Analogues, indications for use and side effects. The drug 'Cerebrolysin'

Cerebrolysin is a prescription drug in ampoules for intravenous and intramuscular injection obtained from the brain of a pig.

The drug has a nootropic effect and is used for violations of cognitive functions, to restore the body after a stroke, head injury and others. organic lesions brain.

The issue of selecting Cerebrolysin analogues is relevant for those who are not suitable for the injectable form, if the patient cannot afford an expensive drug or there are other reasons. Coordinate the choice of substitutes with your doctor, many of them are not sold freely in pharmacies.

The drug is synthesized from the brain of a pig and has many beneficial effects:

  • enhances the restoration of damaged parts of the nervous system and has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • prevents the death of neurons in damaged tissue;
  • contributes to the improvement of cognitive functions, concentration of attention and memorization processes;
  • improves the processes of energy metabolism of the brain.

The drug is of particular benefit to patients with Alzheimer's disease when it is a disease-modifying agent. Cerebrolysin reduces the frequency and severity of clinical relapses of the disease, reduces accumulated damage within the brain, slows down the growth of disability for a long time.

Indications for use of Cerebrolysin

The medication is prescribed by a doctor for the treatment of children and adults with the following diseases:

  1. damage to the brain and spinal cord due to trauma;
  2. Alzheimer's disease;
  3. dementia of various nature;
  4. recovery after ischemic stroke;
  5. chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency;
  6. in childhood- delay mental development, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

In the presence of status epilepticus and acute form kidney failure the medication is replaced by approved analogues.

Cerebrolysin - instructions for use

The drug is sold by prescription and used as prescribed by a doctor. Method of use - intravenously, as part of droppers with glucose, saline or Ringer's solution, intramuscularly. The route of administration is affected by the severity of the disease and the age of the patient, the prescribed amount of ml. So, up to 5 ml is injected intramuscularly, from 5 to 10 - intravenously, over 10 ml - added to droppers.

The course of treatment is 10-20 days, the medicine is administered every day. In severe organic lesions of the brain, an increase in the course is possible, according to the scheme in 2-3 days.

Cerebrolysin when to inject - in the morning or in the evening

Cerebrolysin refers to nootropic drugs that are best injected in the morning. With evening administration, an undesirable reaction is possible - insomnia or insomnia.

The patient's well-being during and after the injection is affected by the speed of manipulation. Well tolerated if the drug is administered slowly. With rapid infusions, a person complains of fever, dizziness, sweating, confusion.

Cerebrolysin analogs

The price of Cerebrolysin depends on the number of ml in an ampoule and varies from 1 thousand to 3.5 thousand for 5-10 pieces. Usually, one package is not enough for a course, so treatment becomes inaccessible for some categories of patients, in particular, pensioners. How to replace Cerebrolysin depends on the indications and complaints of the patient, the presence of contraindications, financial possibilities, preferences for the form of the drug (ampoules or tablets).

Modern analogues of Cerebrolysin with prices and country of origin

The Cerepro analogue consists of choline alfoscerate in the form of ampoules and capsules. It is used for dementia, ischemic stroke, TBI, cerebrovascular insufficiency, as a nootropic. It is prescribed by a doctor and dispensed by prescription.

Cerepro analogues with a similar composition:

  • Alfocholine (Belarus);
  • Gleatser (Russia);
  • Gliatilin (Italy);
  • Nooprin (Russia);
  • Cereton (Russia), etc.

Domestic analogue Cytoflavin improves brain metabolism. The medicine consists of succinic acid, riboxin, nicotinamide, riboflavin. It is produced in ampoules and tablets, it is dispensed by prescription for cerebrovascular diseases, cerebral infarction, neurasthenia.


The multivitamin complex Magnesium compensates for the deficiency of magnesium citrate and ascorbate. It is used after injuries, with nervous disorders, for the rehabilitation of people with cardiovascular diseases.

Cerebrolysin or Cortexin - which is better for an adult and a child

Cortexin is an analogue cheaper than Cerebrolysin in ampoules, also obtained from the brain of pigs. Available in powder, before use it is dissolved in sodium chloride, water or novocaine. The drug is administered intramuscularly once a day, with severe lesions - twice a day. It is a painful prick.

Cerebrolysin substitute has similar effects. The drug improves cognitive functions, improves metabolism in damaged brain tissues and protects cells from destruction and adverse factors, accelerates peptide synthesis and metabolic processes. Restrictions for use are pregnancy and individual intolerance to the components.

Cerebrolysin is a similar drug in the form of ampoules ready for administration. It has the same therapeutic effects as Cortexin. It has positive reviews doctors.

What is the difference between the two analogues:

  • The cost of Cortexin is lower.
  • Cerebrolysin is not used in status epilepticus and acute renal failure, in which case Cortexin is the drug of choice.
  • For a child and an adult with a mild degree of brain damage, Cortexin is recommended; in severe conditions, Cerebrolysin is more often prescribed.

Which is better - Cortexin or Cerebrolysin, depends on the severity of the patient's condition, indications, history of contraindications, financial capabilities.

Cerebrolysin or Actovegin - which is better for blood vessels for an adult

Actovegin is an analogue of Cerebrolysin injections, also available in tablets for maintenance therapy. It is based on hemoderivate of calf blood. Among the therapeutic effects are the activation of metabolism in tissues, the improvement of trophic processes and the stimulation of regeneration.

To figure out which is better - Actovegin or Cerebrolysin, is it possible to take these drugs at the same time, you need to compare them:

  • both drugs have a nootropic effect;
  • with ischemic stroke, dementia, neurological pathologies, it is possible to use any medication;
  • Cerebrolysin is better for improving cognitive functions - memory, attention, learning;
  • Actovegin is more often prescribed for violation of peripheral circulation and diabetic polyneuropathy;
  • sharing is possible, and two drugs cannot be taken into one syringe.

What is better in a particular case is determined by the doctor.

Cerebrolysin or Ceraxon

Ceraxon is a nootropic agent based on citicoline, prescribed for ischemic, hemorrhagic stroke, TBI and cognitive impairment. Often used for the elderly.

One of the differences between the analogue of the drug Cerebrolysin is an additional form in the form of a solution for oral administration. It is packaged in a bottle with a dosing syringe or disposable sachets.

Ampoules of Ceraxon are administered intramuscularly or intravenously, depending on the indications and the severity of the patient's condition. Then it is possible to enhance the effect with an oral solution.

The analogue restores damaged brain cells, improves cognitive functions, prevents the death of ischemic tissues, and reduces the severity of neurological manifestations of diseases.

Ceraxon differs from Cerebrolysin in its lower price and the presence of an additional form of release - a solution for oral administration. Both drugs are used to recover from TBI and stroke, with impaired cognitive function. However, Cerebrolysin is also used in children with developmental delay, hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder, in Alzheimer's disease. The mechanisms of action of drugs are different due to the incoming substances - Cerebrolysin consists of polypeptides, cheap analogue Ceraxon contains citicoline.

Citicoline is also found in Proneiro, Recognan, Neipilept and others. Which is better is determined by the doctor specifically for each patient.

Cerebrolysin or Mexidol - which is better

An analogue of Cerebrolysin in 5 ml ampoules is an antioxidant domestic drug Mexidol. It differs in the spectrum of action and indications.

Analogue Mexidol has an antioxidant, antihypoxic, nootropic, anticonvulsant effect. With a course of treatment, it improves blood supply to the brain and metabolism in tissues, reduces anxiety. Used for acute disorders cerebral circulation, encephalopathy, TBI, mild cognitive and anxiety disorders. Available in ampoules, tablets to enhance the therapeutic effect. The tablet form is suitable for those patients who do not have the opportunity to use injections.

Which is better - Mexidol or Cerebrolysin, depends on the indications.

Cerebrolysin or Piracetam

Piracetam is an analogue of Cerebrolysin in tablets, capsules and injections. The drug is weaker, since it has a nootropic effect, improves metabolism in brain cells, and affects the properties of blood cells.

The main indications for the use of an analogue are the treatment of cognitive impairment after a stroke or other organic brain lesions, the treatment of decreased attention, dizziness, and tinnitus. Not used for hemorrhagic stroke.

Piracetam is marketed by manufacturers under the following trade names:

  • Lucetam;
  • Nootropil.

It is also part of complex preparations with cinnarizine - Phezam, Nookam, Omaron.

What to choose from analogues, consult your doctor.

Cerebrolysin or Cerebrolysate

The two drugs have a similar mechanism of action and healing effects are available in ampoules. Cerebrolysate (Cellex substitute) is more effective in cerebral palsy, nerve root diseases, after brain surgery. The route of administration is exclusively intramuscular.

Cerebrolysin is a studied Austrian drug for developmental delays in children and dementia, after a stroke. This means that as a result of clinical trials, indications, contraindications, side effects, dosing regimen were determined. The drug is used intramuscularly, intravenously and as part of droppers. The only drawback is the high cost.

When choosing between analogues, one should take into account financial possibilities, efficiency and sufficient research.

Discuss the choice of analogues cheaper than Cerebrolysin with your doctor due to possible contraindications, side effects and nuances of purpose. Many medicines with similar actions are not sold freely in pharmacies. Before use, read the instructions for use.

Answers on questions

  1. Cerebrolysin - prescription or not?

    Yes, the drug is prescription and is used as prescribed by a doctor. Dosage, course of treatment are also determined by a specialist.

  2. How is Cerebrolysin administered - intravenously or intramuscularly?

    The method of administration is determined by the doctor based on the patient's condition, severity of the disease, age. The medicine up to 5 ml is administered intramuscularly, up to 10 ml intravenously, over 10 ml is prescribed in the form of droppers with other permitted solutions.

  3. Cerebrolysin raises or lowers blood pressure?

    Among the side effects when using the drug and exceeding the dosage are arrhythmia, heart palpitations, an increase or decrease in blood pressure.

This page contains a list of all Cerebrolysin analogues by composition and indications for use. A list of cheap analogues, and you can also compare prices in pharmacies.

  • The cheapest analogue of Cerebrolysin:
  • The most popular analogue of Cerebrolysin:
  • ATH classification: Phenibut
  • Active ingredients / composition: cerebrolysin

Cheap analogues of Cerebrolysin

When calculating the cost cheap analogues of Cerebrolysin the minimum price was taken into account, which was found in the price lists provided by pharmacies

Popular analogues of Cerebrolysin

# Name Price in Russia Price in Ukraine
1 citicoline
342 rub 1050 UAH
2 phenylpiracetam
Analogue by indication and method of application
415 rub 234 UAH
3 citicoline
Analogue by indication and method of application
495 rub 17 UAH
Analogue by indication and method of application
3228 rub 100 UAH
5 cortexin
Analogue by indication and method of application
555 rub 39 UAH

The list of drug analogues based on the statistics of the most requested medicines

All analogues of Cerebrolysin

The above list of analogues of drugs, which indicates Cerebrolysin substitutes, is the most suitable, since they have the same composition of active ingredients and match the indications for use

Analogues by indication and method of application

Name Price in Russia Price in Ukraine
vinpocetine, piracetam 116 rub 260 UAH
hopantenic acid 214 rub 216 UAH
piracetam, cinnarizine -- 17 UAH
352 rub --
hopantenic acid 300 rub 258 UAH
hopantenic acid 384 rub 262 UAH
nicotinoyl gamma aminobutyric acid 78 rub 63 UAH
phenylpiracetam 415 rub 234 UAH
cerebrocurin -- 978 UAH
dipotassium salt acetylaminosuccinate 3228 rub 100 UAH
noopept 271 rub 320 UAH
-- 36 UAH
combination of many active ingredients 1680 rub 167 UAH
hopantenic acid -- 39 UAH
piracetam, cinnarizine 223 rub --
piracetam, cinnarizine -- 41 UAH
-- 4 UAH
241 rub --
glycine 83 rub --
glycine 25 rub --
porcine brain polypeptides 6520 rub 5000 UAH
glycine 4400 rub --
glycine 25 rub --
phenibut, ipidacrine -- 450 UAH
Combination of phospholipids and cyanocobalamin 2300 rub --
pyritinol 540 rub 75 UAH
102 rub --
piracetam 58 rub 13 UAH
piracetam -- 164 UAH
piracetam 175 rub 16 UAH
Piracetam -- --
piracetam 23 rub 2 UAH
-- --
piracetam -- --
piracetam -- 10 UAH
piracetam -- 14 UAH
-- --
Piracetam -- --
citicoline 2790 rub 83 UAH
citicoline 495 rub 17 UAH
citicoline -- 119 UAH
citicoline -- --
citicoline -- 84 UAH
citicoline -- 100 UAH
citicoline -- --
citicoline -- 50 UAH
citicoline -- 24 UAH
citicoline -- 275 UAH
citicoline -- 233 UAH
citicoline -- 149 UAH
citicoline -- 161 UAH
citicoline -- --
citicoline 342 rub 1050 UAH
citicoline 174 rub 621 UAH
citicoline -- --
citicoline -- 154 UAH
citicoline -- 322 UAH
citicoline -- 38 UAH
acetylcarnitine 378 rub --
citalopram -- 453 UAH
pramiracetam 2590 rub 37 UAH
vinpocetine 23 rub 3 UAH
64 rub --
-- --
vinpocetine 70 rub 22 UAH
vinpocetine 143 rub 89 UAH
vinpocetine -- 14 UAH
vinpocetine -- 17 UAH
vinpocetine -- --
vinpocetine -- --
vinpocetine -- 106 UAH
vinpocetine -- --
vinpocetine -- --
-- 9 UAH
-- 45 UAH
vinpocetine -- --
vinpocetine 42 rub --
phenylpiracetam -- 205 UAH
homeopathic potencies of various substances 227 rub 52 UAH
cortexin 555 rub 39 UAH
505 rub 92 UAH
225 rub 54 UAH
-- 36 UAH
mebicar -- 54 UAH
mebicar -- 36 UAH
90 rub 3 UAH
phenibut 26 rub 87 UAH
-- 8 UAH
piracetam, cinnarizine -- 10 UAH
gamma-aminobutyric acid, piracetam -- 33 UAH
piracetam, cinnarizine 96 rub 15 UAH
piracetam, thiotriazoline 519 rub 15 UAH
piracetam, thiotriazoline -- 25 UAH
piracetam, cinnarizine 258 rub 13 UAH
piracetam, cinnarizine -- 15 UAH

Different composition, may coincide in indication and method of application

To compile a list of cheap analogues of expensive drugs, we use the prices provided by more than 10,000 pharmacies throughout Russia. The database of drugs and their analogues is updated daily, so the information provided on our website is always up-to-date as of the current day. If you have not found the analogue you are interested in, please use the search above and select the medicine you are interested in from the list. On the page of each of them you will find all possible options for analogues of the desired medicine, as well as prices and addresses of pharmacies in which it is available.

How to find a cheap analogue of an expensive medicine?

To find an inexpensive analogue of a drug, a generic or a synonym, we first of all recommend paying attention to the composition, namely, to the same active ingredients and indications for use. The same active ingredients of the drug will indicate that the drug is a synonym for the drug, a pharmaceutical equivalent or a pharmaceutical alternative. However, do not forget about the inactive components of similar drugs, which can affect safety and efficacy. Do not forget about the advice of doctors, self-medication can harm your health, so always consult a doctor before using any medication.

Cerebrolysin price

On the websites below you can find prices for Cerebrolysin and find out about availability at a pharmacy nearby

Cerebrolysin instruction

pharmachologic effect


Cerebrolysin contains low molecular weight biologically active neuropeptides that penetrate the BBB and directly enter the nerve cells. The drug has an organ-specific multimodal effect on the brain, i. provides metabolic regulation, neuroprotection, functional neuromodulation and neurotrophic activity.

Metabolic regulation: Cerebrolysin increases the efficiency of aerobic energy metabolism in the brain, improves intracellular protein synthesis in the developing and aging brain.

Neuroprotection: Cerebrolysin protects neurons from the damaging effects of lactic acidosis, prevents the formation free radicals, increases survival and prevents the death of neurons under conditions of hypoxia and ischemia, reduces the damaging neurotoxic effect of excitatory amino acids (glutamate).

Neurotrophic activity: Cerebrolysin is the only nootropic peptidergic drug with proven neurotrophic activity similar to that of natural neuronal growth factors (NGF), but manifested under conditions of peripheral administration.

Functional neuromodulation: Cerebrolysin has a positive effect on cognitive impairment, memory processes.


The complex composition of the drug Cerebrolysin, the active fraction of which consists of a balanced and stable mixture of biologically active oligopeptides with a total polyfunctional effect, does not allow for the usual pharmacokinetic analysis of individual components.


  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • dementia syndrome of various origins;
  • chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency;
  • ischemic stroke;
  • traumatic injuries of the brain and spinal cord;
  • mental retardation in children;
  • hyperactivity and attention deficit in children;
  • in complex therapy with endogenous depression resistant to antidepressants.

During pregnancy and during breastfeeding Cerebrolysin should be used only after a careful analysis of the ratio of the positive effect of treatment and the risk associated with its implementation. The results of experimental studies do not suggest that Cerebrolysin has a teratogenic effect or has a toxic effect on the fetus. However, similar clinical researches were not carried out.

special instructions

The compatibility of the drug (within 24 hours at room temperature and the presence of light) has been tested and confirmed with the following standard solutions for infusion:

0.9% sodium chloride solution (9 mg NaCl/ml);

Ringer's solution (Na + - 153.98 mmol / l; Ca2 + - 2.74 mmol / l; K + - 4.02 mmol / l; Cl - - 163.48 mmol / l).

5% glucose solution.

Simultaneous administration of Cerebrolysin with vitamins and drugs that improve cardiac circulation however, these drugs should not be mixed in the same syringe with Cerebrolysin. Use only a clear solution and only once.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and work with mechanisms. Clinical trials have shown that Cerebrolysin does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and use machines.

Dosage and administration

Intramuscularly (up to 5 ml), intravenously (up to 10 ml), intravenously, by slow infusion (from 10 to 50 ml).

Doses and duration of treatment depend on the nature and severity of the disease, as well as on the age of the patient. It is possible to prescribe single doses, the value of which can reach 50 ml, but it is more preferable to conduct a course of treatment. The recommended optimal course of treatment is daily injections for 10-20 days.

Acute conditions (ischemic stroke, TBI, complications after neurosurgical operations) - from 10 to 50 ml.

The residual period of cerebral stroke and traumatic injury to the brain and spinal cord is from 5 to 50 ml.

Psychoorganic syndrome and depression - from 5 to 30 ml.

Alzheimer's disease, dementia of vascular and combined Alzheimer's-vascular genesis - from 5 to 30 ml.

In neuropediatric practice - 0.1-0.2 ml / kg.

To improve the effectiveness of treatment, repeated courses can be carried out until there is an improvement in the patient's condition due to treatment. After the first course, the frequency of prescribing doses can be reduced to 2 or 3 times a week.

Side effects

Reaction to administration: with excessively rapid administration, in rare cases, a feeling of heat, sweating, dizziness is possible; in isolated cases - palpitations or arrhythmias. Therefore, the drug should be administered slowly.

From the digestive tract: rarely - loss of appetite, dyspepsia, diarrhea, constipation, nausea and vomiting.

From the side of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system: in rare cases, the expected activation effect was accompanied by agitation (manifested by aggressive behavior, confusion, insomnia). There are reports of occurrence in isolated cases (

From the side immune system: extremely rare - hypersensitivity reactions or allergic reactions manifested by headache, painful sensations in the neck, limbs, lower back, shortness of breath, chills and a collapsing state.

Local reactions: rarely - redness of the skin, itching and burning at the injection site.

Other: extremely rare - according to the results of studies, cases of hyperventilation, arterial hypertension, arterial hypotension, fatigue, tremors, depression, apathy, dizziness and flu-like symptoms (cough, runny nose, respiratory tract infections) have been reported.

It should be taken into account that some unwanted effects(excitation, arterial hypertension, arterial hypotension, lethargy, tremor, depression, apathy, dizziness, headache, dyspnea, diarrhea, nausea) were identified during clinical trials and occurred equally in patients receiving Cerebrolysin and in patients in the placebo group.

All information is presented for informational purposes and is not a reason for self-prescription or replacement of the drug.

Due to the high price, intolerance, the appearance of pronounced side effects or hypersensitivity to the components, patients are often asked to replace Cerebrolysin with something - analogues are usually cheaper and better tolerated. But when choosing a drug, you should take into account many other nuances and first consult a doctor.

Cerebrolysin analogues in tablets and other oral dosage forms

It is immediately worth noting that there are no direct analogues of the described medication, according to its active substance (hydrolyzate from the brain tissue of a pig). Generics that are closest to Cerebrolysin and produce an identical effect will be considered.

The best synonymous nootropic in the form of tablets is considered. It is also based on a natural active ingredient - calf blood hemoderivat after thorough cleaning (deproteinization).

Actovegin acts as follows:

  • normalizes metabolism in brain cells;
  • improves the balance of energy in the tissue;
  • increases oxygen consumption, preventing hypoxia;
  • increases the utilization of sugar by cells;
  • reduces manifestations of polyneuropathy;
  • reduces the severity of sensitivity disorders;
  • helps restore mental stability.

Another analogue of Cerebrolysin is Ceraxon. It is available in several dosage forms, one of which is a solution for internal use.

Ceraxon is based on citicoline sodium, which has a wide range of effects:

  • restores even severely damaged cell membranes;
  • prevents the formation of excess free radicals;
  • prevents premature death of active neurons;
  • inhibits the functions of phospholipases;
  • increases the intensity of cholinergic transmission;
  • reduces the extent of brain damage during a stroke;
  • reduces the severity of neurological manifestations and the duration of coma after mechanical brain injury;
  • shortens the recovery period;
  • allows to increase the effectiveness of therapy of cognitive disorders;
  • increases the ability to concentrate;
  • reduces expression.

Synonyms and analogues of the drug Cerebrolysin for intravenous and intramuscular administration

One of the most potent drugs of this type is Cortexin. It is sold in the form of a powder (lyophilizate) for the subsequent preparation of a solution.

The active substance in Cortexin is a complex of polypeptides of the same name with a very low molecular weight, soluble in water. The presented analogue of Cerebrolysin is used to perform injections that have neuroprotective, tissue-specific, nootropic and antioxidant effects.

Cortexin is much more effective in this case:

The already mentioned Ceraxon is considered to be very close in terms of mechanism of action to the analogue of Cerebrolysin in ampoules. It is also available in the form of a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration, having the same properties as an oral liquid. Only in this case, Ceraxon is absorbed faster, and citicoline sodium immediately enters the brain cells through the circulatory system.

For the prevention of recurrent heart attack and for the treatment mental disorders shows Cerebrolysin.

The drug belongs to the group of nootropic substances, enriches brain cells with oxygen, has a slight calming effect.

Active substance- These are peptides derived from the pig brain, which have the same name with the drug.

In the list of indications for diseases of the cardiovascular system, Alzheimer's disease, children's mental problems, heart attack and stroke.

Release form - solution in ampoules and vials. The use is possible even for preventive purposes. The price depends on the number of ampoules in the package, ranging from 700 to 1400 rubles.

Read what are the cheap analogues of Cerebrolysin of domestic and foreign production.

Domestic generics are inexpensive synonyms that also have a beneficial effect on brain function.

Pills differ Russian production among themselves as a list of indications.

Among the best drugs from the group of nootropics:

  • Amilonosar. Release form - solution and tablets. The drug helps prevent a second heart attack or stroke.

    The tablets act directly on the central nervous system, which helps to get rid of migraines and insomnia. The price for a package is 140 rubles.

  • Cortexin. A powerful drug designed for a long course of treatment.

    Injections help restore blood circulation in the brain, have a slight sedative effect. Also on the list of indications are epileptic seizures.

    The drug is contraindicated in children, pregnant and lactating women. The average cost is 1100 rubles.

  • Vinpocetine. The drug also belongs to the group of nootropics, but with the active substance of the same name in the composition - vinpocetine.

    It has a similar effect, it can be found on sale in the form of an injection solution and tablet form. The price for a package is 170 rubles.

  • Picamilon. Domestic generic with a wide spectrum of action.

    The medication can be used to restore normal mental health, during treatment for alcoholism, depression, even helps with headaches. Price - 100 rubles per pack.

Among the drugs of a domestic manufacturer, you can choose an inexpensive option. The cheapest synonym is Picamilon, which you can buy for 100 rubles.

An expensive, but potent drug is sold in injections - Cortexin, costs more than 1100 rubles.

Ukrainian generics

Foreign manufacturers also produce budget medicines. Among the synonyms of Ukrainian production, you can find tablets for 50 rubles.

These drugs belong to the group of nootropics and psychostimulant drugs:

  • Thiocetam. A drug that is prescribed during the rehabilitation period after traumatic brain injury.

    Also, taking the drug is indicated for the prevention of recurrent heart attack and stroke.

    The lack of medication in a large list of contraindications. The price for packing is 500 rubles.

  • Ginkgo biloba. A plant-based drug that is prescribed to increase efficiency and improve brain activity.

    Ginkgo biloba extract has the ability to strengthen blood vessels. Price - 80 rubles.

  • Piracetam. Ukrainian generic, which can even be used to treat children. Age limit - contraindicated in the first year of life.

    Release form - tablets, capsules and solution. The tablet form will be cheaper - only 50 rubles per pack.

The list of nootropics can go on and on.

Each medication has its own advantages and disadvantages. Piracetam is the cheapest synonym, costing only 50 rubles.

However, Ginkgo biloba tablets are a plant-based drug that has a minimum of side effects.

Other foreign substitutes

To improve brain activity, you can look at imported generics. Foreign-made drugs have a similar effect.

You can get acquainted with the brief instructions for use in the table:

Name of imported medicine Description and indications for use Average price in a pharmacy
Nootropil Polish medicine widely used in narcology, psychiatry and neurology. Release form - solution, injections, capsules and tablets.

It has a fairly impressive list of side effects, overdose symptoms were observed during the study

280 rubles
Aminalon It is indicated during the rehabilitation period after a stroke, traumatic brain injury. And for the treatment of migraines, dizziness.

The list of contraindications includes children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as patients with individual intolerance to the components

150 rubles
Ceraxon A close substitute that has an identical mode of action. Instructions for use of the drug does not differ from the list of indications and contraindications of the original.

However, you cannot call it a cheap synonym, its cost exceeds the price of Cerebrolysin

1200 rubles
Piracetam Vial A Chinese drug that can improve memory, increase intellectual abilities and enrich brain cells with oxygen.

Mostly prescribed in old age. It is also used to treat drug addicts and alcoholics from long-term dependence.

70 rubles

The best option in terms of finances is Piracetam Vial. Generic belongs to the group of nootropics, it costs only 70 rubles.

The structural substitute in composition is Ceraxon, the cost of which even exceeds the original. Before starting the treatment course, you must read the full instructions for using the analogue.

Attention! Replacement of the original drug with a cheap generic must be agreed with the attending physician.

You should not make such decisions on your own, each synonym has its own contraindications.

Nootropic drugs are necessary to protect the brain from overload, as well as to restore the body after suffering ischemic lesions. One of the most effective drugs group is Cerebrolysin.

Description and characteristics

Medicines that have a nootropic effect on the body activate the mechanisms of protection, restoration and renewal of the body, cells. The systematic use of the drug helps:

  • reduce heart attack
  • increase neuronal activity and work of the GM;
  • improve blood microcirculation in vessels and capillaries;
  • eliminate neurological and cognitive pathological changes different type.

Patients who depend on someone else's help improve their ability to perform simple daily tasks and self-care. The drug also allows you to slow down the active development of neurodegenerative processes. During the experiments, a range of possibilities for recovery and slowing down destruction during the progression of Alzheimer's disease was established.

The drug accelerates the recovery processes of the body, but does not affect the immune system.

The main substance of the composition is cerebrolysin, which is a peptide compound obtained from the brain of pigs. Release form - solution for injections (5%) in ampoules. The cost of packaging in pharmacy chains is 1000-1100 rubles. Sale is carried out by prescription.

Indications and purpose

The main purpose of Cerebrolysin is to restore the higher abilities of the brain during or after destructive changes in its structure and cells. Indications for use include conditions and diseases:

An indication for use can also be an endogenous depressive state, in which resistance to antidepressants is observed. It is allowed to use in children if there are indications under the supervision of a pediatrician and a neurologist. In such cases, a correction of the standard dosage is required. Perhaps the inclusion of Cerebrolysin in the complex therapy.

How to choose an analog?

The attending physician is engaged in the selection of similar medicines according to indications and individual characteristics of patients. Replacement is usually required if the selected drug is not effective enough or the patient is hypersensitive to its composition. The effectiveness of therapy is studied additionally, including experimentally.

Dosages in the duration of the course of all drugs are selected individually.

The selection criterion can also be a list of contraindications.

Modern nootropic drugs The composition contains natural components (peptides), as well as chemicals. This distinguishes drugs by contraindications, side effects and mechanism of action. It is recommended to inject peptide drugs in the morning or in the evening, chemical drugs must be taken according to the schemes established by the instructions.


The drug is classified as a cerebrovasodilator. The drug helps to improve blood circulation, improves brain metabolism, stimulates the production and metabolism of serotonin, norepinephrine. Used in the fields of medicine:

The medication is used in the form of injections and droppers. The tablet form is sold for oral administration. Not applicable in pediatrics. The average cost of a package is 200-250 rubles.


The drug is available in the form of tablets and solutions for intravenous and intramuscular injections. It has a nootropic, antioxidant, membrane-stabilizing effect on the body. With systematic use, the drug improves the higher abilities of the brain, eliminates the symptoms of hypoxia, ischemia, shock, and restores blood circulation.

Additionally, it is used for craniocerebral injuries, glaucoma, vegetovascular dystonia, myocardial infarction, circulatory disorders of the brain. The average cost of a drug in a pharmacy is 100-150 rubles.


Choline alfoscerate (the main component of Cerepro) improves the cognitive abilities of the brain, regulates reactions, and restores GM activity. The drug improves the condition of patients after traumatic injuries of the brain, dementia, senile destructive changes, stroke.

Do not use the drug for acute forms hemorrhagic lesions of the GM. The medicine in pediatrics is used only at increased risks with a doctor's prescription. The cost of packaging in pharmacy chains is 150-200 rubles.


Active ingredient composition - choline alfoscerate, therefore the drug is an analogue of Cerepro in composition and mechanism of action. The drug shows the best results in the recovery of patients after a stroke, traumatic brain injury.

In pediatrics medicine Gliatilin is used with caution because there are insufficient data on experimental use in pediatric patients. This analogue is more expensive. The average price per package in the regions of Russia is 500-550 rubles.


The main substance (piracetam) has a complex effect on the brain using several mechanisms at once. The component modulates the rate of excitation behavior in GM cells, improves blood microcirculation, dilates blood vessels.

In three forms of release, it helps to prevent and eliminate senile dementia, coma of various types, vertigo. With regular use, the drug restores the activity of the GM and the whole body after trauma, surgery. Packing price - 20-40 rubles.


The basis of the composition of Cerebrolysate is the hydrolyzate of GM cattle. The drug is a close analogue of Cerebrolysin, has a similar mechanism of action and a list of indications for use.

It is allowed to use the medicine in childhood. It allows you to restore concentration, reduce aggression in a child and adolescent. Cerebrolysate in three forms has a small number of contraindications and practically does not cause adverse reactions. Price - 250-280 rubles.


The drug is available in the form of a liquid for oral administration, tablets. The basis of the drug (citicoline) restores the cognitive abilities of the brain, improves concentration, reduces destructive changes in brain tissue. These characteristics make it possible to use in the rehabilitation of traumatic injuries, strokes.

The medicine also helps to fight the effects of chronic and acute hypoxia, improves blood microcirculation. The cost of the medicine is 680-700 rubles.


The basis of the drug is choline alfoscerate. The drug is available in two forms (injections, capsules) and has a nootropic effect on the body. The systematic use of drugs enhances cerebral blood supply, stimulates cellular metabolism.

Choline alfoscerate is included in other analogues, but when replacing it is necessary to take into account the amount active substance in dosage.

GM cognitive indicators improve during the recovery period after injuries, strokes, ischemia, and senile dementia. The drug is produced in Russia. The average cost of a package is 150-200 rubles.

Other analogues of the drug

To restore cognitive abilities and brain functionality, a huge number of analogues better and worse than Cerebrolysin have been developed.

A drug Active substance Manufacturer Cost (rubles)
(tablets, solution) Vinpocetine Soteks PharmFirma, DEKO company, Binnopharm CJSC, Novosibkhimfarm, Ellara LLC, Biosintez JSC, Moskhimfarmpreparaty im. N.A. Semashko, ALSI Pharma, MAKIZ-PHARMA, Valenta Pharmaceuticals, Northern Star (Russia) 40-50
(solution, tablets) Nicotinyl gamma-aminobutyric acid OAO Vitamin Plant Pharmstandard, Russia; OAO Novosibkhimfarm, Russia; OAO Chemical-Pharmaceutical Plant AKRIKHIN, Russia; OAO Biokhimik, Russia 80-100
Thiocetam (tablets, ampoules) Piracetam + Thiotriazoline JSC Galichpharm Ukraine 500-550
Carnicetin (capsules) Acetylcarnitine PRO OOO PIK-PHARMA (Russia) 500-550
(tablets Piracetam UCB Pharma S.A. (Belgium), Jelfa S.A. (Poland) 200-250
Instenon (tablets) Hexobendine dihydrochloride + Etofillin + Etamivan ALKALOID (Macedonia); HAFSLUND NYCOMED (Austria) 4500-5000

In practice, medicines are used in the form of solutions for intramuscular and intravenous administration, tablets.

What is better Cerebrolysin or Cortexin?

Cortexin is a cheaper analogue of Cerebrolysin in ampoules. The cost of packaging the product is 700-800 rubles. The composition of the drug is similar. The active ingredient is GM cattle polypeptides. The drug helps to restore the functionality of the brain, has a nootropic and antioxidant effect.

Many are interested in the answer to the question of what is more effective: Cerebrolysin or Cortexin, which is better to choose. Cortexin has a narrower range of applications, but is used to restore the body after infectious lesions. The manufacturer of the drug is Geropharm LLC, Russia.

What is better Cerebrolysin or Actovegin?

Actovegin is a restorative drug for improving blood circulation, metabolic processes in the body after degenerative diseases, traumatic injuries. The drug is similar in terms of the type of action, but has a different composition. The active component is deproteinized hemoderivative from the blood of calves.

The answer to the question of whether Cerebrolysin or Actovegin, which is better, is more unambiguous due to the characteristics of the latter. The drug has three forms of implementation: ointment, injection, tablets. Therefore, it is applied more widely. The disadvantage of the drug is a large number of restrictions on its use. The manufacturer of the drug is Nycomed Austria GmbH, Austria. The average cost is 250-300 rubles.

Important information about Cerebrolysin treatment

Cerebrolysin is a drug created on the basis of cattle brain peptides. The action of the drug today is not fully understood, therefore, during the treatment period, pronounced side effects may occur. The effectiveness of the drug has been proven experimentally and by observation of patients, but there is not enough information about the pharmacological characteristics of the composition. Therefore, the drug and analogues must be used with caution.