Hematocrit: norms and pathologies in children. Reduced hematocrit in a child: causes of deviations Hematocrit is reduced in a child

A blood test for hematocrit is another important indicator by which doctors determine the state of health of the child and the presence of disease processes in him. The study helps to identify a deviation from the norm of the ratio of red blood cells to the amount of plasma in the direction of increasing or decreasing. Minor fluctuations are considered acceptable, but if the balance is significantly disturbed, the doctor, based on the indicators, diagnoses a certain disease.

In addition to standard tests, the level of red blood cells in the child is checked, which makes it possible to diagnose diseases.

How is a hematocrit test done?

To calculate the hematocrit number, the blood taken from a child is sent to a special test tube with divisions applied to its wall, inserted into a centrifuge and processed for one and a half hours. The centrifugation process allows you to separate the red blood cells from the plasma: heavy elements, including red blood cells, sink to the bottom of the vessel, and the plasma remains at the top.

Visually, the ratio of erythrocytes to plasma is determined by a scale on a test tube. Hematology analyzers are used to accurately calculate hematocrit. The resulting Ht indicator expresses the number of erythrocytes, without giving them an assessment of their quality, but such information is enough for physicians to make an accurate diagnosis. Express the value of Ht as a percentage, and write it as a fraction - liter / liter.

Age norms of hematocrit in children

A general blood test gives the level of hemoglobin, hematocrit and other blood characteristics (we recommend reading:). When evaluating the numerical value of erythrocytes, in order to establish a lowered or increased hematocrit, doctors start from their standard indicator, characteristic of a healthy newborn. In addition, doctors have deduced the norm for each age period of childhood, from birth to adulthood.

The results of a hematocrit blood test differ depending on the age of the child.

For clarity, we have combined all the numerical indicators of the norm into a separate table that looks like this:

What does deviation from the norm look like?

Experts consider deviations from the norm in the form of a decrease or increase as a sign of a painful pathology or physiological characteristics of the child. High Ht indicates an increased number of formed elements that make the blood viscous and thick. The presence of blood in this state provokes the formation of blood clots. However, an excess of the norm by 10-12% in infants and children up to a year is referred to as a physiological factor that does not cause concern. The picture looks alarming if the hematocrit is increased in a baby after a year.

In babies up to a year, deviations from the norm of Ht are most common, and this is not a sign of the disease.

The hematocrit is lowered - this means that the volume of blood cells has decreased, and they are responsible for the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the organs. There is a violation of the acid-base balance, leading to oxygen starvation of cells, which negatively affects the general condition of the baby. Weakness is manifested, the heartbeat quickens, the skin becomes pale, shortness of breath is present.

Why does hematocrit rise?

A marked increase in Ht is directly related to overproduction in the bone marrow (an increase in the number or size of red blood cells). The reason for the increased concentration of cells lies in the area pathological changes occurring in the body of a small patient. However, the process does not always occur due to pathological disorders in the body.

The hematocrit will be higher than normal if, before taking the test, the patient did not drink or his body was dehydrated as a result of vomiting or high fever.

Key boost factors

We will get a mandatory increase in Ht during painful processes that affect the growth in the number and size of erythrocytes. The main factors of high hematocrit in children can be:

  1. True and redistributive erythrocytosis.
  2. Excessive reproduction of red blood cells or erythremia (Wakez's disease, polycythemia). Manifested by uncomfortable tingling in the fingers and toes, heaviness in the head, sudden reddening of the skin, cardialgia. Similar symptoms accompany diseases that cause an increase in the size of red blood cells.
  3. Compensatory response of the cardiovascular system to certain factors: pulmonary insufficiency, being at high altitude, kidney pathology, "blue" heart defects.

An increase in hematocrit can be associated with serious diseases, up to heart disease

Relative causes

Incoming processes can provoke an increase in the Ht level. Doctors refer to them:

  • frequent bouts of vomiting;
  • diarrhea of ​​a profuse nature, causing thickening of the blood;
  • bowel obstruction, in which fluid moves into it;
  • increased sweating (hyperhidrosis);
  • peritonitis;
  • hereditary and acquired kidney disease;
  • pathology formed in the respiratory organs;
  • leukemia (more in the article:);
  • burns and injuries;
  • erythremia;
  • asymptomatic oxygen starvation;
  • long-term use of certain drugs (for example, glucocorticosteroids).

What affects the decrease in Ht?

A decrease in hematocrit is recorded when its level is clearly low, that is, it drops to 25%. Having found that the hematocrit is reduced, the doctor prescribes an additional examination to the small patient to find out the cause.

Anemia is the most common cause of low hematocrit in a child.

As a rule, a decrease in Ht is a consequence of the accumulation of an excess amount of fluid, due to which blood thins and the percentage of red blood cells and plasma changes (hyperhydration), and hemoglobin also decreases (see also:). The cause may be hyperproteinemia (excessive concentration of proteins). These changes are caused by:

  1. Severe blood loss.
  2. Violation of the formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow in the direction of reducing their number or size.
  3. Hereditary or acquired hemolytic anemia, typhoid fever, malaria, hemolytic poisons, in which there is a rapid destruction of red blood cells.
  4. Intravenous administration of a large amount of fluid for violations of renal function, leading to an increase in blood volume.
  5. various types of anemia.
  6. Hyperhydration - blood thinning due to disorders in the excretory system, insufficient blood circulation, water intoxication.
  7. An increase in the level of protein in the blood (hyperproteinemia). Occurs with frequent vomiting acute infections, diarrhea, paraproteinemic hemoblastosis, Hodgkin's lymphoma, myeloma.

Anemia is a common cause of low hematocrit. The child needs the supervision of a doctor, the establishment of the correct diet. The doctor may suggest taking medications that increase Ht.

The baby's menu is made up of foods rich in iron: liver, apples, nuts, eggs, meat. It is useful for a child to take a hematogen sold in all pharmacies. Parents should ensure that all settings recommended by the pediatrician are observed.

Why is a false result of the analysis possible?

If the doctor suspects an incorrect test result, then the child will have to donate blood again to obtain reliable information.

Some factors that occur at the time of blood sampling can distort the result of the analysis, showing an increase or decrease in hematocrit. For example, if blood sampling is done after severe blood loss, or before it, an intravenous infusion of a drug that thins the blood was performed. A false indicator will also be obtained when taking an analysis from a child who has been lying down for a long time. The level of Ht will be lower even when the vein has been clamped with a tourniquet for a long time. If the doctor has doubts, a second test is prescribed.

It should also be taken into account that the hematocrit indicator does not serve as a basis for establishing a diagnosis, it only warns that there is a pathology in the child’s body or there is a risk of developing any disease. The final verdict of the doctor is announced only after studying all the tests, and in the case of hematocrit, its relationship with the level of hemoglobin is taken into account. If a decrease or increase in hematocrit is detected, parents should conduct a thorough examination of the baby in order to start treatment on time.

We understand what it means if the hematocrit is lowered in the blood of a child, and when this indicator should be measured.

The composition of the blood and the amount of formed elements react to the influence of external and internal factors. Even minor pathological disorders lead to changes in laboratory blood parameters.

Measurement of the hematocrit value will allow diagnosing anemia at early stage when the disease does not manifest as clinical symptoms. A decrease in the indicator will also indicate an increase in the level of total protein or overhydration.

The hematocrit value in medicine is determined by two concepts:

  • the total volume of erythrocytes in blood plasma;
  • the ratio of the total volume of all blood cells to the total volume of blood.

It should be noted that the equivalent application of these two concepts is acceptable, since 99% of the total number of blood cells falls directly on erythrocytes. It is known that up to 48% of the blood is cells (leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets), and 65% is plasma.

The method for determining the indicator is simple: the collected venous blood is placed in a special measuring tube with graduation. The tube with biomaterial is centrifuged. As a result, the formed elements are deposited, the plasma is on top. The total volume of precipitated elements is an indicator of hematocrit.

Currently, the process is automated and devoid of large errors due to the subjective assessment of the laboratory assistant. However, the risk of obtaining inaccurate results is not excluded. This is possible at the stage of taking the biomaterial. If the baby's vein was tied with a tourniquet for a long time or hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells) occurred in the test tube, then the obtained indicators are unreliable. Biomaterial should be taken again.

A re-examination is also necessary if results are obtained that slightly deviate from the norm or are at the lower limit of the norm. It is necessary to understand exactly whether such a deviation was the result of the influence of temporary external factors or a sign of a disease.

When should hematocrit be checked?

Hematocrit value separately from other indicators general analysis blood is not determined. Since these data are not enough even for a screening examination. The value of hematocrit is important to consider when anemia is suspected, the degree of dehydration is assessed, when assessing the severity of hypoxia, with kidney diseases (polycystic, hydronephrosis, neoplasms), with suspected increased amount proteins in the blood, as well as with an excess of water in the child's body.

The norm of hematocrit in children

A general blood test is taken from the baby in the first days of life after birth. This is necessary to assess the health of the newborn. The hematocrit value up to 14 days normally varies from 40 to 65%. Then it starts to gradually decrease.

In the first month it is 30 - 55%. In the second month from 27 to 43%. At 3 months, the maximum values ​​can normally reach 44%.

From 3 to 6 months, the reference values ​​​​of the value in question should be in the range from 30 to 41%. From six months to 1 year, the norm is from 33 to 43%.

Starting from 1 year and up to 12 years of age, the permissible hematocrit value is 30 - 42%. At the time of the onset of puberty, large-scale changes occur in the body of a teenager. The hormonal background and many laboratory parameters, including hematocrit, change. The norm for girls from 12 to 15 years old is from 34 to 41%, for boys - 37 - 45%. From 15 to 18 years of age, reference hematocrit values ​​are 31-44% and 38-49% for girls and boys, respectively.

What does it mean if the hematocrit is low in a child's blood?

Important: in newborn babies, a moderate decrease in hematocrit is a variant of the physiological norm. Therefore, it is fundamentally important to take into account the age of a small patient when deciphering the results of the analysis.


A consistently low hematocrit in a child is a common sign of anemia. The disease is a group of similar clinical and hematological syndromes, united according to the principle of common manifestations:

  • a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood in humans;
  • a combined decrease in the level of erythrocytes, which is accompanied by a regular drop in the hematocrit value.

The etiology of the disease is different. The main reasons include:

  • malnutrition, which is dominated by lactic acid products,
  • deficiency of vitamins and disturbed diet (rare meals).

A mild form of anemia may be accompanied by the child's weakness and increased fatigue, children begin to study worse due to a decrease in concentration. A more pronounced form is characterized by the manifestation in children of shortness of breath, frequent headaches, insomnia and decreased appetite. As a rule, children with anemia have pale skin and mucous membranes. Dry skin, yellowish-gray complexion, drowsiness, irritability, hair loss, brittle nails, desire to eat chalk, earth, etc. are also often noted.

Therapy of the disease directly depends on the etiology and is selected strictly by the attending physician. If necessary, iron and vitamin B12 preparations are selected for the child. It is important to review the diet by adding foods rich in iron and vitamins. Severe stages of the disease require a red blood cell transfusion.


In children, infections can also be causes. various etiologies and worm infestations.

The peculiarity of the disease in a long course without the manifestation of clinical symptoms. It is detected in children during routine medical examinations, so it is so important not to miss them.


A decrease in hematocrit is characteristic of a state of hyperproteinemia, when the level of proteins in the body increases significantly. In this case, you should undergo additional diagnostics to clarify the causes. Possible reasons: multiple myeloma, hyperglobulinemic purpura and macroglobulinemia. A similar condition is also observed during intoxication of the body, when the kidneys are not able to fully detoxify harmful substances.

Fluid balance and kidney failure

If the water-salt metabolism is disturbed, the child begins to accumulate excess fluid in the body. What causes an increase in plasma volumes with unchanged levels of blood cells. This leads to a decrease in the hematocrit value. Symptoms: increased swelling of the limbs and organs (brain, lungs), abdominal dropsy.

Renal failure leads to a violation of the composition of the extracellular fluid secretion. Which enhances the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. At the same time, decay products, entering the cells, cause significant humoral changes.

Among the indicators determined by the analysis of the child's blood, there are not entirely clear to parents. One of them can be called hematocrit, which in the analysis is abbreviated as Htc.

What is it

Hematocrit is a measure of the ratio of blood cells to plasma. It is expressed as a percentage and means how much of the whole blood is occupied by cells. Although the hematocrit takes into account the number of all blood cells, red blood cells are of the greatest importance for this indicator, since they are the most numerous cells in the bloodstream.

Based on this indicator, you can estimate how thick the blood is. If the percentage of blood cells is increased or decreased, this will immediately be displayed on the hematocrit value and will allow the doctor to more accurately establish the diagnosis and not delay in prescribing treatment.

How is hematocrit determined?

Hematocrit is one of the indicators of a clinical (it is also called general) blood test. To determine the hematocrit, the blood is placed in a centrifuge, and then the formed elements settle down, leaving a layer of transparent plasma at the top. Previously, this indicator was calculated manually by laboratory assistants, but now the determination of hematocrit in most laboratories is performed automatically.

Table of normal indicators

The value of hematocrit is different for children of different ages. Newborns have more blood cells than plasma, but by the end of the first week of life, their ratio is compared, after which the liquid part of the blood begins to predominate.

Normal hematocrit readings are:

Changes in hematocrit

Above normal

Hematocrit may increase in a child due to one of these two processes:

  1. The number of formed elements is increasing.
  2. Plasma volume decreases.

AT childhood an increase in hematocrit is most often due to dehydration, which can be caused by fever, intestinal infection, lack of water, overheating, exercise stress. To compensate for the loss of fluid, the body takes plasma, so there are a percentage of blood cells in the bloodstream more than normal.

Another common cause of high hematocrit is chronic lack of oxygen. It can be provoked by lung diseases, heart defects, diabetes, stay in mountainous area. In the child's body during hypoxia, the formation of red blood cells is activated, which affects the hematocrit.

Besides, elevated hematocrit diagnosed with:

  • Polycythemia.
  • Prolonged use of glucocorticoids.
  • The use of diuretics.
  • Burns.
  • Bleeding.
  • Leukemia.
  • Injuries.
  • peritonitis.
  • Diseases in which blood coagulation is impaired.
  • Diseases of the kidneys.

The main danger of an increase in hematocrit is the deterioration of the movement of thicker blood through the vessels and the formation of clots that block small vessels, impairing work internal organs. That is why, if the indicator is 10-12% higher than the upper limits of the norm, this should not go unnoticed by the doctor.

The pediatrician will evaluate other blood test data and refer the child for additional examinations, and then prescribe therapy, as a result of which the hematocrit will return to normal.

Below normal

A decrease in hematocrit can be caused by various reasons, including insufficient formation of blood cells, and their increased destruction, and an increase in blood volume, and its dilution. Two processes also underlie the decrease in this indicator. The child either has an increase in plasma or a decrease in the number of blood cells.

The most common causes of low hematocrit in children are:

  • Edema due to dysfunction of the kidneys.
  • Acute bleeding.
  • Anemia provoked by a deficiency of vitamins B9 and B12 or a lack of iron.
  • hemolytic anemia.
  • Aplastic anemia.
  • Hyperproteinemia caused by feeding babies with goat's or cow's milk.

Having revealed an underestimated hematocrit in a child, it is important to additionally examine a small patient in order to determine what provoked such changes. If the hematocrit falls below 20-25%, this threatens the child with oxygen starvation and disruption of the internal organs, especially the brain.

Depending on the cause, the actions to increase hematocrit to normal levels will be different:

  • If the child has edema, kidney function should be checked and diuretics should be prescribed.
  • With deficiency anemia, it is important to make up for the lack of nutrients. If we are talking about iron deficiency, the child is prescribed drugs with this element. With a lack of vitamins, the doctor will prescribe drugs from which the child will receive them in the right amount.
  • In case of acute bleeding, the child is hospitalized. If the condition is severe, the baby begins to transfuse red blood cells or other blood products.
  • If the doctor suspects aplastic anemia, the child will be sent for special examinations, which determine the state of the bone marrow.
  • With an increase in the amount of protein in the bloodstream, the child's nutrition should be reviewed. Breastfeeding or milk formula with an optimal protein content is recommended for a baby up to a year old.

For more information about the general blood test, see the program of Dr. Komarovsky.

Based on the results of a general blood test, many indicators can be determined, including finding out whether the hematocrit is lowered or increased in a child.

This analysis is important in the first place in order to control blood flow and prevent blood thickening.

Hematocrit depends on age, gender and some physiological characteristics of the body. If the indicator is lowered, then it is important to find the causes and stabilize the level of red blood cells.

As soon as a child is born, his analyzes are studied in order to exclude congenital pathologies or emerging diseases.

It is important for parents to understand that the blood composition of a 2-month-old baby cannot be the same as that of an adult. Normally, all indicators should be increased.

With time children's body adapts to the world around him, and the ratio of cells changes. In the case of a hematocrit in a child, the norm for a newborn is 44 - 62%.

This is a very high percentage when compared with the results of an adult. But when the hematocrit is lowered in the baby after birth, we can talk about serious problems.

Already after 2-3 months, the level of erythrocytes drops to 32-44%, and closer to a year it is 36-44%.

It may simply be a feature of a particular organism and not cause a deterioration in the condition.

During the first 8 to 10 years, hematocrit should not be significantly reduced or increased. The norm is the result of 37 - 44%.

Changes begin when a child enters puberty. In girls, after the onset of menstruation, the content of red blood cells will be reduced (34 - 44%) compared with boys (35 - 45%).

During this period, it is important to monitor the hematocrit values ​​so that the cardiovascular system functions properly and the blood is not too thick.

As you know, it is during adolescence that an increased load on the heart occurs, which can provoke various pathologies in adulthood.

Why is the hematocrit level in children low?

If the level of red blood cells is lowered to 25% or less, then this indicates that the blood is diluted more than necessary, or blood loss occurs in the body.

To figure out what are the reasons that the hematocrit is lowered, and what it means, the child is re-taken blood for analysis.

Among the most common reasons low hematocrit it is worth listing the following:

  • disorders in the bone marrow that lead to insufficient formation of red blood cells;
  • hyperproteinemia - the protein content in the blood of a child is increased;
  • hyperhydration - a physiological feature of the body, in which the blood is too liquid;
  • anemia of various levels of complexity and origin;
  • bleeding caused by injury or disease;
  • blood diseases in which the rate of breakdown of red blood cells increases;
  • kidney failure and some infectious diseases;
  • liver problems or cancer.

Reduced hematocrit in a child can be caused by prolonged bed rest, insufficient level of physical activity or diet: malnutrition and prolonged fasting.

By itself, a low hematocrit does not always indicate a problem. Its indicators, as a rule, correlate with the level of hemoglobin.

This allows you to more accurately determine the causes of low hematocrit and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

You will get a false result if the blood sampling for analysis was performed incorrectly.

Medications, untreated diseases or injuries that cause blood loss are the reasons that cause changes in indicators.

Such test results will only complicate the diagnosis and interfere with treatment.

A separate group is made up of children who are too large and underweight. They have a greater load on the heart than the rest, and often the body does not receive useful substances in sufficient quantity.

For such a child, hematocrit control should be increased by both parents and doctors.

What to do if the level of red blood cells is low?

If the hematocrit level in children is low, then this is not as dangerous as its increase, but treatment is still required.

For a child, the composition of the blood is an indicator of both development and susceptibility to diseases, it depends on many factors.

First of all, you should pay attention to the diet of the baby and the set of products that he consumes.

For children who have low hematocrit and hemoglobin, it will be useful to use hematogen. It is sweet, so you won’t have to persuade the baby to eat such a “candy” for a long time.

But still, before that, it is better to consult a doctor, since the hematogen is medicine, and excessive use of it can harm the child.

For children under 2 years of age who are on breastfeeding, the concentration of erythrocytes depends on the diet of the mother.

If there is not enough iron in the milk, then the hematocrit in the blood will be lowered. Proper and timely complementary foods are also of great importance.

At the age of one and a half to two years, the baby must definitely eat meat and dairy dishes, as well as spend a lot of time outdoors.

Unfortunately, sometimes the hematocrit is lowered in a child not due to malnutrition. The reason may lie in pathological conditions and diseases.

Naturally, pathologies are more difficult to eliminate. The most important thing is to make a diagnosis on time and start treatment as soon as possible.

Most likely, additional tests and diagnostics of the whole organism will be required. It is important for parents not to panic and carefully follow the recommendations of doctors.

Low hematocrit in a child, especially under 2 years of age, does not always indicate a disease. Its level must be considered together with the level of hemoglobin.

In the development of the child, growth spurts occur, in which the number of red blood cells will decrease.

In small children, especially in the first 2-3 months, the hematocrit should not be lowered. On the contrary, it exceeds that of adults.

Analyzes should be taken regularly in order to control the composition of the blood, on which the correct functioning of the whole organism depends.

How the analysis is done

Norms in children

  • up to 3 months - from 32 to 44%;

Deviations from the norm

Reasons for high Ht

  • respiratory pathology;
  • injuries and burns;
  • heart disease;
  • leukemia;
  • peritonitis;
  • erythremia;
  • intestinal obstruction;

Causes of low Ht

  • anemia
  • a large volume of blood;
  • acute bleeding.


Normal hematocrit in children. Reasons for ups and downs

Children very often have to do blood tests. This is very important, since the cellular composition of the blood at this age is constant and its disturbances during the development of diseases play an important diagnostic role. The concentration of erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets in the blood is the hematocrit: the norm in children is established by specialists.

What does the hematocrit level indicate?

The composition of human blood includes such formed elements as leukocytes, erythrocytes and platelets. It is from the concentration of these components that the level of hematocrit, which has the content of erythrocytes in the blood of children, will depend, because it is erythrocytes that are the predominant mass of all cellular components. Hematocrit is usually expressed as a percentage of total blood volume.

How can you correctly determine the hematocrit? To correctly determine the indicators in an infant or a child at an older age, a glass tube with a division price is used, where blood is poured, and then this tube is placed in a centrifuge. When exposed to gravity, red blood cells sink to the bottom, so it becomes possible to determine what part of the blood they occupy. In medical laboratories with modern equipment, automated analyzers are more often used to establish hematocrit.

Normal hematocrit values ​​in children

In children, the norm of indicators will be directly correlated with age, namely:

  • In infants - from 44 to 62%;
  • From birth to the age of 3 months - 32 - 44%;
  • From three months to one year - 36 - 44%;
  • From one year to 10 years - 37 - 44%.

Reasons for the decrease in indicators

According to the definition, it should be shown that a low hematocrit in a child is established by a decrease in the concentration of red blood cells in the blood. This number will be considered low at rates of 20 - 25%, but to clarify the diagnosis, a thorough examination and identification of provocateurs for a decrease in hematocrit will still be required.

The following problems contribute to the change in indicators:

  • Slow formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow.
  • High rate of breakdown of red blood cells in the blood.
  • A large amount of blood in a child.
  • High concentration of proteins in the blood.
  • Too thin blood.
  • Acute bleeding.
  • Anemia.

It is important! It should be noted that a separately considered indicator of a decrease in hematocrit cannot accurately indicate the presence of disturbances in the functioning of the body. To obtain an accurate picture, these indicators are combined with the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood. However, to make a diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a thorough study and establish the factors that provoked the problem.

If the indicators exceed the norm, then there is reason to talk about the development of a threat of increasing the concentration of red blood cells in the blood. This condition requires a separate diagnosis. In addition, increased hematocrit can be with erythremia, which is considered a very serious pathology. With its development, red blood cells quickly spread to the most important site of blood formation - in the bone marrow. Also, an increase in the hematocrit rate is observed with a latent or asymptomatic course of oxygen starvation in the body, with polycystic kidney disease or the presence of other neoplasms in them. Peritonitis, leukemia, thrombosis, burns, diabetes, and even usually heavy sweating can be triggered by high hematocrit values.

Hematocrit is elevated when the concentration of red blood cells rises, which correlates with the following pathologies:

  1. The presence of neoplasms in the kidneys.
  2. The development of polycystic or hydronephrotic transformation of the kidneys.
  3. Oxygen starvation of varying severity.
  4. Blood leukemia.
  5. Getting severe burn wounds.
  6. Erythremia.
  7. Long-term use of glucocorticosteroids.
  8. Peritonitis.

Organization of normalization of hematocrit in the child's body

In a situation where the hematocrit is lowered in a child as a result of anemia, it is important to normalize the diet - consume more apples, nuts, liver, eggs, meat. The food should contain a lot of iron. It is good for the child's body to use hematogen. To overcome anemia completely allow special preparations, vitamins with iron content, which are prescribed by a doctor. Sometimes they are administered intravenously, taken in solutions or in tablets.

Don't panic. It is best to independently study all the results of the clinical blood tests, because the information will not be the final diagnosis. If the hematocrit does not correspond to the norm, then this does not mean the development of a deadly disease in the body. The volume of erythrocytes, their ratio with plasma is only a general clinical picture, which does not directly indicate the disease. The establishment of hematocrit indicators and their correct interpretation can only be carried out by specialists who take into account all the nuances of a hematological examination.

In general, the treatment process involves the elimination of problems that have formed a low hematocrit in an infant or an older child, or its indicators have increased. In accordance with the specification of the pathology, the doctor prescribes medicines to restore blood.

It is important! Low hematocrit is diagnosed somewhat less frequently than high values ​​of this value. Often, smokers are at risk, as a lack of oxygen forms in their body, and therefore, red blood cells are produced in large quantities. Alpinists can also be attributed here, because at a height they also form a lack of oxygen in their body.

Hematocrit is low in a child: what does it mean? symptoms and treatment

It is important for every parent to know that everything is in order with the health of his child and there are no deviations from the norm. Quite often, these deviations can be determined by blood tests. That is why it is important to know when the hematocrit is low, which means that there are certain health problems that need to be addressed urgently. What does it mean? What measures should be taken, the causes and other features of this phenomenon - we will answer all these questions further.

Major deviations from the norm

It should be understood that if the hematocrit is elevated in a child, then this is the same problem as if such an indicator is reduced, therefore, appropriate measures should be taken to solve the problem.

Indicators can increase for several main reasons: dehydration, blood diseases, lack of oxygen in the body, kidney disease, getting burned, general intoxication of the body.

Reduced hematocrit in a child occurs most often in such situations: impaired bone marrow function, leukocytosis, internal bleeding, diseases of the hematopoietic system, anemia.

All these pathologies, diseases that reduce or increase the level of HCT in the blood are extremely dangerous for any child, so you should immediately seek medical help. medical care for quality treatment.

Symptoms of low hematocrit

A decrease in hematocrit in children can cause various health problems. In this case, the following symptoms are observed:

The presence of a large number of toxins in the body.

General weakness, rapid fatigue.

Dizziness, feeling of nausea.

it general symptoms reduced hematocrit in children, at the same time, many other unpleasant signs can be noticed, depending on the existing disease.

Is it always dangerous for a child?

Scientific studies show that small deviations from the normal hematocrit are not always dangerous for children. For example, the indicators may increase due to the fact that the child drank a small amount of water per day or he lives in a mountainous area where there is little oxygen in the air, and therefore there are a lot of red blood cells in the blood to compensate for a slight “oxygen starvation”.

A reduced or increased hematocrit in a child is always a definite challenge for parents, because they should not panic in any way, but in no case should they hesitate. If the value is constantly changing or, conversely, is very different from the norm, you should consult a pediatrician.

How to bring the indicators back to normal?

If the hematocrit is lowered or increased, then you should definitely pay attention to this. First of all, it is necessary to establish the exact cause of this or that deviation, to make a diagnosis of the disease.

Treatment consists in eliminating exactly the problem that caused the deviation from the norm. The following treatments are currently being used:

If anemia is the cause, you need to reconsider your own diet. It is recommended to eat more apples, nuts, lean meat, food should contain a large amount of iron.

The drug Hematogen. it excellent tool to improve the process of hematopoiesis, containing trace elements, nutrients and other beneficial substances.

Another important rule- should be taken in liquid form dosage forms iron preparations for children, and do not give them double doses of such drugs, even if the previous dose of the medicine was missed.

High levels of HCT in the blood of a child are also considered abnormal, and therefore are treated with fortified foods and drugs that normalize the level of red blood cells. Increased fluid intake is also prescribed.

Parents need to make sure that all indicators are normal, and the baby develops in accordance with his age, without experiencing any health problems.

Hematocrit is lowered in a child - why is it dangerous?

Is it dangerous that the hematocrit is low in a child? A decrease in the hematocrit level is dangerous because the child's body does not receive enough oxygen and develops worse. Any deviation in the analyzes from the norm always causes panic in parents and the search for the best doctor who will help to cope with the disease immediately begins. But in most cases, panic is unreasonable, and a low hematocrit (Ht) is very easy to correct. But what is Ht and how to suspect its decrease in time?

What is this indicator

Erythrocytes play an important role in the growth and development of the child's body, because thanks to these red blood cells, oxygen is transported, which is necessary for the growth and full functioning of all body tissues.

The hematocrit index determines the percentage of erythrocyte ratio of red blood cells to the volume of total blood flow in children.

The baby grows, and the norms change depending on age:

Boys and girls under 10 years of age have almost the same hematocrit level, but older children are already adjusted for gender when taking an analysis.

From 10 to 17 years old, the norm should be:

Parents of girls whose menstrual cycle has not yet been established and Ht is slightly reduced, of course, need to show the child's doctor, but you should not panic - almost always a decrease in the percentage is associated with an unsteady menstrual cycle. If the cause is maturation, then no treatment is required, you just need to carefully monitor the girl's health.

What causes a drop in hematocrit

Why can a child's hematocrit be low? There are many reasons for this.

The most common provoking factors can be identified:

  • violation of the production of red blood cells in the germ of the bone marrow;
  • malfunctions of the spleen, where erythrocyte decay occurs;
  • high levels of protein fractions in the blood;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • blood loss;
  • anemia;
  • an increase in the volume of circulating blood (with a delay in the removal of fluid from the body).

The most common cause of a decrease in the percentage of erythrocyte index is anemia. Most anemias, if the rate is reduced to 25%, respond well to treatment with a special diet and medications. The best drug for treatment is a pharmacy hematogen, which children eat with pleasure.

At-risk groups

The hematocrit in a child is almost always at the same level and changes slightly only with age, in the process of growth of the child's body. But there are groups of children in whom the hematocrit number can change pathologically. Pediatricians refer such children to the risk group, and they are registered at the dispensary.

The risk group includes:

  1. Newborns born with a large body weight, and infants who are gaining weight pathologically quickly.
  2. Children who are malnourished or suffer from metabolic disorders.
  3. Children with a tendency to develop iron deficiency anemia.
  4. Newborns with congenital abnormalities in the work of the liver and kidneys.

These children should be closely monitored and all precipitating factors excluded. If it is possible to cure the underlying disease, then the erythrocyte composition will soon stabilize without specific treatment.

The child has a low hematocrit

What does hematocrit show?

Hematocrit - the norm in children

  • from 1 to 10 years - 37-44%.

  • acute bleeding;
  • anemia.

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Hematocrit in a child's blood test: norms, causes of increased and decreased values

A blood test for hematocrit is another important indicator by which doctors determine the state of health of the child and the presence of disease processes in him. The study helps to identify a deviation from the norm of the ratio of red blood cells to the amount of plasma in the direction of increasing or decreasing. Minor fluctuations are considered acceptable, but if the balance is significantly disturbed, the doctor, based on the indicators, diagnoses a certain disease.

How is a hematocrit test done?

To calculate the hematocrit number, the blood taken from a child is sent to a special test tube with divisions applied to its wall, inserted into a centrifuge and processed for one and a half hours. The centrifugation process allows you to separate the red blood cells from the plasma: heavy elements, including red blood cells, sink to the bottom of the vessel, and the plasma remains at the top.

Visually, the ratio of erythrocytes to plasma is determined by a scale on a test tube. Hematology analyzers are used to accurately calculate hematocrit. The resulting Ht indicator expresses the number of erythrocytes, without giving them an assessment of their quality, but such information is enough for physicians to make an accurate diagnosis. Express the value of Ht as a percentage, and write it as a fraction - liter / liter.

Age norms of hematocrit in children

A general blood test gives the level of hemoglobin, hematocrit and other blood characteristics. When evaluating the numerical value of erythrocytes, in order to establish a lowered or increased hematocrit, doctors start from their standard indicator, characteristic of a healthy newborn. In addition, doctors have deduced the norm for each age period of childhood, from birth to adulthood.

For clarity, we have combined all the numerical indicators of the norm into a separate table that looks like this:

What does deviation from the norm look like?

Experts consider deviations from the norm in the form of a decrease or increase as a sign of a painful pathology or physiological characteristics of the child. High Ht indicates an increased number of formed elements that make the blood viscous and thick. The presence of blood in this state provokes the formation of blood clots. However, an excess of the norm by% in infants and children up to a year is referred to as a physiological factor that does not cause concern. The picture looks alarming if the hematocrit is increased in a baby after a year.

The hematocrit is lowered - this means that the volume of blood cells has decreased, and they are responsible for the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the organs. There is a violation of the acid-base balance, leading to oxygen starvation of cells, which negatively affects the general condition of the baby. Weakness is manifested, the heartbeat quickens, the skin becomes pale, shortness of breath is present.

Why does hematocrit rise?

A marked increase in Ht is directly related to overproduction in the bone marrow (an increase in the number or size of red blood cells). The reason for the increased concentration of cells lies in the field of pathological changes occurring in the body of a small patient. However, the process does not always occur due to pathological disorders in the body.

Key boost factors

We will get a mandatory increase in Ht during painful processes that affect the growth in the number and size of erythrocytes. The main factors of high hematocrit in children can be:

  1. True and redistributive erythrocytosis.
  2. Excessive reproduction of red blood cells or erythremia (Wakez's disease, polycythemia). Manifested by uncomfortable tingling in the fingers and toes, heaviness in the head, sudden reddening of the skin, cardialgia. Similar symptoms accompany diseases that cause an increase in the size of red blood cells.
  3. Compensatory response of the cardiovascular system to certain factors: pulmonary insufficiency, being at high altitude, kidney pathology, "blue" heart defects.

An increase in hematocrit can be associated with serious diseases, up to heart disease

Relative causes

Incoming processes can provoke an increase in the Ht level. Doctors refer to them:

  • frequent bouts of vomiting;
  • diarrhea of ​​a profuse nature, causing thickening of the blood;
  • bowel obstruction, in which fluid moves into it;
  • increased sweating (hyperhidrosis);
  • peritonitis;
  • hereditary and acquired kidney disease;
  • pathology formed in the respiratory organs;
  • leukemia;
  • burns and injuries;
  • erythremia;
  • asymptomatic oxygen starvation;
  • long-term use of certain drugs (for example, glucocorticosteroids).

What affects the decrease in Ht?

A decrease in hematocrit is recorded when its level is clearly low, that is, it drops to 25%. Having found that the hematocrit is reduced, the doctor prescribes an additional examination to the small patient to find out the cause.

Anemia is the most common cause of low hematocrit in a child.

As a rule, a decrease in Ht is a consequence of the accumulation of an excess amount of fluid, due to which blood thins and the percentage of red blood cells and plasma changes (hyperhydration), and hemoglobin also decreases. The cause may be hyperproteinemia (excessive concentration of proteins). These changes are caused by:

  1. Severe blood loss.
  2. Violation of the formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow in the direction of reducing their number or size.
  3. Hereditary or acquired hemolytic anemia, typhoid fever, malaria, hemolytic poisons, in which there is a rapid destruction of red blood cells.
  4. Intravenous administration of a large amount of fluid for violations of renal function, leading to an increase in blood volume.
  5. various types of anemia.
  6. Hyperhydration - blood thinning due to disorders in the excretory system, insufficient blood circulation, water intoxication.
  7. An increase in the level of protein in the blood (hyperproteinemia). Occurs with frequent vomiting, acute infections, diarrhea, paraproteinemic hemoblastosis, Hodgkin's lymphoma, myeloma.

Anemia is a common cause of low hematocrit. The child needs the supervision of a doctor, the establishment of the correct diet. The doctor may suggest taking medications that increase Ht.

Why is a false result of the analysis possible?

Some factors that occur at the time of blood sampling can distort the result of the analysis, showing an increase or decrease in hematocrit. For example, if blood sampling is done after severe blood loss, or before it, an intravenous infusion of a drug that thins the blood was performed. A false indicator will also be obtained when taking an analysis from a child who has been lying down for a long time. The level of Ht will be lower even when the vein has been clamped with a tourniquet for a long time. If the doctor has doubts, a second test is prescribed.

It should also be taken into account that the hematocrit indicator does not serve as a basis for establishing a diagnosis, it only warns that there is a pathology in the child’s body or there is a risk of developing any disease. The final verdict of the doctor is announced only after studying all the tests, and in the case of hematocrit, its relationship with the level of hemoglobin is taken into account. If a decrease or increase in hematocrit is detected, parents should conduct a thorough examination of the baby in order to start treatment on time.

To determine the hematocrit, complex equipment and long calculations are not required, which is important for the health of children in our outback. The doctor took a blood test, checked the Ht indicator, and already sees whether the baby has problems or not. And he will prescribe treatment on time, and the children will be healthy

Attention! All information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and is for informational purposes only. For all questions of diagnosis and treatment of diseases, it is necessary to consult a doctor for an internal consultation.

Hematocrit is low in a 3 month old baby

Hematocrit in children

One of the important indicators included in a clinical blood test is the hematocrit number (Ht). This parameter allows you to estimate the amount of red cells in the child's blood. Red blood cells perform an important function in the body - they supply tissues with oxygen and nutrients.

This is possible due to the ability of hemoglobin, located in red cells, to bind to oxygen molecules in the lungs, transport them to the organs and give them to the cells, and then carry carbon dioxide to the lungs. If the hematocrit is lowered or increased, pathology may develop in the body. Using this parameter, the doctor will be able not only to suspect the disease, but also to determine the degree of its severity.

How the analysis is done

The hematocrit is calculated during a complete blood count. To do this, the blood is placed in a special test tube called a hematocrit and subjected to centrifugation for one and a half hours. As a result, heavier formed elements, most of which are erythrocytes, settle to the bottom of the tube, and the plasma remains at the top.

With the help of the applied divisions, it is possible to determine how much volume the red cells occupy in relation to the plasma. In modern laboratories, the calculation of hematocrit is carried out using hematology analyzers, which provide a more accurate result. Despite the fact that the Ht indicator gives a quantitative, but not a qualitative assessment of erythrocytes, this analysis is considered quite informative. It is most often expressed as a percentage, sometimes it is written as a fraction - liter / liter.

Norms in children

The hematocrit rate varies depending on the age of the child:

  • in newborns, its level should be from 44 to 62%;
  • up to 3 months - from 32 to 44%;
  • from 3 months to a year - from 36 to 44%;
  • from a year to 10 years - from 37 to 44%.

Deviations from the norm

Deviation, both upward and downward, may indicate pathology, but may also have physiological causes.

If Ht is increased in children, then the blood becomes thicker and more viscous due to an increase in the number of formed elements relative to the volume of the liquid part. This condition is dangerous because there is a possibility of blood clots. If the norm is exceeded by 10-12% in a child under one year old, as a rule, this is due to physiology and should not cause concern. Another thing is if a high level is observed in a child older than a year.

With reduced hematocrit in children, the volume of red blood cells that supply oxygen and nutrients to the organs, does not reach the norm. In this regard, the acid-base balance in the child's body is disturbed, the cells experience oxygen starvation. As a result, the state of health worsens, namely, weakness, rapid fatigue, frequent heartbeat, shortness of breath, and pallor of the skin are observed.

How is hematocrit determined?

Reasons for high Ht

Hematocrit can be increased in the analysis if the child did not drink before donating blood, as well as in case of dehydration of the body with vomiting or with an increase in body temperature. Elevated Ht may be associated with pathological processes in which the concentration of red cells in the blood of a child increases. Among them:

  • congenital and acquired renal diseases: neoplasms, polycystic, hydronephrosis;
  • respiratory pathology;
  • injuries and burns;
  • heart disease;
  • leukemia;
  • peritonitis;
  • erythremia;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • oxygen starvation, occurring without symptoms;
  • taking certain medications for a long time (mainly glucocorticosteroids).

It is considered that the hematocrit is lowered if it has fallen to 25%. A low level of this indicator in a blood test in children is a reason for an additional examination in order to find out the cause. In most cases, the decrease is due to the following pathologies:

  • slow formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow;
  • increased rate of red cell decay;
  • hyperproteinemia, or elevated levels of protein in the blood;
  • overhydration, or thin blood;
  • anemia
  • a large volume of blood;
  • acute bleeding.

Most often in children, hematocrit is reduced with anemia. In this case, you need to see a doctor who will help you make the right diet and, if necessary, prescribe drugs to increase the level of Ht. In food, you need to include more foods rich in iron: apples, meat, liver, eggs, nuts. Doctors recommend using hematogen, which can be bought at any pharmacy.


Deviation from the norm of hematocrit in analyzes in children does not always indicate pathology and is not the basis for making a diagnosis. This indicator can only indicate the possible development of diseases and should always be considered in conjunction with such a parameter as hemoglobin. If the hematocrit is lowered or increased, this is an occasion to examine the child, identify the disease and begin timely treatment.

Pediatric questions: how to treat low hematocrit in an infant?

To determine the cellular composition of the blood, a detailed laboratory study is required. If there is a low hematocrit in a child, then this indicates the presence of pathology, a serious internal disorder and obvious health problems.

If the hematocrit is lowered in the baby, then this indicates that the number of red blood cells is limited and does not correspond to the norm, the course of the pathological process in the child's body is not excluded. Ideally, at the age of 3 months - 1 year, this indicator reaches%, but what to think if there is a deviation from the norm?

Causes and symptoms of low hematocrit

Pregnant women should not worry, because in an “interesting position” such deviations are considered acceptable. But young mothers need to pay attention if hemoglobin and hematocrit are lowered in the blood of a newborn. For example, % values ​​are considered abnormal and require additional diagnostics and determination of the etiology of the pathological process.

Among the predisposing factors that only contribute to the decline of this enzyme, it is worth highlighting:

Excessive blood volume in the child's body;

Liquid blood and accelerated systemic circulation;

Slow formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow;

Increased rate of breakdown of red blood cells.

This is a real problem for the child's body, since the symptoms that accompany such a deviation reduce the quality of life, disrupt the physical development of the child according to the age category. For example, small patients do not look well, and pale skin, arrhythmia and shortness of breath often alert anxious parents. Such children have no appetite, and their behavior is characterized by passivity, phlegm, lethargy and lack of initiative.

If the hematocrit is lowered in a child of 3 months, then the very appearance of the crumbs becomes a good reason for making an appointment with the local pediatrician. It is better not to delay the diagnosis, otherwise the diseases progressing in the body will only worsen the general well-being and lead to disability.

Children at risk

If the hematocrit in the baby is lowered, then such a pathological process in extensive medical practice must be explained. For example, those newborns and infants who are characterized by rapid growth and weight gain are at risk. The problem also extends to those small patients who experience acute iron deficiency due to malnutrition.

Moreover, a reduced hematocrit can become a complication of internal diseases expressed at birth. Most often it is renal and hepatic insufficiency, when a clinical patient at such a young age is in dire need of immediate resuscitation measures. If it is possible to cure the underlying disease, then the hematocrit will soon stabilize on its own.

Now it is clear which children are concentrated in the "risk group", so the main task of parents is to exclude all pathogenic factors from the baby's everyday life. Otherwise, normalize general state will be very problematic.

A low blood color index in a child is a problem that needs to be addressed. talk about effective drug treatment very difficult, because taking strong pills at this age in most cases is simply contraindicated.

To normalize the hematocrit, it is necessary to replace the children's diet by adding a capacious amount of iron to it. It can be natural vegetables and fruits for babies older than 6 months, or a fortified artificial mixture for newborns and children in the first months of life.

Older children can be given for the treatment and prevention of the well-known Hematogen, which is sold in every pharmacy. Any medication should be prescribed by a local therapist, and multivitamin complexes are no exception to this rule. An overdose, as you know, can harm, and superficial self-medication can even cause serious problems in the body.

Many young and inexperienced parents are not even aware of the progressing health problems of their crumbs, and learn about their existence only from the results of a routine blood test. More experienced mothers, on the contrary, notice adverse changes in appearance child, so they immediately rush to an unscheduled appointment with a qualified specialist. In any case, a reduced hematocrit in the blood should not go unnoticed by a pediatrician.

The child has a low hematocrit

Children quite often have to donate blood for analysis. This is important, since the cellular composition of the blood is quite constant and its various changes during any disease are of significant diagnostic value.

What does hematocrit show?

It is known that human blood consists of uniform elements - erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets. Therefore, in the list of a general blood test there is such an important indicator as hematocrit. It shows the level of red blood cells in the blood of the child, because they make up the bulk of the cellular components. As a rule, the hematocrit is expressed as a percentage of the total blood volume.

How is hematocrit calculated?

A small amount of blood is poured into a special glass tube with a division price, also called a hematocrit. After that, it is placed in a centrifuge. Under the influence of gravity, red blood cells quickly settle to the bottom, after which it is quite easy to determine what part of the blood they make up. It should be noted that in modern clinical laboratories, automatic analyzers are increasingly used to determine the hematocrit.

Hematocrit - the norm in children

In children, the norm of this value depends on age:

  • newborn child - 44-62%;
  • from birth to 3 months - 32-44%;
  • from 3 months to 1 year - 36-44%;
  • from 1 to 10 years - 37-44%.

Hematocrit is lowered in a child - causes

Based on the definition, it can be assumed that the hematocrit value decreases with a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the child's blood. The hematocrit is considered low at 20-25% and this may be facilitated by the presence of some problems:

  • slow formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow;
  • an increase in the rate of destruction of erythrocytes in the blood;
  • an increase in blood volume in a child;
  • increased concentration of proteins in the blood (hyperproteinemia);
  • blood thinning (hyperhydration);
  • acute bleeding;
  • anemia.

It should be noted that a single indicator of low hematocrit cannot accurately indicate the presence of any problems in the child's body. For a more accurate picture, this indicator in the general blood test is combined with the level of hemoglobin. But still, in order to make an accurate diagnosis, in any case, it is necessary to conduct a more thorough examination and determine what provoked a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood.

Parents should monitor the growth and weight of the child from birth. After all, despite their averageness, deviations from them can be the cause of developing diseases. In our article we will talk about the norm of weight and height of boys.

The height and weight of the child are those indicators that must be monitored from the very birth of the child. Despite the fact that each of us develops in our own way and the parameters depend on many factors, the average indicators are summarized in tables.

One of the indicators of a blood test that pediatricians and parents of a child observe is the level of hemoglobin. In our article, we will talk about its importance for health and norms, as well as what deviations from these norms can lead to.

Hemoglobin is a special blood protein that transports oxygen to all organs and tissues of the body and removes carbon dioxide from them. Its reduced content can worsen the well-being of the child and affect his development.

Hematocrit is low in a child - what does this mean?

Based on the results of a general blood test, many indicators can be determined, including finding out whether the hematocrit is lowered or increased in a child.

This analysis is important in the first place in order to control blood flow and prevent blood thickening.

Hematocrit depends on age, gender and some physiological characteristics of the body. If the indicator is lowered, then it is important to find the causes and stabilize the level of red blood cells.

Hematocrit norm for children

As soon as a child is born, his analyzes are studied in order to exclude congenital pathologies or emerging diseases.

It is important for parents to understand that the blood composition of a 2-month-old baby cannot be the same as that of an adult. Normally, all indicators should be increased.

Over time, the child's body adapts to the world around it, and the ratio of cells changes. In the case of a hematocrit in a child, the norm for a newborn is 44 - 62%.

This is a very high percentage when compared with the results of an adult. But when the hematocrit is lowered in the baby after birth, we can talk about serious problems.

After 2-3 months, the level of erythrocytes drops to 32-44%, and closer to a year it is 36-44%.

It may simply be a feature of a particular organism and not cause a deterioration in the condition.

During the first 8 to 10 years, hematocrit should not be significantly reduced or increased. The norm is the result of 37 - 44%.

Changes begin when a child enters puberty. In girls, after the onset of menstruation, the content of red blood cells will be reduced (34 - 44%) compared with boys (35 - 45%).

During this period, it is important to monitor the hematocrit values ​​so that the cardiovascular system functions properly and the blood is not too thick.

As you know, it is during adolescence that an increased load on the heart occurs, which can provoke various pathologies in adulthood.

Why is the hematocrit level in children low?

If the level of red blood cells is lowered to 25% or less, then this indicates that the blood is diluted more than necessary, or blood loss occurs in the body.

To figure out what are the reasons that the hematocrit is lowered, and what it means, the child is re-taken blood for analysis.

Among the most common causes of low hematocrit are the following:

  • disorders in the bone marrow that lead to insufficient formation of red blood cells;
  • hyperproteinemia - the protein content in the blood of a child is increased;
  • hyperhydration - a physiological feature of the body, in which the blood is too liquid;
  • anemia of various levels of complexity and origin;
  • bleeding caused by injury or disease;
  • blood diseases in which the rate of breakdown of red blood cells increases;
  • kidney failure and some infectious diseases;
  • liver problems or cancer.

Reduced hematocrit in a child can be caused by prolonged bed rest, insufficient level of physical activity or diet: malnutrition and prolonged fasting.

By itself, a low hematocrit does not always indicate a problem. Its indicators, as a rule, correlate with the level of hemoglobin.

This allows you to more accurately determine the causes of low hematocrit and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

You will get a false result if the blood sampling for analysis was performed incorrectly.

Medications, untreated diseases or injuries that cause blood loss are the reasons that cause changes in indicators.

Such test results will only complicate the diagnosis and interfere with treatment.

A separate group is made up of children who are too large and underweight. They have a greater load on the heart than the rest, and often the body does not receive nutrients in sufficient quantities.

For such a child, hematocrit control should be increased by both parents and doctors.

What to do if the level of red blood cells is low?

If the hematocrit level in children is low, then this is not as dangerous as its increase, but treatment is still required.

For a child, the composition of the blood is an indicator of both development and susceptibility to diseases, it depends on many factors.

First of all, you should pay attention to the diet of the baby and the set of products that he consumes.

For children who have low hematocrit and hemoglobin, it will be useful to use hematogen. It is sweet, so you won’t have to persuade the baby to eat such a “candy” for a long time.

But still, before that, it is better to consult a doctor, since hematogen is a drug, and its excessive use can harm the child.

For children under 2 years of age who are breastfed, the concentration of red blood cells depends on the diet of the mother.

If there is not enough iron in the milk, then the hematocrit in the blood will be lowered. Proper and timely complementary foods are also of great importance.

At the age of one and a half to two years, the baby must definitely eat meat and dairy dishes, as well as spend a lot of time outdoors.

Unfortunately, sometimes the hematocrit is lowered in a child not due to malnutrition. The reason may be hidden in pathological conditions and diseases.

Naturally, pathologies are more difficult to eliminate. The most important thing is to make a diagnosis on time and start treatment as soon as possible.

Most likely, additional tests and diagnostics of the whole organism will be required. It is important for parents not to panic and carefully follow the recommendations of doctors.

Low hematocrit in a child, especially under 2 years of age, does not always indicate a disease. Its level must be considered together with the level of hemoglobin.

In the development of the child, growth spurts occur, in which the number of red blood cells will decrease.

In small children, especially in the first 2-3 months, the hematocrit should not be lowered. On the contrary, it exceeds that of adults.

Analyzes should be taken regularly in order to control the composition of the blood, on which the correct functioning of the whole organism depends.

What does low or high hematocrit in the blood of a child mean?

Blood tests are taken from children constantly - from birth. This test most reliably indicates what is happening in the baby's body, which is in a very important adaptation period - it adapts to extrauterine life. At this stage, when external factors change - room temperature, mother's diet, etc. - the composition of the blood changes. One of the indicators that clearly responds to all changes is the hematocrit.

The main elements that make up the blood are erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets. The percentage level in the blood of erythrocytes, which are the bulk of cellular components, in relation to other components, is called the hematocrit indicator.

A low or high hematocrit in a child with minor abnormalities is most likely caused by external factors. If these deviations are significant, then it is necessary to look for reasons - what is the reason for such a state.

Indices of hematocrit in this case indicate the development of pathological processes in the body.

The hematocrit analysis is quite simple. Blood is taken from a vein, after which it is placed in a special flask with divisions. A test tube with biomass is placed in a centrifuge, which, at the current level of development of medicine, is usually connected to a computer.

After the centrifuge stops, the blood stratifies - the plasma is on top, and the erythrocytes precipitate. The monitor shows the concentration of erythrocytes - what percentage they make up of the total blood volume.

Previously, when assessing this indicator, errors could occur - the composition of the blood was assessed visually by the laboratory assistant. On the walls of the flask into which the blood was placed, marks were drawn, which showed the amount of each ingredient in the total volume of biomass. The laboratory assistant recalculated the percentage “manually”.

Now an unreliable indicator can be obtained with improper blood sampling. They could not find a vein in the child for a long time, and the vessel was squeezed several times with a tourniquet, or - an intravenous infusion had just been made, and then immediately blood was taken. But parents do not need to be afraid that the baby will be treated for non-existent diseases. This analysis is only one of the tests by which the state of health is assessed, and its changes are observed in dynamics - a one-time deviation can be caused by the influence of external factors.

If in adults the hematocrit norm is practically constant:

After 50 years upper bound moves up by 2%.

In children, the norms depend on age:

  • newborns - 33-63%;
  • from 14 days to a year - 32-44%;
  • from one year to 5 years - 33-41%;
  • from 5 years to 12 years - 33-42%;
  • from 12 to 17 - 35-45% in boys and 34-44% in girls.

At this age, the percentage of red blood cells in the blood of girls is less, since menstruation has already begun.

The causes of increased hematocrit in the blood of a child are the following factors:

  • kidney tumors;
  • hydronephrosis or polycystic kidney disease;
  • erythremia - blood leukemia, in which red blood cells are reproduced in an increased amount by the bone marrow and are released into the blood;
  • getting severe burn injuries;
  • use for the treatment of a child of some medicines- especially often this condition occurs with the use of glucocorticosteroids;
  • intoxication of the body caused by the introduction pathogenic microorganisms or in case of poisoning;
  • development of peritonitis.

Naturally elevated hematocrit in people who are at a significant altitude above sea level, and this is considered normal.

If, when determining the results of a blood test, the hematocrit is elevated in a newborn child, it means that the baby was in a state of hypoxia. That is, the child experienced oxygen deficiency during the prenatal period or during childbirth.

The future development of the baby depends on the duration of the hypoxia period, because during oxygen starvation the blood supply to the brain is disturbed, and tissue foci may die. Timely provided rehabilitation measures will help to eliminate pathological changes.

What else can it mean when the hematocrit in the blood of a child is increased?

The danger of the condition is that thickening of the blood increases the risk of blood clots, which, moving through the vessels, can clog any vessel - large or small. This will cause oxygen deficiency of the organ in which the thrombus has settled, and - accordingly - a violation of its functions.

A decrease in hematocrit occurs in such cases:

  • if the function of the bone marrow is impaired and red blood cells in it are formed too slowly;
  • congenital disease of the hematopoietic system - the rate of decay of red blood cells in the blood is increased;
  • the blood is too thin;
  • with leukocytosis;
  • The baby develops internal bleeding.

Also, a low hematocrit may indicate anemia.

It is impossible to make a diagnosis based only on the hematocrit indicator - if it deviates from the norm, additional examinations will be prescribed to help identify the cause of the deviation and allow you to accurately describe clinical picture diseases.

In some cases, it will not be difficult to normalize the indicator - add to the diet or remove foods with a high iron content from it; prescribe glandular drugs.

Sometimes an elevated hematocrit in a child is recorded if he is a passive smoker or receives breast milk from a smoking mother. If parents do not understand how to correct the situation in such a case, they are unlikely to be interested in the condition and future development of the baby.

Only a doctor can interpret the results of blood tests - only after a competent decoding is treatment prescribed to eliminate the main cause that causes the hematocrit to deviate from the norm.

With a significant increase in the level of erythrocytes in the blood, it is necessary to carry out symptomatic treatment- thickening of the blood for a long time has a pathological effect on the child's body.