Fibrocystic formation. Fibrocystic mastopathy - symptoms and treatment

Every woman needs to know that with the slightest health problems, it is necessary to seek medical help. Now I want to talk about what mastopathy is. Treatment this disease, the causes of its occurrence and methods of diagnosis - this will be discussed below.

About the term

First of all, you need to understand the terms that will be found in the article. What is mastopathy? This is a special disease of the mammary glands. It occurs most often as a result of a strong imbalance in the hormonal background of a lady. Features: with this disease, dense glandular tissue grows, which is in the mammary gland. This results in fluid-filled blisters (these are cysts). It is also worth mentioning that with this disease, the usual structure of the female breast often changes.

Types of disease

It must be said that different types there is mastopathy (treatment will vary depending on the type of disease):

  1. Flow.
  2. Lobular.
  3. Fibrous.
  4. Cystic.
  5. Fibrocystic mastopathy, where the cystic component predominates. With this disease, cysts (vesicles with fluid) appear.
  6. Fibrocystic mastopathy, where the fibrous component predominates. This form of the disease is characterized by the predominance of glandular tissue in the breast.
  7. Mixed fibrocystic mastopathy. In this case, the glandular tissue grows along with the formation of cysts.
  8. Diffuse mastopathy with a predominance of the glandular component (this is adenosis). With this disease, there is an excessive, too large proliferation of glandular tissue.
  9. Nodular mastopathy.
  10. Sclerosing adenosis.

Features of diffuse forms of mastopathy: changes occur in all tissues of the affected mammary gland.

Features of the nodular form of mastopathy is that the mammary gland is affected locally (i.e., partially). These are most often some seals in the chest, which, however, most often appear against the background of diffuse mastopathy.

Causes of the disease

You also need to talk about why women can develop this disease.

  1. Genetic predisposition (i.e. hereditary factor).
  2. Hormonal imbalance, in which there is a significant predominance of a hormone such as estrogen in the blood.
  3. Various gynecological diseases.
  4. Injuries of the mammary glands.
  5. Incorrect use of hormonal drugs, illiterate contraception.
  6. Violations of the endocrine system of the body.
  7. Lack of iodine in the body.
  8. Lack of breastfeeding in the period after childbirth (or its short period - less than 5 months).
  9. Various disorders that relate to the reproductive system: late childbirth (after 30 years), termination of pregnancy, the absence or small number of pregnancies and childbirth.
  10. Psychological factors such as frequent stress, depression, neurosis, overwork.


It is worth saying that the most common type of this disease today is fibrocystic mastopathy. Symptoms, treatment of this type of disease - this will be discussed further. First of all, I want to talk about the symptoms of this problem. After all, this may be the first signal that a lady needs to urgently seek medical advice.

  1. Painful sensations. At the very beginning of the disease, the pain will not be clearly expressed. It can be called aching, periodic. Basically, it will come with the onset of menstruation. If the disease progresses to the next stage, the pain increases significantly. They may not disappear with the onset of menstruation. In this case, the pain can be given to the shoulder, armpits. Unpleasant sensations will be when touching the chest. Also, an increase in the volume of the mammary glands can be observed.
  2. Discharge from nipples. With this disease, discharge of whitish or gray-greenish colors can be observed.
  3. Seals. On palpation in the chest, you can feel some seals that do not disappear with the onset of menstruation.
  4. Cracks in the nipples.
  5. Enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits.

However, the most common and alarming symptom that women can ignore at the same time is pain. Do not think that this is normal even in the premenstrual period. If at least one of the above symptoms appears in a lady regularly, this is a reason to seek medical advice.


If a woman has mastopathy of the mammary gland, the treatment will depend on what type of disease the lady has. And to find out, you must first seek medical advice. What will the doctor do? His first steps are the palpation of the mammary glands of the lady, their examination, the collection of anamnesis (done by a mammologist). However, this is not enough to make a correct diagnosis. In this case, the woman may be assigned the following forms of additional examination:

  1. ultrasound. This study is carried out 5-7 days after the onset of menstruation. Not only the mammary glands are subject to examination, but also the clavicular regions, as well as the armpits.
  2. Blood study. This will require tests for thyroid hormones (TSH, T3 and T4), ovarian hormones (such as estradiol, FSH and progesterone). Additional recommendation: tumor markers.
  3. If there is discharge from the nipples, it is necessary to conduct their cytological examination.
  4. You may also need to consult a gynecologist and ultrasound of the uterus or pelvic organs.
  5. Puncture. If this is nodular mastopathy, you need to take samples of the neoplasm.

And only after the doctor understands what kind of mastopathy the patient has, the treatment will already be prescribed on the basis of the results obtained in the course of various studies.

What can treatment depend on?

  • the age of the patient;
  • ovarian functions;
  • features and character menstrual cycle;
  • possible gynecological diseases (for example, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, etc.);
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • psychoemotional status of the patient.


If a woman is diagnosed with "nodular mastopathy", the treatment of this pathology may consist in surgical intervention. However, before this, the lady is under the supervision of a doctor for quite a long time (she needs to periodically visit a mammologist). And if there are no trends for improvement, then the doctor may decide that it is necessary to get rid of this neoplasm. In medicine, this is called a sectoral resection of the mammary gland. However, in this case, it is worth remembering that the operation is only the elimination of the consequences of the disease. At the same time, the causes of the tumor remain. And with illiterate subsequent treatment, everything can happen again.

Basic principles of therapy

If a lady has fibrocystic mastopathy, treatment can be based on the following principles:

  1. hormone therapy. This is necessary in order to bring the hormonal background of the patient back to normal.
  2. It could be local treatment mammary tissue.
  3. If necessary, drugs can be prescribed that will bring the patient's psycho-emotional background in order.
  4. If a lady feels severe pain she may be given pain medication. However, they will not cope with the cause of the disease, but only help get rid of unpleasant symptoms.


What will happen to a woman who has mastopathy? Treatment. In this case, the doctor may prescribe the following drugs:

  1. On the early stages diseases, the doctor will most likely advise taking homeopathic hormonal preparations, which are based on many herbs. These are drugs such as Mastodinon, Cyclodinone or Mamoklam.
  2. If the disease is in a more serious stage, then the patient will need adequate hormonal therapy. The doctor in this case may prescribe the following drugs:
  • "Urozhestan" or "Dufaston" are gestagens in tablets.
  • Zoladex or Buserlin are releasing hormone agonists.
  • "Progestogel".

To normalize the menstrual cycle, a woman can be prescribed oral contraceptives.


If the patient was diagnosed with "fibrocystic mastopathy", the treatment will not only consist in taking various pharmaceuticals. At the same time, the doctor will also advise you to follow the right diet. What should a woman know and remember about this?

  1. It is necessary to limit the intake of smoked meats, as well as fatty foods, as much as possible.
  2. The diet should include as many fresh berries, fruits and vegetables as possible.
  3. If the patient is tormented by pain in the chest, the doctor will recommend that she stop consuming coffee, cocoa, tea and chocolate.

What else do you need to know if a lady has cystic mastopathy of the mammary glands? Treatment will also include vitamin therapy (especially if a woman has hypoavitaminosis). In this case, preference should be given to complexes where vitamins A and E groups predominate. After all, they improve liver function, and it takes an active part in the processes of hormone metabolism.


Be sure to say that only the doctor should prescribe the treatment of mastopathy. Reviews of doctors say that often, wanting to cope with the problem on their own, ladies bring their body to an extreme state, when it is very, very difficult to cope with the disease. And in order not to harm yourself, at the first symptoms of this disease, you should consult a doctor for advice. And only after the diagnosis is made, it is necessary to begin to discuss methods of treatment and getting rid of the problem.

About folk remedies

It is worth saying that alternative treatment is very effective. fibrocystic mastopathy. However, at the same time, again, I would like to remind you that you must first establish a diagnosis in a medical institution. And only after that start treatment folk remedies.

Main rule

If a woman has diffuse mastopathy, treatment with folk remedies should begin with an increase in fluid intake. It can be not just water, but also juices, compotes, decoctions. It is also necessary to increase the consumption of fresh fruits and berries. This is necessary in order to maintain the ideal water balance of the human body (which is very important in this case).

Broth of oats and barley

If the patient has fibrous or cystic mastopathy, treatment with folk remedies is a method that can be tried in combination with medication. At the same time, a decoction made from whole grains of oats and barley helps to significantly speed up the elimination of this disease.

  1. Summer medicine. To prepare it, you need to take about 5-6 tablespoons of a mixture of grains and pour them with a liter of boiling water. Then everything is placed on a small fire and boiled for about half an hour. Then the medicine must be infused. It is best to put it overnight in a dark place at room temperature. "Why the summer version of the medicine?" - a question may arise. The thing is that when consuming this remedy, potassium and potassium will be washed out with urine. And in the summer it is perfectly compensated with the intake of fresh vegetables, fruits and berries.
  2. Preparation of medicine in winter period. Here you need to boil this medicine for about an hour. After that, everything is filtered, and the previously prepared handful of dried fruits is poured with the resulting liquid. This remedy is also infused throughout the night.

This decoction is taken throughout one day in small sips, regardless of food. It is also useful at the same time to eat all the dried fruits that were also infused.

Oil treatment

If a woman has fibrous mastopathy of the breast, treatment of the disease in the early stages of its manifestation can be started with the following folk medicine. To prepare it, you need to take pumpkin seed oil and sea buckthorn berry oil in a ratio of 10: 1 (brief explanation: 2 teaspoons of sea buckthorn oil for 100 ml of seed oil). After a month and a half of taking this remedy, pumpkin seed oil should be replaced with milk thistle oil, and later with flax seed oil.


What else can be the treatment of fibrous mastopathy with folk remedies? So, why not do compresses at the same time, which also help to get rid of this problem?

  1. To prepare a local compress, you need to take one grated carrot, add 0.5 cups of beetroot juice, about 4 tablespoons of sea buckthorn oil and one tbsp. a spoonful of golden root. All ingredients are mixed. Compresses are applied to the chest for 5 hours. Duration of treatment: 15 days.
  2. Honey compresses can also help to cope with mastopathy. To prepare the medicine, you need to take two tablespoons of honey, mix them with four tablespoons of flour. This mass should be applied at night to the chest for five days. Next, you need to take a five-day break and repeat the treatment again.
  3. A compress for the lazy, which, however, also copes well with mastopathy: cabbage leaf should be smeared with honey and applied at night to the chest. This must be done within one week. Then take a break and repeat the course again.

Fibrous mastopathy: more remedies

If a woman is diagnosed with fibrous mastopathy", Treatment may also consist in taking the following folk remedies:

  1. You need to take two tablespoons of a herbal mixture of string, yarrow and motherwort, pour them with a liter of boiling water. Everything is infused in a thermos for several hours. The drug is taken throughout the day three times a day before meals.
  2. An infusion from the cuff also helps a lot. To prepare it, you need to take 2-3 tablespoons of the plant and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over them. Everything is infused for at least 4 hours, and better - during the night. This medicine is taken in a third of a glass before meals.

Cystic mastopathy: remedies

If the patient has cystic mastopathy, treatment can be carried out by the following means:

  1. It is necessary to take orally three times a day, 150 ml of infusion of burdock root. How to prepare it: 20 grams of chopped root must be poured with 2 cups of boiling water, then left for a couple of hours.
  2. You can also prepare an infusion on potato flowers. To resist it, pour one teaspoon of flowers with one glass of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes. You need to drink the medicine three times a day, one tablespoon.

Procedures for the day

There is another pretty effective treatment mastopathy. Patients' reviews suggest that if everything is done correctly and strictly adhere to the daily regimen of procedures, it is possible to cope with this disease in a relatively short time. In this case, the day should be planned as follows.

Morning. The day should begin with rubbing the sore chest with table salt. To do this, you need to take a terry cloth, pour a handful of salt there and gently rub first one breast (about 2-3 minutes), then the second for the same amount of time. In this case, it is necessary to make circular movements throughout the mammary gland. After the procedure, the breast is washed first with warm water, then with cool water. After the procedure, it is necessary to lubricate the breast with a nourishing cream.

Dinner. Contrasting lotions will be very useful at this time of the day.

  1. One basin with fairly hot water (temperature about 50-60 degrees). For 1 liter of water, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar.
  2. The second basin with extremely cold, however, by no means with ice water. Here, one tablespoon of salt should be thrown into one liter of water (dissolving it).

You need to take two towels, alternately dip them into different basins and apply them to your chest in the décolleté area. Do this five times with each pelvis. Finish the procedure cold water. After that, the chest is blotted with a towel.

Afternoon (range from 15.00 to 18.00). This is where lemon comes in handy. For the procedure, you need to cut it into slices. The woman lies on a hard surface (not on the bed), spreads thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200blemon slices on her chest so that the mammary gland is covered with them. Lie down like this for about 10 minutes. After that, the breast should be washed first with warm, then cool water and smeared with a nourishing cream.

Evening. Before going to bed for the chest, you need to make it nutritious and at the same time healing mask. It is convenient that it is prepared once every three days and can be stored in the refrigerator. So, the recipe for its preparation: you need to cook finely ground oatmeal in a very small amount of water. Everything is filtered through gauze, the thick mixture cools. Two tablespoons of oatmeal should be mixed with one yolk, one tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of grated walnuts. Next, the woman again lies down on a hard surface, puts maxa on her chest and décolleté, and so rests for 20 minutes. It is worth saying that an hour before applying the mask, it must be removed from the refrigerator and left to warm at room temperature. It is impossible to heat this remedy on fire or in the microwave, as it loses its medicinal properties.

The lady should adhere to this regimen for two weeks. Women say that after this period the disease disappears. If not, after a certain time it is necessary to repeat the course again. It is also good to do such procedures as a preventive measure twice a year. So the breast will become beautiful and elastic. And at the same time maintain their health.

Fibrocystic mastopathy (FCM) is a serious pathology in which numerous cysts of various sizes begin to form in the mammary gland. It occurs mainly in patients of childbearing age, but can also develop in women after the onset of menopause. What is the reason for this? What are the causes of mastopathy? And can it be cured? Let's talk about this in more detail.

Provoking factors

Considering mastopathy and the mechanisms of its development, it should be noted that the main factor that stimulates the occurrence of FCM is the disturbed balance between hormones such as progesterone and estradiol. The following diseases and conditions can lead to their imbalance:

  1. Premature formation of the menstrual cycle. When girls start their periods too early, there is a sharp change in the hormonal background, to which the body does not have time to adapt. And under the influence of hormones, the tissues of the mammary glands undergo various changes, which causes the formation of numerous cysts in them.
  2. Late onset of menopause. In this case, mastopathy begins to develop against the background of prolonged exposure to the hormone estradiol and progesterone on the mammary glands.
  3. Infertility.
  4. Medical and surgical abortions, spontaneous miscarriages - all this causes "jumps" in the hormonal background.
  5. Lack of lactation after childbirth.
  6. Prolonged exposure to stress.
  7. Pathologies of the kidneys and a disorder of the function of the adrenal glands, which are involved in the production of hormones.
  8. Impaired metabolism observed with overweight, the development of diabetes and diabetes insipidus, the formation of endemic goiter.
  9. Pathologies thyroid gland, which is also involved in the production of hormones. Moreover, the development of mastopathy can occur both with hypothyroidism and with hyperthyroidism.
  10. Inflammatory and infectious diseases of the reproductive system.
  11. Deviations in the work of the liver.
  12. Long-term use of oral contraceptives.

Important! Age also plays a key role in the development of breast mastopathy. As practice shows, in most cases this pathology is diagnosed in women at the age of 35-45.

It should be noted that initially FCM was not considered as a pathology that can transform into cancer. But after numerous studies, scientists were able to reveal that those appearing with mastopathy under the influence of negative factors can easily degenerate into a malignant tumor. Therefore, this disease is now considered as a precancerous condition.

Whether cysts will degenerate into cancerous tumors or not depends on several factors - the duration of the pathological processes and the stage of development, as well as the types of the disease. Fibroadenoma and adenosis are the most dangerous forms of FCM, as they significantly increase the risk of oncology.

Varieties of FKM

Mastopathy is of several types:

  • nodal;
  • non-proliferative;
  • mixed.

Pathological processes can cover only one gland (unilateral) or spread to both at once (bilateral).


This form of the disease is characterized by connective tissue in iron. This causes a violation of the structure of the milk ducts and the lobular structure of the organ, as a result of which numerous small cysts begin to form inside it.

Mastopathy can develop not only with hormonal disorders, but also with a genetic predisposition, as well as when the body is exposed to various negative factors, such as chemicals, radiation, etc.

There are several types of diffuse fibrocystic disease:

  • Adenosis, during the development of which there is an increase in glandular structures and lobules of the mammary gland.
  • Fibroadenomatosis, characterized by the predominance of fibrous tissues in the gland.
  • Cystosis is a pathology characterized by an increase in cystic tissue in the structures of the mammary glands.

Sometimes, when examining women, adenosis, fibroadenomatosis and cystosis are detected simultaneously. This indicates the development of a mixed form of the disease.

Diffuse fibrocystic pathology has another variety - sclerosing adenosis. It is also characterized by abnormal growth of fibrous tissue into glandular structures. However, during its development, the epithelium and lobes of the organ do not undergo a pathological process.

Depending on the scale of mastopathy and the rate of damage to the structures of the organ, it is divided into:

  • insignificant;
  • moderate;
  • expressed.


Nodular mastopathy is a consequence of the development of a diffuse form of the disease. It is characterized by pathological proliferation of connective tissue areas of the mammary gland, followed by the formation of cystic nodes.

With the development of this pathology, nodular formations are clearly felt in the chest, which have a dense structure and clear boundaries. As a rule, a few days before the onset of menstruation, they begin to increase in size and can cause pain when pressed. After the end of menstruation, the swelling of the nodes subsides, and they return to their previous size.

Important! When a woman is in horizontal position, signs of nodular type mastopathy are practically absent - the formations are palpated weakly or not detected at all during palpation. At the same time, the woman is also not disturbed by pain.

It should be noted that nodules in the chest are not prone to progressive growth. More often they remain the same diameter for a long time, increasing only before menstruation. Pain in this case can be of a different nature - be pronounced, insignificant or completely absent. In other words, the symptoms of FCM of the nodular type are individual in each case.


Non-proliferative mastopathy is not accompanied by signs of proliferation. That is, with the development of the disease, there is no process of cell reproduction, followed by growth of the gland and its intensive division. With the development of this pathology, swelling of the breast tissues is noted, which has an exact localization, which is not accompanied by the formation of new structures.

In other words, with this form of the disease, individual structures of the gland begin to increase in size, as a result of which seals appear in it, which can be easily confused with cysts. The reasons for this may be various inflammatory and infectious processes.

Important! Despite the fact that non-proliferative mastopathy is not characterized by the appearance of pathological formations in the mammary gland, it also requires a serious approach to treatment. Since any unnatural processes in the gland can further provoke the appearance of cysts that will require an operation.


The mixed form of FCM is characterized by signs of all types of pathology at once. Formations with cystic, fibrous and glandular components appear in the chest. In this case, there is an proliferation of connective tissues and an increase in breast volume. On palpation, there are numerous painful seals with clear boundaries of different sizes.

With the development of this pathology, the simultaneous formation of fibroadenoma is possible, which is characterized by the appearance of a mobile round formation in the gland (most often it is benign).

Important! Mixed FCM is a neglected form of the disease, which is accompanied by various complications. It is difficult to treat and requires long-term therapeutic measures.


The development of bilateral mastopathy is characterized by the occurrence of pathological processes in both mammary glands at once. In this case, connective tissue, glandular or fibrous components may be affected. mammary glands, which leads to their trophic change and the appearance of cysts.

Important! Bilateral FCM can cause the development of a malignant tumor in one of the mammary glands.

As a rule, this form of the disease is the result of a long-term hormonal imbalance in the body, and therefore the treatment in this case is aimed at restoring the level of hormones and treating the pathologies that led to its violation.


With mastopathy, symptoms and treatment are always individual. They depend, first of all, on the type of pathology and the degree of its development. Clinically, FCM is accompanied by pain when pressing on the chest and the appearance of discharge from the nipple. They have a liquid mucous consistency, which can be yellowish or green.

On palpation, small dense rounded formations are felt. They may be grainy or smooth.

Soreness of the breast is permanent or short-term. It can radiate to the armpit or shoulder joint, and is also accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the chest and squeezing.

Important! FKM on early stages development is always pronounced. Symptoms intensify a few days before the onset of menstruation, and also if the woman does not receive appropriate treatment. At an advanced stage of the disease, the clinical picture becomes acute and neoplasms in the chest can be seen with the naked eye. Moreover, their increase does not depend on the menstrual cycle.

In case of degeneration of neoplasms in the mammary glands into cancer, the following symptoms are observed:

  • Seals are soldered to the structures of the organ, as a result of which they become immobile.
  • Ulcers and crusts appear on the skin of the chest.
  • The gland swells, greatly increasing in size.
  • Bloody, brown or black discharge begins to ooze from the nipple.
  • The skin of the chest becomes red.
  • The chest becomes tuberous, its natural contours are violated.
  • There is asymmetry of the mammary glands.
  • The pain syndrome intensifies.

Important! The occurrence of at least one of the above symptoms requires immediate medical attention.

Is it possible to plan a pregnancy?

Fibrous cyst is not a contraindication to pregnancy. On the contrary, the conception of a child can contribute to the restoration of hormonal levels, which will favorably affect the treatment of fibrous mastopathy.

At the same time, lactation is also not contraindicated in such a disease. It also contributes to the treatment of FCM. In addition, during lactation, some formations can even dissolve on their own, leaving no traces behind. Therefore, it is believed that pregnancy and breastfeeding is an excellent prevention of FCM and the only safe way to treat it.

During lactation, the growth of the epithelium is activated in the mammary glands, which produces its own antibodies that can destroy the cells of nodes and cysts. That is why pathological formations stop growing and begin to gradually dissolve. However, long breast-feeding must be carried out under close medical supervision. This will allow timely necessary measures in case of lactostasis and prevent the progression of FCM.

Possible Complications

If left untreated, this can lead to:

  • The progressive growth of cystic formations in, which leads to visible changes in its shape.
  • Inflammation of cysts and further infection of the gland, followed by suppuration.
  • The occurrence of cancer.
  • Gap education.

Given such serious consequences, every woman should know what FCM is and how it manifests itself. Only timely detection and treatment can prevent their occurrence.


You can identify mastopathy on your own, by palpation of the mammary gland. When it is probed, seals and nodular formations with clear and even boundaries are noted.

However, to confirm the diagnosis, you will also need to undergo a breast ultrasound and x-ray. The photo of the radiographic examination shows the number of formations, sizes and contours. Ultrasound allows you to determine the thickness of the walls of cysts, their contents and the likelihood of degeneration into cancer.

It is also required ultrasound procedure pelvic organs, which allows you to exclude the development of pathologies of the organs of the reproductive system, as well as the delivery of biochemical and hormonal blood tests.

If the doctor suspects the occurrence of oncology, then before conducting FKM therapy, he prescribes an MRI, CT scan and an analysis for the CA-125 tumor marker.


If mastopathy is detected, therapy should be carried out without fail. And the sooner it starts, the less the risk of serious complications. How to treat, only the doctor determines, taking into account the results of the examination of the patient and her age category.

Conservative therapy for FCM is carried out only with a diffuse form of pathology development. Both hormonal and non-hormonal therapy can be used here. The latter implies the reception:

  • Multivitamin complexes.
  • Iodine-containing drugs (prescribed if a woman has thyroid pathologies).
  • Sedatives, since any stress can lead to the progression of the disease.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Phytopreparations and diuretics.

Conservative treatment for mastopathy also includes a special diet that helps restore hormonal levels without the use of drugs. Nutrition for mastopathy completely excludes the following products:

  • bakery products;
  • pasta;
  • semolina;
  • corn;
  • White cabbage;
  • confectionery;
  • sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup, etc.);
  • butter and margarine;
  • pickles;
  • smoked meats;
  • semi-finished products;
  • canned food;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • black tea and coffee.

Also, the diet completely excludes the use of fatty and fried foods. The main diet should be:

  • legumes;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • nuts;
  • seafood;
  • lean meats and fish;
  • dairy and dairy products.

And also a diet for mastopathy requires adherence to the regime - nutrition should occur at the same time at least 5 times a day. In this case, a serving of food should not exceed 200 g.

In the event that non-hormonal therapy does not give positive results, then treatment is carried out using hormonal drugs. In this case, the main emphasis is on the use of progestogens, androgens, prolactin inhibitors or antiestrogen. Drugs are prescribed on an individual basis after receiving the results of the analysis for hormones.

If during hormone therapy there is no positive dynamics, the treatment of the pathology is carried out by surgical intervention. During the operation, a sectoral resection of the mammary gland or enucleation of the tumor can be performed.

Mastopathy is not a sentence. If a woman promptly sought help from a doctor, then she has a chance to get rid of this pathology without consequences, and even without resorting to surgical intervention.

Video material on the topic

(FCM) occurs in 40% of girls. This disease involves a strong growth of the glandular and connective tissue of the breast. Because of this, seals, cysts and nodes are formed.

The fibrocystic form implies the presence of cysts, tumors and fibrosis. Fibrosis is understood as special seals that look like a bunch of grapes. They can spread to all breast tissues.

FCM has many classifications. One of them is the division according to the severity of the disease. Distinguished: unexpressed, moderately expressed and. The most common is moderate FCM.

What is it - moderate fibrocystic mastopathy?

There are three stages of mastopathy:

  • initial;
  • moderate;
  • expressed.

On the initial stage there are no tumors and cysts in the breast. Physically, the woman does not feel unwell or uncomfortable.

The moderate stage appears after the initial stage. Russian women rarely go to the doctor for a preventive examination, so FCM is most often detected at the second (moderate) stage.

At this stage, cysts or tumors have already formed in the chest, there are also fibrous seals (overgrowth of connective tissue). Cysts and fibrosis, growing, put pressure on the milk ducts, which causes pain. Pain in moderate FCM is temporary. For example, pain may occur when pressing on the chest or in a certain position.

After the occurrence pain a woman turns to a mammologist. The doctor conducts an examination. On palpation, seals of an unknown nature are found. Cysts and nodes have clear boundaries, they are well felt on palpation. Fibrosis is hard to feel.

It can spread into the interlobular space or block the milk ducts. After the examination, the doctor will refer the patient to an ultrasound or. The pictures will tell about the full picture of the disease. If necessary, the mammologist will refer the patient for additional examinations (puncture, biopsy) and tell about the treatment regimen.

At a moderate stage, in addition to pain, there are seals in the chest. Attentive women find these seals even before going to the doctor. If no liquid is released from the nipples, and the pain is not severe, then there is no inflammation. Contacting a mammologist should not be postponed in this case, but there is nothing to worry about either.

It is at the moderate stage that mastopathy is most often detected. Usually, this form lends itself to . If neoplasms small size, do not grow and do not cause discomfort, it is enough to control their condition. If the tumors are large, constantly increasing in size, they need to be removed (surgically).

In the moderate stage of the disease, fluid may be released from the chest. It should be odorless, transparent or milky in color. If an unpleasant odor appears, you should immediately contact a mammologist. Most likely, there was an inflammation of the cyst.

The pronounced form of FCM implies that the tumors are visible to the naked eye. The shape of the breast is outwardly changed due to internal seals. The woman is in constant pain.

What is moderate fibrocystic mastopathy?

Why is this diagnosis dangerous?

Mastopathy is education benign tumors. Cysts and nodes of moderate form rarely turn into cancer. Despite this, there are still certain risks. Moderate FCM can lead to a pronounced form and then to breast cancer. Nevertheless, about 30% of women delay going to the mammologist, even in the presence of severe pain.

Some mistakenly believe that the second form of mastopathy can go away on its own. The disease occurs due to disturbances in the hormonal background, respectively, when it is restored, mastopathy should pass. This is not entirely true.

The second form is characterized by the presence of cysts and tumors. which cannot be resolved without intervention. The probability of self-healing is no more than 2%. And timely treatment guarantees complete recovery in 90% of cases.

If not treated moderate mastopathy, then over time it will turn into a pronounced form. Tumors will increase in size, the pain will increase. Further inflammation may occur, which will lead to sepsis.

Also, the growth of tumor cells provokes the division of cancer cells. Because of what a malignant neoplasm, that is, cancer, can occur. In this case, surgery is inevitable. At a moderate stage, the neoplasm is removed along with the mammary gland. After removal of the breast, further spread of cancer cells, the occurrence of metastases is possible.

Moderate fibrocystic mastopathy is the second most severe stage of the disease. She responds well to treatment. At this stage, cysts and fibroses have already formed in the chest, but they are small in size and do not cause much discomfort. For the treatment to be most effective, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

    Mastopathy is the common name for a large group of benign pathological changes in the tissues of the mammary glands (MG).

    A number of diseases with a wide range of hyperplastic, proliferative and regressive changes in the breast are united by the concept of fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands.

The treatment of diffuse forms of FCM does not lose its relevance and remains a matter of debate.

Synonyms for FKM:

Fibrocystic mastopathy (FCM)
Benign diseases of the mammary glands
Benign breast dysplasia
Dishormonal hyperplasia of the mammary glands
fibrocystic disease

The prevalence of fibrocystic mastopathy

Causes of fibrocystic mastopathy

All processes of development and growth of mammary gland tissues are hormonally determined.

Dishormonal disorders in a woman's body are the main cause of FCM.

How do hormones affect the mammary glands?

Immediate impact:

    Estrogens - stimulates the proliferative growth of the parenchyma (epithelium of the glands and ducts) and, to a lesser extent, the stroma of the breast.

    Progesterone - counteracts the processes of proliferation, inhibits the mitotic activity of cells. This hormone provides structural differentiation of glandular tissue: alveoli, lobules.

    Prolactin - stimulates the secretory activity of lactocytes (milk production in breast lobules). Prolactin increases the number of estrogen receptors in breast tissues and indirectly enhances the proliferative effect of estrogens on breast tissues.

    STH (somatotropic hormone) - regulates the development and growth of the breast.

Indirect influence:
  • Thyroid hormones.
  • Hormones of the adrenal cortex.
  • Insulin.

Any imbalance of these hormones can lead to mastopathy.

The decisive role in the development of FCM is played by:

1. Hyperestrogenism

Excessive influence of estrogens on breast tissues disrupts the functioning of the receptor apparatus, causes proliferative growth of the epithelium of the lobular alveoli and ducts. This leads to the formation of cysts, intraductal papillomas, cystadenopapillomas of the breast.

Atypical and malignant changes are possible in the proliferating epithelium of the breast.
2. Progesterone deficiency

It is accompanied by edema and hypertrophy of the intralobular tissue - hyperplasia of the breast lobules.

The lack of progesterone indirectly increases the sensitivity of estrogen receptors and increases the local level of estrogens in the tissues of the breast.

The complex mechanism of regulation of hormonal balance in the body is not fully understood. The central nervous system plays an important role in this process.

What contributes to the development of FCM:

  • genetic predisposition.
  • neuroendocrine disorders.
  • Diseases of the hypothalamic-pituitary system.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Diabetes.
  • Obesity, hyperlipidemia.
  • Diseases of the liver and biliary tract.
  • Age over 35-40 years.
  • abortion.
  • Prolonged mental stress, stress.
  • Pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Late first pregnancy.
  • Short period or no breastfeeding.
  • Early sexual development (menarche at the age of years) menopause.
  • Gynecological diseases.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the mammary glands.

Fibrocystic mastopathy ICD-10 code

    ICD-10 - International Classification of Diseases of the tenth revision, approved by WHO.

  • N60 Benign dysplasia of breast
Diffuse forms:
  • N60.1 Diffuse cystic mastopathy without epithelial proliferation.
  • N60.2 Fibroadenosis of mammary gland.
  • N60.3 Fibrosclerosis of mammary gland.
  • N60.3 Cystic mastopathy with epithelial proliferation.
  • N60.8 Other benign breast hyperplasia
  • N60.9 Dysplasia of mammary glands, unspecified
  • N64.4 Mastodynia.
Nodal forms:
  • N60.0 Breast cyst.
  • D24 Benign neoplasm of the mammary gland. (Fibroadenoma of the breast, etc.)

Symptoms of fibrocystic mastopathy

    Mastodynia - premenstrual edema of the breast: a feeling of enlargement, tension, engorgement of the breast.

  • Pain in the mammary gland.
  • The pain can be given to the shoulder, shoulder blade, armpit.
  • Sometimes: an increase in axillary lymph nodes.
  • Sometimes: discharge from the nipple (yellowish, greenish, brown-green).
Clinical phases of diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy

FCM diagnostics

Inspection and palpation

On examination, evaluate:
- the size of the breast (increased, reduced);
- the shape of the nipple (bulging, retraction);
- condition of the skin of the breast (redness, swelling, "lemon peel");
- nodular seals in the breast, their size, mobility, consistency;
- the nature of the discharge (if any) from the nipples.


Highly informative diagnostic study of the breast for young (up to 35 years old) women.
It is carried out in the first phase of the menstrual cycle.
With benign fibrocystic mastopathy, ultrasound of the breast reveals areas of different brightness. Conglomerates of white spots are characteristic of malignant processes in the breast.


A simple and fairly informative method differential diagnosis FKM. It is based on the registration of the temperature of the MF by a special device.
The temperature of the skin area over a benign formation is slightly increased compared to the temperature of the skin over a healthy area of ​​the breast (“cold” node).
A pronounced increase in temperature (“hot” node) indicates the possibility of a malignant process in the breast.

X-ray examination of the breast is especially important for women over 35 years of age.
Mammography is done in the first phase of the menstrual cycle (preferably immediately after the end of menstruation) in two projections.

Ductography - contrast mammography

The study is carried out in a hospital.
Indications for ductography:
- Discharge from the ducts of the breast.
- Intraductal papillomas.
- Breast cysts.
— Topical diagnostics of the pathological process in the breast.

Radioisotope diagnostics

The method is based on the property of radioactive phosphorus 32 P to accumulate in pathologically altered areas of the breast. The greatest accumulation and the least excretion of 32 R are observed in the tissues of a cancerous tumor.


with fine-needle aspiration (for differential diagnosis of various forms of FCM) with subsequent cytological examination of the aspirate.

Can fibrocystic mastopathy be cured?

It is possible if the tactics of treating FCM is general, and not isolated (symptomatic) in nature.

Individual treatment of mastopathy should be carried out after a thorough laboratory and instrumental examination of the patient and provide for a competent correction of her hormonal, mental and psychological status.

    For a successful result of FCM treatment, the cooperation of specialists is necessary: ​​a mammologist-oncologist, a gynecologist, an endocrinologist, a neurologist, a psychotherapist, and a surgeon.

There is no single algorithm for the treatment of diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy.

Large, growing (proliferating) nodular (fibroadenomas, cysts, papillomas) forms of FCM are treated promptly with mandatory histological examination removed tissue. Diffuse mastopathy is treated conservatively.

Ways to treat fibrocystic mastopathy

Non-hormonal therapy for diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy

1. Iodine preparations

activate the function of the thyroid gland and indirectly reduce the proliferative activity of tissues, promote the resorption of cystic elements in the breast.

1.1 Potassium iodide 0.25% solution: 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day after meals (drink with milk), excluding the days of menstruation. Course of treatment: up to 6-12 months.

1.2 "Klamin" - plant adaptogen, produced from brown algae (iodine content per 1 tablet: 50 mcg). Recommended intake: 1 tab. 3 times a day in an individual course.

2. Sedatives, nootropics, psychotropics, adaptogens

- appoints a neurologist to achieve the psycho-emotional comfort of the patient.

3. Diet

Limit: Animal fats, meat products, chocolate, tea, coffee, cocoa, cola, alcohol, table salt, refined sugars.
Increase: fiber content in the diet, fresh vegetables, fruits.

  • Vitamin A

It has an antiestrogenic effect, reduces the proliferation of the epithelium and stroma of the breast.
Recommended intake: 50,000 IU per day, individual course.

  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin B 6

Improves performance nervous system. Indirectly reduces the level of prolactin in the blood.
Recommended intake: 10-40 mg per day, individual course.

  • Vitamins C and P

Improve microcirculation. Strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce swelling.
Combined drug "Ascorutin" 1 tablet 2-3 times a day in an individual course.

5. Enzymatic absorbable preparations, immunomodulators

"Wobenzym", "Serta", "Alfetin", etc. (the frequency of taking the drug and the duration of the course of treatment is prescribed by the doctor).

6. Phytotherapy

Pharmacy herbal preparations "For the treatment of mastopathy"
taken in the second phase of the menstrual cycle for 3-6 months or more.

  • Plant antioxidant, immunomodulator "Fitolon".

The drug contains copper derivatives of chlorophyll. For a better absorbable action, it is prescribed in combination with herbal preparations: inside in the form of drops, tablets or locally in the form of oil applications on the breast (requires a doctor's consultation).

7. Homeopathy

7.1 Mastodinon is a combined herbal remedy for the treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy.
Recommended intake: 30 drops 2 times a day; or 1 tablet 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 3 or more months.

7.2 "Mastopol" - a drug for the treatment of mastopathy in the reproductive period.
Recommended intake: 1 tablet under the tongue 3 times a day for 8 weeks.

7.3 "Remens" - drug complex therapy FKM. Contributes to the normalization of hormonal balance, improves microcirculation and the functioning of the pituitary-hypothalamic-ovarian system,
Recommended intake: 10-15 drops 3 times a day. Individual course.

7.4 "Cyclodinone" - a preparation based on the extract of the rod. Normalizes the balance of female sex hormones, reduces the level of prolactin in the blood.
Recommended intake: 40 drops in the morning. For a long time.

8. dietary supplement

"Indinol" - herbal and mineral remedy for complex treatment and prevention of FCM.
Recommended intake: 1 capsule per day; course: 2-3 weeks.

Hormonal therapy for diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy

Hormonal treatment FCM is carried out individually, with a gynecologist, depending on age, presence and nature of gynecological pathology. The regimen and duration of therapy is prescribed by the doctor (all drugs have contraindications and side effects).

Gestagens (progesterones) Oral:

They are used in the 2nd phase (from 16 to 25 days, or from 14 to 28 days) of the menstrual cycle.
Primoliut, Norkolut, Provera, Dufaston, Utrozhestan, etc.


"Progestogel 1%" gel (natural micronized progesterone) - 1 dose of the drug is applied to the skin of the mammary glands 1 time per day.
Increases the local concentration of progesterone in the tissues of the breast, practically does not affect the level of progesterone in the general bloodstream.

By injection:

Depo Provera (medroxyprogesterone) is a long-acting drug administered intramuscularly once every 3 months.
"Norethindrone-enanthate" (NET-EN) - is administered intramuscularly 1 time in 2 months.


"Norplant" (levonorgestrel) - capsules with the drug are sewn under the skin.

Low-dose COCs

Individual therapy of fibrocystic mastopathy with combined oral contraceptives (estrogen content not more than 0.035 mg) gives a good therapeutic and prophylactic effect.
Rigevidon, Marvelon, Regulon, Mercilon, Femoden, Logest, Silest, Novinet, etc.

Antiestrogenic drugs

"Tamoxifen" at a dose of 10-20 microns / day, 3-6 months.
The drug stimulates ovulation, barrier contraception is recommended during the treatment period. It is not used for the treatment of cyclic mastopathy.


Treatment with these drugs is indicated mainly for older women (45 years or more):
Danazol (Danone), Methyltestosterone, Testobrom-lecid,
Sustanon-250, etc.

Drugs that suppress the secretion of prolactin

Dostinex (cabergoline), Parlodel (bromkriptin) - drugs inhibit the secretion of prolactin and growth hormone within a few hours after administration. Effective in the treatment of cyclic fibrocystic mastopathy, as well as FCM associated with organic / functional hyperprolactinemia.

GnRH agonists

They are used as injections after 45 years of age with a combination of FKM with uterine myoma, endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia.
Zoladex (gazerelin), Lucrin-depot (leuprorelin), Buserelin, Diferelin, Sinarel, etc.

Treatment of mastodynia

Treatment of premenstrual edema of the breast is carried out from the 16th to the 25th day of the menstrual cycle, along with PMS therapy under the supervision of a physician.

For pain in the breast: NSAIDs (ibuprofen, indomethacin, nimesulide, etc.) - 1 tablet (capsule, sachet) 2-3 times a day.
Diuretic means (to relieve tension and edema of the breast):
Furosemide: 0.02-0.04 g 1 time per day in the morning.
Hypothiazid: 0.05 g 1-2 times a day.

Fibrocystic mastopathy - consequences

FCM is a benign disease. But against the background of mastopathy, breast cancer develops more often. The danger of malignancy (degeneration into cancer) is represented by atypical and proliferative forms of FCM.

The risk of malignancy of fibrocystic mastopathy

Cases of mastopathy with severe pain syndrome (permanent, cyclic), with changes in the breast that are obvious on palpation, with discharge from the nipple, require consultation with a mammologist-oncologist.

Proper treatment of FCM will improve the quality of life of the patient and minimize the risk of developing breast cancer.

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Fibrocystic mastopathy (cysts of the mammary glands) is a benign disease of the mammary glands.

Breast cyst - A benign formation with a fluid component.

Why does fibrocystic mastopathy occur?

There are many factors that can lead to the occurrence of this pathology, but, as a rule, several reasons are most often distinguished.

1- Hormonal imbalance in female body (hormonal imbalance), diseases of an endocrine nature, such as: diseases of the female reproductive system, diseases of the thyroid gland, diabetes, liver disease (as a result of which the process of utilization of sex hormones is disrupted).

One of the most common causes of fibrocystic mastopathy may be an imbalance in the hormones of the female reproductive system.

Breast tissue is affected by cyclical changes that occur during the menstrual cycle. You should pay attention to hormones such as estrogen and progesterone (female sex hormones).

During the first phase of the cycle, the hormone estrogen is produced, in the second phase of the cycle, after ovulation, the hormone progesterone is produced.

Excessive secretion or, conversely, a lack of production of one of the hormones can lead to disruption of normal physiological processes in the breast tissue, which in turn contributes to the development of pathological proliferation of the epithelium - the growth of connective tissue, the formation of "cystic" tissue - cavities filled with fluid.

In other words, there is a change in the normal structure and function of breast tissue.

As a rule, when the balance of sex hormones is disturbed, the menstrual cycle shifts, although the consequences associated with the occurrence of breast pathology and the first complaints may be delayed.

2- Termination of pregnancy (miscarriages, abortions)

One of the causes of mastopathy may be a previous abortion, as it is also associated with a sharp release and decrease in hormones in the female body.

3- Gynecological diseases

Diseases such as: Chronic inflammatory diseases in the pelvis, adnexitis, endometriosis, polycystic ovaries, etc. can lead to the development of the mechanism of formation of cystic mastopathy. But it is not always possible to track and identify the relationship between these diseases.

4- Injuries, inflammatory diseases of the mammary gland (mastitis).

Injury, inflammation, can lead to the formation of fibrous tissue ("scar"), which negatively affects the condition of the capillaries and glandular tissue.

Depending on the severity of pathological processes, the severity and manifestation of fibrocystic mastopathy varies.

5- Taking hormonal drugs.

Taking hormonal drugs, and in most cases we are talking about oral contraceptives, intrauterine devices, of course, also affects the processes occurring in the breast tissue.

The pathological mechanism is also associated with a violation of the hormonal background, but instead of a violation of the production of one's own hormones, an imbalance occurs associated with the use of hormonal drugs.

It is worth noting that not in all cases, hormones obtained from "outside" can worsen the situation. In some situations, taking hormones has a positive effect on the “health” of breast tissue. Rebalancing hormonal balance.


Not everyone takes seriously stress as the cause of the onset or aggravation of the course of fibrocystic mastopathy.

Actually, this is one of important points during the treatment or diagnosis of this condition.

Stress can trigger a cascade of processes affecting the condition of breast tissue. Therefore, one of the possible reasons should not be overlooked.

What are the symptoms of fibrocystic breast disease?

1- Chest pain.

One of the most frequent and common complaints in fibrocystic mastopathy is chest pain.

The pain can be both strongly expressed in the form of burning, tingling, "lumbago", tingling, in the chest and axillary region, and manifest itself as slight discomfort.

The appearance of pain in the chest, as a rule, is cyclical and may be associated with the menstrual cycle.

The pain appears a few days before the onset of menstruation, or in the middle of the cycle, gradually decreasing, or passing with the beginning of the cycle.

2- Feeling of swelling and "heaviness" in the chest.

With fibrocystic mastopathy, due to a pathological physiological process in the breast tissue, there may be swelling. expressiveness given symptom depends on the degree of development of the disease.

Often, girls who have been breastfed compare their feelings, as if their breasts are "filled" with milk.

In some cases, there may even be a slight increase in breast size due to the severity of edema.


Discharge from the nipples may not always accompany fibrocystic mastopathy, but the presence of such discharge is important for differential diagnosis and final diagnosis.

Allocations can be both abundant, leave marks on clothes, and have a meager character, appear only with pressure.

With fibrocystic mastopathy, the discharge can be transparent, green, straw-colored.

It is VERY important to remember that there are formations - intraductal cystadenopapilloma, which have a similar clinical picture in the form of bloody, brown discharge from the nipple. But such formations can be reborn in CANCER! In order to correctly diagnose, it is necessary in the presence of discharge from the nipple of the mammary gland, immediately see a DOCTOR!


Seals in the chest can be both local in nature, palpable in one place, and diffuse - multiple seals in different parts of the mammary gland.

With fibrocystic mastopathy, cysts can form that are not accessible to palpation. size from 2 mm., and up to 10 mm.

But it is not uncommon for cysts to reach even more impressive sizes of 1 cm or more. Cystic formations have round, clear contours and can be localized in any of the departments of the mammary gland.

Large cysts can form in a matter of days.

When pressing on the formation, pain may occur.


What examination should be done to make a diagnosis?

Before any examination should be preceded by a consultation with a doctor - a mammologist, oncologist.

The main methods of diagnostics allowing to make a diagnosis are

1- Mammography

X-ray examination of the mammary glands is performed in women aged 35 - 40 years, or according to indications.

(Fig. 7. Breast cyst, as seen on a mammogram)

2- Ultrasound of the mammary glands (see the article ultrasound of the mammary glands )

One of the available and informative methods allows with a greater degree of certainty to diagnose fibrocystic mastopathy.

(Figure 8. Breast cyst on ultrasound)

3- Breast puncture

Performing a needle aspiration biopsy has certain indications.

Needle biopsy should be performed if there is doubt about the diagnosis. For differential diagnosis, it is necessary to take a certain amount of material for cytological examination.

Puncturing of the cyst is performed only if the size of the cyst is large, from 1 cm or more.

(Figure 8. Cyst puncture)

4- Cytological examination of the discharge from the nipple.

In the presence of discharge from the nipple, a cytological study should be carried out to determine the morphological nature of the cells (identification of atypical cells).

Can fibrocystic mastopathy turn into breast cancer?

Fibrocystic mastopathy, breast cysts in breast cancer DO NOT REBIRTH!

There are many stereotypes associated with the fact that the presence of mastopathy leads to breast cancer, but fortunately this is not the case.

Indeed, the presence of fibrocystic mastopathy is an unfavorable phenomenon in the overall picture of the possibility of breast cancer. Due to the fact that proliferative processes (accelerated cell division) can indirectly affect and become one of the causes in the totality of factors in the development of cancer.

But it should be understood that the severity of fibrocystic mastopathy can vary from more to less. In addition, breast cancer has a multi-etiological cause (several) and only the presence of fibrocystic mastopathy cannot lead to the development of breast cancer in the future.

How to treat fibrocystic mastopathy (breast cysts)?

1- First of all, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease!

Since the most common cause of mastopathy is an imbalance of hormones, then the treatment should be appropriate.

To identify dishormonal changes in the female reproductive system, hormones (estradiol, progesterone, FSH, prolactin) should be taken.

In the presence of gynecological pathology - ultrasound of the pelvis.

In case of thyroid pathology, perform an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, donate blood for hormones (T3, T4, TSH).

2- Treatment with drugs.

In the treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy, bioactive supplements of plant origin are used, such as: Mastodinon, Mamoklam, Indinol, Wobenzym, etc. Ointments local application with the content of the hormone progesterone - Progestogel. The use of drugs is also practiced: Duphaston, Utrozhestan.

Each of the drugs requires discussion with the doctor !!! Due to the possibility side effect! Do not under any circumstances use medications on your own without consulting a doctor!

It should be said that not always and in all cases, fibrocystic mastopathy needs treatment.