What is the difference between herpes zoster and chickenpox? What is the relationship between herpes and chickenpox and how to treat them? Chickenpox or herpes type 4 modern treatment.

Chickenpox and herpes zoster are caused by the same virus - herpes zoster. Like any of the herpes viruses, it settles in the nerve cells of the body and waits for an opportunity to relapse. It can be said that chickenpox is the primary manifestation of the virus, and chickenpox is the result of a weakened immune system, as a result of which the herpes virus can progress when it is encountered again. Chickenpox mainly affects children under 10 years old, - adults over 50 years old.

What you need to know about the causative agent of chickenpox and herpes?

Mechanism of infection

The zoster virus is one of the most common and affects both the skin and internal organs. Causes chickenpox and provokes a relapse in the form of herpes zoster (gepres).

Activation of the virus provokes the appearance of a rash.

The varicella-zoster virus stands out with amazing volatility, and once it enters the body, it sleeps quietly, waiting for a convenient moment for reproduction. The virus is deactivated in a draft or high temperature. But rooms with a large crowd of people, where airing is rarely arranged, are a kind of incubator for Varicella Zoster. The initial entry of the pathogen into the human body provokes chickenpox. After a successful recovery, the virus enters a dormant state and is lost deep in the nerve ganglia. You can get shingles at any age and it will be like a relapse of smallpox.

Transfer Methods

Shingles can also be contracted from a person with chickenpox, for example, from infected children. Since the pathogen in both chickenpox and herpes zoster is the same, the transmission routes are the same. The main ones are described in the table:

Is there a difference between chickenpox and herpes zoster?

Symptoms of two diseases

Body temperature may rise to a critical level.

The latent period of chickenpox is 11-23 days. Already a day before the first pimples appear, upon contact with the patient, you can become infected with this virus. The first sign of chicken pox is a fever up to 39-40 ° C and the appearance of small pimples all over the body. Contagious like most viral infections, lasts up to 5 days after new rashes have ceased to appear. Unlike chicken pox, herpes is accompanied by severe pain in the area of ​​​​future rashes. If smallpox can manifest itself only 1 time in a lifetime, then a herpes infection can worsen repeatedly, which depends on the strength of the immune system.

Features of development and course

Both at the initial meeting with herpes zoster, and at a relapse, an increase in temperature occurs. The nature of the rash is different:

  • With chickenpox, pockmarks appear all over the body, except for the palms and feet. Formations on the skin with herpes zoster are localized along the nerve endings, usually on one side of the body.
  • With chickenpox, the rash appears in parts, and with herpes - all at the same time.

The virus is dangerous for pregnant women, since in the absence of antibodies to this virus, the risk of developing pathologies in the fetus and even its intrauterine death is increased.

Comparison of chickenpox and shingles
OptionsChicken poxShingles
PathogenThe same virus - zoster
Method of infectionAirborneIt is activated already in the body due to a decrease in immunity or stress.
Age of RiskChildren under 10 years oldAdults over 50
SymptomsTemperature rise up to 38 °C
General malaiseHeadache
The appearance of a rash all over the bodyRedness and pain in the area of ​​the rash that occurs along the course of the nerves
The nature of the rashPockmarks are specific, appear in parts, which is accompanied by temperature jumpsPapules herpetiform, appear all at the same time

For many people, the situation is familiar when a “cold” or herpes appears on the lips. Of course, this situation is not pleasant, because along with a cosmetic defect, burning and pain are disturbing. But there are also common forms of herpes infection, one of which is chicken pox. Seeing the similarity of the morphological elements of the rash, many people have a question: is there a connection between these diseases. You can answer it after considering the main points in the development of a herpes infection.

Statistics show that 95% of the world's population is infected with herpes, which only confirms the seriousness of the problem. Everyone gets sick: children, people of young, middle and old age, pregnant women. The immediate cause of the infection is viruses of the Herpesviridae family. But these pathogens are heterogeneous and have some differences. Currently, 8 types of viruses are known that cause in humans various diseases.

The causative agents of herpes simplex and chickenpox belong to the same subfamily (Alphaherpesviridae). Infection on the face is more often provoked by the first type virus (HSV-1), and on the genitals - the second (HSV-2). Chickenpox develops when infected with Varicella zoster virus (VZV), which also causes shingles. It belongs to the 3rd type according to the generally accepted classification.

Combined within the same subfamily, herpes simplex and varicella-zoster viruses have General characteristics. These include the following features:

  1. Similar genome structure (DNA viruses).
  2. High level of contagiousness (infectiousness).
  3. They mainly affect humans (anthroponoses).
  4. Able to stay in the body for a long time (often for life).
  5. They have a tropism for the nervous system and integumentary epithelium.
  6. Reproduction occurs in the nuclei of cells.

But even despite the great similarities due to the location on the same level in the taxonometric classification, the causative agents of herpes and chickenpox have certain differences. They relate to the structure of the virus, its sensitivity to external influences, the epidemic process, as well as changes in the infected organism. Herpes simplex can only be contracted by direct contact with the affected skin or mucous membranes, while chickenpox is transmitted by airborne droplets.

Herpes simplex and chicken pox are not the same disease. Infections are caused by different pathogens, but assigned to a common subfamily.


To better understand what the essence of this infection is, what are the similarities and differences between herpes and chickenpox, you need to consider the clinical picture of each disease. It consists of subjective signs (complaints) and data obtained during a medical examination.

To begin with, we will analyze the similarities in infection with herpes viruses. The most striking evidence of a common disease is a rash. It has the character of bubbles filled with a clear liquid (vesicles), which are located against the background of reddened and slightly swollen skin or mucous membranes. When injured, the tire bursts, exposing the erosive surface. The latter heals with the formation of a crust. If there is an attachment of a bacterial infection, then other elements are formed - pustules with purulent contents. The described rashes may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Burning.
  • Pain.

It must be said that herpes refers to the so-called slow infections, since viruses are prone to long-term persistence in the body. And exacerbations appear under the influence of factors that reduce the activity of immune defense: hypothermia, stress, other diseases, taking certain medications, etc. The infection is transmitted from a pregnant woman to a fetus, and its manifestations in a child depend on the period at which the infection occurred: in the first trimester - intrauterine death or deformities, in the last months - neonatal herpes.

Herpes simplex

The clinical picture of herpes simplex caused by viruses types 1 and 2 is similar. Only the localization of the rashes differs. And if the first is more characteristic of the defeat of the orolabial zone (mouth and lips), then the second more often provokes changes in the genital area. Although, these viruses are capable of causing cross-infection. And in some cases, the rash occurs on other parts of the body:

  • eyes.
  • Fingers.
  • Ears, neck.

In persons with weakened immunity, generalized forms are possible with extensive skin rashes and damage to internal organs: the brain, esophagus. In this case, it is necessary to differential diagnosis with chickenpox. After an exacerbation, remission comes, but herpes does not leave the body, subsequently recurring.

Herpes simplex is characterized by the appearance of a rash on limited areas of the skin, which is prone to recurrence and, as a rule, is not accompanied by pain.

Chicken pox

Chickenpox is much more contagious than herpes simplex. Therefore, the infection is especially common among children. Unlike the "cold" on the lips or rashes in the genital area, chickenpox is characterized by damage to the entire skin and often captures the mucous membranes. There may be general signs of intoxication: fever, weakness, malaise.

Varicella rash is characterized by polymorphism, i.e., elements at various stages of development are simultaneously present on the skin: spots, vesicles, erosions, crusts and even pustules. First, the limbs and torso are affected, and then the head. At the same time, rashes can be quite abundant, accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes. Particularly difficult to run atypical forms chickenpox:

  • Hemorrhagic (vesicles with blood).
  • Bullous (large blisters).
  • Gangrenous (with symptoms of necrosis).

The process can also be generalized, affecting not only the skin and mucous membranes, but also internal organs. Adults tolerate chickenpox more severely. After the disease, strong immunity remains, but the virus still remains in the structures nervous system.


Shingles is a kind of recurrence of chickenpox. It is caused by a virus of the same type (Varicella zoster), but already has its own clinical picture. Immune protection does not allow rashes to spread to the whole body - they are localized along individual nerve trunks and fibers. Often there is a skin lesion in the area chest, along the intercostal spaces.

Before the rash appears, severe pain in this area, burning and itching are characteristic. Then the skin turns red and characteristic bubbles appear. Given the local damage to the nerves, among the symptoms of the disease, the following should be distinguished:

  • Numbness, tingling, crawling sensation.
  • Skin hypersensitivity.
  • Pain on one side of the chest.

Rashes tend to merge with each other, which is why extensive foci with polycyclic outlines are formed. Sometimes they can spread to other areas, giving the impression of repeated chickenpox. Unlike herpes simplex, shingles recurrences are not as common.

Shingles has the same nature with chickenpox, but the clinical signs and course of the disease differ significantly.


Considering that the causative agents of herpes simplex and chickenpox belong to the same subfamily of viruses, the approaches to their detection are the same. After a clinical examination, the doctor prescribes an additional examination, which includes laboratory methods. These include:

  1. Microscopy (detection of multinucleated cells).
  2. Virological method (cultivation on a nutrient medium).
  3. Serological examination (enzymatic immunoassay for antibodies).
  4. Polymerase chain reaction (determination of the viral genotype).

The most accurate is a genetic study, which allows you to immediately determine the type of pathogen and viral load (i.e. concentration in the blood). But the serological method also makes it possible to judge the type of infection by the nature of the antibodies.


It must be said that despite the differences in clinical signs, herpes and chickenpox are treated almost the same. The main one is antiviral therapy, carried out with the help of drugs that inhibit the reproduction of the pathogen (Gerpevir, Virazole). With herpes simplex, even local drugs are enough - an ointment or gel containing similar substances applied to the affected areas of the skin.

With herpes zoster, it is additionally necessary to prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Dikloberl, Nimesil) to eliminate the pain syndrome. Chickenpox requires the treatment of rashes with antiseptics to prevent secondary bacterial contamination. And for any herpes infection, immunotropic drugs are recommended, for example, Cycloferon or interferon.

Thus, chicken pox and herpes simplex are different diseases, but they have much in common. They are characterized by a certain type of pathogen, their transmission mechanisms and features clinical picture. But diagnostic and therapeutic measures are carried out according to similar principles.

Everyone knows about infections such as herpes and chickenpox, but not everyone knows that there is a close relationship between them. To understand whether this disease is one or not, what this connection is, and what differences exist, it is necessary to consider the routes of infection, clinical signs and methods of treatment of these diseases.

Features of the manifestation of pathologies

Chickenpox and human herpes are not the same thing, but different infections that have their own special features. But each one belongs to the same big family- Herpesviridae, which includes more than a hundred types, 8 of them can cause various diseases in humans. The Herpesviridae family belongs to the DNA-containing viruses, which, when they enter the human body, remain forever in it. This condition is called persistence - the preservation of viral cells in the human or animal body.

All varieties of herpesviruses have their own special features, and each of them causes certain processes in the human body. The most common manifestation is the formation of herpes rashes on the face, for example, a cold on the lip, which develops when infected with type 1 herpes simplex.

Slightly less common is infection with type 2 virus, which initially provoked rashes on the mucous membranes of the genital tract, but in recent decades it has often manifested itself in the form of herpes on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

It is the 1 and 2 types of herpesvirus that are most often the culprits of rashes on the human body. But there is also a type 3, called the Varicella-Zoster virus, which is the cause of chickenpox infection. Thus, it can be understood that chickenpox and herpes belong to the same large family of herpesviruses.

What are the biological similarities between herpes and chickenpox:

  1. They belong to the same family.
  2. Damage to cell nuclei.
  3. The carriers are people.
  4. There is a relationship with the immune system.
  5. Characterized by rashes in the form of bubbles filled with liquid.
  6. They remain in the human body for life.
  7. Capable of being latent for a long period of time.

The main differences between herpes simplex and chickenpox viruses are:

  • the structure of viral cells;
  • the course of the epidemiological process;
  • clinical picture of the disease.

Rashes with herpes simplex look like groups of vesicles filled with serous fluid, which have the ability to spread and form large erosive lesions. When it enters the body, the infection can be in the body for a long time in a dormant mode, and is activated when the body's defenses decrease. If a the immune system a person is unstable, the virus will constantly recur.

The mechanism of disease development

Infection with types 1 and 2 of the virus usually occurs by airborne droplets or by contact: with kisses, sexual intercourse, touching. You can get infected by household means - through personal hygiene items of a sick person, dishes, a toilet seat, since simple types of herpes tend to retain their qualities outside the human body for up to 24 hours. Chickenpox is infected in two ways - airborne, and less often through the placenta from an infected mother.

The Zoster virus does not have the ability to survive on objects for a long time, so it is almost impossible to get sick in a domestic way.

Most often, chickenpox occurs in young children and is epidemiological in nature - it spreads very quickly in children's groups. Incubation period lasts from 10 days to 3 weeks, but you can catch chickenpox only from the last two days of incubation until all the bubbles dry.

Unlike simple herpes, rashes with chickenpox appear singly, but can affect any part of the skin. In this case, the patient's temperature rises to 38-39 ° C. Patients should not comb the formed papules, otherwise scars will remain for life. Patients ill in childhood tolerate this disease much easier than adults.

If a person had chickenpox once, then he remains immune to this disease for life, but since the virus remains in the body, when immunity is greatly reduced, type 3 virus is activated, and a more serious disease occurs - shingles. This lichen is not fungal disease, unlike other species, but a manifestation of the defeat of the nerve fibers by the virus.

Most often, rashes appear in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ribs and chest, but can spread to other parts of the body. This rash is often similar to that seen with chickenpox, which is why shingles patients often say they have had a recurrence of chickenpox. In addition, there are distinctive signs of the disease: numbness of the skin, severe pain, the formation of large foci.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis for herpes and chicken pox is often carried out only by visual means, since these diseases have a characteristic clinical picture. But there are reasons that require blood tests, namely:

  • if chickenpox is atypical:
  • if the mucous membranes are affected;
  • to identify the type of herpes that causes frequent relapses.

Blood tests show which types of virus are present in the body and whether there are antibodies to them - that is, whether the immune system is able to resist the disease. Sometimes blood tests are needed if the patient does not know whether he had chickenpox or not. The results obtained show whether there are antibodies or not, which is important if the patient works in a children's team and wants to vaccinate against chickenpox.

What analyzes are carried out:

  1. cultural method.
  2. Cytological study.

Analyzes allow not only to detect the presence of the virus and antibodies, but also to determine the state of the herpes virus - active or latent, and approximately determine the statute of limitations of the infection and the number of relapses.

Simple types of herpes, as well as chicken pox virus and herpes zoster, are treated in almost the same way. The main drugs designed to stop the reproduction of viral cells are antiviral agents, which are available in the form of tablets and ointments.

What medicines can be used:

With herpes simplex, there are enough external remedies. So, ointments Acyclovir, Viferon, Oxolinic, as well as their analogues are used. Patients with frequently recurrent herpes types 1 and 2 do not have enough treatment with these drugs - it is necessary to periodically take preventive courses, which include immunomodulating and stimulating agents:

  1. Viferon.
  2. Genferon.
  3. Polyoxidonium.
  4. Reaferon.

With chickenpox, not only antiviral therapy is carried out, the course of treatment includes the following means:

But a more serious disease - shingles - requires not only antiviral drugs, but also anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, sedative and strong painkillers.

Thus, we can conclude that chickenpox and herpes are diseases very close to each other, arising from exposure to the same virus, but having a different clinical picture. If chickenpox is characterized by a milder course, then shingles brings a person much more negative consequences.

When I hear about herpes, I immediately remember my classmate Yulia. Charming girl! But I have never seen her without bubbles on her lip. “Me and herpes are inseparable,” Julia answers questions about the outlandish color of lipstick, with which she tries to hide the hateful wounds.

For several days I tried to persuade Yulia to allow the pages of her diary to be used for this material, in which the description of herpes occupies almost a third. In the end, she agreed that her story would help hundreds of girls suffering in front of the mirror, and thousands of women who care about the health of their children.

And we asked Svetlana Voronenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Virology at the Kyiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, to comment on Yulina’s notes.

“Now I understand why my mother pulls a dozen leggings on me so that, God forbid, I don’t catch a cold. It turns out that in childhood, the most banal runny nose I had with herpes on the lips and in the mouth. I screamed like crazy for days and did not eat anything. "

99.5% of the population of our planet are familiar with herpes infection. It is manifested not only by bubbles on the lips. Wounds can appear on all mucous membranes: mouth, eyes, genitals.

The first contact with the virus (the so-called acute herpetic infection) can proceed in different ways: almost imperceptibly, with small rashes in the oral cavity, or very difficult - with a rise in temperature to 39-40 ° C, general intoxication of the body and, of course, indispensable bubbles . Most often acute form herpes affects children aged six to twelve months, because six months after birth, the immunity received from the mother begins to weaken.

". Yesterday I was skating with Seryozha with such pleasure, but today I am afraid to appear before his eyes. Lips again in these terrible bubbles. I became like a toad. And where does this attack come from. "

All the insidiousness of the herpes virus lies in the fact that once it enters the body, it remains in it forever. The virus "settles" in nerve cells and waits for a convenient hour. Sometimes he can sit almost unnoticed all his life. But more often, herpes is activated as soon as a gap appears in the immune system. It can be caused by anything - hypothermia, climate change, another infection, and even ordinary stress.

I am the most exceptional in the world. Firstly, I have white teeth, secondly, an amazing figure, and thirdly. yesterday the local doctor confirmed the fact of my exclusivity. At the age of 15, they don’t get chickenpox, but I managed to get infected. It’s a pity that quarantine is so long: I won’t get to New Year’s Eve. "

Chickenpox is also caused by one of the varieties of the herpes virus. (By the way, there are about ten of them.) The disease is classified as "children's", but you can get infected at any age. True, the older the person, the more severe the disease. This is due to the fact that in childhood the immune system is less stable and easier to tolerate the invasion of "aggressors" from the outside. Over the years, it is "weighted" by antibodies to all infections that our body had to face.

“Trouble has come - open the gate: under New Year the house threatens to turn into an infirmary! I am sick with chickenpox, and my mother does not know why shingles happened. Dad, fortunately, "survived" now decorates the Christmas tree and says that in the coming year we will defeat all diseases. It is good to!"

Chickenpox and shingles are caused by the same herpes virus. Moreover, shingles occurs only in those who once had chickenpox. After it, the virus remains in the nerve cells and, when the immune system is weakened, it manifests itself in the form of very painful blisters on reddened skin. And vice versa: you can get chickenpox from a patient with shingles.

". The earring is still a complete blockhead. Climbs me to kiss, and the wounds and crusts on my lips do not even allow me to talk normally. I'm afraid to infect him with this muck, and he tells me: "It's okay, I already had this cold somehow." I wonder if he can still get infected from me or not?

If there are herpetic eruptions on the lips, you should not kiss. After all, this virus is transmitted not only by direct contact, but even by airborne droplets. For example, when coughing. The liquid contained in the bubbles is simply teeming with infection! True, if the herpes virus is already present in the body, the disease may not be acute. But in any case, such contact activates the “dormant” infection. But in the stage of remission, that is, when there are no manifestations on the lips, you can safely kiss.

"Eureka! I have found a way to fight the disease. Now, as soon as I feel a familiar itch on my lips, I immediately lubricate them with antiherpetic ointment. It helps much better than potassium permanganate.

Indeed, rashes in the oral cavity are not recommended to be lubricated with hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, brilliant green, alcohol solutions, as they inhibit local protective factors.

A much better help in the fight against infection is antiherpetic ointments made on the basis of acyclovir. This medicinal substance, in its chemical nature, is similar to that which the virus needs for reproduction, but is not suitable for its normal life. Simply put, the chain of development of herpes is interrupted, and the disease may either not manifest itself at all, or proceed much easier.

“I didn’t keep a diary for a whole year. During this time, I managed to enter the institute, marry Serezha and go to the gynecologist twice. I wonder why the doctor pestered me with questions about my herpes? Does he have anything to do with her line of work?

Alas, it has. Genital herpes is a most unpleasant disease that causes a lot of inconvenience and is also sexually transmitted. By the way, in last years experts observe the real fruits of the sexual revolution. A few decades ago, rashes in the oral cavity and in the genital area were caused different types herpes. Now they are mixed up.

“I cried all evening: I read in the handbook that the herpes virus can cause deformities in newborns. Can't anything be done? After all, herpes in the genital area I got during pregnancy! My doctor spread her hands: they say, what will be, will be. "

Herpes in its genital manifestation is indeed considered a teratogenic virus, that is, one that causes changes in the development of the fetus.

It is impossible to completely “survive” herpes from the body, but you can try to achieve its stable remission, at least for the period of pregnancy. To do this, with an exacerbation of a herpes infection of the genitals, even before the intended conception, it is recommended to conduct a course of special antiviral treatment, in which they use not only drugs that act on the virus, but also drugs that increase immunity. It is believed that frequent relapses of herpes are evidence of insufficient resistance of the immune system.

“My daughter is the most beautiful in the world. Still, smart books sometimes make mistakes. Everything is in order. Now the main thing is to protect her from various infections. It's just that it's possible. "

The herpes virus, together with humanity, has been living for more than one millennium, so it is impossible to protect yourself from infection by 100%. However, you can try to protect yourself and your loved ones from it. For this you should:
1. Perform wellness treatments to minimize acute respiratory infections.

Causes and mechanisms

Herpes simplex

Chicken pox

  • Bullous (large blisters).


  • Skin hypersensitivity.


Chickenpox and herpes: the same thing?

For many people, the situation is familiar when a “cold” or herpes appears on the lips. Of course, this situation is not pleasant, because along with a cosmetic defect, burning and pain are disturbing. But there are also common forms of herpes infection, one of which is chicken pox. Seeing the similarity of the morphological elements of the rash, many people have a question: is there a connection between these diseases. You can answer it after considering the main points in the development of a herpes infection.

Causes and mechanisms

Statistics show that 95% of the world's population is infected with herpes, which only confirms the seriousness of the problem. Everyone gets sick: children, people of young, middle and old age, pregnant women. The immediate cause of the infection is viruses of the Herpesviridae family. But these pathogens are heterogeneous and have some differences. Currently, 8 types of viruses are known that cause various diseases in humans.

The causative agents of herpes simplex and chickenpox belong to the same subfamily (Alphaherpesviridae). Infection on the face is more often provoked by the first type virus (HSV-1), and on the genitals - the second (HSV-2). Chickenpox develops when infected with Varicella zoster virus (VZV), which also causes shingles. It belongs to the 3rd type according to the generally accepted classification.

Combined within the same subfamily, herpes simplex and varicella-zoster viruses share common characteristics. These include the following features:

  1. Similar genome structure (DNA viruses).
  2. High level of contagiousness (infectiousness).
  3. They mainly affect humans (anthroponoses).
  4. Able to stay in the body for a long time (often for life).
  5. They have a tropism for the nervous system and integumentary epithelium.
  6. Reproduction occurs in the nuclei of cells.

But even despite the great similarities due to the location on the same level in the taxonometric classification, the causative agents of herpes and chickenpox have certain differences. They relate to the structure of the virus, its sensitivity to external influences, the epidemic process, as well as changes in the infected organism. Herpes simplex can only be contracted by direct contact with the affected skin or mucous membranes, while chickenpox is transmitted by airborne droplets.

Herpes simplex and chicken pox are not the same disease. Infections are caused by different pathogens, but assigned to a common subfamily.

To better understand what the essence of this infection is, what are the similarities and differences between herpes and chickenpox, you need to consider the clinical picture of each disease. It consists of subjective signs (complaints) and data obtained during a medical examination.

To begin with, we will analyze the similarities in infection with herpes viruses. The most striking evidence of a common disease is a rash. It has the character of bubbles filled with a clear liquid (vesicles), which are located against the background of reddened and slightly swollen skin or mucous membranes. When injured, the tire bursts, exposing the erosive surface. The latter heals with the formation of a crust. If there is an attachment of a bacterial infection, then other elements are formed - pustules with purulent contents. The described rashes may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

It must be said that herpes refers to the so-called slow infections, since viruses are prone to long-term persistence in the body. And exacerbations appear under the influence of factors that reduce the activity of immune defense: hypothermia, stress, other diseases, taking certain medications, etc. The infection is transmitted from a pregnant woman to a fetus, and its manifestations in a child depend on the period at which the infection occurred: in the first trimester - intrauterine death or deformities, in the last months - neonatal herpes.

Herpes simplex

The clinical picture of herpes simplex caused by viruses types 1 and 2 is similar. Only the localization of the rashes differs. And if the first is more characteristic of the defeat of the orolabial zone (mouth and lips), then the second more often provokes changes in the genital area. Although, these viruses are capable of causing cross-infection. And in some cases, the rash occurs on other parts of the body:

In persons with weakened immunity, generalized forms are possible with extensive skin rashes and damage to internal organs: the brain, esophagus. In this case, it is necessary to carry out differential diagnosis with chickenpox. After an exacerbation, remission comes, but herpes does not leave the body, subsequently recurring.

Herpes simplex is characterized by the appearance of a rash on limited areas of the skin, which is prone to recurrence and, as a rule, is not accompanied by pain.

Chicken pox

Chickenpox is much more contagious than herpes simplex. Therefore, the infection is especially common among children. Unlike the "cold" on the lips or rashes in the genital area, chickenpox is characterized by damage to the entire skin and often captures the mucous membranes. There may be general signs of intoxication: fever, weakness, malaise.

Varicella rash is characterized by polymorphism, i.e., elements at various stages of development are simultaneously present on the skin: spots, vesicles, erosions, crusts and even pustules. First, the limbs and torso are affected, and then the head. In this case, the rash can be quite plentiful, accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes. Atypical forms of chickenpox are especially difficult:

  • Hemorrhagic (vesicles with blood).
  • Bullous (large blisters).
  • Gangrenous (with symptoms of necrosis).

The process can also be generalized, affecting not only the skin and mucous membranes, but also internal organs. Adults tolerate chickenpox more severely. After the illness, a strong immunity remains, but the virus still remains in the structures of the nervous system.


Shingles is a kind of recurrence of chickenpox. It is caused by a virus of the same type (Varicella zoster), but already has its own clinical picture. Immune protection does not allow rashes to spread to the whole body - they are localized along individual nerve trunks and fibers. Often there is a skin lesion in the chest area, along the intercostal space.

Before the rash appears, severe pain in this area, burning and itching are characteristic. Then the skin turns red and characteristic bubbles appear. Given the local damage to the nerves, among the symptoms of the disease, the following should be distinguished:

  • Numbness, tingling, crawling sensation.
  • Skin hypersensitivity.
  • Pain on one side of the chest.

Rashes tend to merge with each other, which is why extensive foci with polycyclic outlines are formed. Sometimes they can spread to other areas, giving the impression of repeated chickenpox. Unlike herpes simplex, shingles recurrences are not as common.

Shingles has the same nature with chickenpox, but the clinical signs and course of the disease differ significantly.


Considering that the causative agents of herpes simplex and chickenpox belong to the same subfamily of viruses, the approaches to their detection are the same. After a clinical examination, the doctor prescribes an additional examination, which includes laboratory methods. These include:

  1. Microscopy (detection of multinucleated cells).
  2. Virological method (cultivation on a nutrient medium).
  3. Serological examination (enzymatic immunoassay for antibodies).
  4. Polymerase chain reaction (determination of the viral genotype).

The most accurate is a genetic study, which allows you to immediately determine the type of pathogen and viral load (i.e. concentration in the blood). But the serological method also makes it possible to judge the type of infection by the nature of the antibodies.

It must be said that despite the differences in clinical signs, herpes and chickenpox are treated almost the same. The main one is antiviral therapy, carried out with the help of drugs that inhibit the reproduction of the pathogen (Gerpevir, Virazole). With herpes simplex, even local drugs are enough - an ointment or gel containing similar substances applied to the affected areas of the skin.

With herpes zoster, it is additionally necessary to prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Dikloberl, Nimesil) to eliminate the pain syndrome. Chickenpox requires the treatment of rashes with antiseptics to prevent secondary bacterial contamination. And for any herpes infection, immunotropic drugs are recommended, for example, Cycloferon or interferon.

Thus, chicken pox and herpes simplex are different diseases, but they have much in common. They are characterized by a certain type of pathogen, their transmission mechanisms and features of the clinical picture. But diagnostic and therapeutic measures are carried out according to similar principles.

Is chickenpox herpes?

Herpes and chickenpox are infectious diseases. Children and adults can become infected with them, with the exception of those who have had chickenpox in childhood or adulthood. The causative agent is the herpes Zoster virus, which, when it enters the human body, passes into a latent stage and, when provoking factors occur, becomes active. They can be infected by airborne droplets and contact. The primary disease is chickenpox, with secondary infection - herpes zoster.

The relationship of diseases

Not all parents know that chicken pox appears as a result of infection with the herpes virus type 3. This virus causes not only chickenpox, but also herpes zoster (shingles).

In theory, this is the same disease, only at the beginning, when a person becomes infected, chicken pox appears:

  • It is easier in childhood.
  • In adults, severe complications may occur during the disease: profuse rashes, heat, headache.

Chickenpox gets sick only once while a person lives, after which permanent immunity is formed. With secondary infection, a disease of herpes zoster occurs. It runs much harder. But herpes on the lips and chickenpox are not one disease, they are caused by different herpes infections. The herpes zoster virus is a dangerous disease, it affects many organs, can affect oral cavity, ears, eyes.

If bubbles with liquid appear on any part of the body, you should contact a dermatologist or therapist.

Herpes type 3 affects areas of the skin, so with chickenpox and shingles, a rash appears. The main symptom of chickenpox is a vesicular rash on the head and on the whole body, the bubbles of which burst and crusts form in their place.

Therefore, parents should not allow scratching plaques and peeling off sores. As a rule, scars and scars on the body do not remain with proper care.

  • The hallmark of shingles is a rash in only one area of ​​the body, usually along the intercostal nerve. Rarely it can affect the eyes, ears and face.
  • Rashes with shingles cause pain, weakness appears and the temperature rises.
  • Sometimes a fever may occur.
  • Ulcers take longer to heal than chickenpox, two to five weeks.

With timely treatment, the disease resolves without complications. This disease is difficult to recognize initial stage independently, even doctors can confuse with other diseases: pleurisy, neuralgia trigeminal nerve. Therefore, when a rash appears, you need to contact a medical institution to confirm the diagnosis and begin appropriate therapy.

A child who has not previously had chickenpox can become infected with shingles from a patient. This will cause him to get chicken pox.

Treatment for diseases is one, in order to reduce the activity of the type 3 herpes virus, antiviral and histamine drugs are prescribed.

The rash is treated with brilliant green or a solution of methylene blue. Constant processing helps to control the number of rashes. In addition, the doctor may prescribe drying external agents: lotions, gels, creams.


For prevention purposes, in order not to become infected with the herpes virus, it is recommended to follow some simple rules:

  • Do not come into contact with infected people who have diseases such as chickenpox and herpes on the lips - these should also be avoided.
  • Do not visit public places where quarantine is declared: schools, kindergartens.
  • Strengthen your immune system and lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • Eat right and be outdoors often.

Only a person with strong immunity can avoid infection with viral herpes type 3. There are cases when, after the vaccine, people had chickenpox or shingles, but the disease was mild.


Chickenpox. Hysterics. Help.

If the child does not "sleep out" before departure, then go. You have a very good chance of not getting sick at all. We already had chickenpox twice in the group and we have never been ill yet. If you get sick on vacation, you will be treated on the spot, you just need to take the necessary medicines.

Do not panic, dear, this is not an epidemic. By the way, quarantine does not imply complete isolation.

By the way, carriers of herpes are 90% of the population. Hepatitis is no better. So why not go on vacation now?

Yes, what are you saying? This is a real epidemic, for those who have not had this chickenpox at all (even some children have a hard time enduring it), and even wait a whole year for a trip to the sea, so that later with a high temperature and a rash, and no one can cancel the likelihood of complications. Not a single adult who did not have chickenpox as a child, fell ill with it easily. People, do not be selfish, if you do not feel sorry for your child, then judging by your logic, the rest are even more so. You are not alone resting in a hotel, but on the way with you, how many people can get infected. Do not torture your child and yourself too.

That's just before departure, there is a chance to get sick and the most likely. in last days quarantine increases the risk of getting sick. And you are leaving on May 23, and the quarantine is until May 25.
Think of course yourself. We all had chickenpox, the eldest fell ill at the age of 11, suffered very hard (at home), but on vacation, how do you imagine it? And as for all sorts of herpes, yes, in a person, in anyone in the body, up to 5 types of all kinds of fungi live and live together with a person (this is considered the norm), but during a period of weakened immunity, they can pour out, there is also a chance to get infected, but unlikely, it is not transmitted by airborne droplets way like a windmill.

The confusion that sometimes arises with two infections is understandable. It is misleading, and everyone knows that this happens after a chicken pox. But ordinary herpes on the lips and chickenpox are different diseases that are caused by different, albeit related, infections.

Herpes group viruses

herpes simplex virus(Herpes simplex) and chickenpox virus(Herpes zoster) are relatives, and belong to the Herpesvirus family (Herpesviridae). They have a similar lifestyle, but different talents.

Herpes simplex There are two types 1 and 2 - these are siblings. Herpes type 1 is classic herpes on the lips, herpes type 2 is genital. But now they are more cosmopolitan: more and more often both viruses are found in rashes on the lips and genitals, it turned out that they adapt and mutate. Herpes of the first type can cause rashes on the genitals, although this was previously considered impossible.

The way of penetration into the body can be contact, household, but most often - airborne. 90% of residents of large cities are already infected with herpes simplex by the age of majority. In this case, there may not be any manifestations of the disease. Once in the body, it multiplies in the cells of the skin and mucous membranes, causing a characteristic rash, and then hides in the nervous tissue, and leads a quiet life, periodically reappearing. Rashes are localized on the lips, less often in the nose, and occur at times of weakening of the protective functions of the body. With significantly reduced immunity, in children under one year old, they can be numerous. With the genital form - rashes appear on the genitals.

Chickenpox is an infectious disease that. Chickenpox virus is a showman, and carefully prepares for his main performance. Once in the body by airborne droplets, it first causes symptoms similar to SARS, and then manifests itself as a rash, which is difficult to confuse with something else both in appearance and in sensations. Banal chickenpox can have serious complications, and under the age of one year is life-threatening. Such a vivid demonstration usually happens once in a lifetime, and after a standing ovation, he retires, and quietly lives an ordinary consumer life in the anterior horns of the spinal cord. Already in old age, Herpes zoster from a showman can become a dramatic actor. In this case, it appears in the form of shingles. Now he can appear in public at different intervals, announcing himself with an announcement in the form severe pain along the intercostal nerves.

Shared family values

A feature of herpeviruses is that once they enter the body, they remain there forever. They are conservatives, and do not give up the conquered and developed territories. Their way of life is the same, they quickly penetrate the body, choose the cells with the most intensive metabolism for reproduction, then remain to live in the sensitive ganglia of the nervous system, and can periodically recur. The immune system constantly restrains herpes viruses, while being in good shape. Of course, the immune system has other infections to keep it in shape, and even its own cells, but herpes is a favorite enemy. As soon as a person suffers a serious test, and his immune system is forced to distract himself with something else, herpes gets more freedom and manifests itself in a rash. At the same time, even the absence of a rash does not mean that the immune system always keeps herpes under control, as evidenced by their influence on the development of diseases of the nervous system, syndrome chronic fatigue. Herpes simplex, herpes simplex types 1 and 2 are among the TORCH infections, because genital herpes can lead to the death of the embryo and miscarriage. If a mother gets chickenpox in the first trimester of pregnancy, then the consequences can be the same; in the second and third trimester, Herpes zoster is less dangerous. It is fair to say that these are far from the only infections that are dangerous during pregnancy.

Natalia Trohimets