Chickenpox in infants - symptoms, photos of visual signs of the disease and treatment of the disease. How to treat chickenpox in infants: symptoms of chickenpox The incubation period of chickenpox in infants

Many doctors believe that chickenpox is a childhood disease. This opinion is not far from the truth, since the chickenpox virus most often affects a person in childhood and much less frequently in adults and even the elderly. For each group of patients, the disease proceeds in its own way and is accompanied by the appearance of certain symptoms. Usually, chickenpox is diagnosed in children older than two years, during the period when the child visits Kindergarten or school. Only occasionally, the varicella-zoster virus can be observed in infants.

How dangerous is chickenpox in newborns, and what are the symptoms this disease in children in infancy, we will try to describe in detail in this article. The question will also be considered whether chickenpox is dangerous at this age and what measures parents should take if the disease has already begun.

How can a baby get infected?

First of all, it is worth noting that babies cannot have chickenpox if the mother had the disease before pregnancy. The baby will be protected from exposure to the virus for the first six months of his life, thanks to the fact that he received antibodies from his mother along with milk. If there is no such protection, then the Varicella Zoster virus that causes chickenpox can enter the body of a newborn child in several ways:

  • by airborne droplets if the baby had contact with a sick child or adult. Most often, such infection occurs in an infant aged six months and older;
  • in utero, if the mother contracted chicken pox during pregnancy. The virus is especially dangerous in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, since it is at this time that the fetus is formed, and the virus can cause serious pathological changes. If the infection has got to the unborn child five days before the birth, then it can cause congenital chickenpox. If the disease begins earlier than a week before the baby is born, and infection occurs after 12 weeks, then the unborn baby has time to get the antibodies necessary to protect against chickenpox.

Children aged six months and older are especially susceptible to chickenpox. It should be noted that chicken pox is on average 10-21 days, but in children from 6 months to 1 year, this period is reduced to 7 days.

Symptoms of the disease

Chickenpox in infants begins with a deterioration in appetite and loss of sleep. The child behaves extremely restlessly, there are signs of weakness in the eyes. After some time, the body temperature of a newborn child begins to rise and can reach 37-38 degrees. In some cases, the figures can be much higher.

The main symptom of chickenpox, as in other age groups, is the appearance of a bright red rash all over the body. First, pimples appear on the baby's torso, and then on the head and limbs. Gradually, the rash changes appearance and red spots take the form of papules. The bubbles very quickly fill with a clear liquid, and then dry up and a dense crust forms on their surface.

As some bubbles dry up, new papules appear on the clean area and also dry up. The most important thing is not to comb the rash so that the formation does not take the form of ulcers. After a while, they will disappear on their own. In general, the symptoms of the disease resemble the common cold, however, an experienced doctor should prescribe the treatment of the disease in order to avoid possible complications in the future.

How do newborn babies handle chickenpox?

Chickenpox in infants can be mild symptoms and may have severe consequences. The child can carry the infection quite easily. The baby will not experience any special changes in his condition, and the rash can be represented by individual pimples. In some cases, on the contrary, there is a severe and prolonged course of the disease, with possible complications.

A special group includes babies who contracted chickenpox from their mother just before the birth. As a rule, this form of chickenpox is extremely difficult and is accompanied by a very high temperature, a large amount of rash, as well as possible complications, such as pneumonia, hepatitis.

Methods for treating chickenpox in babies up to a year

Depending on the complexity of the course of the disease, the attending physician prescribes to the baby certain treatment. Parents must strictly follow all recommendations and carry out treatment with prescribed drugs. Only in this case it will be possible to get rid of the virus very quickly. Recommendations may be of the following nature:

  • with a mild course of the disease, it is treated in infancy by ridding the child of the symptoms of chickenpox. If the course of the disease is severe, hospitalization and a course of antiviral agents are necessary;
  • to reduce hyperemia, infants are prescribed paracetamol or ibuprofen, in a small dosage;
  • for the treatment of papules, you can use ordinary brilliant green, Calamine lotion or Tsindol in the form of a suspension with a zinc base. At severe itching, to alleviate the condition of a child older than a month, it is allowed to apply Fenistil gel;
  • especially unpleasant and dangerous are bubbles on the oral mucosa or genitals. Papules in this case should be washed with furatsilin or herbal (preferably chamomile) infusion. In case of wounds, they can be lubricated sea ​​buckthorn oil or anesthetic gel, which is used during teething;
  • to prevent scratching acne, you need to put on special gloves for the baby and use antihistamine prescribed by a doctor;
  • you can bathe babies in warm water, with a decoction of herbs or with potassium permanganate. Do not use washcloths or detergents. After bathing the child, rubbing with a towel is not worth it;
  • in especially severe cases, acyclovir is prescribed to the child. This drug blocks the virus and prevents it from multiplying in the body;
  • if the mother fell ill with chickenpox five days before the birth or a little later, the child is immediately injected with immunoglobulin after birth.

Since the chickenpox virus in newborns can affect the body in different ways and cause discomfort to the child, it is important to ensure that the baby is well cared for and proper treatment so that the baby does not have serious complications.

Preventive measures

To protect your baby from contracting an infection such as chickenpox, additional measures must be taken. This decision is especially relevant for women who have never had chickenpox, but plan to become a mother in the near future. If you neglect this advice, then with infection during the period of gestation, the child may develop pathologies that can further affect the physiological health of the baby.

To avoid unpleasant consequences and severe complications, it is important to get vaccinated against chickenpox three months before conception. It should be remembered that for an adult, the vaccination procedure involves the introduction of two doses of the drug with an interval of 6-10 weeks. Accordingly, you should visit the clinic for staging a little earlier.

When an older child or one of the adults gets sick in the family, it is necessary to isolate the baby from contact with an infected person, and during a period of high contagiousness, carry out frequent wet cleanings in the apartment. This will help get rid of the chickenpox virus in the apartment, as the infection outside the body quickly dies. The main danger is that a child who has caught chickenpox may not notice at first clinical manifestations the virus, however, is the carrier of the infection. In this case, it is unlikely that it will be possible to secure a newborn child.


Chickenpox in infants can also be observed, as in adult patients. All classically symptoms in a newborn child are most often present, however, parents should remember that it is strictly forbidden to make a diagnosis on their own and use therapeutic agents. All decisions related to the diagnosis of the disease, as well as its treatment and dosage of medicinal drugs, are made by the attending physician. If you follow all the recommendations of a specialist, the disease will quickly disappear.

The birth of a baby is not only a great happiness, but also new worries and anxieties. A special test for parents is the illness of a little man. Since this is a highly contagious disease, parents are concerned about the question: can a baby get chickenpox?

healthy baby

The easiest way to endure chickenpox is for children of the “sadik” age. But babies can get sick too. How and why the severity of its course in infants depends:

  • the likelihood of illness in a baby up to three months depends on the presence or absence of antibodies in the mother. The safest option is if she has been ill before she is pregnant. There is no reason to be afraid - mother's antibodies vigilantly guard the developing fetus, and then the already born baby. Breastfeeding further reduces this risk. Breast milk significantly strengthens the immune system;
  • as you grow older three to six months mother's protection is getting weaker. But at breastfeeding with mother's milk, a certain amount of antibodies continues to enter the child's body. Therefore, if the baby nevertheless becomes infected with chickenpox, the disease will not cause great suffering to your treasure;
  • a different situation arises if the virus has overtaken future mother in . Immunity to the disease may not be strong enough and the baby that appears when the virus enters becomes ill;
  • if there are no antibodies in the mother’s body, i.e. she never had chickenpox, and the virus overtook the baby, he will surely get sick with severe symptoms;
  • even more dangerous if a woman has chickenpox before childbirth. It can also infect children. Baby is born with an innate form. Such children are characterized by low weight, the presence of scars on the skin, developmental delay.

Incubation period

The varicella-zoster virus is transmitted through the air from a sick person to a healthy person. Can a baby get chickenpox while walking with mom on the street?

In the open air, infection is possible at a distance of 20 m from the carrier of the infection. So we advise mothers not to lose vigilance. But the probability of transmission of "street" infection is still less than indoors.

Depending on the number of infectious cells that have entered the human body, the resistance of its immune system can last from one to three weeks. In infants, this period reduced to 7-10 days.

Incubation period is virtually asymptomatic. Although the causative agent of the infection secretly develops "violent activity":

  • viral cells infect the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract;
  • rapidly multiplying, they are introduced into the bloodstream and spread throughout the body;
  • this period ends with the appearance of characteristic rashes on the skin.

An infected child becomes contagious 10 days before the first rash. This danger persists until the crusts on the burst papules fall off.

Symptoms of a virus attack

With intrauterine infection with chickenpox, its symptoms do not appear immediately. Usually 10-11 days after the birth of the baby. An increase in temperature may be accompanied by vomiting, and sometimes convulsions. Lethargy is replaced by excitability, refusal of the breast.

On the third day, characteristic, reddish nodules appear on the skin of the child. They can be localized over the entire surface of the child's body, even covering the mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes and throat. Often there is damage to the internal organs and the central nervous system. Such severe symptoms can result in the death of the baby.

In a baby who has become infected outside of the mother's illness, it depends on his age, the presence of antibodies and the type of feeding. There are mild and severe forms of the disease.

With a mild course, the temperature does not rise, skin lesions with a rash are not too abundant. Another thing is a severe form of chickenpox. The order in which symptoms appear is as follows:

  • reddish spots appear on the body, gradually filling with a yellowish secret;
  • these painful papules quickly cover the child's body, including the mucous membranes;
  • the appearance of rashes is accompanied by an increase temperatures up to 37 - 41 degrees;
  • develops in waves. At the peak of each wave, a new portion of the rash appears and an increase in temperature;
  • after 5 days, new rashes stop, the previously formed blistering rash dries up, becoming covered with a crust. The disease recedes.
  • Treatment of the disease

Sick, parents suffer - how to help, how to alleviate the condition of the child? Here are some tips for parents. So, if your baby has chickenpox:

  • Only a pediatrician can make an accurate diagnosis and assess the severity of the course. If necessary, agree to hospitalization;
  • with a mild form, you will need to drink plenty of fluids. Cancel complementary foods and completely switch to breastfeeding;
  • at a high temperature, do not forget to give the baby antipyretic drugs prescribed by the doctor in time;
  • blistering rash on the body is very disturbing. To prevent pimples from combing, they are regularly lubricated with either brilliant green or methylene blue. Wear special mittens or undershirts with sewn-in sleeves on the handles. Fenistil gel, which is pointwise applied to the bubbles, helps to reduce itching;
  • papules in the mouth are treated with sea buckthorn oil or kalgel;
  • hygiene procedures should be performed very carefully. Do not use a washcloth and detergents, only a warm shower, after which the baby simply blot with a soft sheet. Change your baby's personal and bedding daily.

All of these actions are aimed at easing the symptoms of this disease. There are no specific drugs to prevent and treat the disease itself.

How to help during an illness?

Chickenpox in infants does not last long, about 7 days. Although it is recommended to isolate from others for 9 days from the onset of the disease.

None of the drugs will replace parental attention. That's why:

  • try to distract the baby from unbearable itching, involve in your favorite games and activities;
  • trim your nails on time. Combed papules can become a source of secondary infection and leave scars on the skin;
  • the itching that bothers the child during the healing of sores can be alleviated by holding for several minutes in a bath with a warm decoction of chamomile or celandine;
  • you can lightly blot itchy areas with a weak soda solution.

The sick person receives, but the virus itself is not removed from the body. Its reactivation in the form of shingles is possible. Most often this happens against the background of a weakened immune system. A person suffering from this ailment is a carrier, and can infect your baby with chickenpox.

Refers to seasonal diseases. The number of cases increases sharply in the winter-spring period. The disease can come to the baby along with the warm spring breeze. They don't call it windmill for nothing.

Who said that curing herpes is difficult?

  • Do you suffer from itching and burning in the places of rashes?
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  • And somehow ashamed, especially if you suffer from genital herpes ...
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  • Effective remedy from herpes exists. and find out how Elena Makarenko cured herself of genital herpes in 3 days!

Data 09 Sep ● Comments 0 ● Views

Doctor   Dmitry Sedykh

Chickenpox is a viral disease that mainly affects children from 2 to 10 years old. Most often this is due to visiting kindergartens and schools, that is, places with a large crowd of people. Chickenpox (another name for chickenpox) is highly contagious and spreads rapidly to other people. However, cases of infection with chickenpox in children up to a year are possible. Once infected, the body develops immunity to the virus, so reinfection is impossible.

There are the following ways of getting chickenpox:

  1. Airborne. With it, the child inhales the microparticles of the saliva of an infected person.
  2. Contact. Infection occurs by touching the rash on the skin.

However, you cannot become infected through objects or things that an infected person has touched. This is due to the fact that the chickenpox virus quickly dies under the influence of the external environment.

The contagiousness of the virus is manifested in the fact that in 90% of cases, contact with the patient may cause infection. In addition, a person who does not yet have a skin rash is contagious: 48 hours before it appears and until all wind elements are covered with a dense crust, a person is considered a carrier of the virus and can infect others.

Chickenpox: transmission routes, incubation period, duration

Symptoms of chickenpox in babies

The first sign of chickenpox in children under one year old is a rash on the body. At first, rashes appear in the form of red spots of a relatively small size. After some time, the stain fills with liquid and swells, forming a bubble. Then the bubble bursts, and a brown crust appears in its place, which subsequently disappears, leaving the skin clean.

Usually the rash does not appear immediately all over the body: within 5 days, the rash spreads over the skin of the child. In rare cases, wind elements are observed on the mucous membrane (for example, in oral cavity). Frequent companions of chickenpox in one-year-old children are general malaise and lack of appetite. This is due to the fact that during the appearance of a rash, the baby's temperature rises to 38 or 39 degrees. Fever and chaotic rashes usually last about 5 days. In rare cases - 6-8 days. After that, the condition of the baby improves significantly.

The rash is usually itchy, and children should be supervised to avoid scratching the blisters or peeling off the scab. Traces of rashes on the body disappear, but when peeled off, scars are possible for life.

The incubation period (the period of time from the moment of infection and the appearance of the first signs of the disease) for chickenpox lasts from 7 to 21 days.

windmill shapes

Chickenpox can be both mild and severe. In the first case, the child's rash does not spread throughout the body, and the temperature does not rise above 38 degrees. In addition to this, there are no headache and runny nose. Of course, the child will still experience a lack of appetite and a bad mood due to itching.

A severe form is possible only in cases where the body and immunity of the child are greatly weakened, or if the infection occurred in utero. Then the body temperature rises sharply to 40 degrees, and the rash covers the entire body and mucous membranes. Also in babies it is accompanied by vomiting, coughing, in some cases even suffocation. With this form of chickenpox, treatment in the hospital is necessary, as complications are possible. Often this form is accompanied by the appearance of a purulent rash.

Treatment Methods

In the case of a mild form of chickenpox in children under 1 year of age, no special treatment or medication is needed. Doctors recommend just waiting out this period. With the appearance of third-party symptoms (headache, temperature), it is necessary to take antipyretic drugs for therapy. To combat itching, antihistamine drops are usually used. For example, you can use fenistil. The dosage is calculated according to a simple formula: the number of drops per number of months (age) of the child.

However, it is worth remembering that children under 12 should not be given aspirin to reduce fever due to the possibility of toxic liver damage and nervous system. You also do not need to use ibuprofen, nurofen and other drugs in this group. Antivirals usually used only in cases of severe disease.

It is also not necessary to smear the rash during chickenpox, the bubbles dry up on their own. Zelenka is usually used only to control the number of rashes, in fact, it is not a treatment for chickenpox. So, if within a few days the places not smeared with green cease to appear, then we can talk about the attenuation of the disease.

During an illness, a child needs rest. Food should be light, more water should be given.

In the case of a severe form of the disease, the child cannot be treated independently. You should immediately contact medical care.

There is a cure for chickenpox. So, in 1995, a vaccine was created that reduces the risk of infection. In case of infection, chickenpox is much easier to carry. This vaccine is also available in Russia. Although some doctors believe that it is better to have chickenpox at a young age in order to get immunity from it for life.

How to treat chickenpox in children - Dr. Komarovsky

How not to treat chickenpox

The most important thing is to remember the dangers of self-medication. Any treatment must be approved by a physician.

Another important point- Abuse of greenery. As already mentioned, it is not a treatment for chickenpox, but is used only to control the disease. You do not need to apply too much green on a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, as it may cause problems with wound healing. As a result, scars and scars will remain for life. At the same time, greenery should be applied only to rashes with a cotton swab twice a day.

Another common myth is that you can't swim. In fact, this is not so, it is only important to observe the following conditions:

  • the child should not have heat;
  • water should not be hot;
  • you can not use a sponge, as there is a chance to tear off the bubbles;
  • after washing, you can not rub the skin, you need to get it wet with a diaper.

In addition, bathing helps reduce the severity of itching.

In addition to this, you should not abuse antipyretic drugs, this can aggravate the course of chickenpox in children.

How children up to a year carry chickenpox

It is possible to distinguish two stages of the course of chickenpox in children under one year old. So, for the first six months, it is easier for children to tolerate chickenpox. This is due to the fact that when they are fed, they receive antibodies along with breast milk mother. This improves the efficiency of their immune system. Of course, this cannot be said if the baby's mother refuses breastfeeding and uses artificial - in such a child, chickenpox is much more difficult when infected. However, the mother must also be immune to the disease.

After 6 months, the mother's antibodies cease to act, and in case of infection, the child suffers chickenpox with great difficulty.

Possible Complications

Complications from chickenpox are rare. They are mainly associated with improper treatment of the rash. This can eventually lead to scarring for life.

In children, chickenpox can progress to damage to the brain and internal organs, although the risk is extremely low. Sometimes there are transitions of chickenpox in the form of depriving. Possible complications after chickenpox are also conjunctivitis, meningitis and other diseases.

So, when the first signs of a rash appear, parents first of all need to seek medical help. In particularly severe cases, you can call ambulance. The treatment is carried out at home. Be sure to follow the instructions of the doctor and do not come up with your own methods of treatment. With the correct execution of all prescriptions, chicken pox will pass without complications, and the child will never have to deal with this disease again.

Also read with this

In this publication, we will tell you: can chickenpox appear in a baby, Komarovsky, as an experienced doctor, will more clearly tell you how to deal with the disease in newborns with chickenpox in his video at the end of the article.

Can a baby get infected and get sick with chickenpox

Many parents often wonder if a newborn can get chickenpox, how severe the disease is in an infant. They are especially worried about the baby when there are already sick children nearby.

A baby at 2-3-4 months may not be afraid of contracting chickenpox if his mother has already been ill. The older the baby, the more likely the infection increases, the baby at six months has a greater risk of getting sick.

A breastfed baby easily and without problems endures the disease, recovers quickly. Since mother's milk contains antibodies that protect the baby. Children up to a year can hardly tolerate chickenpox if they are bottle-fed.

Thus, a baby can become infected with an ailment if it is older than three months. The immune system of the baby has not yet strengthened, it is more susceptible to any infection. Just don't forget this Attentive attitude to the baby will help you avoid problems. If you notice that your baby is not feeling well, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Is chickenpox dangerous for infants under one year old

The probability of contracting a disease of a newborn up to a year largely depends on the mother, if she feeds him with breast milk, this will make it much easier for the baby to endure this disease.

In a newborn up to a month, there is practically no chance of becoming infected. Chickenpox is treated strictly under the supervision of a doctor. Only he will be able to see the degree of complication and prescribe the appropriate drugs. If you turn to the doctor in a timely manner, the disease will proceed well, the baby will soon recover.

Symptoms in newborns are unpleasant: the baby feels weak, often cries, the whole body itches, the temperature rises. This disease in infants should be treated directly in a medical facility so that there are no complications.

The baby has a not quite strong body, the immune system not strong enough, so self-medication and risking the lives of babies is not worth it.

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What does chickenpox look like in newborn babies: photo

In infants under one year old, chickenpox usually occurs in a mild form (if the mother is breastfeeding the child). In the photo you can see the characteristic rashes of the baby.
First, small, single spots appear in the baby. They quickly turn into bubbles filled with a clear liquid.

Then the appearance of red spots occurs in waves, each rise is associated with an increase in temperature. After a day, the bubble turns into a dried crust. In the photo you can see in babies: red, round spots, small blisters and crusts at the same time.

For the mother of a baby of 6-7-8 months, this disease is a real test that needs to be dealt with by applying maximum amount diligence and patience. Therefore, if you notice signs of the disease, you should immediately rush to the doctor for an appointment. Only he will prescribe the right treatment and give the right recommendations whether chickenpox is dangerous for babies and older children. Definitely, with the right treatment, the disease does not cause concern.

Some babies still have a hard time with chickenpox: high fever, the process of rash begins in the throat area, which can lead to difficulty in the child's breathing. In a serious condition, hospitalization of the baby is necessary. It is worth noting that congenital chickenpox appears if the pregnant mother has had this disease (in 25% of cases).

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Chickenpox in infants: Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky says that chickenpox in infants requires increased attention from parents and specialists. The doctor notes that many parents actively smear the child with brilliant green. But it is worth noting that this remedy is not a medicine, it does not cure. If the little one had chickenpox, he will not encounter this disease in the future.

Komarovsky claims that in this disease, in no case should aspirin be given to the patient (as an antipyretic drug). During the illness, itching worries, it begins to intensively comb the skin, this leads to negative results, the consequences of this phenomenon: wounds that remain for a long time. It is necessary to distract the baby, cut short nails, change bedding daily.

In our article, Komarovsky's video answers the questions of what to do if a baby gets chickenpox, why is it dangerous. It is necessary to avoid overheating, because if the patient sweats a lot, the itching intensifies, this must be avoided.

Thus, Dr. Komarovsky advises taking less medication, distracting the child so that he does not scratch the rash much. You need to bathe the baby as often as possible, observe hygiene, all this will help you recover as quickly as possible, following these recommendations, you will make the baby better.

If the baby gets sick at 3 weeks, you should immediately contact an experienced doctor.

In the video below, you will find answers to how babies get chickenpox. The forum of young mothers talks in detail about the features of the treatment of chickenpox, there are reviews about effective drugs with this disease.

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Chickenpox is caused by the Varicella-Zoster virus from the herpes family. It is highly volatile and spreads rapidly through airborne droplets. For infection, it is not necessary to contact the patient, it is enough to be in the same room with him, because it is not for nothing that the infection is called chicken pox.

Possible ways of infection and the likelihood of developing the disease

It is generally accepted that babies under 3 months of age who are breastfed are protected by maternal immunity from many diseases, including chickenpox. Once having been ill with it, the body produces antibodies that protect the person for the rest of his life. Therefore, if the mother had chickenpox, then the child will not get sick with it until this age.

You can infect a baby even before childbirth, if a pregnant woman gets chickenpox 2-3 days before the baby is born. This is due to the fact that the production of antibodies takes time, 5-7 days, and the body does not have time to cope with the virus. The baby will be born already with chickenpox, which in this case can be severe.

There is also no protection in babies whose mothers did not have chickenpox and were not vaccinated against this infection. There is a high probability of being infected in children who are on artificial nutrition. Their disease can also be very difficult.

All babies older than 3 months are likely to get chickenpox upon contact with the patient. During this period, those who are breastfeeding continue to receive maternal antibodies, so the disease is mild. The rest of the kids tolerate the virus more difficult.

Why is chickenpox dangerous?

Chickenpox is a disease characterized by blistering rashes. The main feature is that they do not appear all at once, but in several steps. The rash period lasts from 3 to 8 days. Each time the appearance of a rash is accompanied by a deterioration in the condition, appear:

High temperature, which is not knocked down by medications;
- headaches;
- body aches;
- itching.

Rashes are located throughout the body of the baby, on the outer and internal organs, mucous. This is one of the danger factors, the child may begin to choke. He refuses to eat because pain and becomes very moody.

Severe itching and pain are constant companions of chickenpox. Combing the blisters, the child provokes new rashes. Pimple fluid is highly contagious and can easily infect another person. If other infections enter an open wound, the child's condition worsens, purulent abscesses and bloody pimples may appear, and scars will remain after healing.

Infection with chicken pox in babies up to a year old can cause the development of such serious diseases as encephalitis, pneumonia, otitis media. After chickenpox, disturbances in the work of the kidneys, heart, nervous system, and musculoskeletal system are sometimes observed. Re-infection leads to the appearance of shingles, the infection is very painful.

Complications are known to occur in children with weakened immune systems or with congenital disorders in this area. If the baby was born strong and healthy, then when the first symptoms of chickenpox appear, you should not panic. It is necessary to call a doctor and in the future strictly follow his recommendations. In most cases, the disease proceeds without complications and in a mild form.