Decipher the result of histology. Histological examination of biopsy material

Histological analysis is a study of tissue taken from an organ for more accurate diagnosis. To date, this is the most reliable research method, it is very important, one might say, of paramount importance for establishing a diagnosis and for determining the method of treatment.

What does a histological analysis show? Most often, histological analysis is carried out to identify inflammatory processes in the digestive system, to determine the causes of infertility, to diagnose oncology, to identify pathological processes in the uterus and other female organs, to determine the correct therapy for diseases internal organs. Histological studies are based on the study of tissue under an optical microscope, which not only determines the type of tumor, but also provides a lot of information about its characteristics.

Histology is a science that studies the tissues of the human body. Tissue analysis helps to detect a pathological process at the cell level, that is, at the very beginning of its formation. Thus, it is possible to identify initial stages tumors and structural mutation processes. Special equipment helps to identify foreign bodies with high accuracy and study their characteristics in detail.

The tissues of the human body provide specialists with a huge amount of information about the functioning of the body, both in general and in places of pathology. If a biopsy, as well as histology, is carried out in a timely manner, then conservative treatment of diseases is possible on early stage.

The basics of histology are, as already mentioned, tissues. Tissue is cells and intercellular substance that have the same structure and origin. The intercellular substance may either contain fibers or have the consistency of a gel.

In total, there are 4 types of tissues in the human body - nervous, muscular, connective and epithelial. Blood and lymph are also considered tissues, we can say that the fifth type of tissue. In tissues during a person's life, age-related changes occur, they wear out, and cells can die or be restored. Often neoplasms develop on tissues, which, in turn, also consist of tissues, therefore, we can say that the main task of diagnostic histology is to distinguish benign formations from malignant ones and to detect cancers in a timely manner.

As a rule, histological diagnosis is the final stage of diagnostic measures. First, the patient undergoes an MRI, CT scan, ultrasound, X-ray, and so on, and only then, to confirm the diagnosis, he passes an analysis for histology. Thus, all preliminary diagnostics only revealed a neoplasm in the tissues, but could not give an accurate definition of whether it was malignant or benign, and only histological analysis establishes the verdict. In addition, in some cases, histology after therapeutic treatment is required to determine whether the treatment has been effective.

How the analysis is done

Everyone knows how a blood test is taken, but how is a histology done, how much is it done? Histology can be carried out in several ways - the study can be carried out on blood, on secretions, and the tissues themselves can be directly studied. A histological smear is done in urology and gynecology. Therefore, the analysis can be carried out in different ways, but the quality of the diagnosis is the same in any case.

If it is necessary to conduct an examination of the internal organs, then pain medication may be required, painless procedures (for example, smears) are performed without anesthesia. Some types of research are carried out in a clinic, others can only be done in a hospital setting.

The skin and its derivatives are also subjected to histological analysis, it is shown if there are formations on the skin (moles, etc.). The analysis differentiates benign formations from malignant ones, and also determines the presence or absence of an inflammatory process.

Endocrinology in some cases may also have a need for histological analysis. The endocrine system and histology communicate with each other mainly in the presence of a tumor in the endocrine endocrine glands. Gynecology, genitourinary system, digestive system, skin - these are the most common examples where histological analysis is carried out.

How much is a histological analysis done? On average, the analysis takes from a week to 10 days after the sample is received, however, it all depends on whether the clinic has the necessary equipment. So it is necessary to clarify the terms directly in the medical institution.

There is an express analysis that is done during the surgical intervention. If tumors are detected during the operation, then a sample of them can be examined under a microscope in a short period of time. When a malignant tumor is confirmed, the surgeon decides on a more extended operation, taking into account all the nuances of removing a malignant tumor.

A description of the results is given to the patient in writing, only a person with a medical education can decipher it, as a result, no recommendations are given, so you need to consult a doctor to decipher and determine further actions.

Histology of the oral cavity

There is tutorial"Histology in charts and tables", it is intended for students and professionals in this field. In it, in diagrams, lists and tables, it clearly describes the structure of the oral cavity, including. Very briefly, the histology of the oral cavity is as follows.

If we approach the structure of the oral cavity from the point of view of histology, then for the most part its organs are covered with a mucous membrane. The oral cavity has a basal lamina and an epithelial layer, which consists of squamous epithelial cells. As for the plate, these are connective tissues.

Lips are also oral cavity, at its core, these are folds of skin that have an outer and inner surface. Outside, the lips are covered with fibrous connective tissue, and the inner surface is epithelial, it has outgrowths (papillae). At the heart of the lips is a circular muscle - that is, muscular striated tissue.

The cheeks also belong to the oral cavity - their inner shell is epithelial tissue, the middle one is muscle fibers, and the outer one is connective tissue. As for the salivary glands, they are located in the connective tissue.

There is a palatine arch in the oral cavity, it fuses with the bony palate and has a main plate and epithelial tissue with a layer of palatine veins. The soft palate in the oral cavity limits it from the pharynx, it also consists of epithelial tissue. The palatine tonsils are located in the submucosa.

The palatine tonsils consist of parenchymal tissue and stroma.

The parotid gland is made up of connective tissue that is rich in collagen fibers. As for the submandibular gland, it is also connective tissue, and it has a very well developed duct system. The sublingual gland is mostly mucous tissue, but its septa are again composed of connective tissue.

In the oral cavity there is also a muscular organ - the tongue. It is formed from striated muscle tissue. However, the tongue also has a mucous membrane, which forms protrusions - papillae. However, the root of the tongue does not have papillae, it is covered with tonsillar tissue, from which the lingual tonsil, which has follicles, is formed. Between the follicles, the space is filled with lymphoid tissue. Three glands penetrate the tongue - mucous, protein and mixed. The back of the tongue does not have a submucosal base.

The larynx is a segment of the breathing tube that connects the trachea to the pharynx. The cartilages of the larynx are connected to each other connective tissue in addition, the larynx has muscle tissue and mucous membrane.

The trachea is a cartilaginous tube, at the top it connects to the larynx, and below it is divided into the main bronchi.

The gums consist of their own plate and epithelial multi-layered and highly keratinized tissue. There are many vessels and elastic fibers in the main plate. The main tissue of the tooth is dentin - this is one of the varieties of bone tissue, which is characterized by high density. In addition, the structure of the tooth contains enamel, cementum and pulp.

With the help of histological studies, it is possible to detect the presence of dangerous cells and neoplasms in the tissues. Of particular importance is the analysis of histology in gynecological practice, through which it is possible to diagnose and begin the timely treatment of many "female" diseases.

What is histology?

Histology is a science that studies the structure of tissues at the cellular level. Histological studies consist in the study of tissue sections under a microscope. This diagnostic method allows you to most accurately determine the presence of pathological processes.

How are histological studies performed?

In most cases, the sampling of biological material is carried out directly in the process of surgical intervention. The operating doctor removes the amount of tissue necessary for the study and sends it for analysis. To give hardness, the biomaterial is treated with paraffin and several very thin sections are made, on which a special dye is applied. After that, the tissues are examined under high-precision microscopes. Examination of tissue for histology is a long and laborious process, in some cases it may take up to 10 days to obtain an accurate result.

Indications for histology

Biomaterial studies are carried out in the following cases:

  • prolonged uterine bleeding;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, not associated with menstruation;
  • leukoplakia;
  • miscarriage or missed pregnancy;
  • suspicion of a malignant neoplasm;
  • stillbirth;
  • infertility.

In some cases, the attending physician may prescribe a histological analysis of tissues with unclear symptoms, to clarify the diagnosis and further therapeutic treatment or surgery.

Preparation for histological examination

Women who are to take biomaterial for histological examination should not worry about the upcoming procedure. This research method is safe and informative, sometimes only with its help it is possible to identify or refute the presence of pathological processes.

For those ladies who are about to have an intervention, gynecologists recommend:

  • refuse intimate relationships at least two days before the upcoming manipulation;
  • intimate hygiene to carry out without the use of cosmetics;
  • do not put candles and tampons soaked in medicines into the vagina;
  • do not douche.
  • In gynecological practice, histology is often prescribed to study the tissues of the embryo, uterus, ovaries and cervix. In some cases, histological examination allows diagnosing oncology at an early stage.

    Histology after a miscarriage or with a missed pregnancy

    A frozen pregnancy is essentially the same miscarriage, just not yet occurred. In both cases, the patient is prescribed curettage to avoid decay of the remains of the fetus in the uterine cavity. The placenta extracted during the intervention is sent for histological examination, during which the cause of the death of the embryo is determined.

    Research for the diagnosis of cancer

    Many oncological female diseases are asymptomatic, and the woman does not notice the minor changes that have occurred to her. A gynecologist, if malignant neoplasms are suspected, prescribes a histological examination, which allows to exclude oncology or start timely treatment.

    Histological examination of the uterus

    The prerequisites for taking a biopsy are:

    • analysis or ultrasound indicating the presence of pathological processes;
    • pulling or sharp pain in the lower abdomen;
    • prolonged intermenstrual bleeding;
    • neoplasms on the surface of the uterus or inside it.

    The result of histology will help the doctor to understand the nature of the neoplasm, malignant or benign, and, if necessary, prescribe the necessary therapy.

    Histology of the ovaries

    This type of histology involves examining the contents of cysts or neoplasms in the ovaries. It is carried out during laparoscopy, if there is a surgical intervention, or through a puncture of the abdominal cavity.

    Histology of the cervix

    If you suspect the presence of inflammatory, precancerous or oncological diseases of the cervix, the gynecologist "plucks off" a small piece of tissue and sends it for histology. The study of biomaterial helps to determine the presence or absence of many diseases of the cervix, including oncology.

    Deciphering the analysis

    The results of the histological examination are entered into a special form that contains information about the patient: his passport data, time and place of biomaterial sampling.

    Only a qualified doctor should decipher the results of histology; it is not recommended to do this on your own. Due to the abundance of Latin words and obscure names, a person who is not connected with medicine will not be able to find out about the diagnosis.

    If the conclusion contains the phrase "the endometrium is normal, corresponds to the phase of proliferation (secretion or menstruation)", then this means that the uterine mucosa is normal and no changes or diseases have been detected.

    Signs of pathological processes are:

    • accumulation of fluid between the cells of the stroma;
    • high (significantly exceeding the norm) concentration of leukocytes;
    • definition of pathogenic microflora.
    • Additional Information:

The study of structural changes in the tissue, its structure allows you to determine the cause and type of pathology. A similar analysis is performed as part of a histological study. When prescribing it, not all patients understand why histology is performed, what it is.

Histology - what is it?

Histology is a field of science that studies the structure and structure of the tissues of the human body using a microscope. Answering the question of what histology studies, it should be noted that often this definition used when designating the research method itself - histological analysis. With the help of this examination, doctors can:

  • study in detail the structure of modified cells;
  • determine the presence or absence of an atypical structure;
  • the presence of an inflammatory process.

Cytology and histology - what is the difference?

Often, patients referred for examination are confused by two different definitions: and histology. Such studies have the same material sampling process, but differ at the stage of the diagnosis itself. So, in cytological analysis, an assessment of the structure, structure, development and functional features of a single cell is carried out. With the help of this method, doctors can clarify the diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Histology also analyzes the totality of cells that make up the tissue. In the course of diagnosis, a histological examination first emits a sample of the taken tissue, and then, if necessary, individual cellular elements can be analyzed. In some cases, cytology is used as a complementary method that helps to accurately diagnose, differentiate the type of pathology.

What does histology show?

Having understood what histology is, it is necessary to identify the main objects of its study. As mentioned above, during the analysis one of four types of tissues of the human body can be studied:

  • epithelial;
  • connecting;
  • muscular;
  • nervous.

The results of the study are used in the formulation of the final diagnosis. With the help of the correct interpretation of the results of the analysis, you can determine:

  • violation of systemic blood flow;
  • inflammatory process;
  • thrombosis and;
  • the presence of cancer cells;
  • the presence of tumor cells;
  • the number and structure of existing metastases.

Histology - what is it in oncology?

In oncology, histology is one of the research methods that helps not only to diagnose the presence of malignant tumors, but also to determine their structure, the stage of the pathological process. In addition, histological analysis determines the nature of cellular changes, benign or malignant. The need for the procedure is determined by the doctor. For example, histological examination thyroid gland it is prescribed if the nodular formations are more than 1 cm, and the histology of the stomach is already carried out with numerous erosive changes in the mucosa.

A similar study can be prescribed for:

  • sudden enlargement of the lymph nodes;
  • change in the size of the birthmark;
  • the appearance of seals in the mammary gland and in other cases.

Histology - what is it in gynecology?

This indispensable type of laboratory research is often prescribed for women to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe therapy. Talking about such a method as histology, what it is, it should be noted that in gynecology, tissue samples taken from:

  • uterus;
  • ovaries;
  • cervix.

Histology of the uterus helps to identify structural changes in the tissues of the organ (myometrium, endometrium). Not only the tissues of the reproductive system, but also the biological fluids of the reproductive system can be examined: cervical mucus, fluid from neoplasms. Based on these features, histology in gynecology can be used for:

  • constant pain in the lower abdomen;
  • prolonged bleeding;
  • suspicion of pathological changes and neoplasms on the surface of the internal genital organs;
  • , ovaries;
  • examination of the material after gynecological operations (curettage, removal of polyps, cysts).

When is a histology needed?

The decision that it is necessary to conduct a histological examination is made by the doctor, guided by the results of laboratory tests, clinical picture considering the patient's condition. This procedure is most commonly used for:

  1. Clarification of the presumptive diagnosis.
  2. Identification of the stage of the pathological process.
  3. Monitoring the course of the disease in differential diagnosis tumor diseases.
  4. Determining the scope of the upcoming surgical intervention.
  5. Control over changes in tissues as a result of radiation exposure.

How is histology performed?

Having found out the meaning of the term histology, what kind of study it is, patients want to know the features of its conduct. When histology is performed, the analysis of a sample of damaged tissue is carried out in several stages. Initially, doctors take material for research and place it in a special solution. The sample is then sent to the laboratory for testing. Under a microscope with a high magnification, doctors study the existing deviations from the norm, establish the nature and stage of the pathological process.

Collection of material for histological examination

Tumor histology, more precisely, taking a sample of material for research, is often performed during surgery. In some cases, a separate procedure may be prescribed (curettage of the uterine cavity, for example), in which a section of damaged tissue is taken for further analysis. With the help of a surgical instrument, a small piece of tissue is excised, placed in a special sterile container, a test tube.

A frequent procedure of this kind is endometrial biopsy in gynecology. This type of histology (what it is - described above) can be carried out in several ways:

  1. Using a microcurette- with a few dashed movements along the uterine wall, the material is taken.
  2. paypel method– with a special flexible tube, the material is removed from the organ under the action of vacuum.
  3. Vacuum aspiration– tissue is taken using vacuum suction.

Histological examination of the material

Histological examination of the biopsy material is carried out in several stages. The sequence of the procedure for examining a tissue sample is as follows:

  1. The collected tissue is fixed with a special solution.
  2. Dehydration of the tissue is carried out to give it a dense consistency.
  3. The fabric is impregnated with a casting preparation (paraffin) to obtain a solid block.
  4. The resulting block, using a microtome, is cut into small plates.
  5. The resulting sections are placed on glass slides and stained with the solution.
  6. Stained sections are microscoped using an electron microscope, studying the structure and structural features of the tissue.

To the question “What is a histological examination?”, many would answer that it is the same as a biopsy. What pathological processes in the body does she study?

Histological examinations reveal cancerous tumors in cells at an early stage. This is all correct, of course! However, the field of histology diagnostics is, in fact, much wider.

So, for example, the very word "histology" tells us about it. Histos - tissue (Greek). Logos Everyone knows this, teaching. Thus, any changes, that is, deviations from the norm, in the body, or tissues, of a person require a histological diagnosis.

The histological conclusion is also necessary for criminalists. If, for example, there is a suspicion that a person has become a victim of a crime. After all, as a result of exposure to the body of any substances, corresponding changes could occur in the tissues.

It is the histological examination of tissue fragments of the victim that will help to establish this fact.

This is really similar to a biopsy, when a syringe with a long thin needle is inserted into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tissue being examined. This is how a fragment of living material is taken.

Then, with the help of specially prepared preparations, this fragment is affected, and by the nature of the reaction, it is determined what is happening in the body, in specific organs. What's going wrong?

as the most shining example The relevance of this diagnostic method can be the fact that as a result of histological studies, infertility treatment is carried out with great success. Or the fact that even after the death of a person, histology allows you to accurately detect all the diseases that have occurred in the body during life.

What does histology help detect?

As already mentioned, changes in tissues of various kinds, deviations in them, if they significantly exceed the limits from the norm. For example, as many people rightly think, it can be cancerous tumors even at an early stage.

In fact, a histologist will detect any, the most insignificant, inflammatory process in our body. Whether it is acute or chronic. Death of tissues in any area. Circulatory disorders.

And most importantly, pathological and histological studies help the histologist determine how serious these disorders are. Thanks to histological examination, he will establish an accurate diagnosis. Promptly prescribe the right treatment.

Thus, it will stop the action of the pathological process in our body.

Why do a histological examination

If during a routine medical examination general analysis blood and other standard indicators indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the body, it is worth paying attention to how large the deviations from the norm are.

If the person has recently had a cold or has chronic diseases, this, of course, can serve as an explanation for such deviations. Whether a person needs a histological examination is determined, of course, by the doctor. And, as a rule, it is carried out in the course of an already identified pathology during the treatment of a specific disease in order to monitor the effectiveness of the treatment process.

Diagnostics of the state of tissues in the focus of the observed pathological process helps to control even the most insignificant changes occurring in their structure.

Thus, with the help of a histological examination, it is possible to track any changes for the worse or better. Treatment of deep inflammatory processes in the body is successful, under the close supervision of a doctor. And this, of course, contributes to high-quality, successful treatment.

Preparations for histological examination

To conduct a full-fledged histological examination, a lot of preparatory work is required. After all, the manufacture of drugs for such research is a whole process. And it happens in several stages.

The examined tissue fragment from the human body after sampling is placed in a special solution to fix and prevent the process of decomposition of the elements. As a rule, it is formalin or alcohol. This is the first stage. In the next two steps, liquid is first released from the test material: organic and fixing solution.

This is necessary in order to make the tissue fragment subsequently solid by filling it with another solution, for example, paraffin. After all, at the next stages it needs to be divided into smaller fragments for research, that is, cut, but at the same time preserve the composition with the presence of pathological changes in the tissue.

Cutting is one of the components of the steps. Very small - for microscopes, the thickness of the fragments will be only 4-5 microns! This is followed by the stage of staining the cut fragments on a special glass. A lot of them. Some of them are made every day. This is standard procedure.

Additional colorings are individual in nature and are prescribed, if necessary, by the attending physician. The method of studying fragments using various kinds of staining in histology is called microscopy. It can be done manually or automatically.

At the very end, the colored fragment is covered with a transparent material for later storage. This allows it to be used for repeated studies. Cover medium at the final stage - important point in this process. It helps to keep the studied material unchanged.

Where is the histological examination performed?

Of course, such complex diagnostics requires special conditions and additional equipment. Yes, and the very process of taking biological material must be carried out competently by a highly specialized laboratory assistant in a special laboratory.

True, in some cases, the material for analysis is taken right at the time of a complex operation, if the surgeon has any suspicion regarding the presence of the corresponding pathology in the organs or tissues. Or, if the deceased becomes the subject of research, the sampling of biological material is carried out directly in the morgue.

There are other sampling methods. For example, smears and prints. This is due to the fact that such a science as cytology borders very closely with histology. Formally, this is part of histology. In practice, the methods and subject matter of their research diverge slightly.

Human organs and tissues for histological examination

In fact, any living cell of our body can serve as material for research in the field of histology. Therefore, every doctor, a specialist in any field of medicine, may need material for histological studies at any stage of treatment.

The subject of diagnostics can be any organ, any of the five types of tissues of our body: epithelium (skin samples), blood, nerve, muscle or connective fibers.

Specially equipped laboratories for histological analyzes in modern medical institutions are already the norm. Histological data are the most accurate. That is why without them it is impossible to treat cancer patients.

In gynecology, obstetrics, one cannot do without them either. It is especially valuable that histological data make it possible to detect pathological changes at the very beginning of the development of the disease.

Thus, histological examination is a reliable way to detect and successfully defeat any disease. The main thing is to make a histological examination on time.

The tissue composition of one or another part of the uterus, its cervix, plays an important role in the diagnosis various diseases, both associated and not associated with neoplasms in the organs of the reproductive system. For this reason, various studies of the cellular composition of tissues play such an important role in gynecology. It is to such studies that the histology of the uterus belongs, which is carried out with various symptoms, and can be informative in the diagnosis of various types of diseases.



Histological examination of the endometrium and uterus - the study of the morphological cellular structure of certain tissue formations of an altered (or presumably altered) organ in order to establish the type of pathological process. In a situation when it comes to the study of the reproductive system, the fundamental difference from a smear for cytology, which also considers the cellular composition, is that in cytology only a scraping of the upper layer of the mucous membrane is taken, while in histology - directly a piece of tissue (that is, the procedure more traumatic).

It is carried out for patients of any age if there are sufficient indications for this. Unlike cytology, histology is not carried out for the purpose of prevention, it is planned. The preparation for study is a tissue fragment of a part of an organ, containing several cell layers, cells of various types.

His study is carried out using special solutions and dyes in the laboratory.


In what cases is cervical histology necessary? There are the following indications for the appointment of this method:

  • Infertility;
  • Violations menstrual cycle, lack of menstruation;
  • Stomach ache;
  • Pain and discomfort during intercourse;
  • Excessively painful premenstrual syndrome;
  • Uncharacteristic or specific vaginal discharge;
  • Bleeding outside the menstrual cycle, etc.

Moreover, since the method is quite traumatic, it is prescribed only in cases where all other diagnostic methods turned out to be uninformative, did not help to identify the disease, or there are significant contradictions between their results. In any case, an analysis is prescribed for the histology of the cervix under the following conditions: leukoplakia, uneven surface of the cervical canal for unknown reasons, a large number of malignant atypical cells in a smear for cytology, etc.


Although very often the histology of the endometrium of the uterus is studied, including for health reasons, in some conditions such an analysis cannot be performed. It is recommended to postpone it if:

  1. The patient is pregnant;
  2. The patient has very low blood clotting;
  3. There is an acute inflammatory process in the organs of the reproductive system, as it creates high risk infection;
  4. The patient is menstruating on the day of the proposed procedure.

Neglect of these contraindications can lead to the development of bleeding and / or inflammation. A large scar may also form, which will negatively affect the extensibility of the birth canal, and therefore complicate the birth process in the future. Damage to the tumor formation can lead to the fact that it will actively grow.

Preparations for the procedure

In preparation for this procedure, you need to undergo the following studies:

  1. Blood test for sexually transmitted diseases;
  2. Study on the degree of purity of the vagina;
  3. Cytological examination, bacteriology, PCR;
  4. For 48 hours before the intervention, you can not have sexual contact;
  5. During this time, do not use tampons, douches, vaginal suppositories, gels, creams, etc.;
  6. In consultation with your doctor, you should stop taking anticoagulants and hormonal drugs.

Correct and complete preparatory measures before the intervention are very important, as they significantly affect the information content and objectivity of the data obtained during the analysis.

What day to submit?

The stage of the menstrual cycle at which the analysis for the histology of the cervix is ​​taken depends on the purpose for which the study is being carried out. When determining certain indicators, it is better to choose one or another day for this study.

  • For the diagnosis of menorrhagia, it is recommended to take the material for research no later than 48 and no earlier than 72 hours before the expected onset of menstruation;
  • When determining the causes of infertility, this period increases to 5-7 days;
  • If it is necessary to assess the hormonal status based on the results of scraping, then it is better to do it in the third stage of the menstrual cycle, since it is during this period that its results are most objective and informative (from 17 to 25 days of the cycle);
  • If there is amenorrhea, then it is customary to take tests several times - four times with a week break between them (usually, low-traumatic methods are used);
  • If diagnosis is necessary in the presence of any tumors, then the results of the histology of the cervix are equally informative, regardless of the period in which they were taken.

There may be some other features as well. That is why it is very important to take a histological analysis exactly when it was prescribed by a doctor. If he is appointed urgently, then when deciphering, the specialist must make an adjustment for what stage of the menstrual cycle the study was conducted.

Collection Methods

Material from the uterine cavity can be taken in various ways. Usually, 8 of them are used most often. Some are more traumatic, others are less. The most suitable method is selected by the doctor, based on the individual characteristics of the patient's body. The most popular methods are:

The least traumatic methods include laser and radio wave. They are most often prescribed to young girls. The simplest and cheapest, as well as traumatic methods are those in which a simple scalpel or loop is used. This method is carried out, usually free of charge, under the policy of compulsory health insurance.

Research progress

After the drug has been taken for research, it is treated with a preservative, as well as coloring compounds to simplify diagnosis. Water is removed from the preparation, which also makes it more durable and its morphology easier to assess.

A dense block of tissue is made using paraffin wax. Then a thin section of tissue is drawn under a microscope with a special device. The material is colored along the cut in one way or another. The tissue section is then examined under a microscope. Normally, the epithelium is brown, the cells are approximately the same. If there are deviations, this suggests the presence of a particular disease.


Everyone taking this analysis should take into account that although the histological examination of the cervix is ​​​​a fairly common procedure that is prescribed more or less regularly, it is nevertheless complex. Therefore, an important role in its informativeness and the quality of the result is played by the professionalism of the specialist who performs it. This is especially true for the most innovative methods of work, in which doctors still do not have sufficient experience (compared to the old methods).

In addition, high-quality preparation for such an analysis by the patient is very important. All recommendations must be fully implemented. Only then will the test result be as effective as possible.

Production time

How much is such an analysis done? Production time is different and depends on many parameters. This is the workload of the laboratory, and the features of the methods by which the material is examined, and the goals of the study, and the characteristics of the drug, etc., but on average, the results of the study can be obtained 3-7 days after delivery.


How to decipher the results? Only a doctor can do this correctly. It is possible to establish whether atypia is only of a background nature, or whether it affects the deep layers of tissues and atypical cells are present not only on the mucosa, but also in deeper layers. If atypical cells are found in the deep layers of tissues, then this makes it possible to assume or confirm the presence of invasive cancer, the most severe form of oncology.

Are there any mistakes?

Can a bad biopsy be wrong? A good biopsy is more likely to be erroneous, when, due to an error in tissue sampling or its study, atypical cells are not detected, although in fact they are. In general, if the preparations and technique of sampling and examination have been followed, then the probability of error is very low.

Recovery period

Taking into account the method used to collect tissues for study, there may be a different duration of the recovery period. It is generally recommended that the following restrictions be followed for three to six weeks after the intervention. The minimum indicator is recommended for low-traumatic interventions, the maximum - for fairly traumatic ones. What restrictions do experts recommend to observe during this period?

  1. Within 5-7 days, do not lift weights and limit physical activity;
  2. For 3 days it is better to avoid getting water into the vagina;
  3. During the entire recovery period, one should not swim in natural reservoirs, chlorinated public pools, as there is a risk of infection;
  4. You should not bathe in saunas, sunbathe, visit a solarium also throughout the entire recovery period;
  5. You can start sexual activity again no earlier than one month after the intervention, regardless of its type.

Normally, when such an intervention is carried out, minor bloody issues from the vagina and slight pulling pains in the lower abdomen. This is the normal state. However, if the pain becomes too intense, the discharge becomes uncharacteristic - the smell and color change, there is heavy bleeding, then you should immediately consult a doctor. The same should be done if there is an increased body temperature.


The cost of research varies in different cities.

Prices are indicative and may be increased due to the cost of materials and preparations.


Although a histological analysis is quite traumatic, it is nevertheless necessary. And if done in a timely manner, it can even indirectly help save the patient's life.