Drops in the nose from a profuse coryza. Effective drugs for the common cold

On the Internet, you can now easily find a rating of the best remedies for the common cold, which is considered a fairly harmless disease. However, an unhealthy person in such a situation experiences significant discomfort in the form of nasal congestion, which interferes with the normal course of the respiratory process, doing household and work chores, and also does not allow you to get enough sleep. With chronic nasal congestion, oxygen starvation develops, the voice is deformed, and bacterial infections join.

To date, numerous pharmacies offer a huge range of products aimed at eliminating nasal congestion. However, it is necessary to know which medicine to choose and how to do it. The nose begins to react with the release of mucous secretions to the appearance of a viral, bacterial or fungal infection or any allergen. In addition, the cause of the development of rhinitis can be a failure of the hormonal system and improper functioning of the autonomic system - these factors are classified as vasomotor.

There is also such a phenomenon as the drug nature of the disease, which is due to the excessive use of vasoconstrictor drops.

Although it is possible to use folk remedies, it is better to choose a drug by consulting a doctor who, after a thorough examination, will make an accurate diagnosis. All drugs for the common cold can be divided into several groups, which are both cheap and expensive, or, for example, saline, antiseptic or plant-based. The most popular will be discussed in this material.

Drops with vasoconstrictive action

This type of nasal drops is prescribed for excessive expansion of the vessels of the nasal passages, accompanied by tissue edema. With a runny nose for less than a week, as well as in the absence of manifestations of a bacterial or allergic form, adults can independently purchase any drug from this group.

Such a classification of medicines as vasoconstrictor drops includes a list of components that affect adrenaline recipes that contain peripheral capillaries and contribute to their narrowing:

  1. Naphazoline;
  2. Oxymetazoline;
  3. xylometazoline;
  4. Phenylephrine.

The impact of the above components reduces the degree of swelling of the nasal passages, from which mucous secretions come out, which helps to restore breathing.

The main therapeutic effect from the use of this drug is due to naphazoline, which narrows the vessels of the nose, due to which the swelling subsides and the number of mucous formations decreases. In addition to the fact that naphazoline has a local effect, part of it enters the bloodstream.

With frequent use, the drug negatively affects the cardiovascular system and kidneys. When exposed to the heart, the frequency of its contractions increases, as does the blood pressure.

Sanorin is available in three varieties, the indications for the use of which depend on the cause of rhinitis. The drug should not be used in the presence of individual intolerance to the components of the drug, as well as in a number of diseases. Side effects include insomnia and dizziness. On sale Sanorin is presented in the form of a spray and drops.


  • decrease in swelling of the mucosa;
  • the number of mucous formations decreases;
  • you can drip at night;
  • four names of the drug;
  • the possibility of using in the form of drops or spray;
  • low cost.


  • the entry of components into the blood;
  • negative effects on the heart and kidneys with excessive use;
  • the possibility of increasing pressure and exacerbation of tachycardia;
  • the presence of side effects such as insomnia and dizziness.

Otrivin is a Swiss drug that is highly effective due to its vasoconstrictive action. The use of this drug helps to completely remove the swelling of the mucous membrane, but does not contribute to the treatment of rhinitis - it should be used to facilitate nasal breathing. Being fairly safe, Otrivin rarely causes side effects. There are three forms on the pharmaceutical market in which this drug is sold: spray, drops and liquid to rinse the nose. The advantage of the spray is ease of use, as well as dosage accuracy. Drops allow you to reduce the dose of the drug used. Nasal lavage fluid helps flush out mucous secretions along with viruses and bacteria.

Otrivin can be used for any kind of rhinitis, including allergic, except chronic. The nested instruction allows the use of people of any age category. The use of Otrivin for longer than a 10-day course is unacceptable - this will lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the drug, as well as the rapid development of tachyphylaxis. Nasal lavage is not addictive. With prolonged use of the spray and drops, addiction appears. Side effects include such manifestations as headaches, dizziness, arrhythmia, high blood pressure. Also, it is not recommended to use Otrivin for a number of chronic diseases. The drug is sold at a price slightly cheaper than 220 rubles.


  • high efficiency of action;
  • complete removal of mucosal edema during the first applications;
  • the ability to completely normalize the respiratory process;
  • the rarity of side effects from use;
  • sale in pharmacies in three forms;
  • the possibility of application for any type of rhinitis;
  • flushing out viruses and bacteria from the nose;
  • suitable for children from birth and adults;
  • spray allows you to accurately dose the medicine used;
  • the possibility of introducing a small dose in a drop form.


  • effective only for short-term use;
  • development of tachyphylaxis from prolonged use;
  • drops and spray are addictive;
  • there are a number of side effects;
  • can not be used for some chronic diseases.

Means of antibacterial orientation

The action of any antibacterial agent aimed at the destruction of microbial infections that cause a runny nose.

Isofra is a French antibiotic moisturizing drops that is sold as a spray and in a bottle. Isofra can be successfully used for sinusitis. Contraindicated for use up to one year, as well as in the presence of individual intolerance to the components. Despite the fact that this drug is suitable for most patients, in some cases it can cause allergic reactions. It is not recommended to extend the course of treatment for more than a week. It is released on prescription from a doctor who prescribes how to take the medication. The cost of the drug is about 200 rubles.


  • antibacterial principle of action;
  • the ability to buy a spray or bottle;
  • the presence of special antibiotics in the composition;
  • acceptable use for sinusitis.


  • the minimum age of use is one year;
  • contraindicated for use due to individual intolerance to the components;
  • can cause allergies;
  • the course of treatment cannot exceed one week;
  • sold by prescription.


Polidexa is a French antibiotic drug for rhinitis. In pharmacies, it is sold in the form of colorless drops and spray. It contains a number of potent components, such as universal antibiotics, hormones and vasoconstrictor components. The use of Polydex helps to get rid of congestion in the ears, nasal voice, and pain in the nose. The drug costs about 350 rubles.

It is unacceptable for use in case of individual intolerance to the components, as well as allergic reactions to them, as well as at the age of up to three years, in the presence of a number of chronic diseases. It is not used before competition by professional athletes, as it can interfere with doping test results. Since the drops are not absorbed into the blood stream, the possibility of an overdose is excluded. An allergic reaction may appear in the form of skin rashes. Drops can be used with other drugs, except for individual antibiotics and Aspirin. Cannot be used during vaccinations.

Polydex with phenylephrine spray nasal bottle 15 ml


  • antibiotic orientation;
  • the possibility of buying in the form of a spray or drops;
  • a combination of potent components in the composition;
  • removal of a number of symptoms of the common cold;
  • drops are not absorbed into the blood;
  • an overdose of this drug is excluded.


  • the cost is higher than analog competitors;
  • inability to use with individual intolerance;
  • can not be used with a tendency to allergic reactions;
  • the minimum age of application for children is three years;
  • should not be used before doping tests;
  • possible manifestations of allergies in the form of rashes on the skin;
  • can not be used with Aspirin and a number of antibiotics;
  • prohibited for use in combination with live vaccinations.


A phenomenon such as an allergic rhinitis can cause contact of the mucous membranes of the nose with allergens, as well as when eating certain foods. The selection of antihistamines is carried out by the attending physician after a detailed examination and identifying the allergen.


Allergodil is an Italian antihistamine for the common cold. For the treatment of the nasal region, it is sold in the form of a spray. It is used for allergic reactions of seasonal and non-seasonal origin. Used until allergy symptoms are eliminated. The advantage of the drug is its low cost - from 300 rubles. Can be used continuously for six months. Can cause a number of side effects.


Allergodil spray


  • anti-allergic effect of the spray;
  • for the treatment of the nose is presented in only one form;
  • can be used for seasonal and non-seasonal allergic reactions;
  • affordable price;
  • the possibility of long-term use.


  • the presence of side effects.


Cromohexal is a German antihistamine drug, presented in the form of a spray. The approximate average price for a bottle of spray is about 200 rubles. Taking this drug, which relieves swelling, itching and has an anti-allergic effect, is allowed for a month. Recommended for medical rhinitis. This drug is best not used by people who have intolerance to any of its constituents. Contraindicated in pregnant women. The minimum age for application is five years. Cannot be used when kidney failure. Perhaps the manifestation of an allergic reaction in the form of irritation of the mucous membranes and a change in taste reactions.


Kromoheksal spray


  • antihistamine orientation of the drug;
  • removal of swelling of the nose;
  • reduction of itching;
  • the possibility of long-term use;
  • prescribed for medical rhinitis.


  • contraindicated in the presence of individual intolerance;
  • prohibited during pregnancy;
  • can not be used before the age of five;
  • contraindications for renal failure;
  • may lead to irritation of mucous membranes;
  • able to influence taste reactions.

Medicines to fight viral infections

Antiviral types of drugs are used if the patient's immune system is weakened, as well as for the prevention of respiratory diseases. Their action is based on the actuation immune cells that stop the spread viral infection. Also, such compounds contribute to an easier course of the disease.


Interferon is an antiviral drug with a wide spectrum of action, which can be classified as budget analogues of expensive ones. Since the main focus of the drug is the destruction of bacteria, it is not advisable to use it for prevention or for initial stage development of rhinitis. In pharmacies, it can be bought in the form of a spray, powder or drops. Released without a prescription. However, it cannot be used for certain diseases. Also, using Interferon, the patient may feel an increase in body temperature, which is due to the production of immune cells by the body. In rare cases, side effects are possible. The substance is not among those absorbed into the blood. Another thing to pay attention to - Interferon is not recommended for combination with vasoconstrictor drops, in order to avoid overdrying of the nasal mucosa. The cost of the liquid form is from 125 rubles.

Interferon liquid

Interferon leukocyte


  • antiviral orientation of the drug;
  • has a wide spectrum of action;
  • sold in three forms;
  • can be bought without a doctor's prescription;
  • not absorbed into the general circulation.


  • not suitable for prevention;
  • contraindicated in a number of diseases;
  • not applied at the onset of the disease;
  • possible increase in body temperature;
  • side effects may occur;
  • cannot be combined with vasoconstrictor drops.

Ingaron is an antiviral medication belonging to the generic group. Presented on the market in the form of drops, activating the activity of immune cells and killing microbes. Suitable for use at the beginning of SARS or influenza. The course of treatment is one week. disadvantage medicinal composition is its high cost - about 1000 rubles per bottle.


  • kills viral bacteria;
  • activates the activity of immune cells;
  • can be applied on initial stage infectious disease.


  • the duration of the course is a week;
  • high price.

To date, pharmacy chains have provided a huge number of drugs for the common cold of various directions. This material presented the best of them, according to Russian consumers, as well as their advantages and disadvantages, helping to answer the question of which is better to buy. However, this list is not exhaustive - a separate topic is a number of recommendations on how to choose analogues. However, before purchasing any drug, you should consult your doctor.

What remedy for a cold helps you?

Faced with any ailment, it is important to learn about it as much as possible. Forewarned is forearmed. Having a full range of information about the pathology, a person knows when to see a doctor, what symptoms to focus on, whether it is possible to get rid of health problems on their own and what complications should be prepared for.

The site provides information about various diseases, their symptoms and methods of diagnosis, directions of therapy and a specific list of drugs. Publications are created by our own using reliable scientific sources and are presented in an easy-to-understand manner.

In the first section " traditional medicine» Information materials on various medical fields are published. The second section " cold health» is dedicated to ENT topics and colds, as the most common diseases in the world. The third section "" (abbreviated as N.I.P.) - the name speaks for itself.

We wish you happy reading and stay healthy!

Sincerely, Site Administration.

Runny nose (in medicine - "rhinitis") occurs as a result of swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity due to contact with it pathogenic microorganisms.

In the body, the fight against bacteria or viruses begins and, as a result, an inflammatory process develops in the nose. How to be treated and what are the best folk remedies for a runny nose and nasal congestion, proven more than once in practice, can come to our aid?

Say "no" to a runny nose: effective treatments.

In the first days, a runny nose is accompanied by a copious secretion of clear mucus and sneezing. In the second stage, edema causes nasal congestion.

The third phase is characterized by the release of a purulent exudate of a yellow-green hue, which is associated with a high content of leukocytes that fight a virus or infection.

Many pharmaceutical preparations do not help to cure a runny nose, but only help to relieve swelling, that is, eliminate congestion. A person's breathing becomes easier, and involuntarily he often uses this or that medicine, which leads to addiction.

No wonder therapists forbid more than 4-5 days to use the same remedy. For these reasons, many people seek to recover on their own, using folk methods.

If the symptoms of rhinitis have just appeared, rinsing with saline solution or sea ​​water. These funds wash out all the bacteria out, moisturize the nasal mucosa. At the same time strengthening the immune system, for example, taking rosehip decoctions or garlic-lemon tincture, you can prevent the second phase of the development of the disease - the appearance of mucosal edema.

Steam inhalation with essential oils. They can be purchased at a pharmacy or online store. For example, the products of the Swiss company Just-Narin-Vivasan have proven themselves well. You can use lemon, orange, eucalyptus oils for inhalation. They not only give a warming and moisturizing effect, but also help strengthen the immune system. Foot bath with mustard. Do only when normal temperature bodies! For 6-7 liters of hot water put 1 tbsp. l. mustard powder by adding some salt and soda. Immediately after the procedure, they lie down in bed, wearing woolen socks. It does not hurt to immediately drink tea with raspberries, linden or honey. This method cannot be used for varicose veins, increased blood pressure, pathologies of blood vessels, heart, kidneys. Washing. An incomplete teaspoon of sea salt is placed in warm water, 5-10 drops of iodine are added. Rinse the nose with a small syringe. This procedure gives the best result when the solution penetrates from one nostril to another. A little practice, and it will turn out effortlessly. Warming up. Wipe the hard-boiled chicken eggs and place in a cotton bag. Keep on the sinuses alternately until they cool down. Go to the steam room. If a person does not suffer from hypertension, kidney and heart diseases, going to a Russian bath will help. After steaming properly, rub the sacrum with a mixture of salt, honey, grated horseradish and radish, taken in the same ratio. Between visits to the steam room, drink tea with raspberries, lemon balm or rosehip broth. The next morning, there will be no trace of the symptoms of a runny nose. Chewing honeycombs. For several minutes, it helps to relieve inflammation in the sinuses (after that, the honeycomb should be spit out). Foot massage. It should be done mainly at bedtime with a warming ointment ("Doctor Mom",). After the procedure, put on warm socks made of natural fabric, drink tea with honey and lemon. Flat cakes for heating the sinuses. Take 1 tbsp. l. honey, sunflower oil, mustard powder and flour, replace the dough. Flour can be added if one spoon is not enough to get the desired consistency. The cakes are placed in gauze and the nose is heated on both sides alternately for 10 minutes. Application of "iodine mesh" in the area of ​​the nose and thyroid gland.

The best and most effective remedies for a runny nose and nasal congestion: video

It is in the second phase of rhinitis that patients begin to complain of severe discomfort, which is provoked by mucosal edema, which prevents normal breathing. Sometimes the state of health is so bad that you have to take a bulletin from the therapist and be treated for several days at home. The best option for this is a combination of medicines prescribed by a doctor and folk recipes:

Buy marshmallow, licorice and elecampane at the pharmacy, mix these herbs. 10 g pour 500 ml of filtered water. Insist during the day (about 7-8 hours). Drink 100-200 ml three times a day.

Garlic drops. Crush 5 slices, pour 50 g of boiling water. Let stand 2.5 hours. Pour in 1 tsp. vegetable oil(preferably unrefined). Instill regularly: 3 drops three times a day.

Cabbage juice. Bury in each nasal passage 2 drops three times a day.

Make a composition of sea buckthorn oil, fresh calendula, cocoa butter, honey and propolis (30, 20, 15, 10 and 5 grams, respectively). Soak cotton swabs in it and put in each nostril for 20 minutes.

Beet juice or beetroot broth. Buried a few drops 3 times a day or washed with a decoction using a douche. If there is no allergic reaction, it does not hurt to dilute a little honey in the broth.

Carrot juice with honey and propolis. The components are taken in a ratio of 2:2:1. Buried in each nostril 3 drops 4-5 times a day.

Drops based on aloe. Cut off one or two leaves of the plant, wash and squeeze the juice. Strain through cheesecloth and drip 2 drops 3-5 times a day in each nostril. You can not prepare juice for the future: it quickly loses its properties. It is better to take drops every morning.

In the summer, strawberries will help out. Boil the leaves and breathe in the steam, covered with a warm towel or blanket. Do the procedure 2 times a day - in the morning and before bedtime. On the days of procedures, drink a decoction of 250 ml orally after meals.

An excellent effect is given by the composition of the cyclamen tuber, aloe leaf, Vishnevsky liniment (available without a prescription at any pharmacy), honey and onion juice. Prepare all components in equal volumes and make a homogeneous mixture. Put in a glass dish, close the lid. Moisten cotton swabs and put in each nasal passage for half an hour. Keep the composition in the refrigerator, but bring to a warm state (approximately 36 ° C) before use.

Clay water. Drip, then shake your head in the direction back and forth. Then blow your nose and repeat the same twice.

Laurel drops. 20 dried bay leaves put in a glass of boiling water and let stand for half an hour, then add 1 tbsp. l. honey. Three times a day, instill 2 drops into the nostrils.

Source: site If the disease has acquired chronic form then you can help yourself in the following way. You will need 2 lemons and 150 g of grated horseradish root. It is important to use horseradish no later than 7 days after it was collected. Mix the peeled and grated root of this plant with lemon juice, drink inside 0.5 tsp. morning and evening half an hour after eating. If you regularly take this mixture, after 3 months or even earlier, the maxillary sinuses will be cleared of thick mucus.

Remedies for the common cold for children

The danger of pharmacy drops and sprays from the common cold for children is that they are often addictive. To avoid this, do not use the same drug for more than 5 days. Doctors prescribe this or that medicine to the child, based on the etiology of the disease. There are several types of them:

Home Treatments for Children

The difficulty of treating rhinitis in children lies in the fact that at an early age they cannot free their nose from mucus (in other words, blow their nose). A healing plant such as Kalanchoe can become an assistant.

Growing it in an apartment is not difficult. If the disease progresses, a few drops of freshly squeezed juice from Kalanchoe leaves should be dripped into each nostril. It not only relieves inflammation with regular use, but also cleans the child's nasal passages, thereby relieving him of discomfort.

A mixture of Kalanchoe juice and fresh honey, taken in equal parts, also helps children with rhinitis, especially if given with a warm decoction of St. John's wort or lemon balm.

Infants are treated with carrot or beetroot juice. It should be instilled, previously diluted with boiled water. If the inflammation of the nasal mucosa has not yet passed into the third phase, accompanied by thick secretions, sea buckthorn oil can be used for treatment (twice a day, 1-2 drops in each nasal passage).

It relieves swelling very well. It can be harvested in the summer by yourself or purchased at a pharmacy. stored sea ​​buckthorn oil in the refrigerator, but before each use it is better to pour a few drops into a warmed spoon.

During the procedures, extreme care must be taken so as not to burn the mucous membranes and skin of the face, neck, hands. Bring the steam temperature to the point at which the child will sit and breathe the steam calmly, without experiencing severe discomfort.

When carrying a fetus, many women often suffer from rhinitis. Moreover, its etiology is not always clear to the attending physician. In order to make an accurate diagnosis, the patient is assigned tests. The causes of illness in pregnant women can be different: the common cold or SARS, allergic reactions, disruptions in the hormonal system of the body.

Having found out what exactly caused the rhinitis, the therapist selects the treatment on an individual basis. Most often, preference is given to plant-based drops and sprays (Pinosol), moisturizers (Dolphin complex, AquaMaris, Aqualor drops).

If rhinitis is caused by a cold, the doctor will definitely prescribe "Grippferon" - this remedy has proven itself well in the treatment of pregnant women. It increases the resistance of the female body to any bacteria, viruses, infections.

In advanced cases, doctors prescribe vasoconstrictor drops, although they are undesirable, since they sometimes cause attacks of hypertension, spasms and other adverse events, ultimately leading to fetal hypoxia.

Therefore, during pregnancy, it is better to occasionally use such remedies or not to use them at all, but to try to quickly cure a runny nose with safe drugs or folk methods.

Trying to get rid of rhinitis during pregnancy, it is important not to forget about drinking plenty of water. It can be decoctions, herbal teas, natural juices, compotes, fruit drinks, simple mineral water without gas.

The safest method is to wash the sinuses with a weak solution of salt or sea water. Freshly squeezed apple, beetroot, carrot juice also helps to overcome the disease.

Massage can be used as an aid: you should press on the points at the base of the nose. This procedure gives excellent results. Nobody canceled and inhalation during pregnancy. Boiled garlic or onions, tincture of eucalyptus, mint and lemon balm, potato steam - you can use all these remedies, but only if the woman does not have a fever.

Drugs for the treatment of the common cold: what are they?

Such a phenomenon as rhinitis causes great discomfort to the patient. Often the general state of health worsens, there comes a breakdown. A person loses his sense of smell, cannot freely inhale the air. All this affects performance.

Before each patient, the question arises: how to get rid of a runny nose in a short time? First of all, the right choice of drugs is important. So, what are the main types of medicines offered at the pharmacy?

  • Vasoconstrictor drugs for the common cold

Often, such funds simply cannot be dispensed with, since they effectively relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, thereby stabilizing the breathing process. If you have been prescribed "Xilen", "Rinostop", "Otrivin", know that they cannot be used for a long time and more than four times a day.

  • Antiviral drugs for the common cold

If rhinitis appeared due to the penetration of the virus into the body, the doctor will prescribe drops "Grippferon", "Oxolin" in the form of an ointment. These agents are effective against pathogens because they contain interferon. In parallel, antiviral tablets are prescribed orally (Rinza, Arbidol, Anaferon, Rimantadine). Many antiviral drugs for rhinitis are produced by genetic engineering.

  • Immune-stimulating drugs for the common cold

Indispensable at the initial stage of the development of rhinitis. In spring and autumn, they can be prescribed in prophylactic doses to avoid a cold. The most famous of them are IRS-19, Immunal, Imudon (children under 2 years of age are contraindicated).

  • Homeopathy remedies

The action of such drugs is aimed at activating the body's defenses. These are Oscilococcinum, Viburkol, etc. Reception should be started upon noticing the first signs of a cold: clear discharge from the nose, sneezing, burning of the mucosa. Treatment is prescribed by a homeopathic doctor.

  • Antihistamines

A runny nose in a person may appear due to an allergic reaction to dust, animal hair, houseplants, pollen, etc. In such cases, the patient is prescribed an allergen test, and antihistamines are selected based on its results, for example, Nasobek, Flixonase, Nasonex ".

  • Means of antibacterial action

In other words, topical antibiotics. These are drugs such as Isofra, Bioparox. They are not absorbed by the blood, but very quickly destroy the bacteria that caused the swelling of the mucosa. The person recovers after a few days.

  • Moisturizing drops

Auxiliaries that facilitate the removal of mucus from the sinuses ("Salin", "Snoop", "Aqualor"). Usually, in their manufacture, water from healing mineral springs, rich in trace elements (Cu, Ca, Mg), is used. The instillation of these drugs normalizes the activity of the glands of the nasal mucosa. There are no restrictions on the frequency of use.

It cannot be argued that any remedy is more effective in eliminating the common cold than another. Drugs are prescribed on an individual basis, taking into account the history, age, and presence of concomitant diseases in the patient.

If you are properly treated at home, and the runny nose does not disappear even after 2 weeks, you should immediately consult a therapist. This will help protect yourself from such serious diseases as sinusitis, otitis, frontal sinusitis, as well as identify the true cause of the disease.

A runny nose is a symptom that causes discomfort to the patient. In addition to the flow of snot, normal breathing through the nose is disrupted, swelling, insomnia, burning and dryness in the nose, and other unpleasant manifestations of rhinitis appear. Does this condition need to be treated? Of course yes.

Therapy primarily depends on the stage of the common cold, the earlier treatment is started, the better for the patient, since only harmless drugs will be needed. In complicated cases, it is necessary to use several nasal remedies of different pharmacological groups. Sometimes pills and injections are connected to the treatment.

In most cases, the treatment of rhinitis is carried out with local preparations, that is, drops and sprays are used in the nose. Do not forget that the uncontrolled use of melon preparations causes severe swelling, and this will only worsen the patient's condition. If you do not treat a runny nose, you may encounter dangerous complications: sinusitis, brain hypoxia and other ailments.

The main complaint of patients with rhinitis is snot and nasal congestion, it is from these manifestations that doctors of nasal remedies are most prescribed. Patients are asked to find effective, but inexpensive drugs, as not everyone can afford expensive pharmaceutical products.

You should not think that domestic and cheap drugs do not give results, they are simply not advertised and not deservedly forgotten.

So that a runny nose does not harm the body, let's look at and determine which medicines will help prevent complications. Just remember, all appointments are made exclusively by the otolaryngologist.

Groups of medicines for rhinitis

Each group of drugs "works" differently, that is, the mechanism of action is significantly different. The therapeutic effect of each remedy also has its own characteristics.

Vasoconstrictor drugs

The most popular representatives of this group are nasal forms, which include naphazoline. These drugs include the well-known naphthyzine and sanorin. Their action lasts up to 6 hours. Relief occurs 5 minutes after instillation. In pediatrics, up to three years, these funds are contraindicated.

According to sales statistics, drugs based on xylometazoline can be noted. These include:

  • otrivin,
  • tyzine,
  • ximelin and others.

These drugs are economical and have fewer side effects. They last longer, about 10-12 hours. For children, only low dosages are used - 0.05% solutions.

For different groups of patients, drugs whose active ingredient is oxymetazoline are also recommended. These include: advance, nazol, nazivin, others. The duration of these funds is about 8 hours. For the smallest patients, 0.05% solutions are used, they can be used up to one year of age.

You can eliminate congestion with the help of drops of lazolvan rino. They contain the active ingredient - tramazolin. The duration of action is 10 hours.

Saline solutions

The most harmless means for the treatment of rhinitis are considered. They can be made independently or purchased at a pharmacy. It is best to use saline solutions at the very beginning of the appearance of snot. In most cases, with a viral infection, it is possible to do without vasoconstrictor and other drops in the nose.

This allows the body to mobilize and cure a runny nose on its own. Thanks to saline solutions, the nose is cleared of accumulated mucus, the nasal passages are sanitized, since salt has an antimicrobial effect.

The most budget saline solution is prepared as follows: 0.5 tsp. salts are diluted in 500 ml of water. In this solution, you can add a couple of drops of iodine and soda (on the tip of a knife). Rinse your nose three times a day. Take 1 ml of the solution into the pipette and inject such an amount into each nostril.

There is a large selection of saline solutions in the pharmacy, here is a list:

  • marimer;
  • no-salt;
  • quicks;
  • saline;
  • other.

No less popular are such products as, hyumer, rinostop aqua,.

Preparations with essential oils

By themselves essential oils have the following properties: antibacterial, analgesic, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, regenerating, immunomodulatory and others. They are often included in ointments, solutions, gels and other dosage forms.

Means containing essential oils have a beneficial effect on the nasal mucosa, of course, if the patient is not prone to allergies.


They've done well." They contain extracts of coniferous trees, such as: fir, pine and eucalyptus. The drug exhibits a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, softens the nasal mucosa, resists viruses, and thins thick snot.

Vitamin E, which is part of the composition, restores damaged mucosa. Pinosol is a combined nasal preparation, but its main effect is associated precisely with coniferous esters.

In pediatrics, the drug is used from the age of two. Pregnancy is not a contraindication for the use of pinosol.


The drug is widely used for complicated rhinitis. Vitaon in its composition contains many active substances: extract of thyme, wormwood, cumin, pine, chamomile, dog rose. The tool is often used by pediatricians.


Ingredients: eucalyptus, fir, mint oil, α-tocopherol acetate. The principle of operation of the drops, like that of pinosol, but the price is lower, about 50 rubles.

The advantage of eucacept is not only the price, but also the ability to use the product for a long time.


These drops have proven themselves in pediatrics. They can be used from the age of three. The main components of the composition: eucalyptus and pine oils, vitamin E. Drops are prescribed for the treatment of viral and bacterial rhinitis.

Nasal rinses

Infusions from medicinal plants are used as an independent remedy for treatment or in complex therapy rhinitis. They are easy to prepare, usually a tablespoon of raw materials is poured with boiling water (250 ml), insisted until cool. Instill 2-5 drops in each nostril.

For the preparation of infusion in the nose, the following plants are suitable:

  • chamomile - perfectly relieves inflammation and swelling;
  • St. John's wort - inhibits the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, eliminates inflammation and stagnation of mucus, improves nasal breathing, increases local immunity;
  • calendula - a natural antiseptic with anti-inflammatory effect;
  • eucalyptus - liquefies and removes thick snot, destroys bacteria, removing the inflammatory reaction.

Cold pills

For the treatment of rhinitis, not only nasal agents are used. In the form of tablets, the following drugs have proven themselves well:

Classical homeopaths with a runny nose prescribe the following drugs:

  • arsenicum;
  • alium cepa;
  • gelsemin;
  • nux vomica;
  • aconite;
  • other.

Homeopathy is a kind of healing that requires an individual appointment. What works for one patient may not work for another.

What means for rhinitis are used for inhalation?

With the help of a nebulizer, rhinitis is treated quickly and effectively. You need to know that drugs with ethers are not filled into the nebulizer.

The following solutions can be filled into the nebulizer:

  • saline (aqualor, saline);
  • alkaline (Borjomi);
  • bronchodilators (ventolin, berodual);
  • antimicrobial (decasan, furatsilin);
  • immunomodulating (gripferon, cycloferon, interferon).


Now let's recap. As you can see, for the treatment of rhinitis, there are many various drugs. They have different dosage form, composition, principle of action, pharmacological properties.

Unfortunately, many citizens purchase medicines on their own, not thinking that they can complicate the course of the disease, at best, simply not getting the desired effect from therapy. Even homeopathic remedies, regardless of their harmlessness, are prescribed only by a specialist.

Allergy sufferers should be especially careful, as this group of patients is most prone to unpredictable drug reactions.

Independently, without doctor's orders, only saline solutions are used. These drugs are approved for use from the first days of a child's life. Therefore, before consulting a doctor, feel free to rinse your nose with a physiotherapy and other preparations based on sea salt. You will receive all other appointments at a face-to-face appointment. Be healthy!

Nasal congestion is a common problem. It can act as the only symptom of a developing disease. Among other signs of a runny nose, it is customary to distinguish: difficulty in breathing through the nose, increased sneezing, the appearance of clear discharge from the nose, loss of organ sensitivity, and other signs. As the main measures for diagnosing the disease, it is necessary to contact a specialist with a narrow focus and conduct an ENT examination of organs. Through this procedure, the form and cause of the common cold are clarified, an effective treatment regimen is developed and drops are prescribed. The list of the most effective is presented in the article.

Features of drops from nasal congestion

There are a large number of drugs on the pharmaceutical market, the action of which is aimed at eliminating the causes. They have a different nature, form of release, price range. The main types of drugs that fight rhinitis are:

  • vasoconstrictor;
  • moisturizing;
  • homeopathic;
  • antiviral;
  • antiallergic;
  • natural, which are based on pomace from plant oils;
  • drugs that include antibiotics and others.

Among the key features of drops from nasal congestion, it is customary to name the following (depending on the direction of their action):

  1. If it occurs, you should use drugs that relieve swelling from the mucosa, and in case of nasal congestion of a different nature, vasoconstrictor drugs;
  2. Protracted rhinitis cannot be treated with medications that include antibiotics. Such a runny nose is eliminated under the influence of homeopathic remedies;
  3. Chronic nasal congestion is treated with drugs that include natural oils;
  4. If the runny nose was infectious in nature, antibacterial and antiviral agents are used.
  5. In addition, you can not use the same drug for more than 5 days. The effect will be the opposite. It is necessary to replace the drug with a similar one, guided by the recommendations of the doctor.
  6. It should be ensured that the medication enters directly into the previously cleaned nasal passage in the right dosage, which corresponds to the age of the patient.

Before using the medication, to eliminate the effects of a runny nose, you must carefully read the instructions and get advice from a specialist.

List of drops for children and adults

Due to the wide variety of drops for the nasal cavity, it is necessary to single out the most effective of them, depending on the direction of their impact.

Preparations for moisturizing the nasal mucosa

As salt preparations, there are:

Spray Humer

Nasal spray containing an aqueous saline solution. Used for hygiene behind the nasal cavity. Also used to eliminate acute respiratory diseases and as part of complex otorhinolaryngological therapy. The occurrence of side effects has not been identified (individual intolerance to sea salt may occur if the dosage is increased);

The drug is prescribed for both children and adults.

The most powerful drug Aqualor - how to do nasal lavage

The action of this salt preparation is aimed at a comprehensive increase in the body's immunity, cleansing the nasal passages of mucus and crusts, promotes the regeneration of cells of the nasal mucosa, and has a moisturizing and anti-inflammatory effect. It is necessary to apply for the treatment of acute respiratory diseases, in case of dryness of the nasal mucosa, with chronic sinusitis, acute rhinitis. It is allowed to be taken by adults and children, as well as during pregnancy and in the process of feeding;

Does Aqua Maris help with a runny nose?

Functional Aqua Marisa similar to the action of Aqualor. The key areas of work are the removal of inflammation and dryness of the mucosa, the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The composition of the product includes a solution of sea salt, as well as minerals and ions of sodium, magnesium, etc. It is available in two types, isotonic (for treatment from birth) and hypertonic (for the elimination of sinusitis).

How to use non-addictive homeopathic remedies

Among the remedies that have a homeopathic effect on the nasal mucosa, there are:

Edas 131 for moisturizing the mucosa

It has a fast therapeutic effect. Fights symptoms of acute rhinitis and sinusitis. Also used as a prophylaxis for tonsillitis, tonsillitis, influenza. Non-addictive, no side effects (rarely associated with individual intolerance to the components);

The drug is available in the form of drops, which include plant substances.

Euphorbium for dry nose

It is used to eliminate all types of rhinitis. Includes 8 homeopathic remedies vegetable origin. Removes inflammation from the nasal mucosa, eliminates signs of allergies. Effectively moisturizes the nasal passages. Available in the form of a spray and drops. Since it is a homeopathic remedy, it does not cause negative consequences;

Good medicinal drug Delufen

The preparation includes herbal ingredients that effectively cope with the manifestation different kind runny nose. In addition, it is used for inflammation of the hearing aid, with poplinosis. Among the contraindications, individual intolerance to the active components in the composition of the product is distinguished.

Antihistamines for allergies against nasal discharge

TO antihistamines can be attributed:

  • Tizin Allergy. Available in the form of a spray. Effectively copes with the suppression of the action of histamines and reduces attacks of allergic reactions (sneezing, nasal discharge). Nausea, dizziness, sleep disturbance are noted as side effects;

You can not use the drug in childhood (up to 6 years) and with strong sensitivity to the components of the drug.

  • Allergodil are eye drops. As a direction of action, it effectively creates a blockade for the development of histamines. It is used in the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis. Among the restrictions: the patient's age is at least 4 years, sensitivity to the active substance. It is not recommended to use in the first trimester of pregnancy and during lactation;
  • Cromohexaleye drops containing cromoglycic acid. Also available as a nasal spray and inhalation solution. This remedy is prescribed for the treatment of allergies, conjunctivitis and other diseases. As side effects note headaches, burning sensation after administration of the drug, rash.

Read more about drops from allergic rhinitis.

Vasoconstrictor drops and sprays if stuffy nose

Effective vasoconstrictor drugs:

  • Xymelin- used to eliminate the symptoms of a runny nose, relieve swelling of the nose, in the treatment of sinusitis, moderate otitis media. Contraindications include childhood before reaching 2 years, tachycardia, brain surgery, glaucoma;

The drug is used with caution when diabetes, disorders in the liver, with intestinal obstruction.

  • Spray and drops for the nose designed to cope with the causes of rhinitis of various origins, facilitates nasal breathing, does not irritate the mucous membrane. Spray is used by adults, and drops are prescribed for children aged 2 to 12 years. The dosage depends on the age group. Rash, itching, headaches, sleep disturbance are distinguished as side effects;
  • is sold as a nasal spray. Applied to eliminate rhinitis in children (over 6 years) and adults. To prevent the occurrence of addiction, it is impossible to change the dosage allowed by the instruction;
  • Nazivin available in two forms with different content active ingredient(spray and nasal drops for children up to a year and after reaching it). Applied to treat the symptoms of rhinitis (removal of edema, nasal congestion);
  • Naphthyzin- is available in the form of drops with a dosage of 0.05% and 0.1% for children and adults. In addition to the treatment of rhinitis, it is possible to use an agent to eliminate conjunctivitis of a bacterial nature;
  • enters the pharmaceutical market in the form of a spray or drops. Through action active substance, the effect of use lasts for 8 hours. Quickly relieves signs of rhinitis, nasal congestion, swelling of the nasal passages.

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy, children under 6 years of age.

You can read the instructions for using Nasonex.

Safe drops with silver to relieve inflammation

To eliminate diseases of the nasal cavity, agents are used, which are based on the active substance - silver. Among them are:

  1. Collargol. The main properties of the drug include work to relieve inflammation, eliminate the action of bacteria and reduce the production of mucus. Use when festering wounds, conjunctivitis, prolonged rhinitis, which is accompanied by an increase in adenoids, chronic inflammation Bladder and other diseases. Contraindications include individual intolerance to silver (with regard to the use in the treatment of children and pregnant women, the decision should be made by the doctor).
  2. Protargol reduces the sensitivity of the skin and mucous membranes, constricts blood vessels, thereby reducing inflammation. Actively used for pharyngitis, runny nose of various nature, otitis, for the prevention of blepharitis in newborns. The duration of therapy is determined by the degree of the disease and is discussed with the attending physician.

Hormonal drops and sprays

Among the hormonal drugs are:

  • Nasonex prescribed for the treatment of seasonal rhinitis, acute sinusitis, shortness of breath. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects. May be addictive. As side effects, bleeding from the nose, headaches, etc .;

Do not use the drug to treat children under 12 years of age.

  • Baconase It comes in the form of an aqueous medicated nasal spray. Scope of action - anti-allergic effect, removal of inflammation. Contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation, glaucoma, pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • Nasoba. Safe spray to eliminate allergies, relieve inflammation and swelling. Actively fights against signs of rhinitis. Contraindications are viral and fungal diseases, respiratory tuberculosis, children's age (up to 6 years), 1st trimester of pregnancy.

More details about hormonal preparations from a cold, read.

Antimicrobial medicines to clear congestion

As antimicrobial agents are:

  • Pinosol- This is a tool that has the properties of inhibiting the reproduction of pathogenic microbes. Available in the form of a spray and drops. They can drip nose and eliminate the signs of rhinitis, get rid of snot, diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Eliminates nasal congestion;
  • Dr. Thais Nazollin recommended for use in acute rhinitis, acute respiratory infections, hay fever, otitis media of moderate severity. The composition includes xylometazoline. It must be used with caution in acceptable dosages according to the instructions;

  • Bacroban acts as a means, which contains the antibiotic mupirocin. Released by prescription. It is used to treat primary infections on the skin, local infections of the nasal passages, paresis and abrasions. Available in the form of an ointment. Not recommended for use in case of allergy to the active element and in case of renal insufficiency.

Antiviral for colds and runny nose

To the number antiviral drugs include Grippferon. It contains the substance interferon, which allows you to effectively kill viruses, increase immunity. Available in the form of drops. It is used at the first symptoms of a cold. Recommended for children over the age of one year, as well as pregnant and lactating girls in consultation with a specialist.

Vegetable from snot

Among herbal preparations, Sinupret is very popular. There is a possibility of use for allergic rhinitis. The composition includes mucolytics, therefore it is also used in the treatment of cough. Available in the form of syrup, drops and tablets.

The drug is used for any type of viral rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis.

With an antibiotic and how to drip them

TO antibacterial drugs include Bioparox, which can be purchased in the form of an aerosol. Is an effective tool sinusitis, pharyngitis, various manifestations of the common cold and other diseases. Bronchial asthma, children under 3 years of age, intolerance to the components of the drug act as contraindications for use.

Effective nasal drops for edema

Drops from edema:

  1. Vibrocil can be used both in the form of drops and in the form of a spray. Good drug, effectively relieves swelling of the allergic type, reduces inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Used to treat different types rhinitis, otitis. Children under one year of age are contraindicated.
  2. Sanorin-Analergin. strong medicine , non-addictive , is aimed at eliminating rhinitis, sinusitis, eustachitis, I use it as a means to stop bleeding from the nose.
  3. It is necessary to use nasal drops according to the instructions, as well as in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor.

    The specificity of the treatment of rhinitis is associated with the method of application medicines from this disease

    1. Initially, the nasal passages should be cleared of mucus accumulated in them. To do this, use solutions with sea salt;
    2. Next, one of the types of medicines is used, depending on the cause of rhinitis.

    It is not advisable to use several types of medicines at the same time. This is due to the fact that their combination can harm the body and provoke allergic reaction to the connection of the components.

    Prevention and how to prevent addiction to nasal drugs

    To prevent the occurrence of a runny nose, you can take measures that increase immunity. In order to reduce the likelihood of copious discharge from the nose, the possibility of inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx should be eliminated.

    The main preventive measures are:

  • dietary adjustments. It is necessary to include in food foods rich in vitamins and minerals (seasonal vegetables, citrus fruits), which have an antiviral effect (onions, garlic), enriched with healthy fats (avocados);
  • it is necessary to monitor hygiene;
  • use medication as needed.

If rhinitis continues for more than 4 weeks, you should immediately contact a specialist. There are other options in which the help of a doctor will be needed:

  • breathing through the nasal passages does not stabilize after two weeks of drug treatment;
  • the appearance of migraine, pain in the eyes;
  • mucus from the nose becomes purulent;
  • there is a general weakness of the body.

Read how to relieve congestion without drops.

Due to the fact that there is a rich choice of remedies for the common cold, the choice of medicine must be approached with caution in order to prevent the development of complications.


This video will show you how to properly bury your nose.


  1. Rhinitis is a disease of the nasal cavity, which is of a different nature.
  2. Among the variety of medicines that help, there are vasoconstrictor, anti-allergic, natural preparations.
  3. Use a medication with an antibacterial effect should only be after consultation with a specialist.
  4. It is impossible to use one drug for a long time.