Does chamomile help with prostatitis? Chamomile for prostatitis: proven methods of treatment and prevention Microclyster with novocaine

This flower has been known for a long time, and it is often used specifically to relieve inflammation, for example, in gynecology or dentistry. Chamomile for prostatitis can also be used as an additional treatment for this disease.

Beneficial features of this plant make it an excellent therapeutic agent, but only complementary to traditional treatment. Why is this flower so useful?

The composition and beneficial properties of chamomile

The plant has been used for a long time, and it is worth noting that it has established itself as an effective medicinal drug. Several centuries ago, healers did not know such a healing flower, and therefore they often used it in the treatment of many diseases.

Chamomile is truly unique, because thanks to its rich chemical composition, it will give odds to many other medicinal herbs. This plant, among other things, is universal, since it can be used not only externally, but also internally, both for adults and children, even infants.

So, the beneficial properties of this flower are as follows:

  • Has a calming effect;
  • Acts as an antibacterial agent;
  • Has a choleretic effect;
  • Able to eliminate the inflammatory process;
  • Fights bad bacteria and viruses;
  • Relieves pain syndrome.

The composition of the plant includes more than 40 components. These are ascorbic, salicylic and nicotinic acid, flavonoids, gum, bitterness, tannins, glycosides, essential oil, choline, sugars, fats, pectins, glycerides, wax and more.

From this we can conclude that in the treatment of an inflamed prostate, chamomile can be used mainly because it has an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, and also relieves.

How to use chamomile for prostatitis

Chamomile for prostatitis can be used in several ways, namely in the form of oral tinctures and microclysters (rectal). Also in the pharmacy you can buy the flowers of the plant in the form of herbal tea, which can be brewed and drunk daily. Among other things, it is inexpensive, so every man can afford this tool.

The infusion can be prepared either from chamomile alone or in combination with other medicinal plants. You can learn more about how prostatitis is treated with chamomile, how much it is taken and how long it takes to do enemas and drink infusions, you can find out from the recipes below.

Chamomile recipes: infusion for prostatitis

It is very simple to prepare the infusion: pour boiling water over chamomile in a bag or a tablespoon of crushed flowers, collected on your own or purchased at a pharmacy. After that, it should be infused for half an hour.

The drug collection will be much more effective, and in order to make such a solution for oral administration, you need to prepare the following plants (the dosage is indicated in teaspoons):

  1. Chamomile - 4;
  2. Rosehip - 10;
  3. Birch leaves - 3;
  4. Hawthorn - 10;
  5. Lingonberry leaves - 3;
  6. Sushenitsa - 5;
  7. Meadowsweet - 4;
  8. Wintergreen - 2;
  9. Fireweed - 3;
  10. Sweet clover - 2;
  11. Sporysh - 3.

All this must be crushed (together), take a couple of tablespoons from the collection, pour them into a thermos and pour water in an amount of 0.5 liters. The liquid should stand all night, so it is better to brew in the evening. In the morning you need to strain and drink 1 cup on average 6 times during the day.

An enema with chamomile for prostatitis is a no less effective method. It is not difficult to make a solution: for this you need to brew 1 tea bag of flowers purchased at a pharmacy in 50 ml of boiling water. When the liquid has cooled to room temperature, it is injected into the rectum using a syringe.

Another recipe for preparing liquid for microclysters is as follows: 1 tablespoon of crushed chamomile flowers should be poured into a cup of boiling water. The infusion should stand for 30 minutes, after which it is filtered through gauze and collected in an enema. First you need to rinse the intestines with plain water: enter an enema with warm boiled water, and empty the intestines. Then you can enter a decoction of chamomile.

It is difficult to say how much you need to take the flowers of the plant orally and rectally. Only the doctor who prescribes can most accurately answer this question.


Self-administration of chamomile is undesirable, if only because the patient may not be aware of his contraindications, among which there are certain medications and individual intolerance. Also, chamomile with prostatitis can cause the development internal bleeding so don't risk your health.

Various medicinal plants have been used for the treatment of male diseases for a long time. It has long been noticed that the use of chamomile allows you to cope with the adverse symptoms of prostatitis. Regular conduct of such treatment can improve well-being and eliminate uncomfortable symptoms of the disease.

Useful properties and contraindications for men

Chamomile can be used to treat various urological diseases. Chemical composition of this medicinal plant contains a whole complex of biologically active substances that eliminate even the most uncomfortable symptoms of the disease.

Chamomile decoctions have the following beneficial properties:

  • Relieve inflammation. In the development of prostatitis constantly occurs chronic inflammation in the area of ​​the prostate. This inflamed organ is practically unable to cope with the physiological functions that it should perform. Biologically active ingredients, which are part of the chamomile decoction, quickly eliminate inflammation and normalize the functioning of the prostate gland.
  • Reducing pain in the pelvic area. With exacerbations of prostatitis, men may experience severe discomfort in the genital area and lower abdomen. Chamomile decoctions help to significantly reduce pain in this area.
  • Elimination of spasms and normalization of blood flow. In this case, the prostate gland normalizes and even its hormonal function improves somewhat.
  • Antiseptic action. Chamomile prevents the development of secondary infections that can join with insufficient hygiene. The components of chamomile have a positive effect on the pH of the intimate area, which also contributes to better functioning of the genital organs.

The use of various decoctions prepared from chamomile leads not only to positive effects. Like any drug, these home remedies can cause side effects. As a rule, they are extremely rare and are easily eliminated after the complete cessation of the use of chamomile. Not everyone can use such therapeutic solutions. In some cases, the use of chamomile is contraindicated.

  • Individual intolerance. In this case, even with a single application of chamomile decoction, adverse side effects may appear. Most often, they are manifested by redness of the genital organs or the occurrence of severe itching.
  • Allergic reaction. Such forms of chamomile allergy are extremely rare. When the first signs appear allergic reaction Rinse the area to be treated with plenty of running water and take an antihistamine tablet.

For any manifestations of individual intolerance or allergy to chamomile, this medicinal plant cannot be used. In this case, you can replace it with another herbal product that will not cause such manifestations.

Cooking rules

In order to prepare an infusion of chamomile, you should take 50-60 grams of crushed raw materials and pour a glass of boiling water. The container in which homemade medicine is prepared should be covered with a lid. You need to insist 25-30 minutes. After that, the resulting broth is filtered and drained into a separate bowl. Usually, a properly prepared infusion has a light yellow color and a fairly well-detectable grassy smell.

The prepared broth can be used inside or carried out local treatment. If chamomile is taken orally, it is better to do it 35-40 minutes after meals 3 times a day. Usually the course of such treatment is 2-3 weeks. Drinking a decoction should be at a fairly comfortable temperature, usually 40-45 degrees.

Chamomile decoction can also be added to the bath. The duration of such a therapeutic procedure should not exceed 15 minutes. Such baths provide not only healing effect on the prostate gland, but also heals the whole body as a whole. The course of therapy is usually 10-12 procedures. Baths are carried out in 2-3 days.


For the treatment of prostatitis, various combinations of chamomile decoction with other medicinal plants are used. Such compositions, as a rule, have the best therapeutic effect and lead to a rapid onset of a positive result from the treatment.

Chamomile with bay leaf

To prepare this infusion, take 50 grams of chopped chamomile, add 3 bay leaves. Pour the prepared ingredients with 1.5 cups of boiling water. It is better to infuse homemade medicine in a durable glass container with a tight lid. After half an hour, the resulting solution should be filtered. Ready infusion can be poured into a separate container. It is best to store it in a cool place away from strong sunlight.

Chamomile with celandine

This recipe is suitable for baths. To prepare this remedy: take 50-70 grams of chamomile and mix with 30 grams of chopped celandine. Pour in 2 cups of boiling water. Insist for half an hour. Strain the resulting infusion through cheesecloth or a fairly fine sieve.

How to do an enema?

Before resorting to performing enemas, you should definitely consult a urologist. In some cases, such treatment may be contraindicated and even aggravate the course of the disease. At very high temperature, fever, hemorrhoidal acute bleeding enemas with chamomile should not be used.

In the treatment of prostatitis, urologists often prescribe various microclysters. They should be done after the act of defecation. In this case, all active ingredients will have a more pronounced therapeutic effect.

When performing microclysters, be sure to follow the following sequence of actions:

  • Lie down on a pre-prepared diaper. It is better to choose a product that absorbs moisture well. Turn to your right side and bend your knees.
  • Insert a microclyster into the anus and gently release the medicinal solution into the rectum.
  • Slowly roll over onto your stomach and try to rest for 35-45 minutes.

Do not worry if a small amount of solution spilled out. The moisture-retaining material of the diaper will not allow liquid to seep through. Repeat these microenemas for the entire course of treatment prescribed by your doctor.


For the prevention of prostatitis, a course appointment of chamomile is used. Usually such courses are held 2-3 times a year for 1-2 months. The duration and dose of the treatment solution is chosen by the attending physician after a full examination and examination.

Also, for the prevention of inflammatory urological diseases, doctors often recommend chamomile inside. This home remedy can be taken as a tea. It is better to drink this healing drink between meals, in extreme cases - after meals. Chamomile has a strong anti-inflammatory effect not only on the prostate gland, but also on all internal organs.

The use of chamomile for the treatment of prostatitis allows you to cope with various adverse symptoms of this disease. Regular preventive courses will even help to some extent prevent the possibility of prostate pathology in men.

What herbs can be used to cure prostatitis. How does chamomile help get rid of such a disease? See tips for those suffering from such a disease in the next video.

How to brew chamomile and prepare a tincture from a wild flower. Watch the late video.

To combat prostatitis, a phased treatment regimen is used. First of all, it is important to reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process, then completely eliminate its consequences. For this purpose, complex therapy is prescribed.

Along with taking medications, prostatitis is treated with chamomile. The plant is a part of many urological collections, it is recommended for wound healing, fight against infection. Chamomile is brewed in the form of tea, infusions are made for enemas and baths.

About the healing properties of chamomile

Mother grass, blush, camila - these and other names are used to refer to a flower with white petals and a large yellow core. The scientific term used in official medicine and pharmacology is Chamomilla recutita. In everyday life, the plant is called a pharmacy or medicinal chamomile.

Often flowers are used to treat sore throats and stomatitis. medicinal use herbs are not limited to mild ailments and colds. Chemical composition and medicinal properties help with any inflammatory disease, including prostatitis in acute and chronic form.

Therapeutic effect:

  • Chamomile microclysters have a calming effect on the prostate:
    1. eliminate exacerbation;
    2. relieve swelling and spasms, facilitating urination;
    3. heal wounds caused by inflammation.
  • Teas and decoctions:
    1. disinfect the damaged area, acting as a natural antiseptic;
    2. relieve pain syndrome;
    3. contain essential vitamins and minerals;
    4. strengthen immunity.
Teas, infusions, candles and microclysters with chamomile for prostatitis have a healing effect immediately after the start of treatment. Decoctions have a pleasant taste, so they do not cause discomfort when taken orally.

To increase the medicinal effect, dry collection is combined with other plants and preparations. For example, an infusion of chamomile for the prostate, used for enemas, is diluted with Dioxidine or Diclofenac in case of severe inflammation. Medicinal formulations are usually well tolerated by men, have no contraindications, except for individual intolerance.

How to brew chamomile

Pharmacies sell dry preparations. Grass can be harvested by yourself. For harvesting choose places remote from cities, highways, factories and power plants. A well-dried and crushed plant is brewed in the form of tea, settling in a thermos or a dish wrapped in a warm cloth.

For the treatment of the prostate with chamomile, infusions and decoctions are used, made according to the following recipes:

  • The flowers are placed in an enamel pan and poured with boiling water in a ratio of 10 g / 200 ml. Boil for 30 minutes over low heat. The concentrated residue is diluted with water to bring the total volume to 200 ml, filtered. Tea is taken in a third of a glass before meals.
    For greater effect, with severe inflammation, the dry mixture is mixed with calendula, sage. The resulting composition is used for internal use. Enemas with chamomile for prostatitis are made on the basis of the described recipe, only yarrow or St. John's wort is added when brewing.
  • To prepare a cold infusion, take 1-1.5 tbsp. crushed plant and pour 200 gr. boiled and cooled water. Leave for 8 hours. Drink per day, divided into 4-6 doses.
Pharmacies sell medicinal tea bags that are easy to use. For brewing, they are poured with boiling water and allowed to stand for several minutes, to improve the taste, a little honey is added to the cup with a drink. Ready formulations are diluted with cumin and lemon balm.

Chamomile suppositories offered in pharmacies can quickly relieve inflammation and reduce pain. The compositions contain phytor and wheat germ. After 5-10 minutes after using the suppository, the pain syndrome decreases, relief comes.

Enemas from a decoction of chamomile in the treatment of prostatitis

During inflammation of the prostate gland, regardless of its form, the circulation of lymph and blood is significantly worsened. Due to congestion and metabolic disorders, the effectiveness of oral drugs is reduced. Treatment with infusions taken orally becomes insufficiently effective.

To ensure the proper therapeutic effect, with inflammation of the prostate gland, a decoction of chamomile is used for an enema. The tool has a beneficial effect:

  • Active ingredients quickly enter the prostate tissue, anatomically located next to the rectum.
  • Douching with chamomile eliminates inflammation, leads to a decrease in regional temperature, which is especially important in case of an infectious disease.
  • At the same time, it has a beneficial effect on the rectum. The solution heals wounds and cracks in the anus, helps to cope with hemorrhoids, frequent companions of prostatitis.
  • A solution with chamomile and novocaine will relieve a severe attack of pain. The intensity of the symptoms will decrease after 5 minutes. Oral tablets will begin to act only after half an hour.
The duration of microclysters is 5-7 days. The urologist will determine the optimal composition for the preparation of the solution. Medications will be added depending on the symptoms. If you feel a burning sensation, discomfort, you need to temporarily suspend treatment and consult a doctor.

The preparation and administration of microclysters is performed at home. To avoid possible side effects the following rules apply:

  • A mixture of herbs can eliminate inflammation:
    1. celandine,
    2. plantain,
    3. calendula,
    4. mountain arnica.
    Dry plants are taken in the same proportion, chamomile flowers are added, poured into a container, put on a slow fire for 30 minutes. The urologist will recommend medicinal components that can be added to the already prepared mixture.
  • Independent experiments are dangerous. How to make an enema from chamomile, how often to use it, the period of the course of therapy will be determined by the attending physician, who will write out the appointment.
  • When cooking, it is better to use environmentally friendly pharmaceutical formulations.
  • Frequent enema leads to intestinal dysbacteriosis, so you can not abuse the remedy.
  • The enema is placed with the patient in the supine position. To facilitate the introduction of the tip, it is lubricated with pumpkin oil or petroleum jelly. It is important to avoid sudden movements so as not to damage the intestinal mucosa.
  • The volume of injected fluid is not more than 100-200 ml.
Chamomile micro enema is done to eliminate inflammation and help the body fight infection. With prolonged use, swelling of the glandular tissues is removed.

Despite the high efficiency of phytotherapy does not cancel the traditional drug treatment. In the case of chamomile decoctions, they can easily be combined with medicines by adding them to the finished solution before enema.

Chamomile baths for inflammation of the prostate

Prostatitis rarely remains localized, pathological changes pass to the nearest organs, causing swelling of the scrotum, glans penis. Pathology affects the neck and walls Bladder, urethral canal.

A bath of chamomile infusion is a method of treatment that alleviates the symptoms of the disease, helping to wait a short period of time from the onset of inflammation to visiting a doctor.

Baths are used in combination with drug therapy. When taking a bath, follow the recommendations:

  • A small amount of essential oils can be added to the water: juniper, spruce, to relax the patient and improve his emotional state.
  • For baths use the same solution that is drunk inside. How to make chamomile tincture was described above.
  • After a man is immersed in a bath, the height of the water should not rise above the body by more than 3-5 cm.
The solution is used to treat purulent and infectious inflammations.

Chamomile is a good preventive and symptomatic remedy. Reception of decoctions, teas and infusions is allowed only after consulting a urologist. The absence of signs of inflammation does not mean that the disease has receded. Acute prostatitis rapidly progresses to chronic form. Self-medication is unacceptable. Chamomile is prescribed after the differentiation of the disease and the start of a course of drug therapy.

Medicine appreciates this flowering plant for many properties that have a positive effect on the body with prostatitis. It's about things like:

  • stimulation of sweat glands;
  • destruction of bacteria, disinfection;
  • anesthesia;
  • strengthening the protective functions of the body;
  • increase in vitamins and minerals needed for normal functioning.

Chamomile contains natural acids, these are salicylic, valerian, nicotinic and malic acids. There are also trace elements that are responsible for the skin, hair, the work of some organs of the small pelvis. It is considered a good antiseptic, works against germs.

In addition, it is used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. Soothes and positively affects nervous system. Removes signs of allergies and normalizes the digestive tract. Chamomile is also used for ARVI, as it quickly lowers the temperature.

In addition to all of the above, this plant is also used in cosmetology.

Compositions, decoctions and tinctures

Various tinctures and decoctions of chamomile for the treatment of prostatitis are usually made using a dry plant, which must be crushed after drying. The medicine itself should be infused in a glass or ceramic container.

The course of treatment is prescribed by a specialist, as a rule, we are talking about several months, if . With an exacerbation, taking chamomile helps to significantly reduce the severity of symptoms, pain. Usually the duration of treatment of an acute process is 30-40 days.

Chamomile decoction:

Ready-made broth can be purchased at a pharmacy, it is already produced in bags. It is brewed like tea.

To make half a glass of a ready-to-use decoction, you need to put a bag of a plant and a pharmacy or a large spoonful of dry mass, which is made on your own, in 100 ml of water. Infuse for about an hour, preferably in a water bath. Then squeeze through gauze and you're done.

Drink the medicine should be for several visits during the day.

Enema-microclyster with chamomile:

Microclysters with chamomile for prostatitis are usually placed at night. Two teaspoons of chopped herbs are added to 200 grams of water. Before using, you need to consult a doctor.

Microclysters with a decoction of chamomile from prostatitis are used at bedtime. It follows from this that the infusion is recommended to be done a couple of hours before the procedure.

The dosage is two large spoons per glass of liquid. After thirty minutes of infusion, it must be filtered and set to cool. Then the infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. After that, the finished medicine is poured into a pear and can be used.


Chamomile itself has no prohibitions for use, does not cause side effects. Can be used by almost all patients. The only exceptions are those men who are allergic to the active components of the plant.

Microclyster during inflammation of the prostate has contraindications.

If a man has an inflammatory process in the intestines, spasms in the peritoneum, hemorrhoids or there are formations in the large intestine, then enemas cannot be done, since all these conditions will only become more complicated.

Also, with prostatitis, you can not use chamomile for a long time, otherwise you can disturb the imbalance of the flora. Therefore, these methods of treatment should be discussed with the doctor.

What to combine with chamomile for the best effect

Chamomile with an inflamed prostate gland can be combined with sage, birch buds and St. John's wort. Echinacea is often used.

Any treatment with the use should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. In any case, it is impossible to get rid of inflammation with herbs alone.
Various decoctions of chamomile and other herbs help reduce the symptoms of prostatitis during remission or during initial stage illness. At acute inflammation you can not use one chamomile, you need antibiotics.

Treatment should be complex, in which there are drugs and procedures such as:

  • prostate massage;
  • reception medicines;
  • physiotherapy;
  • microclysters;
  • moderately active life;

Unfortunately, one plant will not be able to forget about prostatitis, because it is not so wonderful as to save a man from many years of torment. It can significantly alleviate severe symptoms of the disease and reduce the intensity of pain.

The use of chamomile is a good help in complex. To achieve the desired result, you need to listen to the recommendations of a specialist and not start self-treatment.

How much to take and when to expect the result

Prostatitis is considered a long-term disease. It will not be possible to cure him quickly, even if you take the best pill.

With an integrated approach, including folk remedies to treat an inflamed gland, you need to undergo a treatment course for at least a month.

Chamomile is used from 30 days and ending with several months. Terms depend on the severity of prostatitis.

The effect is felt in the first week of treatment. There is a decrease in pain spasms, a decrease in trips to the toilet for small needs.

You can completely forget about an inflamed prostate if a man seeks help from a hospital in time. Otherwise, the disease will move to a more severe stage. We also offer for review material about the treatment of prostatitis.

Useful video

About the use of medicinal chamomile in the treatment of various diseases, including prostatitis, see the video clip:

Prostatitis is the most common urological disease after 40-45 years.

Due to inflammation and swelling in the prostate gland, a man experiences pain in the perineum, difficulty urinating, problems with erection.

Hot baths for prostatitis are an excellent addition to drug therapy in the acute phase of the disease and the prevention of exacerbations of a chronic inflammatory process.

The main effect of hot baths for prostatitis is the expansion of blood vessels and the improvement of the blood supply to the urinary organs.

Under the influence of hot water in the prostate gland, the following processes occur:

  • The edema of the organ subsides.
  • Normal urination is restored.
  • The processes of sperm formation are normalized.
  • Improves blood flow to the penis.
  • Accelerates the "delivery" of drugs prescribed for the treatment of prostatitis.

The use of various medicinal herbs and essential oils in the preparation of baths enhances the effect of the procedure and additionally has an antimicrobial effect. Therefore, all urologists agree that hot baths for prostatitis are not only possible, but also necessary to increase efficiency. drug treatment and relieve unpleasant symptoms.

  • Sitz baths with decoctions of a mixture of medicinal herbs.
  • Baths with a decoction of medicinal chamomile.
  • Radon baths.

In addition, you can additionally do such water procedures, how:

  • Pouring.
  • Contrast rising shower.
  • Compresses.

Turpentine hot baths for prostatitis were first proposed and tested by the famous Russian doctor A. Zalmanov. Their effect lies in the impact on the patient's body essential oil from pine resin - turpentine.

The pharmacy will offer a choice of white or yellow emulsion for preparing hot baths for prostatitis. If there are no problems with pressure, then these emulsions can be mixed in a 1: 1 ratio.

With hypotension, a white turpentine emulsion should be used for the bath, and with increased blood pressure- on the contrary, yellow. Otherwise, the bath can cause complications from the cardiovascular system.

Turpentine hot baths for prostatitis affect the body in this way:

  • The blood supply to the prostate and other genital organs is restored.
  • Normalizes spermatogenesis. By the way, turpentine baths are successfully used to treat male infertility.
  • The immune system is strengthened.
  • Exchange processes come back to normal.
  • Toxic metabolic products are removed from the body.

Prepare the bath in this way:

  1. Draw water, its temperature should be approximately 36 - 37 ° C.
  2. Pour hot water into a separate container (basin or saucepan) and add the required volume of the desired emulsion or mixture thereof. It is recommended to start with 10 ml and gradually increase this amount to 120 ml.
  3. Pour the resulting solution into the bath and stir.
  4. Climb into the bath and every 2-3 minutes add a portion of hot water to raise the temperature by 1°C. Bring the water temperature to 39 - 40 ° C and complete the procedure.

Coniferous hot baths for prostatitis have a pronounced antimicrobial effect. They are effective if the bacterial microflora has become the cause of inflammation of the prostate gland. Coniferous baths are considered an excellent prevention of urinary tract infections.

To prepare a bath, you need to take pine needles (an arbitrary amount) and pour boiling water over them so that the water covers the needles. Then insist the broth, about 15 minutes, strain and add to the bath.

Hot baths for prostatitis with chamomile are recommended due to the antibacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect of this medicinal plant. Apart from treating prostatitis, chamomile is also effective in clearing up skin rashes. For preparation, you need to take 100 g of medicinal raw materials, pour 3 liters of boiling water and leave for 1 - 2 hours.

The general rules for taking hot baths for prostatitis are as follows:

  • The temperature of the bath water should be around 37-38°C.
  • The water level must not cover chest in the region of the heart.
  • After taking a bath, you do not need to dry yourself. It is recommended to wrap yourself in a warm bathrobe or terry sheet.
  • After the procedure, you need to lie down for several hours, so it is better to take a bath in the evening before going to bed.

During the procedure, you need to carefully monitor your condition. If you experience dizziness, headache or heart pain, increased heart rate, you need to get out of the water and rest calmly for 1-2 hours.

Sedentary hot baths for prostatitis are prepared using decoctions from various medicinal plants. Below you can find recipes for making infusions.

The herbs that make up their composition have a complex effect on the body:

  • antimicrobial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • decongestant;
  • restorative;
  • stimulating blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

Methods for preparing decoctions for sedentary hot baths for prostatitis:

  1. It is necessary to take in equal proportions the flowers of chamomile officinalis, thyme herb, blackberry leaves, St. John's wort herb, warty birch buds. 3 art. l. mixture pour 3 liters of boiling water and leave for an hour.
  2. 7 art. l. lavender pour 5 liters of hot water and leave for 15 - 20 minutes. Instead of lavender, you can take yarrow or horsetail.
  3. Boil half a kilogram of dried meadow grass in 5 liters of water for 15 minutes.
  4. 6 art. l. Herbs St. John's wort pour 5 liters of boiling water to simmer on fire for 15 - 20 minutes.
  5. Mix 1 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers, medicinal sage, heart-shaped linden, 2 tbsp. l. marsh cudweed grass, 1.5 tbsp. l. great celandine herbs. 5 st. l. mix pour 3 liters of hot water and boil for 15 minutes.

Take sitz hot baths with prostatitis in this way:

  1. Draw water (temperature about 37 - 38 ° C) into the bath so that it reaches the level of the navel.
  2. Strain the decoction and add to the bath.
  3. Take a bath for 15 - 20 minutes.

The course of therapeutic baths is 14 - 15 daily procedures. They must be done in the phase of the acute course of the disease, and also repeated every 2-3 months to prevent exacerbations.

Radon hot baths for prostatitis are done only in a clinic or a specialized hydropathic. Radon has an anti-inflammatory, immuno-strengthening, vasodilating and mild analgesic effect. They are prescribed only by a doctor and are prepared by medical personnel.

In some cases, bathing is contraindicated. Then, to relieve the symptoms of acute and chronic prostatitis, other procedures are recommended. For example, a contrast rising shower aimed at the area of ​​the prostate gland stimulates blood circulation, relieves swelling and pain.

Dousing with prostatitis will also help to overcome this chronic ailment. In addition, they normalize the work immune system, improve performance. It is recommended to make a steam bath for the feet immediately before dousing. To do this, you need to take a basin, fill it with boiling water and put a footrest inside (you can use a wooden plank or a low stool).

Sit on a chair next to the basin, put your feet on a stand (so that they do not touch the hot water) and cover yourself with a thick sheet or blanket so that it touches the floor. Steaming is recommended until sweat appears.

Then you need to climb into the bath and douse yourself with a cold shower from the feet to the lower back, first from the back, and then from the sides and front. At first, the duration of dousing should be about 2 minutes, then the time can be increased to 5 minutes.

Compresses for prostatitis can be done with the addition of salt or herbal decoction. To prepare a salt compress, you need to dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Decoctions can be prepared according to the same recipes as for baths, only the proportions must be reduced.

To make a compress for the treatment of the prostate should be done in this way:

  • Prepare a saline or herbal solution, its temperature should be about 37 - 38 ° C.
  • Soak a small piece of tissue in the solution and apply it to the perineum in the area of ​​the prostate gland.
  • From above, cover the fabric with cellophane and put on underwear that supports the compress.
  • To keep warm, wrap yourself in a warm blanket.
  • Hold the compress until cool.

Contraindications to taking general hot baths for prostatitis are:

  • Open wounds on the surface of the skin, some skin diseases (eczema, scabies).
  • Recent heart attack or stroke.
  • Severe form of heart failure.
  • Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Alcohol intoxication.
  • Recovery postoperative period.
  • Aggravation chronic diseases kidneys, gastrointestinal tract.

Hot baths for prostatitis and other procedures must necessarily be supplemented with prostate massage. You can do it yourself or turn to specialists. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, it is necessary to take medications prescribed by a doctor.