"Birch tar: recipes for oral and external use, contraindications." The use of birch tar - benefits and harms to the body How to use birch tar inside

Instructions for use:

Birch tar- a natural remedy for skin care, hair, treatment of skin diseases.

pharmachologic effect

Birch tar is an antiseptic, has a locally irritating, anti-inflammatory, regenerating and insecticidal effect.

The use of birch tar improves blood supply to tissues, stimulates the processes of keratinization.

Tar is obtained from birch bark, it contains more than 10,000 useful elements, incl. these are phytocindas and cresols - disinfectants, guaiacol with antiseptic, disinfecting effect and phenol antiseptic.

Release form

IN pharmaceutical industry tar is used in the composition of ointments Vishnevsky, Wilkinson, Konkov.

IN folk medicine pure tar is used - it is produced in the form of a dark, with a specific smell of liquid in vials.

The cosmetic industry produces hair and skin care products based on birch tar.

Indications for the use of birch tar

Use birch tar to treat eczema, lichen scaly, scabies, dropsy, festering wounds, bruises, trophic ulcers, splinters, fungi on the skin, bedsores, burns, frostbite, psoriasis.

In cosmetology, tar is used to care for oily, falling hair, problem skin.

Instructions for use of birch tar

Ointments based on birch tar, prepared under production conditions - Konkov, Vishnevsky, Wilkenson's ointment are used according to their instructions or the doctor's instructions.

Pure tar, mixed 1:1 with lard, is used for skin diseases - the ointment is applied to damaged areas.

For the treatment of eczema, pure tar compresses or a mixture of crushed horse sorrel roots and tar water are applied. With weeping eczema, an ointment is used: lard and tar are mixed (1: 1), a raw egg is added and applied to the skin affected by eczema.

For the treatment of psoriasis in the composition complex treatment use ointment: two tbsp. tar is mixed with 3 tablespoons of honey, 2 liters. castor oil, one egg white. The mixture is infused for three days, after which one p / day is applied to the affected skin.

With focal hair loss, dandruff practice rubbing tar pure or diluted 1: 1 with glycerin or alcohol. After the procedure, excess tar is removed from the hair with a cotton swab. Rubbing is done every other day, alternating with shampooing.

To extract a splinter, the place on the skin where it has dug into must be lubricated with tar or a piece of cloth moistened with it should be applied. Usually after 15-20 min. the splinter can already be hooked up and removed.

To eliminate calluses on the legs, an ointment is applied to them, prepared from equal parts of tar, saltpeter, sugar. Previously, the corns are steamed out (preferably in a decoction of birch leaves).

For the treatment of skin ulcers that do not heal for a long time, an ointment is used: creamy unsalted butter is mixed with tar and burnt root of the medicinal herb (components are taken in equal parts).

For the treatment of fungus on the legs, the affected areas are smeared with clean tar every three days for as long as it takes to recover. In these three days, it is impossible to wash off the tar. It is applied to clean, steamed skin of the legs.

Side effects

Prolonged treatment with birch tar can lead to skin irritations, allergic reactions.

Contraindications to the use of birch tar

Birch tar is not used in case of hypersensitivity to the agent. Before using it, it is recommended to conduct an allergy test.

Ecology of health: Tar is a natural product obtained by dry distillation of the upper part of the bark of a young tree. The composition of tar is very diverse and includes such substances as: benzene, phenol, toluene, xylene, phytoncides, organic acids and resinous substances.

Birch tar - what is it?

Tar is a natural product obtained by dry distillation of the upper part of the bark of a young tree.. The composition of tar is very diverse and includes such substances as: benzene, phenol, toluene, xylene, phytoncides, organic acids and resinous substances.

As you can imagine, with this composition, the smell is still the same!

Due to its rich composition, it is widely used in many industries, for example:

    impregnation of sleepers;

    as a wheel lubricant;

    lubrication of wooden parts;

    for protection against garden pests;

    to protect leather products (formerly in Russia);

    as a raw material for the chemical industry;

    in medicine;

    in cosmetology;

    in veterinary medicine;

    in the old days for punishments (smear in tar and roll in feathers).

Tar in official and traditional medicine

How medicine tar has been used since ancient times and very widely. For example, a list of diseases in the treatment of which tar is used:




    metabolic disease;



    urolithiasis disease;

    fungal skin lesions;





    itching and skin rashes;


    chronic otitis media;

    burns, bedsores;

    dry corns;


    bronchial asthma;







In addition, when using tar, acne, boils disappear, the yellowness of the skin disappears, fine wrinkles and skin irregularities disappear. And also, the topic of beautiful skin can be attributed to the fact that tar kills lichen, erysipelas, eczema, skin fungi.

External use of tar for beautiful skin

In pharmacies, you can find vials with birch bark (birch) tar for cosmetic, external use. In addition, soap with the addition of tar is sold ( tar soap).

    removal of lice and fleas (in animals);

    from dandruff;

    from the fungus (wash your feet, hands and other affected areas of the skin more often;

    from excessive sweating

    as an antiseptic against germs

Tar - external use

Cosmetic tar solution- we smear acne, fungal skin lesions, abscesses and boils.

Adding a small amount of tar in a bath for clean skin and wound healing or make the following recipe:


    Water - 70 g;

    Birch tar - 100 g;

    Grated baby soap - 70 g;

    Vodka - 100 g

We add all this to a warm bath and take it for 15 - 30 minutes (no more). Such baths are also useful for psoriasis.

Ointment with tar from scabies mite


    Tar soap - 1 tbsp. a spoon;

    Melted unsalted bacon - 1 tbsp. a spoon;

    Birch tar - 1 teaspoon;

    Sulfur powder - 15 g

We mix all this and get tar ointment. We smear the affected areas of the skin at night and so on three times.

Tar baths for hemorrhoids

Add 5 drops of tar to two liters of warm water. A sitz bath for hemorrhoids is made from this solution.

Tar from an old splinter

We smear this place with tar, but rather we make a tar compress for 15-20 minutes, which helps to pull out the old splinter

Ointments with tar

In a pharmacy, you can buy ready-made ointments with the addition of tar, these are Vishnevsky's ointment and Wilkinson's ointment.

    Wilkinson's ointment is applied: with scabies, fungus of the skin of the nail plates, eczema;

    Vishnevsky's ointment is applied: with acne, bedsores, frostbite, cuts, trophic ulcers.

Internal use of tar

On the one hand, tar is a carcinogen, on the other hand, there are many excellent results in treatment and cosmetology when using tar inside.

There are basic recipes for taking tar inside: with bread, apple, milk, sugar or honey.

The most common recipe is with bread

At night before going to bed, we take a piece of bread (even black, even white). We drip 5 drops of tar on it and without drinking, carefully chew it and go to bed. The next evening, add one more drop (it turns out already 6 drops) and so +1 drop every evening, bringing it up to 10 drops. We keep on 10 drops for two weeks (14 days), and then, on the contrary, we reduce by one drop every evening, bringing it back to 5 drops. The total course is 24 days. The expected effect of improvements begins already from the half of the course. Namely: 100% clean and velvety skin. In addition, slags will come out, sweating, joint disease (if any) will pass, you will forget about constipation.

You can do everything the same, but instead of bread, use apples, honey or sugar. Some write that allegedly with honey the effect is better for the treatment of Giardia. And cleaning with an apple is sometimes used after cleaning with bread (as if with an apple it flies faster through the body and almost immediately into the intestines).

With milk, this scheme is sometimes used

Drink in the morning on an empty stomach, diluted in 50 ml of milk according to the following scheme:

    1 week 1 drop

    2 weeks 2 drops

    3 weeks 3 drops

and so on up to 10 weeks, every week adding a drop of tar

Possible side effects

    nasty taste;


    stomach upset;



    insomnia (insomnia);


In the yard of the XXI century, but, despite this, some natural substances and medications"old generation" were, are and will be in active use. Tar should also be referred to such means. What is tar made from? What properties does it have and are they useful? In what diseases is tar simply irreplaceable? How will it help you become more beautiful? You can find answers to all these questions and many others in the article.

What is tar made of?

The production of tar is based on the process of dry distillation, in which branches, chocks and peel of trees of certain species take part. For some reason, most people are sure that tar can only be made from birch.

In fact, this is far from being the case. Let's dispel this myth once and for all. The only correct answer to the question of what tree tar is made from is from the bark and wood of any tree belonging to deciduous or coniferous species. Also, coal can become the basis for its manufacture. It should be noted that for the preparation of tar, both specialized conditions and equipment, and home conditions are suitable. In the latter case, the apparatus for distillation of the starting components is made independently.

Healing properties of birch tar

What tar is made of, we have already considered, now let's look at what properties it has. Of course, we will talk about medicinal properties.

So, birch tar is an excellent analgesic, absorbable and anti-inflammatory agent that can be used both individually and in combination, for example, as part of a particular drug.

Tar contains a lot of healing substances. This led to its use in therapy. Tar helps to stimulate and accelerate the regeneration of the epidermis, improves blood circulation in tissues. He is famous in folk and traditional medicine, in cosmetology and even in the construction industry has found its application.

Tar is effective in the treatment of various skin diseases (eczema, erysipelas, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, folliculitis, scaly lichen, fungal infections, scabies, bedsores, pediculosis), trophic ulcer and others.

It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects on burns and wounds of various origins. Dandruff, acne, urolithiasis, digestive disorders, urethritis, bronchial asthma, tonsillitis, acute respiratory infections, mastitis, bleeding and even gangrene - tar will help to say goodbye to all this.

Now we would like to tell you about another wonderful medicine obtained from birch bark - birch tar, the use of which for medical purposes is just as common and effective.

Tar is obtained as a result of dry distillation of birch bark. Considering that it is quite laborious to do the distillation on your own, it is easier to buy tar in a pharmacy. It is a dark and oily viscous liquid with a very complex chemical composition(phytoncides, xylene, toluene, phenol, organic acids - this is far from full list tar components), which, among other things, has a very pungent and unpleasant odor. By the way, most likely, in the proverb about a barrel of honey and a fly in the ointment, it was about the smell, and not about color or palatability this supplement.

By the way, in fairness it is worth mentioning that tar can be made not only from birch bark, but also from juniper, pine and beech.

Birch tar. Medicinal properties

Before the rapid development of the chemical industry, tar was very actively used in completely different spheres of life of the peoples who inhabited Russia. They even say that the Europeans called tar "Russian oil". It was used as a lubricant for rubbing parts of various designs and for processing leather products - as a result, they did not let in moisture, remained soft and comfortable.

But skin is skin, and health is more important - the use of birch tar for medicinal purposes has always been a priority. The list of diseases in which healers used this wonderful remedy is quite large:

  • various skin diseases - both common (scabies, skin rashes, lichen, scrofula, seborrhea, eczema, psoriasis, pyoderma, neurodermatitis, etc.), and those of an allergic nature, for example, diathesis. It is not without reason that tar soap and various medicines for skin diseases, which have tar in their composition, are very popular in our time;
  • fungal diseases;
  • throat, lung and respiratory tract(cough, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis and even lung cancer);
  • catarrhal cystitis;
  • mastopathy;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • joint diseases.

But that's not all - birch tar can be used as an antiseptic, using it to protect wounds and burns from decay. In this case, it will also accelerate the regeneration processes, improve blood circulation and rejuvenate the skin. Like, tar can be used as an anthelmintic.

All these wonderful healing properties are less in demand today - the development of pharmacology has greatly changed our lives. Nowadays, tar is part of various medicinal and cosmetic products: Vishnevsky, Wilkinson, Konkov ointments, antiseptic essential oil, tar soap, hair care products, etc. In its pure form, it is used mainly by traditional medicine enthusiasts who are aware of the dangers of pharmacological treatment and avoid taking pills.

Birch tar. Instructions for use

Tar can be used internally or externally, and both methods have different variations depending on which disease is being fought.

For example, for pulmonary tuberculosis, it is recommended to take 1 drop 3 times a day with milk or (there is also such a recipe - to drink tar with one tablespoon of milk, increasing the dose every day from 1 drop to 40, and then reducing the dosage back from 40 drops up to one, but 40 drops of tar is not so little, be sure to consult your doctor). In addition, birch tar with milk is used for cancer of the lungs, throat and stomach, catarrhal cystitis, diabetes, thrombophlebitis, strokes - however, dosages for different diseases will be different.

In case of psoriasis, diseased areas of the skin are smeared with a mixture of purified tar and birch ash (in a ratio of 3 to 1). With eczema, the composition of the ointment is already more complicated: tar, combustible sulfur, beeswax, honey, blue vitriol, vinegar essence, sunflower oil.

In a rather unexpected way, tar is used to treat hemorrhoids. Half of the red brick is heated, then it is placed in an empty iron bucket, 2 drops of tar are dripped onto it, as a result of which smoke will come out. And here it is necessary to sit down on this bucket, having previously exposed the ass. You need to sit for 15-20 minutes before going to bed.

If you are annoyed by the smell of tar, then tar water can be used for treatment - it helps with hair loss, constipation, asthma, skin pigmentation and many other diseases. It is drunk or rubbed into the skin. Preparing tar water is quite simple: four liters of cold spring water, half a kilo of tar, this mixture is mixed for 5 minutes with a wooden stick, after which the vessel should be properly closed for two days, allowing the tar to settle. After it has settled, it is necessary to carefully remove the tar foam, and carefully drain the clear liquid into a separate bottle - this is tar water. It must be kept tightly closed. You need to drink this water in the following way: adults 100 grams, children - 50 grams in the morning 15-20 minutes before meals.

Please note that in many cases we have not indicated the dosage and proportions in which the components are combined. This is an attempt to identify one important point- Do not self-medicate without consulting a doctor. With a doctor who can tell you what, how and in what quantities you need to drink in order to feel good. Moreover, tar has contraindications for use. The author of this article is not a doctor.

Birch tar: contraindications

There are not so many contraindications - the period of preparation for pregnancy, pregnancy itself, the period of breastfeeding, hypersensitivity to tar components. Before using tar, it is advised to conduct an allergy test. And be sure to consult with your doctor.

Birch tar has been used for several centuries. First - as an adhesive and lubricant, to extend the life of armor and tools. But soon the versatile healing properties of tar were discovered. So, back in the Iron Age, the benefits and harms of birch tar were discovered to mankind. Until now, it is actively used in the manufacture of medicines and ointments.

Tar is extracted from birch bark by dry distillation. That is, it is heated in containers without air access, and the resinous tar flows down special gutters. Impact high temperature not only does not reduce beneficial features birch tar - with this method of extraction, they even increase.

Tar improves the quality of the skin, cleanses the body, helps in the fight against a variety of diseases. Let's learn how to use birch tar for maximum effect and minimum risk.

Birch tar - benefits

Tar - odorous thick liquid of saturated black color. It smells specifically with a hint of burnt plastic. Mankind has fully studied the benefits of birch tar and how to use it as efficiently as possible.

Rich active substances the composition of birch tar includes, for example, phytoncides, essential oils, paraffin, benzene, organic acids, tannins. Healing properties of these substances gave him many functions valuable for medicine.

  • Destroys bacteria and harmful microorganisms.
  • Soothes irritations, relieves itching.
  • Improves cell regeneration.
  • Eliminates swelling, bruising and seals.

Most often, tar is used externally to improve the condition of the skin and hair. It is added to ointments, shampoos and soaps, essential oils are isolated that retain medicinal properties, and tar water is made.

The famous Vishnevsky's ointment and Wilkinson's ointment, for example, partly owe their effectiveness to tar.

For many ailments, birch tar should be taken orally. This must be done with care, strictly following the instructions. Then you can cope with a variety of ailments.

  • Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and oral cavity.
  • Some types of malignant tumors (and prevention of benign degeneration).
  • Diseases of the excretory system, urolithiasis.
  • Colds.
  • Atherosclerosis.

Birch tar - harm and contraindications

The benefits of birch tar have been proven and recognized by medicine. But you can not treat it like a magical substance. It only works when used correctly, and if you abuse or ignore the instructions and instructions of a doctor, you can seriously harm yourself.

In addition to useful ingredients, tar contains carcinogens. Until now, they have not learned how to remove them, while retaining all the useful properties. It turns out that the benefits and harms of birch tar are always hand in hand and must be used very carefully.

Concentrated tar should not come into contact with the skin too much: it dries, weakens and ages it. To reduce the harmful effects, dilute the tar with cream before applying, or use less concentrated tar water.

There is a contraindication to the use of birch tar.

  • Pregnancy and lactation (external use is no exception).
  • Personal intolerance.
  • Some kidney ailments.

It is necessary to apply tar thoughtfully, strictly following all instructions.

Here are the most important things to watch out for so as not to cause harm:

  • Concentration.
  • Dosage.
  • contact time.
  • The duration of the course of treatment.

Never try tar treatment recipes heard from friends or accidentally read somewhere. First, consult a doctor, only after his consultation begin to act.

Where is birch tar used?

Currently, the use of birch tar is very extensive.

  • Traditional medicine uses tar in low concentrations as part of various preparations. The scope of application is very wide. For example, for healing, cleansing from pus, recovery after chemotherapy.
  • In folk medicine, there are recipes for almost all diseases that promise to cure a person with the help of tar. Without the use of modern real medicines, this is almost impossible, but as an auxiliary measure, it often speeds up the treatment very much.
  • In pharmacology, tar is firmly entrenched - it is an important component of healing and other medicinal ointments.
  • Cosmetology uses tar as an active ingredient in soaps, creams, and shampoos. These products treat problem skin, improve hair, and eliminate irritation.
  • Veterinarians often use tar as an anthelmintic, as well as for the treatment of skin and coat.
  • In the chemical industry, tar is often used as an auxiliary agent or as a raw material.
  • It has been used in everyday life for many centuries. Lubrication, protection of leather things from water, protection of wooden products, and many other ways are still remembered.
  • In the garden, tar helps control pests and treat trees.

Birch tar - instructions for use

Do not forget that you can not use tar as is, undiluted. If you use it externally - mix with cream, if inside - with water, and preferably with milk.

Here are the ways correct application inside birch tar to eliminate various health problems.

  • Diseases genitourinary system. Dilute tar in a tablespoon of milk. You should start with 1 drop, every next day increase the concentration by one more drop. When you have 15 drops per spoon, start reducing their number. When you reach 5, stop taking the remedy.
  • Atherosclerosis. Exactly one and a half months every day, drink a mixture of 3 large tablespoons of milk with 10 drops of tar.
  • Mastopathy. There are two ways to receive:
    • Tar is diluted in a glass of milk. You need to start taking 3 drops and increase the dose by 2 every three days. After 9 days, you need to stop taking it for at least 10 days, then you can repeat the procedure.
    • Another method suggests taking tar dripped onto a small piece of bread. On day 1, 5 drops, then 1, then add 1 drop, gradually increasing the concentration to 10. Take this amount for another 14 days, and from the 15th, start reducing one by one until you return to 5 drops. After that, you need to stop taking.
  • Diseases of the lungs. Infuse tar for 2 days with clean drinking water in a ratio of 1:8. Take a mixture of a tablespoon every exactly 10 days.
  • Expulsion of helminths. On the first day, eat a spoonful of honey with a drop of pure tar. For the next 11 days, increase the number of drops of tar by 1. Stop taking it after 12 days.

If you want to know more about the medicinal properties sea ​​buckthorn oil, then follow the link - .

Birch tar - instructions for external use

The most effective use of birch tar for the treatment of wounds and other skin problems.

Ready-made products with tar are very common. You can buy the tar itself and apply it separately. But by no means clean - you have to prepare a homemade ointment.

In order not to cause harm, the concentration of tar in your product should be no more than 20%. You need to apply it only for a strictly defined time, overdosing you can get a burn even with strong dilution.

Here are some diseases that can be cured using birch tar for external use.

  • Scabies. Mix tar with any cream in a ratio of 2:8. Apply to the affected areas, then rinse with marshmallow infusion. There is no need to rinse with water afterwards.
  • A splinter. If you can’t pull out a splinter, lubricate it with tar mixture and bandage it. Even a deep splinter should come out in a maximum of a day.
  • Psoriasis. For this disease there is a special ointment. You need to mix butter, blue vitriol and pure tar in a ratio of 2: 1: 2. Heat this mixture for 5 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly. Every day, lubricate the affected areas of the skin until complete healing.

You can make homemade tar soap that heals lesions, treats acne and eliminates irritation. Mix a teaspoon of tar into liquid soap or shower gel and use when water procedures 2-4 weeks. Then you need to return to the usual detergents. It is fashionable to carry out such preventive courses every couple of months if you have sensitive or rash-prone skin.