Hormonal drug "Sinaflan". Does it help acne or not? Hormonal preparations Nizhpharm Sinaflan - “Sinaflan for acne and herpes? Of course, this effective ointment will do the trick here, but the treatment is akin to how to chop nuts with a tank caterpillar

Sinaflan ointment is used for acne and herpes, psoriasis and allergic manifestations. But since this is a hormonal ointment, it makes sense to use Sinaflan only on the last points. Although, it also works on the first one! But about the use in children ... I will express my opinion, and you decide for yourself.

  • Attention!
  • There are not very nice photos in the review ( shows a visual result of the work of the ointment BEFORE / AFTER)

Sinaflan - a very strong ointment , and she is able to cope with the most serious damage to the skin, non-healing wounds, etc.

But, if we turn to the mechanism of its action, it becomes clear that where do legs grow from- such an ointment is simple CAN NOT don't help. And this help comes at a high price. Therefore, every time the hand reaches for the cherished tube-savior - Sinaflan ointment, is it worth thinking ten times or is now the case when you cannot do without the help of such an ointment? Or will a less powerful remedy cope in some simpler situation, and should Sinaflan ointment be left in case when there really is nothing without it?

So what do we have.

A small tube designed in the classic Nizhpharm style - the same white tube, the same green lines as other drugs of this brand.

Very simple, but extremely recognizable.

The tube is aluminum, but for me it is already ( in combination with the manufacturer Nizhpharm) is a kind of quality mark, I can’t even imagine their preparations in other containers. The spout is sealed, opened with the back of the lid, and from there, with light pressure, the ointment itself is shown.

Sinaflan is hormonal ointment .

And not just a hormonal ointment, but an ointment " old generation", hitting not exactly at a small target, but creating " a huge funnel with a multi-kilometer affected area".

  • Full composition:

fluocinolone acetonide - 250 mcg

Excipients: propylene glycol, petroleum jelly, anhydrous lanolin, ceresin (up to 100 g)

Everything is extremely simple in the composition

  • Appearance:

The appearance of the thick Sinaflan ointment comes from its composition - a mixture of petroleum jelly and lanolin. True, the second one is smaller here, since the mixture is not as yellow and sticky as another Nizhpharm ointment with a similar base - Tetracycline . But she is still a sticky a Sinaflan is simpler in this regard.

If someone has the phrase " hmm, lanolin... lanolin, something familiar...", then I quickly remind - useless piece for the nipples of nursing mothers, Purelan in a yellow tube .

What else are these two ointments similar to, except for the vaseline-lanolin base? In its effectiveness, unlike the same Purelan. Here a logical question arises - why didn’t I then use an effective tetracycline ointment for the problems described in the review? It's simple: the mechanism of action is completely different, and for some problems ( atopic skin or, for example, hormonal inflammation) from tetracycline there will simply be no effect or it will be minimal.

  • Operating principle:

It has anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antiexudative and antipruritic effects. Reduces the manifestations or eliminates the inflammatory skin reaction.

I often "scold" drugs because manufacturers set too high standards and loud promises, and the product simply does not live up to and cannot fulfill all those unreal things that are expected of him...

So, Sinaflan is just the case when " the boy said - the boy did". He will, but will you like the price for such a quick effect?

Hence the natural question:

  • Should I use Sinaflan for children?

My opinion - not worth it .

If you can’t do without hormonal therapy, then it’s better to use more sparing modern options, also in a “diluted” form - for example, my child, based on the well-known ointment Elok (and the like), was prepared in a pharmacy for therapeutic multicomponent ointments. Of course, the price of such ointments + prescription preparation cannot be compared with the cost of Sinafan ointment ( 35 UAH/80 RUB against 160 UAH / 370 rubles + prescription), but it is better for children to buy one expensive ointment, which will last for a very long time when "diluted".

Sinaflan is too hard for kids....

  • From what and for what does Sinaflan help?

From almost everything But, as I wrote above, it is not advisable to deal with every skin problem with the help of Sinaflan ointment:

Psoriasis, lichen planus, seborrheic dermatitis, eczema of various origins and localizations (including eczema in children), neurodermatitis, pruritus of various origins, allergic skin diseases, discoid lupus erythematosus, first degree burns, sunburn, insect bites.

  • Dosage :

There is no exact dosage as such - everything will depend on the recommendations of the doctor. The main rule is to apply the ointment as much as possible thin layer, and no more than 2-3 times a day. You need to "get off" the ointment very slowly, gradually reducing the frequency of Sinaflan's use per day.

Also, Sinaflan is not a "minute ointment", I anointed it only once and everything went away. With hormonal ointments ( any) this does not go away, if you "anointed once and forgot", then you can only make it worse - the disease will immediately return with renewed vigor.

With prolonged use or overdose, side effects in the form of local skin lesions are quite possible:

telangiectasias, poststeroid vascular purpura, skin atrophy, skin stretching, hirsutism, hypertrichosis, perioral dermatitis, secondary skin infections

That is, what we treat for, then we cripple, if we use the ointment uncontrollably and a lot ... Fortunately, I didn’t have any side effects, but it’s worth noting that I followed the dosage very clearly every time + I tried not to overdo it.

Even the lightening of skin areas at the time of application of the ointment was not observed.

  • Application result:

I first encountered Sinaflan ointment many years ago, when, due to a hormonal failure, the skin simply bloomed, and the weight also began to creep, which I then "successfully" supported with buns and patties even when the background had already returned to normal)))

Who has ever struggled with breakouts? on a hormonal background , knows that the usual means are useless ... Bazirons, skinorens at such moments will not help at all. The best healer is time, that is, wait for the background to normalize. And if this is all for a long time, then just such hormonal ointments will help to bring the skin into a more or less acceptable form.

And Sinaflan really helped in the most violent period, and then I already tried to cope without it. , reviewing your facial skin care and completely changing tactics, choosing the right products specifically for combination skin.

But not so long ago, there was just an opportunity to test the effect of the ointment again ...

  • Story #1:

This inflammatory element on the face, which is in the photo below, is just a small tip of the iceberg, modestly looking out ... the main problem is to localize it on the body below - there was a scattering of such diamonds on the shoulders and chest after the illness. The immune system weakened, the skin rebelled, the monsters living inside asked to come out.

I did not use the ointment on large areas of the skin - on the body I fought slowly and confidently by other means, simultaneously covering all the disgrace with clothes. A few local painful bumps on the face ( near the nose, cheekbones, chin) I decided to treat it with Sinaflan ointment, which was available in the zagashniks, to the drowned with other problems.

For a long time, disturbing inflammation near the nose and on the cheekbones began to quickly deflate, and in just a couple of days a crust appeared, which also quickly disappeared. A few days - and I got the effect that I never saw from the weekly use of other means ... So, I repeat once again - Sinaflan ointment works. But it can be used rarely and in exceptional cases ... the rest is your responsibility.

Again: if the rash is of a bacterial, viral, fungal type - we select the appropriate ointment of a NON-HORMONAL type. Infections and corticosteroids are not friends.

If the rash is due to hormonal surges or other internal problems, Sinaflan can be of use.



The effect comes relatively quickly.

Between the start of application and how crusts begin to appear - a couple of days, and before "complete disappearance", when there is almost no trace of inflammation - another week or more
It can be faster, but I gradually “turn off” the treatment as soon as I see that there is no inflammation as such. That is, I don’t use Sinaflan for more than 5-7 days, and then I switch to regenerating ointments, for example, at the end of this review on Sinaflan there is a link to such a non-hormonal ointment

Of the minuses: the skin was very flaky in this place (during the healing process), and moisturizers did not help much.


  • Story #2:

A burn on the index finger of the right hand - this place bled and did not heal for a long time, as it was on " working"hand, so I had to resort to Sinaflan to speed up the healing.

In addition, the skin on my hands at that time was in a “borderline” state - I could hardly restrain atopic manifestations (there was already extreme dryness, but there were no crusts and cracks yet), perhaps because of this the wound healed so badly, since the resources of the skin have already "been exhausted".

After several applications of Sinaflan ointment, the crust quickly healed, and then healing began.

The wound turned pink, and then the skin began to turn white in the healed place, and I transferred further work on the "scar" to another ointment.


I took Sinaflan ointment to this section, although it would be more correct to send it to the section cosmetics. I met her a long time ago, one might say in childhood, because I suffered from severe allergies and they prescribed it to me to alleviate the condition - huge red spots poured out on my skin, which itched, and sometimes even got wet. Later I used it to alleviate the condition of the skin on the neck under the hair - for a long time, red spots also poured out and itched in addition. The ointment itself is inexpensive (by today's standards of a penny), very oily and perfectly relieves itching, while not irritating the skin. Its minus is that it seems to be considered hormonal, but I have been using it both for and for other purposes for many years now, and nothing, the horns and hooves have not grown yet))). The ointment helps very well when erasing the skin (it smeared the worn aching places under the armpits (rubbed the seams of T-shirts), smeared the bikini area when rubbing with a rough edge of the linen - it makes it easier pain. To this day, I lubricate the worn skin on the wings of the nose and above the lips with it after a prolonged runny nose, when it is torn from any cream. In addition, sinaflan ointment is a sure remedy against the so-called "chicks", which is very important in winter. It helps even in severe cases, when the skin on the hands is very similar to sandpaper number 6))). She also helps me out in the winter, when my face is exposed to strong winds for a long time. It is possible that I am allergic to cold, because my naturally quite smooth skin is covered with either pimples or some kind of pimples. One has only to apply the ointment on the face once before going to bed, and in the morning the skin is in its original form! Or, in a more serious case, the procedure should be repeated twice. In addition, I have been using Sinaflan ointment for many years as a moisturizer for the skin under the eyes in the morning before applying makeup. I have dryish skin, especially in winter, and not a single cream there has moisturized my skin well. I put it on the skin under the eyes, I give it a little time to be absorbed, and on top I apply tonal or concealer. I can't imagine makeup without this ointment. I also use creams, but the effect is not the same. In addition to Sinaflan ointment, I know about the existence of its analogue - Akriderm ointment. Mom enlightened. I repeat that the ointment is very, very oily, and for better absorption into the skin, the place must be moistened with warm water before application. (Before lubricating my hands, I rinse them in WARM water, then the ointment is better applied and absorbed better). For eye makeup, I don’t carry out this procedure, I just apply a tiny amount and that’s it. I also want to note that the ointment has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, so if you apply it, for example, to redness on the face, then after the inflammation is removed, the place where the ointment is applied noticeably brightens even relatively healthy facial skin, so you need to even out the tone. (When I smeared my whole face at night, in the morning the skin looked much paler than it really is, and during the day the natural color was gradually restored). I like this ointment no matter what, so I will continue to use it for other purposes.

Sinaflan is an ointment for local application on the basis of the hormone synthesized in the laboratory - fluocinolone acetonide.

This glucocorticosteroid has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, effectively combats swelling, infiltration and redness of the skin, as well as itching and burning.

Therefore, the list of what Sinaflan helps with is quite wide - this is inflammatory diseases skin, its traumatic injuries or degenerative pathologies.

This ointment has been used in medicine for a long time and has established itself as effective remedy in the treatment of dermatological diseases, as well as allergic skin manifestations.


  1. Active ingredient - fluocinolone acetonide. In a gram of ointment it is 0.25 mg.
  2. Auxiliary components (shaping and preserving, dissolving and increasing bioavailability) - lanolin (50 mg.); propylene glycol (49.75 mg); ceresin (50 mg.), Vaseline (up to 1 gr.).

Externally, the preparation is an oily liniment of a light yellow or light brown hue.

AT pure formfluocinolone acetonide It is a white powdery medicinal substance, partially soluble in water and completely in alcohol. It is the components of the ointment base that make it possible to deliver Sinaflan molecules to diseased areas and act on them for a long time.


Some people don't know if Sinaflan is a hormonal ointment or not. Undoubtedly, the remedy refers to glucocorticosteroid drugs, which are based on hormonal substances.

The difference in this regard Sinaflan from analogues in action is that it is synthetic, i.e. artificial and it is created, and not isolated from biological substrates.

The advantage of the drug is its low content in the ointment, but at the same time its use is quite effective.

Applying the drug to the skin according to the prescribed treatment regimen from the doctor provides antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, decongestant therapy.


Sinaflan ointment is produced in aluminum or plastic tubes of 10 and 15 grams.

Depending on what the drug is used for, doctors prescribe an ointment or liniment.

They are fundamentally different from each other. The ointment is more viscous and prevents normal air and heat exchange of the skin, it is practically waterproof.

The use of liniment allows you to partially preserve the natural functions of the epidermis. Therefore, if a drying effect is needed in the treatment, apply liniment, and if long and softening - ointment.

Both forms of the drug are available at a price to any patient, the average cost for them is 59-112 rubles.

In Russia, the drug is manufactured by several pharmacological societies, the most popular and widespread in pharmacy chains is Sinaflan Akrikhin .

Indications for use

Dermatological diseases of persistent flow, occurring:

  • with severe itching and burning;
  • with peeling, keratinization;
  • with swelling and hyperemia;
  • with rashes.

Diseases for which the drug is prescribed

  1. Simple, red, pink.
  2. Burns and frostbite.
  3. Insect bites.


Do not use the drug if you are allergic to the main substance or additional components of the drug, with cross allergies, infectious skin lesions (staphyllo- and streptococcal, fungal, herpetic or other diseases of microbial origin).

Do not use the product for pregnant women and nursing mothers, apply to children under the age of two.

Instructions for use

Sinaflan is intended for external use only, there are no forms for internal use.

Apply ointment or liniment in small amounts to clean skin and lightly rub it into the surface.

For effective treatment Sinaflan is used 1-3 times a day (according to medical recommendations), but not more than ten days. The increase in the number of procedures can be extended up to a month (according to medical prescriptions).

For children older than two years, the drug is applied once a day under the supervision of a doctor, no more than 5 days.

Do not use the ointment on large areas of the skin, before or after the use of other creamy medical or cosmetic products or under an occlusive dressing.

Side effects

Sinaflan is that kind medicinal product which has a high risk of adverse reactions, but, subject to the rules described in the instructions, they are quite rare.


It is usually observed in case of unauthorized violation of the treatment regimen - an increase in the dose of the drug or the procedures for its application.

Usually, such a reaction is manifested by severe skin itching, swelling, redness and soreness in the areas of application of the ointment or liniment.

General overdose is a consequence of prolonged use of the drug on large areas of the skin. In this case, the development of digestive, renal and hormonal abnormalities is possible.


Sinaflan combines well with antimicrobial and antiseptic means.

Reduces the effect of blood pressure lowering, cardiac and antiarrhythmic drugs.

The use of Sinaflan together with diuretics increases the risk of developing a deficiency of minerals in the body (potassium, etc.).


Precautionary measures

  1. Apply once and in small doses in the presence of dystrophic or atrophic diseases of the subcutaneous fat layer.
  2. Avoid getting the ointment on the mammary glands, mucous membranes of the nose, eyes, oral cavity, ears.
  3. Apply to the face and groin when absolutely necessary and only as directed by a physician.
  4. It is impossible to vaccinate during treatment with Sinoflan because of the possibility, since such a combination can significantly reduce a person's immunity.


Anna, 37 years old, nurse:

I went to the doctor with a small spot on my hand, they put contact dermatitis. You have to work with disinfectants, but even with gloves and masks, you can see the long-term effect “does its job”.

They did tests, ruled out the infection, and added Sinaflan ointment to Suprastin.

The drug helped quite quickly, after two days the stain brightened, and after seven it completely disappeared. good medicine at an affordable price.

Marina, mother of ten-year-old Nadia:

My daughter suffers from atopic dermatitis, sometimes she has the strongest itching. Distracts from life, school and generally makes the child very irritable. We save ourselves only with hormonal ointments, among them Sinaflan. It helps well, from the disadvantages of excessive fat content.

Kozhevnikova Antonina, 56 years old:

I faced in my life with such a long-term disease as eczema. Treated for a very long time, for a year. We tried many drugs together with a dermatologist, but Sinaflan “went”.

When treating them, eczema finally began to “give up”. Decreased and dryness around it has passed. I did not have any side effects, although I was treated for a very long time.


The list of similar remedies for the treatment of skin diseases includes:

Despite the wide range of hormonal agents similar to Sinaflan, their use as a replacement for this drug should be agreed with the doctor.


Sinaflan is an external topical ointment worth up to 100 rubles. Included in the group of topical steroid hormones of the corticosteroid subclass. Produced in a tube of 15 g, it has a yellow color and a characteristic smell. The drug has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and antipruritic effects, therefore, for certain indications, it is used for acne.

Composition and properties

The main active component of the ointment is fluocinolone acetonide, the concentration of which per 1 g of the agent is 0.25 mg. This is a synthetic hormone that has the properties of glucocorticosteroids. Vaseline, anhydrous lanolin and propylene glycol are isolated as auxiliary components.

Together, these substances allow the drug to work in several directions:

  • reduce the process of local absorption;
  • remove inflammatory reactions, preventing the accumulation of leukocytes and macrophages in the foci of inflammation;
  • reduce the processes of granulation and infiltration, which leads to the cessation of the formation and release of pus;
  • weaken the permeability of blood vessels and tissues, which prevents the formation of inflammatory edema.
For external use active substances ointments are absorbed into the general bloodstream only in minimal doses. Further, they bind to plasma proteins, biotransform in the liver, form inactive metabolites and are excreted by the kidneys. So, it practically does not have any systemic effect and does not lead to inhibition of the function of the cortex of the subrenal glands.

When can the ointment be applied?

Sinaflan is prescribed against acne, the treatment of which requires the use of glucocorticosteroids. Such rashes do not pop up on their own, but are symptoms of skin diseases. So, the ointment is prescribed if pimples are the result of:
  • dry seborrhea;
  • lichen planus;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • psoriasis;
  • skin itching;
  • insect bites;
  • eczema;
  • thermal damage to the skin of the 1st degree;
  • sunburn;
  • allergic reaction.
With these diseases, such symptoms are noted - a small rash, abscesses or urticaria. It is with them that Sinaflan helps to fight. If clinical manifestations are not observed, it is not necessary to use the ointment as a prophylaxis.

The drug can be used in adolescence, however, in compliance with all therapeutic doses, otherwise its hormonal composition may cause a hormonal imbalance in a teenager during puberty.

When to stop using Sinaflan?

In some folk recipes Sinaflan is prescribed against rosacea or acne vulgaris, as it relieves redness and inflammation, but the drug will only have a temporary effect, and then lead to an exacerbation, so there will only be more pimples on the face. This is due to the hormonal nature of the ointment, as well as the following factors:
  • exposure to the skin of a fluorinated glucocorticoid can provoke perioral dermatitis and;
  • auxiliary components of Sinaflan - petroleum jelly and lanolin - clog pores, which worsens the condition of the epidermis;
  • the drug will provoke an excess of sebum, which will lead to new inflammatory elements;
  • skin immunity decreases at the sites of application of the ointment due to its prolonged use, therefore, there is a high probability of introducing fungal and bacterial infections, which will only complicate the fight against pimples.
There are also contraindications in which Sinaflan cannot be used even in the case of the above skin diseases. These contraindications are as follows:
  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • age up to 2 years;
  • 1st trimester of pregnancy (in the 2nd and 3rd trimester only short-term use is possible);
  • skin infections of a bacterial, viral and fungal nature;
  • neoplasms and precancerous conditions of the skin;
  • perioral dermatitis;
  • passing preventive vaccinations.

When breastfeeding, the use of ointment is allowed, but only under medical supervision. At the same time, it is recommended to stop breastfeeding the baby for the duration of treatment.

How to use Sinaflan for acne?

The ointment is used in this order:

  • Wash your face with a tonic or dry your face with a towel or napkin.
  • Treat the affected areas of the skin for disinfection.
  • Apply the ointment to the affected areas of the skin with a thin layer with lightly massaging movements. No need to rub until completely absorbed. If lichen planus or psoriasis is diagnosed, the method of application is somewhat different, since it is necessary to make an airtight bandage. To do this, after applying the ointment, it is necessary to withstand 1 minute and attach a piece of cling film to the treated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. Leave the bandage on for 12 hours and change every day.

Do not apply ointment to large areas of the skin, especially those that are hypersensitive. These include facial skin and skin folds.

Application course: You can apply the ointment 1-2 times a day, but if psoriasis is diagnosed, increase the amount of application up to 3 times. On average, the drug helps in 6-10 days, but in especially severe cases, treatment can be 21-25 days, but only with a doctor's prescription. It is recommended to apply on the skin of the face for no longer than 7 days, during which no more than 1 tube can be used. Treatment with Sinaflan involves the following rules:
  • do not apply ointment to the eyelids or the area around the eyes if there is any form of glaucoma or cataracts, as the drug will increase the symptoms of the disease;
  • elderly people should use the ointment in minimal amounts if there is atrophy of the subcutaneous tissue;
  • postpone smallpox vaccinations and other types of immunizations for the duration of treatment;
  • do not apply the ointment on your own for longer than 2 weeks, especially on large areas of the skin, as this can cause swelling, arterial hypertension, hyperglycemia, reduced resistance;
  • if an infection develops at the site of application of the ointment, treat with antibacterial or antifungal agents.

Side effects

The use of Sinaflan may cause side effects local nature, characteristic of glucocorticoids. These reactions include:
  • burning sensation;
  • skin itching;
  • acne;
  • striae;
  • dry skin;
  • increased baldness;
  • folliculitis;
  • skin lightening;
  • poststeroid vascular purpura;
  • skin atrophy;
  • various infections.

The problem of acne in the 21st century is more relevant than ever. And if in the 70s of the 20th century ugly acne “attacked” mainly teenagers, then since the beginning of the 2000s this disease has already occurred in 27% of adults. The causes of acne can be different, and sometimes unexpected: stress and malnutrition, hormonal changes in the body and bad habits - almost any external or internal factor can provoke the disease.

What is common in each case, regardless of the etiology of the disease? The answer is obvious - the boundless desire of a person who is faced with an unpleasant dermatological problem to get rid of the rash.

Effective acne treatment requires an integrated approach. First of all, it is necessary to adjust the habitual way of life, paying special attention to the diet. Secondly, take antibiotics and hormonal drugs prescribed by a dermatologist. Today's material is devoted to the latter, and to be more precise, the expediency and effectiveness of using Sinaflan ointment for acne on the face.

Dermatologists focus on an important aspect of using the drug in question for acne on the face - its use is justified in cases where we are talking about seborrhea, insect bites and allergic reactions. The drug effectively eliminates pathogenic processes, provided that they are not caused by the activity of microbes. The drug quickly stops the foci of pathogenic microflora, relieves redness and inflammation.

Ointment is often included in the scheme complex therapy acne, as it accelerates the regeneration of the epidermis damaged by the disease. But it is prescribed mainly at the stage of the patient's recovery and in combination with antimicrobial drugs. This combination of medications is an effective way to prevent the formation of rashes.

When to stop the drug

For many people who are faced with the problem of acne, a logical question arises - why should Sinaflan ointment not be applied to the face? The answer is obvious - carbuncles, boils, acne and pimples are formed due to activity conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, when they penetrate into the base of the hair follicle.

  • skin diseases of viral, fungal or bacterial etiology;
  • violation of the integrity of the epithelial layer;
  • precancerous and neoplastic diseases;
  • acne vulgaris and rosacea.

Since we are talking about a pharmaceutical product that contains fluorinated glucocorticoid, self-medication can provoke skin atrophy, oral dermatitis or exacerbation of the disease.

If the patient decides to use the drug in question, it is important to observe the following precautions:

Sinaflan ointment is dangerous to use on the face, as well as on large areas of the body affected, since there is a high probability of overdose. Liniment is useless for common acne of bacterial etiology. The use of the hormonal composition is invariably accompanied by a decrease in the protective abilities of the body, therefore they are used only as prescribed by the doctor.

Description of the drug

Sinaflan ointment is a local hormonal drug designed to eliminate inflammatory processes, associated skin redness and itching. It is often used to treat skin rashes of non-microbial etiology. Liniment does not help with ordinary acne!

The drug has pronounced antipruritic, antiexudative, antiallergic and anti-inflammatory properties.

The undeniable advantages of the ointment are affordable price, ease of use, wide spectrum of action. The active components quickly overcome the epithelial barrier and act in a targeted manner on diseased areas of the body. With dosed use, adverse reactions are unlikely.

Clinical and pharmacological group

The drug under consideration is one of the representatives of a large clinical and pharmacological group of external topical glucocorticosteroids. The main thing active substance medication - a synthetic compound of fluocinolone acetonide.

pharmachologic effect

active ingredient drug that causes it pharmachologic effect, is a synthesized analogue of the human hormone of the adrenal cortex.

Its activity is manifested in the following mechanism:

  1. Increasing the resistance of cell membranes to external stimuli, due to which it eliminates the likelihood of developing tissue swelling.
  2. Activation of biochemical reactions aimed at the metabolic breakdown of proteins.
  3. Blocking of phospholipases (leads to the elimination of inflammatory reactions in problem tissues).
  4. Inhibition of microcirculation of macrophages and leukocytes.
  5. Suppression of the synthesis of hyaluronidase (an enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid).

Sinaflan ointment is not suitable for treatment subcutaneous acne, acne. It is indeed able to temporarily eliminate inflammation and associated redness, but as the active elements are absorbed, the disease process only gets worse. The presence of petroleum jelly causes clogging of pores, which automatically creates favorable conditions for the development of staphylococci and streptococci.

Release form and composition

A drug called Sinaflan is produced by several Russian pharmaceutical companies. The drug is presented 3 dosage forms- cream, gel and ointment. Liniment is supplied in 15 and 10 g metal tubes with sealed tip or laminated polyethylene tubes.

The consistency of the drug is a homogeneous homogeneous mass of medium density. It has a slight yellowish tint. For some manufacturers, the liniment has a dense and thick consistency.

The active active ingredient (a synthetic analogue of adrenal hormones) "works" in conjunction with secondary ingredients:

The pharmaceutical product is supplied in a carton box with the date of manufacture, and is completed with an annotation with recommendations for use.

Instructions for use

Sinaflan ointment is prescribed for allergies to eliminate inflammation, swelling, itching, epithelial peeling and other symptoms. The patient must necessarily consult with a dermatologist or attending physician, since we are talking about a hormonal medication.

  1. The medicine is applied to a previously cleansed and dry area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with a thin layer. The ointment is evenly distributed over the affected area.
  2. The dosage is determined on an individual basis after examination by a doctor.
  3. The duration of treatment is up to 10 days for bites, burns, allergic manifestations, and up to 25 days for eczema and psoriasis.

Upon completion of the course treatment of problematic skin, the drug is canceled gradually. With a sharp and complete rejection of liniment, there is a high risk of deterioration of the epidermis.

Indications and contraindications

The ointment is used for the treatment of dermatological ailments, involving the inclusion of glucocorticosteroids in the main scheme.

Indications for appointment:

Contraindications to the use of the drug:

  • large areas of psoriasis lesions;
  • rosacea;
  • diaper rash;
  • trophic ulcer formations caused by varicose veins;
  • benign and malignant formations;
  • ulcers and erosion of the stomach;
  • herpes;
  • pyoderma;
  • breast-feeding and pregnancy.

A large number of contraindications automatically implies the need for prior consultation with a doctor. Otherwise, the course of the pathogenic process can be aggravated.

Before applying the cream, it is important to consult a dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis, treatment regimen, and safe dosage. In each case, they are different.

  1. According to official recommendations, Sinaflan is used for 5 to 10 days.
  2. The average dosage is 1-3 g of liniment (corresponds to 1-3 cm strip).
  3. Frequency of processing - up to 4 times a day. Light rubbing of the composition into the epithelial layer is allowed to accelerate the absorption of liniment.
  4. Before applying the medicine, the problem area is treated with an antiseptic (Furacilin, Miramistin, Chlorhexadin).

Side effects and special instructions

Sinaflan is a glucocorticosteroid, therefore, it is a hormonal drug, which automatically causes a wide range of adverse reactions. Most of which are fixed in case of violation of the dosage regimen of the drug. It often refers to the following clinical manifestations:

In case of detection of the listed manifestations, it is necessary to contact a dermatologist for an adjustment of the therapeutic course. It is important to reduce the dosage of the drug gradually, since the immediate withdrawal of the drug can aggravate the problem, associated complications.


Many patients are interested in how to replace Sinaflan, with individual intolerance to fluocinolone acetonide. There are many analogues of the considered hormonal ointment.

The most popular drugs:

Some of these medicines are used to get rid of allergic acne on the face. But a preliminary consultation with a doctor is an obligatory stage preceding therapy.