Food poisoning in an adult what you can eat. Therapeutic nutrition for food poisoning

Food poisoning can cause serious consequences, so you need to see a doctor as soon as possible, immediately begin treatment. Diet after food poisoning is of great importance. Thanks to it, the disturbed work of the digestive system is restored.

Features of food after departure

What food is allowed? Diet after poisoning involves the exclusion from the diet of certain foods. As a rule, during the first day the body refuses to take any food. At this time, the stomach carries out the process of self-purification and in the near future a feeling of relief will appear. The first sign that the body was able to cope with the consequences of poisoning on its own is an improvement in the condition. Then you can already start eating foods in small portions.

It is necessary to categorically exclude the use of heavy food, which includes fat fat, meat and a variety of smoked meats. For several days after suffering food poisoning, it is recommended to eat dishes similar in consistency to mashed potatoes or liquid porridge.

It is worth completely eliminating pears and apples from your diet, as they have too hard peel, which has an irritating effect on the stomach. You can make a healthy puree from fruits so that the body receives valuable vitamins that they have lost.

All sugary and carbonated drinks, corn and whole milk, legumes and cabbage, as well as pastries, for the manufacture of which yeast dough was used, are completely removed from the diet.

In order for the body to recover faster after poisoning, you need to know what you can eat and what foods it is better to refuse. It is recommended to use warm decoctions of herbs, weakly brewed black tea and plain, non-carbonated water.

If the poisoning provoked diarrhea, which worries for several days, it is necessary to regularly use decoctions from the leaves of black currant, wild rose, St. John's wort, blueberries. Such drinks have an astringent effect, and the stool gradually normalizes.

In the next few days, strong black tea and coffee are under a strict ban. To quickly recover from food poisoning will help a special solution that is easy to do on your own. To do this, sugar (8 tsp) is mixed with salt (1 tsp) and soda (1/2 tsp). This drink does not have the most pleasant taste, so you need to drink it slowly, in small sips - one sip every 10 minutes.

Nutrition for children and adults

If there are signs of poisoning in children, only a doctor should prescribe a diet. Eating small meals can help prevent intestinal irritation.

Diet at food poisoning in adults, it may include rice porridge, but it needs to be cooked in water. Rice perfectly absorbs all excess gases, as well as toxins remaining in the intestinal cavity. However, rice porridge should only be consumed warm and in small quantities, otherwise a feeling of heaviness will appear, which may worsen the condition, since the stomach is still weakened.

As soon as health begins to improve, to replenish the ionic balance, it is recommended to drink compotes made from dried fruits, as well as diluted juices and fruit drinks, since too concentrated drinks can irritate the gastric mucosa.

It is important to remember that in case of food poisoning, it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids, as a serious violation of the water balance occurs. It is recommended to take medicines that have an absorbent effect - for example,. Thanks to this, accumulated toxins are removed from the body, and recovery is much faster.

After a few days, appetite begins to recover, so rice, buckwheat porridge and oatmeal can be gradually introduced into the diet. In small quantities, it is allowed to eat boiled and lean meat.

Light soups have a positive effect on the stomach. It is advisable to cook meals with the addition of a small amount of oatmeal, as it gently envelops the mucous membrane and speeds up the process of intestinal recovery.

Bananas can be consumed in small quantities. The composition of these fruits includes a lot of potassium, and its pulp is very soft. Eating a banana, a person quickly gets a feeling of satiety and does not have an irritating effect on the stomach.

Approved Products

  • oatmeal and rice porridge, which are cooked in water. They quickly cleanse the intestines, remove toxins, and have a calming effect on the intestines;
  • fruit puree from apples and bananas;
  • chicken broth, but not greasy. This dish is very nutritious and helps to restore lost strength and energy;
  • green tea, since this drink has a bactericidal effect and has astringent properties;
  • compote made from dried fruits;
  • a variety of dairy products;
  • carrots, chopped on a grater.

Prohibited Products

  • sausages;
  • millet porridge with barley;
  • various smoked meats;
  • fatty fish, poultry and meat;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • coffee, cocoa.

Sample menu (video)

Menu for the recovery period

  • Breakfast. Warm rice decoction semolina most fluid.
  • Lunch. Mashed baked apples.
  • Dinner. Chicken broth, liquid mashed potatoes, jelly.
  • afternoon tea. Mashed boiled carrots.
  • Dinner. Boiled lean meat, rolled to the state of minced meat, rice porridge on the water, unsweetened apple compote.

Second breakfast and afternoon snack may not be every day, but only during periods of acute hunger.

Food poisoning in both a child and an adult causes serious disturbances in the intestinal microflora, the restoration of which will be very difficult.

Signs of poisoning disappear within 3-5 days, but dietary restrictions must be observed for at least a week. In the most severe cases, diet alone will not be enough and may require medicines.

Poisoning and diarrhea are special conditions of the body in which the digestive system suffers. The issue of diet in these diseases is extremely acute.

Is a diet necessary?

Most often, poisoning is caused by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. They are contained in low-quality products with an expired shelf life, which were stored with disregard for the conditions provided by the manufacturer or standards, prepared in violation of sanitary standards. You can get poisoned if you eat poisonous mushrooms, fruits or plants.

Diarrhea can be caused by a variety of causes, from stress and infection to food intolerance. Often diarrhea occurs in travelers who in other countries consume food that is unusual for them. Also, diarrhea is one of the symptoms of poisoning.

The main blow in case of poisoning is taken by the digestive system and the liver. Therefore, dietary nutrition is one of the main activities that helps to cope with the harmful effects of poisons and toxins on the body.


Diet food for poisoning and diarrhea provides for the consumption of a sufficient amount of liquid. By itself, diarrhea, or diarrhea, is not dangerous to health. Consequences are detrimental - dehydration of the body and loss of trace elements.

In the first days of the disease, a plentiful drink is prescribed. According to the standards, every hour the patient should drink 250 ml of liquid. Useful drinks are:

The body should receive water - mineral, but without gas, boiled warm. If the patient refuses to drink, then he is forced to drink. Start with a tablespoon per hour, gradually bring the dose to a glass.

In case of poisoning, it becomes necessary to restore the water-salt balance. Salts are also excreted by the body with feces, vomit. Therefore, part of the daily portion of water is replaced with special preparations - Regidron, Hydrovit, Citrogluxolan. These drugs have a rehydrating effect. They are sold in pharmacies in the form of powders that are diluted in water.

If the patient drinks enough fluids, then the introduction of drugs into the veins will not be required.

Prohibited Products

Health food provides for the rejection of a number of products. You can not eat fatty and protein foods, because the body spends a lot of energy to assimilate them. The blacklist for poisoning includes:

  • alcoholic drinks, with diarrhea you can red wine - up to 50 g per day;
  • fatty meats, fish;
  • oil, with diarrhea without intoxication, is added to cereals;
  • semi-finished products;
  • mushrooms;
  • sour fruits;
  • drinks with gas;
  • sauces - mayonnaise, ketchup, etc.;
  • confectionery, pastries and desserts;
  • sweet syrups;
  • sausages;
  • fried, smoked meats, canned food;
  • seasonings, onions, garlic;
  • millet, oatmeal, pearl barley;
  • eggs (excluding steam omelettes).

The patient's diet in the early days should not contain fresh vegetables and fruits because of the laxative effect. They can be returned to the diet only on the fourth day. But it is desirable that they be thermally processed.

In the first week, limit the use of dairy products, as they only increase the manifestations of the disease. But then they should be on the menu to help restore the intestinal microflora. With loose stools, you can use non-sharp low-fat cheese, fresh homemade cottage cheese, milk is added to cereals, but not more than 1/3 of the serving volume.

Diet food prohibits the use of ready-made kissels and compotes. In case of poisoning, it is better to cook them yourself, with a minimum addition of sugar.

Power requirements

The principles by which the patient's food is organized in case of poisoning:

  • the energy value of a daily portion on the first day should not exceed 1 thousand kcal;
  • mechanically and chemically mild effect on the digestive system;
  • food and drink are served warm, neither cold nor hot;
  • enveloping action;
  • products with a choleretic effect and enhancing intestinal motility are excluded;
  • food consistency - liquid or semi-liquid;
  • lack of fermentation effect;
  • dishes are steamed or boiled.

When intoxicated, the patient can eat:

  • baking - biscuit cookies, drying;
  • cereals boiled in water and without adding oil - buckwheat, rice;
  • meat - lean, without films, tendons, connective tissue, it is desirable to eat mashed in the form of cutlets, soufflé, meatballs;
  • low-fat varieties of fish - pollock, cod, fillets are recommended to wipe;
  • slimy soups, weak meat broths;
  • pasta - no more than once a day;
  • freshly prepared low-fat cottage cheese, mild cheese;
  • with diarrhea without signs of intoxication, you can eat soft-boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, up to two eggs a day;
  • vegetables - baked without a crust, mashed potatoes, pumpkins, zucchini, green peas, eggplant;
  • fruits - baked, mashed potatoes, jelly, jelly;
  • bread - white, dried.

Sample menu for 3 days

On the first day of illness, it is advisable to refuse food, you can eat only if there is an appetite. The daily portion is divided into 6-7 doses to reduce the tension of the digestive forces.

Approximately this should be the food in the early days.

  • 1st day: homemade crackers, tea without sugar, in the evening you can have a weak chicken broth, without vegetables and spices;
  • 2nd day: fruit jelly, crackers, tea, watery semolina porridge, boiled meat ( chicken fillet, veal), weak broth, tea without sugar;
  • 3rd day: weak fish with meatballs; low-fat cottage cheese casserole; steam omelette, crackers, tea without sugar.

From the fourth day, they gradually return to the usual table, introducing vegetables, fruits, and other foods into the diet. Single portions are increased by reducing the number of meals.

When should you see a doctor?

Usually, in case of poisoning, they self-medicate and adjust the diet. But with some threatening symptoms, a visit to the doctor becomes mandatory. These manifestations include:

  • no result after 2-3 days of treatment;
  • got sick old man or child;
  • liquid stool accompanied by an increase in body temperature;
  • have an allergy or intolerance to drugs for diarrhea;
  • there were psychosomatic reactions - irritability, excitability, sleep disturbances, delirium, hallucinations;
  • stools became viscous, black;
  • frequent vomiting with copious excretion sputum containing traces of blood;
  • body dehydration.

Prevention of poisoning and diarrhea

Usually the cause of intoxication and diarrhea is non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Therefore, the main preventive measure is washing hands after using the toilet, walking, contact with animals, etc.

For normal health, you should follow simple rules:

  • you can eat meat, fish, eggs only after heat treatment;
  • wash vegetables and fruits, and soak greens in water for half an hour before use;
  • do not eat foods that have expired;
  • store products as indicated by the manufacturer;
  • store raw foods and prepared meals separately;
  • maintain cleanliness in food preparation;
  • do not let pets into the kitchen;
  • do not eat products from spontaneous markets;
  • use only good quality water for cooking.

Food poisoning is a condition from which, unfortunately, no one is immune. What can you eat after poisoning? How to help the body cleanse? What diet should be followed to recover faster? What foods should be excluded from the diet so as not to worsen well-being?

Food poisoning can be accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea, fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. After poisoning, the body needs strength to cleanse and restore, which it receives through nutrition. However, now our body is not able to fully perceive and digest the usual food. Therefore, after poisoning, you will need to follow a diet that will not overload and promotes a speedy recovery.

The diet will help to quickly restore the water-salt balance, and is designed to ensure that the mechanical, thermal and chemical effects on the gastric and intestinal mucosa are as gentle as possible.

How to eat in the first days after poisoning

The day after poisoning the amount of food eaten should be minimal. It is advisable to refrain from eating during the first day after poisoning. During this period, you need to drink a lot to avoid dehydration. It can be ordinary boiled water, rosehip decoction, green tea, mineral water, weak tea with a spoonful of sugar, rice water. You can eat some homemade crackers. By the evening it should be much easier. You can drink low-fat chicken broth or have a snack with liquid porridge cooked in water (rice, buckwheat, semolina). In small quantities, mashed potatoes without butter and milk are allowed.

Rice has adsorbent properties, that is, it absorbs excess gases and toxins from the intestines. Therefore, during and in the first days after poisoning, it is recommended to eat lightly salted rice porridge.

If you are concerned about diarrhea, then you can drink decoctions with astringent properties (broth of wild rose, blueberries, black currants, St. John's wort).

In the first days after poisoning food should predominantly have the consistency of mashed potatoes or porridge. On the second day, you can eat a small amount of chicken meat, steam cutlets, light meatless dishes that will not overload the digestive system. It is recommended to follow the diet for three days. Food should only be eaten cooked. It is recommended to eat liquid cereals, low-fat boiled meat in chopped form, sparse broths, applesauce, dried fruit compote. You need to eat in small portions (about 6 times a day) and, in general, reduce the amount of food consumed.

After three days, you can expand the diet, but this should be done gradually. You can switch to a regular diet when a person feels that his stomach is no longer irritated. You need to be especially attentive to your diet for two weeks after poisoning, since the process of full recovery is quite long.

Avoid very hot or too cold food - food should be moderately warm.

What foods hinder recovery

Some products are undesirable to use in the first days after poisoning, so as not to overload the digestive system. These include foods that cause increased, food and drinks with an aggressive environment.

Undesirable foods include dry and very fibrous foods (fresh vegetables and fruits in general), fried foods, smoked meats, sausages, barley and pearl barley porridge, canned food, sweets, chocolate, fruits, raw vegetables, whole milk, legumes, products from yeast dough. Eliminate fatty, salty and spicy foods. It is recommended to refrain from the use of dairy and sour-milk products.

In addition, you should refrain from drinking certain drinks: strong black tea, coffee, cocoa, juices, soda, alcoholic beverages.

A few days after the state of health improves significantly, you need to take care of the restoration of the intestinal microflora. This will help cereals, fruits, fermented milk products with bifidobacteria (kefir, natural yogurt, yogurt).

How to avoid food poisoning

So that the torment experienced against the background of poisoning does not happen again, you must always remember about.

  • Maintain cleanliness while preparing and eating food. Wash your hands thoroughly, throw away leftover food in the trash, clean dishes with hot water and detergent. Store food in closed containers. Keep animals away from food preparation areas.
  • keep raw foods separate from processed foods. Raw meat and fish may contain pathogenic bacteria that can "move" to other, already prepared foods.
  • Potentially hazardous products must be subjected to thorough heat treatment. Most dangerous microorganisms die at high temperatures.
  • store food at a low temperature. In foods and dishes left in a warm place, pathogenic microorganisms multiply at a high rate.
  • water and food must be of high quality. Expired products, as well as rotten ones, should be thrown away immediately.

Unpleasant sensations that can cause poisoning can haunt a person even after recovery. To avoid this, do not load your body with heavy food. For such cases, special diets have been developed after poisoning.

What happens to the body after poisoning?

So, the stomach is cleared, nausea and vomiting are over, and, it would seem, the long-awaited relief has come, which is so similar to recovery. And then you can "go all out" and eat the usual food. But it was not there! This is absolutely impossible to do.

What happens to our body when an aggressive toxin or pathogen of a food infection enters it? Traditional symptoms begin: diarrhea, vomiting, pallor and green skin tone, dry mouth, headaches, fever (this symptom is not necessary for some types of poisoning).

All the secretions that the body produces remove moisture and electrolytes (salts) from it. Violation of the water-salt balance adversely affects the work of the kidneys, the intestinal mucosa breaks out and the number of beneficial bacteria is reduced, and the excreted vitamins and protein deplete the body and force it to work internal organs in "emergency" mode.

To correct the situation, first of all, it is necessary to remove toxins - drink some kind of absorbent (the easiest way is to use activated charcoal tablets with a calculation of 1 pc. for every 10 kg of a person's weight). Further, it is recommended to take a drug such as Regidron or Gastrolit, it will quickly restore the water-salt balance.

But in addition to medical measures, in case of poisoning, you need to drink (not only water, but also tea without sugar). Diet will also help. It is based both on the quality of the products used and on the way they are prepared. This is stewing, boiling, steaming.

General diet rules

Depending on the cause of the poisoning, certain diets may be prescribed. But there are general recommendations that should be followed after the toxins have already been removed from the body:

  1. On the first day after washing the stomach and intestines (or administering drugs that destroy the consequences of poisoning), it is not recommended to consume foods that can load the body with long digestion or fermentation. The ideal food is water without gas and crackers (best of all, those made from a long loaf). Depending on how you feel, you can drink freshly brewed black tea without sweeteners. Instead of crackers, biscuit cookies are allowed.
  2. It is worth introducing a variety of food only on the second or third day (you can add low-fat chicken broth, mashed water, low-fat kefir or yogurt and other easily digestible foods).
  3. Avoid physical activity. The body will not yet be ready for such tests (maybe great weakness after vomiting or diarrhea). This can only aggravate the situation and cause dizziness and loss of consciousness.

The recovery period will be faster if you control what you need to eat in a particular case of poisoning. Chance to recover quickly from vomiting and loose stools if you know the source of poisoning.

Alcohol poisoning

It is not necessary to drink a lot of alcoholic beverages to cause poisoning. It comes rather not from the quantity, but from the quality of the consumed "strong" drink. Alcohol intoxication occurs due to the use of low-quality alcohol, namely its surrogates.

The next morning is traditionally sick, many try to drink mineral water like Borjomi and wait for relief. But if it doesn't come you need to think about more serious measures, up to calling an ambulance:

  1. The use of an absorbent is mandatory.
  2. If heaviness is felt in the stomach, then an attempt is necessary to induce vomiting (touching irritants at the tongue). Cleansing the stomach is essential so that what has not yet been fully digested cannot harm the body with its toxins. Further - a lot of drinking (tea with lemon, jelly, water, compote).
  3. To get rid of toxins completely, it is recommended to take a laxative. This will help cleanse the intestines as well.

If the gag reflex does not leave, do not restrain yourself. Eating while vomiting is not recommended. When trying to eat food, disgust should not be felt. If such a feeling is present, then it is not necessary to forcibly "start" the stomach with food, it is enough to limit yourself to non-carbonated mineral water.

Some Foods to Eat After Alcohol Poisoning

If the condition begins to improve, you can cook food: on the first day, you need to “feed” your body with oatmeal porridge, low-fat cottage cheese, light soup. That is, you need a sparing diet. If stomach diseases worsen after alcohol, then the “table No. 1” or “table No. 5” diet is the best solution.

There are some foods that will lead to discomfort in the stomach after alcohol poisoning: chocolate, coffee, apple and other sour juices (also fruit drinks), mushrooms, fruits that irritate the gastric mucosa. The same applies to fatty dishes, spicy, spicy and smoked. Smoking until complete recovery is not recommended.

Food poisoning

This type of poisoning is fraught with not only intoxication, but also the development of intestinal infections, which could easily trigger it. For example, by eating stale eggs (even boiled ones), there is an option to get salmonellosis disease (caused by the Salmonella bacterium) in addition to them.

Store food poisoning

A promotion in a supermarket does not always guarantee the high quality of the food product sold. Spontaneous markets also carry the danger of the distribution of traded products. inadequate quality. Even after visiting your favorite restaurant, there is a risk of returning home with diarrhea. But an increase in body temperature, in any case, should prompt a decision to call a doctor. Pregnant women should be especially careful.

There are enough various bacteria and infections in nature, but when they attack the body, it is better to know what to eat in this case and how not to deplete your body:

  1. Getting rid of infection/toxins. This can be done in the hospital of the infectious diseases department after laboratory tests. Often, the usual gastric lavage with a solution of potassium permanganate is not enough. Droppers of glucose and physical. solution, injections of antibiotics - a sure way to get rid of "unexpected" harmful guests.
  2. After these activities, you should follow a diet to improve the functioning of the stomach and normalize digestion. The body will quickly recover if you do not immediately eat sour-milk and dairy products.

To eat right at home and quickly get out of the state of poisoning, then after food poisoning in adults, follow this menu. You can eat the same food for a child if he is already 3 years old.

Diet menu in the form of a table

If food poisoning is mild (the temperature does not rise, cold sweat does not appear) and only vomiting and loose stools are observed, then the menu will not be so strict.

Nutrition for vomiting and diarrhea (diarrhea) has one principle - in no case should irritate the mucous membranes of both the stomach and intestines. As a result, apples, pomegranates, honey, garlic, pickles, sour, peppery, spicy, fatty, etc. should be avoided.

Folk remedies can also improve the condition of the disorder. A decoction of chamomile is popular, which is able to remove toxins from the body and soothe the irritated gastric mucosa. It is advisable to drink it without sugar. A decoction of sage, calendula, viburnum has a similar effect. These methods of getting rid of toxins are also used for eating disorders in children.

To find out how long to stick to a diet, you need to assess your health and normalize the stool. If the latter has already happened, then recovery has come and the diet is stopped.

Wild mushroom poisoning

A special peak of mushroom poisoning occurs in autumn. You only hear that someone has been poisoned by something incomprehensible. If you are unlucky to save yourself, then measures must be taken immediately. There is a chance not to end your life, even if you are poisoned by the most inedible mushrooms.

  1. Here you can not do without the intervention of medical staff. But the first step is artificial vomiting. A solution of potassium permanganate will help to call it. You can simply irritate the area in the mouth at the tongue. It is better to induce vomiting until the doctors arrive.
  2. If everything ended well, then after a good gastric lavage, a diet is necessary. After mushroom poisoning, it is recommended not to eat anything for a day and a half. Drinking is rule number one.

Next - the menu for the week to gradually make the digestive system work. The portion size should be such that it does not saturate too much, but leaves a slight feeling of hunger. After going through the weekly menu, you can smoothly switch to the usual diet.

Other causes and same symptoms

There are symptoms similar to poisoning, which also require attention and special food. Vomiting and diarrhea may start suddenly. Food after vomiting and diarrhea is scanty, fat-free and cooked exclusively in steam or boiled.

For vomiting and diarrhea

These symptoms in adults indicate excess doses of alcohol (or its poisoning), poor-quality food eaten (delay, improper storage, preparation). But if it appeared in a child, then it is worth being afraid of a rotavirus infection. An additional symptom is loss of appetite.

Moms should not immediately give their child strange drugs, but urgently call ambulance. Overcoming the infection, you will need a special diet, which is based on such products:

  • cereals without milk and sweeteners;
  • steamed local vegetables (carrots, zucchini, squash, beets);
  • white meat boiled or steamed;
  • soups without a fried base, stewed vegetables.

Bananas, ice cream, sweets, or anything that children love will not help restore good health. You should not succumb to this trap, but in every possible way avoid the use of such products by the child.

When vomiting

It often happens that vomiting began for no reason and it seems that this is precisely poisoning. But the reasons for this state of affairs may be heat(for example, with the flu) or overeating rolls in a sushi bar. After such vomiting, what should be taken? Minimum food. It is better not to drink milk, tea, compote after vomiting. Get by with water. Then one day to sit on a strict diet to control the appearance of other symptoms and not aggravate the condition.

You can eat a maximum of low-fat broth after vomiting. If vomiting did not recur for more than a day, then cheese, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina or rice milk porridge, scrambled eggs can be gradually included in the diet. You can eat such food for children, the menu is practically no different from an adult. After vomiting, pancreatin is also used. It should be drunk after taking even the lightest meal.

With diarrhea

Such a symptom is also similar to poisoning, but it can manifest itself from the use of products that have been stored incorrectly, prepared, have expired the period of possible use, or those that are simply not absorbed by the body (containing lactose, a large amount of fiber).

The diet is standard - do not eat anything that can provoke irritation of the mucous membranes of the digestive system. Drinking is an invariable rule, since with such diarrhea, the body actively loses moisture.

It does not matter for what reason adverse symptoms are caused. Diet after their discovery is required. Otherwise, there is a chance to miss other concomitant manifestations of the disease, which could not be immediately detected.

Having survived poisoning, I want to think about everything except food. Especially if nausea and vomiting do not stop for a long time, and. In fact, a weakened body needs not only replenishment of fluid reserves, but also the intake of nutrients. All patients are advised to follow diets after poisoning: a diet will not only help you gain strength, but also remove toxins from the body and defeat the disease faster.

What is a diet for?

Food poisoning is usually associated with the ingestion of pathological agents - bacteria, viruses or their toxins that act on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. The more active the inflammation, the more pronounced the signs of the disease: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, loose stools (see). A diet for poisoning in adults and children is needed for:

  • replenishment of fluid reserves lost during profuse diarrhea or vomiting;
  • maximum unloading of the digestive tract from heavy coarse fiber foods;
  • saturating the body with essential amino acids and vitamins;
  • increased excretion of microbes.

Basic principles of nutrition

What you can eat with a diet for poisoning, we will consider later, and now we will determine the basic rules of nutrition during recovery from an intestinal infection:

  1. The first day after infection is the most difficult for the intestines. Try not to eat at all.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids (small sips to avoid vomiting). Well suited for restoring water balance is mineral water without gas, electrolyte solutions that can be bought at pharmacies (most often it is).
  3. If a strong appetite woke up, you can eat a cracker or a small slice of dried yesterday's bread.
  4. On the second day, it is also recommended to refrain from eating. You can drink water in unlimited quantities.
  5. After two fasting days, the intestines are usually cleared of bacteria and toxins, the body is on the mend, and the appetite is gradually returning.

What you can eat during this period: a diet for poisoning on the third day allows you to drink rice water, eat well-boiled rice in water, crackers. It is also allowed to introduce fermented milk products (low-fat kefir, fermented baked milk, Varenets), but sometimes they have an undesirable reaction of the body in the form of increased diarrhea and vomiting. Then, for 5-10 days, it is recommended to follow a sparing diet to give the intestines enough time to recover.

Diet rules during the recovery period

Diet after food poisoning has the following principles:

  • eat small (no more than 100 g) portions 5-6 times a day;
  • try to make the diet based on easily digestible dishes with a liquid or semi-liquid consistency;
  • return to your usual diet gradually, do not try to "eat" those lost with diarrhea and vomiting nutrients in a day;
  • drink more fluids;
  • temporarily refuse products that provoke fermentation processes and irritate the inflamed mucosa of the digestive tract.

What is forbidden to eat when poisoning

Foods that increase fermentation, and hence excessive gas formation in the intestines, include:

  • all fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • potato;
  • white cabbage and all dishes with it;
  • whole milk;
  • fresh bread and pastries;
  • legumes (peas, beans);
  • carbonated drinks;
  • jelly Bean.

Also, the diet after food poisoning in adults strictly prohibits the use of:

  • fatty meat, rich broths;
  • fatty fish;
  • canned food;
  • fried, smoked, pickled dishes;
  • spices and seasonings, sauces.

What can you eat with poisoning

The diet after poisoning, in particular food, the recipes of which we will consider below, should include:

  • boiled or bottled water, unsweetened tea, dried fruit compote;
  • liquid cereals boiled in water (preferably rice, oatmeal);
  • crackers, dried white bread;
  • light vegetable soups;
  • cutlets and meatballs from lean meat, steamed.

Sample menu for 4-14 days after acute poisoning might look like this:

  1. Breakfast - a slice of dried bread, tea.
  2. Snack - oatmeal, unsweetened dried fruit compote.
  3. Dinner - rice soup in vegetable broth.
  4. Snack - crackers.
  5. Dinner - steamed veal cutlets, boiled rice.
  6. Snack - vegetable broth.

The fourth and fifth weeks can be called a transitional stage. This means that the diet for food poisoning in adults and children is gradually returning to the usual diet. You can try meat, crumbly cereals, pastries. Be sure to follow the reaction of the body and at the slightest discomfort from the stomach and intestines, return to a more strict diet. But, as a rule, a month after the illness, the body is already ready to return to the usual diet.

Diet Recipes

The main rule for preparing food for patients in the recovery period after an intestinal infection is high quality products. They must be fresh. Diet after food poisoning in adults includes the following recipes.

Rice porrige


  • rice - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water - one and a half glasses;
  • salt, sugar - to taste.

Put water on fire, add salt and sugar, bring to a boil. Pour the washed cereal, mix, reduce the heat and simmer for 20-30 minutes. You should get a liquid boiled porridge, which saturates well and does not irritate the intestinal walls.

Steam meatballs


  • ground beef - 200 g;
  • rice - 30 g;
  • salt - to taste.

Prepare the minced meat by twisting the pieces of beef through a meat grinder 2-3 times. Add to it rice cooked until half cooked, salt. With wet hands form small meatballs. Steam for 40-45 minutes.

Light vegetable broth


  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • zucchini - half a small one;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • salt - to taste.

Wash vegetables thoroughly, peel and cut into small cubes. Pour a liter of water into the pan, add vegetables and cook over medium heat for 20-25 minutes. Salt, remove from the stove and let it brew for another 10 minutes.

Chicken bouillon


  • small chicken breast - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • thin noodles - 50 g;
  • salt - to taste.

FROM chicken breast remove the skin, and free the fillet. Pour the chicken meat with water and put on medium heat. After boiling, drain the water and replace with a new one. Cook for another 15-20 minutes. Peel vegetables and cut into small cubes. Throw in the broth, cook for another 10 minutes. 2-3 minutes before readiness, throw noodles into the broth.

Nutrition is an important step in the treatment of intestinal infections. Diet is especially important for food poisoning in the elderly and children, who suffer the disease more severely than adults. Follow the recommendations of doctors and eat healthy food - so you defeat the infection much easier. Be healthy!