The first symptoms and treatment of colored lichen in humans. Treatment of multi-colored (color) lichen Remedies for colored lichen

Are you a neat and clean person who carefully monitors the condition of your skin? Then, at the sight of even a tiny pimple or scratch, you strive to immediately get rid of this flaw. All women and men, even if they do not talk about it, dream of silky, smooth and elastic skin.

Often we become unwitting contemplators of terrifying photos of people with serious skin problems. We can only sympathize with many of them, since there are skin diseases that are practically not amenable to any treatment. Fortunately, there are not so many of them, but to get rid of most skin ailments modern medicine has developed effective treatment regimens that allow you to get rid of an insidious disease once and for all.

One of the most common pretexts for contacting a dermatologist is such an unpleasant phenomenon as color lichen. There are many reasons that can cause this skin disease and many effective ways problem solving. How to recognize color lichen and what needs to be done to eliminate it, we will consider further.

What is lichen and why "colored"?

Lichen colorus is a skin disease caused by fungi. It manifests itself in the form of spots of different colors. Basically, this disease is diagnosed in people who are prone to the development of dermatomycosis. Traditionally, this insidious disease lies in wait for its potential victims in the hot season, when the air temperature and humidity are set, ideal for the reproduction of fungal microorganisms.

Colored lichen is a skin disease that, in principle, is not capable of causing serious harm to the human body, however, due to the unpleasant appearance of the spots, one gives a person considerable psychological discomfort. Already at the first manifestations of the disease, one should be puzzled by the choice of an effective method of treatment. The sooner you start to act, the sooner such an unaesthetic problem will leave your life.

Ringworm or simple peeling? An accurate diagnosis in each case can only be made by a dermatologist. However, you should seriously worry about the state of your health if small protruding spots appear on the skin. As a rule, these formations, starting from the mouths of the follicles, have a yellowish-brownish-pink color. If measures are not taken in time, then these protrusions merge into spots, located mainly on the back, neck, shoulders, chest, and scalp. Such formations are characterized by the absence of symmetry. Some patients experience mild itching in the affected area from time to time. Gradually, the zone of influence of fungi changes its color to a darker, brownish or coffee.

Many of us, having found “colored” spots on our bodies, are tormented by the question: what caused the development of colored lichen. As mentioned earlier, the main "culprit" of this unfortunate event can be considered a predisposition to ringworm. However, there are several more reasons for the appearance of unwanted "spotting" on the body:

  • Violation of physiological processes occurring in the epidermis.
  • Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating).
  • Diseases of the endocrine system, including diabetes.
  • A sharp decrease in immunity, the cause of which may be a recent infectious disease.
  • Abuse of hygiene products with aggressive chemical composition(shower gels, antibacterial soaps, scrubs).

Often, infection with color lichen occurs through personal contact with people suffering from this disease, or through the use of personal items belonging to them. That is, having a predisposition to the development of dermatomycosis, you can easily “grab” colored lichen in the fitting room of a store or in a public locker room.

Colored lichen treatment: where to start?

If spots characteristic of lichen color appear on the skin, you should immediately seek help from a medical institution, where a dermatologist, after examining and clarifying the diagnosis, will be able to prescribe certain medicines, procedures, diet to get rid of terrible spots. Depending on the test results, other specialists may need to be consulted.

What to do if there are problems with the skin, as they say, but there is no opportunity to immediately contact a specialized institution? To make the manifestations of colored lichen less bright and relieve itching, you can use simple recipes. To treat the affected areas, a diluted tincture of calendula is suitable, which 3-4 times a day needs to be treated on the skin in the places where the spots appear. Onion juice is also suitable for rubbing.

You should not get too carried away with self-medication before visiting a doctor, since such "self-medication" can cause great harm to our body. It is worth using creams, sprays, lotions, tablets, ointments, shampoos, tinctures prepared according to folk recipes, solutions of medicines only after coordinating such treatment with a specialist competent in this matter. Uncontrolled intake of antimycotics can cause unpleasant relapses in the future.

Medicines for the treatment of colored lichen

The following ointments are used to treat such a skin disease as color lichen:

  • Sulfuric or sulfuric-salicylic.
  • Miconazole.
  • Mycospor.
  • Econazole.
  • Travogen.
  • From fragrant rue.
  • Sorrel.
  • From St. John's wort.
  • From white hellebore.
  • Herbal.

When diagnosing lichen color, creams clotrimazole, ketoconazole and some other medications produced in creamy form are also prescribed.

In most cases, to obtain a 100% result, local exposure to the affected areas is not enough. Then the “heavy artillery” enters the battle for the purity and health of the body - pills for colored lichen:

  • Nizoral.
  • Fluconazole.
  • Lamisil.
  • Fulcin.
  • Griseofulvin.
  • Thermizil.
  • Kestin.
  • Exefin.
  • Skin-cap.
  • Psoril.
  • Rumikoz.
  • Irunin.

These effective pharmacological preparations allow you to cope with the most persistent fungi. Adhering to the rules of personal hygiene in the future, you will forget about skin problems.

Why does it occur and how to cope with itching and irritation?

Psoriasis is an extremely unpleasant disease, but it can be cured with the help of the mud of the Kulunda Lake, a review about it.

Folk recipes for the treatment of colored lichen

Alternative medicine also offers enough effective methods getting rid of color lichen.

  • Here, for example, the impact on the affected areas with a cooled solution of boric acid (10 g of acid powder per 200 ml of boiling water). If you painstakingly lubricate the affected areas with this composition for ten days, then your skin will very quickly take on its original appearance.
  • Another option for returning the skin to its normal state is to treat the affected areas with onion juice.
  • An effective solution for baths and compresses can be prepared by pouring 800 ml of hot water into 3 tablespoons of a mixture of string and eucalyptus, taken in a 1: 1 ratio. The healing broth is kept in a water bath for forty minutes, and then filtered and cooled.
  • Lotions for the treatment of colored lichen can be prepared by grinding celandine and pouring boiling water over it. For 400 ml of liquid, one tablespoon of crushed plant stems will be required. Infuse the mixture for a quarter of an hour.

The main thing in the treatment of colored lichen is determination and a positive attitude. If you believe in the result and diligently follow the doctor's instructions every day, and not engage in amateur activities, then the positive dynamics will not be long in coming. Antifungal agents, as a preventive measure, can be prescribed to members of your family. This will avoid unwanted relapses.

What is versicolor in humans? This is a dermatological disease in which only the upper (horny) layer of the skin is affected. "Beach sickness", pityriasis versicolor or solar fungus - the same name for this phenomenon.

With the disease, inflammatory symptoms are practically absent, and the disease itself is considered almost non-contagious. What you need to know about multi-colored lichen?

What is versicolor in humans?

The causative agent of multi-colored lichen is the microscopic fungus Pityrpsporum orbiculare (its other name is Malassezia furfur). Upon contact with the upper layer of the epidermis, spores are placed in the mouths of the follicles.

If you look at them in more detail under a microscope, you will notice that they look like thick and curved filaments, as well as small clusters of round spores.

It is generally accepted that one of the first signs of the disease of multi-colored lichen is increased sweating (it is necessary to study the biochemical composition of sweat), as well as peeling of the upper layer of the epidermis. Some people may have a natural predisposition to pityriasis versicolor.

The disease multi-colored lichen can affect not only the skin, but also the hair follicles and nail plates. Fungus spores can stay in the body for a long time and become active when a favorable period comes for them.

There is a misconception that this type of lichen often affects people who have had or are suffering from tuberculosis. It is noteworthy that the sun fungus is often found in young people. Elderly people and small children get sick with it extremely rarely, especially for babies in the age category up to 7 years.

The risk group consists of those who have reduced immunity, suffer from diabetes mellitus, vegetative neurosis, and also tuberculosis. There is a connection with increased sweating in adolescence, or before it begins.

The period of development of colored lichen passes in waves, it then calms down, then it begins to develop rapidly. Particularly dangerous periods are the end of spring, summer and the beginning of autumn, when the temperature remains consistently high, as does air humidity.

Top 10 causes of lichen

Multicolored lichen does not pose a serious threat to health, however, its visible manifestations can cause physiological and psychological discomfort to the sick person. Not to mention the unaesthetic appearance of the epidermis.

Why is lichen called colored? During the development of the spots, which are caused by the vital activity of the fungus, change their color (starting from yellow, pink to brown, red). Therefore, lichen began to be called "colored."

Affected flakes are short, thick, curved, and may form clusters.

How is lichen transmitted, is infection possible from person to person? More on that below.

High-risk places where you can get infected:

  • public baths, swimming pools, saunas;
  • unkempt beaches, as well as places of rest;
  • locker rooms, fitting rooms.

The incubation period of "beach sickness" is on average from 2 weeks to several months. For a person, this, as a rule, goes completely unnoticed.

Among the most common causes of multi-colored lichen are:

  1. Individual predisposition to this unpleasant disease.
  2. Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis).
  3. Isolation of excess sebum.
  4. Diseases of the endocrine system.
  5. Reduced immune defense of the body.
  6. Vegetovascular dystonia.
  7. The period of tuberculosis disease (lungs, kidneys, urinary organs, bone tissue).
  8. The course of infectious diseases.
  9. If the patient is prone to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver.
  10. Failure of the hormonal background, especially in women during gynecological diseases, menopause, gestation.

Symptoms of manifestation

Multicolored lichen is almost asymptomatic, so it is necessary to detect it in time and start treatment. The following are symptoms of sun fungus disease:

  1. Formation on the upper (horny) layer of the epidermis asymmetrical spots of yellow, pink or brown. Over time, they increase and occupy an increasing area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. Most often located at the level of the chest or back, less often - on the neck, face, abdomen, sides, shoulders and forearms. In some cases, they can even form on the scalp.
  2. Over time, the spots become light brown. They are flat, no neoplasms.
  3. They may not bother a person who is ill with multi-colored lichen at all. In some cases, they begin to itch a lot.
  4. A characteristic feature is the constant peeling of the skin affected by the fungus (easily detected by scraping).

In adolescence, the vastness of the appearance of spots can be very large - in the armpits, on the back, abdomen, on the arms and legs, on the head, etc.

3 methods for diagnosing "beach sickness"

Pityriasis versicolor is very easy to identify and start effective treatment diseases. In some cases, additional diagnostic methods are used:

  1. Balzer's iodine test. The epidermis is lubricated with a 5% alcohol-based iodine solution. The areas affected by lichen are processed. In locations where the epidermis is looser, an intense color appears. In some cases, instead of an alcoholic solution of iodine, an aniline-based dye solution can be used.
  2. "The phenomenon of shavings" (or Besnier's symptom). To begin with, peeling is scraped off the affected area of ​​the skin, after which the infected areas are searched using a special “Wood's filter”. Diagnosis should be carried out in a dark room to distinguish the fluorescent color of sun fungus spots (brown, reddish or yellowish).
  3. Biochemical analysis. With the help of scraping, spores of a microscopic fungus can be detected in the upper layer of biological tissue. The resulting sample is treated with a caustic alkali solution.

If you have the above symptoms, then you should not delay visiting a dermatologist. Timely diagnosis (even asymptomatic cases) will help to detect foci of the disease of multi-colored lichen, confirm the diagnosis. After treatment, a false (secondary) leukoderma is formed.

This type of lichen is sometimes confused with the following diseases:

  1. Roseola syphilis. The formation on the skin of a pink color, which disappears with gentle pressure.
  2. Pink lichen. The appearance of pinkish spots that are localized on the epidermis along the Langer tension lines. A special sign is that they have a slightly elongated shape (in some cases diamond-shaped), and in the center of the spot they usually peel intensively.
  3. Leucoderma syphilis. The appearance of whitish spots that are located on the skin in the form of a lacy mesh. Place of localization - neck, armpits, sides.

Question answer

You can encounter this type of lichen with close contact, using the patient's hygiene products.

If there are spots on the skin that peel off, provoke itching, you can suspect the development of versicolor versicolor.

Treatment (medication)

It is strictly forbidden to independently treat manifestations of solar lichen (both primary and secondary). It is impossible to accurately identify multi-colored lichen on your own, as well as to prescribe the correct treatment.

This can only aggravate the situation, and also cause numerous relapses. Only a qualified doctor will be able to choose the drugs and procedures in the best way so that the symptoms of multi-colored lichen stop and the pathogen is destroyed.

There are many options for getting rid of this problem. One of the most common schemes is treatment with medications (for example, Andreasyan's liquid, a solution of salicylic-resorcinol alcohol, a special ointment based on sulfur, mycosolone, etc.).

Treatment is fast - from 3 to 7 days (depending on the degree of "neglect" of the problem and the extent of the localization of the fungus). After the end of the course of treatment, the patient is usually prescribed baths with soap and a hard washcloth.

The essence of the treatment is that peeling is removed from the skin, which contains spores of a microscopic fungus. In order for the lichen not to return, in order to avoid repeated relapses, the skin needs to be treated with antifungal drugs from time to time and thoroughly scrubbed.

Other treatments for fungus include special gels, shampoos, creams and lotions that contain salicylic alcohol and medicinal herbal extracts. May I help .

You need to use them from 2 to 3 courses, taking short breaks. Usually the duration of the course is 2 weeks. It is recommended to use medical cosmetics 2 to 3 times a day.

During the treatment of lichen on the body, it is necessary to monitor not only the cleanliness, but also the hygiene of the living quarters.

Once a day, you need to carry out a thorough wet cleaning, as well as airing the rooms. Bed and underwear should be soaked in boiling water, after which it should be washed as usual.

In some cases, pseudoleukoderma may form on the skin after treatment. To eliminate it, the doctor may recommend procedures using ultraviolet radiation.

There are also alternative treatment regimens that are considered the most effective and modern. In this case, the likelihood of re-infection recurrence is reduced to an absolute minimum.

These schemes include etiotropic therapy. Its essence lies in the fact that the causative fungus is completely destroyed.

The antifungal drug accumulates in the upper layer of the epidermis, and suppresses the vital activity of the pathogen. In this case, the process of natural skin renewal will stop.

Despite the fact that the disease with this type of lichen is considered practically not contagious, all members of the patient's family are subject to examination by a dermatologist. This also applies to those persons who were in close contact with the patient.

Diagnostics is carried out using a special fluorescent lamp (see the types of diagnostics above).

To prevent the appearance of sun fungus on the skin, it is recommended to wear clothes only from natural hygroscopic fabric (especially underwear). Do not forget about the thorough hygiene of the epidermal integument, you need to take frequent baths with soap and a hard washcloth.

Once every 7 days, you can also lubricate the skin with ordinary pharmacy salicylic alcohol. When the first signs of excessive sweating, in some cases itching, appear, you should immediately seek the advice of a doctor.

  1. Avoid unkempt dirty beaches.
  2. If you visit public pools, ponds, saunas, baths, then do not forget to thoroughly wash your skin with a washcloth and soap while swimming.
  3. After bathing, let your skin dry, and only then start sunbathing.
  4. Be sure to use sunscreen on your face and body. And it is better to buy them in trusted pharmacies.
  5. Do not allow anyone to use your personal hygiene items - a bath towel, as well as face and foot towels. Wash these items frequently. Also, do not use other people's accessories.
  6. After playing sports, outdoor activities, take a hygienic shower or bath.

Strengthening the immune defense of the body is also considered a good method of prevention. Start hardening, take baths with sea salt and periodically lubricate the skin with solutions of salicylic alcohol or vinegar.Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

Multicolored lichen is wonderfully treated, but you should not treat yourself. For successful therapy, certain medications, ointments are needed. In some cases, the fight against the disease is delayed up to 2-3 months. In addition, the disease can worsen again.

Aisha Baron

plastic surgeon

With this type of lichen, ointments such as Bifonazole, Clotrimazole are often prescribed. In addition, it is useful to wipe the skin with a salicylic solution, to which chamomile is added. As a result, the surface of the epidermis, where fungal spores are located, is exfoliated. Lamisil spray is also often used, which perfectly fights fungal infections. Don't underestimate and folk methods, since various lotions, for example, from St. John's wort, have proven themselves well.

Always try to follow the basic rules of hygiene and care for your body - this will help to avoid unpleasant disease. It is worth looking at a photo of multi-colored lichen in a person to see his symptoms, read about the treatment regimen.

But do not self-medicate, as this may not only not eliminate the problem, but also aggravate it. At the first manifestations, be sure to go to a dermatologist for a consultation.

Multicolored () lichen in humans is a fungal infection of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. The disease occurs mainly in young people, regardless of gender. In children, it is relatively rare and is usually associated with a chronic pathology leading to a significant decrease in immunity. More often, multi-colored lichen affects people living in areas with a hot and humid climate. The disease is not accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, despite the unsightly appearance.

Without adequate treatment, brown spots remain on the human body for a long time, which deprives the patient of self-confidence and gives rise to psychological complexes. In women, the disease often begins during pregnancy, and after the birth of a baby, in addition to everyday problems, they are concerned about the question: is multi-colored lichen contagious or not? Understanding the processes occurring in the skin when interacting with the pathogen, allows you to understand the essence of the pathology and the principles of effective treatment.

Briefly about the structure of the skin

The skin is a unique human organ, consisting of several layers, the most superficial of which is the epidermis (stratified keratinized epithelium). The cellular composition of the epidermis is updated daily: dead cells fall off its surface, taking microbes, particles of dust and dirt with them. Such an organization is possible due to the intensive reproduction of the cells of the basal (lowest layer) epithelium. Young cells gradually move up, as they are forced out from below by younger epithelial cells. Gradually, they accumulate keratin (solid durable protein), lose their nucleus and die. The uppermost layer of the epithelium consists of horny scales - dead epithelial cells filled with keratin. On the surface, they are loosely interconnected and gradually fall off.

The living cells of the epidermis are so tightly interconnected that even viral particles, the smallest pathogenic agents, cannot penetrate through them. The surface of the skin is additionally protected by a lipid film produced by the sebaceous glands. Immunity cells secrete protective proteins into the upper layers of the epithelium - secretory immunoglobulin A. They bind pathogenic microorganisms that get on the skin and prevent their penetration deep into. The secret of the sweat glands has a bactericidal effect due to another protective protein - lysozyme. Thus, human skin is reliably protected from the introduction of pathogenic agents from the external environment.


The causative agent of multi-colored lichen is an opportunistic fungus Malassezia furfur (Malassesia furfur). It lives on the skin of 90% of healthy people as part of normal microflora in the form of inactive spores. Protective epidermal factors prevent the germination of spores, however, a decrease in their activity leads to the appearance of a vegetative form of the fungus - mycelium. Mycelium is an actively proliferating pathogen cells that grow into deep epithelial layers and cause a weak inflammatory process in them.

The protective reaction of the epithelium to the introduction of the fungus is an increased reproduction of the cells of the basal layer. The renewal of the epidermis occurs more intensively in order to remove the pathogen from the body together with the horny scales. Therefore, the affected areas of the fungus intensively peel off with small pityriasis scales, which gave another name to multi-colored lichen - "pityriasis versicolor".

Immunity cells react poorly to the fungus, as they are accustomed to its constant presence on the skin surface in the form of inactive spores. Immune defense is mediated only by humoral factors - blood proteins, which leads to the development of inflammation in the epidermis, similar to an allergic reaction. Often it is ineffective and without treatment the disease flows for years, often recurs.

The pathogenic form of the fungus is practically not contagious, but can be dangerous for people with reduced immunity: pregnant women, elderly, weakened children. How is the causative agent of multicolored lichen transmitted? Infection is possible with:

  • close bodily contact with the sick;
  • sharing bed and underwear;
  • using common personal hygiene items (washcloth, towel).

Predisposing factors

As mentioned above, spores of the fungus Malassezia furfur live on the skin of most healthy people. However, for the development of pathology, certain conditions are necessary so that they can germinate. The main causes of the appearance of multi-colored lichen:

  • pregnancy;
  • diabetes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • prolonged psycho-emotional stress;
  • exhaustion;
  • viral infection;
  • surgical intervention;
  • tumors;
  • HIV infection;
  • (excessive sweating);
  • treatment with glucocorticoids or cytostatics;
  • hypovitaminosis A.

Multicolored lichen during pregnancy occurs against the background of a natural decrease in immunity under the influence of hormonal changes. Most often, its symptoms appear after 5-6 months of bearing crumbs, since by this time the suppression of the immune system becomes clinically significant.


The main symptoms of multi-colored lichen:

  • yellow/pink/light brown spots on the skin;
  • increased peeling of the affected areas;
  • mild itching.

Morphological elements of multi-colored lichen are spots of various colors. Initially, they form around the mouths of the hair follicles and gradually grow to a considerable size. Lichen elements can merge with each other, forming figures with uneven contours. Their color is different, so lichen is called multi-colored. Mature spots are usually dark brown or café-au-lait.

The edges of the foci are flush with the skin surface and do not differ in touch from healthy tissue. Their palpation does not cause any discomfort to the patient; when pressed, they do not disappear. The surface of the spots is covered with small white dry scales, which are easily removed by scraping. In some cases, peeling is detected only when scratching.

The spots are located asymmetrically, that is, on the right and left half of the body, their localizations can be different. Most often they occur on the skin of the chest, back, neck, abdomen. Less often - on the scalp, upper limbs, hips. In children and in puberty, the spots spread widely over the skin, capturing the neck, chest, back, armpits and limbs.

What is dangerous multi-colored lichen? A long persistent course of the disease leads to sensitization of the body - excessive activity of the immune response. A similar mechanism underlies skin allergic reactions, atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis.


A dermatologist is engaged in the diagnosis of multi-colored lichen. He examines the patient, collects an anamnesis, studies complaints and takes material for further research. The long course of the disease, the gradual increase in size of the spots, the variability of their color and the absence of unpleasant symptoms - all these signs speak in favor of pityriasis versicolor. In the anamnesis, as a rule, the doctor reveals any reasons for the decrease in immunity.

In doubtful cases, the dermatologist's arsenal has a number of clarifying tests for the diagnosis of pityriasis versicolor:

  • Balzer's test - a skin area, capturing the spot area, is smeared with an alcohol solution of iodine. The fungus causes loosening of the stratum corneum, so areas of lichen are stained with iodine more intensely than healthy epidermis.
  • Besnier's symptom (the phenomenon of "chips") - if you draw the edge of a glass slide over the surface of the stain, the upper scales of the stratum corneum peel off in the form of small chips.
  • Irradiation with a Woods lamp - the light of a mercury-quartz lamp, passing through a glass Woods filter, causes fluorescence in the fungal cells. Malassezia furfur gives a yellow or yellow-brown glow when exposed to a patient in a darkened room.

Additionally, microscopy of skin scales obtained from lichen spots is carried out. To do this, the doctor scrapes the skin in the lesion with a glass slide and carefully collects scales on it. Next, the laboratory assistant soaks them in a weak solution of alkali and examines them under a microscope. The mycelium of Malassezia furfur is defined as thick short curved filaments, 2-4 µm in diameter. Along with them, spores of the fungus are found - rounded formations covered with a two-layer capsule, arranged in the form of grapes.

Before treating pityriasis versicolor, a dermatologist prescribes a series of studies to determine the cause of the disease:

  • General blood test with leukoformula - allows you to evaluate general state organism, the number and ratio of different classes immune cells, suspect an immune disorder or a chronic inflammatory disease.
  • Determination of blood glucose and tolerance to it - multi-colored lichen in older people often indicates a violation of carbohydrate metabolism. If a slight increase in fasting blood glucose is detected, a glucose tolerance test is performed. To do this, the patient determines the sugar on an empty stomach, then give sweetened water to drink and re-determine the sugar content at regular intervals. If during the allotted period the glucose concentration does not return to normal, further studies are carried out.
  • Biochemical analysis of blood - provides indicative information about the work of various body systems. Multicolored lichen can appear in various chronic diseases, which can be suspected by changes in the biochemical composition of the blood.
  • Blood ELISA for antibodies to HIV - the infection has a detrimental effect on the cells of the immune system, which leads to immunodeficiency and a decrease in the activity of epidermal protective factors.

These indicative tests allow the doctor to narrow the circle of diagnostic search for the root cause of the disease. Finding and eliminating it is a guarantee that the treatment of multi-colored lichen will be successful.


How to treat pityriasis versicolor is best known to a dermatologist, so consultation with him is necessary for every patient. Treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis, the patient does not need a disability certificate. If, according to the results of the tests, the patient has impaired glucose tolerance, a diet is prescribed for multi-colored lichen. It implies limitation simple carbohydrates to the physiological minimum. The patient needs to exclude from his diet sweets, sugary drinks, some fruits, white bread and pastries, limit the consumption of potatoes, corn, white rice.

The basis of the treatment of multi-colored lichen are:

  • Keratolytic drugs - they break the bonds between the horny scales, thereby accelerating the renewal of the epidermis and the removal of the pathogen from its thickness.
  • Antimycotics - they violate life cycle fungus, prevent the reproduction of mycelium and its further spread.

With a limited form of the disease (one or more small foci), the doctor prescribes antifungal drugs for topical use:

  • Fluconazole;
  • Terbinafine;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Miconazole;
  • Ketoconazole;
  • Bifonazole.

An ointment or spray with an antimycotic is applied to the changed area and adjacent healthy tissues 1-2 times a day for a week. As a rule, such a course of treatment is enough to eliminate the manifestations of lichen. Its disadvantage is the high toxicity of antifungal drugs.

Alternative treatment regimens combine skin treatment with a keratolytic and a natural antifungal. Effective remedy- 2% salicylic acid (alcohol solution). It is applied with a cotton pad on the hearth, after which it is smeared with iodine or Fukortsin (Castelani paint) is used.

A talker with salicylic acid, alcohol and resorcinol has a good therapeutic effect. It is prepared by prescription in state pharmacies. The tool has a short shelf life, so for the treatment of relapses, you should order a fresh portion. A 2-4% solution of boric acid penetrates well into the affected tissues and stops the growth of the mycelium of Malassezia furfur. Treatment with boric acid is contraindicated in children and pregnant women, as it has a toxic effect when absorbed into the blood.

Treatment by the Demyanovich method is the treatment of the skin with one of the following means:

  • 20% benzyl benzoate solution;
  • 10% sulfur-salicylic ointment;
  • 60% sodium hyposulfite solution.

After them, 6% hydrochloric acid is applied to the foci of lichen - it has a pronounced antifungal effect.

The doctor prescribes systemic treatment for lichen (tablets) for widespread skin lesions or persistent recurrent course of the disease. Intraconazole tablets are taken 100 mg 2 times a day after meals for 15 days. In case of ineffectiveness, the course of treatment is repeated after 2 weeks. Therapy with antifungal agents negatively affects the liver, so the doctor monitors its condition when taking antimycotics inside. Treatment of multi-colored lichen at home can only be carried out with products that do not contain antifungal components.

Preventive measures

To prevent relapses, it is recommended to use antifungal shampoos (Nizoral, Ketoconazole) from March to May. The product is used as a shower gel for 3 consecutive days once a month. People who have been ill need to wear clothes made from natural fabrics - they allow sweat to evaporate from the surface of the skin and do not create a greenhouse effect favorable for the development of the fungus.

During treatment, the patient's bed linen should be disinfected in a 2% soap and soda solution. To obtain it, you need to dilute a tablespoon of soda in 1 liter of hot water and add shavings of laundry soap to it. The laundry is soaked in this solution for several hours, and then it is washed in the usual way. After washing, the linen is ironed on both sides with steam to prevent re-infection with the pathogenic form of the fungus.

Pityriasis multicolor is a marker of suppression of the immune system as a whole or a violation of the protective barrier of the skin. Treatment of skin manifestations must necessarily be combined with the search for the root cause of the disease and its correction. Otherwise, a series of long-term relapses of lichen, resistant to any therapy, awaits a person.

Multi-colored (colored, sweaty, bran lichen) is a skin disease caused by yeast-like fungi. The main difference between the pathology is that an infected person is not able to infect others. Apart from the aesthetically unattractive appearance the disease does not give any unpleasant symptoms.

What is this article about?

The main causes of color deprivation

One of the main risk factors is a violation of the body's immune defenses. Reduced immunity contributes to the active reproduction of the fungus, the development of foci of infection.

The risk category includes people who are prone to chronic diseases, for example, diabetes, tuberculosis, oncology, HIV. Changes in hormonal levels can aggravate a health problem, especially in adolescence and during pregnancy.

Mycosis may be due to increased sweating, changes in the structure of the patient's sweat. For this reason, rashes of pityriasis versicolor appear after hard physical labor, stress, nervous experiences, poor nutrition, beriberi, and lack of sleep.

With multi-colored lichen, the fungus is located on the chest, arms, shoulders and neck, scalp. Dark brown spots appear on the skin, prone to:

  1. peeling;
  2. the formation of scaly crusts;
  3. severe itching.

The color of the rash varies depending on the type of skin, season. So, in dark-skinned people, pink spots appear, on light skin they are brown or yellow.

Pityriasis versicolor is called because of the scaly scales that visually resemble bran. Despite the quality and long-term treatment an increased risk of permanent relapses cannot be ruled out.

Due to the fact that the infection violates the integrity of the integument, under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the lichen does not darken, but appears as white spots. The affected areas differ significantly in color from healthy skin.

The disease develops for a long time, in the absence of adequate therapy, the formation of large foci of infection occurs. Quite often, multi-colored lichen develops due to a genetic predisposition to the disease.

In such cases, it is almost impossible to cure the pathology forever, but there are high chances to slow down the progression.

Methods for diagnosing lichen

Bright specific symptoms clearly indicate the presence of the disease, but the doctor needs to differentiate lichen color from other dermatological diseases with a similar clinical picture.

The main diagnostic methods: examination of skin scrapings under a microscope, Balzer's test for latent peeling, the use of a Wood's lamp, in which lichen color begins to glow brown or yellow. Additionally, the patient donates blood and urine.

These techniques make it possible to distinguish color lichen from similar pathological conditions:

  1. syphilitic roseola;
  2. pink lichen;
  3. syphilitic leukoderma;
  4. dry streptoderma.

Syphilitic roseola is characterized by spots of the same size, but they do not have the ability to merge together, as is the case with multi-colored lichen. Pink lichen is manifested by the presence of a maternal plaque, pink spots of various sizes.

With syphilitic leukoderma, white spots with clear contours appear on the integument, and with dry streptoderma, the patient notices single large light-colored spots.

Treatment options

Any remedy for depriving a person is used after diagnosing and determining the type of pathogen. When pityriasis versicolor is confirmed, drugs aimed at the rapid elimination of skin rashes, the relief of the inflammatory process, and the destruction of pathogenic flora are shown.

Oral tablets, antifungal ointment, cream, gel, spray, shampoo are used with equal effectiveness. Topical antimycotic drugs work especially well for initial stage diseases. Tablets are recommended for lesions of large areas of the skin, will become part of complex therapy.

Additionally, the doctor may prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics, which is important if a bacterial infection is attached. It can be the usual Gentamicin ointment, Clotrimazole. In order to prevent allergic reactions of the body, take antihistamines, their names can be obtained from the doctor.

Antiseptic agents are used to relieve inflammation:

  • talkers;
  • rubbing;
  • spray can;
  • solutions.

All of them soften the skin, exfoliate the affected areas of the epidermis.

For successful treatment, combined methods are used, including several options for medicines at once.


Because pills, like others medications, with the wrong dosing regimen, can cause side effects and overdose, it is important to follow the doctor's instructions as accurately as possible.

Contraindications to oral agents are diseases of the blood, kidneys, organs of the digestive system, liver, the presence of malignant neoplasms, the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.


The drug acts at any stage of pityriasis versicolor of the skin. The medicine is also produced in the form of shampoo, ointment, suppositories. Active substance ketoconazole destroys fungal spores, the symptoms of the disease disappear after a few applications.

As part of combination drug therapy, Mycozoral is taken separately from other drugs, ideally in the morning or late in the evening.


The undoubted plus of the funds is an affordable price, high efficiency. With multi-colored lichen, the patient must take 150 mg of the drug once a week.

There are contraindications, the exact period of therapy is agreed on an individual basis, depending on factors:

  1. health status;
  2. age;
  3. patient weight.

Reception of tablets is repeated after 7 days.


Triderm is prescribed in severe cases of the disease, the drug has a powerful anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect. Tablets fight the manifestations of mycosis, eliminate lesions of large areas of the integument. Before use, you should read the instructions, on average, the course of treatment lasts 10-14 days.


The tool is allowed to be used for no more than two weeks in a row, suitable for the treatment of patients of any age. May be given to children preschool age. Lichen tablets are washed down with plenty of clean water without gas.


The drug has proven itself in the treatment of fungal infections of the skin. The drug is taken twice a day, washed down with a small sip vegetable oil. This method contributes to a better effect on the source of infection. An adult can be prescribed a loading dose of medication - take 8 tablets during the day.

Topical products, shampoos, sprays

How to smear lichen? Various external agents are prescribed against a fungal infection, if there are no contraindications, the medicine is used according to the instructions. Funds can be domestic or imported.


  • relieves inflammation;
  • spots pass;
  • spores of pathogenic fungi are destroyed.

Ointment from colored lichen can be combined with other means.


The preparation for washing the head, relieves depriving the hair. The tool works ideally as one of the components of combination therapy. Hair is treated no more than twice a week, optimally in the evening. After the procedure, the hair should dry naturally.


Another good antifungal shampoo, copes with initial stages disease, used as part of complex treatment with advanced lichen. The frequency of application depends on the severity of the pathological process.

Salicylic alcohol

Means in its pure form wipe the skin several times a day. The technique helps to disinfect the focus of the inflammatory process, remove scales with fungal spores. Against multi-colored lichen, 1% salicylic alcohol is used, it can be easily used at home.


The talker prepared in a pharmacy according to a doctor's prescription is not inferior in effectiveness. The most popular at the moment are the milk of Vidal, Tsindol. Therapeutic solutions are made on the basis of alcohol, the composition includes:

  1. zinc;
  2. talc;
  3. glycerol;
  4. water.

Means inhibit the activity of infection, do not allow fungi to spread further.

Boric acid

A cheap and easy way to overcome the disease is to use boric acid. It is not difficult to prepare a treatment solution, you need to pour a bag of the product (10 g) with a glass of boiling water and mix until a homogeneous solution is obtained.

The skin must be lubricated every day for 5-10 days. Boric acid is safe for the body, does not cause allergic reactions.


Sprays are used for various types depriving, basic active substance- terbinafine. It destroys dermatophytes, yeast-like fungi. First, the covers are cleaned, thoroughly wiped, then the product is sprayed onto the affected areas.

Perhaps the development of adverse reactions: itching, peeling, redness, irritation. The pharmacy sells many similar medicines: Termikon, Fungoterbin, Terbinafine.

The patient will notice a noticeable improvement in the condition after the first applications.

Alternative Medicine Recipes

You can successfully deal with the manifestations and causes of multi-colored lichen with the help of folk recipes. Most often used tar soap, Birch tar, sulfuric ointment, tincture of celandine, calendula, lemon balm.

Hellebore water received positive feedback; medical alcohol and hellebore rhizome are taken to prepare the tincture. When collecting raw materials, care should be taken, as the plant is poisonous. The tool can be purchased at the pharmacy in finished form. Treatment lasts 2 weeks.

Therapy of multi-colored lichen involves the use of fresh sorrel juice, it is treated with foci of fungal infection several times a day. To wipe the body use:

  1. ash;
  2. milkweed tincture;
  3. sulfur.

An effective way is to use lilac tincture. It is prepared from 200 g of dried flowers of the plant, filled with alcohol. The product is kept in a dark place for 10 days, used to treat integuments.

In treatment, it is important to be patient, as folk remedies begin to work a little later than drugs. But the likelihood of adverse reactions of the body and overdose is minimal.

To overcome the pathogenic fungus helps regular observance of the rules of personal hygiene. A sick person several times a day must cleanse the skin in the shower. Each time, be sure to put on fresh underwear, use only clean, ironed towels.

Infection with a fungus, namely color lichen, is not such a rare occurrence. This disease is far from fatal, but brings the patient quite a lot of aesthetic problems, significantly lowering his quality of life.

Multicolored lichen is one of the varieties chronic disease skin belonging to the keratomycotic group. It is characterized by damage to the cuticle of the hair and skin.


There are a lot of theories about the occurrence of multi-colored lichen, but they are all similar in one thing - this is the result of the vital activity of two types of fungi: Malassezia and Pityrpsporum, "living" in hair follicles and subcutaneous layer of the epidermis.

Also, hardening procedures and ultraviolet irradiation will not interfere. Additionally, you can use the prophylactic drug "Clotrimazole" 2 times a day for a month to consolidate the effect (see " Medical treatment lichen color").

Beets and cocklebur decoction

Some patients are helped to cope with the fungus by ordinary red beets. It can be grated and applied to the damaged area of ​​​​the skin in the form of a compress, changing them as they dry.

Simultaneously with beets, you can be treated with a decoction of cocklebur. The recipe is quite simple, and the ingredients are always at hand: pour 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs into any enamel bowl, then add 0.5 liters of water, boil and hold on fire for 10 minutes. Infuse for about two hours and strain the resulting essence through gauze. Take 50 grams before meals for one week.


If colored lichen is diagnosed, treatment folk remedies can be carried out with the help of celandine. To prepare the tincture, you will need leaves, stems and flowers of celandine. It is better to collect it away from roads and city limits.

Grind the collected ingredients and mix with sugar in a ratio of 1/1 (to prepare one serving, you need 200 g of celandine). The resulting slurry must be wrapped with gauze in a bag. Then curdled milk or cottage cheese is taken, poured into a two-three-liter jar, where the prepared bag with chopped celandine is lowered.

The resulting composition should be infused for a month at room temperature. When a film appears in the jar, it must be removed, and if the bag begins to float, then it must be pressed down with something. After a month of infusion, the resulting essence must be filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

You can take tincture 3 times a day, one tablespoon after meals. If during or after administration there is discomfort in the stomach, dizziness or nausea, then the dose should be reduced.


With a disease such as color lichen, alternative treatment recommends using a sunflower. At the beginning of infection with a fungus, a small brownish spot may appear on the skin, later their number increases and additional peeling of the affected area appears.

At the time of active spread of the fungus, a sunflower helps a lot. To prepare a compress, you will need fresh petals of a blooming sunflower (200-300 gr). Then they must be steamed in boiling water and applied as a compress to problem areas of the skin. You need to repeat the procedure day after day until the complete victory over the fungus.


Treatment of colored lichen at home can be done with the help of beans. It perfectly cleanses the skin of the fungus and has a preventive component. The recipe is quite simple and affordable.

A handful of beans (20-30 grains) must be fried in a pan before it starts to darken, then it is doused with water and ground with a mortar or coffee grinder into powder. Then add a few drops of vegetable oil and mix thoroughly.

Apply the resulting slurry to damaged skin once a day for a week. After treatment with beans, the fungus should disappear.

Burdock and elecampane

What else can treat lichen color? Treatment with folk remedies using burdock root and elecampane is very effective. When affected by a fungus, itching on the skin is insignificant, but nevertheless causes some discomfort. The root of one of the aforementioned plants helps to cope with discomfort.

A small root must be boiled in water until a soft consistency, then the composition is cooled, infused and ground until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Problem areas are treated within one to two weeks, and after the entire procedure, color lichen disappears. Treatment (ointment based on these roots) is very effective and is often used for patients of all ages.

In addition to the ointment, you can make a decoction or tea from the same burdock root and elecampane, it is slightly less effective, but it has proven itself as a preventive measure.

A complex approach

Only a doctor can correctly explain what to do with such a disease as color lichen. The causes and treatment of this disease are closely related. If one of the reasons contributing to the appearance of the fungus is sweat, then simultaneous prevention, coupled with the treatment of the disease itself, will help here.

Intense exposure in several ways to combat lichen will not leave the fungus the slightest chance. Apple cider vinegar, euphorbia and horsetail will help not only get rid of excessive sweating, but also exterminate the disease.

To make apple cider vinegar, you will need a bucket of crushed apples and sugar. Apples must be poured with boiled water, adding one tablespoon of sugar there. Then leave for 2 weeks to ferment, stirring them from time to time.

After the composition has fermented, the thick can be thrown away, and the strained essence must be insisted for another 2 weeks. The resulting vinegar is diluted with water and washed with damaged skin.

Horsetail tincture is prepared very quickly: one tablespoon of the herb is brewed in boiling water and then the body is washed with the head.

An infusion of milkweed will help defeat colored lichen. Treatment (euphorbia ointment, coupled with warm lotions of horsetail and apple cider vinegar), carried out competently and carefully, will permanently save you from the fungus. To prepare the ointment, you need to add 1 cup of milkweed to 1 liter of boiling water and leave for about an hour in a warm room, then you can apply the resulting slurry to the affected areas of the skin.


Treatment of colored lichen with calendula will help the skin not only get rid of the fungus, but also fill the body with carotenoids and flavonoids. They will reduce the secretion of sebum. In addition, calendula has an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect, as well as a host of other beneficial properties.

To prepare a tincture of calendula, you will need 100 grams (1-2 tablespoons) of a crushed flower, poured over half a glass of boiled water. You can insist in any glass container in a cool room for about a week.

The resulting essence must be lubricated with problem areas once a day. Alternatively, you can buy calendula tincture at the pharmacy.

Black currant

Together with other means for the prevention and treatment of colored lichen, you can take baths with a decoction of blackcurrant. It will weaken the action of the fungus and disinfect the skin, allowing the rest of the medicines to fully realize themselves.

A decoction can be prepared from both fresh and dried blackcurrant leaves. It is enough just to wash them (fresh, of course), pour water, boil for 15 minutes and insist for one hour.

Hellebore Lobel

The speed and result of treatment depend on the individual characteristics of the human body, therefore, if none of the above recipes helped, then you can resort to one very effective, but at the same time dangerous method getting rid of colored lichen - use a decoction of hellebore Lobel. It is considered dangerous because the roots of this plant are very poisonous, and during cooking it is important to exclude any contact with the mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes.

To prepare a decoction, you need to take 10 g of hellebore root, after cutting them, and brew in a glass of boiling water. Then soak in boiling water for about half an hour and then cool slightly. With the resulting essence, rub problem areas in the morning and at bedtime for a week. Ingestion is not allowed!

Medical treatment of color lichen

When all the signs of the disease are present, the first step is to contact a specialist. This is necessary in order for the doctor to accurately diagnose and determine the correct course of complex treatment. Someone independently takes all kinds of antifungal agents without visiting a dermatologist. This is completely unacceptable! Only a competent specialist can diagnose and prescribe therapy, otherwise you can get a chronic effect and a lot of other troubles.

So, what is the treatment for the diagnosis of "color lichen"? Tablets, ointments, solutions - which is better to use? Only a doctor can give an exact answer.

  • As local antimycotic agents, the doctor can prescribe ointments, sprays and solutions - "Bifonazole", "Clotrimazole" or salicylic gel with shampoo, with a general course of about two weeks.
  • In advanced cases or with extensive lesions, dermatologists prescribe systemic therapy using antifungal drugs. These are Flucanazole, Ketoconazole, Itroconazole and other analogues.
  • As a preventive measure, doctors always advise, along with taking medications, to sunbathe more often (in moderation!), Every day to carry out wet cleaning in the room and change old washcloths to new ones every two days.

After the fungus is completely "expelled", the patient should pay serious attention to the causes that served as a catalyst for the onset of the disease, and try to eliminate them as soon as possible. Wash bed and underwear more often at a temperature of at least 100 ° C and follow the rules of personal hygiene. Avoid public baths and "family" saunas, otherwise the fungus will go from person to person in a circle.

Strengthening the immune system will help reduce the risk of relapse: hardening, a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition, especially since preventing a disease is much more profitable than treating it - medicines for color lichen are far from cheap, and the discomfort that you get from a fungus is unattractive.