Health benefits of dates. Useful properties of dried fruits for the human body, reviews

Since ancient times, the fruits of the date palm have been valued in the East. In Europe, it is problematic to see a fresh product on sale, but dried fruit is freely available on the shelves of food kiosks and shops. People are accustomed to a sweet treat, and do not think about the advantages and disadvantages of dates: about their benefits and harm to the body. To fix this, it is worth getting to know them better.

Composition and benefits

Date fruits have a rich supply of organic substances that are lacking in apples, bananas, citrus fruits and many other fruits that have already become familiar to us.

Tables of the chemical composition of dates

The tables indicate the content of useful substances - vitamins, macroelements and microelements per 100 g of the edible part of the fruit.



trace elements

Useful properties for the body

Dates have a number of useful properties for humans. Their value lies in the presence of the necessary substances: micro and macro elements, vitamins. Fast carbohydrates, such as glucose and fructose, instantly saturate the body.

An important fact is that they do not contain cholesterol, which in large quantities is harmful to health.

Dates have the following healing properties:


With daily use, the fruits relax after physical and psychological stress, increase internal sexual energy. Dates are able to relieve premenstrual tension syndrome and weaken the signs of the upcoming menopause. Helps in recovery from anorexia. The product stops the aging process.

Date fruits stimulate brain activity, act as a kind of natural energy

During the period of bearing a baby, a woman needs the “right” products that will saturate the body with useful substances. Dates improve the contraction of the walls of the uterus during childbirth, reduce pain during labor and reduce their duration. Consumption of the product promotes rapid recovery after caesarean section. Dried fruit maintains normal hemoglobin, relieves constipation.

During lactation, the introduction of dates into the diet is necessary for a woman, as the fruits restore strength and increase the level of hormones responsible for the production, quality and quantity of milk. During breastfeeding, a child receives vitamins and microelements that contribute to the formation of bones and teeth, and an increase in the immune system. Organic matter promotes rapid growth, muscle and brain development.

Dates normalize work nervous system This reduces the likelihood of postpartum depression to a minimum.


Experts advise eating dates along with nuts and honey. Thanks to the combination of products, endurance increases, energy appears, fatigue is reduced and strength is quickly restored after heavy physical activity. In addition, dates:


Due to the composition of the fruits, when consumed, the child's immunity increases, bone tissues are strengthened, sleep improves, energy reserves increase, and excitability is relieved. The consumption of dried fruits contributes to the rapid recovery after diseases, and the body is more likely to cope with harmful bacteria. Dates fight with low hemoglobin in blood.

Contraindications and possible harm

Despite the huge number of positive qualities, dates, like any product, have negative properties. It is undesirable to abuse the fruit for overweight people, since the substances contained in dates increase body weight.

Allergy sufferers need to eat fruits with caution - 2-3 pieces per day. If within a few days there was no redness on the skin, coughing or suffocation, then you can safely include dates in your daily diet.

Dried fruits are considered a heavy product and take a long time to digest, so you should not eat them at night. In large quantities, dates cause headaches. The product should be used with caution in case of diabetes, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and some pathologies of the urinary tract.

You can not eat dates and citrus fruits at the same time - this combination can cause stomach pain

How to use: daily norms for a healthy body

Dates are introduced into the diet gradually so as not to harm the body. The daily norm for an adult is on average 5 fruits, a maximum of 10. Athletes can double the portion. It is reasonable for a child to give 2-3 pieces per day. It is recommended to eat dates in the morning, before lunch.

During pregnancy

Dates contain folic acid, necessary for the normal development of the embryo. , in sufficient quantity in dried fruit, reduces the manifestations of toxicosis. But the use of a sweet fruit in large quantities is undesirable for a woman in the first trimester of pregnancy, as it can provoke a contraction of the muscles of the uterus, which is fraught with miscarriage in the early stages. However, if the body requires, then 2-3 dates per day future mother won't harm.

In the second trimester, the consumption of dried fruit doubles. This amount of dates, thanks to the vitamin B they contain, will help a woman cope with depression.

In later pregnancy, the oxytocin found in the palm fruit will speed up labor. And subsequently, the fructose in its composition will help produce enough milk to feed the baby. Therefore, the daily intake of a sweet fruit increases to 8-10 pieces.

Dates from the beginning to the end of bearing a child can be consumed both in pure form and added to salads, main dishes, compotes, stuffing confectionery. But in the first case, dried fruit will bring the greatest benefit.

If a woman has had miscarriages in the past or is currently at risk of premature birth, then it is recommended to minimize the use of the fetus.

When breastfeeding

As mentioned earlier, dates increase lactation. In addition, the quality of milk changes for the better: its nutritional value increases, it is enriched with vitamins and minerals. Therefore, the fruit is desirable to use during breastfeeding.

It is recommended to include dried fruit in the diet of mom from the second week. This should be done gradually so that the baby does not develop allergic reactions on the product. To do this, after breakfast, a woman needs to eat a date. Then during the day to observe the baby. If the baby does not have skin rashes, the stool is normal, the temperature is excellent, then the use of dried fruit can be continued. But it is not desirable to "get carried away" by the fetus.

There are dates breastfeeding you need in reasonable quantities, no more than five pieces per day, since it will be difficult for the child's body to cope with an excess of nutrients

For complementary foods

Despite the benefits of dates for the developing child's body, they should not be included in the child's diet too early. Acquaintance of a baby with a natural product should take place from the age of ten to eleven months, after he has mastered semi-solid and solid foods. But you should not give the baby dry fruit. It is better to cook compote or mashed potatoes. If the baby suffers from food allergies, then it is advisable to postpone the start of complementary foods to a later date - up to one and a half years.

For the first time, the baby is given 0.5 teaspoon of puree or 1 spoon of compote in the morning. If the product did not cause a negative reaction, then the portion is gradually increased. When the child has 10-12 teeth, you can give him dried fruit in small pieces. After consumption, it is advisable to drink the sweet fruit with water, since the viscous substance gets stuck in the teeth and interferes, and also contributes to the development of caries.

For diseases

Despite some problems in the body, many people find it difficult to refuse nutritious treats. But if you use it in moderation, then the product will benefit and there will be no discomfort.

The use of dates for certain diseases:

  • Diabetes. Due to the large number of useful elements in dried fruits, doctors recommend eating dates in case of illness, but only two pieces per day, during the daytime.
  • Pancreatitis. In the acute stage of the disease, dates are strictly contraindicated, since their use creates excess pressure on the pancreas. In remission or chronic pathology, the fruits are first used for food, but not dry, but as an additive to second courses, as well as compotes or mashed potatoes. Then dried fruits are eaten in their natural form, but no more than three to five per day before meals.
  • Vascular diseases. The fruits contain a lot of potassium and little sodium, which is favorable for circulatory system. Regular consumption of dried fruit reduces blood pressure. Therefore, taking 4-5 dates on an empty stomach will help in the prevention of heart pathologies and strokes.
  • Gastritis and ulcer. With these diseases in the acute stage, dates are undesirable. During the period of remission, the use of fruits has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body, but only if you clean them from a hard skin and eat no more than five a day.
  • Gout. Thanks to the beneficial substances in the composition of the product, it helps to improve salt metabolism in the body. Therefore, it is necessary for pathology. Dates are recommended to be washed down with plenty of water and consumed from five to eight per day.
  • Diseases respiratory tract. A decoction of dried fruit in milk will help with inflammation of the lungs and bronchitis. Drinking liquid will soften the cough and facilitate expectoration.
  • Hepatitis, cholecystitis. The fruit has an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect on the diseased organ, but it should not be abused. After all, the liver is the main participant in digestion, and dates contain coarse fibers that are difficult to digest. As a result, an extra load on the body is obtained.
  • Oncology. Date has a positive effect on the body, weakened by the disease. You can eat it dry up to 10 pieces per day or with other products. To do this, prepare a mass of fruit pulp, honey, cumin and cassia (Chinese cinnamon). The mixture is consumed one teaspoon half an hour before meals.

Video: Dates - a medicine or a treat?

On a diet

Dates are a nutritious food, but they are also used for weight loss. The recommended duration of the diet is 8-10 days, and on the first day, except for dried fruit and green tea, nothing should be consumed. Subsequently, green apples, ginger and nuts are added to them. Do not overeat fruit. Six dates at one time is the norm. But if body weight is not critical, then a strict diet is not needed. It is enough to remove carbohydrate-rich foods from the diet and replace them with dates 2-3 pieces at a time.

Health recipes using the product

Dates are tasty and healthy, in simple form they can be eaten instead of sweets. But fruits added to ordinary dishes will add spice and diversify the diet.


Rub two carrots and 150–170 grams of pumpkin. Washed, sliced ​​\u200b\u200bdate fruits are placed with vegetables. The mixture is seasoned with grated ginger, sour cream, lemon juice, honey or vegetable oil. Ground pepper and salt are added to taste. In addition to these vegetables, dried fruits are combined with beets and fresh cabbage.


Oatmeal, semolina, millet or rice groats are poured into boiling water or milk. Then chopped and washed fruits are added. Porridge is boiled for at least 25 minutes. If it thickens while cooking, you can add more liquid.

Dates are washed and added to boiling porridge

Nut-date paste

Mix twelve to fourteen finely chopped fruits with three tablespoons of crushed almond, hazelnut or pine nuts kernels. Add 3 teaspoons of honey and one grated ginger to the mixture. The resulting mass can be consumed with bread.


Take a handful of different dried fruits, cranberries or sour apples and fifteen dates. Pour three liters of water, boil and leave for half an hour.

Compote with dried fruits

like seasoning

Fruits added to meat or poultry will add a piquant taste and aroma to the dish.


Dried fruits go well with dairy products, so they are added to cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir or ice cream, getting tasty dish. If desired, cinnamon is placed in the food.

How to choose dates when buying

Not all dates on the shelves in stores are healthy. When choosing a product, it is recommended to pay attention to the fact that the dried fruits do not stick together, but only fit snugly against each other. Should be moderately soft to the touch. Their color is dark brown, if it is light, this indicates the immaturity of the fruit.

The benefits and harms of ice cream for the human body:

The peel of the fruit is visually whole, without creases, cracks and mold traces. Wrinkles to a minimum. The surface of the dates should not be covered with plaque or individual white crystals - this indicates that the fruit has become heavily sugared and has lost its properties.

If the fruits shimmer or shine, then they were smeared with fat or glucose syrup. This is done to make the dates look tastier and more attractive. But this product is not worth buying. Quality dried fruits have almost matte skin.

Many dates are treated with sulfur dioxide, a substance that can cause stomach upset. Therefore, before use, it is recommended to wash the fruits thoroughly. It is undesirable to remove the peel, as it contains many useful substances.

Video: How to wash dates before eating?

Date is a unique product that has more pluses than minuses. Should it be on the menu? Yes. But before doing this, it is advisable to consult with doctors about possible pathologies. It is important to choose the right product and not overdo it in its use.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


Dates - useful and delicious product. These fruits are eaten and used to treat various diseases. Studies have shown that eating only the fruits of the date palm, called the phoenix, and water for several years, a person will not suffer from a deficiency of vital elements, vitamins. What diseases will help cure these exotic fruits? To whom dates are contraindicated?

Composition and useful properties of dates

Dates are sometimes called "bread of the desert", "berries of life" because they have a high nutritional value and can satisfy a person's need for energy. These fruits contain many vitamins, minerals and other substances useful for humans. A feature of this fruit is that it does not contain water. The calorie content of 100 g of date palm fruits is 277 kcal. Dates contain:

  • 80% carbohydrates, with the main part being sucrose, glucose, fructose;
  • mineral complex from 15 elements, including sulfur, copper, phosphorus, zinc, boron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron;
  • more than 20 amino acids;
  • vitamins C, A, B6, B2, B, PP, E;
  • 0.5% fat;
  • 6% proteins.

Dates are able to have anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antibacterial effects on the body. Dried date palm fruits contain all the vitamins and nutrients found in fresh ones. They are used in food in the same way as raisins or prunes. Fresh fruits are used to make salad, juice, sugar, flour, fry, boil, bake cakes, rolls. Regular consumption of dates has the following positive effects on the body:

  • cleanses of toxins, toxins;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • increases endurance;
  • improves mood;
  • normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, relieving tension after stress;
  • improves the condition of hair, skin, nails;
  • normalizes bowel function, relieving constipation;
  • gives vitality, acting as an energy stimulator;
  • reduces the risk of heart disease;
  • improves appetite;
  • rejuvenates.

Rules for the use of dates for medicinal purposes

Regular inclusion of dates in the diet will help cure or prevent the development of various diseases. The unique, nutrient-rich composition of these fruits has a healing effect on many body systems. Their use will improve health and benefit:

  • during pregnancy;
  • with weakened immunity (normalize the acid balance of the body);
  • with anemia;
  • with depression (due to the high content of carbohydrates, they will help to cheer you up);
  • with impotence;
  • with poor eyesight;
  • with high blood pressure.

There are many recipes for making healing mixtures with dates. For medicinal purposes and food, choose only a high-quality exotic product. Dried fruits are often treated with harmful sulfur dioxide to give them a shiny and appetizing appearance. Dates sprinkled with this substance will not benefit. Buy fruits in proven outlets and choose those that have a natural look without a beautiful sheen. Dates are used like this:

  • From constipation, a decoction of these fruits will help. To prepare it, take 5 fruits and pour l of water. They boil a little, like compote. Drink the resulting broth on an empty stomach.
  • With anemia or constant fatigue, such a remedy will help. A jar (1 l) is filled with 10 fresh fruits, covered with 1 pinch of saffron, 1/8 tsp. cardamom, 1 tsp fresh ginger. A container with fruits and spices is kept in a warm, dark place for 2 weeks. Then every day you need to eat 1 fruit from the jar.
  • For the treatment of diseases of the nervous system (stroke, facial nerve) eat fruits ground in a meat grinder and combined with milk / ghee.
  • For normalization blood pressure with hypertension, use 50-100 g of fruit on an empty stomach for 3 weeks. Then they take a break for 10 days, and then repeat the course.
  • They strengthen the immune system by the following means: combine an equal amount of crushed pressed date palm fruits, ginger, cinnamon, camel hay, black cumin, honey and heat it up without boiling. Then pour coconut milk so that the density of the mixture is like jam. Consume like jam.
  • For weight loss, the fruits of the date palm are used instead of sweets, but in minimal quantities. There are diets based on these fruits. For example, there is a 10-day weight loss system, its essence is that for 4 days it is allowed to eat only dates, drink water, green tea no added sugar. On the 5th day, the diet is replenished with apples, oranges. In the following days of the diet, other fruits are gradually added to the menu.

What are the benefits of fruits during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, a woman needs the necessary amount of useful substances to enter her body. The use of dates (daily norm no more than 5 pieces) during pregnancy will have a beneficial effect on the health of the mother and the developing baby. These exotic fruits are useful for women during the period of expectation of a child for the following reasons:

  • They prevent the development of anemia, because they contain a lot of iron.
  • Prevent constipation.
  • The use of dates is the prevention of miscarriages, premature births.
  • Improve labor activity.
  • Contribute to the rapid recovery of forces after childbirth.
  • Improve the quality of mother's milk, have a positive effect on its production.

Daily intake of dates for adults and children

Although these fruits are useful in many ways, they should not be eaten too much. For an ordinary person, the dose of these fruits is no more than 10 pcs. per day, and for an athlete, the daily rate will be 2 times more. Children are allowed to eat dates from the age of 2. At the same time, dried fruits are thoroughly washed. Daily dose of these exotic fruits for children depends on their age and pediatrician's recommendations.

Harm of dates and contraindications

Before including exotic phoenix palm fruits in your diet, you need to know what are the benefits and harms of dates. Who is not so useful to eat these fruits? They will be harmful in diabetes because they can increase blood glucose levels. Dates are also contraindicated for cholelithiasis, stomach ulcers, problems with the liver, pancreas, because they contain a large amount of coarse fiber in fiber.

These fruits are not suitable for people who suffer from fructose intolerance. If you are allergic to dates, it is not recommended to eat them. After eating the fruit, you should rinse your mouth, brush your teeth to prevent the development of caries. It is not advised to combine the use of dates and oranges or other citrus fruits. Phoenix palm fruits should not be eaten later than 2 hours before bedtime. The use of these exotic fruits in large quantities leads to headaches.

Where to buy and how much the fruits cost

Dates are sold by weight or in packages. You can buy them in the store, on the market or via the Internet. The price of fruit depends on the country of origin, the quality of the product. Tunisian, Iranian dates are often found on sale. Dried fruits can be sold with or without pits. This fact also affects the cost. The average price of date palm fruits ranges from 80 to 350 rubles per kilogram.

Dates are fruits of the palm tree of the same name that can be eaten. Moreover, in our country they are most often eaten dried or slightly dried. It is believed that eating only this fruit and water, a person can live for several years., the content of useful elements is so great in them.

For the first time date palms appeared in Egypt, in the valleys of the Euphrates and the Nile. Today, this fruit is brought to our country from Spain, Africa and Italy. It is worth noting that dates in African countries are not just a sweet fruit, but a complete food product that sometimes replaces bread.

Dates have beneficial features which are difficult to dispute. Since ancient times, it has been known that this fruit is able to give male strength, endurance and significantly increase the duration and quality of life.

Dates have the ability to strengthen the liver, kidneys, heart

They inhabit the intestines with beneficial bacteria, without which it cannot function properly.

Dates have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora

Moreover, it is the dates that feed the blood and play an important role in strengthening the body's strength.

It is worth noting that the beneficial properties of dates bring such benefits to the body:

  • saturation with useful substances;
  • general health improvement;
  • help in the treatment of certain diseases;
  • meeting the need for vitamins and minerals.

Since ancient times, dates have been used by the inhabitants of the Arab countries as a constituent element for the preparation of kissels, compotes, flour, and some other drinks.

Dates, their chemical composition: table

The composition of dates includes such substances:

  • Tryptophan: necessary for harmonious brain activity, besides, it helps to prevent the aging of body cells.
  • Glutamic acid: has the ability to normalize the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Selenium: participates in the suppression of the activity of cancer cells, and also strengthens the immune system and heart muscle.

Composition of vitamins

Dates contain vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the human body:

  • vitamin A (89 mcg), has a beneficial effect on the organs of vision;
  • vitamin B1 (0.09 mg), helps the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats in the human body, releases the energy needed for physical activity;
  • vitamin B2 (0.1 mg), helps in the transport of oxygen to the cells of the body, is involved in wound healing;
  • vitamin B5 (0.78 mg), helps the absorption of sugars, which the date contains in its composition, due to which a person receives energy, endurance and physical strength;

B vitamins found in dates
  • niacin (2.2 mg), helps to restore the calmness of the excited nervous system;
  • vitamin B6 (0.19 mg), helps the muscles work properly, as well as their effective relaxation;
  • vitamin B9 (13 mcg), promotes the renewal of blood cells and a qualitative improvement in its composition;
  • vitamin E (0.1 mg), protects body cells from aging;
  • vitamin K (2.7 mcg), strengthens bone tissue, as well as heart and lung tissues.

Composition of trace elements

Dates differ not only in the variety of vitamins.

The trace elements contained in them are also very valuable for the human body:

  • potassium (652 mg): has a supporting effect on the heart and blood vessels;
  • calcium (64mg): needed for strong bones;
  • magnesium (35mg): normalizes blood pressure;
  • sodium (3 mg): maintains the water-salt balance in the body;
  • phosphorus (40mg): strengthens tooth tissue, helps in recuperation.

Note! Dates are rich in vitamins and minerals that are difficult to find in the same amount in other fruits. Moreover, the content of carbohydrates that benefit the body, it is in dates that is twice as high as in other fruits.

The nutritional value

Dates are the perfect nutritious food

Besides, this fruit is recognized as an almost ideal food that has the ability to compensate for the lack of vitamins necessary for the body, but also bring undoubted health benefits. Ripe dates contain 80% sugar and 20% plant fibers, proteins and trace elements.

Calorie content in 1 piece

Dates, despite the variety of varieties, have an equal calorie content. The average number of calories per date palm fruit is 23 kcal.. However, the Algerian variety Deglet Nur contains twice as many calories, approximately 45. And the Mejul variety exceeds this figure, having 66 kcal in its composition.

Calories in 100g

Calorie content of 100 g of dates equals 275 kcal if the fruits have seeds, then the calorie content will increase by about 8-10 units.

Date with a stone - more high-calorie

If the dates are dried, then the calorie content of 100 g will be 292 kcal. Naturally, fresh fruit will have a lower calorie content, it will be approximately 240 kcal.

Dried pitted dates calories

The calorie content of dates that have pits is not too different from dates without pits, it increases slightly and is approximately 283 kcal.

Dates, useful properties and contraindications

Royal - this is the variety of dates that is best known to consumers. It is these fruits that have the highest taste indicators, very tender pulp, as well as an unsurpassed aroma. This variety has a high price, but once you taste it once, you won’t want to try other varieties.

It is worth noting that the calorie content of dates of the royal variety practically does not differ from the indicators of other varieties. It equals 274 kcal per 100 g, therefore, one fruit has a calorie content of 23 units.

What are the benefits of dates for the human body

We can distinguish such properties that these fruits possess:

  • dates have the ability to satisfy the daily requirement of the intestines for fiber, which ensures its proper functioning. Regular consumption of this valuable fruit can greatly reduce the risk of colitis, hemorrhoids and oncological diseases intestines;
  • the rich content of magnesium makes dates a natural antibiotic that fights various inflammatory diseases;
  • selenium, phosphorus and calcium contained in dates have a productive effect on bone tissue and tooth enamel, strengthening and healing them;

Dates are good for tooth enamel
  • regular eating of dates allows you to stabilize and reduce blood pressure;
  • vitamins of group B, which are part of dates, allow you to maintain youth and beauty of the skin;
  • the minerals contained in dates help prevent anemia, and the regular use of this fruit during the last trimester of pregnancy allows you to prepare the body for labor stress;
  • dates contain sulfur, which reduces the manifestation of allergic reactions of various origins, including seasonal ones.

Interesting fact! Despite such a rich list of benefits that eating dates provides, people still consider them a luxurious dessert, and nothing more. Although scientists unanimously say that in order to maintain the health of the body as a whole, the use of dates on an ongoing basis is required. However, not everything is so rosy.

People who are overweight due to illness are not recommended to eat dates.

There is a clear list of indications, the presence of which in a person makes the use of dates undesirable:

  • an existing allergy to substances that are in dates;
  • diabetes, gastric ulcer, diseases of the pancreas and liver;
  • the presence of overweight or obesity caused by metabolic disorders.

As you can see, dates have undoubted benefits for the body, what exactly is it manifested in?

First of all, dates, due to the presence of a large amount of minerals and vitamins in them, are ideal food for children. Moreover, these fruits simply cannot contain various bacteria and microbes, which makes them completely safe.

Dates are the right food for kids

Secondly, regular eating of dates, helps to increase brain activity by 30%, which allows not only to quickly restore lost strength, but also to increase the overall performance of the body during a period of serious stress.

Thirdly, dates have the ability to reduce the negative effects of antibiotics on some organs and systems of the human body. That is why doctors often recommend using these fruits during the course of treatment.

Fourthly, dates have an important feature, they are able to remove harmful substances from the body, which are present in water and air, in unfavorable territories. In addition, useful elements that contain dates can reduce the concentration of carcinogens in the human body.

The benefits of dates for a woman's body

The body of a woman is a very delicate structure, which without fail needs to maintain the necessary balance of vitamins and microelements. That is why eating dates is so important.

They can bring a lot of benefits to a woman, namely:

  • improve the condition of the skin by increasing its elasticity;
  • fill the body with strength for tiring sports training;
  • satisfy hunger without overloading the body;
  • during lactation, dates improve lactation and increase the beneficial qualities of milk;
  • dates raise the overall vitality and mood.

What are the benefits of dates for women after 50

Dates are a product that can heal any body.

For women who have crossed the 50-year mark, they have a lot of benefits:

  • slow down the aging process;
  • maintain hormonal balance at the proper level;
  • protect against the occurrence of cancer;
  • improve the functioning of the digestive tract, reducing the likelihood of constipation;
  • reduce the risk of anemia;
  • improve brain function.

What are useful dates for men

Dates can bring a lot of useful things to the male body, including:

  1. Increasing the body's resistance, so that men can engage in serious physical labor without much effort and withstand heavy loads.
  2. Increased libido and male power. Such an effect on potency has been proven clinical research Moreover, it is the dates that can significantly increase the quality of sperm and the ability to conceive.

For men, dates are no less useful.

Note! Dates infused with goat's milk have a miraculous effect on the male body, relieving various diseases. genitourinary system and increasing the overall tone of the body.

Dates reduce the negative impact of alcoholic beverages, which is why they are recommended to be consumed before large feasts.

What are useful dates for pregnant women

The benefits of this dried fruit extend to women who are in a delicate position. It is the composition of the minerals contained in dates that allows you to balance the hormonal background of a pregnant woman.

In addition, they can bring such benefits:

  • increase the synthesis of hemoglobin, which is needed not only for the intrauterine development of the baby, but also for his mother during the feeding period;
  • improve milk production during lactation;
  • get rid of problems with the intestines, including constipation, as well as prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids, which is not uncommon in pregnant women;

Can You Eat Dates Every Day During Pregnancy?
  • restore strength after childbirth;
  • dates help to strengthen the fetus in the uterus, due to which they are a kind of prevention of abortion;
  • relieve labor pain.

What dates are the most useful

The most useful fruits of the date palm are those that have a smooth surface, matte finish, without too much gloss. You should not buy dates covered with sugar crystals, as well as those specimens that have cracks in the skin.

Pay attention to the presence of dates in the tail

If it is present, this is a good sign, indicating that the fetus was plucked by hand, which means that it did not fall to the ground, did not get dirty or injured.

It is worth taking a closer look at the dates, which are sold hanging on the branch on which they grew. This suggests that this variety is of high quality and excellent indicators of taste and benefits.

Dates of the Unabi variety, originally from China, deserve special attention, they are famous not only for their delicate taste, but also for the real power of healing. Moreover, it is believed that the ability to heal various diseases, possesses not only the fruit of the date, but also its stems. This variety is distinguished by an increased ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Date bones, do they have useful properties

Do not throw away the bones that remain from eaten dates. They can be used both for the treatment of specific diseases, and for the general improvement of the body.

To do this, you can do the following:

  • a decoction of the seeds has excellent abilities to heal diseases of the urinary system;
  • date seed powder can help with indigestion;
  • by brewing date seeds and drinking the resulting liquid instead of tea, you can not only remove swelling, but also support visual function;
  • treatment of wounds or eyes with a decoction of dates, allows you to remove inflammatory processes and prevent infection of open abscesses.

Dates, what are the benefits and harm to the body

Dates are a fruit that has a unique value for the body, largely due to the fact that it contains almost the entire complex of useful minerals and vitamins.

Dates may not be good for everyone

This composition allows you to establish the smooth operation of almost all systems and organs of the human body.

Dates, benefits and harms for women

Dates, regularly consumed by women, both dried and fresh, can greatly improve health.


  • stop the development of aging processes;
  • reduce psychological and physical stress;
  • level the course of menopause;
  • relieve pain during menstruation;

Dates can relieve discomfort during critical days

However, a date-based diet has some disadvantages:

  • dried fruits have the ability to retain moisture in tissues;
  • muscle tissue is built slowly when eating dates;
  • it is very difficult to eat rather sweet dates for several days in a row.

Dates, health benefits and harms

In general, we can distinguish such undoubted benefits of dates for the human body:

  • Strengthening tooth enamel and bone tissue
  • General strengthening of the body, including the heart and its vessels, immunity, joints, liver and kidneys, improving the quality of the blood and maintaining a healthy intestinal microflora.

The body will be fine with the use of dates
  • An incredible increase in human performance, in particular brain activity.
  • The presence of melatonin in dates contributes to the establishment of sleep and rest, relieving insomnia.
  • General improvement of mood and vitality of the body.

Do not consume more than ten dates a day

Otherwise, the development of such negative consequences may occur:

  • the occurrence of allergies;
  • eating dates before bed can cause congestion in the intestines;
  • the high calorie content of dates can increase body weight;
  • people with diabetes should use these fruits with great care;
  • inhibition of nervous processes, the occurrence of drowsiness and lethargy;
  • overeating dates can aggravate tooth enamel.

It is better to combine dates with citrus fruits

Note! Dates are best absorbed when consumed along with citrus fruits, or any other acidic fruits.

Dates and diabetes - good or bad

There is a lot of controversy about whether eating dates is good or bad for people who have diabetes. For example, it is noted that dates of the Majkhol variety, which grow in Israel, are not at all contraindicated for people with high blood sugar levels. Of course, provided that no more than 100 g of this product is eaten per day.

However, the high sugar content of dates (over 70%) makes them completely unsuitable for people who have complex forms of diabetes. But the mild course of the disease makes it possible to consume one or two sweet fruits per day.

Dried dates, what are the benefits and harms

Dried dates are common in our country along with dried dates, they bring undoubted benefits to the human body:

  • fight germs and bacteria;
  • increase the body's resistance to infections;
  • used to treat the heart, blood vessels and respiratory organs;
  • help to establish the proper functioning of the digestive tract;
  • solve problems of men's and women's health;
  • help to increase the quality and production of milk during lactation;
  • reduce the risk of blood clots;
  • prevent the development of arthritis.

People with diabetes should not eat dates

However, do not forget that dried dates can harm the body, namely:

  • increase blood sugar;
  • can cause headaches
  • can cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, especially when consumed before bedtime.

What other diseases and conditions are “treated” with dates

Such a useful product as dates can solve many health problems.

It is worth noting that dates can help a person even in such cases:

  • restore strength after an illness;
  • solve problems of impotence;
  • improve labor activity;
  • help with motion sickness in transport;
  • relieve fatigue from the eyes;
  • heal bleeding gums;

Dates help strengthen gums
  • relieve dizziness that occurs when there are diseases of the middle ear;
  • remove heavy metal ions from the human body;
  • like aspirin, reduce pain;
  • as poultices relieve muscle pain.

The benefits and harms of dates - what is the daily rate

Having studied the benefits and harms that eating dates entails, it is worth noting that it is enough to eat from 3 to 5 fruits per day. This amount is recognized as optimal and sufficient to replenish the body's daily need for vitamins and microelements.

Do not forget that more than 300 g of dates per day should not be eaten in any case., otherwise you can get stomach problems, due to the fact that this product is digested for quite a long time and is able to stop the work of the intestines.

Add dates to different dishes - have fun and benefit

Proper use of dates will bring nothing but benefits to the human body. On the contrary, it will make up for the lack of vitamins, strengthen all human systems and organs, and, moreover, with a high degree of probability, it will cheer you up and improve your vitality.

Find out how to choose the right dates from a useful video review:

Dates: medicine or treat? Details in the next video:

Dates: benefits and harms to the body. What do you need to know? Watch an interesting video:

Dates are an oriental sweet that pleases us with its sweet taste and beneficial properties. Muslims especially honor this "miracle fruit" and call it "bread of the desert." Dates can easily replace your diet, without harm to health. Since their composition is quite rich in all kinds of vitamins and minerals. Lovers of this delicacy are among us. Especially adherents of a healthy diet, use these fruits, instead of chocolate sweets. It's time for us to learn better about the useful properties of dates and contraindications for their use. In the countries of the East, date palms are in great demand and are cultivated for everyone's favorite delicacy. The progenitor of date palms is considered to be Iran and ancient Mesopotamia, northern parts of Africa and the territory of the Arabian Peninsula. Now, date trees occupy the territories of northern Africa, in Iraq and in some countries similar in climate. The date palm has been known for thousands of years, even the Bible testifies to its existence. These are perennial trees with very valuable fruits. One tree can produce up to eighty kilograms of fruit. Ripe crops begin to be harvested in August.

In addition to fats, proteins and carbohydrates contained in fruits, dates are rich in vitamins A, C, B, amino acids and minerals: potassium, magnesium, iron, cobalt, manganese, zinc, selenium and phosphorus. The fruits of the date tree are very high in calories, 100 g of dried fruit contains 282 kcal. It is worth knowing the measure in the use of such sweetness. Fruits contain about twenty amino acids, some of them do not include any vegetables and fruits, therefore they rightfully occupy the first positions.

The presence of pantothenic amino acid, sulfur and niacin is beneficial for the health of the skin, liver and kidneys. Can improve your vision. An integral assistant in maintaining a healthy look of hair and nails. The amount of silicon in the composition of dates rolls over, exceeding daily allowance five times. Such a rich composition will allow you to easily hold out for more than a month on dates alone, remaining in full health, thanks to a complex of minerals and vitamins. The iron content in them helps in the fight against anemia.

Dates are the only dried fruits that are naturally dried without the use of sulfuric acid. In addition, the fruits of the date palm are more affordable than other dried sweets. And they have no equal in usefulness.

Vitamin composition:

  • A- helps.
  • C- increases the body's immune forces.
  • E- improves the condition of the skin.
  • B1- contributes to the improvement of brain activity.
  • B2- stimulates hematopoiesis.
  • B5- regulates metabolic processes.
  • B6- strengthens the nervous system.
  • B12 - reduces irritability.
  • D- strengthens bone tissue.
  • PP- stimulates energy production.

What are the properties of dates

First of all, dates do an excellent job with harmful and pathogenic bacteria in the body. Antioxidant properties are excellent in preventing cancer problems. Therefore, it is recommended to eat several fruits of this delicacy on an empty stomach. They will easily help to bring the body back to normal after heavy physical and mental stress. A few date fruits, eaten before the upcoming hard mental work, increase brain activity by 20 percent.

By using this sweet product, you can be calm for your teeth. Thanks to fluorine, the strengthening of tooth enamel is ensured. True, then, it is better to rinse the mouth, since the dried fruit contains a lot of natural sugars.

Eating dates regularly will keep your heart healthy for years to come. All thanks to potassium and magnesium in their composition. With large blood loss, it will restore the functions of the body. Increases low hemoglobin.

As a general tonic, these sweet dried fruits can increase the body's immune forces and relieve stress and depression.

Dates can help by regulating the acidity of the stomach. With high cholesterol, restore normal levels.

Since ancient times, dates have been considered the fruit of longevity and a healer of many ailments. Now they are not so popular, but they have not lost their qualities. Able to fight respiratory diseases, relieving dry cough and strengthen weak blood vessels.

Date stones also have healing properties. A decoction is made from them to tidy up the functions of the kidneys and Bladder help to remove stones. Date kernels, crushed into powder, are taken for diarrhea. For external purposes, it is used in the treatment of festering wounds and sores on the skin.

The quality characteristics of date sugar are much higher than those of beet and cane sugar. It is worth taking into account that dates are completely free of bad cholesterol.

Dates for Women's Health

Doctors - gynecologists recommend dried fruit for women who are preparing to become a mother. Date berries have a positive effect on the reproductive functions of women, and during pregnancy they support the mother's body in a healthy state. Every day, eating two dozen dates, you can provide a good indicator of hemoglobin during pregnancy. Experts can confirm that dates strengthen the muscle tissue in the uterus, which is especially valuable in the last trimester of carrying a baby and during childbirth. And also serve as an excellent antidepressant in the postpartum period. If a woman is breastfeeding, dates not only contribute to the health of the mother, but also saturate the milk with the necessary healing substances. Stimulates to increase milk production.

male doctor

A man, as a stronger sex, simply needs to eat a few dates a day in order to maintain strength and fight physical and mental overstrain. It is the high content of fats, carbohydrates, proteins and dietary fiber in fruits that can easily restore the physical condition of the body and satisfy hunger. Increase the potency and quality of sperm. Softly take off alcohol intoxication and eliminate the effects of stress. They act as preventive and cardiovascular diseases.

Sleep stimulator

Dates, in addition to their tasty and sweet role, are also responsible for a good quality of sleep. All thanks to the amino acid tryptophan, which is able to transform into the sleep hormone - melatonin and the hormone of joy - serotonin. After a hard and stressful day, it is not always easy to fall asleep, a few pieces of dates will contribute to a good and healthy sleep.

Harmful qualities of dates

Date fruit is very sweet and contains a rich amount of natural sugars. If diabetes is present, the best option would be to refrain from eating sweet fruits or reduce to a minimum, just a couple of pieces a day. Otherwise, it may be fraught with an increase that is not good. In any case, everything is individual and it is better to discuss this with your doctor. Date fruits are not recommended for people with allergies, with bronchial asthma and with kidney stones. With the presence of problems in the digestive system, it is also advised to abandon the sweet palm fruits, since our stomach digests their peel for a long time.

In other cases, the date is only useful and the quantity is unlimited, of course, in the common sense, because it has a high calorie content. Before going to bed, it is better not to use it, it is considered quite heavy food for digestion, at least a couple of hours before bedtime. You need to be careful, because for some, a large amount of eaten dates can trigger a migraine.

Dates for weight loss

Palm fruits are used as a weight loss diet. One date and a glass of milk are enough to satisfy your hunger and not gain a lot of calories. Even though dates are quite high in calories, they are used in various diets. With the help of these sweet fruits, it is easiest to spend fasting days. They can easily replace sweets and sweets, they are used as snacks at work. The high content of sucrose is reflected only with positive side, since it is all redistributed into energy. Dates have a positive effect on reducing extra pounds, because they contribute to the release of excess fluid, normalize metabolic processes, cleanse toxins and toxins.

For children date fruits are absolutely safe even from the age of two, but, like all foods, it is better to introduce gradually and in small portions, naturally removing the seeds. Check for allergies so as not to harm. The special usefulness of dates for children is good for glucose and fructose.

Selection of Sunny Date Palm Fruits

High-quality and ripe fruits of dates of a dark brown shade, dry and shriveled from drying, but in moderation. Very light fruits, considered immature. There should be no sugar or mold on the surface. A quality product, the peel is without visible damage. Good fruits are dry, do not stick together. It is better to choose dates with stones, these are valued more. Quality dates are dried exclusively in the open sun. Not respectable manufacturers replace the process of natural drying with chemical treatment. This is easy to check by the presence of shine on the fruit. In this case, the process of obtaining useful substances from dates can turn into a reverse side. Therefore, be careful when choosing this exotic product.

Dried fruits are sticky and can accumulate bacteria and dust on the peel, so be sure to wash them well before use. It is best to store dried fruits in the refrigerator in closed containers, otherwise they will absorb all unnecessary odors. The storage period should not exceed two months. As for dried fruits, they are stored at room temperature in a dark place. If you are lucky enough to find fresh dates, freezing will ensure their safety, and all useful qualities will remain unchanged even for several years.

Dates, folk recipes

The fruits of the date tree are a unique gift of nature, which helps to cope with many ailments, and in folk recipes has been used since ancient times. How to prepare remedies:

  • Frayed dates, seasoned with black pepper, help from gas formation in the stomach. Of course, the taste will not please you, but the result of getting rid of the bloating problem is guaranteed to you.
  • Childhood dystrophy is treated with a decoction prepared from dates and rice cereals, in a ratio of 1: 1.
  • To stimulate sexual desire in men. Prepare a glass of dates, first select the seeds from them, pour half a liter of milk and a teaspoon of cinnamon powder into them. Mix and leave for 24 hours in the refrigerator. When time passes, ready-made dates are divided into several portions and eaten in one day, you can drink milk.
  • To cure exhaustion, grind dates and nuts in equal parts and consume throughout the day, until the moment of recovery.
  • To calm nervous tension before going to bed, a couple of dates washed down with milk can.

Now, knowing about such an important role of dates, not one housewife will pass by these most useful exotic fruits. Fans of vegetarian dishes very often use them in their desserts, second courses, drinks. We advise you to take a closer look at these wonderful fruits of nature.

Hello my dear readers! Recently, a familiar nutritionist shared with me some information about the beneficial properties of dates. She said that she herself was simply delighted with what she had learned.

You know, friends, the information really turned out to be amazing!

It made such a resonance in me that after reading it, I immediately went to the store and bought several boxes of the best quality dates at once!

Now, without a twinge of conscience, I sit, crack them, and enjoy life ☺

So I want to tell you what is so interesting that I learned about these amazing fruits.

From this article you will learn:

Useful properties of dates

Some interesting facts about the beneficial properties of dates

Recent studies by scientists have proven that dates are so beneficial to the human body that (I quote):

“Even a single date you eat causes an irreversible healing process in the body!”
How cool, right? I ate just one date, and that's it - an irreversible process has started in the body, and you already have no other chance than to be only healthy! How do you like this? ☺

In many countries, these fruits are simply attributed magical properties improve health and prolong human life.

  • They say that in China there are such centenarians whose basis of their diet is exclusively dates!
  • Many nutritionists offer it as a useful and healthy alternative to the usual and harmful sweets - instead of sweets, cookies, lollipops.
  • Medical scientists have found that a person experiences a strong feeling of hunger when there is a low sugar content in the blood. And, if you eat only two dates, then the blood sugar level rises to its normal state, the feeling of hunger disappears. Moreover, the “normal” blood sugar level is maintained for a long time afterwards!
  • Quite "fresh" scientific research: one experiment recently ended, during which a group of people ate only fresh dates for several years and drank enough clean water. Nothing more!
    At the end of this experiment, the data of the laboratory tests of blood, urine, etc. made. and other studies of their organisms simply amazed the doctors!
    Everything said that these people are really in great shape, feel great and are full of energy!
  • Another recent study has proven that dates are much more useful than red and black caviar, about the alleged miraculous usefulness of which there has been so much talk lately!
    Blimey! And I would add: and much cheaper! ☺

The chemical composition of dates

These wonderful fruits contain 23 types of amino acids that are not found in many other fruits!!!

Among these amino acids, there is a large amount of the amino acid tryptophan. We need it for good brain function, to maintain a good state of mind. This is especially important for those who have frequent stress, for the elderly, for those whose work is associated with decent mental stress.

Tryptophan is also the amino acid of youth! It prevents the aging of body cells.

And thanks to tryptophan, eating dates, a person becomes calmer, more peaceful, more satisfied.
Wonderful tryptophan, isn't it? ☺

  • Dates also contain glutamic acid, which prevents the appearance of such a very common trouble as heartburn, as it neutralizes excess acid in the stomach.
  • And selenium is found in dates in such a significant amount that it can even suppress the growth of cancer cells!
  • It also strengthens wonderfully immune system and reduces the risk of heart attacks!
  • A huge amount of sugars in these fruits cannot harm human health, as they favorably "coexist" in the composition with vitamin B5, which helps them to be absorbed by the body very quickly! And as a result, a person receives only benefits - this is a quick satisfaction of hunger, restoration of physical strength, energy, freshness and speed of thinking, and calmness of nerves.
    I think it's amazing! What do you think, friends? ☺
  • These fruits contain an incredible amount of important minerals such as magnesium, sulfur, copper, calcium, and iron. To cover the daily requirement for these elements, you need to eat 10 dates a day.
  • With their sweetness, dates confuse all those who follow the figure and try to lose weight. Due to the large amount of sugars, dates are avoided, preferring other carbohydrates. It turns out, in vain!

Calorie dates

Despite the high content of sugars, recovering from dates is not so easy.

Therefore, everyone can safely eat it, and not be afraid to spoil their figure!

And here's what I remembered about the slimness of the figure. Once upon a time I read that it has long been believed that dates help to reduce weight for those who have it in excess, and gain weight for those who have not enough of it. Here's a tip for you, friends! ☺

Both fresh and dried fruits with seeds are suitable for consumption.

Here, it turns out, what they are, dates! Wonderful, delicious and super-mega-healthy! ☺