How and why is birch tar used? Home treatment with birch tar Birch tar and its use.

Birch tar obtained from the birch bark of recently felled young trees by distillation. To do this, birch bark is collected at the end of June, placed in a vessel with a tube for the outflow of liquid. A small fire is lit under the container. When heated, tar is released from the birch bark, which flows down the tube into the cup. It is currently sold in pharmacies.
The use of birch tar is indicated for dandruff, psoriasis, urolithiasis, ear inflammation, scaly deprivation, bedsores and many others. The range of use of tar from birch bark is very wide: from skin pathologies to diseases of internal organs.
Birch tar is a natural remedy that is a dark oily liquid with a characteristic odor. It consists of the most important components: phenol, benzene, xylene, toluene, phytoncides, organic acids and resinous substances.
In addition to medicine, birch tar is often used in cosmetology, veterinary medicine and industry.

The use of birch tar

The widespread use of birch tar in folk medicine is explained by its many healing properties.
Among them:

It is also successfully used from toxins, toxins and other end products of metabolism.

Broncho-pulmonary pathology

Water prepared from birch tar is used to treat respiratory pathology. They prepare it like this: pour half a liter of pure tar into a three-liter jar, and fill the rest of the jar with hot water, close the lid.
Nine days later active substances the tar will pass into the water, and it will be ready for use. Apply it one tablespoon at a time without drinking water. In severe cases of the disease, the dose of water is increased up to three times a day.
A suffocating cough with pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma disappears after a course of treatment with tar water. Dilute in boiled water a drug bought at a pharmacy. To do this, eight parts of water are taken for one part of tar, gently mixed with a wooden spoon and insisted for two days. Then remove the film from the surface of the water and carefully pour it into another container. The resulting therapeutic agent is stored in the refrigerator.
Patients before going to bed drink one tablespoon of tar water, and then wrap their throats with a woolen scarf. In some cases, the dose is increased to three tablespoons. Already after the first procedure, the frequency of coughing attacks is noticeably reduced.

Cardiovascular pathology

Tar water is used for treatment cardiovascular diseases, improving the functioning of the digestive system, cleansing the body and as a diuretic. Children are given it once a day after meals, two teaspoons, and adults - once a day, two tablespoons. The treatment is carried out for ten days, then a ten-day break is taken and the course is repeated.
Atherosclerosis is treated by ingesting birch tar, which is dissolved in a glass of warm milk. For forty-five days, an hour before meals, the patient drinks a glass of such milk three times a day, and then take a break for a month. During the year, patients undergo three or four courses of treatment.

  • Grate an apple or carrot, mix a teaspoon of puree with a drop of tar and eat before going to bed with water. This procedure is repeated every evening for two weeks.
  • Six drops of tar are added to a glass of milk and taken once a day in the morning on an empty stomach. The duration of treatment is ten days.

Women's diseases

Birch tar is widely used in gynecology for the treatment of female diseases, as well as mastopathy. There is a special scheme for the treatment of gynecological pathologies: they take fifty milliliters of milk and add to it in the first three days - three drops of tar, from the fourth day to the sixth - five drops, from the seventh day to the ninth - seven drops. They drink the remedy three times a day every five hours, then take a ten-day break and continue treatment by adding tar drops to milk in the reverse order: from seven to three. After about sixty days, the course of treatment is repeated.

For hair and problem skin

Birch tar helps to get rid of acne, and also improves the condition of oily and problem skin. To do this, the drug is applied to the affected areas of the skin with a cotton swab.
At present, the effectiveness of the use of birch tar for hair has been proven. A mask is prepared from it, which allows you to get rid of dandruff.
To do this, mix ten grams of tar, thirty grams burdock oil and one hundred milliliters of vodka. The resulting composition is treated with the scalp and left on the hair for two hours, and then washed off with shampoo.
To improve the appearance and structure of the hair, tar water is used, which is used to wash the head. Birch tar is very useful for hair, it makes them shiny and thick.

Psoriasis and eczema

Birch tar is used to treat psoriasis and eczema with amazing results. Treatment begins with applying the product to a limited area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe affected skin and leave for twenty minutes. If there are no complications and allergic reactions, then a larger area is lubricated and the exposure time is increased. Pure tar is applied with a wooden stick with cotton wool, and then the treated area is sprinkled with an indifferent powder or left open.

Acute inflammation of the skin and the presence of erosions on it can cause itching and burning immediately after applying clean tar. These unpleasant symptoms disappear on their own in about ten minutes. After twenty to thirty minutes, the tar is removed with a gauze swab dipped in vegetable oil, fish oil or vaseline. At the site of application, a site of hyperemia and edema may form. After removing the tar, the affected area is left open all day and all night. The agent is reapplied after three days, and in between procedures, indifferent therapy is used.
Such treatment of psoriasis and eczema gives a quick and good effect even in the acute stage of the disease. Gradually, the symptoms disappear: edema and hyperemia decrease, erosion disappears, and only an infiltrate remains on the skin. Further treatment consists in lightly rubbing the tar with a wooden stick with cotton wool into the lesions for twenty seconds.
With demodicosis, birch tar is very effective due to its keratolytic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, tanning and drying effect. It is used in the form of masks alone or in the form of ointments and solutions in combination with other drugs.

Tar soap is the most famous remedy for the treatment of skin pathologies.


The use of birch tar for the treatment of hemorrhoids is very important at the present time. This folk remedy helps to get rid of both the external and the internal form of the disease. To eliminate external hemorrhoids, lotions with this natural medicine are used. They are also smeared with undiluted tar.
Internal hemorrhoids are treated with tar and manganese baths. The patient should be in a bath with hot rose water until it cools completely. Then, with a cotton or gauze swab, lubricate the anus with clean tar, introduce it into anus and leave it all night. Use such a folk remedy until the symptoms of the disease disappear completely.

The use of clean tar can cause burning of the mucous membrane. This is a normal reaction, since the remedy destroys the microbes existing in the anus. Thus, itching and burning are not a side effect and not a reason to stop treatment.

Treatment of acute hemorrhoids with birch tar is carried out by introducing suppositories into the anus, made independently from a tampon and Vishnevsky ointment. This method quickly eliminates swelling and pain, and also softens the knots. This therapeutic effect is associated with healing properties birch tar, which is part of the ointment.

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Ecology of health: Tar is a natural product obtained by dry distillation of the upper part of the bark of a young tree. The composition of tar is very diverse and includes such substances as: benzene, phenol, toluene, xylene, phytoncides, organic acids and resinous substances.

Birch tar - what is it?

Tar is a natural product obtained by dry distillation of the upper part of the bark of a young tree.. The composition of tar is very diverse and includes such substances as: benzene, phenol, toluene, xylene, phytoncides, organic acids and resinous substances.

As you can imagine, with this composition, the smell is still the same!

Due to its rich composition, it is widely used in many industries, for example:

    impregnation of sleepers;

    as a wheel lubricant;

    lubrication of wooden parts;

    for protection against garden pests;

    to protect leather products (formerly in Russia);

    as a raw material for the chemical industry;

    in medicine;

    in cosmetology;

    in veterinary medicine;

    in the old days for punishments (smear in tar and roll in feathers).

Tar in official and traditional medicine

How medicine tar has been used since ancient times and very widely. For example, a list of diseases in the treatment of which tar is used:




    metabolic disease;



    urolithiasis disease;

    fungal skin lesions;





    itching and skin rashes;


    chronic otitis;

    burns, bedsores;

    dry corns;


    bronchial asthma;







In addition, when using tar, acne, boils disappear, the yellowness of the skin disappears, fine wrinkles and skin irregularities disappear. And also, the topic of beautiful skin can be attributed to the fact that tar kills lichen, erysipelas, eczema, skin fungi.

External use of tar for beautiful skin

In pharmacies, you can find vials with birch bark (birch) tar for cosmetic, external use. In addition, soap with the addition of tar (tar soap) is sold.

    removal of lice and fleas (in animals);

    from dandruff;

    from the fungus (wash your feet, hands and other affected areas of the skin more often;

    from excessive sweating

    as an antiseptic against germs

Tar - external use

Cosmetic tar solution- we smear acne, fungal skin lesions, abscesses and boils.

Adding a small amount of tar in a bath for clean skin and wound healing or make the following recipe:


    Water - 70 g;

    Birch tar - 100 g;

    Grated baby soap - 70 g;

    Vodka - 100 g

We add all this to a warm bath and take it for 15 - 30 minutes (no more). Such baths are also useful for psoriasis.

Ointment with tar from scabies mite


    Tar soap - 1 tbsp. a spoon;

    Melted unsalted bacon - 1 tbsp. a spoon;

    Birch tar - 1 teaspoon;

    Sulfur powder - 15 g

We mix all this and get tar ointment. We smear the affected areas of the skin at night and so on three times.

Tar baths for hemorrhoids

Add 5 drops of tar to two liters of warm water. A sitz bath for hemorrhoids is made from this solution.

Tar from an old splinter

We smear this place with tar, but rather we make a tar compress for 15-20 minutes, which helps to pull out the old splinter

Ointments with tar

In a pharmacy, you can buy ready-made ointments with the addition of tar, these are Vishnevsky's ointment and Wilkinson's ointment.

    Wilkinson's ointment is applied: with scabies, fungus of the skin of the nail plates, eczema;

    Vishnevsky's ointment is applied: for acne, bedsores, frostbite, cuts, trophic ulcers.

Internal use of tar

On the one hand, tar is a carcinogen, on the other hand, there are many excellent results in treatment and cosmetology when using tar inside.

There are basic recipes for taking tar inside: with bread, apple, milk, sugar or honey.

The most common recipe is with bread

At night before going to bed, we take a piece of bread (even black, even white). We drip 5 drops of tar on it and without drinking, carefully chew it and go to bed. The next evening, add one more drop (it turns out already 6 drops) and so +1 drop every evening, bringing it up to 10 drops. We keep on 10 drops for two weeks (14 days), and then, on the contrary, we reduce by one drop every evening, bringing it back to 5 drops. The total course is 24 days. The expected effect of improvements begins already from the half of the course. Namely: 100% clean and velvety skin. In addition, slags will come out, sweating, joint disease (if any) will pass, you will forget about constipation.

You can do everything the same, but instead of bread, use apples, honey or sugar. Some write that allegedly with honey the effect is better for the treatment of Giardia. And cleaning with an apple is sometimes used after cleaning with bread (as if with an apple it flies faster through the body and almost immediately into the intestines).

With milk, this scheme is sometimes used

Drink in the morning on an empty stomach, diluted in 50 ml of milk according to the following scheme:

    1 week 1 drop

    2 weeks 2 drops

    3 weeks 3 drops

and so on up to 10 weeks, every week adding a drop of tar

Possible side effects

    nasty taste;


    stomach upset;



    insomnia (insomnia);


birch resin- this is the product that has been known to mankind for more than one century. Even in ancient times, our ancestors knew about their extraordinary value, both for health and for economic purposes. However, in recent years, the role of this wood extract has decreased significantly, as many synthetic analogues have replaced it. Therefore, today we will try to return to its former popularity. birch tar, and also to determine how it can be really useful for our body.

What it is

This is a natural liquid resinous substance, which is obtained by dry distillation of wood raw materials. This substance is extracted in a special container, the so-called retort pots. As a result, after the process, it is possible to isolate from the wood (the upper layer of the bark) a thick oily liquid of black color, with a bluish-green or blue-green tint. In a concentrated state, the substance has a strong yuft smell, which is highly resistant even with repeated dilution.

Did you know?Birch tar is one of the first substanceswhich mankind has learned to receive independently. According to the fossils found, this resin was actively mined in Italy by Neanderthals about 200 thousand years ago.

For medical purposes, the tar is subjected to multi-stage purification, which leads to the fact that the compound is deprived of many undesirable components and suspended particles. Such a substance is actively used both in pure, highly concentrated form, and as part of other preparations. Often they belong to the group of antiseptics and wound healing medicines (Vishnevsky ointment, tar water, tar soap, etc.).

How birch tar is mined

As mentioned above, tar is obtained by distillation of wood components. For this, birch bark is prepared - the top layer of the bark. From the outside, it usually has a characteristic snow-white and white-gray hue, and from the inside, the color can vary from brown to cream. Raw materials are loaded into a special apparatus made of non-combustible material (glass, metal) and subjected to prolonged heating without direct access to fire or oxygen.

The distillation chamber must have a high level of tightness, however, at the top and bottom of the apparatus, there are two openings with outlet tubes. The upper tube is equipped to remove gaseous volatile compounds, and the lower one is to remove liquid or thick substances. The lower tube is brought out to the container into which the extracted substance will drain. Under the influence of a temperature within 500 ° C, the wood raw material decomposes, and all the resinous components are released from it, which are subsequently removed from the apparatus.

Did you know?In order to obtain about 300 kg of pure high-quality birch tar, approximately 1 hectare of forest plantations is needed.

We study the composition

Birch tar refers to polycomponent compounds and this is no accident. Its composition contains about 10,000 different substances. But the largest percentage relative to the other components are: phenol, guaiacol, cresol, toluene, xylene, benzene, all kinds of paraffins and phytoncides.

What is the product useful for: pharmacological properties

Such a resinous compound, like birch tar, has a rather powerful pharmacological effect on the human body, which is explained by its rich chemical composition. That is why it is actively used in both traditional and folk medicine. The substance has found its application, both externally and as a drug for internal use.

Outdoor use

Outwardly, this birch component has a powerful antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect. Due to this, the use of products based on it contributes to the intensification of local immunity, which leads to the elimination of skin diseases. various etiologies, and also contributes to the instant restoration of the skin.

Did you know?In the old days, a birch torch was considered the best "lamp" in peasant huts, because it burned brightly and almost did not give soot.

Birch tar: how to choose a quality product

Today, buying high-quality tar is not a particularly difficult task. This product cannot be counterfeited, so practically Each package contains the amount of substances useful for the body. It is best to purchase the product in pharmacies. Only in this case you will be sure of its freshness, as well as purity, since pharmaceutical tar is always thoroughly cleaned from all kinds of unwanted impurities.

In the case of purchasing this substance by weight, purchase a fresh product, since 2-3 years after manufacture, tar reduces its positive qualities by several times. Pay attention to its consistency - it should be homogeneous, and the color of the liquid should be black, with a bluish-green or blue-green tint. To protect yourself from deception, smell the compound, tar always has a characteristic yuft smell, similar to the smell of new army boots.

Storage rules

Often tar is perfectly stored and at the same time retains all its positive properties, however, for this it should be protected from direct sunlight. Therefore, the container for the product should be made of tinted glass. In this form, the product is stored for 5 years from the date of manufacture at temperatures from 0 °C to +25 °C.

Folk medicine: features of external use

Tar is used mainly externally, as it has a pronounced antiseptic effect, which was noted by our ancestors more than one century ago. Let's take a closer look at the cases in which you can resort to the medical use of this birch resin.

With hemorrhoids

For hemorrhoids, preparations based on birch derivatives have an analgesic effect contribute to the reduction of swelling in the hemorrhoids, which leads to a significant reduction. In addition, tar promotes the healing of wounds and cracks, and also prevents the spread of infection deep into the body.

In general therapy for the treatment of this disease, birch resin is used as part of hot baths, which thoroughly warm the diseased area. To do this, for every 2 liters of water, you need to add a tablespoon of tar and mix everything thoroughly. The liquid should adhere tightly to the anus for 15-20 minutes. Such a procedure can be carried out daily with exacerbations of the disease, or for prevention in small courses of several days per month.

Important!With hemorrhoids, all thermal procedures should take place at comfortable temperatures, the use of excessively hot substances is strictly prohibited.


With dandruff, birch resin helps to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, cleanses the skin of all kinds of layers, and also disinfects it. Traditionally, To combat dandruff, various masks are used:

  • honey mask. The mixture consists of half a teaspoon of tar and two tablespoons of honey, the product is rubbed into the scalp with massaging movements and left for 30 minutes, after which it is washed off with shampoo. Repeat the procedure every other day;
  • mask for dry dandruff. The mixture is prepared from 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and 10 drops of tar. The product is rubbed on the scalp and kept for 1-2 hours. Carry out the procedure before each hair wash.

For hair improvement

Tar products help to improve the structure of the hair, accelerate their growth and give a healthy appearance. In home cosmetology, many varieties of such products are used, but most often they take the form of special masks:

  • alcohol mask consists of a mixture of 50 g of vodka, 15 g of burdock or castor oil to choose from, 3-4 drops of tar oil. Apply the product for 20-30 minutes, after which the hair is thoroughly rinsed;
  • egg mask is prepared on the basis of egg yolk, castor oil, 1 teaspoon of vodka and 3-4 drops of tar.

Important! It is forbidden to use masks based on birch tar for a long time. It contains phenols, which, with prolonged exposure, cause toxic poisoning. Therefore, such funds are used in courses of 6-8 masks no more than 2 times a year.

Positively affect the condition of the hair and tar water. To prepare it, you need to carefully dilute 20 g of pure birch resin in 0.5 liters of water. The mixture is infused for 3 days, at this time you need to mix it 1-2 times a day and remove the foam. Wet the hair with water before each shampooing for 30 minutes. Before the procedure, various decoctions of herbs can be added to such a mixture.

For acne

Birch tar belongs to the group of natural antiseptics that can relieve local inflammation and accelerate the healing of external integuments. That is why the use of this tool makes it possible not only to eliminate existing acne as quickly as possible, but also to prevent the appearance of new ones. The most commonly used in traditional medicine are the following:

  • revitalizing face mask consists of a mixture of 3 tablespoons of honey, 1 tablespoon of tar and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. The mask is applied no more than 2 times a day for 20-30 minutes, after which it is washed off with soapy water. In just 2 weeks of using the mask, it is possible to completely restore a healthy look to the skin of the face;
  • lotion for daily care. To prepare it, you need to thoroughly mix 20 g of ethyl alcohol, 1 teaspoon of tar, 3 drops of salicylic alcohol. The product cleanses the skin daily in the morning and evening.

With psoriasis

Tar is the only natural soothing and anti-inflammatory agent that is indicated for use in any form and severity of psoriasis. Only 1-2 months of active skin care with preparations from this resin make it possible to forget about the disease for 6-8 months. Today, in folk medicine, there are many remedies for psoriasis based on birch resins, but The most commonly used ointments are:

  • tar-castor ointment. The product consists of 50 ml of castor oil, 50 g of birch resin, 100 g of honey and 2 yolks. After thorough mixing of the ingredients, the drug is placed in the refrigerator for 1-2 days to completely dissolve the components. Use the ointment daily, 1-2 times a day for a month;
  • salicylic tar ointment: the drug is prepared from 50 g of salicylic acid, 50 g of castor oil, 100 g of wood resin. The ointment is applied to the affected areas 1 time per day for 1 month.

Important! Before using any external preparations based on birch resin, you should first apply them for 30 minutes on an inconspicuous area of ​​​​the body. This will help to identify a possible negative reaction of the body to individual components and prevent severe allergies on the body.


When taken internally, birch sap promotes improving metabolism and cleaning various organs and systems of the body. This feature of the substance is quite successfully used in many therapeutic courses. Consider the most effective ways improvements general condition organism with the help of tar.

To clear the upper respiratory tract

With colds, which are accompanied by inflammatory processes in the area respiratory tract, as well as the accumulation of sputum in them, the use of birch resin makes it possible eliminate all pathologies that have arisen and destroy a dangerous infection. To do this, the tar is carefully diluted in boiled water in a ratio of 8: 1, and then the solution is infused for 48 hours. Use this drug should be for 10 days, 1 tablespoon at bedtime.

For the liver

Birch resin is one of the few remedies that can support the body even with such a complex disease as cirrhosis of the liver. The main action of the connection is aimed at preventing further development diseases, cleanse the body of toxins, and stimulate cell regeneration. The remedy consists of sour cream, resin and honey. In 1 tablespoon of sour cream, you need to dissolve 1 drop of tar. The mixture is taken 1 time per day, eating 1 teaspoon of honey. The total duration of the course is 10 days, every day the amount of tar should be increased by one drop. A second course is carried out after a few months.

To cleanse the body

For general body cleansing from toxins and harmful toxins in folk medicine it is shown to use tar water. It is prepared from birch resin and settled water in a ratio of 1:8. After thorough mixing of the ingredients, the undissolved components must be carefully collected from the surface of the water. Take this drug 1-2 tablespoons, 1 time per day on an empty stomach. The general course of treatment is 10 days.

Harm and contraindications of the substance

In most cases, therapy with drugs based on birch tar is well tolerated by the body, however, with prolonged exposure, they can cause severe skin irritation and other allergic manifestations. There are also few contraindications for the use of this substance: tar is not recommended for individual intolerance to individual components of the product, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

Important!Use tar for local application undiluted is not recommended as it may cause pain and strong irritation.

Useful products from birch tar

Over time, tar has been actively used for a variety of purposes. This substance was used as glue, as a lubricant for various rubbing parts, and even for torture. However, today, wood resin is most actively used to prepare products that are unique in their effect on the human body, such as tar shampoo and tar soap.

Tar soap is cosmetic Product, which consists of 90% ordinary soap and 10% pure tar. This combination of components makes it possible to enhance the positive effect on the body of both drugs. As a result, there is an enhanced antibacterial, wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Also, this soap can increase blood flow to the tissues of the upper integument.

Did you know?For the first time, tar soap was created in the 18th century, thanks to the soap maker Lodygin from the Russian city of Shuya, in the Ivanovo region.

Tar shampoo

Birch tar is one of the few remedies that are known to man at almost all stages of development. This tree resin has found its application in many areas, but this substance is most widely used in medicine and cosmetology. However, despite its healing do not get carried away with this product, as this can lead to quite serious allergies. Therefore, preparations based on birch resin should be used no longer than 2 short courses per year.

Today we would like to draw attention to such a folk remedy as birch tar, reviews of which can be increasingly seen on the pages of popular magazines. Most likely, you have seen a small bottle with a dark-colored liquid more than once in a pharmacy. And someone has probably even heard that birch tar is used both for cleaning shoes and for medical purposes.

Today we will find out what birch tar is, the price of which is about 50 rubles per bottle, how to take it and what contraindications it has.

What is tar

Are you a supporter of everything natural, including medicines? Then we are in a hurry to please you - birch tar, reviews of which can be read in this article below, is such a tool. This substance is extracted from birch bark. It contains about 10,000 different elements, including phytoncides and creosols - natural disinfectants, guaiacol with its anti-putrefactive and disinfecting effect, phenos antiseptic ...

This rich, beneficial composition of natural medicine also suggests a wide range of ways to use it. And it really is. For example, birch tar, the price of which is very affordable, is added to pharmaceutical industry in the composition of the ointment Konkov, Vishnevsky, Wilkinson. It is believed that this component is a real natural antiseptic, which has anti-inflammatory and locally irritating, regenerating and insecticidal effects. ethnoscience tar is used in its pure form. At the same time, cosmetology actively adds this substance to hair and skin care products.

Appearance of tar

Birch tar (reviews about it are listed in the article below) looks like a viscous, dark and oily liquid that has an unpleasant taste and a sharp characteristic odor. By the way, the word "tar" means burnt, or burnt. And this name serves as a hint about how this substance was mined before. The sleeve (special container) was stuffed by artisans with birch bark. The vessel had a special narrow hole where the finished resin could drain. The sleeve began to gradually warm up with a torch, due to this, the birch bark melted, releasing birch tar (instructions for the use of modern preparations with it are now attached to each package).

The modern way of production is definitely more modernized. For this, metal boilers are used, where the birch bark is compacted. Such boilers are closed, after which they are set on fire in such a way that they smolder, and do not burn. After 10-11 hours, almost 22 kilograms of pure tar are obtained from 75 kg of birch bark.

Tar in history

Once upon a time, birch tar was used in almost all areas of human life. It was necessary to lubricate their armor - they used tar, rub shoes - tar again ... It is interesting that folk healers did not disdain this substance either. They used it as a natural anthelmintic, used it to treat open wounds, and recommended it as an effective anticancer drug.

Properties of birch tar

Despite the fact that at the moment the scope of the use of birch tar is not so extensive, now with its help you can get rid of scaly lichen, eczema, tonsillitis, scabies, bronchitis, bruises, dropsy, ulcers, festering wounds, fungus on the skin, splinter, chronic otitis media, bedsores, psoriasis, and help a person in case of frostbite.

Treatment with birch tar is possible with a rash, itching, stomatitis, scrofula, gangrene, bleeding, postpartum mastitis, urethritis, painful corns and calluses, with disorders of the digestive tract. Tar in the form of a cosmetic component can help you stop hair loss, cope with excessive oiliness, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and also cleanse the skin of rashes and acne.

Application of tar

Treatment with birch tar is carried out in different ways, depending on the disease. For example, if the substance is included in the basis of the ointment of Konkov, Wilkenson and Vishnevsky, then these funds are recommended to be used according to the instructions, as well as the advice of your doctor. If you have birch tar in its pure form, then we will talk about how to use it today.

Broncho-pulmonary pathology

For the treatment of respiratory organs, water is used, in the preparation of which birch tar has also found application. Reviews of this treatment are mostly positive - people are satisfied with the results and recommend this remedy to others. Water is prepared in this way: pour 0.5 liters of pure tar into a three-liter jar, fill the rest in the cylinder with boiling water, cover with a lid.

After 9 days, all the active substances of the tar will be in the water, which means that it will be ready for use. It is consumed in 1 tablespoon, without drinking. With a complex course of the disease, increase the dose of water up to 3 times.

A strong cough with bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma completely disappears after one course of treatment with such water. Birch tar bought in a pharmacy is diluted in boiled water. Application (reviews about it are listed below) means the following: 8 parts of water are taken for a part of tar, mixed gently with a wooden spoon, and then insisted for 2 days. Then the film is removed from the surface of the water and carefully poured into a second container. The finished product should be stored in the refrigerator.

Before going to bed, patients drink a tablespoon of water, after which they wrap their throats with a woolen scarf. Sometimes the dose is increased to 3 tablespoons. After the first procedure, the number of coughing fits is reduced.

Cardiovascular pathology

Birch tar, the instructions for using which are discussed in detail in this article, is used to treat heart diseases, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as a diuretic and to cleanse the body. Small children are given it once a day after meals, 2 teaspoons, while adults - once a day, 2 tablespoons. The treatment is carried out for ten days, after which a 10-day pause is made and the course is repeated again.

The body is also cleansed with birch tar, including Giardia. In this case, a drop of tar is mixed with a spoonful of honey, after which it is taken orally before going to bed. You can use carrot juice or warm milk instead of honey. The number of drops of the drug is increased daily by 1 until reaching 8 drops per 1 dose. The treatment period is 24 days. It should be noted that 1 or 2 courses are carried out per year, which depends on the general condition of the patient.

There are a huge number of traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of tar opisthorchiasis.

Here are some of them:

  1. Add 6 drops of tar to a glass of milk and consume once a day in the morning on an empty stomach. The period of such treatment is 10 days.
  2. Grate a carrot or an apple, mix a spoonful of the resulting puree with a drop of the drug and eat before going to bed. This procedure is repeated for 2 weeks.

Women's diseases

Actively used birch tar from the fungus (including from candidiasis), for the treatment of various female diseases, with mastopathy. There is a special treatment regimen for such pathologies: they take 50 ml of milk, add 3 drops of the product in the first 3 days, 5 drops from 4 to 6 days, and 9 to 7 drops from day 7. The remedy is drunk 3 times a day every 5 hours, then they take a 10-day break and start treatment again, adding tar drops to milk in the reverse order. After 60 days, the course of treatment is repeated.

For problematic skin and hair

Birch tar also helps with acne. In addition, it improves the condition of the problematic and oily skin faces. It is worth noting that the treatment is easy and fast. To use birch tar for acne, use an ordinary cotton swab to apply the product undiluted to the affected areas of cleansed skin.

To date, the effectiveness of using tar for hair has been proven. The drug is used to prepare masks for dandruff. To do this, mix 10 g of tar, 30 g of burdock oil, and 100 ml of vodka. The scalp is carefully treated with the finished composition, left on the hair for 2 hours, after which it is washed off with a mild shampoo.

To improve the structure and appearance of the hair, tar water is used, washing her head with it. Tar for hair is very useful, it makes them thick and shiny.

Eczema and psoriasis

Birch tar has been used to treat eczema and psoriasis with excellent results. Treatment begins with applying this remedy to a small area of ​​the affected skin, after which it is left for 20 minutes. If allergic reactions and complications do not occur, then a larger area is lubricated further, and the exposure time is increased. Pure tar is applied with a wooden stick, after which the treated area is left open or sprinkled with an indifferent powder.

The presence of erosion and acute inflammation skin can cause burning and itching immediately after applying the tar. Such unpleasant symptoms disappear on their own after 10 minutes. After 20-30 minutes, the tar must be removed with a gauze swab, after wetting it in fish oil, vegetable oil or petroleum jelly. At the site of application, edema and an area of ​​hyperemia may form. The affected area after removing the tar is left open. The agent is reapplied after 3 days, while in between these procedures, indifferent therapy is carried out.

Such treatment of eczema and psoriasis gives a good and quick effect even in the acute stage of the disease. Over time, the symptoms disappear: hyperemia and edema decrease, erosion disappears, while only an infiltrate remains on the skin. Further treatment consists in rubbing tar into the lesions. Birch tar, which also has contraindications, but we will talk about them below, is very effective for demodicosis due to its antimicrobial, keratolytic, drying, tanning and anti-inflammatory action. It is used alone in the form of masks or in the form of solutions and ointments in combination with other means.


Reception of birch tar is possible for the treatment of hemorrhoids. Such a folk remedy allows you to get rid of all types of this disease. To eliminate external hemorrhoids, you need to make lotions with this natural medicine. They are also lubricated with a pure substance.

Internal hemorrhoids are treated with manganese baths and tar. The patient at the same time should be in a bath with pink hot water until it cools completely. Then the anus is smeared with clean tar with a gauze or cotton swab, it is inserted into the anus, where it is left overnight. Such a folk remedy is used until all symptoms of the disease disappear.

Acute hemorrhoids are treated with birch tar by introducing candles into the anus, which are independently made from Vishnevsky ointment and a tampon. This method quickly relieves pain and swelling, in addition, softens the knots. This healing effect is associated with medicinal properties tar, which is part of this ointment.

Why drink tar?

Looking through various health forums where people share their experiences and recipes for how they managed to defeat illnesses, you can often come across interesting recipes using tar inside. Basically, these treatment regimens are prescribed for serious diseases - oncology, suppression of cancer cell growth, neutralization of the effects of chemotherapy, and also for the prevention of this disease.

The remedy is drunk with milk and for tuberculosis. In this case, it should be diluted in 50 ml of warm milk, 1 drop of the drug in the first week, 2 drops in the second, etc. So, the course of treatment must be completed on the tenth week with ten drops of the drug. After that, you need to take a week break, after which the course of treatment is repeated.

With catarrhal cystitis, you can take 5 drops of this remedy per glass of milk three times a day. True, for serious diseases, all these recipes are good only in terms of additional therapy, in combination with taking the main drugs prescribed by doctors.

The human body is also cleansed of worms with birch tar - to do this, mix a teaspoon of natural liquid honey with a drop of tar, and drink the resulting remedy before going to bed. The whole course takes 12 days, every day you need to drink more by 1 drop, although the amount of 8 drops should not be exceeded, in other words, the last four days of the course you need to drink 8 drops of tar.

The benefits of tar water

Water prepared from birch tar is extremely useful because it normalizes arterial pressure, helps to normalize metabolism, strengthens the heart muscle. Such water must be taken in the morning, 100 ml on an empty stomach, then a couple of hours before lunch and before going to bed in the evening. By the way, this tar water is an excellent cure for dropsy, purulent cough and fever, because it cleanses our body of toxins and toxins, normalizes the digestive tract and acts softer than a pure remedy.

Preparation of tar water

To do this, take 4 liters of cold spring water and 500 g of birch tar without additives and impurities. Mix them, then pour into a jar, close it tightly. It is necessary that the liquid is infused for two days, while the tar settles. Next, carefully remove the foam, and drain the clear liquid - this is your finished tar water. Store it in a glass, hermetically sealed container.

Possible side effects

At long-term treatment tar can occur on the skin allergic reaction or irritation. In this case, the use of undiluted and concentrated tar should be abandoned or the treatment period should be temporarily stopped.

If we talk about applying this substance to large areas of the skin for several weeks in a row, such actions can cause negative effects on the kidneys. In this case, a person may also begin to complain of vomiting, nausea, convulsions, and diarrhea.

If you take tar inside and overdo it with a dose, you will experience a feeling of nausea, dizziness may occur, signs of intoxication will appear, and blood pressure will increase. The best thing to do in this case is to call an ambulance immediately.


Birch tar also has contraindications for use. So, if you have a high sensitivity to this remedy (to find out, it is recommended to conduct an allergic test before starting use by applying a small amount of the substance to the skin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wrist - if redness does not appear, you do not feel burning and itching - your body is with this " friends "means), you are pregnant, breastfeeding - you'd better stop eating birch tar.

By the way, the composition of this substance includes benzopyrine, which is contained there in high concentration. And it is a carcinogen.

Birch tar: reviews

After reading the reviews on the use of preparations based on birch tar, it becomes clear that this remedy is able to cope with various skin diseases, improve the condition of the hair and reduce hair loss, even cure hemorrhoids. But there are also negative opinions - for example, some people say that this substance smells very unpleasant, others are afraid of the possibility of side effects, the third frustrates the list of contraindications. Before you start taking drugs containing tar, you should consult with your doctor.

Birch tar has an analgesic, absorbable and anti-inflammatory effect. The use for therapeutic purposes is due to the content of medicinal substances. It is actively used to stimulate and accelerate the regeneration of the epidermis, as well as improve blood supply to the tissues. Traditional medicine widely uses it to treat skin diseases: erysipelas, seborrheic dermatitis, vitiligo, psoriasis, folliculitis and eczema. It is prescribed for scaly lichen, fungal infections, scabies, bedsores, pediculosis, trophic ulcers and other pathologies. Tar can heal burns and various wounds. To do this, make compresses that are applied to the affected areas. Oily liquid nourishes and strengthens internal organs, mobilizes the body's defenses in the fight against ailments. With the help of tar, you can defeat dropsy of the abdomen, urolithiasis, indigestion and urethritis. Traditional healers recommend a remedy for treatment bronchial asthma, sore throats, acute respiratory infections, mastitis, bleeding and even gangrene. It is widely used in cosmetology for acne, problem skin, dandruff and other disorders.

Use in gynecology

The miraculous birch tar will help in the treatment of fibroids, ovarian cysts, adenomas and benign formations. Oral administration at a certain dosage gives effective results. Let's describe an old proven recipe for mastopathy: three days in a row add 3 drops of the product to 50 ml of warm milk, from the 4th to the 6th day - 5 drops, from the 7th to the 9th - 7 drops. The medicine should be taken three times a day. After the course of therapy, a ten-day break is made, and the treatment is repeated again, only in the reverse order - to reduce the amount of tar.

From genital infections

From candidiasis and vaginitis will help the following folk recipe: baby soap is taken, rubbed on a grater and mixed with tar (1: 1). From the resulting soap mass, small balls are formed and dried. We dissolve the right amount of medicine in water to the consistency of a thick ointment, we process the genitals. Perfectly relieves itching, burning and inflammation (course intake for about a month). A similar ointment is used for cramps in the limbs. Apply it in a thin layer on sore spots, wrap it with a woolen scarf. Store tar balls in a glass container in the refrigerator.

Respiratory system treatment

Frostbite, sore throat and colds can cure birch tar. Application externally in the form of compresses gives a wonderful healing effect. The liquid is applied to sterile gauze bandages, applied to chest, tied with a scarf on top and left for 20-30 minutes. The compress has an antiseptic and warming effect. You can quickly and permanently get rid of a debilitating cough: dilute a part of liquid tar in 8 parts of purified water, mix with a wooden spoon and leave for 2 days. Remove the formed film from the surface of the medicine, pour the liquid into a clean container and refrigerate. Take birch tar orally in a large spoon before going to bed. The course should not exceed ten days. Practice shows that after the first dose, a coughing fit recedes or decreases.

We combine a drop of the product with a dessert spoon of honey. Take the drug at bedtime. You can drink birch tar with milk or carrot juice. The duration of therapy is 24 days. Up to two courses are allowed per year.

For skin diseases

Get rid of scabies: mix two large spoons of sulfur powder with 5 grams of lard (can be replaced with badger or pork), a dessert spoon of tar and laundry soap(5 g). Rub the sore spots with a healing composition for five days. With acne, a cleansing lotion will help: 50 ml of 95% alcohol will require 10 g of birch tar and two drops of salicylic alcohol. Before application, the skin is thoroughly cleansed of cosmetics and impurities. Apply daily, twice a day. For the treatment of wounds, psoriasis, eczema, an ointment is prepared: combine 50 grams of the product with one hundred grams of butter and two yolks. Store the product in the refrigerator.

Making tar soap for acne

Tar soap has long been considered one of the most effective means in the fight against problem skin. To do this, it is not necessary to buy it, you can make it yourself from natural ingredients and in a short time. It should be noted that this soap is suitable for all skin types and does not cause allergies. Let's get started: you need baby soap without chemical components, about two hundred grams and a big fly in the ointment. Soap should be grated and heated in a water bath, then add birch liquid and mix well. Pour the mass into special molds and let it harden. Everything is ready!

Use in cosmetology

If you suffer from dandruff, hair falls out, prepare a homemade mask: mix one hundred grams of vodka, 30 ml of castor (burdock) oil and a tablespoon of tar. Apply a thick layer to the hair roots and rinse with shampoo after two hours. To give volume and accelerate the growth of hair: you need to take 50 g of the product per liter of water. Leave the liquid for three days (stir every day). Rub the remedy with massage movements into the scalp three times a week.


Birch tar is endowed with undeniable positive properties. But, despite the enormous benefits and a lot of advantages, it still has some limitations in use. Do not use it in the armpits, folds of the skin and on the bend of the knee. It is impossible to treat this drug for a long time, otherwise it can provoke severe irritation and aggravate the eczematous process. If you decide to use it inside, then use only a natural purified preparation for these purposes. Do not use internally pharmaceutical products because they contain carcinogens. It is forbidden to use during the period of exacerbation of the pathology. Contraindications include lactation and pregnancy. Remember, before applying tar to the skin, test on the elbow to identify the presence of an allergy.