Who benefits from oxysize breathing exercises for weight loss and why? Oksisayz: what is it? Oxysize breathing exercises for beginners, for weight loss of legs, arms, abdomen, waist: effective exercises, contraindications, results - before and after, reviews ..

It has been proven that human health largely depends on how fully oxygenated its cells, organs and systems are. Unfortunately, most of us breathe completely wrong, hence the poor health, early aging and various diseases. Various methods of breathing exercises are aimed at developing the habit of breathing with full breasts, one of which is known as oxysize.

What is the essence and how it differs from other breathing techniques

The word "oksise" (ohucise) comes from the compilation of two English words - oxygen (oxygen) and exercise (exercise). Thus, already from the name itself it is clear that we are talking about breathing exercises. The author and developer of the new technique is an American named Jill Johnson, who, unlike many of her compatriots, did not want to put up with being overweight and for many years unsuccessfully struggled with the same folds on her body.

Things went smoothly only after the woman suddenly discovered that as a result of saturating the body with oxygen, the hated fat begins to burn, if not before our eyes, then, in any case, very noticeably and at the same time irreversibly.

In the end, the elated woman developed her own system of breathing exercises to first lose and then maintain her weight, and then shared her achievements with the whole world. In particular, starting from 2009, oxysize began to successfully conquer Russia and other countries of the former USSR.

Important! The essence of oxysize breathing exercises is that a certain set of exercises (it can change during training) must be performed with continuous breathing, which implies a strict pattern: inhale - three inhales - exhale - three exhales.

The history of origin and the very essence of the technique is very reminiscent of another popular direction in the fight against excess weight by combining physical exercises with full diaphragmatic breathing. It is called bodyflex, its author is Childers Greer, also an American who came up with her own way to lose weight.
But still, there are certain differences between oxysize and bodyflex, which we tried to systematize in the form of a table:

The respiratory cycle involves holding air in the lungs after inhalation The respiratory cycle is characterized by continuity
The respiratory cycle consists of five stages The respiratory cycle consists of four stages
You can do it (in any case, it is very desirable) only on an empty stomach You can practice at any time, regardless of the meal
The gymnastic program consists of 12 exercises and practically does not change. The initial cycle consists of seven exercises, the next - of thirty, while the program may change
Lesson time - 20 minutes Class time - from 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the degree of preparation
The complex of exercises includes training of facial muscles, stretching, dynamics A set of exercises does not provide for dynamics
The condition for success is daily practice To achieve the result, it is enough to practice five times a week.
Classes are accompanied by specific sounds and antics, which is why many women are embarrassed to perform such exercises, not being able to do it alone Classes are silent, and the movements in them are natural
Problem areas, the tightening of which is emphasized - the abdomen, hips, facial muscles, legs, buttocks The problem area, the tightening of which is emphasized, is the stomach

However, there are no direct contradictions between the two methods under consideration. They are quite compatible, so some even recommend doing body flex in the morning before meals, and during the day, when there is a free minute, oxysize.

Important! Patients with problems with thyroid gland, bodyflex is contraindicated, but there are no restrictions regarding oxysize.

It should be noted that oxysize is very similar to two more systems of gymnastic exercises:

Both from one and from the other oxysize system is distinguished by a special breathing technique. Although Pilates also pays a lot of attention to this moment, it is simply about mastering the skill of breathing deeply and doing all the exercises on the exhale, while in oxysize breathing is carried out according to a specially designed cycle.

In addition, Pilates is aimed at physical development, muscle strengthening and the transformation of a sick and frail person into an athlete radiating health, while oxysize is primarily a female technique that aims to realize the dream of the fair sex about good body shapes without extra pounds .

Video: oxysize technique

Benefits and contraindications

Oxysize is useful primarily because it allows you to:

  • tighten the figure and remove a few centimeters of volume (like bodyflex, the program is aimed specifically at combating volume, not weight);
  • get rid of excess weight (the authors, however, warn that for those who already have noticeable “fat deposits” on the body, the result from the exercises will not be instant and obvious), and, unlike the use of diets, weight loss occurs in a “healthy way” without causing harm to the body;
  • get rid of headaches and even migraines, including those caused by meteorological dependence;
  • saturate the cells with oxygen, remove toxins from the body;
  • increase immunity;
  • improve blood composition, normalize blood pressure;
  • get rid of the effect of "orange peel" on the stomach and hips;
  • love yourself and the world around you, forget about depression, insomnia and irritability;
  • improve complexion;
  • slow down the aging process;
  • normalize menstrual cycle and get rid of severe pain on "critical days";
  • balance the hormonal background (relevant for both women and men);
  • to achieve a good result without additional expenditure of time and money (you do not need to go to the gym and get up a few hours earlier to arrange a morning run, you can do it at any time, and the time for training is minimal);
  • included in the program even for people who do not have sports experience, the exercises are very simple and accessible to anyone.

And yet, oddly enough, not everyone can engage in the oxysize system. This breathing exercise has a number of contraindications, in any case, in the cases below, you can perform the recommended exercises only after a detailed consultation with a specialist.

Did you know? Grigory Chkhartishvili (better known as Boris Akunin, although the author also writes under other pseudonyms, for example, in this case he called himself Anna Borisova) has a wonderful novel “Vremena goda”. As a result of amazing adventures, the main character acquired the skills of an ancient Chinese system of control over her own body, which will help a person to live without getting sick, for an incredibly long time and even end his life on his own when he considers that the Path has been completely passed. The basis of this system begins precisely with proper breathing, which allows not air, but vital energy to fill the whole body with natural force.

So, at risk are patients:

  • having serious heart problems (oxysize is good for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, but not for their treatment);
  • tormenting themselves with cruel diets (any physical activity is generally contraindicated for such people, since their body is already in an extreme degree of exhaustion);
  • those in a state of neurosis, psychosis and other nervous and emotional disorders in severe form (with normal stress and even mild depression, breathing exercises - the best medicine, however, if there are deep mental problems, it can do harm);
  • in the postoperative period (including women who have undergone C-section), as well as those who have recently suffered serious physical injuries, the rehabilitation period after which requires complete rest;

    Important! The listed contraindications are not absolute. In most cases, they do not exclude the possibility of training, but require an individual program and a special, gentle training regimen.

  • the elderly, especially for people who are accustomed to a passive lifestyle and do not “spoil” their body with physical education and sports;
  • suffering bronchial asthma as well as diseases respiratory system(pneumonia, tuberculosis, hypertension, etc.);
  • during menopause (classes can cause unwanted jumps blood pressure);
  • having problems with the spine;
  • recently transferred respiratory diseases, especially complicated by a strong cough;
  • during pregnancy;
  • suffering from epilepsy.

You also need to keep in mind that some contraindications (for example, the presence of problems with the spine or pregnancy) do not relate to the use of the oxysize technique as a whole, but only to the performance of individual exercises included in its cycle.

How many times a week to practice

Taking care of your own health and wellness appearance- permanent job. Any technique can give results only if it is implemented methodically and regularly. Oxysize is not a “magic pill” that allows you to instantly turn a fat woman into a fashion model, but a guide to action, an indication of the Path that you need to follow constantly. Everyone can choose the training mode for themselves, ideally if it is the same time every day.

Did you know? Jill Johnson claims that the oxysize allowed her to start wearing clothes eight sizes smaller than before, and insists that this is not the limit. Greer Childers boasts of a similar result: now a woman buys clothes in sizes 40-42, while before mastering the body flex technique she wore 54!

However, unlike the author of bodyflex, Jill Johnson is not categorical in such a requirement. According to her, five or six sessions a week is enough to count on a good result. It is only important to give one hundred percent to the lesson, not to hack and not be distracted, and to use the “legitimate” day off not for lying down on the couch with a hamburger and cola, but for walking in the fresh air, going to the pool or other active activities.

A set of exercises

The essence of oxysize is not so much in performing specific exercises as in working out a special breathing system, so the authors of the program insist that you first need to master it, and only then move on to gymnastics proper.

Important! At the first stage of mastering the technique of proper breathing, slight dizziness may occur. You should not be afraid of this, the author warns that such an effect is a normal reaction of the body to the unusually complete saturation of cells with oxygen. On the contrary, if such a sensation does not occur, this means that breathing exercises are performed incorrectly.

The breathing pattern looks like this:

  1. Inhale. Occupy vertical position, completely relax the abdominal muscles, release the hands, allowing them to hang freely along the body, slightly bend the knees for maximum relaxation. We set our thoughts on a positive wave, we smile, expanding our nostrils as much as possible. Only after all these preparatory measures do we take a very deep breath with our nose - so that the air enters the stomach and it begins to seem that we are about to take off, like Piglet from the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh.
  2. Three more breaths. Without releasing the air, we strain the muscles of the hips and buttocks with all our might, pull the stomach up, after which we fill the lungs with air with three breaths to the stop.
  3. Exhalation. Without lowering the head and without relaxing the gluteal muscles, we fold our lips with a tube (as if we are going to play the pipe) and let the air out through the narrow slit of the mouth. At the same time, we retract the stomach as much as possible.
  4. Three more breaths. With three consecutive exhalations, we remove all the air from the lungs to the rest.

Breath pattern

This full-fledged four-stroke cycle must be mastered in such a way that it can be performed without difficulty and without the slightest interruption at least ten times in a row. Having mastered the tactics of correct breathing for one-two-three-four, you can begin to perform oxysize exercises. At the first stage, the authors of the methodology propose to master a complex of seven exercises.

The goal is to develop the abdominal muscles, reduce the waist.

  1. Starting position - standing, knees slightly bent, arms hanging freely, stomach relaxed.
  2. Keeping the body in one plane, lift up right hand and tilt the body to the right.
  3. We fix the position for four respiratory cycles.
  4. We return to the starting position.
  5. We perform the exercise in the opposite direction. In total, we do three stretches to the left and right.

The goal is to develop chest muscles, reduce the volume of the legs and hips.

  1. Starting position - standing with your back to the wall, tightly pressed against the vertical surface with your back and buttocks.
  2. Without separating the back from the wall, we slowly lower ourselves down, making a deep squat.
  3. Now we fold our palms at the chest in the “prayer” position (palm to palm) and press them together as much as possible, straining the muscles of the hands.

  1. Starting position - facing the wall, palms rest against the wall parallel to each other at chest level.
  2. We perform push-ups from the wall.
  3. At the moment of maximum tension, we rise on our toes, stretching the entire body into a string.
  4. We fix the position throughout the complete respiratory cycle.
  5. We return to the starting position. We repeat the exercise three times.

The goal is to develop the gluteal muscles and the inner surface of the thighs.

  1. Starting position - standing, toes and knees facing inward (toward each other).
  2. Imagine that you need to push the doors of the cache located in the floor in different directions. We squat not too deep, directing the efforts of the legs at an angle in different directions.
  3. At the moment of maximum tension of the legs, we fix the position throughout the full respiratory cycle.
  4. We return to the starting position. We repeat the exercise three times.

The goal is to develop the muscles of the hips, buttocks, feet and arms.

  1. Starting position - sitting on the very edge of the chair, hands rest on the seat behind your back.
  2. Slightly push the body forward into a shallow squat.
  3. We fix in a position where the tension falls on the palms and toes of the legs.
  4. We perform a complete respiratory cycle.
  5. We return to the starting position. We repeat the exercise three times.

The goal is to develop the muscles of the back and the press.

  1. Starting position - lying on your stomach, hands in front of you, rest your palms on the floor at chest level.
  2. We unbend our elbows, slowly raising the upper body, but without lifting the hips from the floor (imagine an angry cobra preparing to attack).
  3. We fix at the level of maximum stretching of the abdominal muscles, perform a full respiratory cycle.
  4. We return to the starting position. We repeat the exercise three times.

The goal is to develop different muscle groups (arms, legs, hips, abs work).

  1. Starting position - lying on your back, socks stretched forward, arms extended behind the head.
  2. We are trying to stretch the body into a string as if it is being pulled in opposite directions by the arms and legs.
  3. At the stage of maximum tension, we fix the position and perform a full respiratory cycle.
  4. Relax. We repeat the exercise three times.

Did you know? Breathing is the only function in the human body that we can consciously control. Using this ability, we have the opportunity not only to improve our health, but also ... to manipulate people. The prominent American psychiatrist Milton Erickson, for example, developed a unique system of "breathing adjustment" based on the fact that by synchronizing the breath with the interlocutor, we thereby influence his subconscious and make him feel irrational trust in us.

"Rocket" is the final exercise in the gymnastic cycle for beginners. After the technique for performing the entire complex has been perfected to automatism, and classes will take no more than 15 minutes, you can move on to more complex options.

In order for the lessons to be desired effect, certain rules must be followed. Some of them have already been named, but nevertheless, in the end, we systematize the main secrets:

  • the basis of the oxysize technique is not in special exercises, but in proper breathing: based on the four-stroke breathing cycle developed by Jill Johnson, any static exercises can be performed, and this will have an effect, but the push-ups and squats described above without breathing exercises will not give the expected result;
  • do oxysize regularly and at the same time;
  • despite the fact that the technique allows you to perform exercises regardless of food intake, it is still not worth exercising on a full stomach, since in this case it will be difficult to take a full breath. Ideally, the lesson should be carried out either on an empty stomach, or at least 2-3 hours after eating;
  • evaluating the result, fix your attention not on the lost kilograms, but on reducing the volume of problem areas;
  • start classes, having previously put your thoughts in order and tuned in to the positive. During gymnastic exercises, forget about all problems and think only that you are young and beautiful;
  • exercise should not cause effort. If any position causes difficulties, you should not try to repeat it three times. Give yourself a break, do the exercise once correctly, and spend the “unused load” on an additional performance of a simpler position. However, do not give yourself indulgence, strive to ensure that in the end the technique of the entire complex is mastered;
  • develop success as you study, do not stop there. If the implementation of the entire complex is easy and without sufficient load, increase the number of approaches;
  • during the exercise according to the oxysize system, pain should not occur. If this happens, classes should be stopped immediately and seek the advice of a specialist;
  • don't forget: the oxysize complex is static. It is important to fix the muscles in tension and keep them in this position, combined with proper breathing. There are no strength and dynamic exercises here;
  • do not despair if in the first two weeks the classes take a lot of effort and at the same time do not give a visible result. Over time, if you do not give up, the situation will certainly improve.

Proper breathing is the key to health and longevity. Oksisize is just one of the possible methods of mastering this skill. Using it, it is important to acquire the habit of breathing with the diaphragm constantly, and not just during the performance of the corresponding exercises. So in a simple way you can ensure yourself excellent health and good physical shape even without grueling diets and long hours in the gym. Good luck and stay healthy!

Almost every woman is in constant search for a unique diet that is right for her,

and tries to choose the set of exercises that will quickly and effectively help you become more attractive - both for others and for yourself, your beloved.

That is why all kinds of practices of this kind are so popular all over the world - Yoga, Pilates, Callanetics, Bodyflex. This type of breathing system training, like Oksisayz (oxycise), few people know, so this technique is of great interest to the fair sex. Some believe that using this method you can quickly and effortlessly get rid of extra centimeters and kilograms.

However, before starting classes, it is necessary to obtain detailed information about this method of breathing training, as well as about possible contraindications Oxysize. After all, this technique is an innovative set of exercises based on proper breathing. According to its developers, it is proper breathing that contributes to the destruction of body fat. During exercise, the oxygen entering the body combines with the carbon found in fats, so that they are quickly “burned out”. At the same time, the whole body is tightened and takes on beautiful forms.

There are many breathing exercises, and almost each of them has its own contraindications. This also applies to the Oksisayz complex, although experts and trainers assure that there are few contraindications for this type of breathing exercise. In any case, it is necessary to be guided by the principle of reasonableness and first consult with a general practitioner who, based on health indicators, will determine if there are any individual contraindications to such activities.

Contraindications to classes on the Oxysize system

Unconditional contraindications are

  • severe cardiovascular pathology - pulmonary hypertension,
  • heart failure,
  • aortic aneurysm.

The expediency of such studies should be seriously considered by those who suffers from increased intracranial pressure or cerebral aneurysm.

Contraindications to classes according to the Oxysize method are also inflammatory diseases during periods of exacerbations.

It is not recommended to use this technique after spinal surgery. Any implants and abdominal operations are also obstacles to practicing the OxySize method. In these cases, the duration of the rehabilitation period can only be determined by a specialist doctor. You should not engage in these exercises and with an exacerbation of chronic diseases, you should definitely wait for a period of remission.

Serious contraindications to exercise are bleeding of any localization and pregnancy.

Before making a final decision, be sure to pay attention to the possible thyroid related problems.

Fans of quick results should take into account that, doing breathing exercises according to the Oksisize method, no diet to follow, as this can lead to serious metabolic disorders, and then you will have to forget about losing weight.

Middle-aged and older people who are physically poorly prepared should only practice in a sparing mode, preferably according to an individually designed scheme and under the vigilant supervision of a trainer who knows his business.
It should also be remembered that age takes its toll, and therefore excessive, and sometimes completely overwhelming physical activity will not help restore youth, health and strength.

Oxysize Intensive:

Remember that Oxycise contraindications still exist, therefore, without a preliminary medical examination, it is by no means possible to start doing this, even if it is extremely effective gymnastics!

Take care of yourself and do not try to jump above your head, because there are a great many ways to adjust your figure and get rid of excess weight, and if not today, then tomorrow you will definitely make the right choice.

Good luck to you!

Antonina Kravetsrespiratory gymnastics instructor Bodyflex, Oxycise, Life Lift, founder and leading coach of the Bodyflex studio in Moscow. Author of facial modeling and rejuvenation programs using breathing techniques; uses in his work knowledge of anatomy, physiology and biomechanics, which not only contributes to effective weight loss, but also allows you to maximally adapt the breathing technique to the physiological characteristics of students.

Breathing exercises oxysize

Breathing exercises are abdominal breathing techniques combined with exercise. Two popular areas of breathing practices - We have already studied how to do bodyflex. Today, oxysize and its subtleties are on the agenda.

What is oxysize and what are the main principles of this gymnastics?

Oxysize is the author's breathing technique of the American Jill Johnson, based on the combination of continuous diaphragmatic breathing with exercise. The cycle of breathing, on which one approach to the exercise is performed, consists of a sequence of inhalation, three inhalations, exhalation and three pre-exhalations.

What is the difference between oxysize breathing technique and bodyflex breathing?

Firstly, oxysize does not provide for holding the breath, and the exercise is associated with constant diaphragmatic breathing.
Secondly, oxysize is performed without a sharp turn of the abdomen under the costal arch, which makes the technique softer and more atraumatic in comparison, for example, with the bodyflex technique.


Is it possible to master breathing on your own without the participation of a trainer? What happens if you breathe incorrectly?

Mastering oxysize breathing without a trainer is difficult, but possible. The main advantage of oxysize in case of erroneous self-breathing is the absence of possible adverse health effects, since oxysize does not provide for holding the breath.

Hypertension patients . The indisputable advantage of the Oxysize technique is the reduction in blood pressure. I personally recorded a decrease in pressure in my clients by more than 30 units during the session, and this positive trend persisted after training for several more days.

Diabetics. The Diabetes Association of Canada, after a series of studies, concluded that oxysizing leads to a significant increase in the body's sensitivity to insulin. I train a young girl who has been diabetic since the age of three. Before classes, she does not take the usual dose of insulin, because after a few weeks of visiting the gym, she was surprised to find that during the training her blood glucose level drops, i.e. breathing according to the oxysize technique leads to a decrease daily dose insulin.

People suffering from joint diseases. Oxysize classes, combined with a specially designed set of exercises, increase blood circulation, which allows you to stimulate the process of tissue regeneration and localize, and then create the prerequisites for eliminating salt deposits. Thus, oxysize in combination with a competent program physical activity is a powerful weapon for the successful fight against arthrosis, arthritis and other joint diseases. For more than two years now, a 64-year-old hairdresser has been attending my classes with a diagnosis of arthritis of the right shoulder, who, by the time she came to the gym, was about to leave the profession: hand movements during work caused severe pain. But after two years of constant studies, she continues to work actively and even opened her own hairdressing school!

People with problem areas on the back, arms, abdomen and sides. My many years of practice have shown that oxysize is especially effective in the fight against excess volume in the upper body. At the same time, a significant positive trend in the weight loss of the hips and legs is also observed.

Oxysize: results

The oxysize technique, like bodyflex, involves daily classes of 20-30 minutes. However, two to three hour workouts per week will also bring tangible results.

Oxysize: exercises

Classes should be carried out exclusively on an empty stomach, no earlier than three to four hours after eating. Otherwise, the work of the abdominal muscles in the process of breathing will put negative pressure on the stomach and intestines, which can lead to nausea and other unpleasant consequences.

A fundamentally wrong belief. The oxysize technique is softer in execution compared to bodyflex, but combining with exercises is much more difficult. Imagine for yourself: one respiratory cycle, consisting of a sequence of inhalation, three pre-inhalations, exhalation and three pre-exhalations, is accompanied by a whole series of contractions of various muscle groups of the abdomen. Try to combine this breathing with the most elementary exercise on the press - and your illusions about the ease of oxysize will instantly vanish.

It is necessary to perform strictly four respiratory cycles in a row

In my coaching practice, I was convinced that you need to start with three, and in case of poor physical fitness, with two cycles. Otherwise, strict adherence to four breathing cycles during one approach can lead to overtraining and rupture of muscle fibers. The intensity of the load should increase gradually from session to session.

Oxysize is more effective than bodyflex

There is no more or less effective technique, there is a technique just for you! A hypotensive person, for example, may feel discomfort and dizziness due to a decrease in blood pressure. In this case, as in many others, bodyflex is more suitable.

Oxysize is more effective when combined with active loads and sports

Active sports and strength training should not be combined with oxysize exercises, otherwise it is unlikely that you will be able to lose weight.

Oxysize has no contraindications

And this is one of the myths! See the list of contraindications on the next page.


Oksisayz has contraindications, and neglecting them can lead to serious complications!

1. Pregnancy

2. Epilepsy

4. Myoma nodes

5. Pulmonary hypertension

6. Cardiovascular diseases

7. Aortic aneurysm

8. Cerebral aneurysm

9. Increased intracranial pressure

10. Hernia of the esophagus

11. Postoperative period (abdominal surgery was performed earlier than six months before the start of classes)

12. Kidney diseases (nephroptosis, glomerulonephritis)

13. Diseases of the organs of vision

Follow the updates in the section and don't miss the selection of weight loss exercises combined with the oxysize technique.

Faced with the problem of excess weight, have you tried various ways to lose weight, but have not achieved significant results?

Indeed, many diets and all kinds of workouts have now been developed. Unfortunately, most of them do not bring the desired result!

However, progress does not stand still. Not so long ago, a new technique developed by Marina Korpan appeared. This set of special exercises for weight loss was called "Oxysize" - oxygen gymnastics. Some of them formed the basis of this direction.

The main principle of Oxysize is to breathe and lose weight!

What is this method of weight correction based on? The principle of this method is that when certain movements are performed, a large amount of oxygen begins to be delivered to “problem” places. This active ingredient reacts with fat cells, and they “burn out”, splitting into water and carbon dioxide.

Oxysize classes are very effective. In a fairly short time, with proper (!) And systematic training, body volume and weight are rapidly melting. In just a week of regular (daily) classes, the volume of the abdomen and hips is reduced by as much as five centimeters.

Oxysize breathing exercises for weight loss are compared by some researchers with. Those who have tried both methods for themselves claim that Oxycise helps burn calories 140% more efficiently.

Difficult choice: Oxysize or Bodyflex - which is better?

Many have heard of another modern method weight loss - Bodyflex. In some ways, its main provisions have something in common with Oksisayz. But which method should be preferred?

1. You should know that, despite the indisputable effectiveness of Bodyflex, for many, for example, hypertensive patients, this type of training is simply not suitable - there are too many, unlike Oksisayz, contraindications.

2. The Oksisize technique can be practiced when it is convenient for you, and Bodyflex immediately after waking up, on an empty stomach.

3. Your household, especially young children, may be disturbed loud sounds, which are published when performing some Bodyflex exercises.

4. Oxysize classes do not require expensive bulky equipment - it is enough to have a rug and a chair.

Does the system have contraindications?

This technique does not involve holding the breath for a long time, so Oxycise has no contraindications. Even future mothers, as well as hypertensive patients, etc., can do it.

This technique is especially indicated for those who have a large amount of body fat. For those who have an excess of not lipid, but muscle mass, Oxysize will not bring significant results.

Basic Basics: Breathing Technique

In order to achieve the maximum effect from training, you should bring the basic technique to perfection. How to perform Oxysize breathing correctly? The instructions for this method suggest doing the following.

Initial position: To begin, stand up straight with your pelvis slightly forward. Bend your knees a little. The back is straight, the shoulder blades are reduced to the spine.

After that, you should immediately take three more sharp short breaths, while pulling up your stomach. Tighten your gluteal muscles and take a deep breath through your nose. Then you should exhale sharply through your mouth, holding your lips as if you were playing a flute. After that, immediately perform three more short exhalations, while intensively drawing in the tummy. The muscles of the pelvis during the entire exercise should be kept in tension.

Performing breathing movements, smile broadly - then the skin on the face will tighten and rejuvenate. It should also be ensured that rib cage was at the same level as the abdomen. Beginners may be advised to breathe with one hand under the chest and the other on the stomach, making sure that they move in the same way.

This exercise should be performed four times - this is considered one cycle. To achieve good results, you should perform at least thirty cycles. In very "running" cases, the number of cycles can be increased.

To lose weight quickly, efficiently and preferably spending a minimum of time - this is the dream of most modern active women. It is for them that many varieties of workouts have been developed that can be performed at home for 20-30 minutes. Most often, these are some fitness mixes or hybrids. various kinds sports such as dancing and martial arts. But there are also breathing exercises that help to lose weight, ideal for those who for some reason do not exercise. active species fitness. These include oxysize. How does this technique differ from a similar one - bodyflex, what benefits does it bring, and how to do oxysize correctly?

The technique was invented about 20 years ago by an American Jill Johnson, literally in the "hot pursuit" of another similar oxygen gymnastics called bodyflex. In short, both are based on deep inhalations and exhalations, but in oxysize there is no breath holding between them, due to which the technique is considered “softer” and suitable for a larger circle of people. But first things first.

Oksisayz - what is it

This is breathing exercises that can be used as an auxiliary tool in the "weight loss complex". After all, the intake of a large amount of oxygen into the body is one of the prerequisites for the rapid burning of fat cells. For example, intestinal villi need oxygen to absorb incoming nutrients, especially amino acids and calcium, and the more oxygen, the more active the process is. It also maintains the normal pH of the stomach, which is necessary for the appearance of special molecules called adenosine triphosphates, which are actively involved in the breakdown of fat cells.

In addition, oxygen helps reduce stress hormones, which in itself already improves the situation with constant overeating. So the next time after a conflict at work, do not rush to buy a chocolate bar for dessert - just take a walk down the street, and stress will decrease, and with it the process of losing weight will start. Or get oxyzized!

The bottom line is that during the lesson you need to consciously connect deep diaphragmatic breathing, which we do not use in normal life. The diaphragm is a dome-shaped muscle located between the abdominal cavity and thoracic region. It descends on inhalation and rises on exhalation. One breath cycle consists of inhalation plus three sub-breaths and exhalation plus three sub-breaths. You need to inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Simultaneously with breathing, certain exercises for weight loss are performed.

The benefits of oxysize

Regular practice of this kind of breathing exercises "pump" the lungs and increase their volume. This, in turn, stimulates the circulatory system, which begins to deliver more oxygen to the internal organs and tissues.

What else is the use of oxysize:

1. Improving performance internal organs, in particular the digestive system due to their massage. This occurs as a result of active tension and diaphragm contraction.
2. Reducing the volume of the stomach due to the tone of its tissues. As a result, a much smaller amount of food will be enough to saturate than before.
3. Active breathing improves work lymphatic system which has a great effect on the condition of the skin of the body.
4. Metabolism is accelerated, which further accelerates weight loss, digestion improves and even cellulite is treated.

With the right selection of special exercises, breathing exercises help relieve pain during an exacerbation of arthritis and arthrosis. And, of course, oxygen improves the condition of hair and nails and gives the face a pleasant blush.

Oxysize for weight loss

Those who have practiced oxysize claim that classes are effective in helping with headaches and fatigue. But, first of all, oxygen gymnastics is aimed at losing weight. So, due to the fact that the abdominal muscles are constantly in good shape, it is here that the decrease in volume is most noticeable. In addition to a slim waist, you will also get arm slimming and back muscle tightening.

How to breathe correctly:

1. Stand or sit with a straight back and slightly tuck your shoulder blades in towards your spine to “free up” your chest.
2. Inhale through the nose, pushing the belly forward and not raising the shoulders.
3. Take three short and sharp additional breaths through your mouth.
4. Exhale, pulling the abdominal muscles inward, through the lips, folded in a tube.
5. Next, take three additional short exhalations, completely freeing the lungs from air.

Along with breathing, stretching exercises or static postures, such as yoga asanas, should be performed. Standing, bring your fists together (elbows should be at chest level), tighten your arms and at the same time breathe according to the method. At the end of one breathing cycle, relax the muscles. For weight loss of the hips and abdomen, you can combine breathing and twisting. Sitting on a chair, bring your feet and knees together, straighten your back. With your left palm, rest against the seat at the back at the level of the coccyx, turn the body to the left, pull your right hand in the direction of the twist. Another option is a stretching exercise to slim the back of the arms and the side of the body. Standing with a straight back, stretch up left hand, grab your wrist with your right hand and stretch to the right. Breathe in the oxysize technique, repeat on the other side.

In order for the exercises to work properly, it is worth adhering to several rules:

  • exercise in the morning on an empty stomach, and if there is a desire, then repeat the workout in the evening, three hours after eating (after class, you can eat only an hour later);
  • you need to do it regularly, since even a one-day break can prevent you from achieving the desired result;
  • in one workout, you need to perform at least 30 breathing cycles, but beginners need to listen to the body and stop exercising when dizziness appears.

It is best to do it according to the video lessons of certified specialists who have developed their own programs, including a set of exercises aimed at “local” weight loss of certain areas of the body. It is believed that in two to three weeks of regular exercise, you can get rid of about three centimeters of excess volume. If you perform exercises (even only the respiratory part) in the fresh air, the effect will increase significantly.

Oxysize - contraindications

Almost all breathing exercises are contraindicated during pregnancy and oxysize is no exception. In addition, contraindications are diseases of the cardiovascular system, bile and urolithiasis, as well as a number of problems in the gynecological field. Unlike bodyflex, oxysize is available to hypertensive patients, but if you plan to exercise regularly, it is better to consult a specialist.

Oxygen gymnastics is suitable for those who are already familiar with some types of "slow" physical activity, for example, yoga, where you also need to breathe properly. Or, let's say you practice meditation and know how to breathe consciously. Otherwise, before starting serious exercises, it is better to practice breathing techniques for several days in order to perform cycles “on the machine”, and then combine them with exercises.

During the period of oxysizing, do not forget also about a healthy, balanced diet. So, it is believed that the daily calorie intake during training should be 1500-1600 calories. Regardless of whether you work out in the morning or in the evening, it is advisable to combine dinner with fresh vegetables and lean protein. Many women note the positive effect of combining oxysize with separate or fractional meals. But you build your diet based on your own preferences and lifestyle. Breathe and lose weight!

Katya Kotova

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