The drug afobazole indications. Afobazole - contraindications, instructions, pharmacological action

Afobazole is a popular medicinal product, a tranquilizer that has a slight activating effect and relieves increased anxiety. Afobazole belongs to the group of non-bezodiazepine anxiolytics of selective action, which are characterized by a mild effect, do not cause addiction and withdrawal syndrome at the end of treatment.

The drug Afobazole is prescribed for adults with stress, neurasthenia, anxiety states that are caused by various psycho-traumatic situations, as well as for treatment mental disorders such as general anxiety disorder, depression, etc. The drug is well tolerated and is quite effective.

Farmgroup: Tranquilizers (anxiolytics).

Composition, physical and chemical properties, price

Afobazole is available in one dosage form- tablets of white-cream or white color, having a flat cylindrical shape, with a chamfer, for internal use.

Active substance: morphodihydrochloride 5 or 10 mg.

Auxiliary components: microcrystalline, cellulose, lactose, magnesium stearate, potato starch, povidone.

Packing: tablets placed in a flat cell package or glass jars, in cardboard packs of 10-100 pieces.

Price: 10 mg No. 60: 330-416 rubles.

pharmachologic effect

The active substance of the drug is a derivative of 2-mercaptobenzimidazole, a selective anxiolytic that is not a benzodiazepine receptor antagonist. This means that the drug does not act on benzodiazepine receptors in the brain.

The drug prevents the development of membrane-dependent changes in the GABA receptor. It has an anxiolytic and mild activating effect, while eliminating the development of a hypnosedative effect. In addition, there are no such negative effects as a depressing effect on attention, memory, and muscle relaxation. After the abolition of Afobazole, there is no drug dependence and the withdrawal syndrome characteristic of many tranquilizers is not formed.

The therapeutic effect is realized as a combination of two effects: anti-anxiety and light stimulating action. Approximately on the 5th-7th day of continuous treatment, the following are noted:

  • a decrease in the severity of anxiety, which is manifested by concern, fear, bad forebodings, irritability;
  • elimination of tension, namely, getting rid of fearfulness, anxiety, insomnia, fear, tearfulness;
  • getting rid of somatic (muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, sensory, gastrointestinal) intestinal symptoms), vegetative (sweating, chills, dry mouth, dizziness) and cognitive (impaired memory, difficulty in perceiving information) disorders.

The drug well eliminates anxiety and improves mood, but does not inhibit the activity of the central nervous system (there is no lethargy, drowsiness, lethargy).

The maximum effect is realized after 4 weeks of treatment. Preservation of the effect continues for 1-2 weeks after the end of taking Afobazole.


The instructions for use of Afobazole indicate that the drug is non-toxic. It is quickly and well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and enters the bloodstream.

Cmax - 0.13±0.073 µg/ml. On average, it is retained in the body for 1.6-0.88 hours, it is most actively distributed among organs with good blood supply. The half-life is 0.82 hours (excreted in feces and urine).


The drug is especially indicated for the treatment of people with predominantly asthenic individual traits, which are manifested by anxious suspiciousness, lack of self-confidence, vulnerability, emotional instability, and a tendency to stress. Afobazole with menopause is also prescribed quite often, allowing you to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of hormonal changes in female body, which are often manifested by nervousness and anxiety, vegetative disorders.

In general, indications for the appointment of Afobazol are any anxiety conditions in adults, such as:

  • general anxiety disorder, adjustment disorder;
  • somatic conditions, which can also be accompanied by anxiety and depression ( bronchial asthma, systemic lupus erythematosus, arrhythmia, hypertension, oncopathology);
  • sleep disorders;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • premenstrual tension syndrome;
  • withdrawal syndrome during smoking cessation;
  • alcohol withdrawal syndrome.


Afobazole is not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation. Also on the list of contraindications are individual intolerance to any component of the drug, lactase deficiency, galactose intolerance and age under 18 years. Contraindications to Afobazole, for all its safety, are strict and should be observed.

Side effects

Possible allergic reactions, especially in patients with individual hypersensitivity, sometimes - dyspeptic phenomena.

One unusual side effect is increased sex drive. However, there is no direct connection between the components of the drug and libido; rather, it is the result of the elimination of anxiety.


The drug is prescribed immediately in a full therapeutic dose (for example, many tranquilizers require a gradual increase in dose). You can also abruptly stop taking Afobazole without fear of the development of a withdrawal syndrome, while most anxiolytics should be discontinued gradually, reducing the dose.

Afobazol tablets are taken orally, after meals, as a whole, washed down with plain water. The dose for a single dose is 10 mg, the daily dose should not exceed 30 mg, in severe cases the dose is increased to 60 mg / day. The drug is taken 3 times / day.

The duration of therapy is 2-4 weeks, in severe cases - up to 3 months. A second course can be prescribed only after a month break.


With a significant overdose (40 or more times higher than the therapeutic one), it is possible to develop increased drowsiness and a sedative effect without muscle relaxation.

special instructions

The drug does not affect the ability to drive a car, complex mechanisms, and therefore does not require the abolition of activities associated with increased concentration.

Afobazole and alcohol

Afobazole is often prescribed to eliminate the withdrawal syndrome that develops after alcohol abuse:

  • relieves severe mental symptoms (guilt, anxiety, depression);
  • envelops the gastric mucosa (due to the starch in the composition);
  • binds and then removes toxic breakdown products of alcohol (povidone and cellulose);
  • stimulates the central nervous system, eliminating lethargy, anxiety, apathy.

To eliminate the hangover syndrome, you should take 10-20 mg of Afobazole 1-2 r / day.

drug interaction

Afobazole does not affect the narcotic effect of ethanol in any way and does not enhance the hypnotic effect of thiopental when used together.

In combination with carbamazepine, the anticonvulsant effect is potentiated.

With simultaneous treatment with diazepam, its anxiolytic effect is enhanced.

When switching from Afobazole to other drugs with a similar effect, it should be remembered that this tranquilizer remains effective for 1-2 weeks, so you should wait for this period in order to adequately assess the therapeutic effect of the new drug.

Afobazole is an anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing) drug that appeared in domestic pharmacies in the early 2000s. The drug is intended mainly for sedative purposes. The active ingredient of the drug is afobazole.

Pharmacological action of Afobazole

According to the instructions, Afobazol reduces anxiety and calms. The use of the drug does not cause either psychological or physical dependence in the patient, even with prolonged use. Also, reviews of Afobazol confirm that the remedy does not negatively affect concentration and memory, does not reduce muscle tone, so it can be used at any time of the day and under any circumstances. When taking the drug, there is no withdrawal syndrome, in other words, if the treatment is abruptly stopped, the patient's condition will not worsen in any way.

From the instructions for Afobazole, you can find out that the drug produces a double effect - it relieves feelings of anxiety and has a slight stimulating effect. The elimination of nervous tension and anxiety has a beneficial effect on the psychological and physical condition of the patient. The action of the drug, which is aimed at reducing feelings of anxiety, allows you to stop the symptoms of muscle, cardiovascular, respiratory and gastrointestinal failures present in somatic disorders. Many reviews of Afobazole do not deny that the drug reduces the frequency of autonomic disorders: dry mouth, sweating and dizziness.

The use of Afobazole helps to increase concentration and improve memory.

Positive changes in the body are already observed on the 5th-7th day of taking the drug. The maximum effect can be felt after 3-4 weeks of treatment, and it lasts for 1-2 weeks. But this figure depends on the metabolic rate of each patient individually. Reviews about Afobazole also indicate that the drug is excellent for people who suffer from increased vulnerability, emotional instability, suspiciousness, and self-doubt.

The drug is non-toxic, which is confirmed by studies conducted on animals.

According to the instructions, Afobazole is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract very well, has a high degree binding to plasma proteins. The drug is quickly excreted from the body.

Indications for the use of Afobazole

Afobazole is prescribed for:

  • anxiety conditions such as adjustment disorders, neurasthenia, general anxiety disorders;
  • oncological and dermatological diseases (according to the doctor's indications);
  • somatic diseases such as bronchial asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, hypertension, systemic lupus erythematosus, ischemia, arrhythmia;
  • sleep disorders;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • neurocirculatory dystonia;
  • alcohol withdrawal syndrome;
  • giving up cigarettes to alleviate the condition.

Method of application of Afobazole and dosage

Dosages are selected individually depending on the type and severity of the disease, as well as general condition patient.

As a rule, the dose of Afobazole for initial stage treatment is 10 mg per dose, daily - 30 mg. If necessary, the dosage is increased to 60 mg during the day. The duration of treatment is on average 2-4 weeks, but in some cases the doctor extends it to 3 months or prescribes a second course after a while.

Side effects of Afobazole

Taking Afobazole sometimes leads to side effects such as:

  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: vomiting, diarrhea, nausea;
  • allergic reactions: rash, redness, urticaria, itching on the skin.

Contraindications to the use of Afobazole

The remedy is also contraindicated for lactose intolerance - hypolactasia.

Afobazole and alcohol

When treating with Afobazol, alcohol is not strictly prohibited, since the drug does not enhance the narcotic effect of drinks and does not provoke poisoning. However, it is not recommended to combine the drug with drinks containing alcohol, since the effectiveness of treatment is reduced to almost zero.

Also, the use of alcohol and Afobazole by women in the treatment of hormonal disruptions does not lead to positive results.

Afobazole storage conditions

The drug should be stored in a dark, dry place at an air temperature not exceeding 25 degrees. Shelf life is 2 years, after which the product can not be used.

The life of a modern person is constantly associated with various stresses. They are the ones who cause constant anxiety. Prolonged stay in this state significantly impairs the quality of life. After all, psychological discomfort can provoke many pathologies. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms in such patients, the doctor prescribes the medicine "Afobazol". What does this medicine do? What pathologies and how to take it?

Description of the medication

The first question that arises in patients who are prescribed the drug "Afobazol": "What is the drug prescribed for?" To understand this, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the tool.

The medicine "Afobazol" is a sedative medication that effectively reduces anxiety. However, it does not cause addiction. Is it possible to take "Afobazol" for a long time? Doctors think yes. After all, this is one of the few remedies that, even with prolonged therapy, does not provoke addiction. The tool does not have a negative impact on concentration, memory, does not lower muscle tone. In addition, the drug is completely devoid of "withdrawal syndrome".

However, this is not the only positive effect on the body of the drug "Afobazol". What else helps to get rid of the medication? It is effectively used for unpleasant symptoms of autonomic disorders. The drug is able to reduce such negative manifestations as sweating, dizziness, dry mouth. Providing a slight stimulation of the body, it significantly improves the physical condition of a person.

Favorable dynamics is observed as early as 5-7 days after the start of treatment. And the maximum effectiveness occurs in 3-4 weeks.

When is the medicine prescribed?

So, the drug "Afobazol" from what helps? According to the instructions, its use is justified in the following pathologies:

  1. Anxiety: nervousness, anxiety, causeless fears, adjustment disorder, irritability, neurasthenia.
  2. Somatic diseases: ischemia, bronchial asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, arrhythmia, hypertension.
  3. Cardiopsychoneurosis.
  4. Sleep disturbance.
  5. alcohol syndrome.

In addition, there is another effect from the drug "Afobazol". It perfectly helps patients to get rid of tobacco dependence. After all, the increased emotionality of a person often nullifies attempts to quit smoking. Such people will be greatly helped by the medicine, reducing their susceptibility to stress.

It is noticed that the drug improves memory, helps a person to concentrate more successfully, promotes the activation of mental activity.

Consider how to take "Afobazol". To do this, refer to the instructions.

The tool is applied as follows:

  1. Tablets are intended for oral administration. It is best to consume them after meals.
  2. The dose of the drug for each patient is selected individually, based on the course of the pathology and the severity of the disease.
  3. Initially, the doctor recommends using the remedy three times a day, 10 mg.
  4. If such therapy does not bring the desired effect, then the dosage may increase. but daily rate should not exceed 60 mg.
  5. On average, treatment lasts about 2-4 weeks. If necessary, the doctor extends therapy up to 3 months. Some patients are advised to repeat the course after some time.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

Some people may not be allowed to use Afobazol. Analogues and substitutes for the drug will be an excellent alternative to the original remedy. But it is best that these medicines are selected by a competent specialist. This will avoid extremely undesirable consequences.

Means "Afobazol" has the following contraindications for admission:

  1. Age restrictions. The medicine should not be used by persons under the age of 18.
  2. Pregnancy, breastfeeding.
  3. Lactose intolerance.
  4. Hypersensitivity to the drug.

Side effects

It is important to understand not only how to take Afobazol, but also that the medicine can cause unwanted reactions. It should be noted that the modern drug has a minimal list of side effects. In addition, as evidenced by the drug "Afobazol" instructions for use, patient reviews, the drug rarely leads to negative manifestations.

And yet, some people may experience such a side effect of this medication:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • allergic reaction;
  • vomit.


Understanding how effective the drug "Afobazol" is, what it helps from, it is extremely important not to abuse it, since an overdose can easily be provoked. To avoid such a negative state, you should use the remedy only as prescribed by the doctor and in the amount that will be prescribed by the specialist.

An overdose is signaled by the occurrence of a sedative effect, accompanied by increased drowsiness. To eliminate such symptoms, it is recommended to use a solution (20%) of caffeine sodium benzoate. This substance should be administered subcutaneously 2-3 times a day, 1 ml.

The drug does not have a specific specific antidote.

Features of therapy

There are a few things to keep in mind during treatment:

  1. Taking the drug is strictly prohibited during breastfeeding and the period of pregnancy.
  2. If adverse reactions occur, or the patient's condition begins to worsen, it is necessary to report such manifestations to a specialist and stop taking the medication.
  3. It is absolutely unacceptable to drink alcohol during treatment. Ignoring this rule leads to intoxication of the body.
  4. When prescribing a medication, it is necessary to inform the doctor about the drugs that are used by the patient, since some drugs cannot be combined with Afobazol tablets. For example, the original remedy is able to potentiate the anticonvulsant effect of the drug "Carbamazepine". When combined with the drug "Diazepam" anxiolytic effect is enhanced.

Basic analogues

Sometimes it may be necessary to replace the original drug. For example, the pharmacy does not have the medicine "Afobazol". Analogues and substitutes for the drug, it is desirable to initially agree with the attending physician.

  1. « Glycine". It is a mild sedative. It perfectly increases efficiency, returns lost sleep. The remedy is weaker than the drug "Afobazol". However, its reception improves mental functions: memory, attention, thinking. Glycine tablets are allowed to be used by car drivers, nursing mothers, pregnant women.
  2. « Persen". Effective antidepressant. The medicine is an excellent sedative, improves mood, normalizes sleep. In addition, the drug improves social adaptation.
  3. « Grandaxin". Tranquilizer with moderate stimulant activity. It perfectly improves psychomotor, intellectual functions.
  4. « Tenoten". This is the homeopathic counterpart. It has anti-asthenic, antidepressant, anti-anxiety effects. Such a drug is weaker than the drug "Afobazol". However, it allows you to strengthen the nervous system, improve memory, increase the body's resistance to various stresses. In addition, it has the ability to stimulate concentration.

You can find other substitutes if you are forbidden to take the drug "Afobazol" instructions.

Analogues with similar indications for use:

  • "Phenazepam".
  • "Nervochel".
  • "Valerian".
  • Azafen.
  • "Aminazin".
  • "Anvifen".
  • "Quattrex".

In the modern world, few people have not encountered stress and the state of anxiety, anxiety and fear that arise against their background. People with a strong psyche are able to overcome the anxiety syndrome and come out of this state as a winner. But there is another category of people who, against the background of regular psychological stress, need outside help. Many pharmacists have created medicines, the reception of which helps a person to "stay afloat". One of the widely advertised drugs, which will be discussed in the article, is Afobazol.

Every day, every person living in society experiences both positive and negative emotions. This is a normal and natural phenomenon. Another thing is that the reaction to a particular event manifests itself in different ways. Some endure hardships and hardships steadfastly, others give in to them.

The feeling of anxiety and fear increases gradually and changes in stages:

  • stress arises, against which anxiety develops;
  • if stress is not removed, then fears and worries accumulate like a snowball;
  • an unresolved problem is deposited in the subconscious for a long time;
  • after stress relief, when there is no longer any reason for concern, the person continues to experience incomprehensible anxiety;
  • fears and worries arise for no reason, unexpectedly and just as suddenly disappear;
  • on this fertile ground, a constant expectation of an unpleasant event is formed and depression develops.

A person extinguishes the anxiety syndrome with strong physical exertion, sightseeing and shopping, a change of scenery, taking drugs and alcohol, and overeating. Everyone has their own method of dealing with psycho-emotional stress. But sometimes these actions provide temporary help, not being a "panacea for all ills."

Important! Constant nervous tension is not the norm for the body and disrupts the central nervous system. The quality of life of a person living in constant fear changes for the worse. There is a whole "bouquet" of somatic diseases, which are based on stress.

The action of Afobazole

Afobazole (Aphobazolum) belongs to the latest generation of drugs and has no analogues among sedatives against anxiety and fear. It is based on a mechanism for restoring the activity of the central nervous system so that the body can withstand stress. In this case, the medicine does not depress the nervous system, without causing drowsiness, confusion and depression.

The drug, like any medicine, has a list of recommendations for use, dosage and rules for taking and a list of contraindications. All this is reflected in the instructions for use.

The drug has the following pharmacological properties:

  1. Does not cause a feeling of relaxation and drowsiness, allowing you to work at full strength.
  2. Does not affect the process of memorization and does not dull attention, which is important when different types activities.
  3. Relieves anxiety and improves performance.
  4. Eliminates the state of psychological discomfort associated with any anxiety states: bad forebodings, fears, irritability.
  5. Eliminates tremor of the limbs, muscle tension, evens out the process of breathing and heartbeat. This is important when nervous tension is accompanied by somatic disorders.
  6. Relieves some autonomic disorders: dry mouth, hyperhidrosis (sweating), dizziness.

The main active ingredient of Afobazole is a selective anxiolytic - a compound that helps to relieve a number of alarming symptoms and normalizes the mental state of the body without depressing the central nervous system. The drug has a wide spectrum of action and is prescribed:

  • young people who, due to an active lifestyle, are constantly faced with problem situations;
  • people starting their own business, which requires constant concentration and solving a lot of problems;
  • professionals who require an increased level of attention and memory.

Important! A number of drugs that relieve anxiety syndrome have a depressant effect on the central nervous system, causing confusion, drowsiness and lack of performance. They not only affect the biological rhythms of a person, but are also addictive, therefore, even with positive dynamics, they are prescribed in a small course.

Indications for use

The therapeutic effect of Afobazole is associated with its effect on the "repair complex" of the nerve cell. It affects the proteins of nerve cells, helping them recover. Scientists have proven that nerve cells are capable of regeneration, but this requires a long period of time. Aphobazolum accelerates this process, normalizing the work of the central nervous system and a person's resistance to nervous overload.

What helps Afobazol and when is it difficult to do without it? The drug is used:

  • in a state of anxiety: neurasthenia, unreasonable worries, disorders associated with adaptation;
  • in the treatment of somatic diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, bronchial asthma, hypertension and a number of others;
  • when suffering from insomnia, premenstrual syndrome, with poor tolerance for stress and physical activity(NCD);
  • during the withdrawal of alcohol withdrawal syndrome,
  • if nicotine addiction is formed.

Aphobazolum is also used in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome and its comorbidities. In chronic, which are accompanied by constipation, in some cases there are disturbances in the work nervous system.

Unpleasant intestinal symptoms cause the development of depression and neurosis, limit a person's stay in society. If the job requires constant communication with people, then the problem is exacerbated. A person experiences discomfort, his psyche is oppressed. As a result, frequent mood swings, nervous tension, sometimes a panic attack syndrome develops against this background.

By restoring mental balance with the help of taking Afobazole, intestinal motility normalizes and unpleasant symptoms disappear. Eliminating the cause of the disease, the drug partially restores the work internal organs, because it is not for nothing that it is said that “all diseases are from nerves”.

Description of the drug and its composition

The composition of Afobazole includes active substance- a derivative of 2-mercaptobenzimidazole, which is classified as an anxiolytic with selective action. The remaining substances do not have a direct effect and are auxiliary.

Available in tablet form of 5 and 10 mg. Produced by the pharmaceutical company "Pharmstandard". Packed in a cardboard box, which contains 3 blisters of 20 tablets. It also contains instructions for use, including the mechanism of action, dosage and description of the drug.

You can buy Afobazole at any pharmacy without instructions, which indicates its moderate effect on the NS and the absence of addiction with prolonged use. Since this is a domestically produced medicine, the price in rubles of a package of 60 tablets of 10 mg is on average from 250 to 380.

Instructions for use

The doctor will explain how to take the drug, general information on doses can be found in the instructions. Aphobazolum is taken orally (by mouth) after meals. Usually the following dosage is prescribed - 1 tablet (10 mg) three times a day.

Treatment continues for 2-4 weeks. The course can be extended by taking a monthly break. The agent is quickly absorbed through and excreted from the body after an hour and a half. Metabolism (breakdown into components) occurs in the liver. Afobazole has a low level of toxicity.

Important! You should not expect a quick effect from taking the drug. Its action increases gradually, and the first signs will be noticeable only after a week. Even if there is no relief after taking several tablets, you do not need to stop taking Afobazole.

Contraindications and side effects

Afobazol has side effects and contraindications, but they are insignificant. The drug is not taken

  • in childhood(up to 18 years old);
  • during pregnancy and lactation, since the medicine enters the child's body with milk;
  • with an individual reaction of the body to the components of the drug;
  • in case of lactose intolerance (auxiliary component).

All contraindications must be considered when buying Afobazole. The main side effect is allergic reactions, which is extremely rare. Perhaps the appearance of headaches, passing after a while.

Memory and reaction speed are not affected by the drug, so there are no restrictions on the type of activity. You can work with complex mechanisms and drive a vehicle. Drowsiness and sedation are possible only with an overdose.

Aphobazolum has good compatibility with other drugs when taken simultaneously. The exception is antidepressants, which are prescribed separately. Can I take alcohol during treatment? The drug does not react with ethanol, but if alcohol is taken during treatment with Afobazole, the effect of the treatment is neutralized.

Afobazol's analogs

There are analogues and substitutes for the drug. The only drug similar in structure is Fabomitizol. Indirect include anxiolytics or "soft tranquilizers": Grandaxin, Adaptol, Tenoten. But Afobazole has fewer side effects.

Also, there is an indirect similarity between substitutes and analogues of the drug, belonging to the "heavy tranquilizers", which cause drowsiness, confusion, addiction and a host of other side effects. These include Alprazolam, Phenozepam, Amizil, Elenium. This group funds are prescribed for serious and prolonged nervous disorders of various etiologies.

Afobazole by its type belongs to selective non-benzodiazepine anxiolytics, and according to the pharmacotherapeutic group - to tranquilizers. Unlike many other popular antidepressants, afobazole does not cause addiction, drowsiness, or muscle weakness. A distinctive advantage of the drug is also the fact that it does not interfere with driving a car: attention and reaction to the course of its administration do not decrease.

The main difference from its analogues is the absence of the development of dependence and the occurrence of a withdrawal syndrome when the medication is stopped.

Used in the treatment of IBS

With a long-term chronic disease of the gastrointestinal tract, especially accompanied by a violation of the normal functioning of the intestine, disorders of the human nervous system develop. Constant discomfort in the intestines: flatulence, development of diarrheal syndrome, or vice versa, prolonged

Afobazol packaging

constipation, oppress sick people. Conditions are created for the development of persistent neurosis and depression. At the same time, insufficiency of the function of the pancreas and liver, prolonged intestinal dysbacteriosis, disrupt the processes of assimilation by the digestive tract of substances necessary for the nervous system and brain, which contributes to the development of a depressed state of a person. The human psyche becomes uncontrollable, mood swings, panic attack syndrome, social phobia and other disorders occur. Consequence chronic diseases digestive organs, leading to a violation of the absorption of food, is the formation of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). A prerequisite complex treatment irritable bowel syndrome, in addition to basic therapy aimed at restoring the functional state of the digestive organs (stomach, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, intestines), is the use of antidepressants such as afobazole. Such drugs help to break the causal relationship, when the violation of the emotional state of the patient with IBS, the failure of his nervous system, in turn, lead to a violation of normal intestinal motility: the formation of diarrheal syndrome or constipation.

It will also be useful for other diseases of the digestive system that have a psycho-somatic nature, or, more simply, that appear “on a nervous basis”. These are, first of all, disorders of the gallbladder, JVP and chronic gastritis and peptic ulcers of the stomach.


Afobazole is also used for:

  • reducing anxiety;
  • relieve stress (tearfulness, fearfulness, fear, insomnia);
  • elimination of physical manifestations of anxiety (cardiovascular, gastrointestinal disorders, dizziness, dry mouth).

Helps with a hangover

The drug helps to cope with depression caused by a hangover syndrome.

Helps to quit smoking

In many cases, attempts to quit smoking are unsuccessful due to people's heightened emotional susceptibility to negative or positive life events. It happens that a person quitting smoking does not smoke for a day or two, but it is worth getting nervous and there is an irresistible desire to smoke. Such susceptible people can be helped by afobazole. Quit smoking, start taking afobazole. During the period of weaning from nicotine addiction, it will significantly reduce susceptibility to stress and emotional susceptibility. For a more successful result of getting rid of nicotine addiction, it is necessary to limit the use of caffeinated drinks: black and green tea, coffee, energy drinks.

How to use?

The reverse side of the package afobazole

The course of admission is 3 weeks. Maximum healing effect achieved in the second week of taking the drug. A tangible sedative effect is noted somewhere on the second, third day of admission as the active substance accumulates in the body. active substance: morphdihydrochloride.

The price of a pack of afobazole is 220 rubles as of October 2011. One package contains 60 tablets in three blisters. Instructions for the drug recommends taking the drug three times a day, one tablet. The duration of the course is usually 2-4 weeks, but in some cases it is allowed to use it for up to 3 months and increase daily dose up to 60 mg., that is, up to 2 tablets at a time and three times a day (for example, to relieve the manifestations of a hangover syndrome).

Side effects

Despite the fact that the instructions for the drug indicate the absence of the effect of drowsiness, from my own experience I can say that it becomes somewhat more difficult to wake up in the morning.


By clicking on the image below, you can see the details official instruction on the medical use of the drug afobazole, attached in its packaging. To enlarge the instruction image, click on the image that opens in the browser again.

To normalize the state of the nervous system and achieve a comfortable emotional state, the most effective result from the use of afobazole, is achieved with the conscientious use of this drug with the appropriate vitamin complexes. One of the requirements that must be met vitamin complexes is the content of the magnesium element in its composition. Based on my personal experience, I can recommend Panangin as the most effective and widely known such drug. It contains magnesium necessary to strengthen the nervous system, as well as potassium to restore the cardiovascular system, which suffers primarily from nervous disorders.

Instructions for use - side A Side B