Characteristics of spinal hernia: symptoms and treatment. Spinal hernia in newborns consequences clinical deterioration of the child determines

In this article, we will consider ways to treat a herniated disc in a child and we will tell you in detail about the cases in which it is shown surgery to remove a herniated disc lumbar.
Intervertebral hernia in children, which is also called a herniated disc - a disease of the spine, from the category of degenerative-dystrophic pathologies. After injury to the spine, due to stretch marks and rupture of the fibrous ring, the disk with the share of the nucleus pulposus is forced to move to a place not intended for it. Intervertebral hernia is one of the rather dangerous pathologies of the spine and treatment with conservative methods is not always effective.

Vertebral discs in children flexible enough. In most cases, too large spinous processes of the vertebrae in the lumbar region interfere with straightening, and poorly developed (short) ligaments hinder bending. If the child's posture deteriorates, the back is loaded unevenly. Then, due to various circumstances and the negative influence of the environment, damage appears on the discs, the lower back hurts, which contributes to the appearance of an intervertebral hernia of the lumbar. The child feels squeezed and sometimes cannot perform simple movements. Pathologies of the spine can be congenital, or occur after an injury.

With osteochondrosis intervertebral hernia - one of the frequent and unpleasant symptoms in children. There is a possibility of developing a pain radicular syndrome, in which paresis occurs, sometimes paralysis of the legs, the sensitivity and functioning of the pelvic organs worsens, the perineum becomes numb.

Every fifth patient with lumbar disc herniation lies down on the operating table. Indications for surgery: uncontrolled pain syndrome, progressive neurological deficit, affected cauda equina syndrome. Next, you need to be treated under the supervision of doctors for 2-12 weeks (depending on the neglect of the disease, and on how the patient underwent surgery).

If health problems appear, all organs begin to work hard to restore their previous state and recovery. For a person with a herniated disc, it is enough not to break bed rest and not be nervous for 9-13 weeks for everything to heal by itself.

At the present time, it is gaining more and more popularity method of treatment like traction of the spine. It is especially effective in the acute stage. With traction, the pressure between the vertebrae is unstable, which makes it possible to restore the shifted disc.

Therapeutic gymnastics is most often used for both treatment and prevention of intervertebral hernia. Exercise improves muscle function immune system. You need to do it constantly, but so that the child does not feel pain, everything is done easily. At the acute stage, physical activity is not recommended, only during the recovery period.

Below, we will elaborate on the reasons why intervertebral hernia in a child What is the most effective treatment for the disease? You will learn what a lumbar disc herniation is in children and adolescents and whether it is possible to do without spinal surgery by observing only precautions in everyday life and doing strengthening exercises.

If the child developed an intervertebral hernia of the lumbar Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. Be sure to consult with a pediatric neurosurgeon, go through the necessary examination and only the doctor should decide which treatment necessary - is it shown operation or it is enough just to perform a set of strengthening exercises.

Next article.

A spinal hernia is a rather severe pathology, which is a congenital anomaly, as a result of which the vertebrae do not close, but form a gap. Because of this, parts of the spinal cord and its membranes come out under the skin. Most often, this pathology is formed in the lower part of the spinal column, but can also occur in other places. This is a very serious disease, the severity of which depends on how strongly the nerve tissues are deprived of protection.

How severe is this disease?

To date, spinal hernia is diagnosed even in the prenatal period, which allows you to take preventive measures already before the birth of the child. Almost always, spina bifida is an indication for terminating a pregnancy, since spinal cord is considered a very serious malformation. But if a woman nevertheless decided to give birth, then after giving birth, the child is prescribed radical treatment to prevent the development of severe disability.

Spinal hernia in adults is also accompanied by severe disability, because it does not allow movement of the lower limbs and leads to urinary and fecal incontinence. A person without outside help simply cannot exist.

Why can a hernia occur?

The causes of spina bifida are still not fully understood. The fetus during fetal development can be influenced by various factors: chemical, biological, physical. Most scientists have come to the consensus that a lack of vitamins in the mother's body, in particular, folic acid, may lead to the occurrence of a spinal hernia.

Although spina bifida is a congenital disorder, it is not considered genetic in nature. However, if a child with such an anomaly has already been conceived, then during a subsequent pregnancy the risk of its occurrence is high.

To prevent the conception of the next child with a split spine, before the onset of pregnancy, a woman must undergo preliminary preparation, using a complex of all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

In an adult, a spinal hernia occurs due to a fall from a height, lifting weights, as a result of a collision or impact.

Types of spinal hernia

This pathology is of the following types:

  • Hidden, which is characterized by a mild form and a violation of the structure of only one vertebra. Most people with this type of hernia have no symptoms, only a slight indentation in the area of ​​​​the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe spine.
  • Hernial, in which there is a serious defect in the bones. Pathology has an external manifestation, expressed in a hernial protrusion with the spinal cord located in it along with the membranes and Most often, the nerve roots and trunks are not damaged and continue to function normally. In more severe cases, the spinal cord may be infringed in the hernial sac along with the membranes, trunks and nerve roots. In this case, the pathology is accompanied by severe impairment of motor activity and sensitivity.

Symptoms of pathology in newborns

Congenital spinal hernia manifests itself as follows:

  • paralysis of the legs;
  • violation of intestinal motility;
  • loss of sensation below the site of hernia formation;
  • dysfunction Bladder, kidneys and rectum.

Another sign that characterizes spinal hernia in children is very big size skull, caused that is, inside the ventricles of the brain there is an accumulation of fluid. This is facilitated by a violation of the circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid, which is caused by a spinal hernia.

Hydrocephalus often leads to convulsions, delayed development, epilepsy, neurotic disorders, severe headaches, strabismus, poor eyesight, rolling pupils, weakness of the limbs. With very strong fluid pressure on the brain, death occurs.

Symptoms of the disease in adults

Spinal hernia in an adult is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Numbness of the skin on the foot, thigh or lower leg, a feeling of numbness or tingling.
  • Painful sensations when bending over.
  • Difficulty in controlling the work of the muscles of the foot, thigh, lower leg.
  • Severe pain that occurs in the lumbar spine, radiating to the legs, abdomen, groin area.
  • Increased sweating.

How is pathology diagnosed?

Diagnosis of a hernia begins with the collection of a medical history: the age at which weakness in the lower extremities occurred and thinning of the leg muscles appeared, as well as when it became very difficult to move.

The patient must definitely contact a neurologist who evaluates the strength of motor activity lower extremities, checks how much muscle tone is reduced in the legs, and also examines the spinal column to identify an external hernial protrusion.

Diagnosis of a hernia includes:

  • Transillumination, which evaluates the contents of the hernial sac.
  • Contrast myelography. In this case, it is estimated how badly the spinal cord is damaged by intravenous injection of a contrast agent, which begins to accumulate in the area of ​​the hernia;
  • Computed and magnetic resonance imaging, used in the region of the spinal column, to examine the spinal cord in layers. The data obtained make it possible to identify the pathological area in the structure of the spinal canals and the place where the hernia and its contents are located.

It is also necessary to consult a surgeon and genetics.

Identification of anomalies in the fetus during fetal development is carried out as follows:

  • with the help of a planned ultrasound during pregnancy;
  • delivery of blood tests for the content of alpha-fetoprotein by a woman during the period of bearing a child;
  • examination of amniotic fluid by piercing the membranes.

The decision on whether to terminate the pregnancy or not is made by a council of doctors, based on the severity of the pathology and the desire of the woman herself.

Conservative treatment of vertebral anomaly

Spinal hernia is a very serious ailment, so any folk ways treatment, visits to saunas and baths, the use of alcohol tinctures, hot compresses, as well as hot baths with medicinal herbs. All this can greatly worsen the patient's condition.

Treatment of a spinal hernia is carried out only in a radical way - by removing the pathology. conservative way treatment is necessary in order to prevent the progression of the anomaly. For this, neurotrophics and nootropics are used, which normalize the functioning of the nervous tissue. Be sure to take vitamins A, B, C, E, which help to improve metabolic processes in the areas of the spinal cord affected by the disease.

Physiotherapy procedures (laser, magnet) are also recommended to help restore motor activity. Via physiotherapy exercises neuromuscular connections are restored in the affected areas. Thanks to dietary nutrition, bowel function is normalized. Be sure to include in the diet more coarse fiber (cereals, vegetables).

Surgical removal of spinal hernia

Many patients are afraid of the operation, but in most cases it is this method of treatment that helps to get rid of the hernia, until the nerve centers are affected. Surgical intervention is absolutely necessary if unbearable pain occurs, fecal and urinary incontinence occurs, a person begins to move with difficulty, and only painkillers save him.

The operation (spinal hernia surgical removal) consists in the reconstruction of the defect of the spine, closing the opening of the bone tissue. If it has non-viable tissues, they are removed, and healthy structures of the spinal cord are placed in the spinal canal. In most cases, the disease is accompanied by hydrocephalus, which after some time contributes to irreversible changes in the brain. To prevent the harmful effects of strong intracranial pressure, a shunt is formed, which is necessary for the removal of cerebrospinal fluid into

Prevention of disease recurrence

Unfortunately, there is a high probability that a spinal hernia will form again, in the same place or some other. Therefore, when performing therapeutic exercises, it is necessary to listen to your feelings that arise during spinal traction. Pain during exercise should in no case increase, but, on the contrary, decrease.

Newborns and adults are given a course of drugs that better nourish the tissues of the spinal cord. Children need to regularly visit a neurologist for preventive examinations. If the muscle corset begins to weaken, and an incorrect posture occurs, then after a while this can lead to the fact that the load on the spine will not be distributed correctly, provoking the formation of a hernia. Therefore, it is very important to treat the treatment with all responsibility and consult a doctor as soon as possible.


A herniated spinal cord is a severe malformation of intrauterine development of the fetus, often causing permanent disability and the occurrence of complications that are incompatible with life. It is treated only surgically, but even this method does not give any guarantee that the hernia will not form again. Therefore, a woman, before planning a pregnancy, should consult a doctor to conduct all the necessary examinations and follow the necessary recommendations.

A spinal defect occurs around the 9th week of pregnancy and is characterized by incomplete closure of the neural tube in an underdeveloped spinal cord. Pathology also extends to bone structures - the vertebrae above the open area are also underdeveloped. They do not have a tight connection in the area of ​​the spinous processes, forming a gap and a hernial sac, where the spinal cord itself or nerve roots can fall out.

Most often, the treatment of a hernia of the lumbosacral spine is noted, since the formation of the cauda equina (a bundle of nerve fibers that innervate the lower back and legs) and the closure of the spinal canal in this area occurs last. However, a hernial protrusion can also form in other segments.

The severity of the anomaly and the possibility of recovery of the child is determined by the size of the unprotected areas of the spinal cord and nerve fibers, as well as the localization of the process. It is possible to diagnose fetal pathology even in utero with the help of ultrasound scanning and accept everything possible measures so that the newborn baby can grow and develop normally.

Causes of the disease

Causes of the formation of a spinal hernia in the period embryonic development not fully established, but an important factor affecting the fetus is considered insufficient intake of vitamins (in particular folic acid) through the placenta, the age of the pregnant woman, dioxin poisoning, viral infections(rubella, influenza, measles, etc.), as well as smoking and alcohol abuse by the mother. Folic acid, as well as its derivatives, are necessary for the body for the growth and development of the circulatory, nervous and immune systems.

Such an anomaly is not a genetic heredity, but is considered a congenital defect. Therefore, if a spinal hernia is detected in the early stages of the embryonic development of the fetus, then, with the consent of both parents, an operation to terminate the pregnancy is performed. Repeated pregnancies, provided that the woman receives all the necessary vitamins and a sufficient dose of folic acid, have every chance of being resolved successfully without such defects.

Varieties of spina bifida

Hidden spina bifida (spina bifida occulta). With such a pathology, the spinal cord, the structure of nerve fibers and bone tissues of the spine are fully developed and practically do not have defects. The anomaly is expressed only in a small gap between the vertebral bodies that make up the spinal column.

In this form, the disease is so moderately expressed that it practically does not cause any concern to the patient. In some cases, patients do not even suspect that they have such a defect, but learn about it by chance after taking x-rays. Very rarely, splitting is accompanied by bladder and/or bowel dysfunctions, chronic low back pain, leg muscle weakness, and treatment of scoliosis or other postural problems.

Meningocele. A more severe form of the disease, in which the bones of the vertebrae do not completely cover the spinal cord. The brain itself and nerve roots are developed normally or with slight deviations. A hernia looks like a sac containing cerebrospinal fluid, where the spinal membranes protrude. Under the skin there are three layers: a hard spinal layer, arachnoid and soft. Treatment of a spinal hernia of this type requires surgical intervention.

Myelomeningocele. One of the most severe disorders of the central nervous system and it accounts for approximately 75% of all cases of spina bifida. In this form, part of the spinal cord or the entire brain falls out through a defect in the spine. In some cases, the hernia may be covered by skin; in others, exposed brain tissue and nerve roots come out.

Neurological disorders directly depend on the location of the anomaly and the degree of development of the spinal cord. When the end sections of the spinal cord are involved in the pathology, the patient is diagnosed with early disability, as it manifests itself in the form of paralysis of the legs with a complete violation of the acts of urination and defecation. These patients cannot take care of themselves. In addition, there is a high risk of myelitis (inflammation of the spinal cord) and the spread of infection by CSF to the brain and throughout the body.

Symptoms of the disease

Spinal cord herniation in newborns may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • defects in the development of the lower extremities (clubfoot, hip dysplasia, malposition of the feet, underdevelopment of the limbs, etc.);
  • paresis or paralysis of the lower extremities, complete or partial loss of sensation;
  • quite often accompanied by hydrocephalus (cerebral edema);
  • inhibition of bowel functions, uncontrolled process of its emptying;
  • bladder dysfunction, urinary incontinence and / or incomplete emptying of it.

Diagnosis and treatment

Anomalies of spina bifida can be diagnosed even at the stage of intrauterine development of the fetus. A blood test for the content of germinal protein (alpha-fetoprotein) in it, carried out at 15-20 weeks of pregnancy, may alert doctors. Earlier, ultrasound will help identify pathologies in the development of the spine, spinal cord and nerve endings. Amniocentesis (puncture of the amniotic fluid) will reveal signs of open neural tube defects.

Newborn children with spinal hernia undergo CT or MRI examination, ultrasound internal organs and spinal column. It is obligatory to consult a neurologist, neurosurgeon, vertebrologist, orthopedist, urologist. But we can fully say that a hernia of the spinal cord is precisely the disease that must be prevented even before the birth of a child, so as not to doom him to lifelong disability.

Non-surgical treatment of a hernia (classical conservative) brings results only with hidden spina bifida. Massages, exercise therapy and physiotherapy procedures are aimed at strengthening and uniform development of the back muscles, and lifting general condition child's health.

Physiotherapy (laser, electromagnetic, etc.), medications(neurotrophics, nootropic substances, vitamin groups) are not able to cure the patient, but alleviate his suffering, improve blood circulation in the lower extremities, and help at least partially restore the sensitivity of nerve fibers. In most cases, a child with a spinal hernia is waiting in a wheelchair and parents need to learn how to follow certain hygiene rules (special diet, pressure sore prevention, urological procedures, etc.).

Surgery. As a rule, surgery is planned before the birth of the child. In order not to further injure the hernia during childbirth, it is strongly recommended that caesarean section. If the baby's condition is good or satisfactory, in the very first days of his life, plastic surgery(remove non-viable nerve fibers and eliminate defects of the vertebral arches with their further stabilization).

Abroad, operations to eliminate anatomical anomalies in the development of the vertebrae of the fetus in the womb have recently become widely used. Thus, it is possible to avoid further damage to the spinal membranes and nerve roots, but it is not possible to fully compensate for the defects. So the sensitivity of the lower extremities is almost never restored, and in most cases paralysis does not go away.

After removal of the hernia, complex treatment concomitant defects and a long period of rehabilitation with mandatory neuropsychiatric therapy. Particular attention should be paid to the development of the patient's reflexes to empty the bladder and intestines at a certain time of the day. In general, children with spinal hernia are constantly under the supervision of the attending physician.

Spinal hernia is one of the serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system. There is a violation of the intervertebral disc, because of which it is advanced beyond the spinal canal. The intervertebral disc is necessary to connect the vertebrae, while it provides the motor function of the spine. Due to a hernia, the patient experiences pain in the spine, which interferes with a full life. If the pathology is not eliminated in a timely manner, serious consequences for a person can occur. Most often, a hernia of the spine is observed in people whose work requires active physical activity.


Why can there be a violation of the intervertebral disc in a child? There are several causes of spinal hernia.

  • Getting a spinal injury due to bruises or sprains.
  • Metabolic disorders in children.
  • Underdevelopment of muscle and bone tissue.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Diseases connective tissue and their delayed treatment.
  • Posture disorder.
  • Serious physical loads on the spine that do not correspond to body weight.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • hereditary factor.
  • The cartilaginous ring can rupture and cause pinching of the spinal nerve roots.

A hernia in a child can occur for several reasons at the same time. And if they are not all eliminated, the treatment will be ineffective and even unsafe.


How to recognize a hernia in a child? Strongly pronounced signs violations of the integrity of the intervertebral discs are usually not observed. But still, there are several symptoms that can be used to recognize a hernia in a child.

  • The baby feels a strong and sharp pain in the back.
  • Intensity pain in a child, it depends on the degree of narrowing of the lumen of the spinal canal, as well as on the infringement of the nerve endings.
  • In the region of the spine, small hernial protrusions can be seen.
  • The nature of the pain is usually aching, but it increases with physical activity and movements.
  • If the child constantly complains of pain in the spine, you should consult a doctor.

Diagnosis of a hernia of the spine in a child

  • It is possible to diagnose the disease in a child with the help of a primary medical examination.
  • The specialist needs to determine the degree of hernia in order to prescribe the correct and effective treatment.
  • The doctor conducts special tests to detect symptoms of pathology. A neurological examination is also carried out, by checking reflexes.
  • Carrying out magnetic resonance imaging to determine the exact location of the hernia.
  • Computed tomography may be performed to provide longitudinal detail of the spine.
  • To confirm the exact diagnosis and exclude other diseases, the doctor may prescribe an X-ray examination.


Why is a hernia dangerous for a child's body? A hernia is not particularly dangerous for a child. But in the absence necessary treatment, serious complications can arise.

  • Pinching of the nerve roots of the spinal cord may occur. In this case, the symptoms of the disease appear more clearly. There is a sharp pain in the abdomen, coldness is felt in the limbs.
  • Pinched nerve endings in the spinal cord can manifest as severe pain sharp character in the hips, shins, legs.
  • In these cases, surgery or an epidural block is often required. For a child, a surgical operation is extremely undesirable, and can lead to a violation of motor activity in the future. For this reason, pain relief of the damaged area of ​​the spine with the help of hormonal agents is more often used and conservative treatment continues.
  • With absence proper treatment and eliminating the cause of a hernia in a child, serious complications can occur that will lead to disability.


What can you do

  • Self-treatment of hernial protrusion of the spine in a child is unacceptable.
  • If a hernia is suspected in a child, parents should consult a doctor as soon as possible after the onset of the first symptoms.
  • In the future, moms and dads should follow the doctor's recommendations for the speedy recovery of the baby.
  • If treatment is prescribed in the form of gymnastics or physiotherapy exercises, parents can conduct classes with the child at home.

What does a doctor do

  • How to cure a hernia in a child, the doctor can determine after receiving the results of the study and determining the degree of the disease.
  • First of all, the doctor will prescribe treatment to eliminate pain.
  • Bed rest may be prescribed for up to four weeks.
  • For a child, conservative treatment is often used. It includes manual procedures, physical exercise, treatment with ultrasound, magnetic or electromagnetic fields, as well as light.
  • To eliminate the pain syndrome, a spinal traction method is sometimes prescribed. But such a procedure is carried out in case of ineffective medical and conservative treatment.
  • If spinal traction is also ineffective, surgical intervention is used. During the operation, the destroyed intervertebral disc is removed. Conditions are also being created so that the disconnected vertebrae grow together in a short time.
  • After the operation, the child is prescribed therapeutic exercises to strengthen the weakened spinal muscles.
  • Complex treatment is often used for a speedy recovery and return motor function spine.


Many parents want to prevent the occurrence of spinal hernia in a child from an early age. To protect your baby from hernial protrusion, it is necessary to strengthen muscle and bone tissue. This is especially important for children whose relatives have a hernia.

  • Therapeutic exercise is one of the effective methods prevention of spinal hernia in a child.
  • If a metabolic disorder is detected in the child's body, it is necessary to restore it as soon as possible.
  • Parents should monitor the posture of their baby from an early age so that there is no curvature of the spine.
  • The child must know the rules of behavior on the street, at home, in children's institutions, transport, in order to prevent spinal injury.
  • In the event of infectious diseases, as well as ailments of the muscle and connective tissue of the baby, parents should consult a doctor as soon as possible to eliminate them.

Find out what can cause the disease, how to recognize it in a timely manner. Find information about what are the signs by which you can determine the malaise. And what tests will help to identify the disease and make the correct diagnosis.

In the article you will read everything about the methods of treating such a disease as a hernia of the spine in children. Specify what effective first aid should be. How to treat: choose drugs or folk methods?

You will also learn how untimely treatment of spinal hernia in children can be dangerous, and why it is so important to avoid the consequences. All about how to prevent spinal hernia in children and prevent complications.

And caring parents will find on the pages of the service full information about the symptoms of spinal hernia in children. How do the signs of the disease in children at 1.2 and 3 years old differ from the manifestations of the disease in children at 4, 5, 6 and 7 years old? What is the best way to treat spinal hernia in children?

Take care of the health of your loved ones and be in good shape!

Spina bifida is one of the most common birth defects (approximately 1-2 cases per 1000 newborns), which is characterized by the absence of part of the bone structure of one or more vertebrae in the spinous processes. As a result of this defect, subject to its vastness, the spinal cord with membranes protrudes into this opening, forming a spinal hernia.

Like spina bifida, a herniated spinal cord can be of different sizes - and, in this regard, the symptoms and consequences can be completely different.

Types of spina bifida and types of spinal hernia

There are two main types of spina bifida - hidden and open (hernial).

  1. Hidden spina bifida may be a very small defect, usually only one vertebra. In most people with this defect, it does not show any symptoms and is often discovered by chance already in adulthood, during an examination for a completely different reason. Hidden spina bifida has a small tissue defect, and therefore is not accompanied by the formation of a spinal hernia. The only sign of this anomaly is a small depression above this sector of the spine.
  2. Open spina bifida - a defect with obvious signs and more serious consequences for a person. Due to the vast gaping gap, a protrusion is formed over several vertebrae, limited from the external environment only thin shells and containing the spinal cord, its membranes, as well as cerebrospinal fluid. In some cases, the nerve roots are not damaged and perform their function. In severe degrees of anomaly, the nerve roots and trunks enter the contents of the spinal hernia.

Spinal hernia can be of two types:

  • meningocele - protrusion formed by the membranes of the spinal cord and cerebrospinal fluid. The spinal cord is located in the spinal canal, it and the nerve roots are not damaged.
  • Myelomeningocele (about 75% of all cases of pathology) - spinal hernia is formed by the membranes of the spinal cord, cerebrospinal fluid and tissues of the spinal cord. Both the nerve roots and the spinal cord in this case have serious damage.

Symptoms of spina bifida, spinal hernia - how is the pathology diagnosed?

As noted above, hidden the type of defect is rarely accompanied by any symptoms or health problems.

The open type of splitting has the following symptoms:

  1. Unnatural position of the legs, asymmetry of the lower extremities, their other defects.
  2. Complete or partial loss of sensation of the body and limbs below the affected area, complete or partial paralysis of the lower extremities.
  3. In the vast majority of cases, hydrocephalus is observed, resulting in other pathologies - epilepsy, paralysis and impaired sensitivity of certain parts of the body, various vision problems up to its complete loss, impaired brain and psyche activity.
  4. Inability to control the functions of urination and defecation, as a result of which the patient may experience enuresis and encopresis, complete incontinence of urine and feces, or acute urinary retention and chronic constipation. In turn, these disorders eventually lead to infection and inflammation of the kidneys.
  5. Hernial protrusion on the back of a newborn is visually noticeable immediately after birth. It is a bag covered with thin skin, with soft or liquid contents. In some cases, the brain part of the hernia is open to the outside.

Diagnosis of spina bifida and spinal hernia

1. Prenatal diagnosis is of great importance for the timely diagnosis of this defect. - pathology of the neural tube, splitting of the tissues of the spine and spinal hernia in the fetus can be seen on ultrasound scan for.

Besides, laboratory examination of the blood and amniotic fluid of a pregnant woman will show a high probability of the presence of this anomaly in the fetus in terms of the content of a large amount of alpha-fetoprotein.

2. After childbirth, a spinal protrusion on the baby's back is noticeable to the naked eye and diagnosed immediately.

3. To determine the degree of splitting and the number of defective vertebrae in a child, X-ray diagnostics are used.

4. To clarify the diagnosis and determine concomitant defects and pathologies, MRI or CT diagnostics are used.

All methods of treating spina bifida - are there any chances for a healthy life?

When neural tube defects in the fetus are established by prenatal screening, the question of terminating the pregnancy is raised in order to avoid the birth of a child with severe pathologies.

In the United States, the first intrauterine surgical treatment of spina bifida in the fetus was performed. Studies have shown that this treatment significantly increases the chances of normal development of the child after birth.

But, unfortunately, these operations are too complicated to become one of the main methods of treating a defect.

Hidden spina bifida does not need treatment, but the person should be observed by specialists.

Surgical treatment of spinal hernia and spina bifida is the main method that has been successfully used in meningocele.

The operated child develops in accordance with his age and subsequently will have practically no signs of this pathology.

Undoubtedly, surgical intervention should be carried out as early as possible in the baby.

The operation is bone grafting of the vertebrae and removal of protruding parts of the spinal membranes and cerebrospinal fluid.

At myelomeningocele surgical treatment can be carried out, it aims to plasticize the bone tissues of the spine and remove the dead tissues of the spinal hernia.

But in this case, the operation will not be able to save the child from severe neurological disorders, paralysis or mental retardation Children are disabled for life.

Causes of spina bifida - who is at risk?

In women who have already had children with spina bifida, this pathology is found in 6-8% of the following pregnancies. This indicates a genetic predisposition, although the direct inheritance of pathology by scientists has not yet been proven.

The causes of a nervous defect in the fetus are many, and yet the main factor is called lack of folic acid in the body future mother at the moment of conception and in the first weeks of pregnancy.

That is why the intake of folic acid by planning pregnancy and pregnant women is called the main method of preventing spina bifida in an unborn child.

The appearance of a defect in the fetus is also associated with a combination of many exogenous (external) and endogenous (internal) factors:

  1. Bad ecology.
  2. Exposure of the mother to toxic substances or radiation.
  3. Diseases of the expectant mother (eg, diabetes, obesity).
  4. Infectious lesions of the fetus with rubella or maternal influenza in early pregnancy.
  5. Reception future mother antibiotics and other drugs (for example, anticonvulsants).
  6. Bad habits in a pregnant woman (alcohol, smoking, drugs, smoking mixtures).
  7. Lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet of a pregnant woman.