Why are you constantly thirsty? Why do you want to drink? Groups of causes of constant thirst and dry mouth

Constant thirst is a symptom that belongs to the group of non-specific, since it can accompany a large number of a wide variety of diseases. Despite the fact that the basis of etiological factors is pathological conditions, dryness in oral cavity and thirst can be formed against the background of completely harmless conditions. For example, the period of bearing a child or playing sports.

Adequate diagnosis of constant thirst, i.e., identification of the causes of its occurrence, requires an integrated approach and, in addition to primary diagnostic measures, includes laboratory and instrumental examinations of the patient.

Therapeutic measures will completely depend on what disease has become a provocateur of such a symptom, often conservative methods are sufficient.


First of all, it should be noted that the most acceptable amount of liquid that a person should drink per day is two liters. In some cases, it is the lack of water that leads to the fact that a person suffers from constant thirst. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly monitor the volume of fluids drunk, especially in children and the elderly, as well as in malnourished patients.

The reasons for constant thirst will be dictated by the methods of removing fluid from the body. This can happen through:

  • kidneys and intestines;
  • skin covering;
  • lungs and mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract.

Loss of water through the kidneys occurs against the background of:

  • uncontrolled intake of diuretics;
  • abuse of drugs for weight loss;
  • excessive ingestion of liquids that contain ethanol, for example, it can be beer;
  • - such a disease is accompanied by the fact that the human body produces a large amount of light urine, up to several liters per day, which leads to a feeling of constant thirst;
  • wrinkling of the kidney, which may be a primary or secondary pathological condition;
  • acute or chronic course;
  • chronic form ;
  • flow both , and ;
  • - despite the fact that this pathology is caused by a disruption in the functioning of the endocrine system, it negatively affects the kidneys.

Fluid loss through Airways occurs when a person has:

  • - most often causes severe thirst in children;
  • - it is because of this factor that people wake up at night from dry mouth or feel thirsty in the morning.

The loss of water through the lungs is caused by such pathological conditions:

  • severe course;
  • the course of the inflammatory process in the lungs.

- this is the main source of why the human body lacks fluid. This condition can be both pathological and physiological. In the latter case, sweating is caused by intense physical activity and the hot season.

As for pathological increased sweating, it can occur due to:

  • severe flow, namely against the background of frequently recurring tides;
  • irrational use of medicines;
  • a wide range of endocrine dysfunction.

The mechanism of water loss through the intestines is based on any conditions that in their clinical picture have frequent vomiting or stool disorder in the form of diarrhea. It is also worth considering that thirst can be caused by concealment of hemorrhage in the gastrointestinal tract. This is typical for such ailments:

In addition, the following diseases or pathological conditions can lead to constant thirst:

  • or ;
  • head injury;
  • extensive burns;
  • mental disorders, in particular;
  • the course of any infectious process;
  • dental ailments;
  • decreased osmolality of blood plasma;
  • neoplasms in the brain;
  • diseases of the blood system;
  • damage to the hypothalamus - it is in it that the center of thirst is located;
  • acute surgical pathologies of the abdominal organs - this should include inflammation of the appendix, and.

Dry mouth and thirst can be provoked by the side effects of such drugs:

  • diuretics;
  • antibacterial substances of the tetracycline series;
  • preparations containing lithium;
  • medications used in the treatment of mental disorders.

An important role in the development of the sensation of thirst is played by:

  • the use of fatty, salted and spicy foods;
  • addiction to such a bad habit as smoking;
  • abuse of strong coffee and sweet carbonated drinks.

As for constant thirst during pregnancy, in such situations it is also considered a pathological manifestation, especially in cases of additional alarming symptoms. The only exception is the first trimester of childbearing. During early pregnancy, almost all women suffer from toxicosis, which is characterized by profuse vomiting.


The constant feeling of thirst often acts as the first clinical sign and is almost never the only symptom.

In general, the symptoms will consist of those manifestations that are characteristic of pathological condition, which became the source of this feature.

Nevertheless, the most common symptoms that complement the constant thirst are considered to be:

  • the allocation of a large amount of light urine;
  • , the hue of which can vary from yellowish white to gray or black;
  • weakness and general malaise;
  • fluctuations in blood pressure and heart rate - the appearance of such a sign is especially dangerous in combination with thirst in the late stages of bearing a child;
  • bad smell or taste in the mouth;
  • bouts of nausea, which quite often end in vomiting;
  • violation of the act of defecation;
  • strong ;
  • and dizziness;
  • change in the shade of the skin, it can become pathologically red, pale or cyanotic;
  • with localization in the area of ​​the affected organ;
  • decreased or complete lack of appetite;

Patients need to remember that these are just some of the symptoms, the manifestation of which may be accompanied by a constant or strong feeling of thirst.


If a person is constantly tormented by thirst, then, first of all, it is necessary to go for a consultation with a therapist. The doctor will conduct primary diagnostic measures, which will be aimed at:

  • collection of the life history of the patient;
  • studying the patient's medical history;
  • conducting a detailed physical examination, which must necessarily include an assessment of the condition of the skin, as well as measuring temperature, pulse and blood tone;
  • careful questioning of the patient;
  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • microscopic examination of feces;
  • Ultrasound and radiography;
  • CT and MRI.

After the preliminary cause of constant thirst is established, he will most likely refer the patient for examination to such specialists.

Doctors are sounding the alarm because of the rapid increase in the incidence of diabetes. A group of foreign scientists decided to highlight the main pre-diabetic symptoms that allow you to catch a dangerous disease at an early stage of development and take timely measures for healing.

According to doctors, one of the first characteristic signals of the onset of diabetes is increased drowsiness, lethargy after eating. A similar reaction of the body is evidence that it is too loaded with carbohydrates. This is especially harmful if a person is fond of food stuffed with so-called "fast" carbohydrates supplied with sugar or white wheat flour. If after dinner you are overcome by an unbearable desire to sleep, you need to reduce the amount of foods with "fast" carbohydrates. Instead, eat food with "slow", more complex carbohydrates- cereals, vegetables, fresh fruits. It is also helpful to do some physical activity after eating, such as just walking around for 15 minutes.

Another formidable symptom is carbohydrate craving, that is, a strong craving for foods with simple carbohydrates. If you constantly crave sweets and starchy foods, then your pancreas is not working properly: it produces a large amount of insulin, which is why blood sugar levels do not remain stably even, but fall. Sharply removing sugar from the diet in such a situation is dangerous, but there is a way out - instead of sweets with refined sugar, use nuts, carrots, bananas.
High blood pressure with excess weight is a faithful companion of diabetes. The blood becomes more viscous, which complicates its movement through the body, and the cells do not receive the right amount of carbohydrates. In this case, it is necessary to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood and start losing weight.
A "beer" belly, indicating a concentration of fat in the abdomen, exacerbates the tendency to diabetes. Fat on the abdomen increases blood pressure, increases the risk of cardiovascular pathologies. A fat belly with an overall high level of cholesterol greatly increases a person's chances of developing diabetes.

A strong feeling of thirst may be completely normal after an intense physical activity, on a hot afternoon, and even after eating something salty or spicy. But thirst, which appears for no reason and which is almost impossible to quench, is a serious signal sent by the body. What diseases are evidenced by constant thirst, let's talk further.
Doctors call the syndrome of constant thirst polydipsia. This is a pathological phenomenon that indicates a clear lack of fluid in the body. Fluid loss can be associated both with the above phenomena, and after disruption of the body (vomiting, increased sweating, diarrhea).
Those diseases, which are evidenced by constant thirst, can be quite serious, so this alarming "call" should not be ignored. Most often, thirst is provoked by diseases of the liver or kidneys, infectious diseases, increased blood sugar levels, improper water exchange, and burns. In addition, doctors also add what diseases you should think about when you have a constant desire to drink. These are mental illnesses, nervous disorders, schizophrenia, obsessive and depressive states, a feeling of thirst often occurs after head injuries, possibly resulting in a concussion.

The natural feeling of thirst allows the body to function normally. This is a biological motivation, thanks to which the body receives the amount of fluid it needs, and also maintains an optimal water-salt ratio. When thirsty, as you know, a feeling of dryness appears in the mouth. This feeling may be false or true. With false thirst, simply rinse your mouth with water, after which this feeling passes. If this was not enough, and the body requires a large amount of water, it's time to think about what diseases such a condition can speak of.

To prevent the feeling of a constant desire to drink, it is necessary to replenish in a timely manner an adequate supply of fluid, which is required specifically for your body. A properly calculated fluid requirement will prevent fluid from being admitted. For example, for 1 kg of body weight of an adult, about 40 g of water is needed. This is a daily requirement. Given these indicators, you can calculate how much water you need per day, and whether there is any reason to worry about unreasonably occurring thirst. It is a misconception that a person needs to drink at least two liters a day. Everyone has an individual need, depending on their own body weight. It is from this indicator that one should proceed. True, an amendment should be made to what kind of lifestyle an ordinary adult leads. Constant increased sweating and spending a lot of energy require drinking more water. But a sedentary lifestyle can reduce the need for fluid.

In addition, it should be taken into account that constant thirst indicates nervous overload and stress. If work is associated with excitement and anxiety, then thirst is inevitable.
Separately, it is worth talking about the thirst that occurs in children. First of all, in adolescents, thirst can be provoked for the reason that they lead an active and mobile lifestyle. In children, such a phenomenon as constant thirst indicates some dangerous conditions of the body. For example, such a violation of the cardiovascular system as congestive heart failure indicates a weakness of the heart muscle, which is not able to pump enough blood and oxygen. As soon as the child experiences even the slightest tension, his heart failure worsens, as evidenced by constant thirst.
Parents need to keep in mind that the child's urination and fluid intake should be proportional. Otherwise, you should consult a doctor and check the condition of the kidneys. The kidneys are the body's natural filtration system, and if their work is disrupted, they can completely stop absorbing water and retain enough of it in the organ systems.

In any case, you should not immediately draw conclusions about the presence of any diseases in a child or in oneself when frequent thirst is manifested. Watch small children for some time. If you notice any abnormalities, consult a doctor.
The most popular causes of unreasonable feeling of strong thirst is diabetes mellitus. If, along with a strong desire to drink, an uncontrollable feeling of hunger appears, as well as frequent urination, it can be assumed that these are symptoms of diabetes. It can manifest itself in a similar way in children and adults.
Another disease is diabetes insipidus. In this disease, the sensitivity of the kidneys to the antidiuretic hormone is disturbed, or the amount of this hormone decreases sharply. With this disease, frequent urination, a strong feeling of thirst can also make themselves felt, but the child loses his appetite.

An irresistible desire to drink should be satisfied only with pure water. If you drink tea, juices and carbonated drinks, you can cause even more harm to the body and exacerbate the disease. If the body sends you any signals, try to understand what diseases it is trying to communicate. If the pathology, which is evidenced by constant thirst, has not been confirmed by doctors, review your daily diet. Try to reduce the amount of spicy foods, salty foods, and sweets you eat. Remember that thirst is caused by excessive smoking and dehydration after drinking alcohol and coffee. Before you see a doctor, make sure that your thirst is not provoked by taking any medications prescribed for you. medicines.

The tissues of the human body contain water and a variety of salts (more precisely, ions). The main ions that determine the salt composition of blood plasma and tissue fluid are sodium and potassium, and chlorides are among the anions. Its osmotic pressure depends on the concentration of salts in the internal environment of the body, which ensures the shape of the cells and their normal vital activity. The ratio of salts and water is called the water-electrolyte balance. When it is disturbed, thirst arises.

It becomes clear that thirst can be caused by the following groups of reasons:

  1. Decreased water intake in the body.
  2. Increased excretion of water from the body (including with salts - osmotic diuresis).
  3. Increasing the intake of salts in the body.
  4. Decreased excretion of salts from the body.
  5. Also, one should not forget that the center of thirst is located in the brain, and in some of its diseases, this symptom may also appear.

Decreased water intake in the body

Often thirst is caused by a lack of fluid intake. It depends on the age, gender of people, their weight. It is believed that on average a person needs to drink at least one and a half liters of pure water per day. Therefore, the first thing to do when thirst appears is to increase the amount of water you drink at least a little, and monitor your well-being.

It is necessary to especially monitor the amount of water drunk in the elderly, malnourished patients, children and in the hot season.

Increasing the excretion of water from the body

Strong thirst causes the use of large volumes of beer.

Water is excreted from the human body in the following ways:

  • through the kidneys;
  • through the lungs and mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract;
  • through the skin;
  • through the intestines.

Loss of water through the kidneys

Increased urination can be observed when taking diuretic drugs. Many of them contribute to the excretion of salts through the kidneys, which “pull” water along with them. Many medicinal plants also have a diuretic effect. Therefore, it is necessary to review the medicines, herbal remedies and dietary supplements that a person takes.

Increased urination and, as a result, thirst causes the use of large volumes of liquid,.

If a person is worried about constant strong thirst, accompanied by the release of a large amount of light urine (up to several liters per day), the most probable cause such a condition is diabetes insipidus. This is an endocrine disease, accompanied by a violation of water retention in the kidneys. This disease is treated by an endocrinologist.

Primary and secondary wrinkled kidney, acute and chronic, are the most common kidney diseases that cause increased urination and, as a result, thirst. These diseases have different clinical picture therefore, if they are suspected, you should consult a therapist and pass a minimum set of tests to determine kidney function (general and biochemical analysis s blood, general urinalysis, urinalysis according to Zimnitsky).

Separately, it is necessary to mention the so-called osmotic diuresis. When excreted from the body through the kidneys of salts or other osmotically active substances(for example, glucose), according to the laws of physics, water is “pulled out” behind them. Increased excretion of fluid causes thirst. The main example of such a state is . Thirst at the beginning of this disease is accompanied by the release of a large amount of urine. Suspecting diabetes will help The first tests for suspected diabetes should be the level of glucose in the blood and urine, a glucose tolerance test.

Hyperparathyroidism can also cause thirst. This is an endocrine disease associated with dysfunction of the parathyroid glands. In this disease, calcium is primarily washed out of the bone tissue and excreted in the urine. Calcium is osmotically active and "pulls" water with it. Weakness, fatigue, pain in the legs will help to suspect hyperparathyroidism. Frequent early symptom hyperparathyroidism is tooth loss.

Constant nausea, frequent vomiting, weight loss are also characteristic of this disease. It is necessary to contact an endocrinologist for an in-depth examination.

Loss of water through the respiratory tract

Constant mouth breathing contributes to the emergence of thirst. It can occur with hypertrophic rhinitis, in children, night snoring. In such conditions, it is better to contact an ENT doctor.

Loss of fluid through the respiratory tract increases with rapid breathing (fever, oxygen starvation, respiratory failure due to lung disease, bronchitis, pneumonia). In case of complaints of shortness of breath, it is also necessary to contact a therapist to study the respiratory and cardiovascular systems (X-ray of the lungs and an electrocardiogram are included in the minimum set of studies).

Loss of water through the skin

Violations of the central regulation

The thirst center is located in the hypothalamus. It can be affected by strokes and other focal lesions and brain injuries. In addition, violations of the central regulation of thirst can be observed in some mental disorders.

Based on what has been said

Constant thirst is a reason to take a blood test for sugar.

With constant thirst, you need:

  1. Normalize the amount of fluid you drink.
  2. Eliminate foods, medicines, drinks and supplements that can cause thirst.
  3. Contact a local physician.
  4. Pass general blood and urine tests, a biochemical blood test, undergo an x-ray of the lungs and an ECG.
  5. In case of deviations in the analyzes, undergo an in-depth examination.
  6. If no deviations are found, it is advisable to contact an endocrinologist and examine the hormonal background.

People who are thirsty all the time often do not even think that this state of affairs is not the norm. They do not even notice how they drain countless glasses, mugs and bottles of liquid, whether it be tea, coffee, juice, compote, mineral water or just water. Even their relatives get used to such "peculiarities" of behavior and do not pay attention. In fact, finding the root cause is very important for health.

  1. To maintain water-salt balance
  2. To ensure thermoregulation
  3. To improve well-being
  4. To ensure normal metabolism
  5. For blood thinning
  6. To lubricate joints
  7. For energy
  8. To improve digestion

According to studies, the average daily intake of liquid for a person is about two liters. But some drinkers manage to drink much more. Some do not even experience discomfort in the form of frequent visits to the toilet or a full stomach. Why do you always want to drink? Where does the desire to saturate the body with life-giving moisture come from?

Reasons for frequent hunting to get drunk:

False drinks.

It has been proven that any liquid other than water is not able to truly quench your thirst. After all, only H2O is a drink for the body, and everything else is food. Moreover, some drinks, especially sweet or alcoholic ones, cause dehydration. Everyone knows what dry land is in the morning after drinking strong drinks in the evening. Also cause thirst for lemonade and cola due to increased blood sugar.

Wrong drinking process.

If you quickly drink a lot (1-3 liters) of water or other liquid in large sips, then the stomach will be filled immediately, and the thirst will not recede. Because the brain will process the signal about receiving moisture only for 10 minutes. It is not surprising that during this time you will want to drink more and more, especially if it was not possible to drink right away.

With kidney and heart failure, diabetes, liver disease, constant thirst is observed. This is due to a violation of the functions of vital organs, while the water balance of the body is disturbed, because too much fluid is excreted uncontrollably.

Trauma or pathology of the brain.

The center responsible for the feeling of thirst is located in the brain, if it is damaged due to injury or affected by a tumor, then it sends distorted signals.


If a person is in conditions of dry and warm air, he will be thirsty all the time, because the flow of fluid in the body will increase due to the drying of the mucous membranes and increased sweating.

Wrong nutrition.

It is known that after eating salty, sweet, smoked, spicy and starchy foods, it draws on water. It is quite logical that if you eat such foods all the time, then the thirst will not disappear, because the body will need water to assimilate the “heavy” food and remove the harmful substances contained in it.

Work specifics.

People who, by virtue of their profession, have to talk a lot (teachers, politicians, presenters, etc.) often experience thirst due to the drying of the oral mucosa. Who works in dry warm rooms, especially physically. After all, the amount of fluid excreted by the body increases to maintain normal temperature body.

Smoking, alcohol, drugs.

Heavy smokers and drug addicts often suffer from thirst. This is due to the fact that the body is trying to remove toxic substances that poison the blood and all organs. If you drink alcohol in large doses in the evening, then in the morning the body will suffer from dehydration, which is confirmed by the so-called dryness. Also, thirst is one of the main signs of a person who uses drugs.

Reception medicines.

For some drugs by-effect- dry mouth, which provokes the appearance of thirst. These include diuretics, antibiotics, expectorants, sedatives.

Frequent stress or anxiety.

It has been proven that when a person is worried or worried, he feels dry mouth, this can be regarded as thirst. The reason lies in the increased heart rate, rapid breathing, often increased sweating caused by stress.

Why you can't drink too much

Frequent thirst leads to the fact that you have to drink a lot to satisfy the desire of the body. But excessive fluid intake adversely affects a person. Even fatal cases of “intoxication” with water have been recorded in history. What troubles can await water drinkers?

  1. The body's salt balance is disturbed
  2. Overloaded kidneys and heart
  3. The stomach is stretched

How to deal with desire

First, you need to learn how to drink plain clean water. Not even mineral, and, moreover, not carbonated. Scientists say that tea, sweet sodas and other drinks do not quench thirst. On the contrary, they dehydrate the body, because simple water is required for their absorption.

Next, you need to establish the correct drinking process. It consists in drinking water slowly, taking small sips. After all, it has long been proven that the feeling of thirst disappears after about 10 minutes after drinking a liquid.

Recommend daily allowance drink water regularly in equal portions, without waiting for the appearance of thirst. But it should be noted that under certain conditions (sports, increased body temperature, heavy sweating), the amount of H2O must be increased.

It is also advised to make it a habit to drink clean water in the morning immediately after sleep and before each meal, about 10-15 minutes in advance. Morning drink will help the body wake up faster.

A glass of water before a meal will help determine whether the body really needs food or just a feeling of hunger intertwined with thirst. If 10 minutes after drinking water you don’t feel like eating, then there was a signal about the need for water. If the feeling of hunger has not passed, then it's time to eat.

In case of abnormal thirst, it is best to consult a doctor. Establishing the cause of regular thirst will help to understand the problem and avoid deterioration in health. In such a situation, it is better to take tests, the first of which is a blood test for sugar. Perhaps, MRI of the brain, ultrasound of the kidneys, liver will be recommended.

It is interesting:

The so-called drinks are not really drinks, but food. This is explained by the fact that for the assimilation of any substance, except water, the body must expend a certain amount of energy. Therefore, expressions such as "eat tea" were used earlier.

Lack of salt in the body is just as dangerous as its excess. If a person restricts the use of salt, drinks a lot of water, then a disease such as hyponatremia may well develop.

There is an opinion that if you drink more than three liters of water in an hour, you can die from swelling of the brain, lungs, or a decrease in the level of potassium in the body.

Thirst occurs when the body is already 2% dehydrated. With the loss of 10% of the fluid in a person, dizziness, impaired speech, coordination of movement begin, and at 20-25% - death.

For long-distance runners, a special drinking regimen has been developed to quench their thirst and not harm the body with an excess of fluid.

Frequent thirst can have many causes. In any case, you should adhere to a healthy lifestyle, a regular and balanced diet, drink 1-2 liters of water per day. Mineral water is best used only for treatment prescribed by a doctor. Then the body will work like clockwork, and the drinking regimen will return to normal, thirst will stop bothering you.

Thirst or polydipsia is the need to drink fluids more often and in larger volumes than during normal life. The feeling of thirst can be a signal of a serious pathology or an adaptive response to environmental conditions (in a hot climate). The presence of other symptoms, laboratory and instrumental studies can identify the exact cause. In most cases, thirst occurs when diabetes, high temperature, renal failure.


Thirst can be a manifestation of diseases of the oral cavity and internal organs. The most common reasons given symptom are the following states:

  • diabetes mellitus (including gestational);
  • atrophy of the salivary glands, gingivitis, stomatitis;
  • damage to the centers of the brain responsible for fluid intake (hypothalamus);
  • fever of any origin (infectious diseases);
  • hyperacid gastritis, peptic ulcer;
  • violation of water absorption in the digestive tract;
  • taking certain medications - antibacterial, antiallergic;
  • diseases of the hepatobiliary system (cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia);
  • pancreatitis;
  • violation of nasal breathing (polyps, curvature of the nasal septum, nasal trauma);
  • parotitis;
  • kidney failure;
  • taking diuretics;
  • alcohol or drug intoxication;
  • nervous disorders - schizophrenia, psychosis, neurasthenia;
  • acute blood loss, burns, indomitable vomiting, prolonged diarrhea.

Feeling thirsty is not always a sign of illness. In healthy people, it occurs in the following cases:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • during the summer season;
  • severe stress or physical overexertion;
  • permanent stay in an air-conditioned room;
  • drinking liquids with a low content of minerals for a long time;
  • taking diuretic herbs, alcoholic beverages, vegetables and fruits;
  • intake of salty, spicy, bitter food.

Additional features

The following symptoms accompanying constant thirst can indicate the onset of the disease:

  • Frequent urination, dry mouth, the need to drink up to 10 liters per day - with diabetes.
  • low blood pressure, dizziness, headache- with hypotension.
  • Sweating, irritability, hand trembling - with the defeat thyroid gland.
  • Chills, fever, cough, sore throat - with an upper respiratory tract infection.
  • Bone pain, muscle weakness, memory loss are observed in the pathology of the parathyroid glands.
  • Personality change, nervousness, frequent mood swings, isolation - with mental disorders.
  • A strong desire to drink, combined with swelling on the face, legs, rare urge to urinate - with pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis.

Regardless of the cause, insufficient fluid intake leads to dehydration. It is manifested by dry mouth, flabbiness of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles, sharpening of facial features, apathy, severe weakness.


One of the most common causes of thirst is diabetes. Every year the number of patients with this disease is increasing. Therefore, early detection of diabetes using a blood glucose test and a glucose tolerance test is carried out for all risk groups. First of all, they try to exclude kidney pathology and dehydration when the body overheats.

You can determine the cause of unquenchable thirst using the following tests:

  • general urine analysis;
  • thyroid hormones (TSH, T3, T4, ATPO);
  • renal tests (bound and free bilirubin, ALT, AST, thymol test);
  • indicators of kidney function - urea, creatinine, uric acid, GFR.

The following instrumental diagnostic methods are used:

  1. Ultrasound of the thyroid and parathyroid glands, kidneys.
  2. Chest X-ray.
  3. Fibrogastroduodenoscopy.
  4. CT, PET, MRI of the brain.


The method of treatment is chosen depending on the clinical situation. Comprehensive examination and determination of the stage, severity of the disease is mandatory. In diabetes mellitus, a low-carbohydrate diet, hypoglycemic drugs, and increased physical activity are prescribed.

A possible cause of polydipsia is the use of metformin (an antidiabetic drug). If a connection between thirst and the beginning of its administration is revealed, a dose adjustment or drug replacement is carried out. To eliminate diabetes insipidus, vasopressin preparations are prescribed, which make up for its deficiency. Thanks to this, the process of fluid reabsorption in the kidneys is restored and thirst disappears. In infectious diseases of the lungs, intestines, kidneys, antibacterial or antiviral drugs are prescribed.

With an increase in body temperature, antipyretics are used - Analgin, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Mefenamic acid. Physical cooling methods are also used - applying an ice pack, blowing cold air.

Thirst that arose after taking diuretic drugs does not need to be relieved. With increased blood pressure and edema, the volume of fluid during the day is sharply limited (sometimes up to 0.5-1 liter per day). Mental disorders require consultation with a psychiatrist or psychotherapist.

Thirst in healthy people does not require special treatment. It is recommended to carry out the following activities:

  • drink pure non-carbonated water;
  • do not replace water with tea, coffee, sugary drinks;
  • avoid being in the sun;
  • do not eat salty foods;
  • drink water during and after sports;
  • ensure optimal humidity in the room - frequent washing of floors, installation of humidifiers, ventilation.

In conclusion, it must be said that a constant feeling of thirst is found in healthy people and in sick people. various diseases. A general practitioner or therapist can understand this situation. Be healthy!