The average volume of erythrocytes is the cause of the deviation from the norm. MCV in a blood test - what is it, and why is the average volume of red blood cells determined? What is mcv in a blood test, its norm

When passing a general blood test, many indicators are taken into account. It is with the help of these indicators that the doctor analyzes the patient's condition and prescribes treatment. Among these indicators may be MCV. What is MCV in a blood test?

MCV in the analysis (without ESR) shows the number of red blood cells. It is also called the total erythrocyte index. Is this indicator important? Of course, since it is with the help of it that one can evaluate general state erythrocytes in the blood. Erythrocytes are red blood cells. It is thanks to them that the blood acquires a red color. Their number significantly exceeds the content of other elements in the blood. The shape of the blood cells resembles a flat disk concave on both sides. Taurus do not have a nucleus.

So, the main functions of erythrocytes:

  • Thanks to these bodies, the blood acquires its red color.
  • Contains hemoglobin, which transports air to all human organs.
  • Maintain water-salt balance.
  • Erythrocytes also contribute to maintaining the temperature regime in the human body.
  • Provide some immune functions in the body.

Erythrocytes play a rather important role in the human body. That is why it is so important to monitor their number, periodically take general analysis blood. The slightest changes in the content of red blood cells may indicate the onset of an inflammatory process or an allergic reaction.

To determine the number of red blood cells, they take a general (clinical) analysis.

However, in some cases, patients are prescribed a special MCV blood test, which is aimed at determining the number of red blood cells. The meaning and interpretation of the MCV blood test is done by the attending physician. It is highly recommended not to do it yourself.

Deciphering the analysis

How to determine MCV in a blood test? To determine the number of red blood cells, the patient takes a clinical blood test. Blood cells have a constant composition, which is why, if their content has changed dramatically, the patient's condition worsens noticeably.

How is the average number of erythrocytes determined? This indicator is calculated using a special formula:

MCV= ((%) hematocrit *10) : erythrocyte count 106 µl

It is by this formula that the MCV is calculated in a blood test. What is the normal content of this indicator in the blood? The content of red blood cells depends on the age of the patient. Thus, we can say that the norm of MCV in the blood is different for everyone. The differences are especially pronounced in children.

The average volume of an erythrocyte is normal in a child:

  • less than 12 months - 71-112 fl;
  • from 1 year to 5 years - 73-86 fl;
  • from 5 to 10 years - 75-87 fl;
  • from 10 to 12 years old - 76-94 fl;
  • from 12 to 15 years old - 74-95 fl.

Among women:

  • from 15 to 18 years old - 78-98 fl;
  • from 18 to 45 years old - 81-100 fl;
  • from 45 to 65 years old - 81-101 fl;
  • over 65 years - 81-102 fl.

For men:

  • from 15 to 18 years old - 79-98 fl;
  • from 15 to 18 years old - 80-99 fl;
  • from 45 to 65 years old - 81-101 fl;
  • over 65 years -81-103 fl.

It is these MCV indicators that are considered normal. Any deviations from the norm may indicate the onset of an inflammatory or infectious process in the body.

Reduced rates

What does a low mean red blood cell volume indicate? If the MCV in the blood test decreases to 75 fl, then this may indicate the presence of anemia in the patient. However, you should not be afraid in advance. Deciphering the MCV is the responsibility of the attending physician. The reasons for a low MCV can be varied.

MCV lowered - reasons:

  • Changes in the water-salt balance in the body.
  • Hypertensive dehydration (high level of fluid deficiency). May occur with insufficient intake of water and other fluids.
  • MCV in the blood test is lowered when anemia appears. Anemia is anemia.
  • A disease in which the synthesis of hemoglobin in the body is disrupted.
  • Low iron content in the body.
  • The use of certain medications.

Most often, a decrease in the level of MCV occurs due to anemia. Leukemia can occur for many reasons. Among them: problems with the gastrointestinal tract, chronic diseases in which there is blood loss, pregnancy, the effects of various infections, lack of iron in the body. If the average volume of erythrocytes is lowered, then consultation with the attending physician is necessary.

Anti-MCV shows the amount of antibodies. Anti-MCV can be detected using biochemical analysis. Detection of antibodies will help prevent the development rheumatoid arthritis. These elements may occur several years before the disease begins to develop.

If the level of the average number of red blood cells is below normal in children, then this may indicate the development of anemia. Children are especially sensitive to this disease.

Symptoms of anemia in children:

  • Lethargy.
  • Decreased activity.
  • Refusal of games and communication.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Frequent vomiting.
  • Puffiness.
  • Body weight does not change for a long time.

Increased values

What does an increased red blood cell count mean? The average volume of erythrocytes is increased if the patient has a deficiency of vitamin B group. Most often it is B12.

MCV increased - causes:

  • The use of tobacco products.
  • Taking hormonal contraceptives.
  • Abuse of alcoholic products.
  • In diseases of the endocrine system - myxedema.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Diseases of the organ that reproduces blood - the bone marrow.
  • Taking antidepressants.
  • Anemia.
  • Disorders in the work of the pancreas.
  • body intoxication.

It is for these reasons that the level of red blood cells rises. Thanks to the analysis for MCV, it is possible to detect the development of alcoholism even at early stage. To control the level of MCV, a clinical analysis should be taken periodically. Diseases detected at an early stage are much easier to cure than neglected ones.

So, MCV is the average volume of erythrocytes. It can be both reduced and increased. Normal performanceMCVdepend on the age of the patient. Red blood cells decrease due to the development of anemia, the use of certain drugs, changes in the balance of water in the body. Increased indicators of the average volume of erythrocytes occur due to the use of alcohol and tobacco products. An increase in the level of MCV occurs quite often in women when taking hormonal contraceptives. To monitor MC, a complete blood count should be taken.

MCV as part of a blood test is such a physiological indicator that displays the average volume of red cells. The units of measurement are cube. µm (micrometers).

Femtoliters (fl) may also be used. Based on the results of the diagnosis, the laboratory report may indicate macrocytosis, microcytosis, or normocytosis. The current result depends on the average size of cells in the bloodstream.

Erythrocytes are the cell unit of the blood, the main purpose of which is to saturate the body with all the components of the inhaled air. They carry oxygen molecules from the lung tissues to the internal organs, as well as to other parts of the body.

In the opposite direction, red cells remove carbon dioxide from the body, formed after the absorption of air. Oxygen delivery is carried out at the expense of hemoglobin proteins, which makes up 98% of the total mass of protein compounds in erythrocytes.

With a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin, the transport function of blood cells is disrupted. Therefore, these indicators must be constantly monitored.

MCV in a blood test - what is it?

MCV in a blood test is such a definition of the qualitative indicators of the test material. It displays the average size of red blood cells and is included in the list of indicators that are required to be identified during a complete blood count (CBC).

MCV parameters are included in the list of erythrocyte indices. Performing an MCV assay allows the clinician to quantify cell health and then perform comparative analysis, having determined the norm, a deficiency of cellular material or an excess of the average volume of erythrocyte units.

Normal MCV values ​​in adults

MCV as part of a blood test is an indicator that tends to change under the influence of age-related changes in the body of a person who donates blood for biochemical research.

Also, the following factors can affect the diagnostic results:

In young men, the optimal MCV is 80 to 90 fl. For representatives of the female half of the population, the normal size of red blood cells is from 80 to 95 fl. In women, the MCV rate is slightly higher, due to the physiological characteristics of the female reproductive system and monthly blood loss.

Age-related changes in MCV in adults

MCV in a blood test is such a determination of the qualitative indicators of the cellular composition of the blood, during which age-related changes in the body are taken into account. Below are the indicators of erythrocyte indices, which are normal for men and women who belong to a specific age group:

During the study, the MCV parameters, adjusted for age-related changes in body tissues, take into account the presence of concomitant diseases in the examined patient, his lifestyle, working conditions, quality of nutrition, addiction to addictions (alcohol, smoking, drugs).

As the body ages

MCV in a blood test is such a definition of the qualitative indicators of the test material, which throughout the entire life cycle change, but not significantly. The only thing that is observed, both in men and women, is a slight increase in the average cell size.

This is explained by the fact that with age, body weight increases, intracellular metabolism worsens. To provide more tissue necessary level oxygen, the body increases the average size of synthesized red blood cells.

Normal MCV values ​​in children by age

At all stages of development child's body there is a change in the MCV parameters. The table below shows the optimal indicators of the average size of erythrocyte units in children, taking into account the age group.

MCV in a blood test is such a definition of the qualitative indicators of the test material, which play a key role in the diagnosis of blood diseases in children of all age groups. Therefore, if a child is prescribed an OAC, then the allocation of the norm of the average size of erythrocyte units is a prerequisite for diagnosis.

How is an MCV blood test done?

To determine the MCV level, you need to visit a laboratory that specializes in determining blood quality indicators, or take tests at a district clinic.

To obtain the most accurate diagnostic results with a minimal risk of data errors, you will need to follow the rules for preparing for the delivery of biological material, go through the blood sampling procedure and wait for the results of the analysis.


The patient who will take the test will need to follow the following rules:

Blood sampling

A prerequisite for the delivery of biological material for research on the level of MCV is blood sampling on an empty stomach.

This procedure is performed using two methods, namely:

In order to obtain the most accurate results of the study, it is advisable to perform simultaneous collection of capillary and venous blood. This will allow a comparative analysis of the selected samples, eliminating the possible occurrence of inaccuracies and errors in the operation of medical equipment.

How long to wait for answers

Modern medical equipment allows you to get the results of a laboratory study on the level of MCV within 15-20 minutes.

after the delivery of biological material. In most cases, the determination of the average size of erythrocyte units is just 1 of more than 20 parameters of the cellular composition of the blood, which is required to be established by laboratory specialists.

If the employees of the clinic where the collected blood is being analyzed use automatic analyzers, the diagnostic process is significantly accelerated.

In laboratories that are not equipped with modern medical equipment and use methods microscopic studies, it will be necessary to wait from 1 to 2 hours. In this case, the laboratory assistant performs an independent blood test, setting the average volume of red blood cells using a microscope.

It is believed that the microscopic diagnostic method carries a greater number of errors, because there is a human factor here. In order to save personal time and obtain the most accurate diagnostic results, it is recommended to donate blood in laboratories that are equipped with automatic analyzers.

Deciphering the results of the analysis

After the stage of studying the biological material is completed and the laboratory specialists draw up a conclusion showing the MCV level, the doctor (profile hematologist or therapist) deciphers the parameters of the average size of erythrocytes.

comparative study

To ensure a comparative study on MCV, simultaneous sampling of capillary (band of the ring finger) and venous blood is performed.

The laboratory specialist puts both samples into the analyzer, and checks the obtained data based on the diagnostic results. This method of research makes it possible to eliminate the factor of incorrect operation of medical equipment and minimize the likelihood of obtaining a false result.

Reasons for an increase in MCV

Violation of the MCV norm towards an increase in the average cell size may indicate the occurrence of blood diseases or indicate pathological condition internal organs.

There are the following reasons for the increase in MCV in the bloodstream:

In most patients with an excess of the MCV level, characteristic symptoms are observed in the form of unreasonable pain in the abdominal cavity, the appearance of pallor of the skin (if liver pathology is present, yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes is possible), heart rate increases, and shortness of breath worries.

At risk are people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, as well as those who have a genetic predisposition.

Reasons for the decrease in the indicator

A decrease in the average size of erythrocyte units is no less dangerous than an increase in the parameters of blood cells. The internal organs and tissues of the body begin to experience an acute shortage nutrients, oxygen starvation of cells and premature death occurs. A person quickly loses weight, dysfunctions of internal organs and systems develop.

The reasons for the decrease in MCV are the following factors:

People who have a low MCV indicator complain of constant fatigue, a decline in physical strength, become distracted, cannot concentrate, and the thought process is disturbed.

From the side nervous system symptoms such as increased irritability, depression, rapid mood swings, and memory impairment are manifested. If these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Classification and causes of microcytic (MCV lowered) anemia

Anemia - a group of diseases circulatory system a person, which is expressed in a decrease in the level of hemoglobin, as well as a decrease in the average volume of erythrocytes.

This pathology is classified according to the causative factors that provoked its development, namely:

A variety of microcytic anemia is taken into account by the attending physician when making a diagnosis, as well as during the formation of a therapeutic course. Elimination of pathological causes, disease-causing is a prerequisite for successful treatment.

Cell variability

Under the constant influence of a number of environmental factors, the occurrence of biochemical and physiological adaptation of blood cells is not excluded.

The variability of the average volume of erythrocytes is possible under the following conditions:

  • prolonged abuse of alcoholic beverages (alcohol dependence);
  • daily contact with toxic substances;
  • eating too much protein food;
  • deficiency of foods containing iron and vitamin B12.

Sooner or later, the physiological variability of cells leads to the development of diseases of the blood, as well as the tissues of the internal organs, which suffered from an increased or decreased MCV. Most often, the pathological condition of the cells leads to the development of blood cancer.

Correlation of MCV with other erythrocyte indices

During the determination of the MCV indicator, a prerequisite for a blood test is the establishment of other erythrocyte indices.

The average volume of red blood cells correlate with the following indicators:

Medical practice shows that a violation of at least one of the listed erythrocyte indices is reflected in other characteristics of the cellular composition of the blood. All of the above indicators make it possible to determine the level of hemoglobin, in a timely manner to prevent its decrease and the development of blood diseases.

What to do if the indicator deviates from the norm

In the event that the results of a general blood test showed a deviation from the norm of the average size of erythrocyte units upwards or to reduce their size, do the following:

  • together with your doctor, try to establish the causative factor that affects the change in red blood cells;
  • streamline the daily routine, balance the diet by saturating it with foods containing sufficient amounts of iron, iodine, vitamin B6, B12 (veal, nutria meat, rabbit, turkey, legumes, nuts, ocean fish, seaweed, shellfish, crustaceans);
  • accept medications to be prescribed by the attending physician;
  • completely abandon the use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products and drugs;
  • avoid a sedentary lifestyle, go in for cycling, athletics, swimming.

MCV as part of a blood test is an indicator that tends to change under the influence of environmental factors. Therefore, in order for the average cell volume to reach optimal levels, an integrated approach is required using drug therapy, following the instructions of the attending physician and dietary nutrition.

Article formatting: Mila Fridan

Video about a blood test for red blood cells

Elena Malysheva will talk about a blood test for red blood cells:

MCV is one of the quantities that allow you to describe the state of erythrocytes or, as they are also called, red blood cells. Their role cannot be overestimated, and any changes in their characteristics may indicate the development of inflammatory or allergic processes, as well as a state of weakening of the body due to trauma or a lack of valuable substances necessary for the body.

What are erythrocytes

Erythrocytes are red blood cells that deliver oxygen to body tissues and remove carbon dioxide from them. In a healthy person, the content of various cells in the blood is constant, their sizes and ratios are also stable. This composition is the norm and may vary slightly depending on age and gender. Studies of any abnormalities are important as they may be of diagnostic value.

When assessing the condition of red blood cells, indicators such as their number (RBC), their hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), the average amount of hemoglobin (MCH), the distribution width of red blood cells, denoted by RDW-CV, and, of course, the average volume of red blood cells (MCV) are used. .

Analysis Features

MCV (mean cell volume) is the average volume of red blood cells. This is one of the most important quantities that make it possible to characterize the state of red blood cells. MCV is measured in femtoliters ("fl" or "fl") and in micrometers (µm). A blood test for MCV can be carried out both as part of a clinical analysis and as an independent study.

Blood sampling is recommended to be carried out in the first half of the day on an empty stomach. More often, a sample is taken from a vein, but it can also be taken from a finger. The sample can be stored for up to 36 hours at room temperature or 48 hours in the refrigerator. If storage was carried out in a refrigerator, then before conducting the study, the sample is kept at room temperature for 20-30 minutes.

Deciphering the results and the norm

The normal MCV in a blood test is 80-100 femtoliters. But depending on age, these indicators can differ markedly, for example, in children from 4 months to 4 years old, the norm is 72-115 fl., at the age of 5-7 years - 77-108 fl., And at 8-14 years old, the norm is 76-96 fl.

In adults and adolescents, this figure may also differ depending on the gender of the patient. At the age of 15-18 years, the norm for men is 79-95 fl., and for women - 78-98 fl., at the age of 19-45 years - 80-99 fl. and 81-100 fl. respectively. After 46 years, the values ​​for both sexes are the same: at 46-65 years old - 81-101 fl., and after 65 years - 81-103 fl.

If the volume of erythrocytes is within normal limits, then such blood cells are called normocytic, reduced are called microcytic, and enlarged are called macrocytic.

Any deviation from the norm in the size of red blood cells may indicate a disease. If the values ​​are increased, then this may indicate a lack of folic acid, anemia after blood loss, or liver diseases and dissemination of malignant neoplasms. If the MCV values ​​in the blood test are lowered, this may indicate the abuse of alcohol and smoking. In addition, reduced rates may be in women who have reached postmenopausal age or are taking oral contraceptives. Also, a decrease in this indicator occurs with iron deficiency and sideroblastic anemia, as well as with a number of chronic diseases, thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies.

With the help of the MCV blood test indicator in a child, knowing its norms and interpretation, it is possible to determine the quantity, quality and level of red blood cells. Also, according to the results of this test, various diseases. This analysis is done in the laboratory using clinical blood sampling, which can be taken from a vein or a finger. By deciphering the analysis, an accurate diagnosis and type of anemia are established.

Diseases in different people various. And first of all, when a person takes tests, they look at the number and general condition of red blood cells in the blood. After all, they transport oxygen and carbon dioxide with the help of hemoglobin. If red antibodies are found, then it is necessary to identify a hematological disease as soon as possible, and even more so if it concerns the body of children.

MCV in a blood test is the average number of red blood cells, the so-called erythrocyte index. Thanks to this ratio, the general condition of all red blood cells is determined. Also, MCV blood test is a reliable indicator in the detection of various pathologies. Erythrocytes are the main indicators of health for an adult and even more so for a child. If changes in erythrocyte parameters are diagnosed in the blood, this is evidence that an inflammatory process is going on in the body or an allergy is present, there may be a lack of nutrients necessary for a person to live fully.

If a person is healthy, then there is such a thing as the norm of erythrocytes in the blood. And if there is a change in this norm up or down, this is an indicator of the development of pathology, which is fraught with dangerous diseases.

That is why the normal volume of red blood cells for a child is so important. After all, these blood bodies are involved in most metabolic processes.

Indicators in a child for analysis

There are two main reasons for the study, as a result of which it is necessary to conduct an MCV analysis:

  1. Violations and changes in the water-salt balance. This occurs as a result of intestinal infections, SARS and acute respiratory infections.
  2. Recognition and study of anemia. This is a lack of iron in the body.

Other important indications for analysis are:

  • disruptions in the hormonal background;
  • metabolic disease;
  • prerequisites for obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • low immunity.

This analysis helps to identify different types anemia: normochromic, macrocytic and microcytic.

Normochromic is an anemia that develops with bone marrow disease. This manifests itself when chronic diseases.

Macrocytic - this type occurs due to growing red blood cells. This occurs due to a lack of folic acid and vitamin B.

Microcytic - develops due to iron deficiency. There is a decrease in the synthesis of polypeptide chains.

Methods for performing MCV analysis

The MCV analysis for an adult and for a child is determined during the delivery of a general clinical blood sampling. Blood can be taken from a vein, but it is better for a child to take it from a finger. Blood sampling must be carried out, adhering to the basic rules:

  • the person passing the test should not drink and eat 3 to 5 hours before blood sampling;
  • the fence is taken (if it is a woman) in the absence of menstruation;
  • if an adult or a child feels well, there are no complaints of malaise, chills, fever, cough.

The best time to conduct this analysis is in the morning or before lunch, when all organs are functioning most actively.

The blood that was taken for analysis is used to make the so-called smear. Then allocate the required values. The average volume of erythrocytes is determined by finding the sum of the number of cells to the total content of erythrocytes in the blood. Femtoliters is the unit of measure for MCV (fl, fl) or µm3.

MCV analysis results and their interpretation

The existing MCV index in a blood test is special, as it has the prerequisites for changing depending on the age of the person. This index is most important in newborns. Its indicator is 140 fl. But over time, with age, this figure decreases in a child. And when the child reaches the age of 18, the MCV analysis value is normal. The acceptable MCV value for an adult is a figure equal to 80 - 100 fl. To summarize all of the above, it should be noted that the value of the MCV index less than 80 fl is considered underestimated, and the value of more than 100 fl is considered elevated. The norm of the average volume of erythrocytes indicates that the cell is normocytic.

Deviation from the norm and consequences

You should know that the MCV of erythrocytes in children depends on a large number of factors. If there is a deviation (decrease) in this value, then this condition is called microcytic anemia.

Causes of microcytic anemia:

  • iron deficiency;
  • chronic diseases;
  • prerequisites for the development of malignant diseases;
  • thalassemia - poor production of hemoglobin;
  • hereditary diseases;
  • lead poisoning;
  • taking certain medications;
  • alcoholism.

With a decrease in the volume of red blood cells, the following symptoms are observed:

  • rapid fatigue;
  • irritability;
  • inattention;
  • distraction;
  • memory is bad.

When a child is in the womb, for its sufficient and normal development, as well as the formation of all its organs, an adequate supply of iron is necessary. The child consumes it and assimilates it from the mother's body. Therefore, the risk of developing microcytic anemia is very high and thus affects the health of the baby.

In cases where an increase in the MCV index is observed, it should be considered that this is macrocytic anemia.

Causes of macrocytic anemia:

  • megaloblastic anemia - a consequence of a lack of protein in the body and vegetarianism;
  • hereditary anemia with malignant consequences;
  • pancreatic function is weak;
  • vitamin B12 is poorly perceived by the body;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • poisoning with toxins, drugs;
  • hepatic diseases;
  • hypothyroidism.

As a result of this condition, the child may experience chronic fatigue, irritability, distraction.

It should also be noted the reasons why an increase in the MCV index can be determined:

  • very pale lip color;
  • abdominal pain, frequent and for no reason;
  • at rest, tachycardia is observed;
  • yellowish skin.

If we are talking about an adult, for example, a woman, then the index may be slightly higher than normal due to the use of hormonal contraceptives. Also, smoking causes an increase in analysis.

There is also normocytic anemia.

Types of normocytic anemia:

  • hemolytic;
  • posthemorrhagic;
  • hepatic anemia;
  • renal anemia;
  • anemia, which is caused by the endocrine system;
  • aplastic anemia.

Despite the above data, there is still a pathology that directly depends on the level of red blood cells. This disease is called anisocytosis - a change in the size of red blood cells - and at the same time the blood is very densely populated with cells of various sizes.

The results of a general blood test indicate the composition of the blood and other indicators that can be considered as a symptom of pathology or its absence, as such. Much attention is paid to erythrocytes - red blood cells that carry oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.

The mcv analysis indicates the average volume of red blood cells in the blood.

mcv analysis value

The mcv index in the results of a blood test shows the number and size of red blood cells contained in the body.

It is noteworthy that in an adult, mcv in the blood does not change without a reason, this is recorded only in young children. An increase or decrease in the level of red blood cells in the body can be a symptom of a developing pathology, which is worth making an effort to treat.

Indications for analysis

The mcv blood test is not the only one. To clarify the diagnosis, the therapist may require you to retake it or send it for additional tests.

MCV is informative in two cases:

  • in order to diagnose one of the types of anemia;
  • to determine the type of violations of the water-salt balance. People are often sent for such an analysis in the presence of various intestinal infections, acute respiratory diseases and SARS.

Other, no less serious, reasons for passing the analysis may be:

  • failure of the hormonal system;
  • metabolic problems;
  • overweight;
  • increased blood sugar or diabetes;
  • a sharp and unreasonable decrease in the level of the immune system.

The results of mcv analysis often help to identify such deviations:

  • normochromic anemia. It is fixed when pathologies appear in the bone marrow, sometimes it is caused by chronic diseases;
  • macrocytic anemia. It is characterized by an excessive increase in mcv. Red blood cells increase in size due to insufficient amounts of vitamin B and folic acid;
  • microcytic anemia. In this case, the disease occurs due to a lack of iron in the blood.

Normal MCV values

Age, gender

Average volume
MCV, fl

1 day - 14 days 88,0 - 140,0
14 days - 4.3 weeks 91,0 - 112,0
4.3 weeks - 8.6 weeks 84,0 - 106,0
8.6 weeks - 4 months 76,0 - 97,0
4 months - 6 months 68,0 - 85,0
6 months - 9 months 70,0 - 85,0
9 months - 12 months 71,0 - 84,0
12 months - 5 years 73,0 - 85,0
5 years - 10 years 75,0 - 87,0
10 years - 12 years 76,0 - 90,0
12 years - 15 years Women 73,0 - 95,0
Men 77,0 - 94,0
15 years old - 18 years old Women 78,0 - 98,0
Men 79,0 - 95,0
18 years old - 45 years old Women 81,0 - 100,0
Men 80,0 - 99,0
45 years - 65 years Women 81,0 - 101,0
Men 81,0 - 101,0
65 years - 120 years Women 81,0 - 102,0
Men 83,0 - 103,0

In children under the age of 10, the index may fluctuate and be inaccurate, later it returns to normal (80-100 fl).

MCV above normal

If the results are higher than normal, then this indicates the development of macrocytic anemia. It can be directly related to diseases such as:

  • drug intoxication;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • lack of iodine or iron in the body;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • oncological process of the red bone marrow;
  • prolonged alcoholism;
  • dysfunction of the pancreas.

Provoke an increase in mcv can:

  • long term intake birth control pills affecting the hormonal background;
  • addiction to cigarettes and tobacco products;
  • prolonged contact with toxic substances (work in hazardous production);
  • taking medications that increase the level of mcv in the blood.

If left untreated, macrocytic anemia can lead to frequent fainting, feeling unwell, and low blood hemoglobin levels. Particularly at risk are:

  • people who eat poorly, lead a sedentary lifestyle and ignore sports;
  • patients with chronic liver failure;
  • people with a genetic predisposition to the disease;
  • men over fifty-five who abuse alcohol.

Experts identify some signs by which it can be understood that a person has too high a volume of red blood cells:

  • unhealthy pallor of the lips;
  • pain in the abdomen for no particular reason, which appear very often;
  • the presence of tachycardia (too fast heartbeat), even when a person is at rest;
  • yellowish skin.

If you find yourself with similar symptoms or if you detect an increased level of mcv in the blood, you should urgently consult a general practitioner for appropriate treatment.

MCV below normal

Analyzes showing that the volume of red blood cells is below normal also indicate pathology. Experts name a number of reasons that can lead to such results:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • insufficient amount of water consumed;
  • development of different types of anemia;
  • lead intoxication;
  • the presence in the body of malignant formations, tumors;
  • taking medications that affect test results.

In medical circles, a disease in which the level of red blood cells in the body decreases is commonly called microcytic anemia. The peculiarity of the disease is that erythrocytes do not perform their transport function, i.e. they do not deliver oxygen and other useful substances to the cells of the body in the right amount.

With this pathology, a characteristic clinical picture is observed:

  • constant fatigue;
  • increased irritability, nervousness;
  • decreased concentration and performance;
  • distraction;
  • memory deterioration.

A decrease in the volume of red blood cells is always observed with various kinds of blood loss.

pregnancy and mcv

During pregnancy, due to the increased consumption of iron by the body, microcytic anemia can develop. This condition can negatively affect both the health of the unborn child and the well-being of the mother.

Some experts are convinced that mcv indicators are directly related to the psychological state of a person.

Features of the analysis

Today, the mcv study is included in the general blood test or can be performed separately from other indicators. In order to donate blood, the patient must come to treatment room where a laboratory assistant or nurse will take blood samples from a finger or vein. Blood sampling is carried out in accordance with all the rules of the sanitary and epidemiological regime (SanPiN).

The patient is required to comply with the following rules:

  • you need to donate blood on an empty stomach (5-12 hours after the last meal);
  • at the time of delivery, the woman should not be menstruating;
  • normal health. It is forbidden to take blood samples if the patient feels unwell, is in a coma or cardiological shock.