Cortexin - instructions for use (how to breed, how to give injections), analogues, reviews. Nootropic drug cortexin After what time does cortexin begin to act

Nootropic drugs are widely used in pediatric practice to improve brain activity, activate metabolic processes in the brain. One of the frequently prescribed is Cortexin, suitable even for newborns. It helps to reduce the child's lag in neuropsychic development by stimulating cognitive processes: speech, thinking, memory. In addition, babies tolerate the use of this drug quite well.

Action and composition of Cortexin

Cortexin is a nootropic drug related to protein bioregulators. eponymous active substance- a complex of soluble polypeptide fractions extracted by acetic extraction from the cerebral cortex of pigs and cattle.

The component easily overcomes the barrier between circulatory system and the central nervous system, penetrating through the capillaries of the brain to nerve cells. This allows the drug:

  • protect neurons from harmful effects free radicals, lack of oxygen, increase resistance to toxic substances;
  • improve the cognitive functions of the brain, making it easier for the child to perceive and remember information, learn, concentrate;
  • reduce the excessive activity of epileptic centers in the cerebral cortex, thereby preventing convulsive phenomena;
  • slow down the oxidation of fatty acids by oxygen, increasing the survival of neurons under hypoxic conditions;
  • activate metabolic processes in the central nervous system, improving the functionality and active state of the cerebral cortex.

The drug is produced in the form of a white-yellow lyophilized powder, which is intended for the manufacture of a solution. There are no other forms of release, including tablets and capsules, in the Cortexin line of medicines.

Cortexin - nootropic medicinal product applied from the first days of life

In pharmacy chains, you can find two types of medicines: for adults and for children. They are no different, except for the amount of powder in the ampoule (10 and 5 mg, respectively). For the treatment of small patients, both options are suitable, but the doctor should choose the right dosage.

Indications for use

Cortexin is used to treat conditions such as:

  • damage to cells and tissues of the brain of various origins;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • reduced ability to learn and remember;
  • delayed mental or motor development;
  • cognitive impairment;
  • acute or chronic encephalitis;
  • increased fatigue;
  • delay in the formation of speech skills;
  • severe symptoms in cerebral palsy;
  • hydrocephalic syndrome.

The popular name of the drug is “talker”, because after using it, the previously silent child begins to actively talk, memorize new information faster, memorize poems with ease. Stuttering disappears, and speech becomes smoother and clearer.

Dr. Komarovsky about the "memory medicine" - video

Cortexin for newborns and children up to a year

The perinatal, or perinatal, stage begins at 28 weeks of fetal development and ends a week after birth. At this time, the fetus faces numerous dangers: hypoxia, infections, intoxications, etc. Yes, and the birth itself is also a dangerous event for the child.

Perinatal CNS damage is a fairly common diagnosis among newborns. In such babies, there is a slowdown in the pace of mental and motor development, and problems with speech appear in the future. A favorable prognosis largely depends on how and when treatment began.

Cortexin is prescribed from the first days of a child's life, so that PCNS does not develop into severe diseases of the central nervous system in the form of cerebral palsy or epilepsy. Due to its natural origin, the drug does not have a toxic effect and acts quite gently, so it is often necessary to take several courses to achieve a satisfactory result.

Instructions for use: how to dilute and inject Cortexin

The pediatrician prescribes the dosage and frequency of taking the medication based on the body weight of the child. It is strictly forbidden to make adjustments to the prescribed course of treatment at your own discretion - this can only aggravate the state of children's health.

Intramuscular injections are best done on an outpatient basis, but sometimes parents are forced to inject their child on their own. Therefore, questions are not uncommon: how to inject Cortexin and how to dilute the powder.

  • 0.5% novocaine solution;
  • isotonic 0.9% sodium chloride solution;
  • injection water.

For children, injections with saline or water are more suitable. Novocaine helps to reduce the pain of the procedure, but significantly increases the likelihood of allergic reactions. Therefore, it is allowed to dilute Cortexin with an anesthetic only if the child can hardly tolerate nootropic injections and does not have novocaine.

Novocain anesthetizes an injection, but can provoke an allergy

To properly dilute the powder, you must:

  • draw the injection solution into the syringe, pierce the stopper of the ampoule with the medicine with a needle and pour the collected liquid into it (we direct the needle to the wall of the vial to avoid foaming);
  • remove the syringe (leave the needle in the cork) and gently shake the contents of the ampoule, achieving complete dissolution of the drug;
  • attach the syringe and draw the required amount of a homogeneous solution into it (for injection, it is better to choose a new needle, since the previous one could become dull when the liquid is injected).

It is necessary to put an injection in the first half of the day. The fact is that Cortexin can have a stimulating effect, so an evening injection can lead to problems with sleep at night.

It is strictly forbidden to divide the powder into parts, it is necessary to dilute the entire contents of the vial and only then select the volume necessary for a single injection to the child. The remaining solution is thrown away, for the next injection, you need to repeat the algorithm described above.

If a child falls ill during treatment with Cortexin, you should consult a doctor about discontinuing the medication. Usually when high temperature and other obvious signs of a cold, nootropic injections are stopped until the baby is completely recovered.

The duration of the treatment course is 10 days. You can repeat the therapy after 3-6 months.

Contraindications and possible side effects

A nootropic agent is prohibited for use if the child has an individual intolerance to cortexin or glycine (an auxiliary component).

The instructions for the drug noted that the drug has no side effects, however, the reviews of parents show that in some cases, Cortexin causes in children:

  • allergic reactions (in the form of skin rashes, itching, swelling);
  • nervousness, tearfulness.

Undesirable effects often appear when using novocaine for the preparation of an injection solution. If the powder is diluted with saline or water, the likelihood of allergic reactions is significantly reduced.

How to replace Cortexin

Cortexin does not have complete analogues containing the same active substance. In the pharmacy network, you can buy substitute drugs that have a similar effect, but they contain other components. Remember that you can use nootropics only after consulting a pediatrician.

Substitute drugs - table

Name Release form Active substance Indications Contraindications Price
solutiona complex of peptides derived from pig brain
  • dementia syndrome of various origins;
  • traumatic injuries of the brain and spinal cord;
  • delay mental development in children;
  • hyperactivity and attention deficit in children.
  • acute renal failure;
  • epileptic status;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug.
from 570 rubles
  • complex treatment of hypoxia and the consequences of birth injuries;
  • dropsy of the brain;
  • mental retardation;
  • complex treatment of dyslexia, attention deficit disorder.
  • severe renal failure;
  • intolerance to piracetam.
from 23 rubles
suspensionpyritinol dihydrochloride monohydrate
  • consequences of encephalitis;
  • cerebrosthenic syndrome;
  • encephalopathy.
hypersensitivity to pyritinolfrom 615 rubles
syruphopantenic acid calcium salt
  • cognitive impairment in organic lesions brain;
  • enuresis;
  • perinatal encephalopathy;
  • mental retardation of varying degrees;
  • impaired mental function;
  • specific speech disorders;
  • learning disabilities;
  • hyperactivity.
  • severe kidney disease;
  • phenylketonuria;
  • component intolerance.
from 357 rubles
solutiondeproteinized calf blood hemoderivat
  • perinatal damage to the central nervous system;
  • insufficiency of cerebral circulation;
  • head injury;
  • violation of speech and motor skills;
  • impaired mental function.
  • intolerance to components;
  • decompensated heart failure;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • oliguria, anuria.
from 515 rubles

What can replace Cortexin - gallery

Encephabol is one of the most well-known and frequently prescribed nootropics for children. Pantogam is a nootropic agent with neurometabolic, neuroprotective and neurotrophic properties. Piracetam is used in the treatment of children with a slight disruption of the brain Actovegin belongs to a group of drugs that affect the processes of tissue metabolism Cerebrolysin - a drug that stimulates neurometabolic processes

Doctors' opinion

On medical forums there are conflicting reviews and opinions of experts about nootropics in general and Cortexin in particular. Some doctors consider "medicines for the brain" a real panacea, others point to the unproven effectiveness of such drugs.

Neurologist Victor Koss endorses the use of nootropics in the treatment of neurological diseases:

If translated literally, it turns out "nutrition of the brain." As a rule, it is understood that the cells of the cerebral cortex can absorb the necessary amino acids, vitamins and trace elements to maintain life. The effectiveness of the use of nootropics has been proven by practice in neurology, amino acid and peptide preparations are very popular today.

Pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky points out that nootropics are widely used in pediatric practice, but only in the territory of the former Soviet Union:

Despite the vast experience of use, despite the many positive properties found in experiments, despite the extreme attractiveness of the identified pharmacological effects and the breadth of indications for use, so, despite all this, to substantiate the benefits and effectiveness of nootropic drugs using methods evidence-based medicine so far no one has succeeded.

Cortexin is a nootropic drug, which is also a peptide (protein) bioregulator. Cortexin improves the metabolic process in structures


And due to this, it has a cerebroprotective, nootropic, anticonvulsant and antioxidant effect on the central nervous system.

The drug is used in complex therapy craniocerebral injuries, cerebrovascular accidents, neuroinfections, encephalopathy, encephalitis, encephalomyelitis, epilepsy, vegetative-vascular dystonia, cerebral palsy, delayed psychomotor and speech development in children, as well as memory, thinking and learning disorders.

The lyophilizate is a special way dried extract of protein fractions obtained from the cerebral cortex of cattle and pigs. It is this peptide extract that is active ingredient drug Cortexin. Each glass vial contains 10 mg of extract of protein fractions of the cerebral cortex of cattle and pigs.

In addition, the pharmaceutical market of the CIS countries had children's Cortexin, the vials of which contain only 5 mg of lyophilisate of protein fractions of the cerebral cortex of cows and pigs. In addition to the dosage, Cortexin for children and adults is no different.

As an auxiliary component, only the amino acid glycine is included in the composition of the lyophilisate. Externally, the lyophilizate is a powder or a homogeneous porous mass of white or white-yellowish color.

Therapeutic action

Cortexin contains low molecular weight (small in weight and length molecules) proteins of the cerebral cortex of pigs and cows, which, when administered intramuscularly, are able to penetrate through

blood-brain barrier

and enter the human brain, exerting its positive therapeutic effect.

Cortexin has the following therapeutic effects:

  • Neuroprotective (cerebroprotective);
  • Nootropic;
  • Anticonvulsant;
  • Antioxidant.

Neuroprotective action is to protect brain neurons from damage by various adverse factors, such as calcium ions, free radicals, oxygen deficiency, etc. Thanks to this, the nerve cells of the brain become resistant to adverse environmental factors, which allows them to function more efficiently. In addition, due to the neuroprotective effect, Cortexin effectively reduces the degree of toxic effects on brain structures of various psychotropic substances(for example, antipsychotics, drugs, etc.).

Nootropic action Cortexin is to improve the cognitive function of the brain. That is, it becomes easier for a person to study, work, learn new things, etc., as memory, concentration of attention and resistance to stress improve.

Anticonvulsant action lies in the ability to suppress the activity of the pathological focus in the brain and, thereby, prevent the development of seizures.

Antioxidant action It consists in slowing down the process of lipid peroxidation and, thereby, preventing damage to cells of various brain structures by free radicals. In addition, Cortexin increases the survival of brain cells under hypoxic conditions.

In addition to the above effects, Cortexin has tissue-specific action, which consists in activating the processes of metabolism and repair in the structures of the brain, thereby improving the functional state and overall tone of the central nervous system.

The mechanism of action of Cortexin is provided by the activation of neurons and neurotrophic factors of the brain, due to which the transfer of information between brain structures occurs much faster and more efficiently. In addition, Cortexin optimizes the balance of inhibitory and excitatory amino acids, dopamine and serotonin in the brain, which reduces seizure activity and improves bioelectrical potential.

Indications for use

Cortexin is indicated for use as part of the complex therapy of the following conditions and diseases:

  • Violations of cerebral circulation;
  • Traumatic brain injuries and their consequences;
  • Encephalopathy of any origin;
  • Cognitive disorders (disorders of memory, attention, thinking);
  • Acute or chronic encephalitis or encephalomyelitis;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Asthenia;
  • Vegetovascular dystonia;
  • Reduced ability to learn and learn new things;
  • Delayed psychomotor development of children;
  • Delayed speech development of children;
  • Cerebral palsy;
  • Critical conditions of newborns with perinatal lesions of the central nervous system.

Cortexin - instructions for use

How to breed Cortexin

Since the rules for the use and breeding of children's and adult Cortexin are the same, we will consider them together.

The vial with lyophilisate (for both children and adults) contains one dose of Cortexin, which is dissolved immediately before the injection, and the resulting solution is administered intramuscularly. The contents of the vial can be diluted with the following solvents:

  • 0.5% novocaine solution;
  • Water for injections is sterile;
  • The saline solution is sterile for injection.

Any of the above solutions can be used to reconstitute the lyophilisate, but water for injection or saline is best. Novocaine is convenient for diluting Cortexin lyophilisate, since it is an anesthetic and somewhat reduces the pain of injections, but at the same time increases the risk of developing allergic reactions and weakens the therapeutic effect of the drug. Therefore, it is recommended to use novocaine for diluting the lyophilisate only if Cortexin injections are too painful and difficult to tolerate for a particular person. If a person can tolerate a painful injection, then it is better to use saline or water for injection to dilute the lyophilisate, since they do not affect the severity of the therapeutic effect and the likelihood of developing allergic reaction. It is necessary to purchase these solutions in pharmacies separately, since they are not included in packages with Cortexin.

To dilute the lyophilizate, it is recommended to purchase solutions of novocaine, saline or water for injection, poured into small containers, for example, vials or ampoules. It is optimal to purchase ampoules or vials of 2 ml or 5 ml in order to use all the available solution at a time. Such a requirement is due to the fact that solutions for diluting Cortexin lyophilizate must be sterile, and it is impossible to maintain the sterility of an once opened ampoule or bottle of a relatively large volume at home. Therefore, it is better to use a sterile solution for each dilution, previously stored in a hermetically sealed container.

For dilution of an adult or children's lyophilisate, 1 - 2 ml of any indicated solution is necessary. Breeding is done as follows:

Cortexin, which has the properties of nootropic drugs, is often prescribed to children from an early age in order to activate blood circulation in the vessels of the brain, improve brain activity, accelerate the pace of neuropsychic and mental development of babies affected by neuroinfections, birth injuries, increase the intellectual abilities and learning ability of children, memory, ability to concentrate. But because the drug affects the brain and nervous system child, its use is permissible only with the permission of a pediatrician, neurologist.

Description of the drug

Cortexin is a stimulator of metabolic processes between neurons (nerve cells), that is, a nootropic drug that has an active beneficial effect on the higher analytical, mental functions of the brain, memory, activates mental activity, learning processes, increases the resistance of cerebral tissues to any damaging factors.

The tool was developed in Russia by specialists from the St. Petersburg Military Medical Academy. The drug is well accepted by the body, well tolerated by adult patients and babies from the first days of life, therefore, it is very often prescribed to children for the effective restoration of the brain after many pathologies that damage cerebral tissues.

Composition and forms of release

The active substance of the drug - cortexin - is a complex of biologically active protein compounds, which, using a special technology, is obtained from the tissue of the cerebral cortex of mammals of the Bos taurus family (bulls).

An auxiliary component acting as a stabilizer is glycine, which is an aminoethanoic acid that is part of many natural protein compounds. At its core, it is also a nootropic substance that reduces nervous tension.

Cortexin enters the network of pharmacies in the only dosage form lyophilisate (lyophilized powder), which has a yellowish color, porous structure and is intended for the preparation of a solution for intramuscular injection. Other forms, including tablets and capsules, are not provided in the series of this pharmacological agent. It is intramuscular injections that allow the active substance to quickly enter the bloodstream without passing through the gastrointestinal tract, which significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment.

Two types of Cortexin are produced: for adults and children, which differ only in the amount of powder in a glass bottle (10 and 5 mg, respectively).

Cortexin lyophilisate for children is produced in 3 ml vials. The package contains 10 vials. For the treatment of children, both options are allowed, but the required dosage is strictly calculated by the doctor.

Cortexin for children

Indications for use

In practical pediatrics, Cortexin is used for children of any age, including babies under 1 year old.

The main pathologies in which the pediatrician prescribes Cortexin to the child:

  • violation of blood circulation in the vessels of the brain (ischemia);
  • consequences of craniocerebral injuries, including fractures of the bones of the skull, concussions, bruises of the brain;
  • hypoxia suffered by an infant in utero or during asphyxia during childbirth;
  • cerebral intrauterine ischemia (as a result of insufficiency of placental blood flow, infections, cystic processes);
  • critical conditions of newborns with damage to the central nervous system in the perinatal period (from 28 weeks of pregnancy to 7 days after birth);
  • encephalitis (inflammation of cerebral tissues), encephalomyelitis (infection of nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord) in acute, chronic form;
  • epilepsy (the drug reduces the abnormal excitability of the epileptic centers, preventing the manifestations of seizures);
  • hydrocephalic syndrome (a condition of excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain, which disrupts its functions);
  • different forms of cerebral palsy;
  • delayed mental, physical, speech development, including stuttering (activates the process of energy metabolism in the cells of the central nervous system, improving the functioning of the cerebral cortex);
  • reduced ability to learn (the drug enhances the processes leading to a deepening of concentration of attention, cognitive functions - perception, memorization, analysis of information).

How does Cortexin work?

Newborns and toddlers up to 3 years

With damage to the nervous system in the perinatal period, the infant has a slowdown in mental and motor development, and the prognosis largely depends on the early start of therapy. Therefore, Cortexin is used in the first days after birth so that any damage to the central nervous system does not deepen.
Since the active substance of Cortexin is of natural origin, the drug is non-toxic and acts gently.

If the newborn has experienced oxygen starvation, the active substance of Cortexin quickly penetrates through cerebral microvessels to neurons, increasing their survival in conditions of oxygen deficiency.

With the development of foci of necrosis (cell death), which occurs with severe infections, hemorrhages, the development of intrauterine cerebral cysts, ischemia (lack of blood supply), Cortexin increases the resistance of neurons to many toxic substances.

In infants suffering from various cerebral pathologies, including cerebral palsy, Cortexin accelerates the processes of cell metabolism and restoration in the brain substance, the processes of complete and effective transmission of information signals between neurons, improving brain performance and the functionality of the nervous system.

With epileptic syndrome in children, Cortexin normalizes the balance of hormones (dopamine, serotonin) that regulate the psycho-emotional state and support the functioning of the brain, thus reducing the degree of convulsive readiness.

preschool children

At an early age, Cortexin is used:

  • to stimulate mental, motor functions;
  • activation of speech, treatment of stuttering;
  • to mitigate neurological disorders, eliminate the child's irritability, nervousness, tantrums, sleep disturbances.

After treatment with Cortexin, small children try to speak, their memory clearly and quickly improves, which is expressed in memorizing new words, concepts, information. Toddlers become more active, inquisitive, interested in the world around them. The development of fine motor skills is accelerated, which is directly related to the activation of the function of thinking.

Babies and children after a year old make rapid progress, trying to sit down, crawl, walk, falling less often and better coordinating movements.

Children over 7 years old

Injections are usually given to schoolchildren with difficult learning of material in the classroom, slurred poor speech, to improve the so-called cognitive functions. In these cases, Cortexin:

  • enhances the child's ability to learn, focus, orientation in time and space;
  • accelerates the adaptation of children to a new environment, conditions, people;
  • stimulates short-term and long-term memory; thought acceleration processes;
  • reduces the degree of fatigue during mental stress.
  • helps in expanding the range of interests of a teenager;
  • deepens the mental, associative activity of the brain.

After treatment with Cortexin, children noticeably progress in learning, mastering new material, improving indicators of adaptation to new conditions, clarity of speech, ability to present texts, poems, and vocabulary expands.

In addition, the drug is prescribed to young patients at any age in order to minimize the devastating effects of brain damage during trauma, acute and prolonged stress, and severe infections.

Pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky about neurological problems in children. Video

How safe is Cortexin for children?

The use of Cortexin is not allowed if the baby has a particular sensitivity to the active substance and glycine.

Unwanted side effects

Experts say that children tolerate Cortexin well. But in rare cases, the drug can cause:

  1. Allergic reaction in the form of itching, rashes.
  2. Irritability, overexcitation, tearfulness.

In the practice of using the remedy, there was no mention of cases of development in children of angioedema, shortness of breath, airway obstruction. But parents should remember that any medicine can cause unpredictably severe allergic manifestations, therefore, throughout the course (both primary and repeated) of Cortexin, you should carefully monitor the behavior of the baby.

The likelihood of undesirable consequences in the form of an allergy is much higher if Novocaine is used as a solvent for the powder. When saline or water for injection ampoules are used to dissolve the lyophilisate, the risk of allergy is minimized.

How to take - instructions

The pediatrician prescribes the dosage, frequency of administration of Cortexin, the duration of the course, calculating the dose in accordance with the weight of the small patient. Usually, if the body weight of a small patient exceeds 20 kg, the medicine is prescribed in adult dosages. It is strictly forbidden to independently determine and adjust the dose, because if the amount of the drug is reduced, it simply will not have a therapeutic effect, and if it is increased, it can worsen the child's condition.

How to inject Cortexin

How to dilute the lyophilisate

The lyophilizate contained in the vial must be diluted, for which solvents are used, which are purchased separately at the pharmacy:

  • novocaine solution 0.5%;
  • physiological sterile NaCl solution 0.9%;
  • sterile water for injection.

Although Novocain, which is an anesthetic, significantly reduces pain when the drug is administered to a child, it increases the risk of allergic manifestations. Moreover, it should be remembered that if Novocaine did not cause such a reaction during the first treatment course, this does not guarantee its safety during subsequent use. Allergy can manifest itself with the secondary appointment of Cortexin, for the cultivation of which Novocain is used. In addition, doctors believe that the anesthetic reduces the degree of therapeutic effect of the drug.

It is allowed to dilute the powder with Novocain if the baby is difficult to tolerate injections and he has not been diagnosed with an allergy to Novocaine.

It is recommended to purchase solvents in small volume ampoules (2.5 ml) in order to use the solvent completely, and not leave it in the glass until the next injection, since at home it is impossible to maintain the sterility of the liquid in the opened ampoule.

How to dissolve the powder

To properly dilute the lyophilisate, you should:

  • draw the volume (in milliliters) of the solvent (Novocain, saline, water) indicated by the doctor into the syringe;
  • remove the metal coating from the cork;
  • pierce a rubber stopper with a needle and inject liquid into the vial, pointing the tip of the needle to the glass, then it will flow down the wall and dissolve the powder without foaming it;
  • remove the syringe barrel, leaving the needle in the stopper, and gently shake the mixture in the vial to completely dissolve the lyophilisate (the mixture should become homogeneous, without flakes);
  • securely fix the needle on the needle holder of the syringe, draw into it the amount of therapeutic solution calculated by the pediatrician;
  • change the needle so as not to inject the child with a needle that has become blunt when the vial stopper is pierced.

Rules for intramuscular administration of Cortexin

  • it is allowed to use children's and adult Cortexin, the main thing is to collect the exact amount of the solution, which contains the dose of medicine calculated by the pediatrician;
  • injections are done only intramuscularly;
  • the lyophilisate is used immediately after dilution, since the solution with the powder is not allowed to be stored. If the dissolved powder has not been used for more than half an hour, it is thrown away and a new bottle of medicine is taken;
  • it is not allowed to divide the lyophilizate into parts - dilute the entire powder in the vial, and then select the volume necessary for a single injection;
  • the bottle with the remnants of the diluted powder is thrown away;
  • injections should be done at 2-3 pm, since Cortexin, like other nootropic drugs, has an exciting effect, and its evening use can provoke excessive activity of the child, difficult falling asleep, whims;
  • to reduce pain, it is recommended to use a thin needle and inject the solution into gluteal muscle So slow;
  • the dissolved lyophilizate is administered separately, avoiding mixing with other medicines

How to make an intramuscular injection of Cortexin to a child

If during nootropic therapy the baby catches a cold, falls ill, you should contact your pediatrician regarding the temporary withdrawal of the medicine. As a rule, at a temperature and other symptoms of the disease, injections of Cortexin are stopped until the child recovers.

Medical observations did not reveal any noticeable negative manifestations in patients during the interaction of Cortexin with other medicines, therefore it is actively included in complex therapy.

Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky about increased intracranial pressure and brain disorders in children

What can replace Cortexin for children - tablets, ampoules for injections, suspensions

There are no drugs-synonyms of Cortexin containing the original active substance. In pharmacies there are analogues, the therapeutic effect of which is in many respects similar to the action of Cortexin, but their composition differs in active and auxiliary components.

Drugs that can replace Cortexin for certain indications Table No1

Medicines - analogues of Cortexin. Photo gallery

Reviews of doctors

Specialists dealing with the problems of childhood encephalopathy, neurosis, developmental delay, very differently evaluate the therapeutic effect of Cortexin and other nootropic drugs.
Some pediatricians consider the “brain drug” indispensable, while others note that evidence-based medicine cannot accurately confirm its effectiveness.
For example, the well-known pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky doubts the effectiveness of nootropics in the treatment of neurological disorders in children, pointing out that they are used in pediatrics only in Russia and the CIS countries.

In his article, the doctor writes:

Despite the vast experience of use, despite the many positive properties found in experiments, despite the extreme attractiveness of the identified pharmacological effects and the breadth of indications for use, no one has yet been able to substantiate the benefits and effectiveness of nootropic drugs using evidence-based medicine methods.

However, even here Komarovsky cannot but recognize the positive properties and healing effect nootropics, although it warns of caution in their use.

Neurologist Victor Koss, on the contrary, approves the use of nootropics in the treatment of neurological diseases:

If translated literally, it turns out "nutrition of the brain." As a rule, it is understood that the cells of the cerebral cortex can absorb the necessary amino acids, vitamins and trace elements to maintain life. The effectiveness of the use of nootropics has been proven by practice in neurology, amino acid and peptide preparations are very popular today.

Opinion of a pediatric neurologist E. A. Oleinikova:

I prescribe Cortexin in pediatric neurological practice, mainly for children under 1 year old with delays and impaired motor development, in the complex therapy of hydrocephalus. Patients notice the effect immediately. There were several cases of increased excitement against the background of injections, but since the course was only 10 injections, they quickly stopped after the end.

Parent feedback

In most reviews of Cortexin for the treatment of children, parents positively evaluate the results of using the nootropic, since the effect is noticeable very quickly after the course of therapy. It is noted that after the use of injections, the kids began to speak, in older children, speech became more intelligible, and the vocabulary and fluency of speech clearly increased in schoolchildren. Memory, mental activity, and the ability to concentrate also improved, thanks to which children quickly assimilated new information, quickly learned to control their own bodies depending on age: hold a spoon, sit, roll over, walk. The children's fine motor skills became more complicated, they became calmer and at the same time more active and inquisitive, their sleep improved.

Negative reviews about Cortexin, in most cases, are due to the occurrence of allergies, and, most often, not to the medication itself, but to Novocaine, which was diluted with powder.

Parents about Cortexin:

Up to a year, the daughter had a developmental delay (prematurity of 28 weeks) and a syndrome movement disorders, which threatened to go into a permanent pathological tone, and in the map, the neuropathologist always made an addition “Threatened by cerebral palsy”. Mothers who have experienced such an addition to the diagnosis of CNS PP will understand me. Here you will agree not only on Cortexin. The only significant drawback is pain. Although it is bred with novocaine, but when they did Cortexin for the first time, I cried with the child - she screamed so much in pain. But the result was visible almost after 5 injections - the daughter finally turned over on her own, and within a week she began to try to crawl (she was already eight months old then). But I also know that nootropic monotherapy is ineffective, so I also give credit to massage. I recommend. Despite the pain of the injection, we withstood the prescribed 10 days (it is done once a day), and I saw the result of using Cortexin myself.

I worked with special children who need not only education but also treatment. Many children with neurological problems are prescribed a drug like Cortexin. This drug is prescribed for children with speech underdevelopment, cerebral palsy and after injuries. In the course of my work, I began to observe the children and the body's reaction to Cortexin.

If the child does not have mental disabilities - aggression, hyper. excitability, insomnia, etc. In other words, if the child is calm and adequate, then improvements will be almost immediately. Many children with cerebral palsy showed an improvement not only in speech but also in movements. In my practice, there was a girl who, after several courses, learned to stand and hold on to a support. And if children, in addition to neurology, have psychiatric abnormalities, then all psychiatry is in the form of hyper. excitability became aggravated, and there was no talk of any improvement.

My child was prescribed Cortexin, but he is calm and diligent, but there were problems with memorization and speech. In complex treatment: Massage + physio. treatment + speech therapist + medicines - I saw changes for the better in a short time.

Before starting a course of treatment, evaluate your child, neurologists do not talk about this, but he excites the central nervous system, if the child is excitable, he will only get worse, and if the child is calm, then there will be an improvement in his condition, but how much it will depend not only on injections, but also from you parents, the development of the child in the family has not yet been canceled.

We set at 2 months. along with massage and Phenibut. Helped us a lot! At four months I went to the neurologist and he said everything was fine. We had intracranial pressure due to fetal hypoxia (a premature baby) and a small cyst. Now everything is in order! The injections are painful, but the son did not cry at all, quickly calmed down. The masseur herself put us with insulin syringes, they are small, just right for the baby.

Long-term use of Cortexin in pediatrics, despite the disapproval of some doctors, confirms its undoubted effectiveness in the treatment of various lesions of the brain and central nervous system, starting from the neonatal period. The drug is especially effective in complex therapy developed by a doctor in each case. In order not to harm a child suffering from cerebral palsy, epilepsy, motor and neurological disorders, parents should take into account the peculiarities of self-administration of the drug and adhere to the exact dosages calculated by the specialist.

One of the popular nootropics among parents and doctors is the widely used drug Cortexin in pediatrics. For newborns and older children, it often becomes a panacea that has helped to push the boundaries of the child and restore the normal level of his development. Reviews about this drug and how to use it, we will provide in today's article.

How are nootropics different?

Nootropics, which include the Cortexin drug, are characterized by low toxicity and the absence of obvious side effects even with a strong overdose, and this, as you understand, is especially welcome in the treatment of children. The main property of nootropic drugs is the ability to maintain metabolism and energy in brain tissues by optimizing the bioenergetic process in nerve cells, as well as the ability to stabilize the work of neurons both under normal and extreme conditions.

When are nootropics used?

The drug "Cortexin" for children (reviews of experts confirm this) is used not only in cases of a clear violation of the mnestic function (memory state), but also in cases of attention deficit or delayed speech development in a child. The drug is also effective in reducing the overall level of vital activity, which manifests itself as a result of various diseases or extreme effects, for example, after ischemia, brain injuries, intoxication, pain syndromes, stress or perinatal effects. But the main indications for the use of this remedy in pediatric practice are:

  • encephalopathy of various origins;
  • epilepsy;
  • asthenia;
  • decreased ability to learn;
  • constant fatigue and malaise;
  • various forms of cerebral palsy;
  • delay in the development of the child;
  • critical condition in a newborn different types CNS damage in the perinatal period.

What is the drug "Cortexin"

The described substance is a polypeptide obtained as a result of the extraction of substances from the cerebral cortex of pigs or calves that have not reached the age of twelve months. Due to its low molecular weight (less than 10,000 Da), it penetrates the BBB (blood-brain barrier that regulates metabolic processes between the blood and the central nervous system) directly to the nerve cells. And this feature allows it to correct the imbalance between inhibitory and excitatory amino acids, make the energy metabolism of brain cells efficient, and also stimulate mental activity without exerting an excessive activating effect.

Release form of the drug

Means "Cortexin" for children, reviews of which you can read in the article, is available in the form of a powder or a yellowish-white porous mass, from which an injection solution can be prepared. Enter it intramuscularly. True, according to parents, this procedure (meaning injections) is quite painful. Doctors suggest using novocaine solution in such cases, but it is highly likely to cause allergies and other adverse reactions. Moms, sharing their impressions, argue that if the drug "Cortexin" is administered slowly, then the pain of the procedure is greatly reduced even without novocaine.

A warning!

By the way, consumers should be warned that Cortexin is not available in the form of tablets or capsules! Beware of fakes!

Dosage of the drug

The described drug is administered once a day, preferably in the morning, between 7.00 and 8.00 hours, intramuscularly. To do this, the contents of the vial should be dissolved in one or two milliliters of a 0.5% solution of novocaine (optional), sodium hydrochloride solution (0.9%) or water for injection. The dosage depends on the body weight of the child:

  • weight up to 20 kg requires a dose of 0.5 mg per kilogram;
  • if the weight is more than 20 kg, then the dose is 10 mg.

The course lasts ten days. After three months or six months, the treatment, if necessary, is repeated. It should be noted that this remedy is often used as part of complex therapy to enhance the effect of exposure.

How to inject the medicine "Cortexin"

If your child was prescribed the described drug, then you should listen to the advice of experienced parents who used it. They, for example, offer the first injections to be given in treatment room polyclinics, so that in case of individual side effects, immediate health care. In addition, mothers emphasize that if there were no problems from the very first days of treatment, then they will not be in the future.

Special Notes

About the drug "Cortexin" for children, reviews left by doctors and parents say that mostly unexpected reactions occur in a child after injections on a novocaine solution. In addition, it should be remembered that the described medication must be injected in the morning so that the child’s sleep is not disturbed. In rare cases, babies have a reaction to this remedy in the form of convulsions, but it is usually associated with an incorrect dosage of the drug or with individual intolerance to its components. And most importantly - if you find any problems at the time of treatment with Cortexin injections, be sure to consult a doctor!

Does the effect of Cortexin persist after discontinuation of its use?

It should immediately be clarified that this remedy does not have a prolonged action, that is, after the treatment is stopped, the effect of the drug also stops. But in the process, parents need to do more educational games with the baby, reading, drawing, coloring pictures. Then, under the influence of the drug, new neural connections will be formed in the child’s brain, which will consolidate the effect of its use. It is very important for parents not to delay the examination of a child who has developmental delays. The sooner treatment is started, experts say, the more significant the result will be!

The drug "Cortexin" and its use in newborns

The last statement is especially important for newborns. They often have so-called perinatal CNS damage. This term defines the period in which these lesions occurred, it starts at 28 weeks of gestation and ends seven days after delivery. The fetus and the barely born baby at this time are affected by many adverse factors: lack of oxygen (this affects primarily the brain), intoxication or infectious diseases of the mother. Childbirth is also a serious test for the crumbs. All this affects the subsequent development of the child, therefore, the period at which treatment with Cortexin is started for children (you read reviews about it in this article) plays a serious role in the subsequent mental development of the newborn.


The drug "Cortexin" is very effective remedy, but on condition that its appointment and application occurs under the supervision of a specialist. Minimal side effects, good compatibility with other drugs, the impossibility of overdose make it very popular among doctors and patients. But be sure to consult your doctor before using! Health to your kids!

Cortexin is used to treat various kinds of pathologies in the work of the human brain, often the drug is used in pediatrics

One of the most significant achievements modern medicine is the drug Cortexin, which is used to treat various kinds of pathologies in the work of the human brain. Especially often the drug is used in pediatrics, it is known for its fast and effective action. Consider the features of cortexini, indications for use and price.

Composition and form of release

To date, the drug is available in the form of a solution for intramuscular injection. Cortexin is available in separate glass ampoules of 5 ml, which are packed in cardboard boxes of 2, 5 and 10 pieces. The medicine is an extract of protein fractions, which is synthesized from the cerebral cortex of cattle.

This extract is the main active ingredient of the drug, its content in the ampoule is not less than 10 mg. There are also children's ampoules, where the dose of protein fractions is 5 mg. Instructions for the use of Cortexin injections for children are no different from the adult dosage.

Action features

The drug has a powerful therapeutic effect, since low molecular weight proteins are able to overcome the encephalic barrier and enter the human cerebral cortex. Cortexin has the following effect:

    • neotropic - regulates brain activity, improves memory, speeds up learning processes, enhances concentration;
    • neuroprotective - acts as a protective barrier of the brain from various endogenous factors, including the action of free radicals;
    • antioxidant - promotes the survival of neurons that are exposed to hypoxia and oxidative stress conditions;
    • tissue-specific - accelerates the metabolism of the central nervous system, maintains the tone of the cerebral cortex, improves reparative processes;
    • anticonvulsant - inhibits the activity of pathological processes in the brain, preventing convulsions.

Cortexin: indications for use

Cortoxyl - how to take and for what pathology:

  1. inadequate cerebral circulation;
  2. cerebral paralysis;
  3. traumatic brain injury;
  4. cognitive impairment of any kind (memory impairment, thinking and attention disorders);
  5. encephalopathy;
  6. epilepsy;
  7. vegetovascular dystonia;
  8. failures in the psychomotor development of children;
  9. asthenia;
  10. a sharp decline in learning and perception of information;
  11. delay in the development of conversational children;
  12. lesions of the central nervous system in children. Cortexin has wide indications for use, due to which it can be used in the fight against most brain pathologies and disorders of the nervous system.

Cortexin injections - instructions for use and solution preparation

Before using the drug, it must be diluted. For this, sterile water, saline or novocaine solution is used. The last option should only be used if the person is experiencing severe pain during Cortexin injections and cannot tolerate them.

Cortexin instructions for the use of intramuscular injections recommends buying sterile water or saline in separate ampoules of 2 and 5 ml in order to use up the entire solution at a time. This is due to the need for sterility, which cannot be preserved at home in an already opened ampoule.

It is necessary to dilute the drug as follows:

  • take the prepared syringe and put a needle on it;
  • open the ampoule with the solvent and inject it into the syringe;
  • we open the ampoule with Cortexin, pierce the rubber stopper of the bottle with a needle, lower the tip to the middle of the bottle and slowly press the handle of the syringe, mixing the preparations (quick movements are excluded, as they can lead to foaming);
  • shake the bottle from side to side, which will lead to complete dissolution. Wait until there are no flakes left in the vial, after which you can give an injection.

Cortexin instructions for the use of injections for children is similar to an adult injection.

Important: if you did not remove the needle from the vial while mixing the drugs, then you can safely use it for intramuscular administration of Cortexin. If the needle was removed from the vial, then a new (sterile) one will be required for the injection. The solution must be prepared immediately before use. A mixture that has stood for more than 20 minutes becomes unusable.

Cortexin: instructions for use and price

You can put an injection in several places:

  1. anterior-lateral part of the thigh;
  2. anterior wall of the abdomen (for people without excess weight);
  3. upper third of the shoulder.

Treat the selected area of ​​skin with alcohol, insert the needle while holding the syringe perpendicular to the selected injection site. Slowly press the plunger, after the injection, wipe the skin again with alcohol or an antiseptic.

The cost of the drug is relatively affordable - about 1000 rubles per box with ten vials.

Use of the drug for children

The medicine is safe for children of any age group, including babies under 1 year old. For the latter, the drug is prescribed to eliminate delays in motor, speech and psychological development. For older children, Cortexin is prescribed to improve cognitive properties.

If the child has a total weight of more than 20 kg, then he is assigned adult dosage(Cortexin 10 mg). In this case, it is necessary to use the medicine once a day, the course of therapy lasts 10 days. If the total weight is less than necessary, then the dosage of the drug is set individually.

Important aspects:

  • interaction with other drugs is absent. Therefore, it can be used in complex therapy;
  • contraindications - it is safe, can cause allergic reactions in case of personal intolerance to the components of the drug. However, the use of Cortexin during pregnancy is not recommended;
  • purchase - the goods are among the prescription and will be released only if there is a doctor's recommendation.

One of the biggest achievements of domestic medicine is the appearance of the drug "Cortexin", which contributes to the treatment of various pathologies that occur in the brain of the human head. It took almost 30 years to develop the drug. The creation and testing of the drug was carried out by the Military Medical Academy.

Does Cortexin deserve at least one positive review? Practicing clinicians and leading pharmacologists have proven that this drug is the leading drug in the field of brain therapy and most of the concomitant ailments that have a neuronal etiology.

Principle of therapeutic effect

What is Cortexin, and what is its therapeutic effect? The drug is a complex morphological structure with many elements. It consists of the simplest protein components, which are balanced in a certain way from vitamins and other biologically necessary compounds. In combination, all these components of the drug "Cortexin" enable nerve cells to quickly restore their lost functions.

Long-term practice confirms the inefficiency of most rather potent drugs in the treatment of abnormalities in the functioning of the brain of the head. They do not cope with problems due to the inability to overcome this. This is a powerful body defense system that prevents various adverse and aggressive factors from affecting the brain.

Despite the fact that the drug "Cortexin" has a complex structure, it is quite low. This allows the drug to quite easily overcome the described barrier and penetrate into the brain, as a result of which the therapeutic effect is faster and stronger.

The mechanism of action of the drug

The action of the drug "Cortexin" lies in its ability to restore the disturbed balance between amino acids. They affect the activity of important biological processes in the nervous system, memory, intellectual abilities, and also suppress reactions in the form of convulsions, prevent the destruction of neurocytes. This effect of "Cortexin" allows you to use it not only in the field of neurology, but also in the case of mental disorders, in neurogyrgy and other therapeutic actions. This versatility of the drug can only cause positive feedback. "Cortexin", in addition to a wide spectrum of action, has one more advantage.

The dose load of the drug on the body is minimal, which contributes to its use, regardless of the age category of patients. Therapy with it can be prescribed to both newborns and people in old age.

Areas of influence of the drug

The positive effect of Cortexin can also be observed in the case Already a few days after the start of taking the drug, the condition of the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brain and the bed of blood vessels improves, the process of restoring neuropsychic connections that have been broken is accelerated, positive dynamics is observed during the electroencephalogram. In this case, the drug "Cortexin" also acts indirectly, stimulating an increase in blood flow and improving its access to the affected areas of the brain.

The effectiveness of the drug has also been proven in the treatment of symptoms of various neuroinfectious diseases. With it, it is possible to reduce the number of patients suffering from headaches, weakness and dizziness several times over. This fact also causes more than one positive feedback.

"Cortexin" is also used for ophthalmic abnormalities - with damage to the retina or other parts of the optic nerve.

Other areas of influence of the drug

The drug exhibits a rapid rehabilitative effect, which provides a positive effect in the treatment of not only the brain of the head, but also parts of the nervous system remote from it. For example, Cortexin reduces inflammatory reactions in the case of sacral or lumbar sciatica.

Indications for use

The drug "Cortexin" is used for complex treatment the following conditions and diseases:

  • traumatic brain injury;
  • bacterial and viral neuroinfections;
  • asthenia;
  • encephalopathy;
  • encephalitis;
  • and memory;
  • cerebral palsy (its various forms);
  • reduced ability to learn;
  • delayed speech and psychomotor development at an early age;
  • radiculitis;
  • pathologies of the retina and some others.

Contraindications and side effects of the drug

In some cases, when using Cortexin, allergic reactions occur. Slight redness may appear at the injection site. But pretty soon it disappears, as evidenced by more than one review. "Cortexin" is contraindicated for use in
period of pregnancy and lactation. With individual intolerance to the drug, it is also not recommended for use.

Mode of application

For whatever purpose the drug "Cortexin" is used, its effectiveness depends directly on the stage of the disease, during which treatment was started with it.

The method of introducing the drug into the body is intramuscular injections. The contents of the vials are dissolved either with sodium chloride. The drug is administered daily, once a day. The appropriate dosage for each patient should be prescribed by the doctor.

The recommended amount of Cortexin for newborns and babies weighing less than 20 kg is 0.5 mg per kilogram of the child's weight. The rest is administered 10 mg of the drug daily. The course of treatment is 10 days. It is repeated if necessary. In this case, the break between courses should be at least one month.

Interaction with other drugs

Means "Cortexin" is prohibited to use simultaneously with medical preparations of peptide origin. In the process of its dissolution, Novocain should not be used.

The drug "Cortexin": price

The minimum cost of this drug is 67 rubles per vial (5 mg). At the same time, the lowest price for a package, which includes 10 such bubbles, is 620 rubles. How much does the drug "Cortexin-10" cost? The price of this drug ranges from 100 rubles per bottle to about 1090 rubles per package (meaning 10 vials of 10 mg each).



10 injections. Today was the last one.

When to expect the effect? In terms of mental development.

If you injected children, at what age, after what time did you notice something?

injections alone will not give an effect. I don’t understand why parents think that now they’ll pierce the injections and immediately start talking, start collecting puzzles from 1000 pieces, will recite the fly tsekotuhu by heart along with Eugene Onegin ....
there will be no such effect. This is not an instant medicine like nurofen: he gave a pill and after 30 minutes there is no temperature.
the drug increases cerebral circulation, which only gives impetus to an increase in brain activity, and then it all depends on you how you yourself will provoke the development of these mental abilities.

These drugs (nootropics) are dietary supplements with unproven effects. Does your child have some kind of serious diagnosis that you decided to inject her at 1.4?

Zprr with autistic traits

In 1.4 delayed psycho-speech development? What is it expressed in?

I was not a simple district neurologist. I was with a professor at the Research Institute of Roshal, I was with a defectologist teacher of kmn, and they all see the delay.

I have read through your post, I do not see problems at your child. Many healthy (or simply unlucky that they were not examined by neurologists and diagnosed) do not do certain things at this age. Mine hasn’t gone to 1.2 yet, apparently I should hang myself about this

I can tell you one thing for sure, that intensive training for your (as well as for any other) child is beneficial. Cortexin probably won't help, but it won't hurt either. And if something happens while taking the drug, then you, of course, will think that the matter is in the drug, and not that the time has come for a new stage of development.

Good luck! I really want you to smile at your current fears in a year or two.

This is a drug with unproven efficacy and safety, is there any point in expecting an effect from it? In developed countries, it refers to dietary supplements ...

We pierced at 1.8. Nothing changed.

Kohl has been taking courses twice a year for ten years now. But they did a lot of other things, so I can’t say exactly what helped. But you should not count on injections alone, you need an integrated approach

It is from the injections of the effect that you can not expect. This is stimulation. It may or may not help at all.

The drug is available as a sterile lyophilized powder for solution for intramuscular injection.

The cardboard package is completed with two blister packs, each of which contains 5 vials of lyophilisate, and instructions for use.

In pharmacies, you can buy Cortexin 10 mg No. 10 and Cortexin 5 mg No. 10.

Cortexin 10 mg is available in 22 mg vials of 5 ml. The drug is intended for the treatment of adult patients.

Cortexin 5 mg was created specifically for use in pediatrics. It is available in 11 g bottles with a capacity of 3 ml.

Cortexin belongs to the group nootropic and gamkergic drugs that mainly affect CNS. Against the background of its application are noted:

  • nootropic;
  • neuroprotective;
  • antioxidant;
  • tissue-specific effects.

Cortexin is a bioregulator with a polypeptide structure, which is a complex of water-soluble neuropeptides. The molecular weight of these polypeptide fractions does not exceed 10 thousand daltons, which allows them to penetrate the physiological barrier separating central nervous And circulatory system.

The mechanism of action of the drug is realized due to:

  • activation of regulatory peptides, neurons And brain neurotrophic factors;
  • ratio normalization amino acids, performing mediator functions of excitatory and inhibitory types of action, as well as important brain neurotransmitters dopamine And serotonin;
  • moderately pronounced GABA-ergic effect;
  • reducing the level of paroxysmal (paroxysmal) convulsive activity brain and the ability to normalize the indicators of its bioelectrical activity;
  • preventing the formation of oxidative degradation products lipids(free radicals).

The nootropic effect of Cortexin is accompanied by an improvement higher brain functions, improving memory, increasing the ability to learn and stress resistance.

The neuroprotective effect is manifested in the ability of the agent to increase tissue resistance. brain to the damaging effects of various endogenous neurotoxic factors and reduce the toxic effects of neurotropic substances.

Antioxidant action manifests itself in the ability of the drug to influence oxidative stress (cell damage provoked by oxidative processes) and increase the survival rates of neurons under conditions of oxygen starvation.

The mechanism of this action is associated with the suppression of free radical processes and peroxide lipid oxidation of cell membranes, as well as with the correction of oxygen-dependent pathological conditions.

As a result: the destruction process slows down cell membranes improves microcirculation, decreases vascular wall permeability normalizes blood levels cholesterol And triglycerides.

The tissue-specific effect of the drug is associated with an increase in the intensity metabolism of CNS neurons And PNS, stimulation of reparative processes in CNS, improvement of the functional state cerebral cortex and general tone somatic and autonomic nervous system.

Pharmacokinetic characteristics are not given to determine, since the disintegration time of the constituents active substance Cortexin of L-series amino acids and neuropeptide fractions is no more than 3 minutes.

This makes it impossible to establish the rate and degree of absorption of peptide residues, their distribution over various organs and tissues, as well as the rate and ways of their excretion from the body.

Indications for the use of the drug are:

  • provoked bacteria or viral infectious diseases of the nervous system;
  • conditions associated with impairment circulation in the brain;
  • TBI and its consequences;
  • diffuse brain injury syndrome different nature of origin;
  • cerebral (suprasegmental) autonomic disorders.

In combination with other drugs, the drug is prescribed for the treatment epilepsy as well as for the treatment acute and chronic inflammatory diseases brain and/or spinal cord various etiologies.

For children, indications for the use of Cortexin are reduced learning ability, impaired memory and thinking, child delay syndrome psychomotor and speech development(ZPRR), various forms cerebral palsy.

The drug is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to cortexin and/or glycine.

Clinical studies to establish the effect of the drug on the body of a pregnant woman and a developing fetus have not been conducted. For this reason, the drug is not recommended for use at any stage of pregnancy.

Since the data clinical research regarding the use of the drug during lactation are absent, if necessary, the appointment of Cortexin breast-feeding it is recommended to stop.

Potential side effects are allergic reactions, due to individual sensitivity to the components that make up the drug.

The drug is intended for injection into the muscle.

Before injection, the powder contained in the vial should be diluted with one or two milliliters of a 0.5% solution procaine (novocaine), physiological saline(isotonic sodium chloride solution (0.9%)) or water for injection.

To prevent the formation of foam, while trying to direct the needle to the wall of the vial.

Cortexin is allowed to be prescribed from the first days of life. In some situations, parents have to give the child injections on their own. And here questions arise how to properly inject Cortexin and what is the best way to dilute the powder.

Before giving an injection, water for injection is drawn into the syringe, novocaine or saline, then pierce the lid of the vial and pour the collected liquid into it.

The syringe should be removed (the needle remains in the cap) and the contents of the vial should be shaken thoroughly until the powder is completely dissolved. After that, the syringe is reattached and the required amount of solution is drawn into it.

For an injection, it is better to take a new needle, since the needle with which the solvent for the lyophilizate was injected may already be fairly dull.

The medicine is administered slowly, as rapid administration can cause very severe pain.

For babies up to six months, an intramuscular injection is made into the front surface of the thigh (so as not to accidentally damage the sciatic nerve).

For children, especially very young children, all injections are made with saline or water for injection. injections with novocaine less painful than injections saline, however, dilute the drug novocaine allowed only if there is a firm belief that this will not cause allergic reaction The child has ( novocaine able to give the strongest allergy And convulsions).

Like others neurometabolic drugs, It is recommended to inject Cortexin before 12 noon, given its activating effect and the ability to provoke psychomotor agitation.

Cortexin injections are given to adult patients once a day, daily for ten days, at a dose of 10 mg.

At massive ischemic stroke(MII) in the acute phase, as well as in the early recovery period, the indicated dose is recommended to be administered to the patient twice a day (morning and evening) for ten days. Ten days later, the course should be repeated.

In pediatric practice, the drug is used to treat children from the first days of their lives.

For patients whose weight does not exceed 20 kg, the drug is prescribed at a dose equal to 0.5 mg / kg of body weight. For patients weighing more than 20 kg, a dose of 10 mg is indicated.

The duration of treatment is ten days. If necessary, after three to six months, the patient may be assigned a second course.

The drug rarely causes side effects, has almost no contraindications and can be used to treat even newborn babies. Its main disadvantage is the release form: Cortexin is not available in tablets, and this partly complicates its use in children if the latter require several courses.

To date, messages about side effects developed as a result of an overdose of Cortexin, no.

The drug is incompatible with drugs that have a peptide structure.

The drug belongs to the category of prescription medicines and should be dispensed from pharmacies only by prescription.

Cortexin should be stored in a dry place protected from sunlight at a temperature of 2 to 20°C.

Suitable for use within 36 months from the date of manufacture.

The drug is produced exclusively in the form of a lyophilisate, Cortexin is not produced in tablets.

The drug should not be mixed in the same syringe with any other drugs.

Cortexin analogs in tablets: Armadin And Armadin Lone G, Boluses Huato, Borizol, Glycised, Mexidol, Mexiprim, Glutamic acid, Rilutek, Cytoflavin.

Cortexin analogs in ampoules: Armadin, Mexiprim, Neurotropin, Nikomex, Nucleo CMF Forte, Cytoflavin.

Studies conducted on laboratory rats have shown that Cerebrolysin and Cortexin with intraperitoneal injection and injection into lateral ventricle of the brain have a similar effect.

A comparative analysis of the central effects of the drugs led to the conclusion that, despite their similarity, Cortexin is more active.

At the same time, it provokes a much smaller number of adverse reactions and can be used from birth (whereas Cerebrolysin in pediatric practice is used in the presence of reasonable indications).

According to some patients, injections Cerebrolysin less painful in comparison with Cortexin injections.

Instructions for use Cortexin for children allows the use of this drug from the first days of a child's life.

Reviews of doctors on Cortexin for children confirm the manufacturer's statements that the drug practically does not cause adverse reactions, allergies, does not provide teratogenic and carcinogenic and well tolerated by patients.

Its use in neurology, neonatology and pediatrics can improve the behavior of the child and his general state with various kinds of tones, normalize memory function and speech, relieve headaches.

Cortexin is a drug widely used in neurological practice. Reviews about Cortexin for adults, which can be found on numerous thematic forums, testify to the effectiveness of the use of this remedy for the treatment of patients of various ages (both for infants and for senile people).

Taking the drug allows you to speed up the recovery process after injuries and strokes, and in the elderly stimulates the work brain, increases the ability to memorize and concentrate, and also prevents the decline in intellectual abilities.

Reviews about Cortexin for children allow us to conclude that the drug is most often prescribed for children who have certain deviations in neuropsychic development. In particular, indications for the use of the drug are cerebral palsy And brain damage that occurred in the prenatal period (close to the date of birth) or directly during childbirth.

Injections for children - and reviews of Cortexin confirm this - make it possible to achieve significant improvements: after a course of treatment with the drug, the child becomes calmer, his brain activity improves, interest in learning increases, memory and speech improve.

The use of the drug for infants (in particular, for newborns who were born prematurely) allows you to notice obvious improvements in a fairly short time, which manifest themselves in a calmer behavior of the child or the emergence of new skills in him (for example, the ability to independently roll over from his back to his tummy and back).

Mothers whose children were prescribed Cortexin note that after the course of treatment, the child literally “came to life before our eyes”. The advantages of the drug, many consider the absence side effects and low drug toxicity. As disadvantages, the rather high price of the drug and the pain of injections are most often indicated.

As for the reviews of doctors about Cortexin, they, despite the rather high rating of the drug on the forums (an average of 4.1-4.3 on a 5-point scale), are quite contradictory: some doctors consider it a panacea, others - a pacifier with unproven effectiveness .

The price of Cortexin 10 mg in Ukraine is UAH 598-685, the price of Cortexin injections for children ranges from UAH 440 to 520. In Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Donetsk and other large cities, you can buy the drug both in a network of retail pharmacies and through online pharmacies with home delivery.

The average price of Cortexin in 5 ml 10 mg ampoules in Russia is 1100-1200 rubles, the average cost of 5 mg ampoules is 700-850 rubles.

The drug is not available in tablets.

Cortexin lyophilizate 10 mg 5 ml 10 pcs. Geropharm LLC

Cortexin for children lyophilisate 5 mg 10 pcs. Geropharm LLC

Cortexin 5mg lyophilizate for application. solution for injections №10 vials (for children)Geropharm LLC

Cortexin 10mg lyophilizate for application. solution for injections №10 vialsGeropharm LLC

CortexinGeropharm LLC, Russia

CortexinGeropharm LLC, Russia

CortexinGeropharm LLC, Russia

Cortexin 5 mg №10 por. d/in.fl.Geropharm OOO (Russia)

Cortexin 10 mg №10 por. d/in.fl.Geropharm OOO (Russia)

Cortexin is a drug that stimulates brain activity. It is prescribed for children with any developmental disorders associated with insufficient blood circulation in the brain. In this review, you will find information about the composition, mechanism of action and for use, recommendations for dosage and medication. Attached are instructions for use, information about the manufacturer, forms of release and cost of the product, reviews of practitioners and patients, as well as a list of analogues.

Cortexin helps to reduce the backlog of the child in neuropsychic development.

The main active ingredient of the drug is cortexin, which is obtained from the cerebral cortex of cattle. It contains proteins that are able to penetrate the porous barrier between the vessels and tissues of the nervous system and directly affect the child's brain.

Cortexin has a number of positive effects:

  • improves cerebral circulation, prevents the development of hypoxia;
  • stimulates metabolic processes, activates protein synthesis;
  • prevents the manifestation of convulsions by reducing the sensitivity of the epileptic centers;
  • is a powerful antioxidant - protects neurons from the harmful effects of free radicals, prevents cell destruction;
  • accelerates the process of brain regeneration.

Cortexin referred to as nootropics. This pharmacological group combines drugs that directly affect the tissues of the nervous system and affect higher mental functions. With its regular use in children, the ability to acquire knowledge, concentration and memory improves.

The drug is used in pediatrics and can be prescribed from the first days of a patient's life. Indications for use may be:

  • cerebral palsy (as maintenance therapy);
  • ZRR (delayed speech development);

The drug is prescribed for delayed speech development.

  • inflammation of the brain or spinal cord;
  • disorders of cerebral circulation;
  • infectious diseases of the nervous system;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • syndrome of diffuse brain damage.

Cortexin prescribed to newborns with a diagnosis of "perinatal CNS damage". This disease develops during pregnancy and is diagnosed in the first week of a child's life. In such children, there is a slow mental and motor development, a violation of the formation of reflexes.

Taking the drug allows you to saturate the neurons with oxygen and nutrients and in the future to avoid complications such as cerebral palsy or epilepsy.

The official manufacturer of Cortexin is the pharmaceutical company Geropharm, Russia.

The only form of release of the drug is a powder white or light yellow, obtained by lyophilization (freezing of raw materials and subsequent placement in a vacuum). The drug is sealed in vials, which are opened immediately before preparing the solution.

There are 10 vials in a standard carton. The product can be packaged in 5 mg in a 3 ml container or 10 mg (5 ml). The package contains 2 plastic plates, divided by partitions into 5 individual cells each.

The package contains 10 bottles of powder.

The shelf life of the medicine is 2 years. Store it in a dry, dark place at a temperature of 2-20°C. After opening the vial, prepare the solution and inject within 30 minutes.

The average cost of a package of 10 vials of 5 mg is 770 rubles, of 10 mg - 1175 rubles.

The dose of the drug is calculated by the doctor, based on the age and weight of the child. Cortexin injections are best done in a hospital, but if the patient is treated at home, parents can dilute the powder and carry out the procedure on their own.

As a diluent, use 1-2 ml of 0.5% novocaine, or water for injection, or isotonic saline.

Novocaine reduces pain but may cause an allergic reaction. If the child tolerates injections well without anesthesia, dilute the powder with other liquids.

The medicine can be diluted with water for injection.

For children weighing less than 20 kg, the dose is prescribed at the rate of 0.5 mg per kg of body weight. If the child is heavier than 20 kg, give him 10 mg of the drug daily.

Before the first procedure, read the instructions (download instructions). Follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor.

The process of preparing the injection and administering the drug is simple:

  1. Wash your hands with soap and wipe them with alcohol.
  2. Draw the solvent into the syringe, pierce the cap of the powder bottle with a needle and pour the liquid into it. Point the tip of the needle towards the wall of the bottle so that the solution does not foam.
  3. Leave the needle in the stopper, and disconnect the syringe from it for a while. Gently shake the contents of the vial until it acquires a uniform consistency without powder grains.
  4. Attach the syringe back and draw up the desired volume of solution.
  5. If the needle becomes blunt when inserted into the cork, replace it with a new one.

Administer the drug intramuscularly. For children under one year old, inject into the front of the thigh so as not to hurt the sciatic nerve. Older patients can inject the medicine into the gluteal muscle.

Babies are given injections in the thigh.

The course of therapy lasts no more than 10 days. During this time, administer the drug to the child once a day.

It is better to carry out the procedure in the morning, because Cortexin can excite the patient's nervous system and cause insomnia.

If necessary, the treatment can be repeated, but not earlier than 3-6 months after the end of the previous one.

Give the injection no later than half an hour after preparing the solution. Do not open the bottle and do not divide the powder into parts.

If, after the introduction of the required volume of the drug, a certain amount of the solution remains, do not reuse it.

The product is of natural origin and does not cause side effects. The only reason why the drug may be contraindicated is individual sensitivity to its components. Allergic children develop an itchy rash immediately or a few days after the first injection. In this case, contact your doctor. He will find out the cause of such a reaction and, possibly, he will select another drug with a similar effect to Cortexin.

The description is up to date 23.10.2019
  • Latin name: Cortexin
  • ATX code: N06BX
  • Active substance: Animal cerebral cortex polypeptides
  • Manufacturer: Geropharm LLC, Russia


Release form

The drug is available as a sterile lyophilized powder for solution for intramuscular injection.

The cardboard package is completed with two blister packs, each of which contains 5 vials of lyophilisate, and instructions for use.

In pharmacies, you can buy Cortexin 10 mg No. 10 and Cortexin 5 mg No. 10.

Cortexin 10 mg is available in 22 mg vials of 5 ml. The drug is intended for the treatment of adult patients.

Cortexin 5 mg was created specifically for use in pediatrics. It is available in 11 g bottles with a capacity of 3 ml.

pharmachologic effect

Cortexin belongs to the group nootropic and gamkergic drugs that mainly affect CNS . Against the background of its application are noted:

  • nootropic ;
  • neuroprotective ;
  • antioxidant ;
  • tissue-specific effects.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Cortexin is a bioregulator with a polypeptide structure, which is a complex of water-soluble neuropeptides . The molecular weight of these polypeptide fractions does not exceed 10 thousand daltons, which allows them to penetrate the physiological barrier separating central nervous And circulatory system .

The mechanism of action of the drug is realized due to:

  • activation of regulatory , neurons And brain neurotrophic factors ;
  • ratio normalization amino acids , performing mediator functions of excitatory and inhibitory types of action, as well as important brain neurotransmitters And serotonin ;
  • moderately pronounced GABA-ergic effect;
  • reducing the level of paroxysmal (paroxysmal) convulsive activity brain and the ability to normalize the indicators of its bioelectrical activity;
  • preventing the formation of oxidative degradation products lipids (free radicals).

The nootropic effect of Cortexin is accompanied by an improvement higher brain functions , improving memory, increasing the ability to learn and stress resistance.

The neuroprotective effect is manifested in the ability of the agent to increase tissue resistance. brain to the damaging effects of various endogenous neurotoxic factors and reduce the toxic effects of neurotropic substances.

Antioxidant action manifests itself in the ability of the drug to influence oxidative stress (cell damage provoked by oxidative processes) and increase the survival rates of neurons under conditions of oxygen starvation.

The mechanism of this action is associated with the suppression of free radical processes and peroxide lipid oxidation of cell membranes , as well as with the correction of oxygen-dependent pathological conditions.

As a result: the destruction process slows down cell membranes improves microcirculation, decreases vascular wall permeability , normalizes the level contained in the blood and triglycerides .

The tissue-specific effect of the drug is associated with an increase in the intensity CNS neurons And PNS , stimulation of reparative processes in CNS , improvement of the functional state cerebral cortex and general tone somatic and autonomic nervous system .

Pharmacokinetic characteristics are not given to determine, since the decay time of the L-series amino acids and neuropeptide fractions that make up the active substance Cortexin is no more than 3 minutes.

This makes it impossible to establish the rate and degree of absorption of peptide residues, their distribution over various organs and tissues, as well as the rate and ways of their excretion from the body.

Indications for the use of Cortexin: from what medicine is prescribed for adults and children

Indications for the use of the drug are:

  • provoked bacteria or viral infectious diseases of the nervous system ;
  • conditions associated with impairment circulation in the brain ;
  • TBI and its consequences;
  • diffuse brain injury syndrome different nature of origin;
  • cerebral (suprasegmental) autonomic disorders .

In combination with other drugs, the drug is prescribed for the treatment, as well as for the treatment acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the brain and/or spinal cord various etiologies.

For children, indications for the use of Cortexin are reduced learning ability, impaired memory and thinking, child delay syndrome psychomotor and speech development (ZPRR), various forms cerebral palsy .


The drug is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to cortexin and/or glycine.

Clinical studies to establish the effect of the drug on the body of a pregnant woman and a developing fetus have not been conducted. For this reason, the drug is not recommended for use at any time.

Since there are no data from clinical studies regarding the use of the drug during the period, if necessary, the appointment of Cortexin breastfeeding is recommended to stop.

Side effects of the drug

Potentially possible side effects are due to individual sensitivity to the components that make up the drug.

Cortexin injections, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The drug is intended for injection into the muscle.

How to breed Cortexin?

Before injection, the powder contained in the vial should be diluted with one or two milliliters of a 0.5% solution (), physiological saline (isotonic sodium chloride solution (0.9%)) or water for injection.

To prevent the formation of foam, while trying to direct the needle to the wall of the vial.

How to inject a child with Cortexin?

Cortexin is allowed to be prescribed from the first days of life. In some situations, parents have to give the child injections on their own. And here questions arise how to properly inject Cortexin and what is the best way to dilute the powder.

Before giving an injection, water for injection is drawn into the syringe, novocaine or saline , then pierce the lid of the vial and pour the collected liquid into it.

The syringe should be removed (the needle remains in the cap) and the contents of the vial should be shaken thoroughly until the powder is completely dissolved. After that, the syringe is reattached and the required amount of solution is drawn into it.

For an injection, it is better to take a new needle, since the needle with which the solvent for the lyophilizate was injected may already be fairly dull.

The medicine is administered slowly, as rapid administration can cause very severe pain.

For babies up to six months, an intramuscular injection is made into the front surface of the thigh (so as not to accidentally damage the sciatic nerve).

For children, especially very young children, all injections are made with saline or water for injection. injections with novocaine less painful than injections saline , however, dilute the drug novocaine allowed only if there is a firm belief that this will not cause allergic reaction The child has ( novocaine able to give the strongest allergy And ).

Like others neurometabolic drugs , It is recommended to inject Cortexin before 12 noon, given its activating effect and the ability to provoke psychomotor agitation .

Instructions for use Cortexin for adults

Cortexin injections are given to adult patients once a day, daily for ten days, at a dose of 10 mg.

At massive ischemic stroke (MII) in the acute phase, as well as in the early recovery period, the indicated dose is recommended to be administered to the patient twice a day (morning and evening) for ten days. Ten days later, the course should be repeated.

Instructions for use Cortexin for children

In pediatric practice, the drug is used to treat children from the first days of their lives.

For patients whose weight does not exceed 20 kg, the drug is prescribed at a dose equal to 0.5 mg / kg of body weight. For patients weighing more than 20 kg, a dose of 10 mg is indicated.

The duration of treatment is ten days. If necessary, after three to six months, the patient may be assigned a second course.

The drug rarely causes side effects, has almost no contraindications and can be used to treat even newborn babies. Its main disadvantage is the release form: Cortexin is not available in tablets, and this partly complicates its use in children if the latter require several courses.


To date, there are no reports of side effects that have developed as a result of an overdose of Cortexin.


The drug is incompatible with drugs that have a peptide structure.

Terms of sale

The drug belongs to the category of prescription drugs and should be dispensed from pharmacies only on prescription.

Storage conditions

Cortexin should be stored in a dry place protected from sunlight at a temperature of 2 to 20°C.

Best before date

Suitable for use within 36 months from the date of manufacture.

special instructions

The drug is produced exclusively in the form of a lyophilisate, Cortexin is not produced in tablets.

The drug should not be mixed in the same syringe with any other drugs.

Cortexin's analogs

Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

Cortexin analogs in tablets: Armadin And Armadin Lone G, Borizol , Rilutek , .

Cortexin analogs in ampoules: Armadin , Mexiprim , Neurotropin , Nikomex , Nucleo CMF Forte , Cytoflavin .

Cortexin or Cerebrolysiin - which is better?

Studies conducted on laboratory rats have shown that Cortexin, when administered intraperitoneally and injected into lateral ventricle of the brain have a similar effect.

A comparative analysis of the central effects of the drugs led to the conclusion that, despite their similarity, Cortexin is more active.

At the same time, it provokes a much smaller number of adverse reactions and can be used from birth (whereas Cerebrolysin in pediatric practice is used in the presence of reasonable indications).

According to some patients, injections Cerebrolysin less painful in comparison with Cortexin injections.

Cortexin for children

Instructions for use Cortexin for children allows the use of this drug from the first days of a child's life.

Reviews of doctors on Cortexin for children confirm the manufacturer's statements that the drug practically does not cause adverse reactions, does not teratogenic and carcinogenic and well tolerated by patients.

Its use in neurology, neonatology and pediatrics can improve the behavior of the child and his general condition with various kinds of tones, normalize memory function and speech, and relieve headaches.

Reviews about Cortexin

Cortexin is a drug widely used in neurological practice. Reviews about Cortexin for adults, which can be found on numerous thematic forums, testify to the effectiveness of the use of this remedy for the treatment of patients of various ages (both for infants and for senile people).

Taking the drug allows you to speed up the recovery process after injuries and, and in older people stimulates work brain , increases the ability to memorize and concentrate, and also prevents the decline in intellectual abilities.

Reviews about Cortexin for children allow us to conclude that the drug is most often prescribed for children who have certain deviations in neuropsychic development. In particular, indications for the use of the drug are cerebral palsy And brain damage that occurred in the prenatal period (close to the date of birth) or directly during childbirth.

Injections for children - and reviews of Cortexin confirm this - make it possible to achieve significant improvements: after a course of treatment with the drug, the child becomes calmer, his brain activity improves, interest in learning increases, memory and speech improve.

The use of the drug for infants (in particular, for newborns who were born prematurely) allows you to notice obvious improvements in a fairly short time, which manifest themselves in a calmer behavior of the child or the emergence of new skills in him (for example, the ability to independently roll over from his back to his tummy and back).

Mothers whose children were prescribed Cortexin note that after the course of treatment, the child literally “came to life before our eyes”. The advantages of the drug, many consider the absence of side effects and low toxicity of the drug. As disadvantages, the rather high price of the drug and the pain of injections are most often indicated.