Second-line chemotherapy for small cell lung cancer. Effectiveness of lung cancer treatment with chemotherapy

Today, the most common oncological pathology with a high degree lethality is considered to be lung cancer. Previously, this disease was the prerogative of people of the older age group, but now cancer is “younger”. Modern diagnostic methods make it possible to detect the disease at an early stage, which greatly facilitates the treatment process. In lung cancer, an integrated approach is used, which includes chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery. Chemotherapy for lung cancer is highly effective and significantly increases the chances of recovery.

What is lung cancer

Every year, up to a million cases of lung cancer are diagnosed worldwide. The statistics regarding a positive prognosis are disappointing - 6 fatal episodes per 10 cases. Within the territory of Russian Federation this figure is 12% of the total morbidity, while mortality is 15% of all detected cases.

Lung cancer is prevalent predominantly among the male population. Oncologists explain this distribution by the causes that led to the pathological process - smoking.

The classification is based on the localization of the pathological focus:

  • central - located in the lumen of the large bronchi in the roots of the lung. As it develops, it leads to complete overlap, as a result, the lung cannot function normally;
  • peripheral - extremely dangerous option, since it occupies the area along the edge of the lung fields, it remains “dumb” for a very long time, makes itself felt only with a significant increase in size;
  • massive - a combined lesion with both options.

Stages of cancer development

There are 4 main stages in the development of the lung cancer process, while the third is divided into 2 subtypes:

  1. Zero. At an early stage, the formation of pathological cells occurs, which are not determined by instrumental methods. Clinical manifestations in the zero stage is not detected.
  2. First. The most favorable for the appointment of therapy, since treatment during this period can bring the maximum positive effect. The size of the focus does not exceed three centimeters in maximum length. Reactions of regional lymph nodes are not observed. Cancer is detected at the first stage in only 10%, which determines the importance of annual fluorographic examinations.
  3. Second. The size of the tumor node varies in the range from 3 to 5 centimeters, which allows them to be visualized on x-rays. Accompanied by specific complaints - cough, hemoptysis, syndromes from the cardiovascular system, weight loss, increased fatigue.
  4. Stage 3a. The size of the tumor increases, which leads to an increase in symptoms. Involvement of lymph nodes of a mediastinum is noted. The favorable prognosis is about 30%.
  5. Stage 3b. Metastases appear both in the lung itself and in the vertebrae thoracic, ribs, sternum. May be accompanied by pathological fractures.
  6. Fourth. Multiple foci of dropouts that spread hematogenously. The chances of recovery are minimal, so chemotherapy may often not be prescribed for stage 4 lung cancer. In such a situation, resort to symptomatic treatment(palliative).

Based on this division, oncologists select the type of therapy.

Therapeutic measures for lung cancer

Early diagnosis provides a favorable prognosis for cure. For this purpose, a screening method is used - fluorography. If a pathological focus is detected, they are sent for additional examination - CT scan. If the fact of cancer according to CT data is confirmed, then the next step is histology in order to determine the type of cells.

Based on the results of all studies, a complex of therapeutic measures is being created. The main methods for lung cancer are surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. It is an integrated approach with the use of all techniques that can give a positive effect.

Surgical treatment of lung cancer

The purpose of the operation is to remove the maximum volume of the tumor node in order to reduce compression on adjacent tissues. To achieve a significant effect, it is always combined with chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

There are several approaches to surgical intervention (laparoscopically, transthoracically), which depend on the type, size and location of the tumor.


It is the main treatment for cancer. The mechanism of action of drugs is based on a massive effect on the cellular apparatus of the tumor with its destruction. Depending on the combination with the surgical approach, chemotherapy for lung cancer is of three types:

  1. Neoadjuvant, which is prescribed before surgery. Designed to destroy tumor cells, stop metastasis.
  2. Adjuvant, used after surgery or radiation therapy for the final elimination of the remaining elements of cancer.
  3. Targeted - a high-precision technique based on a targeted effect on the node with inhibition of growth and division. There is also a restriction of the blood supply to the cancer. The technique can be used both as an independent therapy and in combination with other options.

Indications and contraindications for chemotherapy

The conditions for choosing such an approach are:

  • localization of the node and the degree of impact on the surrounding tissues;
  • the types of cells that formed the tumor;
  • the presence of intraorgan and distant metastases;
  • lymph node response.

Leukemia, rhabdomyosarcoma, hemoblastosis, chorioncarcinoma allow for a course of chemo for lung cancer.

Before starting treatment, the doctor assesses the risks, expected side effects. A well-designed course of chemotherapy increases the likelihood of a successful cure.

Contraindications for chemotherapy:

  • thrombocytopenia;
  • infectious diseases in the acute period;
  • pregnancy, especially in the first trimester;
  • renal, hepatic, heart failure;
  • marked exhaustion.

The peculiarity of these contraindications is the possibility of correction. Therefore, the attending physician will initially remove the restrictions, and then begin specific chemotherapy treatment.

Drug Options During Chemotherapy

There are more than 60 options for drugs that are used during chemotherapy. The most common are Cisplatin, Carboplatin, Gemcitabine, Vinorelbine, Paclitaxel and Docetaxel. Most often create combinations of them.

The development of the science of oncology does not stand still; new cytostatic drugs are being created. It is possible that during the course of treatment you may be offered participation in clinical trials. Of course, you have the right to refuse.

Conditions for chemotherapy

Chemistry (cytostatics) for lung cancer is most often administered intravenously in a hospital setting. The doctor selects the regimen and dose, based on the histological appearance of the tumor, the stage of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Upon completion of the course of chemotherapy, the patient is given a break for recovery for 2 weeks. Then the next course will follow, their number is determined by the protocol of therapy and effectiveness. Repeated conduct is due to the adaptive characteristics of cancer cells to the toxic effects of drugs. To smooth side effects, symptomatic therapy is prescribed.

There is also a tablet option for taking chemotherapy drugs. The advantage is that you can drink them on an outpatient basis.

Side effects

The effectiveness of this method is very high, especially with early detection. A feature of the drugs of the standard scheme is an indiscriminate effect on the cells of the body. Therefore, the consequences of chemotherapy for lung cancer are reflected in all systems:

  • hematopoiesis (blood formation);
  • violations of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in the form of dyspeptic manifestations;
  • a massive effect of drugs on all rapidly dividing cells (not just cancer cells) is accompanied by hair loss (alopecia);
  • psycho-emotional disorders (depression);
  • the addition of secondary infections due to a decrease in the protective functions of the body is not excluded.

It is important to understand that these manifestations are inevitable, they must be taken for granted. On the other hand, they are temporary. Quite often, after completing the courses, all physiological processes return to normal. This period in life must be experienced and in no case should the treatment be stopped.

palliative care

A new direction in the management of patients is palliative chemotherapy for lung cancer. This approach is used for a group of patients to whom all possible methods have been provided, but the process is constantly progressing. It is intended to improve the quality of life of inoperable patients by leveling pain syndromes, correcting the psycho-emotional background.


Based on the effect of a beam of gamma rays on the tumor process. At the same time, the death of cancer cells is noted due to cessation of growth and division. The rays affect not only the tumor itself, but also adjacent metastases, which gives a complex effect. The use of radiotherapy is also possible for small cell lung cancer. Recent medical advances in radiotherapy include:

  • remote technique, when the impact is carried out using an external (outside the body) source of x-rays;
  • high-dose technology, which is based on the introduction into the patient's body of a special source that generates rays.

The latest advancement is the RAPID Arc therapy. The peculiarity is the point impact exclusively on the cancer node, while healthy tissues are not damaged.. It is accompanied by visual control of the manipulation with the ability to adjust the flow intensity and direction angle. The application is limited by the prevalence of the process.

If the cancer goes beyond the lungs, then this technique is not carried out.


Lung cancer is a terrible disease with a high mortality rate. It is impossible to cure this disease on your own. Expectant tactics are fraught with an increase in the tumor to the point where the methods of modern medicine cannot help.

Chemotherapy is a recognized and effective method of suppression further development oncology. Of course, it has a number of side effects, but the effectiveness successfully covers them.

Lung cancer is rightly considered a serious disease, and worldwide is the main cause of death. The pathological process of the formation of their epithelial cells has certain symptoms, these are:

  • non-stop wet cough with bloody discharge;
  • dyspnea;
  • pleuritic pain.

Signs of a violation of the normal activity of other internal organs and systems can be connected to them. This terrible disease is treated most often in a complex. And one of effective methods is chemotherapy.

What is a chemotherapy treatment?

Chemotherapy method

Chemotherapy for lung cancer- This is a treatment using antitumor drugs that can partially or completely destroy cancer cells. There are cases when it is used as an independent treatment, but this happens extremely rarely, because maximum efficiency can be achieved only if the combined surgical and radiation exposure. It all depends on the structure cancerous tumor, which may or may not be small cell.

Through chemotherapy for lung cancer, all necessary medicines when released into the blood, they completely cover the blood supply system.

In this case, malignant cells are destroyed both internally and externally. Sometimes, in order to achieve a 100% effect, for example, in the treatment of stage 3 lung cancer with chemotherapy, some drugs are combined with each other. Specific medications are taken both during the treatment process itself and during the rehabilitation period. All of them are selected individually, the optimal duration of the course of therapy is 3 weeks.

Chemotherapy drugs for lung cancer are administered into the body in one of two ways:

  1. orally;
  2. intravenously.

Modern drugs of chemical action are divided into the following groups:

  • alkylating cytostatics;
  • antimetabolites;
  • antibiotics;
  • herbal preparations, etc.

Important! Hormones and antihormones are often used to inhibit active tumor growth.

In medicine, there are developed schemes of chemotherapy for lung tumors. They lie in the fact that it is determined which drugs are prescribed first, as well as which dosages are allowed and with which they can be combined.

The most common combinations are:

If in one course it was not possible to achieve the desired effect, then the 2nd line of chemotherapy is performed in conditions of lung cancer.

The complexity of the treatment of tumors with the help of chemicals lies in the fact that malignant cells are not alien to the body, because once they were absolutely normal. In view of this, it is currently impossible to create a unique drug that would not adversely affect healthy cells, but at the same time destroy tumor elements.

Chemotherapy is effective in conditions because it, through special drugs, affects malignant cells, which are considered as such because of their uncontrolled division. They affect the simplest building blocks the moment they multiply. Accordingly, the more often its division occurs, the more the medicine acts. When cancer internal organ is at the last stage of its development, then chemotherapy is more supportive, i.e. facilitates the patient's condition, positively influencing the quality of his life.

But here we are faced with a problem, because along with the pathological process in the body, many other, absolutely normal processes of cell vital activity occur, which also divide quite actively and fall under the negative influence of chemotherapy drugs used to treat cancer. This applies to elementary building units:

  1. bone marrow;
  2. skin;
  3. hair follicles;

As a result, a person who is being treated is forced to suffer from an oncological disease of the respiratory system in the form of disturbances in the processes of hematopoiesis, hair loss, nausea and frequent diarrhea. But for many people, it's better than just dying of cancer. Many people are interested in the question “How long do they live after chemotherapy”, and, regardless of what symptoms accompany lung cancer, after such treatment, the patient can live for about 5 more years.

Proper nutrition

Despite all the aggressiveness of the chemical method of influencing the tumor, sometimes there is simply no other chance and the patient is ready to do anything just to save his life. Depression, nausea and many other sufferings are often the result of such treatment. You can cope with this with the help of proper nutrition during chemotherapy in conditions of lung carcinoma. The main task of the diet is to give the body nutrients, trace elements in the amount that will be enough for its normal functioning. It is also important to stimulate the desire to eat, which disappears almost after the start of treatment, as well as the elimination of nausea.

So, in the conditions of treatment with chemical preparations of squamous cell cancer or its other form, food products containing proteins will contribute to the renewal of the body at the genetic level:

  1. lean meat;
  2. bird;
  3. Fish and seafood;
  4. eggs.

In addition, antioxidants should be present in the daily diet, in the form of:

  • milk;
  • dairy products;
  • croup;
  • flour products.

In order to restore the desire to eat, you should eat quite often, but in very small doses. Moreover, it should be enough to restore energy losses. Do not neglect flavoring seasonings and fresh spices, as well as sour juices, which can increase appetite. It will be possible to suppress nausea if you consume a large amount of liquid, about 3 liters per day.

Nutrition after chemotherapy, in principle, remains the same. As a supplement, patients are recommended table No. 15 according to Pevzner. The source of protein can be not only meat, but also milk porridge, bread, muffins. Once a week you can eat boiled sausage, sausages. Some scientists recommend limiting the number of calories consumed. In their opinion, moderate nutrition, on the contrary, contributes to the intensive restoration of the body. In any case, only a healthy diet, which does not include fried, spicy and fatty foods, contributes to recovery.

Chemotherapy is prescribed by an oncologist and is given in cycles of usually three to four weeks.

When and how is chemotherapy prescribed?

Chemotherapy for lung cancer is prescribed, taking into account the stage and degree of the course of the disease, as an independent treatment, as well as in combination with X-ray therapy (radiation therapy).

"Chemistry" is the main treatment for small cell lung cancer, as it responds very well to chemotherapy. Also, a feature of small cell cancer is that it often spreads beyond the diseased lung. And the drugs used in chemotherapy circulate in the blood throughout the body. And so they can treat cells that have broken away from a lung tumor and spread to other organs.

In the case of small cell lung cancer, chemotherapy is used alone or in combination with radiotherapy. When the cancer is resectable, the procedure may be done before surgery to shrink the cancer. After the operation is performed (sometimes along with X-ray therapy), the doctor prescribes "chemo" to try to kill the affected cells that may have remained in the body.

Chemotherapy is also used in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer. It may be prescribed before or after surgery. It will help shrink the cancer and the tumor will be easier to remove.

On the initial stage non-small cell cancer chemotherapy will help reduce the risk of recurrence after surgery. With this type of disease, "chemistry" can be used in combination with radiotherapy. Especially when the operation is not recommended for the patient for a number of reasons.

In advanced cancer, the use of chemotherapy is more supportive. It can help the patient live longer if the disease can no longer be cured.

Chemotherapy is often prohibited for patients in poor health. But getting "chemistry" to people of advanced age is not forbidden.

Chemotherapy drugs and procedures

The most commonly used for chemotherapy are: medications:

Often, a combination of 2 drugs is used for treatment. Experience shows that the addition of a 3rd chemo does not provide significant benefit and often causes many side effects. And "Chemistry" with one drug is sometimes used for people who cannot tolerate combination chemotherapy due to poor general health or advanced age.

For reference: doctors conduct chemotherapy, as a rule, for 1-3 days. This is followed by a short rest to give the body time to recover. Chemo cycles usually last 3 to 4 weeks.

For advanced stages of the disease, chemotherapy is often given for four to six cycles. Observations have shown that this long-term treatment, so-called maintenance therapy, inhibits the development of cancer and can help people live longer.

Possible side effects and negative effects

Chemotherapy drugs affect cells that multiply rapidly. In this regard, they are used against cancer cells. But other (healthy) cells in the body, such as cells in the spinal cord, intestinal mucosa, and oral cavity, as well as hair follicles, also have the ability to rapidly divide. Unfortunately, drugs can also enter these cells, which leads to certain undesirable consequences.

The negative effects of chemotherapy depend on the dose and type of drugs, as well as the duration of their use.

The main side effects are:

  • the appearance of ulcers in the mouth and on the tongue;
  • significant reduction in hairline and baldness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract - diarrhea, constipation;
  • increased likelihood of infections (from the fact that the number of leukocytes in the blood decreases);
  • bleeding (from the fact that the number of red blood cells decreases);
  • general tiredness and fatigue.

These side effects almost always stop at the end of treatment. BUT modern medicine has many ways to reduce the negative effects of chemotherapy. For example, there are drugs that help prevent vomiting and nausea, reduce hair loss.

The use of certain drugs, such as Cisplatin, Docetaxel, Paclitaxel, can cause peripheral neuropathy - nerve damage. Sometimes this can lead to the manifestation of such symptoms (mainly in the limbs) as burning, pain, tingling, sensitivity to heat or cold, weakness. For most people, these symptoms go away as soon as treatment is stopped.

Patients should be sure to report any symptoms they see to their physician. side effects. In some cases, the doses of chemotherapy drugs may be reduced. And sometimes you need to stop treatment for a while.

Nutrition during chemo

People undergoing "chemistry" should eat well and properly. This will help them feel better and stay strong and prevent bone and muscle loss. Good nutrition helps fight infections and is essential in treating cancer and improving quality of life. Food should be enriched with vitamins and useful trace elements.

Since the body is under stress during chemotherapy, it is necessary to consume a lot of protein for healing and the resumption of the immune system. Red meat, chicken, and fish are excellent sources of protein and iron. A lot of protein in foods such as cheese, beans, nuts, eggs, milk, cottage cheese, yogurt.

Mouth ulcers that develop during chemotherapy can make it difficult for a patient to drink citrus juices or eat citrus fruits, which are among the most common sources of vitamin C. They can be replaced with alternative ways to get this vitamin - peaches, pears, apples, as well as juices and nectars from these fruits.

Important! All vegetables and fruits must be washed very well, because the immune system becomes more susceptible to contaminants in food.

Chemotherapy and radiation can also lead to dehydration. And some drugs - cause kidney failure if they are not excreted from the body. Therefore, it is essential to get enough fluids during cancer treatment.

Chemotherapy is currently showing good results in the treatment of lung cancer. However, many chemotherapy drugs cause side effects. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly keep in touch with your doctor, who will help you choose the right care in order to improve the patient's quality of life.

© 2016–2018 – Cancer Portal

Described methods of diagnosis, treatment, recipes traditional medicine etc. it is not recommended to use it on its own. Be sure to consult with a specialist so as not to harm your health!

Stage 3 lung cancer treatment

  1. 2. Surgical treatment
  2. 4. Radiotherapy

What factors influence the choice of treatment for stage 3 lung cancer? Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted drugs, surgical treatment. What is the survival prognosis?

According to statistics, at the time of diagnosis in 30% of cases, lung cancer has time to reach stage 3. Another 30% fall on 1-2 stages. In 40% of cases, the tumor is diagnosed at stage 4.

In recent years, significant advances have been made in the treatment of stage III lung cancer, and some new methods are being tested in clinical trials, which may involve patients who are not helped by standard procedures.

Before moving on to talking about treatment options, it is important to understand that stage 3 lung cancer is divided into substages. If you do not go into the intricacies of a complex classification, then in general terms the division looks like this:

  • Stage 3A - there is a large lesion in the lungs, or it is smaller, but the cancer cells have spread to the regional The lymph nodes, neighboring organs.
  • Stage 3B - cancer cells have spread to a greater extent to the lymph nodes of the chest, its walls, organs that are located next to the lungs.

In stage 3A, surgical treatment is often still possible; in stage 3B, it is almost always impossible, at least until neoadjuvant therapy is performed.

General principles for the treatment of lung cancer at stage 3

Depending on the structure of tumor cells under a microscope, lung cancer is divided into small cell and non-small cell. The principles of their treatment are somewhat different.

Non-small cell lung cancer

In stage 3A non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery are used. The choice of these or those methods of treatment depends on a number of factors:

  • tumor size;
  • The location of the foci in the lungs;
  • The degree of spread to the lymph nodes and neighboring organs;
  • General health of the patient, concomitant diseases;
  • tolerability of treatment.

In most patients, treatment begins with chemotherapy, often in combination with radiation therapy. If after that the surgeon believes that the tumor can be removed, and the patient's condition allows for surgery, surgical treatment is performed. This is followed by a course of adjuvant chemotherapy, and radiation therapy may be prescribed if it has not been performed before.

If surgical treatment is contraindicated, radiation therapy is prescribed, in some cases in combination with chemotherapy.

In stage 3B, surgery is usually not possible. If the patient's condition allows, conduct a course of chemotherapy in combination with radiation therapy. Sometimes the effect of such treatment is very good, it is even possible to subsequently carry out surgical intervention. If the patient is severely debilitated and combination treatment is not possible, only radiation therapy or only chemotherapy is prescribed.

Small cell lung cancer

The main treatment is chemotherapy and chest radiation. If the treatment helps stop the cancer, radiation therapy is given to the head area. The fact is that small cell lung cancer often metastasizes to the brain. Irradiation helps to destroy possible microscopic metastatic foci that have not yet been detected, and thus prevent their growth in the future.


In stage 3 resectable lung cancer, the primary focus and all nearby lymph nodes are removed. The amount of intervention depends on the size, location of the tumor, the degree of its spread to neighboring structures.

Chemotherapy for lung cancer stage 3

Chemotherapy can be used in different ways:

  • As the only and main method of treatment when surgical treatment is not possible.
  • In combination with radiation therapy.
  • Before surgery, to shrink the tumor, make it operable, make the surgeon's job easier, and improve the chances of successful surgical treatment. This type of chemotherapy is called neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
  • After surgery, to destroy the remaining cancer cells in the patient's body and prevent recurrence.

Combinations of two chemotherapy drugs with different mechanisms of action are usually used (usually one of them is cisplatin or carboplatin). Studies have been conducted that show that the addition of a third drug does not significantly affect efficacy, but increases the risk of side effects.

Chemotherapy is given in cycles. One cycle consists of 1-3 days of drug administration, followed by a "break", during which the patient's body is restored. Usually the duration of the cycle is 3-4 weeks, the course consists of 4-6 cycles.

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy, like chemotherapy, can be prescribed before surgery, after it, as an independent method of treatment (including in combination with chemotherapy). Irradiation is usually carried out 5 days a week for 5–7 weeks, but the regimen and duration may vary.

In small cell lung cancer, prophylactic brain radiation therapy is carried out in order to prevent the growth of possible metastases.

Targeted drugs and immunotherapy

Targeted drugs and immune drugs are modern, relatively new groups of drugs, they can be used in non-small cell lung cancer. Targeted drugs block substances that activate angiogenesis - the process of growth of new blood vessels that supply tumors with oxygen and nutrients.

Two drugs are used: Bevacizumab and Ramicirumab. Of the immunodrugs for lung cancer, checkpoint inhibitors are used: Atezolizumab and Nivolumab.

Sometimes targeted drugs and immunotherapy are given as first-line therapy in combination with chemotherapy.

What is the survival prognosis for stage 3 lung cancer?

The prognosis for cancer is determined by the five-year survival rate: this indicator refers to the percentage of patients who are still alive within five years from the moment the cancer was diagnosed. For stage 3A non-small cell cancer, the 5-year survival rate is 36%. At stage 3B - 26%. With stage 3 small cell cancer, the prognosis is worse - only 8%.

  1. 1. General principles for the treatment of lung cancer at stage 3
    • 1.1 Non-small cell lung cancer
    • 1.2 Small cell lung cancer
  2. 2. Surgical treatment
  3. 3. Chemotherapy for stage 3 lung cancer
  4. 4. Radiotherapy
  5. 5. Targeted drugs and immunotherapy
  6. 6. What is the survival prognosis for stage 3 lung cancer?

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How long do people live with stage 3 lung cancer?

One of the most common cancers is lung cancer. Almost always at the initial stage of its development, it is not accompanied by vivid symptoms. That is why a dangerous pathology is most often detected already with the appearance of metastases in many organs. And having heard from a doctor about such a diagnosis as “stage 3 lung cancer”, almost every patient tries to find out how long they live in this case. But the answer to this question largely depends on the condition of the patient himself.

Symptoms and description of stage 3 lung cancer

Quite often, at first, patients perceive the manifestations of lung cancer as signs of exacerbated bronchitis, tuberculosis, or even pathology of the cardiovascular system. Symptoms in this case can be completely different. Their manifestation depends on the site of tumor formation in the lung, its size and type, as well as the number of metastases. But there are also common signs of the disease. These include:

  • strong pain in the chest area;
  • frequent cough, in which blood is observed in expectorant sputum;
  • almost constantly accelerated heartbeat;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath, even in the absence of prolonged and intense physical activity;
  • constant feeling of discomfort during breathing;
  • voice change, he becomes hoarse and deaf;
  • frequent pain in the heart or other organs. This symptom indicates the presence of metastases in them.

Being the main symptom, cough appears in the early stages of oncology. By stage 3 lung cancer, the cough becomes almost constant and provokes intense pain in the sternum. Gradually growing, the tumor begins to put pressure not only on the small bronchial mesh, but already on the large bronchi. In this case, there is a deficiency in the supply of tissues with oxygen, and shortness of breath appears. At first, it occurs during significant physical exertion, and later, with the growth of oncological formation, it can manifest itself even during rest in a supine position.

The ingress of blood particles into sputum occurs when a pathological formation covers large blood vessels. In addition, receiving nutrients directly from the bloodstream, the tumor begins to grow rapidly. In the process, pathogenic elements easily begin to move through the vessels, and the already difficult stage 3 is supplemented by metastases. They can damage any organ.

Due to the nature and extent of metastases, grade 3 lung cancer is conditionally divided into:

In lung cancer 3A, metastases affect almost all nearby organs. The formations are large.

Oncology 3B is a more severe form. It is characterized by metastases not only in neighboring organs, but also covers part of the circulatory system, due to which the pathology easily begins to migrate to distant parts of the body, reaching the brain.

Signs of the appearance of metastases

With intensive growth and spread of the tumor, as well as in smokers, cancer of the 3rd degree is accompanied by strong, unmuffled pains, which constantly increase, and become quite sharp when coughing. At the same time, metastases that penetrate into various organs and systems of the body provoke the appearance of additional symptoms:

  • swelling of various parts of the body. The hands and face are most often affected;
  • in the process of swallowing, there is a clear discomfort, as if there is a foreign body inside the larynx;
  • hiccups appear;
  • speech disorders begin;
  • aching pain in the bones;
  • jaundice;
  • tooth loss;
  • paralysis of various parts of the body.

There are frequent cases when the pathology developed almost asymptomatically, but when it passed into stage 3, the patient began to have a frequent increase in body temperature, as well as pneumonia.

Why is stage 3 lung cancer dangerous?

At stage 3, the size of the lung tumor can already exceed 7 cm in diameter. At the same time, pathological formation not only complicates the work of the lung, but also provokes intense, almost unbearable pain. However, most often, at the 3rd stage of oncology, the most negative role is played not by the tumor itself, but by its metastases. Gradually covering nearby organs, they completely block the work of the body.

Often, lung cancer metastasizes to the trachea, esophagus, stomach, liver, kidneys, and heart muscle. Cancer cells spread throughout the body through the blood. Most often, this leads to the physical impossibility of eating, general poisoning of the body with toxins and the development of the pericardium. In addition, the lack of oxygen that occurs with this pathology contributes to intense brain damage.

What is the survival rate for stage 3 lung cancer?

When determining the chances of curing or stopping the growth of a tumor and metastases, oncology uses statistics on the survival of patients within 5 years from the date of diagnosis. It is the percentage of patients who have overcome the 5-year milestone with this disease that is considered an indicator of survival.

In general, survival for stage 3 lung cancer depends on the following factors:

  1. Tumor structure. Distinguish between large and small cells. With large cell pathology, the chances of survival are much higher.
  2. Timeliness of diagnosis.
  3. Tumor size.
  4. The general condition of the patient's body and his age.
  5. Properly selected complex treatment.

Even at stage 3, such an indicator as timely diagnosis plays a significant role. Having discovered cancer during the examination at the beginning of its transition to stage 3, the chances of stopping the spread of metastases are much greater than with a tumor that has affected almost all organs and lymph nodes.

The condition of the body as a whole and the age of the patient are also important. The strong immunity of young people, as well as the absence of other health problems, make it possible to fight the disease much more effectively. However, even a middle-aged or elderly person who monitors his health may have a higher chance of survival than a younger patient with a weak immune system and a lot of bad habits.

How long do such patients live?

There is no single answer to the question of how long patients with this diagnosis live. However, based on the statistics, the 5-year survival prognosis is not very high. For a large cell, less active tumor, type 3A, this figure is 19-24%. If the tumor consists of small fast-growing cells, the prognosis of survival is reduced to 13%.

Type 3B pathology, characterized by large cells of the pathological body, gives a 5-year survival rate of 9%. For the small cell form, the figure is 7-9%.

But, even taking into account the low statistical indicators, the patient must always remember that the chances of survival depend directly on ourselves, and therefore it is important to continue treatment.

How to prolong life with stage 3 lung cancer?

In order to effectively deal with the disease, it is necessary that the therapy be carried out exclusively in a complex manner. The use of only one method for such a serious disease will not give a positive result.

For the treatment of lung cancer are used:

The use of radiation therapy can slow down, and in some cases even stop the growth of the tumor. In most cases, it is used immediately before surgery. This method allows you to significantly reduce the size of the formation, since the radiation is very aggressive for cancer cells. However, radiation exposure is also used when the operation is impossible. In this case, it provides an increase in chemotherapy and stops the spread of cancer.

Chemotherapy is carried out in courses. Each of the stages of drug treatment provides a decrease in the growth of education. And since the drugs used in chemotherapy not only affect the tumor, but also negatively affect the patient's body, there are breaks between courses of treatment. They allow the body to recover to further fight the disease. The selection of specific drugs for chemotherapy and their dosage is carried out exclusively by the doctor. In stage 3 lung cancer, the dosage is usually quite high.

In order to reduce the harm of these drugs, steroids are almost always prescribed before using them. And as an efficiency boost, medicines can be combined. Most often this is practiced in inoperable cancer.

The use of drugs for chemotherapy can be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor and only in a hospital! Such safety measures are necessary due to the high toxicity of most of them!

Despite the fact that surgery is the main method of stopping the development of pathology, its use is not always possible. In most cases, a large cell tumor with a small number of metastases located on the outer part of the organs is operable. In this case, not only the pathological formation itself can be removed, but also part of the affected organ itself. And in the case of its intensive distribution, the entire affected lung may be subject to removal, if this will save the patient's life.

Small cell tumor, due to its aggressiveness, is practically not subject to removal. This very active form quickly produces metastases, often penetrating deep into organs in the form of a large number of dispersed nodules. In addition, cancer cells quickly enter the bloodstream and are contained in it in large numbers. Surgical intervention in this case can only lead to the activation of the growth of metastases. That is why a small cell tumor is practically not operated on.

Traditional medicine

In the struggle for recovery, not only traditional methods of treatment are used. Traditional medicine can also be used as an adjunctive therapy. Most often, these are decoctions, ointments, lotions from medicinal herbs.

As the main medicinal components for the preparation of anticancer drugs, the following are used:

For the preparation of decoctions, several components are used at the same time. Their mixture in the amount of 2 tbsp. poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and, after stirring, poured into a thermos for 1 hour. After that, the infusion is filtered and consumed orally 30 minutes before a meal, 100 ml each. 3 times a day.

Potato color is often used separately. To prepare an infusion for cancer, 1 tbsp. dried flowers poured 0.5 liters. boiling water and left in a thermos for 3 hours. After the time has elapsed, the mixture is filtered, and the flowers are additionally squeezed out. Storage of medicinal infusion should occur only in glassware. It is necessary to take it 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals.

Plantain is also highly effective in the fight against lung cancer. It is in the amount of 1 tbsp. it is necessary to pour 0.2 liters of boiling water and let it brew for 2 hours. After that, the infusion is filtered and drunk 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals, 1 tbsp.


Knowing approximately, with such a diagnosis as stage 3 lung cancer, how long patients live, many are gathering all their strength in order to defeat the disease. And at the same time, an internal positive attitude plays an important role. However, it is important to remember that the successful treatment of such an aggressive disease requires a mandatory comprehensive approach, as well as the control of a competent doctor.

It's important to know:

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The information on this site is provided for informational purposes only! It is not recommended to use the described methods and recipes for the treatment of cancer on your own and without consulting a doctor!

Lung cancer stage 3 (degrees) - how long do people with it live and what are the symptoms of the disease

Today, a disease such as lung cancer, alas, is not uncommon. Of course, a lot depends on what stage the cancer is at: the most favorable prognosis is if the disease was detected at stage 1 or 2 of the course. However, sometimes the situation is aggravated, and the cancer passes into a dangerous third stage. People who are faced with a similar problem, first of all, want to know: how long they live in such cases and what is the general prognosis.


First you need to describe the manifestations of the disease. If a person knows what signs to pay attention to, then the probability of coming to a specialist in a timely manner will be much higher. So, for such a disease as lung cancer of the third degree, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • Pain in chest. At this stage, the pain is quite strong.
  • Coughing. Often, when coughing, sputum with blood impurities is expectorated.
  • Palpitations, shortness of breath, discomfort when breathing, the voice becomes deaf, hoarse.
  • At stage 3, metastases penetrate into other organs, so the patient may feel pain in the heart, etc. Pain in the heart is especially characteristic in cases where there is a lesion of the left lung.

The symptoms described above are often mistaken for manifestations of other diseases: bronchitis, tuberculosis, diseases of the heart and blood vessels. However, in any case, you should immediately pay attention to such signs and visit a specialist. Indeed, with the development to the fourth stage of the disease, the tumor passes to the second lung (from the left to the right and vice versa), metastases penetrate deeper into the tissues - in a word, irreversible processes begin.

How is stage 3 cancer treated?

Treatment of stage 3 lung cancer requires, as a rule, an integrated approach, and combines radiation therapy, chemotherapy and surgery. Each of these points is worth discussing in more detail.

  • Radiation therapy. If surgery is possible, radiation acts as an auxiliary factor in helping to reduce the size of the tumor before surgery. If it is not possible to remove the tumor surgically, this therapy will significantly slow down the growth of the tumor. The essence of radiation therapy is that the applied radiation adversely affects cancer cells, which multiply very intensively. Partly affects the radiation and healthy cells, but the effect for them is not as critical as for the tumor.
  • Chemotherapy. Drug therapy is quite effective and can significantly reduce the growth of cancer cells. However, the appointment of a course of chemotherapy is a very individual matter. There are many nuances that only the attending physician can adequately assess. Usually drug treatment passes in blocks, in the interval between which the body recovers from the stress it has suffered.
  • Operation. Removal of the tumor by surgery is the main method of treatment for the third degree of lung cancer. It is important not to miss the moment at which the tumor is still operable. The exception is when small cell carcinoma occurs. This is a very aggressive form of the disease.

The treatment of a disease such as cancer is quite difficult. Strong medications and radiation cause a significant blow to all body systems, but in this case, the end justifies the means, because without proper treatment, lung cancer leads to the death of the patient.

If you are interested in exudative pleurisy, then our material gives all the advice of doctors on this disease.

Whether homeopathy helps with sinusitis you will learn from this material.

Prognosis and life expectancy for stage 3 lung cancer

The first question that worries oncology patients is how long they live with such a diagnosis.

It all depends on the type of cancer: there is a 3-A stage and a 3-B stage of lung cancer.

  • In the first case, the tumor reaches 7 cm, metastases penetrate into the trachea, lymph nodes. In this case, the probability of surviving in the next 5 years is approximately %.
  • When it comes to type 3-B, in which the heart muscle is destroyed, then the same probability will be %.
  • If we are talking about small cell cancer, then here the prognosis is less comforting: already at stage 2, the probability of surviving for 5 years is 9%.

Although the chances seem to be small, treatment should be continued anyway. Of course, grade 1 cancer is much easier to cure, but do not despair: with proper therapy, even small cell cancer can recede for a while. Chemotherapy, radiation, surgery - all this can prolong the life of the patient, so they should not be neglected.

Consequences and nutrition in lung cancer chemotherapy

Lung cancer is the leading disease in oncology. Every day, a large number of people die from this disease, usually after a belated discovery of cancer. Today, lung cancer is a curable disease. It is treated surgically, or radiation and chemotherapy, which are closely related.

Chemotherapy for lung cancer uses drugs that are strong enough to kill cancer cells. This method of treatment is considered the most effective, especially at an early stage of the disease. Cancer cell growth stops.

Also, chemotherapy can help patients who develop cancer for a long time to return to a normal lifestyle.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes and is NOT a guide to action!
  • Only a DOCTOR can make an EXACT DIAGNOSIS!
  • We kindly ask you DO NOT self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones! Do not give up

Video: Benefits of Chemotherapy

What is chemotherapy, features, scheme

With the help of chemotherapy treatment, the drugs needed by the body enter the bloodstream, covering the entire circulatory system body, killing all developing cancer cells both outside and inside the lungs.

Some drugs must be combined with each other in order to achieve maximum effectiveness of treatment. Medicines are used both at the beginning of treatment and after, in the process of rehabilitation. Preparations are selected individually for each patient. On average, the course of treatment takes about three weeks.

In case of small cell lung cancer, a rehabilitation course is prescribed after the detection of the localization of the tumor, and also depending on the stage of its development, histological type and form of the disease. Lung cancer often develops in two forms: localized (according to statistics, there is a high chance of fast recovery) and widespread (it is necessary to undergo an extended course of chemotherapy).

Drugs are administered to the human body by oral or intravenous routes.

The most common schemes for the treatment of lung cancer with chemotherapy are the following:

  • CAV (consists of cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin and vincristine);
  • ACE (from doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, etoposide);
  • VMP (vinblastine, mitomycin, cisplatin).

What needs to be considered?

When treating lung cancer with chemotherapy, the following points should be considered:

  • the gender and age of the patient must be taken into account in order to know how long the course of treatment will last and the right amount of drugs for chemotherapy;
  • localization and size of the tumor in the lungs of the human body; for this, special diagnostics are performed to detect cancer cells in the body;
  • to analyze for histology;
  • determine the stage of the disease.

The leading cause of death in lung cancer patients is highlighted here.

Preparations for the procedure

Today, the pharmaceutical industry does not stand still. Every day there are new drugs for the treatment of various diseases.

For the treatment of lung cancer, there are a huge number of drugs, the main of which are the following:

  1. after the operation, "Cyclophosphamide", "5-fluorouracil" and "Metatrexate" are prescribed.
  2. in the process of chemotherapy itself, Nitrosomethylurea, Adriablastin, Cisplatin, Natulan, Vincristine and Etoposide (used in combination chemotherapy) are used.
  3. Today, scientists are working on the creation of a new drug, which was obtained from the Pacific yew. They promise that it will be more effective and faster for recovery.

Complications, side effects

Chemotherapy drugs are effective in that they remove cancer cells from the body at an early stage or slow down the process of their reproduction at later stages. But, as with any other treatment, there are also side effects or complications when treating lung cancer with chemotherapy.

After completing the first stage of the course of recovery, some patients may feel minor problems or discomfort in the functioning of the body. Usually, a person may experience nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea during chemotherapy. There are cases of hair loss, small sores in the oral cavity may appear.

Video: Why hair falls out from chemotherapy

Often a person is very tired after chemotherapy. At the final stages of the course, signs of oppression of hematopoiesis may develop. This is manifested in a decrease in the number of leukocytes and hemoglobin needed by the body, the appearance of neuropathy, frequent secondary infections of the body are observed.

Not so long ago, after treatment with chemotherapy, a person could become severely depressed. Scientific progress does not stand still, and, to date, such drugs have become available that can even prevent nausea or vomiting during the course of treatment. Even hair, after chemotherapy, begins to grow much faster.

So, if we take modern chemotherapy, we can say that there are practically no side effects. If complications occur, they are very minor and do not cause much harm to the health of the human body.


Special diets for lung cancer chemotherapy have not yet been invented. Doctors say that nutrition during the course of treatment and upon its completion should be balanced and complete.

It is recommended to eat more fruits and vegetables. Add them to salads, jams, steam them, peel them. To quickly restore the body after a course of chemotherapy, you need to eat food that contains a lot of protein. This includes dairy products: chicken, fish, meat, nuts, cottage cheese.

Also, the body will need carbohydrates: these are milk porridges, boiled potatoes, rice, pasta. You can also use sweet dairy products: cheese, yogurt, plums, dairy desserts. An important element is the adoption of a large amount of high-quality drinking water, preferably from deep wells, without any additives.

The effectiveness of treatment at stages 1,2,3,4

Chemotherapy for lung cancer is considered the most effective treatment this disease. As mentioned earlier, the course of treatment is practically without any complications and there are no side effects after chemotherapy.

Side effects of chemotherapy in lung cancer

Often, during the course of chemotherapy, the patient has no appetite. Therefore, it is advised to eat in small portions, but 5-7 times a day. These are temporary phenomena that will pass immediately after the end of the course of chemotherapy.

Nutrition for cancer patients is a very important element, because proper nutrition makes a lot of adjustments and exposes to a speedy recovery, giving the human body additional strength and energy.

It is advised to contact professional nutritionists who will make an approximate diet for the period of lung cancer treatment.

Read more about symptoms of peripheral lung cancer here.

You can find out more about what a strong cough leads to with lung cancer here.

Prices (value)

The price for undergoing a course of chemotherapy for the treatment of lung cancer will depend primarily on the stage of the disease, the type of tumor and, of course, on the choice of clinic for rehabilitation. The course of chemotherapy consists of 3-6 sessions, which are prescribed by a doctor. These sessions take place at the agreed time, for 3-4 weeks.

Approximate prices for chemotherapy are as follows:

Your feedback

Hello. Father was diagnosed with cancer right lung 3 degrees, and multiple metastases. She underwent 2 courses of chemotherapy, which resulted in temporary relief, but the pains resumed. I would like to know if there is a treatment at this stage, and has anyone from relatives or friends recovered? Thanks

My dad was also diagnosed with cancer of the left lung, but after chemotherapy, the doctor prescribed Nalbuphine. The drug is good, it relieves pain, however, insomnia and depression appeared. The doctor prescribed sleeping pills and a mild antidepressant. Now the state can be called relatively satisfactory.

And can you advise any drugs for my mother, she has stage 3 lung cancer. Now she is undergoing chemotherapy, but she feels depressed and refuses to eat, citing her lack of appetite. They hurt. Thanks

We had the same situation, dad was prescribed antidepressants and a special diet. Then he switched to fractional nutrition. After the end of the course, the symptoms disappeared, but terrible pains torment me. Some advise the drug ASD-2, they say it helps. It can be bought at the vet. pharmacy. Haven't tried yet.

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The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only, does not claim to be reference and medical accuracy, and is not a guide to action.

Do not self-medicate. Consult with your physician.

Chemotherapy for lung cancer is one of the most effective ways the fight against cancer, the essence of which is the use of antitumor drugs aimed at the partial or complete destruction of atypical cells. This type of therapy can be used before or after surgery, as well as an independent method of treatment. The greatest effectiveness of chemotherapy can be achieved when diagnosing squamous cell carcinoma.


This technique of therapeutic intervention is classified into two main varieties.


It is used immediately before the surgical removal of a malignant neoplasm. This allows you to reduce the size of the tumor, which greatly facilitates the process of the operation.


It is carried out after surgical manipulation. The main task of chemotherapy in this case is to prevent the recurrence of oncological pathology. This is due to the fact that during the operation the tumor may not be completely removed, and cancerous cell structures will still remain in the body.

Chemotherapy also has another classification depending on the drugs used.


It is considered the most harmless to the human body. Drugs in this category include Methotrexate and Cyclophosphamide.


It has a high toxic effect. As a result, the immune system is sharply disrupted, as well as the functioning of the whole organism. IN this group includes anthracyclines.


Helps only for early stages development of cancer. These drugs include Mitoxantrone and Mitomycin.


It is also most effective at the beginning of tumor formation. As a rule, these are drugs Taxol and Taxotere.


When prescribing chemotherapy, it is necessary to take into account the stage of the pathological process and the nature of the neoplasm itself. First of all, it is necessary to take into account factors such as the size, extent and growth of the tumor. In addition, it is important to take into account the differentiation of malignancy, the level of spread of metastases and the involvement of lymph nodes in the oncological process.

An equally important role is played by the individual characteristics of the organism of the patient himself. This is usually the age category, the presence of concomitant pathologies chronic form, the location of the malignant tumor, the state of the regional lymph nodes.

When choosing the dosage and the drugs used, it is always necessary to take into account the level of likelihood of possible complications.

Thus, the indications for the use of chemotherapy are based precisely on the factors listed above. In most cases, the procedure is given before surgery to shrink the tumor, or after surgery to kill any remaining cancer cells.

Chemotherapy is also carried out when it is impossible to use surgical manipulation due to the presence of certain contraindications or at stage 4 of an oncological disease, when the neoplasm is inoperable.


Despite its effectiveness, chemotherapy treatment has a number of limitations. So, chemotherapy is contraindicated in:

  • critical the patient's condition;
  • mental disorders;
  • diseases infectious nature of origin;
  • pathologies liver and kidneys.

In addition, the use of antitumor drugs is prohibited for the elderly in the presence of immunodeficiency and rheumatism. Also, treatment can be suspended for the period of use of antibacterial drugs.


The course of chemotherapeutic measures is prescribed exclusively by a specialist individually for each patient, taking into account the characteristics of his organism and the nature of the neoplasm. As a rule, all treatment consists of several cycles with a break of 3-5 weeks. This is necessary for the restoration of immunity field therapy.

In most cases, a combination of two anticancer agents is used. As practice shows, the addition of a third drug does not increase the effectiveness of treatment.

Also, with intolerance to combination chemotherapy or in old age, patients can be prescribed one drug.

More often, drugs are administered intravenously or by injection. However, medicines can also be prescribed in tablets for oral use.

Specialists have developed certain chemotherapy regimens, represented by the following combinations:

  • CAV- Cyclophosphamide, Doxorubicin, Ivincristine;
  • VMP- Cisplatin, Vinblastine and Mitomycin;
  • ACE- Etoposide is added to Doxorubicin and Cyclophosphamide.

In the event that one course does not bring the desired effect, second-line chemotherapy is performed.

Side effects and complications

The consequences of chemotherapy for lung cancer can be very different. Since the drugs used during treatment have increased toxicity, the following is not excluded:

  • appearance noise in the ears;
  • absence sensitivity upper and lower limbs;
  • dropping out hair;
  • absence appetite
  • organ dysfunction gastrointestinal path;
  • decline hearing;
  • seizures nausea and vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • general weakness.

More serious complications include weakening of the bone structure, as a result of which osteoporosis can begin to develop. Such manifestations are possible with the use of Fluorouracil and Cyclophosphamide.

In addition, side effects include disruptions at the hormonal level. Against the background of such a state, there is a violation menstrual cycle in the female half of the population and the functioning of the ovaries.

At the end of the course of chemotherapy treatment, many of the effects disappear on their own.


The maximum positive effect of chemotherapy can be achieved when lung cancer is diagnosed at the beginning of the development of pathology. In addition, success largely depends on the correct treatment regimen and factors such as the age of the patient, his general state health, stage, size and extent of the tumor.

So, after the use of combination therapy at the first stage of the disease, the patient's life expectancy for five is noted in 70 percent of cases. With the second and third, the 5-year survival rate is 40 and 20 percent, respectively. If the disease is detected at the last stage, then the prognosis will be unfavorable.

Chemotherapy for lung cancer is one of the most effective treatments. However, this technique can provoke the appearance of many complications and side effects. That is why a patient who is undergoing a course of therapy with the use of anticancer drugs should be under the constant supervision of his attending physician.

IN modern world oncological diseases very common. More than eight million people die each year from lung cancer alone. To protect yourself and your loved ones, you need to monitor your health, periodically be diagnosed and, if a disease is detected, immediately contact professionals and treat it.

Lung cancer is a malignant tumor that occurs in the lungs and bronchi. Most often, the disease progresses in the right lung and in the upper lobes. It can be either cancer of one lung or cancer of both lungs. The cells proliferate rapidly and may migrate to and invade other organs.

This disease is very dangerous, so it can lead to death. In terms of mortality, this disease ranks first among other cancers. Men who have crossed the sixty-year mark fall into the risk category. A common type is squamous cell lung cancer, during which the tumor grows through the cells of the bronchial epithelium.

The disease has 4 stages (degrees):

  • Stage 1 - a small tumor up to 2 cm in size, which does not affect the lymph nodes;
  • Stage 2 - a mobile tumor more than 2 cm, begins to affect the lymphatic system;
  • Stage 3 - a tumor limited in movement. It is characterized by metastasizing lymph nodes;
  • Stage 4 - extreme. The tumor grows and is localized in neighboring organs. Unfortunately, there is no cure for stage 4 cancer.

What stage of the patient can be determined after diagnosis.

The concept of chemotherapy and the scheme of its implementation

Chemotherapy treatment refers to the treatment with medicines that stop the division and reproduction of cancer cells. There are other types of treatment, but they are not as effective.

Chemotherapy drugs are injected into the blood, where they directly perform their function and are distributed throughout the body. The main advantage of the treatment is that the drugs do not act on one specific area of ​​the body, but kill cancer cells wherever they are found, with little or no effect on healthy organs.

The procedure is carried out with interruptions of several weeks. This is necessary to restore immunity and rest the body. During the course, the doctor monitors the patient's condition, collects tests, and conducts the necessary studies. Everything chemicals have a dosage that depends on the weight and age of the person.

Carrying out scheme:

  • the medicine is injected into a vein with a thin needle;
  • a catheter is installed, which is not removed until the end of the course;
  • if possible, the artery that is closest to the tumor is involved;
  • preparations in the form of tablets and ointments are also used.

Chemotherapy for squamous cell lung cancer involves the use of drugs that kill abnormal cells.

The chemotherapy regimen should be effective and with a minimum level of side effects. All medical drugs must be prescribed individually for the patient, and they must also be combined with each other.

Indications for lung cancer chemotherapy

The procedure is prescribed depending on the disease, its stage, the age of the patient and other factors. The number of chemotherapy courses is prescribed directly by the doctor. First, they look at the size of the formation, its changes and deformations.

Pay attention to the general condition of the human body, the place of formation of the swelling and its progression. Chemotherapy for lung cancer helps to stop the development of the disease, and sometimes get rid of it.

Ideally, this therapy should completely destroy cancer cells. In the future, specialists prescribe chemotherapy drugs. The doctor prescribes all drugs individually for each patient. There are different types of chemicals for lung cancer, which are selected and prescribed in the clinic.

Contraindications and side effects of lung cancer chemotherapy

This method has a number of contraindications:

In addition, procedures can be canceled if:

  • advanced age of the patient;
  • body immunodeficiency;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • rheumatoid arthritis.

It is impossible to accurately predict the consequences. Some patients do not have them at all, others face a number of negative phenomena.

Medicine does not stand still and tries to improve medicines. But be aware of the negative consequences. They appear after the procedure, most often after a few days. The main ones include:

In order to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy, the patient takes certain medications.

How to deal with the side effects of chemotherapy?

Any chemistry affects how the body works. So far, no drug has been created that would not be non-toxic and completely destroy oncological diseases. It is impossible to predict how difficult or easy a person will endure the procedure.

The consequences of chemotherapy for lung cancer vary from hair loss to nausea and vomiting.

To alleviate the condition you need:

The effect of the application

The effectiveness of chemotherapy in lung cancer is. The disease is contained, cancer cells are destroyed, but the complete disappearance of oncology is most often impossible, since the cells have adapted to the drugs.

Frequently asked question: "How long do they live after chemotherapy?" The exact number of years varies and depends on the individual case and the transfer of treatment. After an illness, you can live a lot of time and lead a completely fulfilling life. Medicine knows happy cases of healing.

The treatment of lung cancer with chemotherapy has its positive results: in connection with the development of medicine, chemotherapy courses for lung cancer every year show better results and are much less painful than before. Therefore, you need to do this procedure. You need to treat it with attention and understand what it is necessary measure. And most importantly - you need to believe in a speedy recovery and never give up.

Proper nutrition during chemotherapy

In the course of treatment, much depends on the patient himself. First of all, it concerns proper nutrition.

With side effects, a healthy, nutritious diet is essential. It helps the body to function normally, and the person recovers faster. Medicines adversely affect the organs of the digestive tract. A person is faced with a lot of difficulties. Therefore, further recovery also depends on the quality and regularity of nutrition.

You should drink plenty of water, at least one and a half to two liters a day during the course of chemotherapy. It is very important to enrich your diet with all groups useful products: protein, cereals, fruits and vegetables and dairy products. Protein foods include: beans, fish, nuts, eggs, soy, meat. During the day, it is best to consume such products at least once. Dairy products include: kefir, yogurt, dairy products, cheese and others. They are rich in calcium and magnesium.

The diet should be enriched with fruits and vegetables, including dried fruits and compotes. This group of foods should be consumed at least four times a day. This is especially true when starting chemotherapy.

Drinking freshly squeezed juice will be helpful. You should add fresh herbs to your diet. Be sure to eat carrots and various fruits containing vitamin C. Also, do not forget about cereals and bread. They are rich in carbohydrates and B vitamins. In the morning you need to eat cereals. During and after treatment in this way, you need to drink vitamins. Alcoholic beverages should be excluded.