Therefore, pathogenetically substantiated substitution therapy is carried out - hormonal preparations are prescribed.

Positive effects of hormone replacement therapy in early menopause:

  • elimination of unpleasant symptoms of this pathological condition - hot flashes, sweating, sexual disorders, and so on;
  • prevention of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease, therefore, their complications - myocardial infarction, stroke, limb gangrene and others;
  • normalization of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, prevention of obesity, diabetes, secondary arterial hypertension;
  • prevention of osteoporosis and its consequences - fractures of the spine and bones of the extremities.

What to take with early menopause, the doctor will advise. Usually these are estradiol preparations or its combination with progestogens. The progestogen component is used to prevent the stimulating effect of estrogens on the endometrium in order to prevent hyperplasia or malignant transformation of the inner layer of the uterus. So, Duphaston (gestagen) and Estrofem (estradiol) are often prescribed together.

Tablets are most commonly prescribed, but there are skin patches, vaginal creams, or gels that can be used if the tablet form is not well tolerated. An example is the transdermal system containing Climara estradiol, Estrogel skin gel.

One of the most popular drugs for the treatment of menopause, including early ones, is Angeliq. It contains estradiol and drospirenone, which has a progestogenic effect and other useful properties. The drug is prescribed constantly, does not cause bleeding and effectively eliminates all signs and complications of premature and early menopause.

Drugs prescribed for early menopause

Alternative Therapy

The remaining methods of treatment are only auxiliary in nature. Vitamins A, E, C are prescribed to slow down ovarian damage and vascular pathology. After consultation with a specialist, homeopathy is also used: preparations Acidum Sulfuricum, Glonoin, Remens, Klimadinon. They relieve the autonomic symptoms of menopause - hot flashes, weakness.

It must be understood that none of these drugs has been proven effective in scientific studies and is not recommended for use, for example, by foreign guidelines. This means that when taking these drugs, a woman in most cases will spend money, but will not get the desired effect. However, she will miss the time needed for proper treatment.

Some clinics offer plasmapheresis treatment to relieve the symptoms of early menopause, in particular hot flashes. The method consists in extracting part of the blood through a venous vessel, separating it into blood cells and serum, and replacing part of the serum with neutral solutions.

Plasmapheresis has proven itself well in case of poisoning, chronic kidney failure, burn disease and other conditions accompanied by intoxication. With menopause, there is no special need for such a procedure. It is quite expensive, its effect is very short-lived, and the health benefits and impact on the quality of life in this case are doubtful.

Some interesting questions about pathology

Is it possible to restore menstruation with early menopause?

Many women who have suffered from ovarian failure at a young age are interested in this issue. In some cases, this is possible, but only after a full examination by a qualified gynecologist. And, of course, one cannot do without hormonal therapy, which stimulates the work of the sex glands.

Is it possible to get pregnant with early menopause?

Yes, in the early stages of the disease, while menstruation is still present and there is a chance of ovulation, it is possible to get pregnant. If this is not in the patient's plans, she should consult a doctor about adequate methods of protection. If pregnancy is desirable, this should also be reported to the gynecologist. After there is no menstruation for more than a year, the probability of pregnancy tends to zero.

There is a fairly persistent myth that prolonged breastfeeding causes an early menopause during lactation. Actually it is not. The cause of early menopause is irreversible damage to the ovarian tissue, which does not occur when the baby is fed milk.

Physiological absence of ovulation during breastfeeding- a natural reaction of the body, "conceived" by nature as protection against re-pregnancy before the previous child is fed (lactational amenorrhea). This lactational amenorrhea has nothing to do with early menopause.

How to prevent early menopause?

The answer to this question becomes obvious if we again recall the leading causes of this condition. A woman cannot change her genetics, she cannot influence the development of hereditary diseases.

Therefore, prevention is as follows: from a very early age, a girl, and then a girl and a woman, should be taught to take care of their health, avoid inflammatory diseases of the genital tract, casual sex, and abortion. Any woman should be regularly observed by a gynecologist and therapist in order to detect a tumor or other serious disease in time that can be cured on early stage without severe consequences for the sex glands.