Certification work of the highest category paramedic fap. Content







General requirements.

Title page of the attestation report of the paramedic.

Top right - a statement with the signature of the head physician, certified by the round seal of the medical institution where the paramedical worker works.

In the center - the heading: “Report on professional activity for the certification of a paramedic (nurse) of a medical institution (name of institution), full name. (write in full), for such and such years (specify the reporting period).

At the bottom of the sheet - the name of the settlement, the year of work. (Attachment 1).

The second page of the attestation report should contain a table of contents indicating the page numbers of the main sections of the attestation work. Page numbers are put down without a dot at the end, and the number “1” is never put on the title page, but it is taken into account that the next page has the number “2”.

All attestation material must be in printed form using Times New Roman No. 14 font, spacing 1.5 on one side of A4 white single-sort paper, with standard margins.

The main sections of the attestation report of the ambulance paramedic.

years of advanced training and certification. The presence of a qualification category. General medical work experience, work experience in the certified specialty. ( Appendix 1 ).

2. Brief information about the medical institution (a brief description of the structural unit, the main tasks and principles of work, the staff structure of medical personnel in health facilities, performance indicators of health facilities for the reporting period). ( Appendix 2 ).

3 . The main part of the attestation report. Brief description of your workplace, equipment. List the official and regulatory documents, during the work of which the specialist is guided. Quantitative and qualitative indicators of the specialist's activity for the reporting period. These indicators are presented in the form of tables, diagrams. All figures are given for the year. Each digital material (table, graph, diagram) should be followed by an analytical explanation that reveals the essence of the dynamics of the numbers (or lack thereof), which will demonstrate the ability to critically analyze.

List the approved accounting and reporting documentation. Personal participation in the introduction of new nursing technologies into practice. It is especially important to describe the effect achieved as a result of the introduction of new methods. ( Appendix 3 ).

4 . Sanitary and educational work. ( Appendix 4 ).

5. Mentorship.

6. Advanced training (participation in city, regional conferences, preparation and participation in intrahospital conferences, publication of articles, preparation of information material, list reports at city, regional conferences). ( Appendix 5).

7. Ranking results, results of passing exams for professional competence.

Attachment 1.

Title page.


Chief Physician _____________________________

(full name of institution, organization)


__________________ ____________________

200 ____


about professional activity for certification

(full full name of the specialist)



(place of work)


for the period 20 -- - years.


20-- year

Appendix 2

Sample sample.

An ambulance station (department, substation) is a healthcare institution intended to provide emergency and emergency care on the prehospital stage mobile brigades and having the necessary forces and means for this.

Ambulance station structure medical care as follows:

The structure of the ambulance station in the city of Chita (see Table 1):

Table 1

Personnel potential of the ambulance station.

Works at the SSMP: doctors ......, paramedics ......., anesthetist nurses ... .. (you can specify qualification categories employees). Staffing with doctors ….%, nurses ……%. ….% of doctors and …..% of paramedics have qualification categories.

Diagram 1.

Based on the approved states, during the year there were ... daily medical posts and .... daily paramedic posts.

Performance indicators of health facilities for the reporting period (Table 2).

Table 2.

The most important regulatory documents of the SSMP include:

Table 6


Stable angina

Acute coronary syndrome

Rhythm disturbances

Bronchial asthma


Infectious diseases

Intestinal infections of unknown etiology

Gastroenteritis, enterocolitis

Diseases nervous system

Spinal osteochondrosis

epileptic seizures

According to medical prescriptions, I performed the following number of manipulations and procedures (Diagram 3):

Diagram 3.

The use of medical diagnostic equipment in .... year (Diagram 4).

Diagram 4.

When using medical equipment, when administering medicines, when performing manipulations and procedures, no complications were observed, since she followed the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, followed orders, instructions and guidelines on the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime in medical facilities.

Fulfilling their functional responsibilities I follow the following orders:

· Order No. 000 dated March 26, 1999. "On improving the organization of emergency medical care for the population of the Russian Federation."

· Order No. 000 dated 12.02.07. “On the procedure for prescribing and prescribing medicines, medical devices and specialized medical nutrition products”.

· Order No. 000 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001 “On measures to improve the accounting, storage, prescribing and use of narcotic drugs”.

· Order No. 000 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.2001 “On introducing amendments and additions to the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 12.11.97 No. 000”.

· PKKN dated 17.04.02. Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation "Strong agents" list No. 1.

· Order No. 000 dated 30.08.91. Moscow Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation: "On the standards for the consumption of ethyl alcohol for healthcare institutions."

· Order No. 000 dated 12.07.89. "On measures to reduce the incidence of viral hepatitis in the country."

· Sanitary rules and regulations Federal Center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of Russia 2003: “Compliance with the rules for the collection, storage and disposal of waste in health facilities”.

· Participation in the implementation of complex anti-epidemic and sanitary-hygienic measures in the event of an unfavorable epidemiological situation in the service area.

Participation in the provision of medical care in emergency situations.

· Preparation of current (monthly) and prospective (annual) work plans, provision of operational and planned reports on their activities in the prescribed manner. Maintenance of approved medical and accounting records.

· Carrying out sanitary and educational work among the population, including with the use of the media.

In his activities, the FAP paramedic is guided by the current legislation and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, orders, instructions and guidelines of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation and the Health Committee of the Trans-Baikal Territory, instructions and orders of the head of the municipal health institution to which the FAP is subordinate, "Regulations on feldsher-obstetric point", this job description.

Characteristics of the FAP.

Year of commissioning

Standard/adapted building

Total area (m²)

List of functional premises (offices, utility rooms, etc.)

Distance from CRH (km)

Availability of schools, kindergartens (number, which ones)

Number of yards

Exchange card of the maternity hospital, maternity ward of the hospital, information antenatal clinic about pregnant

Notebook of work at home patronage nurse (midwife)

Emergency register

Log book of fluorographic examination

The list of the female population from the age of 18 and a mark on the medical examination

List of high-risk women of childbearing age

Report on the work of the FAP for the year

Refrigerator Temperature Log

Journal of germicidal lamps operation

Log book for air and steam sterilizers

Journal of accounting and consumption of ethyl alcohol

Journal of accounting for work on hygienic education and education of the population, promotion of a healthy lifestyle

My quantitative and qualitative performance indicators for the reporting period.

Nosological form



Hospitalized from number of visits

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

a) hypertension

b) Hypertensive crisis

c) angina pectoris

b) Acute myocardial infarction

c) Pulmonary edema

g) Arrhythmias

h) stroke

i) NDC

Diseases of the ENT organs

Nose bleed

Respiratory diseases


b) Pneumonia

c) Bronchitis

d) Laryngotracheitis

e) Bronchial asthma

Diseases of the digestive system

a) Acute gastritis

b) peptic ulcer

c) hepatic colic

d) Acute cholecystitis

e) Acute pancreatitis

e) Strangulated hernia

Diseases of the genitourinary system

a) Acute adnexitis

b) Ovarian apoplexy

c) uterine bleeding

d) Cystitis

e) Acute urinary retention

Oncological diseases

Infectious diseases

Intestinal infections

a) TBI

b) Fractures and dislocations

c) Burns

d) Wounds and bruises


Neuritis, neuralgia, dorsopathy

In the structure of diseases of the population of the region, diseases of the circulatory system, musculoskeletal system, respiratory diseases occupy the first places. The district has low rates of morbidity in newborns, the prevalence of diseases of the digestive system……

Carried out according to the national calendar in 2009, vaccinations for children:


Sanitary work.

I conduct thematic consultations on the health of schoolchildren, reproductive health, abortion prevention, prevention of cardiovascular diseases…….

I carry out work in accordance with the principles and norms of medical ethics and deontology... When communicating, it is especially important to show sensitivity to the sick person and people close to him. In these cases, the learned rules of deontology should work reflexively; it is also necessary to remember the basic commandment of medicine in any conditions: “do no harm”. We must not forget about folk wisdom: "the word heals, the word kills." To win over a patient, to find contact with him, to be able to help him perk up is a lot of work and a real art. And, of course, from me, as a paramedic, in this regard, not only high professional data is required, but also sensitivity and attentiveness.

I systematically improve the level of professional training: I take an active part in the work of district seminars, meetings for paramedical workers, periodically travel to advanced FAPs to exchange work experience, and get acquainted with the relevant medical literature.

I improve my professional qualifications in the cycles of improvement in institutions (departments of postgraduate education) at least once every five years in accordance with the established procedure.

Annually according to order No. 000 dated 01/01/2001 "On improving the examination of the activities and quality of nursing care in the Trans-Baikal Territory" a proficiency test is conducted. According to the results of the ranking, I take .... place in the standings. Passed the professional competence exam in 2009 in the following sections:

¾ readiness to provide emergency assistance ………;

¾ compliance with the pharmaceutical order - ……..;

¾ carrying out activities and observing infectious safety - ……;

¾ improvement of manipulation technique within the framework of TPMU standards;

¾ Compliance with ethical standards - …….

I approve
Chief Physician
ME "Klichev Central
district hospital"

about professional activity
********, paramedic of the mobile team, emergency department of the health care institution "Klichev Central District Hospital".
for the period from 29.07.2013. to 29.02.2016

I, *********, graduated from the Mogilev State Medical College in 2013 with a degree in obstetrician. Since July 2013, she has been working at the Klichev Central District Hospital, Head. (paramedic) Biordovsky medical and obstetric point.
The population of the Klichev district is served by a network of medical and preventive institutions, which allow providing medical care to every resident of the city and district.
One of these institutions is the Biodovsky FAP.
Biodovsky FAP is located on the territory of the Potoksky village council.
The number of served settlements is 7.
The population is 251 people, of which 56 are children, there are no children in the SOP. Lonely living -7 people.
There are no participants and invalids of the Second World War.
Subordinate to Head. FAP is a nurse.
The FAP has the following rooms: a paramedic's office, a treatment room, a room for storing cleaning equipment, and a hall for visitors.
All rooms are fully equipped with equipment and medical supplies according to the equipment table.
treatment room equipped according to the list, medicines needed to provide medical care.
Syndromic kits (adults and children) are equipped for emergency medical care in life-threatening conditions.
There is a gynecological chair in the treatment room for the preventive annual examination of women and taking smears for cytological examination.
Also in the treatment room there is a bactericidal emitter, the work of which is recorded in the register of the operation of bactericidal lamps.
There are air ducts, a laryngeal mask, a tongue holder, a ventilation system (Ambu type bag).
Paramedical and obstetrical bags, demercurization, anti-pediculosis, bird flu bags, according to the OOI were assembled and completed according to the requirements.
FAP operation mode (schedule):
Monday-Friday: 8:00 – 15:30
Saturday: 8:00 – 15:00
Sunday is a day off.
Lunch break: 13:00 – 14:00
I have the following knowledge and practical skills:
I know and apply in practice clinical protocols for the provision of emergency (emergency) care to the adult population, clinical protocols for the provision of emergency (emergency) care to the children's population.
- Implementation of all types of injections (intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous).
- Measurement of blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate.
- Carrying out infusion therapy.
- Carrying out resuscitation measures indirect massage heart and mechanical ventilation).
- Temporary stop of bleeding.
- The imposition of aseptic dressings.
- Bladder catheterization.
- Gastric lavage with a probe.
- Immobilization at the prehospital stage.
When examining patients and performing manipulations, I use personal protective equipment.
After performing injections and other manipulations at home, I collect the waste in two containers, after that I disinfect the waste material in the treatment room and collect it in labeled yellow bags “hazardous waste group B”: used syringes, cotton balls, needles, empty ampoules. Non-hazardous waste is collected in white bags "non-hazardous waste group A". Needles and empty ampoules are collected in non-piercing containers. The container with needles is 1/3 filled with disinfectant.
After disinfection, a final act is drawn up for the entire batch of waste material and solutions for a certain period.
Sterile disposable medical instruments are used for work: syringes, probes, catheters, infusion systems, spatulas, cytobrushes, Cusco mirrors.
When processing the injection field, disposable sterile wipes impregnated with septocide are used.
Routine cleaning of the treatment room is carried out daily: 2 times a day using a detergent and 1 time using a disinfectant solution. Disinfectants alternate 1 time per quarter according to the rotation schedule.
After each cleaning, the bactericidal lamp is turned on for 40 minutes.
Once a week, general cleaning is carried out using disinfectants according to the tuberculocidal regime, the bactericidal lamp is turned on for 2 hours.
I actively participate in the medical examination of the population, select the contingent to be examined by a doctor. I conduct dynamic monitoring and control of the correct organization of work.
As of January 1, 2015, the dispensary records include:
Arterial hypertension - 32 people.
Chronic alcoholism - 19 people.
Psychiatric diseases - 1 person.
Diabetes - 3 people.
Tuberculosis of the lungs - 3 people.
Chronic lung diseases - 4 people.
Chronic ischemic heart disease - 30 people.
The number of outpatients admitted and the number of house calls during the reporting period (Table 1)...

February 18, 2013

I, Zaripova Senera Vagitovna, graduated from the Yalutorovsk Medical School in 2008 with a degree in General Medicine. Awarded a certificate in the specialty of medical business dated 26.06.2008 protocol No. 95.

Since 2008 I have been working as a paramedic in the Andreevsky FAP, work experience is 4.5 years. On March 18, 2011, she was transferred to the position of head of the FAP, I work alone. I serve the entire population of the village of Andreevsky, the total number of:

from 0 to 90 years - 1424.

children under one year - 31.

The service area is comprehensive school, the number of students is 212 people, a recreation center, the administration of the village of Andreevsky, a sports complex "Batyr", a post office of Russia, 5 grocery stores.

I am directly subordinate to the head of the branch of the Borovsk hospital, the head nurse of the Borovsk hospital.

Characteristics of the building - modular building, centralized water supply, electric heating, artificial and natural lighting, supply and exhaust ventilation, radiator heating.

The total area of ​​the building is 150 sq.m.

I provide medical and preventive and sanitary assistance, first emergency medical care for acute diseases and accidents. I diagnose typical cases of the most common diseases and prescribe treatment using modern methods treatment and prevention of diseases, write out prescriptions. I provide first aid. I carry out the appointments of local doctors. I carry out daily examination of men and women in the examination room. I carry out current sanitary supervision, organize and carry out anti-epidemic measures. I organize and conduct dispensary observation of various groups of the population (children, adolescents, pregnant women, participants and invalids of wars, patients who have had acute illnesses, patients suffering from chronic diseases). I organize and carry out preventive vaccinations for children and adults. I carry out an examination of temporary disability. I provide storage, accounting and write-off medicines compliance with the rules for taking medications by patients. I organize an in-depth examination of schoolchildren by all specialists, fill out health sheets for schoolchildren. I carry out a pre-trip medical examination of school drivers. I maintain medical records and reports. I carry out sanitary and educational work among patients and their relatives on health promotion and disease prevention, promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

Andreevsky FAP has the following offices:

Reception office of the adult population;

· Office of reception of the children's population;

· Treatment room;

· Vaccination room;

dressing room;

· Observation room;

· Sterilization room;

· Pharmacy;

Each office is equipped with the necessary furniture, inventory, medical devices and tools.

Adult Reception Office:

· Couch

Medical floor scales

· Height meter


· Rack for files

· Tonometer

· Phonendoscope

· Glucometer

· Ventilator

The device for registration of an ECG


· Thermometer


· Emergency bag for adults, children, pregnant women.

· Bag-set for normal childbirth at home.

· Capacity for processing of a phonendoscope with disinfectant solution.

· A container with a disinfectant solution for processing spatulas.

· Container with disinfectant solution for processing thermometers.

· Container with disinfectant for surface treatment.

· Container for clean rags.

Accounting and reporting documentation at the FAP:

  • Passport of Andreevsky FAP;
  • Regulation on FAP;
  • License to carry out medical activities;
  • Comprehensive work plan of the FAP for the year, approved by the head of the branch;
  • Journal of the monthly plan, approved by the head of the branch;
  • Journal of the daily work plan;
  • The plan for conducting fluorography, mammography, onco screening, cardio screening, measuring intraocular pressure, taking PSA in men, examining women in the examination room with a mandatory smear for oncocytology, was approved by the head of the branch.
  • Folder of regulatory documents (SANpins);
  • Outgoing documentation folder;
  • Incoming documentation folder;
  • Journal of receipt and issuance of disability certificates;
  • Journal of registration of emergency assistance to the population;
  • Journals of outpatient admission of adults and children;
  • Journals of assets and patronages of the adult and child population;
  • Conduct log general cleaning;
  • Journal of registration of the operation of germicidal lamps;
  • Journal of Emergency Tetanus Prevention;
  • Journal of registration of patients with tick bites;
  • Journal of accounting for the temperature regime of refrigerators;
  • Registers and card file of preventive vaccinations for adults and children;
  • Journal of accounting and consumption of the vaccine;
  • Journal of registration "D" of patients, children and adults;
  • Control card "D" of patients;
  • family magazine
  • Journal of tonometry;
  • Journal of health education work;
  • Journal of accounting and consumption of ethyl alcohol, medicines, soft dressing equipment;
  • Journal of daily examination of men and women;
  • Journal of arrivals and departures;
  • Log of pre-trip inspection of drivers;
  • Pharmacy documentation;
  • Folders:

Action Plan for OOI;

For tuberculosis;

Waste disposal;

For safety;

According to the standards of medical care.

To comply with personal safety measures at the workplace, I work STRICTLY in overalls! (robe, removable trousers, removable shoes, cap, mask, gloves, glasses). Each regime office is equipped with a first aid kit for prevention HIV infection and kits for emergency care. (Anaphylactic shock, hyperthermic syndrome, MI, arrhythmia, vascular insufficiency, collapse, bleeding, eclampsia, preeclampsia, asthma, arterial hypertension.)

"Report on the work of the paramedic of the department for organizing medical care for children in educational institutions"

/ The medicine
Practice report, 20 pages

2. Characteristics of the Municipal preschool - educational institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 142".

3. Organization and conduct of an in-depth medical examination of children.

4. Organization of control over the course of the adaptation period. Assessment of the course of adaptation.

5. Organization of physical education. hardening.

6. Catering.

7. Morbidity analysis.

8. Specific prevention.

9. Health-saving technologies in the Municipal preschool educational institution.

10. Medical and hygienic education.

11. Conclusions.

12. Tasks.

Brief description of the Municipal Health Institution

« Children's City Polyclinic No. 8 in Magnitogorsk.

The municipal health care institution "Children's City Polyclinic No. 8 of Magnitogorsk" occupies 2 floors of a residential building in the right-bank part of the city. Serves the children's population of the Pravoberezhny and Ordzhonikidzevsky districts of the city of Magnitogorsk.

The polyclinic serves the children's population, divided into 14 pediatric sections, with the total number of the children's population in 2009 - 13954 people, including 831 people under the age of one year.

The clinic operates a 6-day work week.

The following structural units operate in the polyclinic:

Information and analytical

department (medical sta- tistics office, registry, vaccination, (pediatric) department, including a filter), including a healthy child’s office

And a home hospital.

Department of Restoration - Department of Organization

medical treatment of medical care for children in

(including daytime educational institutions



Consultative and Diagnostic Department of Medical and Social

department (specialists, radiation and noah care.

functional diagnostics)

Polyclinic management

Characteristics of the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution "Child Development Center-Kindergarten No. 142".

I, Ivanova Olga Nikolaevna, am a paramedic of the municipal preschool educational institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 142" of a general developmental type, headed by Dolgopolova A.V.

Methodological guidance is provided by the department of organization of medical care for children in educational institutions of the municipal health care institution "Children's City Polyclinic No. 8 in Magnitogorsk", head Tsepkina L.N.

Medical care is entrusted to me and the nurse Lazareva I.Yu.

Municipal preschool educational institution "Ts.r.r. -kindergarten No. 142 "is located in the building of a standard project. MDOU is designed for 12 groups, located at the address: Magnitogorsk, st. Zavenyagin 9/1. During the renovation, one group was transformed into an art studio. Currently there are 3 groups of early age and 8 groups preschool age.

List structure.


year 2009


From 1 year to 3 years

50 - 19,8%

54 - 21%

From 3 years old to 7 years old

203 - 80,2%

200 - 79%

From 1 year to 7 years

The quantitative composition has changed slightly and remains stable.

The building of the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution includes:

Group cells: isolated rooms belonging to each age group: reception, separate bedrooms, games, toilets and washrooms.

Specialized rooms for activities with children,

designed for alternate use by all children's groups - a music room, a gym, an art studio.

Medical block:

* Reception;

* Vaccination room;

* Two insulators;

* Dressing room.

The medical unit complies with the requirements of SanPiN 2.4.1. 1249-03 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational institutions" (approved by the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on March 25, 2003). Licensed (license dated December 9, 2009 FS No. 7401001213).

Dining room and laundry.

Office and amenity premises for staff.

The material base of the institution complies with regulatory requirements, all technical equipment is in working order.

I work in close contact with teachers, specialists, parents, the department of organization of medical care for children in educational institutions "Children's City Polyclinic No. 8 in Magnitogorsk", a branch of the FGUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology" of the Chelyabinsk Region in the city of Magnitogorsk.

In my work I am guided by normative documents:

Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 52 dated March 30, 1999 No. "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population"

S.P. 3.3.2342-08 Immunization safety

Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 157 dated July 17, 1998. "On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases"

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 673 dated October 30, 2007. "On amendments to the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 27.06.01. No. 229 "On the national calendar of preventive vaccinations and the calendar of preventive vaccinations according to epidemiological indications."

Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 29 of 02.01.00 No. "On the quality and safety of food products"

SanPiN of 30.04.03 "Prevention of meningococcal infection"

Order No. 109 dated 21.03.03 "On the improvement of anti-tuberculosis activities in the Russian Federation"

Order No. 342 dated 11/26/89. "On strengthening measures for the prevention of typhus and the fight against pediculosis"

SanPiN "Diphtheria prevention"

SanPiN 3.1.2. 1320 - 03 "Prophylaxis of pertussis infection"

SanPiN 3.1.2. 117602 from 12/18/02 "Prevention of measles, mumps, rubella"

Order MZ No. 408 dated 12.07.89. "On measures to reduce the incidence of viral hepatitis in the country"

SanPiN of 01/22/99 "Rules for the collection, storage and disposal of waste in medical institutions"

Order MZ No. 60 dated 14.03.95. "On the approval of instructions for conducting preventive examinations of children of preschool and school age on the basis of medical and economic standards."

Order No. 621 dated 30.12.03. "On a comprehensive assessment of the health status of children."

Order No. 151 dated 07.05.98. "On temporary industry standards for the volume of medical care for children."

Order of the Ministry of Health No. 310 dated 09.12.04. "On the approval of the child's medical examination card."

Order of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Defense No. 186/272 dated 10.06.1992 "On improving the system of medical care for children in educational institutions."

Organization of in-depth medical examination of children.

Preventive medical examination is carried out for children of decreed ages in 3 stages in the medical examination room. All children undergo pre-hospital screening in accordance with methodological guide under the editorship of Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences G.N. Serdyukovskaya "Organization of medical control over the development and health of preschoolers and schoolchildren based on mass screening tests and their rehabilitation in kindergarten and school."

-Stage 1 - pre-medical examination using screening tests:

questionnaire - survey of parents

plantography - assessment of the state of the musculoskeletal system

study of visual acuity, hearing acuity

assessment of physical development and physical fitness

Kern-Jerasek test.

Stage 2 - specialized - includes laboratory screening and examination by the team specialists: ENT doctor, ophthalmologist, surgeon, gynecologist, neurologist, dentist (on the basis of a dental clinic).

Stage 3 - examination by a pediatrician.

In conclusion, the pediatrician conducts a comprehensive assessment of the child's health based on the order of the Ministry of Health No. 621 dated December 30, 03, "On a comprehensive assessment of the state of children's health" with the definition of a health group, physical and neuropsychic development, a medical group for physical education, gives recommendations for further monitoring and recovery.

Inspection data is entered in f. 026u, f. 131u, f. 112. After a medical examination, I bring the data on the health status of children to teachers at teachers' councils, draw up “Health” sheets for each age group, in which a health group, a furniture group, a physical education group are noted, recommendations for further observation and improvement of children. Parents are introduced to the data of in-depth examination through individual conversations, parent meetings. In addition, we achieve timely consultation of children by specialists.

Distribution of children by health groups.

year 2009


Gr. health


POK. %


POK. %





From this table it follows that there was an increase in children with the 1st health group by 1.2% due to a decrease in the number of children with the 3rd health group (with disorders of the musculoskeletal system).

1st place is occupied by CARIES - 35.9%

2nd place is occupied by diseases of the central nervous system -31.6%

3rd place is occupied by diseases of the cardiovascular system - 31.2%

4th place is occupied by diseases of the musculoskeletal system - 28.1%

5th place is occupied by surgical pathology - 10.7%

The number of children on the "dispensary registration"





POK. %


POK. %








Dispensary group in 2009 decreased by 0.2% due to a decrease in diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

For two years, the structure of the dispensary group has not changed, and in the first place is the 6th grade - diseases of the nervous system (15%).

In my work, I pay great attention to children who are on dispensary records. During the year, I regularly monitor children's visits to doctors - specialists who draw up an individual plan for medical and recreational activities for the child.

Another category that we track is physical development of children. In modern conditions, when the issues of social protection of children, ensuring the safety of their life, are activated, information about the level of physical development of children is of great importance.

According to the data of physical development, 71.9% of children are noted with harmonious physical development, it has increased compared to 2008. The number of children with disharmonious physical development decreased by 3.8% (from 24% to 20.2%). The percentage of children with sharply disharmonious physical development decreased by 6.9% (from 14.8 to 7.9%).

Disharmonious and sharply disharmonious development is observed mainly due to a lack of mass - 8.2%; excess weight - 7.1%; high growth - 4.7% of children and low growth - 1.2%.

Children with diseases of the musculoskeletal system in our MDOU 2 times a week are engaged in the Health group with a trainer-teacher, 1 time per week they visit the pool in the Aqua Park. The furniture is selected according to the height of the children, the teachers monitor the posture of the children. These moments are controlled by me and the nurse.

The teaching staff of the institution understands that important point in the implementation of the tasks of physical development and health promotion of each child is the creation of an atmosphere of emotional and mental comfort in groups, the effective use of the developing environment created in the MDOU, taking into account modern requirements.

Organization of control over the period of adaptation.

Control over the course of adaptation is carried out from the first days of the child's stay in a preschool institution for the purpose of early diagnosis of deviations in the state of health and their timely correction.

When a child enters a preschool educational institution, a record is made with a comprehensive assessment of the state of health and an action plan to facilitate adaptation, taking into account the adaptation forecast, which is determined by the district pediatrician.

General control over the course of adaptation in kindergarten is carried out by me and the nurse. Children are examined once a week. In the adaptation sheet during the observation process, medical and pedagogical recommendations are given to alleviate it. At the end of adaptation, a conclusion is written in the form about the type, course, stage, and severity of adaptation.

A total of 41 children were enrolled in 2009, which accounted for 68.3% of the total number of toddlers.

At 92.7%, adaptation was moderate and 7.3% mild. Severe adaptation was not identified.

Organization of physical education.

Physical education of preschool children occupies a special place in the system of full development. It is at this age that the foundations of good health and proper physical development are laid.

To fulfill the tasks of physical education in MDOU, conditions have been created for the physical development of the child:

Various types and forms of organizing the mode of physical activity in regulated activities (physical education 3 times a week, sports activities, holidays, outdoor games)

Increasing the motor density of classes

variation physical activity in accordance with the individual characteristics of the child

Use of the program, technologies and methods for the physical development of children, correction of posture defects

Organization of walks and excursions.

Morning exercises are carried out daily: in the warm season on the street; in winter period in the sports hall.

The complex of morning exercises includes:

Breathing exercises

Massage of biologically active points

Exercises for all muscle groups.

Physical education classes are held in the hall 2 times a week, 1 time on the street.

The gym is equipped with fitness equipment: “Health”, “Batyr”, gymnastic ladders, ropes, balls, hoops, gymnastic ropes and sticks. In order to encourage children to physical activity, all groups are equipped with sports corners, which are equipped with a variety of aids.

Distribution of children into medical groups for physical education:




238 – 94,1%

239 – 94,1%


13 – 5,1%

15 – 5,9%


2 – 0,4%

2 – 0,4%

The table shows that the medical groups have changed slightly. Children from a special group are engaged in exercise therapy at the clinic

Thus, we see that physical education in MDOU is aimed at:

1) Improving the state of health and physical development;

2) Expanding the functionality of a growing organism;

3) Formation of motor skills.

motor mode, physical exercise and tempering activities are carried out taking into account the state of health, age - sexual capabilities of children and the season of the year.


Rational nutrition is one of the environmental factors that determine the normal development, vital activity and condition of the child.

In our MDOU, meals are organized according to guidelines MOH dated 06/14/1984 “Nutrition of children in children's preschool institutions”, Vedrashko V.F. 1997; Kislyakovskaya V.P. 1997 and “Collection of technological standards, recipes for dishes and culinary products for MDOU” Perm Medical Academy, 2001.

Children's nutrition should be complete, varied in composition of products and fully satisfy the physical needs of a growing organism in basic nutrients.

The main principles of rational catering that we use are:

Strict adherence to the time and intervals of feeding

Quality control of food preparation and food storage

-"C" - food fortification

Strict adherence to the volume of the daily diet and the size of a single portion

Compliance with the conditions of eating and the rules of behavior of the child during meals.

Children in our MDOU are fed on the basis of a promising 2-week menu and a specially designed card file of dishes, which indicates the layout, calorie content, protein, fat, and carbohydrate content. The use of ready-made technological cards makes it easy to calculate the chemical composition of the diet, if necessary, replace one dish with another, of equal composition, using the “Food Replacement Table”.

Children in our MDOU receive 4 meals a day: breakfast - 25% daily allowance, lunch - 40%, afternoon tea - 10% and dinner - 25%.

A cumulative list is kept daily, where all the norms of the products written out in the menu - layout are noted. I calculate the calorie content of food for each month according to the results of the accumulative statement according to the table “ Chemical composition food products” Pokrovskaya V.P.. In 2008, the ratio of BJU was 1: 1: 4.

At the catering unit of the MDOU, I supervise:

sanitary-epidemiological regime and organization of dish processing, observance of the rules of personal hygiene of catering staff with daily inspection for the presence of pustular diseases, infected wounds with an entry in the journal “Health”

the quality of incoming products with an entry in the journal “Crude Production Grading”, their transportation, the availability of quality certificates, storage conditions and compliance with the deadlines for implementation

bookmarking the main food products, the correct output of dishes

cooking technology and the quality of finished dishes, by taking daily control samples with a quality mark in the journal “Finished Products Grading”.

The daily control sample is stored for 48 hours.

Before the distribution of food at the catering unit, a control dish is displayed.

During the period of the rise in the incidence of children, we additionally include phytoncides (onion, garlic) in the diet. Children in MDOU receive all the necessary products. I conduct sanitary-educational work with parents about the role of nutrition in maintaining the health of children.

The sanitary and technical condition of the catering unit is satisfactory.

All equipment and inventory is marked and used strictly for its intended purpose.

Catering workers are allowed to work after a medical examination and passing the sanitary minimum.

One of the main responsibilities in monitoring the organization of nutrition in MDOU is to evaluate its effectiveness, the main indicator of which is the harmonious physical development of children, high resistance to diseases.

Incidence analysis.

Much attention is paid to identifying the causes of morbidity. The rise in incidence is noted in the off-season, the largest number occurs in November - February, which is associated with a sharp change in weather conditions, as well as with the individual characteristics of the child, his physical development, age and the presence of chronic foci of infection.

For preventive purposes, within the framework of the national project "Health", children are vaccinated against influenza with Grippol and Grippol plus vaccines from the age of three.





From 1.5 - 7 years

195 – 96,1%

186 – 93%

The coverage of those vaccinated against influenza was 96.1% and 9.9% of children were not vaccinated due to written refusals from their parents.

Morbidity report for 2008-2009.

year 2009


Average payroll


POK. %


POK. %

Total diseases



Diseases incl.





POK. %


POK. %









Intestinal infection


The incidence of respiratory diseases remains high. Despite the preventive work carried out, the surge of these diseases is seasonal. Morbidity is recorded monthly according to certificates from doctors. All cases are recorded in the morbidity register.

During 2009, to reduce acute morbidity, preventive measures were taken:

Influenza vaccination;


- "C" vitaminization of third courses;

Rehabilitation on the basis of the dacha "Mountain Brook".

The use of phytoncides (onion, garlic).

specific prophylaxis.

Preventive vaccinations are a preventive measure in the fight against infectious diseases, which are carried out on the basis of the Federal Law No. 157 of 17.07.98. "On immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases"; order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 673 dated 30.10.2007 "On amendments to the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 27.06.01. No. 229 "On the national calendar of preventive vaccinations and the calendar of preventive vaccinations according to epidemiological indications", and since 2006 the national project "Health". Specific prevention in MDOU is carried out according to plan. Planned centrally by the card index of the children's city polyclinic No. 8

Preventive vaccinations are carried out in the vaccination room in compliance with order No. 408 of 12.07.89. "On measures to reduce the incidence of viral hepatitis in the country" with mandatory thermometry, questioning and examination of children. Before carrying out preventive vaccinations, I will definitely inform the parents and check the consent in writing. Children with a burdened background are vaccinated with preparation, taking into account the appointments and recommendations of specialists. After vaccination, I observe the course of the post-vaccination period, about which I make a note in the form - 026 c.u. The vaccination is recorded in F-63, F-112, F-026u and in the vaccination journal F-064u.

I receive the vaccine in the children's city polyclinic No. 8 twice a month according to the plan. Delivery is carried out in accordance with SanPiN - 03 in a thermal container, subject to the cold chain. The vaccine is stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of +2+8C. Coverage with preventive vaccinations was 100%. Complications after vaccination were not registered. Due to the high immune layer, infectious diseases of controlled infections were not registered.

Health-saving technologies in MDOU.

Protecting and strengthening the health of children and shaping their habits of a healthy lifestyle is one of the main tasks in MDOU.

It includes:

1) Promoting the full physical development of children:

* Creation of conditions conducive to increasing the body's defenses;

*Compliance with sanitary and hygienic norms and rules;

* Formation of a harmonious physique and correct posture;

* Satisfying the needs of children in movement;

* Protecting the nervous system of children from stress and overload;

*Assessment of the state of health and physical development of children;

2) Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle:

* Compliance with a rational daily routine and the implementation of a flexible approach to organizing the life of children;

*Implementation different kind daily hardening of children using environmental factors (air, water, sun);

* Formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children;

* Teaching children to take care of their health. To give the child elementary knowledge about his body, some features of its structure and the main functions of the body, including the benefits of movement for health;

* Encouraging children to independently use the acquired knowledge about health in various life situations;

* Organization of various forms of joint work of the kindergarten with parents on the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle:

3) Introducing children to the values ​​of physical culture:

* Equipping the space-developing environment with physical culture and sports and gaming equipment;

* Enriching the motor experience of children, mastering different ways of performing movements

* Organization of daily forms of physical activity of children in combination with tempering activities;

* Child injury prevention.

Medical and hygienic training.

Hygiene training is carried out in accordance with order No. 295 of 06.10.97. "On improving the activities of bodies and institutions in the field of hygienic education and education of the population of the Russian Federation."

The main goal of medical and hygienic education is:

Medical and hygienic education of the population;

Promotion of healthy lifestyles.

In MDOU No. 142 in accordance with annual plan medical and hygienic training is carried out by medical workers in 3 directions:

With teachers;

With parents;

With kids.

In my work on medical and hygienic education, I take into account the main areas:

*personal hygiene;

*balanced diet;

* hardening and physical education

* prevention of domestic injuries;

* the impact of a healthy lifestyle of parents on the health of children;

* prevention of viral and infectious diseases.

I speak at parent meetings, teachers' councils. I use visual aids, posters, stands, bulletins, memos, brochures. I am designing "Health Corners".

Together with a nurse, I conduct seminars on a sanitary minimum with the adoption of offsets.

For the period of 2009 the following was carried out:

* conversations -19;

* medical and pedagogical meetings -6

*instructing newly arrived employees-4

Leisure activities, health days, sports events, fun games are regularly held at MDOU. There are also sliding folders that are constantly updated with new relevant material. In individual work I use the issuance of leaflets, memos. In the "Health Corner" I post sanitary bulletins:

* vaccination;

* hardening;

*sharp respiratory diseases and their prevention;

* prevention of tick-borne encephalitis;

* prevention of intestinal infections;

* the concept of "health" and the impact of lifestyle on health;

*AIDS plague


1) In MDOU, a lot of work is being done to protect and promote the health of children with annual medical examinations followed by recreational activities;

2) MDOU pays great attention to the full and rational nutrition children;

3) Decent conditions for the physical development of children have been created in MDOU;

4) In MDOU, a lot of work is being done to prevent acute morbidity, including physical education and hardening;

5) At the proper level, work is being carried out on the specific prevention of preventable infections, due to which no cases of these infections were noted in the MDOU;

6) Medical and hygienic training of children, parents, employees is carried out.


Continue with:

Protection and promotion of children's health;

Organization and control of health-saving technologies in MDOU;

Control over classes on ophthalmo - simulators in senior and preparatory groups;

Preparation of individual health plans;

Strengthening work on hygiene education and the formation of a stable stereotype of a healthy lifestyle in the family;

Wider use of all urban and suburban health facilities for children.


    Brief autobiographical information.

    Characteristics of the FAP structure and features of work.

    Regulations on the feldsher-obstetric station and on the head of the feldsher.

    Demographic data on the health status of the population of the site.

    Planning the work of the FAP.

    Medical examination of mandatory contingents.

    Medical examination.

    Sanitary and anti-epidemic work, vaccination of children and adults.

    FAP leading documentation.

10. Emergency care.

11. Sanitary education work.

12. Conclusion.

I, Dobryden Natalya Nikolaevna, graduated from the Kotovo Medical School in 1979 as a nurse. After graduating from college, she was sent to work in the Savrva region, as a paramedic in the Dubinovsky FAP.

During my time at FAP, I have acquired the following skills:

    Measurement of blood pressure.


    Taking a blood test (smear, thick drop).

    Taking on the study of gastric juice.

    Taking urine for examination.

    Taking on the study of feces.

    The introduction of medicinal substances;




    intravenous jet;

    intravenous drip;

Setting enemas;

  • cleansing;


Inhalation method of introducing oxygen.

10. Bladder catheterization.

11. Providing emergency care for hyperthermic and

hypothermic syndrome; with hypertensive

crisis; with an asthmatic crisis, with an attack

angina pectoris, with suspected acute myocardial infarction

myocardium, with collapse, with bleeding, with

allergic reactions, in case of poisoning, with hypo- and

hyperglycemic coma, with suspected


12. Carrying out preventive vaccinations for children and

adult population.

From February 1982 to May 1985, she served in the military as a medical instructor in the tank battalion of military unit 92611. In 1985, she went abroad (Mozambique) to her husband's duty station. From 1986 to 1987 she worked as a nurse in the first-aid post at the office of the economic adviser. From December 1987 to September 1992 she worked in the military hospital of the city of Batumi as a nurse. Since April 1993, he has been working as a paramedic in the Luchinsky FAP.


About the work done FAP s.Luchinskoe

Razdelnyansky district, Odessa region

For 2006 - 2008

The Luchinsky feldsher-obstetrical station is located on the territory of the Gaevsky s / s and serves the village of Luchinskoye. On the territory of the FAP there is a collective farm named after. Chkalov, JSC "Promin", frontier post, three shops and a brick factory. The distance from the local Maryanovskaya hospital is 3 km, from the Razdelnyanskaya Central District Hospital - 18 km, the radius of service is 6 km.

FAP is located in an adapted building, has 2 rooms, with an area of ​​40 sq.m 2 .

  1. Reception.


    Household (closet).

There is no plumbing or sewerage. FAP has been gasified since 2003. Current repairs were made (whitewashing the walls inside, outside and painting the ceilings, floors, doors, windows completely).

The paramedic of Luchinsky FAP works at the rate of a paramedic and 0.5 of the rate of a midwife from 8 00 up to 19 30 .Admission of patients from 8 00 until 12:30 (from 12:30 - 13:30 - lunch); from 1330 to 1630 patronage of children under one year old; disabled people; the elderly; pregnant women; from 16 30 -19 30 - evening reception, call service at home.

FAP serves the population at the moment of 616 people, children under 14 years old - 118 people, teenagers - 33 people, adult population - 465 people.

adult population


Children from 0 to 14 years old




Members of the labor rear

Women of childbearing age

The FAP is equipped with the necessary hard and soft equipment, medical instruments, medicines to provide emergency first aid and fulfill doctors' orders.

In the states of the FAP - the head of the FAP and the nurse.

During business hours I do:

    Independent outpatient appointment sick.

    I serve patients at home.

    I carry out patronage of children, pregnant women, disabled people.

    I refer patients for consultations to the Maryanovskaya medical outpatient clinic.

    I make a monthly plan of preventive vaccinations and spend it myself.

    I control the m / o of the mandatory contingent; for the passage of a FG examination of a dispensary group, a risk group for tuberculosis and onko, and the entire adult population; I participate in m / o children at the school in the village of Yakovlevka.

During working hours, I conduct health education work among the population.