Nicotine and nicotinic acid: synonyms or different concepts. Nicotinic acid What is nicotinic acid used for?

Today, vitamin B3, vitamin PP, or nicotinic acid (all these are synonymous names for the same substance) are used in the prevention and treatment of many diseases. In addition, the tool has found wide application in the fight against hair loss, restoration of hair follicles, stimulation of the growth of beautiful, thick curls. In this article, we invite you to consider how nicotinic acid is useful for women, what the lack of this vitamin leads to, and in what cases its use is contraindicated.

From Cholesterol Stabilization to Migraine Prevention

  • To begin with, talking about the benefits of nicotinic acid for women, it should be noted that it is under the action of vitamin B3 that sugars and fats in the cells of the human body are transformed into energy. This is an important condition that ensures the normal functioning of cells, and hence tissues and organs of the human body.
  • In addition, it is thanks to vitamin PP that the enzymes necessary for the production of female sex hormones are activated.
  • Due to the above actions, the substance normalizes the ratio of lipid fractions, the content of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Under the influence of nicotinic acid, blood vessels expand, which leads to an improvement in blood microcirculation in various tissues and organs. With the help of vitamin B3, it is possible to control the amount of cholesterol in the blood, reduce the risk of thrombosis, avoid the development and worsening of the course of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Also, the undoubted benefits of nicotinic acid for women are explained by the ability of vitamin PP to reduce pain and increase the mobility of diseased joints with arthritis and arthrosis.
  • Currently, vitamin B3 is used even in the treatment of diabetes. Due to nicotinic acid, it is possible to reduce the dosage of insulin prescribed to patients.
  • Even in the last century, doctors discovered that nicotinic acid has a powerful effect in the treatment of pellagra. This type of beriberi, even today, is common in Africa and South America. The main reason for the development of pellagra is long-term malnutrition.
  • The benefits of nicotinic acid for a woman's body are due to the ability of vitamin PP to relieve skin redness and irritation. The substance is used to combat acne, inflammation.
  • Representatives of the fair sex successfully use vitamin PP to correct weight. A substance that helps control cholesterol levels also helps to increase metabolism, cleanse blood vessels, and remove toxins and heavy metals from the body. But, of course, you should not expect a miracle: without a proper diet and moderate physical activity, nicotinic acid will be powerless. Only by combining diet, exercise and vitamin intake, you can achieve the expected result.
  • It is also important that vitamin B3 has a calming effect. It is noted that with its help it is possible to increase the effectiveness of drugs prescribed to patients suffering from depression, schizophrenia, anxiety, patients undergoing treatment for alcohol addiction. Taking niacin regularly can help prevent migraines.

How to recognize a vitamin deficiency?

The daily intake of vitamin for women varies depending on age. So, it is enough for teenage girls to consume about 18 mg of nicotinic acid per day. Adult women over eighteen need 20 mg per day. And for pregnant women and nursing mothers - 20-25 mg per day.

The first signals indicating a lack of nicotinic acid in the body will be fatigue, constant bouts of dizziness, lethargy, unreasonable irritability, loss of appetite, weight loss, dryness and pallor of the skin, palpitations, headaches, weakened immunity.

A long-term deficiency of such an important vitamin for our health can cause the development of pellagra and the corresponding unpleasant symptoms.

The benefits of nicotinic acid for women in hair care

It's no secret that the fair sex pays special attention to their appearance. In an attempt to give the curls a beautiful, well-groomed look, the ladies spare neither time nor money. Speaking about why women need nicotinic acid, one cannot fail to mention the use of vitamin B3 as a cosmetic product to strengthen and stimulate hair growth. Inexpensive product, sold in almost every pharmacy, helps to awaken the sleeping hair follicles, enhances blood circulation in the cells of the scalp, and in the tissues - metabolic processes. As a result, hair loss is prevented, curls become noticeably thicker and stronger. A nicotinic acid does not dry out the skin even with repeated use.

As a cosmetic product, vitamin B3 is applied directly to the scalp with massage movements. The course of application is 14 procedures. The product must be used on clean, washed hair. Preferably slightly dried. You can use both a liquid remedy and a vitamin in the form of tablets. However, in the first case, you will not need to crush the tablet to a powdery state, and then mix it with water until a homogeneous consistency. Applying a ready-made liquid composition is much easier.

Who should not take nicotinic acid?

Taking the vitamin orally or by injection is contraindicated in peptic ulcers, gout, liver diseases or disorders, hypertension in severe atherosclerosis.

(B 3 , PP, niacin, nicotinamide) is a vitamin that accompanies about 500 biochemical processes in the human body. It is a therapeutic and restorative agent with a wide spectrum of action.

For the first time this substance was obtained by the researcher Huber in 1867 during the oxidation of nicotine with chromic acid. Modern name nicotinic acid found in 1873, when Hugo Weidel (German. Hugo Weidel; 1849-1899) obtained this substance by oxidizing nicotine with nitric acid. However, nothing was known about the vitamin properties of nicotinic acid.

Why does the body need nicotinic acid?

Niacin is involved in the production of enzymes responsible for the synthesis of energy from the food consumed. It provides nutrition to cells, stimulates the processing of nutrients, the exchange of amino acids, and accompanies redox reactions in the human body.

Along with other vitamins of this family, B 3:

  • regulates in tissues, blood;
  • normalizes ;
  • neutralizes the harmful effects free radicals.

Vitamin PP helps prevent the development of heart failure in humans. It helps to reduce the level of malignant cholesterol, which provokes blockage of blood vessels, and increases the amount of benign. Niacin stimulates a reduction in the number of lipoproteins that cause thrombosis.

Provitamin nicotinamide is used in therapy to treat arthritis and diabetes. It has a positive effect on the joints, increasing their mobility, reducing pain. Vitamin B 3 stimulates the functioning of the pancreas, which allows you to reduce the dosage of insulin in the treatment of diabetes.

Niacin has a sedative effect on the body. It is used to correct nervous and emotional disorders with excessive anxiety, depression,.

What are the signs of a lack of nicotinic acid and how are they diagnosed?

The daily requirement for a person is at least 13 mg of niacin per day. Its exact amount depends on the calorie content of the food consumed. There are 6.6 mg of vitamin PP per 1000 kcal. It is found in many plants (greens, cereals), meat and other livestock products.

Lack of vitamin B 3 can be observed in 2 categories of people:

  • vegetarians / raw foodists who receive less of it from animal proteins;
  • alcohol-dependent individuals who have impaired metabolism and the mechanism of absorption of nutrients.

Niacin deficiency is indicated by:

  • dryness, roughness, itching of the skin, rashes in the form of watery vesicles;
  • discomfort in oral cavity(, redness and swelling of the tongue, the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membrane, gums);
  • loss of appetite, diarrhea;
  • insomnia, general malaise, muscle weakness;
  • fatigue, decreased concentration, depression or excessive irritability.

These are the main symptoms of pellagra - a disease that occurs with an acute deficiency of vitamin PP and tryptophan-containing proteins. The main signs of this disorder are dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia.

Diagnosis for a niacin deficiency includes:

  • collection of data for the formation of an anamnesis of the disorder (the appearance and nature of symptoms, analysis of nutritional value, checking for the presence of gastrointestinal diseases);
  • examination by a dermatologist of the human skin;
  • laboratory tests of urine in order to detect methylnicotinamide in it;
  • additional consultations of other specialists (nutritionist, gastroenterologist).

The lack of vitamin PP is compensated by eating foods with a high content of it, taking multivitamin complexes.

What diseases are treated with nicotinic acid?

Deficiency of B 3 in the body provokes the development of pellagra (metabolic disorders), so the vitamin plays an important role in therapy this disease. It is also taken for diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract. It increases the resistance of pancreatic cells to negative influences, which is prevention.

The ability to regulate cholesterol metabolism makes vitamin PP an indispensable tool for multiple atherosclerosis,. It is effective in the treatment of inflammation of the mucous membranes (stomatitis), skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, lupus).

Reduces pain and improves joint mobility. Therefore, it is used in the treatment of osteoarthritis.

The detoxifying effect of niacin makes it possible to use it in the treatment of sulfonamide poisoning, as a restorative agent for long-term use antimalarial and anti-tuberculosis drugs. And the sedative effect of nicotinamide provitamin increases the effect in the treatment of conditions such as anxiety, depression, alcoholism, schizophrenia.

In what form is it produced and in what dosage should it be taken for children and adults?

Preparations containing nicotinamide provitamin are presented as:

  • tablets;
  • ampoule solution.

Tableted medicines taken orally, three times a day, after meals. For an adult maximum dose is up to 0.1 g / day, for children - up to 0.03 g / day.

Ampoule vitamin B 3 is injected. For injections, a 1% solution of the drug is used, which is prescribed 1-2 rubles / day, 0.1-0.05 g each. For children, the dose of the drug is determined based on body weight (an average of 0.003 g per 1 kg of weight). The therapeutic course is individual and is 3-5 weeks.

What foods contain nicotinic acid?

Food sources of the antipellagric vitamin are:

  • liver (pork, beef), chicken meat, eggs, cheese, seafood;
  • vegetables (carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, collards, celery, asparagus), cereals (wild rice, bulgur, lentils), legumes, mushrooms (mushrooms, shiitake), fruits (raspberries, mangoes, bananas, avocados, melons);
  • nuts (peanuts, hazelnuts, pistachios);
  • herbs (nettle, mint, sage), herbs (sorrel, parsley, fennel).

Niacin is also synthesized in the human body. Its production is carried out with the help of the amino acid tryptophan, which is found in animal proteins.

What drugs contain nicotinic acid?

Vitamin PP is present in medicines in 2 forms that have a similar therapeutic effect:

  1. . It is found in Niacinamide, Nicotinamide, Niconacid.
  2. Acidum nicotinicum. This active ingredient present in Apelagrin, Niacin, Nicoverine, Nicotinic acid (Bufus, Vial), Enduracin.

These drugs are presented in tablet, injectable form.

How does nicotinic acid affect hair?

The benefit of vitamin B3 for hair is that it dilates blood vessels. This ensures the penetration of the drug into the scalp, nourishing the hair follicles. To strengthen the hair, a ready-made ampouled solution of nicotinamide is used. In liquid form, it quickly enters the cells of the skin and hair follicles, accelerating their metabolism. BUT topical application the drug allows you to quickly achieve the effect.

Tip: Apply a small amount to your wrist first to avoid allergic reaction.

The drug is used after washing, gently rubbing in a circular motion into the scalp and root zone of the hair. For one procedure, 1 ampoule of the drug is consumed, the recovery course is 1 month.

Attention: after applying the vitamin, the scalp may turn slightly red - this is a normal reaction. It indicates that the remedy has begun to act.

Video How to grow hair? Nicotinic acid for hair growth.

Nicotinic acid and pregnancy

The annotation to the drug states that it is not used during pregnancy. However, its use in this period is necessary if:

  • found to be deficient in the vitamin. In 3, gastrointestinal bacteria are produced, but with the growth of the fetus, it becomes insufficient in the woman's body. This causes pigmentation, dryness and keratinization of the skin, hair loss, psycho-emotional disorders;
  • diagnosed drug or nicotine dependence of the mother;
  • the functioning of the placenta is impaired. Vitamin PP eliminates vasospasm, improving blood circulation. It restores the activity of the placenta, providing nourishment to the fetus with oxygen and nutrients;
  • the patient has a pathology biliary tract and liver. At the same time, the content of niacin in the body decreases, its reserves must be replenished.

With the help of nicotinamide provitamin, acute appendicitis in pregnant women can be diagnosed. The inflammatory process in this process can go unnoticed, causing premature termination of pregnancy. After the introduction of the drug, pain in the uterus disappears, but in appendicitis - no. A diagnostic test using nicotinamide provitamin allows you to identify the disease in a timely manner.

Is it possible to lose weight with nicotinic acid? Myth and reality

It is not a fat burner. But it helps to cleanse the body, normalize metabolic processes, stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, which should regulate the process of digestion. Due to the removal of toxins, lowering the amount of cholesterol in the blood, the body is cleansed and saturated with useful substances.

Taking niacin for weight loss, detoxification should be done carefully, adhering to certain rules:

  • the daily intake of the vitamin should not exceed 1 g. An increase in dosage may adversely affect the functioning of the liver;
  • capsule and tablet preparations are taken after a meal, drinking plenty of non-carbonated water or milk. This is especially true if a person has increased acidity;
  • the drug should not be used by hypertensive patients, people suffering from gastric ulcers, liver diseases;
  • the appointment and duration of the drug should be controlled by a doctor;
  • while using the drug, you should eat a balanced diet, follow.

Attention: after taking this drug, a person may have a slight increase in body temperature, redden face. This reaction is normal. The drug should be discontinued if such side effects like dizziness, itching.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky on the use of nicotinic acid

The well-known pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky devoted an entire subsection to nicotinamide in the third part of his Handbook for Sane Parents. In it, he describes the mechanism of the effect of the vitamin on the human body, the form of release, indications for use, and its food sources.

The pediatrician recommends taking nicotinamide with acetone in children. This medicine regulates the metabolism of glucose, due to the lack of which this syndrome occurs. To normalize the child's condition, an ampouled 5% drug should be taken orally at the rate of 0.1 ml per 1 kg of weight.

The doctor notes the benefits of vitamin PP for pregnant and lactating mothers. However, he recommends taking it, like other vitamins, only in case of a deficiency in the body, an unbalanced diet, receiving it from products of natural origin, and not medicines.

Can there be an overdose of nicotinic acid? What are its consequences?

An overdose of vitamin PP is impossible if its source is natural products and dietary supplements. Exceeding the dose occurs only with prolonged use of the ampouled drug in large volumes. Signs of excess substance in the body are:

  • itching of the skin.

Recommendation: while taking the drug, the patient may experience a decrease in concentration, a slowdown in psychomotor reactions. During this period, it is better for him to give up driving a car, performing actions that require concentration.

VIDEO Nicotinic acid for hair growth, weight loss, application and other useful properties

Hello dear blog readers. We all know about the benefits of vitamins, their role in maintaining the proper functioning of organs and systems. However, there is only one vitamin that is classified as a drug because of its ability to cure many diseases. In this article, I will tell you about the use of nicotinic acid, also known as vitamin B3 or PP.

Application in medicine

Vitamin B3 controls the course of oxidation and reduction reactions in all organs and tissues. And since they are the basis of the vital activity of each cell, then, accordingly, without nicotinic acid, stable and adequate work of the whole organism is impossible.

Direct indications for the use of vitamin PP are:

  • pellagra- a disease that occurs against the background of beriberi, which occurs due to prolonged malnutrition, lack of nicotinic acid, proteins and tryptophan. Pellagra is characterized by diarrhea, dermatitis, and dementia;
  • diabetes. The acid activates the enzymes that are responsible for the production of your own insulin, which allows you to reduce the dosage of the hormone coming from the outside. In addition, the vitamin protects pancreatic cells from damage, thereby avoiding the progression of the disease;
    diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Nicotinic acid reduces the level of bad cholesterol and atherogenic lipid fractions, reduces the likelihood of blood clots and dilates blood vessels. It improves blood circulation, contributes to the production of energy necessary for the normal functioning of the heart muscle, increases the chances of survival after myocardial infarction;
  • osteoarthritis. When treating with vitamin, the intensity of the pain syndrome decreases, the mobility of the joints increases;
  • neuropsychiatric disorders. Due to the sedative effect, the ability to increase the efficiency of the brain and enhance the effect of other medicines, the drug is used in the treatment of depression, anxiety, decreased concentration and attention, alcoholism, schizophrenia;
    poisoning with toxic substances;
  • migraine. Reduces the intensity and reduces the duration of attacks;
    digestive problems. Vitamin accelerates the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, helps to digest food faster, speeds up metabolism, helps in losing weight.

In addition, nicotinic acid activates the enzymes responsible for the production of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisone and thyroxine, reduces acidity in gastritis, and prevents the appearance of malignant neoplasms.

I am not a doctor, so I will not recommend you the dosage, frequency of administration and duration of nicotinic acid therapy. I will leave this right to an experienced specialist. I can only say that tablets are most often used for prevention purposes, to compensate for vitamin deficiency.

The medicine is also available in ampoules. Injections are used for serious illnesses. It can be a stroke, impaired patency of the blood vessels of the extremities, osteochondrosis, liver disease, inflammation facial nerve And so on.

The drug in the form of an injection is administered intravenously, intramuscularly or subcutaneously.

Application in cosmetology

Externally, nicotinic acid is used for cosmetic purposes. Its beneficial effect on the skin of the face has been proven by numerous clinical trials.

It restores elasticity and firmness, eliminates peeling and flabbiness, and activates cellular respiration.

After its use, metabolic processes are accelerated, small vessels expand, complexion improves, aging processes stop, loss of collagen and moisture is prevented.

If you are to Plastic surgery, taking vitamin PP will accelerate the restoration of the skin.

The drug also relieves inflammation, acne, acne, age spots, freckles and redness. It removes bags under the eyes, protects against the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, and prevents the appearance of cancer cells.

Types of nicotinic acid

In its pure form, it is better not to use the medicine, so I recommend that you use a few simple mask recipes:

  • to enrich the skin with useful substances and normalize the level of moisture in the tissues, mix 1 ampoule of acid, 5 milliliters of olive oil and the same amount of honey. Warm up a little. Steam the face, apply the composition on it, rinse after 40 minutes;
  • if you want to get rid of acne, prepare a strong decoction of a tablespoon of calendula and birch buds. Measure out 45 milliliters, add 1 ampoule of vitamin B3 and 5 milliliters of warmed coconut oil. Soak a cosmetic napkin with a nourishing cocktail, put it on your face. Soak for 30-40 minutes, periodically wetting the napkin with the prepared product;
  • a mixture of ampoules of hyaluronic and nicotinic acid helps well against wrinkles. It needs to be applied to the skin, soaked for 20 minutes, and then washed off.

Vitamin has a beneficial effect on hair, eyebrows and eyelashes. It accelerates their growth, restores damaged structure, prevents brittleness, stops hair loss.

Using simple recipes, you will also be able to increase the volume and density, prevent the loss of natural pigments:

  • combine 2 ampoules of acid, 5 milliliters of aloe extract and 5 drops of propolis tincture. Treat the root area, wrap your head with cling film, insulate, leave for 40-60 minutes;
  • mix 15 drops of castor oil and burdock oil, add 1 ampoule of vitamin. Treat eyebrows and eyelashes, soak for half an hour;
  • combine 30 milliliters of liquid honey, 1 yolk and 1 ampoule of acid. Treat the scalp and curls, hold for 20 minutes.

When using nicotinic acid, remember that it must be used as quickly as possible. Otherwise, the tool will lose its healing properties.

If you do not like home remedies, you can purchase nicotinic acid ointment.


Before using the drug, carefully read the contraindications:

  • individual sensitivity;
  • hypertension;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcer;
  • violations of the liver;
  • gout;
  • hyperuricemia;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • children (at the discretion of the pediatrician).

During the period of bearing a child and lactation, the drug is allowed only on the recommendation of a specialist.

Do not forget that the vitamin also causes side effects. It can cause redness accompanied by tingling and burning, dizziness, hypotension, urticaria, dyspepsia, and an increase in gastric acid production.

With prolonged use of large doses, diarrhea, anorexia, vomiting, liver problems, arrhythmia, hyperglycemia, decreased glucose tolerance are possible.


I suggest you get acquainted with a few reviews on the use of nicotinic acid:

Elena, 27 years old:

“Nicotinic acid helped me grow my dream lashes. I mixed 1 ampoule of medicine and 2 capsules of vitamin E, applied to the eyelashes and washed off after 20 minutes. The hairs stopped falling out and noticeably added in length.

Svetlana, 38 years old:

“I have always tried to get rid of freckles and found, if not perfect, then quite effective remedy. It is necessary to combine a spoonful of honey, juice of ¼ lemon and 5 drops of nicotinic acid. The composition should be applied to the skin in the morning and evening, for 20 minutes, for 7 days. Freckles really become almost invisible, and some disappear completely.

Remember that nicotinic acid is, first of all, a drug. Therefore, be wise and consult a specialist before using it.

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It is well known that our body constantly needs vitamins. But not everyone knows that their uncontrolled use can be dangerous. Therefore, it is necessary to know in advance about the properties of the vitamin used. Let us consider in more detail what the benefits and harms of nicotinic acid can be.

Nicotinic acid (niacin or vitamin B3), when it enters the human body, turns into niacinamide, which is involved in the breakdown of fats, i.e. it turns food into energy. The body's need for vitamin B3 is usually 5-10 mg per day, and during pregnancy - 15 mg. If you don't get enough niacin, you may experience the following symptoms:

The use of a sufficient amount of the vitamin has a positive effect on blood glucose levels. It is also a good prevention of diabetes. You can take vitamin B3 tablets, although it is better when you get it through the meal, with certain foods. What foods contain nicotinic acid?

Niacin is found in many foods, including grains, dairy products, fish, and meat. There are other products containing nicotinic acid:

  • oatmeal
  • by-products (liver, kidneys)
  • chocolate
  • egg yolk
  • baked or boiled potatoes
  • sunflower seeds
  • buckwheat
  • bulgur
  • raspberries
  • chicory
  • mango
  • germinated wheat
  • mushrooms
  • spices
  • avocado
  • pistachios

The main source of niacin is peanuts. But, unfortunately, it can be infected with a fungus. Therefore, before eating a peanut, it must be disinfected and washed in water, and then slightly dried by frying it in a pan.

Useful properties of nicotinic acid:

  • speeds up metabolism
  • lowers bad cholesterol levels
  • involved in the processing of fats, proteins, carbohydrates
  • removes toxins
  • thins the blood
  • contributes to the normal functioning of the brain
  • protects a person from insomnia and stress
  • dilates blood vessels
  • fights atherosclerosis
  • acid can be used to treat hair, it has a beneficial effect on their growth
  • also nicotinic acid in osteochondrosis quickly and effectively helps to improve the patient's condition.

The harm of nicotinic acid

Oversaturation of the human body with niacin can cause muscle numbness, slight dizziness, flushing of the skin. An excess of a substance can also cause fatty degeneration of the liver, stomach pain, and depression. Also, this vitamin is contraindicated in large quantities for people with stomach ulcers. In addition, an excess of vitamin B3 can cause a number of side effects: - redness of the skin on the face

  • tingling and burning of certain parts of the body
  • dizziness,
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure
  • in rare cases: nausea and diarrhea.

“Nicotinic acid - instructions for use” - this is the topic for today on the website, we will talk about the extensive indications, contraindications and side effects of nicotine, the features of using nicotinic acid in tablets and ampoules, for various health problems, for growth hair, weight loss and skin improvement.

What is nicotinic acid, price

Nicotinic acid (niacin) belongs to medical preparations, namely to derivatives of vitamins, its scientific name is vitamin PP, less often called vitamin B3.

In animal products, niacin is found in the form of nicotinamide, and in plant materials - as nicotinic acid.

It has a wide range of effects on the work of the human body, due to which it is successfully used in the fight against various diseases.

As for the pricing policy, nicotinic acid is one of the most inexpensive drugs, it can be bought in tablets from 30 to 65 rubles, in ampoules - within 100 rubles for a box of 10 pcs.

The action of nicotinic acid

  • the use of the drug according to the instructions normalizes metabolic processes and restores the structure of neural fibers well;
  • drugs based on vitamin PP improve blood circulation in the cerebral cortex and the whole body;
  • dilates blood vessels, thereby improving oxygen metabolism in the body;
  • improves human immunity;
  • promotes the elimination of toxins from the body.

Medicinal properties of nicotinic acid, indications for use

Use the drug Acidum nicotinicum, despite the fact that it belongs to the group of vitamins, should only be prescribed by a doctor. Often nicotinic acid is used for cosmetic purposes for hair, skin and the whole body. It can also improve vision and memory.

The main indications for the use of the drug nicotinic acid are:

  • impaired vision;
  • occupational intoxication, alcohol and food;
  • worsening cerebral circulation, and blood supply to the limbs;
  • ischemic stroke;
  • noise in ears;
  • manifestations of osteochondrosis;
  • any form of hemorrhoids;
  • disorders in the liver;
  • impaired metabolism, especially lipid metabolism;
  • pellagra (niacin deficiency);
  • diabetes;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • migraine.

What distinguishes vitamin B3 from many drugs is its ability to supply oxygen to the blood and promote skin rejuvenation.

Daily need for nicotinic acid and products containing it

An adult needs 15-27 mg of nicotine per day for men, 13-20 mg for women. If necessary, it can be increased to 3-5 g per day, but only as directed by a specialist.

Children aged 6-12 months need nicotinic acid in the amount of 6 mg per day. From 1-1.5 years - 9 mg per day. From 2 years to 4 - 12 mg. From 5 to 6 years -15 mg. From 7 to 10 years - 17 mg. From 11 to 13 years old - 19 mg. From 14 to 17 years - 21 mg of the drug.

Among the products that contain vitamin PP, the leading position is occupied by beef liver, then quail meat, pine nuts and black tea. Next come tuna, nutmeg, turkey, chicken and rabbit meat. Duck meat also contains nicotinic acid, but in an amount two times less than previous meat products.

Wheat porridge, mushrooms (champignons) and dry thyme contain nicotine in small quantities.

Nutritionists to compensate for the lack of this compound are advised to lean on buckwheat, fish, peas, dairy products, walnuts, eggs.

When heated above 100 degrees, the content of niacin in products decreases by 10-40%, depending on the time of heat treatment.

Symptoms of deficiency and overdose of nicotinic acid

deficiency symptoms substances can be very different, from the appearance of spots on the face (similar to sunburn), ending with blisters and blisters on the body, which can later scar the skin. There may also be damage to the mucous membranes, including the tongue and gums. Perhaps a manifestation of general weakness and lethargy.

Often there are rashes on the skin of a dark red color, the skin becomes dry and rough. Frequent urge to the toilet (diarrhea about 10 times a day). Loss of appetite and weight loss. Sometimes there is insomnia and decreased attention. Often, with a lack of nicotinic acid in the body, a person slows down thinking, memory deteriorates.

Symptoms that indicate a deficiency of nicotinic acid become more pronounced in the warm season, namely in spring and summer.

With an overdose of nicotinic acid there may be a feeling of acute pain in the stomach, dizziness and nausea, clouding of consciousness and even fainting. Sometimes there is a violation of vision and hearing. Such symptoms are usually observed when taking nicotinic acid 500 mg or more once in its pure form. In the event of an overdose of nicotine, contact ambulance. And before her arrival, open the windows to ensure the flow of fresh air into the room. Give the victim water or milk to drink.

Nicotinic acid preparations

Nicotinic acid is produced in tablets and ampoules.

The tablet form of the vitamin is often used for the prevention and long-term treatment of many diseases. Assign it twice a year to patients suffering from poor circulation and venous insufficiency, with thrombophlebitis and trophic ulcers.

Taking nicotinic acid tablets is usually prescribed several times a day, 1 tablet each. Those who have increased acidity are recommended to take tablets after meals and drink milk or mineral water.

Why are nicotinic acid injections prescribed? Vitamin B3 injections are usually used by people with high acidity, and suffering from various forms of hemorrhoids and with impaired blood circulation.

Unlike tablets, injections do not irritate the gastric mucosa, and are evenly distributed throughout the body in the shortest possible time. The liquid dosage form of nicotinic acid is administered in ampoules up to twice a day subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously. It is recommended to take the drug in autumn and winter.

Contraindications to the use of nicotinic acid

  • stomach ulcer;
  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • you can not inject nicotine intravenously if a person is prone to jumps in blood pressure;
  • gout, excess of the normal level of uric acid in the blood;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • severe glaucoma;
  • with bleeding in any location.

Need to be borne in mind side effects of nicotinic acid:

  • lowering blood pressure;
  • short-term redness of the face or upper body;
  • a quickly passing sensation of heat;
  • with problems with the stomach, worsening of the situation;
  • sometimes there is a short-term dizziness.

Adding cottage cheese to the diet facilitates the manifestation of "side effects".

How to take nicotinic acid

Unless otherwise stated directly by your doctor, nicotinic acid tablets are drunk three times a day after meals on a tablet (50 mg). The maximum single dose is 2 tablets (100 mg), daily - 300 mg. month course.

Injection drug is prescribed in a course of 10-14 procedures 1 or 2 times a day. Usually I repeat it twice a year if there are indications (treatment of osteochondrosis, for example).

With fast intravenous administration, sensations are similar to those that occur with the introduction of calcium chloride - fever, redness of the face, upper shoulders, chest. Feelings last for about 10-15 minutes.

Therefore, the drug should be administered slowly and after meals.

Electrophoresis with nicotinic acid

Electrophoresis is a method of therapy in which medications injected through the skin with electrical impulses weak strength.

Indications for the appointment of electrophoresis are: diseases of the spine and joints, respiratory tract, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, in case of violation in motor functions organism, as well as diseases in the field of dentistry. Quite a lot of drugs can be administered through the skin using electrophoresis. No exception and nicotinic acid.

The most popular prescription using nicotine is the Ratner prescription, in which a vitamin PP preparation is used in combination with aminophylline. This mixture is prescribed for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the body. Regular courses of electrophoresis - 10 procedures.

One of the main advantages of this method is the complete activation of the active substances and their introduction in an ionized form. Current pulses also increase the immune response to external stimuli. Electrophoresis with vitamin PP contributes to the accumulation of substances in cells, therefore, the effect persists for a long time.

The use of nicotinic acid

  • for hair growth

Vitamin PP is a vital element, since it is responsible for the normal functioning of metabolism. A constant supply of vitamin B3 is necessary for a more coordinated work of all internal organs, as well as for an attractive appearance. Masks based on nicotine well dilate the blood vessels on the scalp, stimulating hair growth. Unlike expensive store masks, masks based on vitamin PP are available to everyone.

You can add a few drops of the vitamin to your shampoo or your usual hair balm. You can also rub a solution of nicotinic acid into the scalp in its pure form, which will significantly improve its condition, get rid of dandruff, and help with baldness.

The most popular and effective mask based on vitamin PP is prepared in this way: 1 ampoule of nicotine is mixed with half a spoonful of aloe juice. Depending on the length of the hair, you can proportionally increase the ratio. Apply the finished mixture on the scalp and wrap with a warm scarf for 30-40 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and wash your hair with your favorite shampoo.

A monthly course of daily treatment of the hair roots with nicotine will increase the density and length of the hair, the hair begins to grow at a rate of 5-7 cm per month. After a three-week break, the course can be repeated.

  • for face

For facial skin care, nicotinic acid is also used quite often. She is responsible for the full "breathing" of the skin. With a lack of it in the body, the skin becomes dull and dry, peeling and rashes often appear. Often in the composition of cosmetics you can find vitamin PP, for example, in tonics, lotions, body creams and hair masks.

  • for weight loss

For those who are struggling with the problem of excess weight, nicotinic acid is needed to improve digestion and normalize hormonal levels. It also helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels and stimulates the production of gastric secretion. Plus, vitamin PP cleanses the body of toxins and toxins.

Nicotinic acid is often recommended for overweight people in order to enhance the production of serotonin. It is this hormone that can improve mood. Thus, the craving for sweets (which, as you know, increases with depression and stress) disappears.

At the first signal to the cerebral cortex about the production of serotonin, the body automatically ceases to need carbohydrates (which in most cases provoke obesity). As soon as such impulses stop, the body begins to “demand” carbohydrates again.

We all know that vitamins are essential for our body to function properly. But few people know that they can play a cruel joke on you, especially if you take them uncontrollably. Believe me, their excess is just as dangerous as the lack.

  • Vitamin B3 or nicotinic acid: general information
  • The benefits and harms of nicotinic acid
  • Nicotinic acid for hair growth

Vitamin B3 or nicotinic acid: general information

Niacin (vitamin B3), once in the body, turns into niacinamide, which is involved in the process of splitting fats. Basically, it converts food into energy. The daily requirement of nicotinic acid is 5-10 mg, and during pregnancy - 15 mg. But the drug is prescribed only by the attending physician, if there are indications for this.

Symptoms of nicotinic acid deficiency:

  • loss of appetite
  • muscle weakness
  • gastrointestinal disorders
  • the appearance of pellagra disease, in which the skin flakes and coarsens

Foods containing vitamin B3:

  • meat and offal (liver, kidneys)
  • egg yolk
  • milk, cheese
  • sunflower seeds
  • buckwheat
  • germinated wheat
  • mushrooms

An important nuance: vitamin B3 is practically not afraid of heat treatment. During the cooking process, only 20% of useful properties are lost.

Peanuts (peanuts) are one of the sources of nicotinic acid. But they are easily infected by a fungus that produces aflatoxins - strong carcinogenic poisons. Therefore, having bought peanuts, you need to disinfect it at home in a weak solution of manganese, rinse it in boiled water, and then dry it and fry it in a pan.

In the body, vitamin B3 is produced by itself if it receives an amino acid called tryptophan. It is found in bananas, pine nuts, sesame and oats.

The benefits and harms of nicotinic acid

Beneficial features:

  • reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol
  • takes part in the processing of proteins, fats and carbohydrates
  • removes toxins
  • speeds up metabolism
  • reduces inflammatory processes
  • dilates blood vessels and thins the blood
  • fights atherosclerosis by destroying “plaques”
  • By the way, it is difficult to notice the lack of this particular vitamin - it accumulates over many years. It manifests itself in the form of irritability, fatigue, weakness, heartburn and anxiety.

As for harm, it takes place in the event of an allergic reaction and peptic ulcer stomach. In this case, it is better for a person not to take vitamin B3.

Nicotinic acid for hair growth

Now let's talk about the non-standard use of vitamin B3. Most girls want to be the owners of long beautiful hair. Therefore, they are looking for all sorts of natural ways to activate hair growth. Note that inexperience in this case can play a cruel joke on you.

As mentioned above, not all people understand that vitamins are, first of all, drugs that also have an impressive list of contraindications and side effects. But here, when buying, the very word “vitamins” plays a decisive role, which, unlike “antibiotics”, allegedly does not involve a risk to health.

So, girls sometimes take both nicotinic acid tablets and rub the contents of the ampoule into the scalp. And in that, and in that method of application, you harm your body.

If you take the pills on an empty stomach, you can become a victim of severe nausea and vomiting. And an overdose (when taking 2 tablets a day) leads to an allergic reaction, which manifests itself in the form of hives on the body and a rash on the face. Agree, the picture is not the most pleasant, and, moreover, the end does not justify the means.

Many girls who used nicotinic acid ampoules noted that after rubbing it in, they began to have a strong headache, not passing within 1-2 days. And this happens because vitamin B3 in large quantities increases arterial pressure, and the heart begins to intensively “pump” blood. And such a load on the vessels is simply dangerous.

But what about hair? Is there an effect, given the suffering that the fair sex had to go through? The thing is, you can't see it instantly. It takes some time here. But it is considered the norm when hair grows 1-2 cm per month.

And to speed up this process, you can use an alternative, and, most importantly, safe way - use pepper tincture.

Thus, a vitamin such as nicotinic acid should only be used as prescribed by your doctor, and not on personal initiative, which, as you know, is punishable. And here you will almost have to pay with your health, which is priceless!

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One milliliter of a 0.1% solution for injection contains 10 mg of active active substance, as well as sodium bicarbonate and water for injection.

In the State Pharmacopoeia of the USSR, X edition, it is indicated that the solution is a clear, colorless liquid with a pH of 5.0 to 7.0.

The concentration of nicotinic acid in one tablet is 0.05 grams.

Release form

Pharmacological forms of nicotinic acid: 1% injection solution and 50 mg tablets.

Ampoules with 1 ml of solution are packaged in 10 pieces in blister packs, 5 packs in a pack.

Tablets are sold packaged:

  • 50 pieces in jars made of polymeric materials or dark glass;
  • 10 pieces in blisters, 5 packs in a pack.

pharmachologic effect

Vitamin B . Compensates for the lack vitamin PP (B3) , renders vasodilator (vasodilating) , hypocholesterolemic And hypolipidemic action.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) is a vitamin that takes part in a large number of oxidative reactions occurring in living cells.

The drug has specific antipellagric action and used to improve performance blood vessels .

The appointment of nicotinic acid preparations allows you to normalize the permeability of the vascular walls and, accordingly, reduce the swelling of the tissue, improve the state of tissue (in particular, nitrogen and carbohydrate) metabolism and microcirculation, expand the lumen of the vessels (the vasodilating effect is noted at the level of small blood vessels, including those of the brain). brain), increase the fibrinolytic activity of blood plasma and reduce platelet aggregation by suppressing the synthesis of TxAj (thromboxane A2), a mediator of their aggregation and degranulation.

In organism vitamin PP biotransformed into nicotinamide , which binds to the hydrogen-carrying coenzymes NAD and NADP. Regulates oxidation-reduction reactions, takes part in synthetic processes, metabolism , purines , proteins , as well as in glycogenesis And tissue respiration .

Reduces the rate of VLDL synthesis and inhibits lipolysis (fat degradation) in adipose tissue. Contributes to the normalization of blood lipid composition: reduces the concentration of LDL, triglycerides And general while increasing blood levels of HDL. Manifests antiatherogenic And detoxifying properties .

Provides the transformation of the trans-form of retinol into cis-retinal, which is used in the synthesis of the visual pigment rhodopsin, stimulates the release of histamine and promotes the activation of kininogenesis.

Vitamin B3 well absorbed into pylorus of the stomach and upper duodenum . With the participation of and can be produced by the bacterial flora of the intestine from what comes with food. The amount required to form a milligram of a substance tryptophan - 60 mg.

Metabolism occurs in the liver. Nicotinic acid and its metabolic products are excreted by the kidneys; when taken in high doses, the substance is excreted mainly in its pure form.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of nicotinic acid are:

  • hypo- And avitaminosis due to inadequate intake vitamin B3 with food, exclusively parenteral nutrition, malabsorption syndrome (including against the background of violations of work pancreas ), Hartnup disease, rapid weight loss, gastrectomy , diseases of the digestive system ( persistent diarrhea , including tropical , celiac disease , Crohn's disease );
  • conditions with an increased need for vitamin PP (diseases of the hepatobiliary system, prolonged fever, prolonged stress, chronic infections, pregnancy, lactation, cancer);
  • hyperlipidemia (including triglyceridemia And hypercholesterolemia );
  • obliterating vascular disease lower extremities(for example, );
  • ischemic circulatory disorders of the brain ;
  • spasm of the urinary and biliary tract, vessels of the extremities;
  • microangiopathy ;
  • diabetic polyneuropathy ;
  • hypoacid gastritis ;
  • And enterocolitis ;
  • neuropathy of the facial nerve ;
  • trophic ulcers and non-healing wounds.


Categorical contraindications for both dosage forms the drug are serious violations of liver function, bleeding, cerebral hemorrhage, hypersensitivity to nicotinic acid.

Nicotinic acid tablets should also not be taken during periods of exacerbation. peptic ulcer and children under 2 years of age (as anti-sclerotic agent ).

Additional contraindications to the appointment of Nicotinic acid in ampoules are: atherosclerosis , hyperuricemia , severe arterial hypertension , childhood.

Side effects

The drug stimulates the release histamine , which in some cases may be accompanied by:

  • reddening of the skin (mainly the upper half of the body and face) with a burning sensation and tingling;
  • hypotension ;
  • orthostatic hypotension (with rapid introduction into a vein);
  • increased secretion of gastric juice;
  • dizziness;
  • sensation of a rush of blood to the head;
  • itching.

Side effects associated with long-term use of high doses vitamin B3 , are expressed as:

  • anorexia ;
  • dysfunction and fatty liver;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea ;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive canal;
  • ulceration (ulceration) of the gastric mucosa;
  • transient increase in the activity of alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase, lactate dehydrogenase;
  • paresthesia ;
  • decreased glucose tolerance;
  • hyperglycemia .

Application instruction of Nicotinic acid

Nicotinic acid injections: instructions for use

The route of administration and dose depend on the indication. At ischemic stroke And pellagra the solution is recommended to be slowly injected into a vein. At pellagra it is also allowed to give injections intramuscularly or subcutaneously.

Antipellagric therapy involves a single or double administration of 50 mg intravenously or 100 mg intramuscularly. The duration of treatment is 10-15 days.

At ischemic stroke the drug is administered in a dose ranging from 10 to 50 mg.

Injections are allowed to be placed in three ways:

  • 1 ml of a 1% solution into the muscle;
  • intradermally (to fill the need for a vitamin);
  • in a vein, 1-5 ml of a 1% solution, previously diluted in 5 ml of saline.

V / m and s / c injections of the drug are quite painful and may be accompanied by a burning sensation. Intravenous injection may cause reddening of the skin and a sensation of heat.

This reaction of the body is normal. On the contrary, the absence of redness may indicate the presence of certain problems with blood circulation.

Instructions for tablets

Tablets are taken after meals.

The prophylactic dose for adults varies from 12.5 to 25 mg per day, for children - from 5 to 25 mg per day.

At pellagra adult patients are prescribed to take 100 mg of nicotinic acid 2 to 4 times a day. The duration of the course is 2-3 weeks. For children, the drug is given at 12.5-50 mg two or three times a day.

With vascular lesions atherosclerotic genesis patients are recommended to take in 2-4 doses from 2 to 3 grams vitamin PP .

Starting dose at dyslipidemia - 50 mg per day in one dose. Subsequently, if the therapy does not provoke adverse reactions, the frequency of applications is increased up to 2-3 times a day. The duration of the course is from one month. Intervals should be maintained between repeated courses.

In all other cases, the daily dose for adults is from 20 to 50, for children - from 12.5 to 25 mg. In some cases, for an adult patient, the doctor may increase daily dose up to 100 mg. Tablets, depending on the indications, are drunk 2 or 3 times a day.


High doses of the drug can cause a rush of blood to the upper body and head, indigestion and itching.

In case of overdose, supportive treatment is indicated.


N. acid enhances the action vasoactive drugs (in particular, ganglionic blockers), which may be accompanied by seizures orthostatic hypotension .

Bile acid sequestrants (eg. colestipol or) reduce the bioavailability of acidic drugs, including n. acid, so the drug should be taken at least one hour before or no earlier than four hours after taking these drugs.

When conducting an analysis to determine the level of glucose in the urine, the drug can provoke a false positive reaction with Benedict's reagent (copper sulfate solution).

N. acid has a hyperglycemic potential and can significantly reduce the activity of acarbose, which can cause decompensation.

Due to the ability of Mr. acid cause hyperglycemia , in patients who are prescribed the drug in combination with “+ saxagliptin ” or “metformin + sitagliptin ”, you should constantly monitor the parameters of glycemic control.

In patients taking nadroparin calcium, it is necessary to control the indicators of hemocoagulation.

With the simultaneous use of n. acids and combinations “+”, n. acids and , n. acids and may increase the risk of developing myopathies . Combination n. acids with simvastatin can also provoke rhabdomyolysis .

Myopathy And rhabdomyolysis are also possible in the case of using the combination “n. acid in lipid-lowering doses and + ezetimibe ”.

Development risk myopathies also increases with the appointment of lipid-lowering (exceeding 1 gram per day) doses of n. acids in combination with . For this reason, treatment Rosuvastatin should start with 5 mg/day.

When used simultaneously with n. acid reduces the effect:

  • Glipizide ;
  • hypoglycemic effect Gliquidona ;
  • Insulina Lizpro (including two-phase);
  • Metformin ;
  • repaglinide ;
  • hypnotic effect .

Do not mix in one syringe. acid and.

Despite the fact that the simultaneous use of n. acids with HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors can provoke myopathy , while prescribing the drug with the bioavailability of the latter, as well as the bioavailability of n. acid, does not change. However, this combination should be used with caution.

Terms of sale

On prescription.

Recipe in Latin for the injectable form of the drug:
Nicotinic acid - ampoules
Rep: Sol. Acidi nicotinici 1% - 1 ml
D.t. d. N 20 ampull.
S. 1 ml / m.

Recipe in Latin for the tablet form of the drug:
Rep: Tab. Acidi nicotinici 0.05 g
D.t. d. No. 20 in tab.
S. 2 tablets 3 times a day after meals (with pellagra ).

Storage conditions

Store at room temperature in a well-closed container, protected from sunlight. Keep away from children.

Best before date

For solution - 5 years. For tablets - 4 years.

special instructions

What is vitamin PP?

Wikipedia answers the question “what is nicotinic acid” that it is a white powdery substance, odorless and slightly sour in taste. The powder is poorly soluble in cold water, ethanol, ether and a little better - in hot water.

The gross formula of the substance is C₆H₅NO₂. It was first obtained in 1867 by oxidizing nicotine with H2CrO4 (chromic acid).

The benefits and harms of vitamin B3

Clean vitamin B3 is able to strengthen so much that the human body acquires natural protection against Staphylococcus aureus and a number of other equally serious viruses.

Scientists are confident that very high doses can stop even HIV infection and bacterial infection, against which most of the existing drugs are powerless.

Besides, vitamin B3 has properties detoxifier .

The body of an adult male requires 16 to 28 mg daily. vitamin B3 , the body of a woman - from 14 to 20 mg.

The need for a vitamin will increase with intense nervous and mental activity, increased physical exertion, in people working in a hot shop, in a hot climate and in the Far North, during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, in people in whose diet vegetable proteins predominate over animals (including fasting people and people on a low-protein diet).

Nicotinic acid is necessary for the release of energy from fats and carbohydrates, as well as for the normal course of protein metabolism. It normalizes the functioning of the pancreas and stomach, and is also part of the enzymes that provide cellular respiration.

Vitamin has a beneficial effect on the heart, blood vessels, nervous system, maintains healthy mucous membranes of the oral cavity and intestines, skin; takes part in ensuring normal vision, reduces high blood pressure and improves blood circulation.

The lack of this substance in the body is accompanied by apathy, lethargy, fatigue, headaches, dizziness, dryness and pallor of the skin, insomnia, irritability, decreased appetite and body weight, constipation, palpitations, decreased resistance to infections.

If a person receives less nicotinic acid, he develops a disease pellagra . The first signs of the disease are:

  • frequent, watery stools (3 or more times a day, without impurities of blood and mucus);
  • poor appetite, heaviness in the stomach;
  • belching and heartburn;
  • redness of the oral mucosa;
  • salivation , burning in the mouth;
  • swelling and cracking of the lips;
  • protrusion of the papillae of the tongue with red dots;
  • the appearance of deep cracks in the tongue and red spots on the face, hands, elbows and neck;
  • swelling of the skin (the code may hurt, itch, blisters appear on it);
  • noise in ears;
  • severe weakness;
  • headache;
  • a feeling of crawling and numbness;
  • pressure fluctuations;
  • wobbly gait.

An excess of the vitamin, in turn, can cause skin rashes, itching and fainting.

Foods Containing Vitamin B3

To warn hypovitaminosis RR , it is preferable to adjust the diet so that the diet contains vitamin B3 containing products.

Where is nicotinic acid found? Most of the products vitamin B3 can be found in liver, egg yolk, yeast, nuts, fish, milk, chicken, green vegetables, meat, legumes, peanuts, buckwheat and any other food containing α-amino acid tryptophan .

Heat treatment does not affect the amount of vitamin.

Why is nicotinic acid needed in cosmetology?

The rejuvenating effect of the drug is based on the ability of nicotinic acid to dilate blood vessels in the peripheral part circulatory system, increase the supply of oxygen to tissues, increase the outflow and removal of aggressive toxins and free radicals from skin cells.

As a result, the skin becomes smoother, more hydrated and acquires a beautiful and even color.

Nicotinic acid is also used for hair growth. One course usually requires at least 30 ampoules with a solution.

After opening the ampoule, the solution is transferred with a syringe into a small container, after which it is distributed with fingers (or a syringe without a needle) over the entire scalp: first at the temples and along the hairline, then along the partings. Usually, 1 ml of solution is sufficient for one procedure (this corresponds to the volume of the contents of 1 ampoule).

It is very important that the hair is clean, as a coating of dust and grease will prevent the drug from being absorbed into the scalp. Before using the drug, you should not use shampoos with silicones to wash your hair, as they will create a barrier for the penetration of the drug into the tissues.

Nicotinic acid is quickly destroyed in the air, so the procedure should be performed as quickly as possible. An open ampoule is not subject to storage.

Normal reactions to the drug are a slight burning sensation, a crawling sensation, redness and burning of the skin.

The appearance of urticaria, rash, itching, headaches indicate intolerance to nicotinic acid. If these symptoms occur, you must wash your hair and stop using the product.

After the solution is completely applied, the procedure is considered complete. Repeat it daily for a month. It is not necessary to wash off the drug.

After completing the course, almost all girls note hair growth of 3 cm.

An injection solution of nicotinic acid has also found application as a remedy for cellulite. Before the procedure, the contents of one ampoule are diluted in 3 ml of water. Then, in the resulting solution, a wide bandage is moistened and tightly - but not tight! - wrap them with problem areas.

Most effectively, this method allows you to get rid of cellulite on the hips and abdomen, since it is these areas of the body that are most convenient to bandage. But to eliminate cellulite on the buttocks, it is recommended to use other means.

The bandages are wrapped with cling film and a towel (for insulation). Instead of a towel, you can use a blanket or blanket.

The duration of the first procedure should not exceed 15 minutes. If the skin responds well to the drug, and there are no adverse reactions, the time may be increased in the future.

Precautionary measures

It should be borne in mind that Nicotinic acid injections are painful.

During treatment, it is necessary to constantly monitor liver function, especially if the patient is prescribed high doses. vitamin B3 .

To prevent hepatotoxicity, it is recommended to introduce a sufficient amount of rich foods (milk, dairy products, buckwheat, legumes, fish) into the patient's diet or prescribe lipotropic drugs (including drugs methionine ).

Nicotinic acid, given its ability to irritate the mucous membrane, is used with caution when peptic ulcer (in remission) and hyperacid gastritis . If it is necessary to prescribe the drug in these cases, taking large doses is contraindicated.

To reduce the irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, it is recommended to drink the tablets with milk.

Because of the potential for hepatotoxicity, high doses vitamin B3 also contraindicated in liver diseases (including hepatitis and ) and diabetes .

The use of the drug for correction dyslipidemia at diabetes impractical.


Synonyms: Nicotinic acid-Vial , Nicotinic acid-Bufus .

Nicotinic acid: compatibility with alcohol

The drug helps to eliminate heavy metals and toxic substances from the body, so it can be used both when drinking alcohol and to eliminate the consequences of poisoning with it.

Nicotinic acid for weight loss

Nicotinic acid stimulates the course of metabolic processes, and it is this property that makes it appropriate to use the drug for weight loss.

The effect develops not by burning excess fat, but by balancing the concentration cholesterol in the blood and detoxify the body.

To achieve more pronounced results, taking pills should be combined with reasonable physical activity, a balanced diet and drinking enough water. To speed up the metabolism as much as possible, it is best to take the tablets immediately after a meal.

It should be remembered that people with high acidity of gastric juice should take the drug with warm milk or mineral water.

Nicotinic acid during pregnancy

During pregnancy and during breastfeeding, high doses of the drug are contraindicated.