Mastopathy - homeopathic treatment. Homeopathic remedies for the prevention and treatment of mastopathy Adenosis of the mammary gland homeopathic treatment

Complex therapy is developing in many directions, but alternative medicine is becoming more and more popular. People increasingly feel like a part of nature and trust many years of developments in this area.

But at the same time they forget that ethnoscience- these are not grandmothers in the market with bunches of unidentified herbs. AND You can't be a homeopath because even death is possible.

One of the directions of alternative medicine is homeopathy. For almost 200 years, science has developed and improved on the principle of "like cures like".

Small doses of those substances that in large doses cause symptoms of many diseases are capable of.

Therapeutic effect possible only in dilutions from 200 to 1000 times. Traditional homeopathic preparations- granules, tablets or drops from substances of plant, animal and mineral origin.

Natural raw materials allow the use of homeopathic preparations for young children and the elderly, as the most problematic segments of the population.

How does homeopathy work?

A lot of experience has been accumulated in the treatment of mastopathy with conservative ones, most often. But it is homeopathy that can eliminate the cause of the disease - hormonal disbalance. Homeopathy activates the body's defenses.

Concomitant gynecological diseases, endometriosis are treated. It is impossible not to pay attention to diseases of the liver, thyroid gland, and even the psycho-emotional state of a woman.

Eliminate stress from your life. Experience has shown that treatment is best, along with hormonal and symptomatic therapy.

Homeopathy can only cure mild forms of the disease!

Homeopathic remedies for mastopathy are easier to tolerate, there are practically no side effects, allergic reactions. But you need to be patient. The course of treatment can be 3 months or longer.

Treatment with homeopathic remedies provides for the help of a doctor who will choose the right remedy, make a unique homeopathic recipe, taking into account all the individual characteristics of a woman. Treatment with one remedy is called classical homeopathy.

Homeopathic remedies for mastopathy

So, homeopathy for mastopathy, the drugs are as follows, or rather, the arsenal of treatment should include such remedies:

  • "Mastogran";
  • ;
    One of the causes of mastopathy is the uncontrolled production of the hormone prolactin by the pituitary gland. Mastodinon stops the growth of the pathological hormone.
  • "Tazalok";
  • "Mammoleptin";
  • "Remens" and many other tools that can complete this list.

In general, homeopathy has more than 1000 titles. Agree that only a real specialist can know this. The medication and dosage at the time of admission is selected individually.

There are many specialized homeopathic clinics that, if licensed, can help you. But there is still no clear answer to the question about the possibilities of homeopathy.

What to look out for

The clinical picture of mastopathy is easily determined visually and on palpation. Before and after menstruation, the mammary glands swell, tense up and even hurt a lot.

Possible discharge from the nipples. A woman under 35 years old, after - mammography and, in controversial cases, cytological studies are possible.

Homeopathy considers the body as a system and the treatment of mastopathy with homeopathic remedies is necessarily combined with the treatment of problems of metabolic, hormonal, vascular and nervous origin.

Many clinics begin treatment with computerized electroacupuncture according to the Voll method. Each patient should have their own treatment regimen!

The effectiveness of treatment will increase certain rules:

  • Reduce the intake of fatty foods.
  • We give up coffee.
  • Limit salt.
  • We use vitamins E and B6 as nutritional supplements.

One of the oldest recipes is iodine, if there are no problems with thyroid gland. We exclude alcoholic beverages from the diet and forget about smoking.

There is a certain predisposition to this disease. You are at risk if:

  • Depressive, pessimistic, melancholic and often depressed.
  • They didn't give birth.
  • Often artificially terminated pregnancy.
  • Had early menstruation or late menopause.
  • They practiced late feeding of the child.
  • Rarely had satisfaction in the sexual sphere.

Logic suggests that women should try to take into account the listed features and exclude them from their lives.

Doctors know that a strict system for the treatment of mastopathy with homeopathy has not yet been developed. And homeopathy is not recognized as an official science at all and develops only thanks to specialists - homeopaths, and in different parts of the globe.

Western Europe has long recognized homeopathy as the most effective methodology mastopathy treatment. Critics in our country consider homeopathy cheating and point to the placebo effect. Anyway homeopathic remedies help the body cope with illness.

Having suspected a disease, and then having received a doctor's confirmation, a serious examination is necessary, and then the connection to the treatment of homeopathic remedies, if you have faith in these drugs.

Even after surgery for diffuse cystic disease, homeopathic remedies can help resolve small nodules.

Remember: Large pharmaceutical corporations annually develop effective homeopathic remedies and manufacture them.

Useful video

For more information about the treatment of mastopathy with homeopathic remedies, you can see in the video below:

You can find additional information on this topic in the section.

Treatment of mastopathy with homeopathy is becoming increasingly popular. This is due to the fact that homeopathic medicines, unlike traditional medical supplies are absolutely safe and harmless.

Principles of treatment of mastopathy

Mastopathy is a disease in which there is a pathological proliferation of mammary gland tissues. The disease is accompanied by the appearance of nodes and seals in the chest. The main symptoms of pathology are pain, swelling of the mammary glands, discharge from the nipples. Mastopathy is considered the most common disease of the mammary glands, every second woman faces this disease. The main danger of mastopathy is the risk of degeneration of seals and benign neoplasms into breast cancer.

The main reason for the appearance of this disease is a violation of the hormonal background (increase in the level of prolactin, estrogen, decrease in the concentration of progesterone). Prolactin and estrogens have a negative effect on breast tissue, causing tissue proliferation. Mastopathy occurs in the presence of endocrine or gynecological diseases, hereditary predisposition to breast pathologies, with numerous abortions, stress, iodine deficiency in the body, late first pregnancy, etc.

The main tasks of therapy:

  1. Elimination of the causes of the development of the disease, that is, the normalization of hormonal levels.
  2. Reducing the symptoms of the disease (pain, swelling, inflammation), cessation of tissue growth.
  3. Strengthening of immunity, mobilization of internal resources of an organism.
  4. Prevention of the development of malignant neoplasms.

To solve the tasks set, hormonal, anti-inflammatory, painkillers, as well as sedatives, vitamins are prescribed. It is necessary to treat the disease in a complex way, therapy is selected individually for each patient, taking into account the state of her health, the stage of the disease. Mammologists, gynecologists, oncologists are engaged in the treatment of mastopathy.

What is homeopathy and what are its benefits

The main disadvantages of traditional drug therapy are the presence of contraindications and many side effects from its implementation. Therefore, patients are looking for methods of treatment that allow them to get the desired effect without harm to health. Homeopathic medicines are widely used.

Homeopathy is a branch of alternative medicine founded by the German doctor Samuel Hahnemann. He put forward the idea that like should be treated with like, and called his technique homeopathy: homeo - similar, pathos - pathology. The followers of this method argue that for the treatment of a particular disease, small doses of substances can be used, which in large doses can cause symptoms of the corresponding disease.

Homeopathic medicines are available in the form of tablets, granules, drops. Medicinal substances of mineral, plant and animal origin are found in medicines in very small quantities, the degree of their dilution can reach 200, 500 or 1000 times. But even in this dosage, they, according to homeopaths, have a therapeutic effect.

Homeopathy has become widespread in Western Europe, it is used to treat gynecological and colds, asthma, allergies, joint diseases. The reason for such popularity is the use of only natural ingredients in the production of medicines, the safety and availability of treatment, the absence of side effects, the possibility of using homeopathic medicines to treat children. Homeopathy gently affects the body and saturates it with beneficial substances.

A positive result of treatment can only be expected if drugs from well-known European manufacturers are used. There are many Asian-made products on the market today. They are made from components of unknown origin and can adversely affect human health.

It should also be remembered that the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies is denied by specialists in traditional medicine. This happens even though many women notice positive changes after treating mastopathy with homeopathy. Such an attitude towards homeopathy on the part of representatives of traditional medicine is explained by the difference in methods. If academic therapy uses remedies that are etiologically and pathogenetically justified, then homeopathy uses drugs that activate the body's natural defenses.

Principles of treatment of mastopathy with homeopathic remedies

Homeopathic therapy should be prescribed by a homeopathic doctor. He selects a treatment regimen individually for each woman. If the patient is diagnosed with mastopathy on early stage development, then you can limit yourself to taking homeopathic remedies, but if the disease takes a more serious form (an infection joins, nodes appear), then it is necessary to combine hormonal and conservative therapy. In severe forms of the disease, homeopathic remedies increase the effectiveness of other medications, improve the state of immunity.

The duration of homeopathic treatment can last from 3 months to several years. The intake of such drugs provides:

  • improvement of hormonal levels, normalization of the endocrine system;
  • resorption of cysts, fibromas, seals;
  • elimination of edema, inflammation and pain in the chest, discharge from the nipples;
  • reducing the risk of developing cancer;
  • prevention of recurrence of the disease (homeopathic remedies eliminate the natural predisposition of the patient's body to the growth of estrogen-dependent tissues).

In order for the therapy to be as effective as possible, a woman must observe the daily routine, refuse to eat fatty foods, coffee, chocolate and salt, take vitamin complexes and iodine preparations, get rid of bad habits, avoid stress if possible and drink at least one and a half liters of water per day.

Homeopathy from mastopathy in the domestic market is represented by a number of drugs, but the most famous and proven of them are Mastodinone and Mammoklam.

Mastodinone reduces the production of prolactin, and also normalizes the level of estrogen, progesterone. This drug is used not only for mastopathy, but also for premenstrual syndrome, disorders menstrual cycle. This medicine Produced in Germany, it has passed clinical trials that have confirmed its effectiveness and good tolerability by patients.

Mastodinone is used as a part of complex therapy and instead of hormones. It is prescribed to patients of any age, the only contraindication to the use of the drug is pregnancy, lactation. Mammoklam is available in the form of tablets, as well as drops that must be diluted with water before use. Tablets should be taken 30 minutes before a meal or 40 minutes after it.

During the treatment period, smoking and drinking alcohol are prohibited. Some patients may experience allergic reactions to the drug or a slight increase in body weight. However, these side effects are extremely rare. A change in well-being for the better occurs a few months after the start of treatment.


The main component of this drug is an extract of brown algae. Thanks to his unique composition, Mammoklam saturates a woman's body with iodine, chlorophyll and Omega 3 fatty acids. This drug regulates the production of thyroid hormones and stops the pathological growth of breast tissue.

Mammoclam is most commonly used to treat diffuse mastopathy, it must be drunk for 3 months. Then you should take a break and repeat the therapy. Contraindications to the use of this remedy are pregnancy and breast-feeding and some thyroid diseases.

The most common components of homeopathic remedies for mastopathy

The composition of homeopathic preparations for the treatment of mastopathy can vary significantly. The most commonly used plants in the production of medicines are:

  1. Hemlock. Reduces the sensitivity of the breast, stimulates the resorption of nodules.
  2. Laconosus root. Reduces the size of seals in the mammary glands, reduces the intensity of symptoms of mastopathy in the premenstrual period.
  3. Norichnik is knobby. Reduces the size of benign neoplasms.
  4. Silica. Slows down tumor growth pain in the area of ​​the nipples.
  5. calcium fluoride. Improves blood circulation, stimulates cell renewal.
  6. Calcium carbonate. Reduces tissue swelling.

Homeopathic remedies are harmless, but before using them, it is recommended to visit a homeopathic specialist who will draw up a treatment regimen for the patient. Self-medication is strictly prohibited, as it can aggravate existing diseases and cause side effects.

Mastopathy is a benign degeneration of breast tissue that affects every third woman. in case of mastopathy, it is an effective, harmless treatment that can be combined with traditional practices. It helps to save a woman from the development of the pathological process.

Indispensable in the treatment of long-term illnesses. Individually selected drugs do not treat a separate disease of the mammary glands - they improve the work of the whole woman's body. Homeopathy eradicates the root cause of the development of the disease, considering the woman's body as a whole.

Homeopathic remedies are selected taking into account all the characteristics of the patient, including personal ones. Drugs are prescribed according to the principle of treating like with like. This means that the disease will be cured by small doses of the substance that causes the symptoms of the disease in large doses. The goal of homeopathy is to activate the woman's own body forces to fight pathological processes.

Note! Homeopathic treatment of mastopathy does not contradict traditional therapy. The drugs can be used as independent agents, or are prescribed in combination, as an additional therapy, depending on the condition, degree of neglect and other individual parameters.

Mastopathy - what is it?

Mastopathy is a fibrocystic growth of breast tissue. On the initial stage disease symptoms occur only in the premenstrual period. This:

  • coarsening, an increase in the size of the mammary glands;
  • soreness when touched;
  • discharge from the nipples (rare).

At the initial (diffuse) stage, neoplasms are fragmentary and small (the size of a grain of millet) in size. Further development mastopathy leads to nodular neoplasms of a larger size (with a pea and larger). Painful sensations do not pass, affecting the area of ​​​​the shoulder, armpits. The discharge from the nipples becomes more intense. This stage of the disease is called nodal and is dangerous malignant degeneration.

Homeopathy in the treatment of mastopathy - pros and cons

Homeopathic remedies in the treatment of mastopathy, even after surgery, effectively fight the disease, directing all the forces of the woman's body to this. Source: flickr (Eugene rumedicalnews).

Individually selected treatment of the mammary glands with homeopathic remedies (out of more than 1000 existing today) is capable of:

  • gently, without injuring other organs and systems, affect the tissues of the mammary gland;
  • promote the regression of cystic-fibrous formations;
  • restore hormonal balance in a woman's body;
  • relieve soreness of the mammary glands, swelling.

It is impossible to choose the right individual homeopathic remedy on your own. Homeopathic treatment of mastopathy should be prescribed by an experienced homeopathic doctor after an appropriate examination. Source: flickr (ILO in Asia and the Pacific).

However, in the arsenal of a general practitioner there is a recognized homeopathic remedy for mastopathy - the drug Mastodinon. This is a herbal composite preparation, which consists of potent components. It is used for benign neoplasms, for the prevention and relief of severe forms of PMS. Available in two forms, drops and tablets. The manufacturer is the German pharmaceutical company Bionorica AG. The drug is not recommended for use without a doctor's prescription, since individual intolerance is possible.

For effective therapy and prevention of complications is necessary:

  • thorough examination;
  • exclusion of possible oncological degeneration of tissues;
  • appointment of qualified therapy;
  • observation in dynamics.

Homeopathic preparations are recognized as effective in the complex therapy of mastopathy. However, they are not a panacea.

Homeopathic preparations of an individual order

  • (Arnica). It is used for pain as from a bruise and soreness of the nipples with fibroadenoma of the mammary gland.
  • (Belladonna). It is prescribed for pain in the mammary glands, which subside when getting out of bed. Lying - intensify.
  • (Brionia). The drug is effective in hardening of the mammary glands. When the pain is aggravated by the slightest movement.

conium (Konium)
Köhler: With the consequences of a bruise or compression of the mammary gland, when there is a seal. Of course, if there is a seal in the mammary gland, it should be excluded

neoplasm. However, we can, without wasting time, begin treatment before the end of differential diagnostic studies, when there is pain in the nipple,

and the mammary gland is enlarged and painful before and during menstruation. D3 with the consequences of a bruise.
Nege: Hardening of the right gland. Stone hardness and strong sensitivity. (When affected - burning, stinging or stabbing pains). Enlargement, soreness, hardness and tenderness during menstruation, worse from slightest jar or walking.
Rose: Boring pain, worse at night. Soreness in the non-inflamed part of the breast that feels firmer than usual. Breast soreness

glands even from contact with clothing and shocks when walking.
Simeonova: 1 intake of high potency Conium for 1-2 days before menstruation and ensure that there is no engorgement of the mammary glands in the premenstrual period.

It is indicated for all forms of mastopathy, but the leading indication is hardening in the region of the mammary glands, which have the hardness of a tree. Knots can be on both sides, but

more typical right-sided. There may be stitching and burning pains in the region of the nipples, worse during and before menstruation. In the occurrence of tumors, a blow matters

or other injury. Low potency should be taken daily, and high potency less often and especially before menstruation.

graphites (Graphites)
Nezh: Nodules in the mammary glands (suspicious type).
Simeonova: Inflamed, cracked, blistered nipples.

Hydrastis (Hydrastis)
Tumors of the mammary gland; nipples are retracted.
Simeonova: Accompanying symptoms are ulceration on the mucous membranes with burning fibrous secretions, a tendency to constipation.

Iodum (Iodum)
Gradual reduction (atrophy) of the mammary glands. Weight loss with increased appetite.
Nege: Tumors in dark-haired faces. Breast reduction and sensitivity.

Kreosotum (creosotum)
Simeonova: The mammary glands are purple-red and have hard bumps in them; there are uterine bleedings, and also plentiful acrid discharges.

Lapis albus (Lapis albus)
Diseases of the glands. Burning, burning pain, as from a nettle burn, in the mammary glands. Indomitable appetite.
Simeonova: Indicated for tumors of elastic consistency.

Mercurius and its salt
Simeonova: During menstruation mammary glands filled with milk.

Mercurius iodatus flavus (Mercurius iodatus flavus)
Swelling of the mammary gland with profuse sweating and gastric distress.

Phytolacca (Fitolyakka)
Simeonova: The entire mammary gland is filled with knotty, like clusters, indurations. The gland is cold, it may even look purple, and when probing, cysts are determined in it.

In the armpit, pains are felt, which experts call neuralgic and which intensify during menstruation.

When touched, the mammary glands are painful. In the past, there was probably mastitis (mammit).

Psorinum (psorinum)
Remedy for chilly people: keeps head warm, need to wrap up in warm clothes even in summer. Sweat easily while walking. Unpleasant smell of discharge.
The mammary glands are swollen and painful.
Simeonova: A good remedy for uterine fibromyoma and fibrous mastopathy.

Pulsatilla (Pulsatilla)
Rapid variability in mood and symptoms. Tearfulness. Doesn't tolerate breath. Aversion to fatty foods.
Simeonova: Violation of the menstrual cycle, scarcity of discharge.

Silicea (silicea)
The nipples are very painful, ulcerate easily, retracted. Solid formations in the thickness of the mammary gland.
Simeonova: If hardening in mammary gland is the result of an unresolved inflammatory process and suppuration. If there are nodes, then they are more often on the left, and this chest

In any case, a remedy chosen by a homeopathic doctor for the whole organism, and not for some problem, is always better, especially for solving chronic disease.
– After you choose a drug for yourself, I strongly recommend reading the description (pathogenesis) of this drug on the page of the Materia Medica website to see

how similar he is to you in general. Try to choose a remedy so that it is similar not only to your particular problem.

Recall that mastopathy is only a medically generalized name for benign neoplasms or changes in the mammary glands. Moreover, the changes, to a large extent, differ in each specific case, both in strictly anatomical features, and in their danger, and, accordingly, in clinical manifestations.

And the WHO definition calls this disease a fibrocystic disease, characterized by a violation of the normal ratio of the epithelial, as well as connective tissue components, with an expanded range of regressive modifications of the natural tissues of the female breast.

At present, regrettably, there have not been developed uniform standards for strictly justified and logical pathogenetic therapy of mastopathy. As a result, for the treatment of such regressive functional conditions, as well as benign formations in the mammary glands, an incredibly wide range of modern medicines, which have very different directions.

A separate branch of therapy is the treatment of mastopathy with homeopathy, which, as a rule, is taken exclusively for mild forms of the disease. In addition, homeopathic treatment is often used in complex treatment mastopathy, along with hormonal therapy and symptomatic therapy.

Basic principles of treatment of mastopathy

As a rule, the therapy of such ambiguous functional, regressive and dyshormonal organic disorders, as mastopathy, should include the search for and elimination of the main causes that led to the development of pathological processes in the female mammary glands.

There is no doubt that the timely and absolutely effective treatment can be not only a guarantee of the absolute preservation of the life and health of a woman. In addition, adequate treatment of mastopathy allows modern medicine to preserve that very female individuality, and her psychological balance.

Treatment of this pathology (if it does not require surgical intervention) can be hormonal and non-hormonal. About what drugs are included in the concept - hormonal treatment, we will talk another time, but we will consider the main non-hormonal methods in more detail. So, non-hormonal treatment mastopathy is conditionally divided into several defining groups:

  • Therapy based on science is homeopathy.
  • Phytotherapy methods.
  • Methods of vitamin therapy, using the preparation of iodine, vitamins A and E.
  • symptomatic treatment. These include treatment with psychotropic drugs (if there are grounds for that), treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, treatment with enzyme preparations (again, if there are grounds).
  • Powerful immunomodulatory therapy.
  • Physiotherapy treatment.
  • Treatment using other drugs.

What is homeopathic treatment

First of all, we note that homeopathy is a special method, or a system for the treatment of numerous acute and chronic pathological conditions, with the help of drugs prepared in a specific way.

As a rule, homeopathic preparations contain extremely small doses of those active components (elements), which, if they are in higher concentrations, can cause the corresponding painful conditions.

The main difference between the methods of homeopathy and modern scientific medicine is the fact that in academic medical therapy drugs are always used that are etio-and pathogenetically justified. Homeopathic medicines, or rather, their action, is usually aimed solely at maintaining, as well as activating the existing defenses of the human body.

Thus, homeopathy rather helps the human body to independently find the strength to cope with a specific ailment, rather than relieve one or another external problem.

Homeopathic preparations provide that only natural raw materials, both vegetable, animal, or inorganic, will be used for their preparation. Actually, that is why, almost all homeopathic remedies never have the slightest side effects. Such drugs can be indicated for the treatment of the widest possible range of unpleasant pathological forms and conditions.

Validity of prescribing homeopathic remedies for mastopathy

The results of studies related to the influence of some homeopathic remedies prescribed for mastopathy have shown that such drugs can be quite effective and well tolerated in the primary, least complex, and most safe forms of this disease.

Undoubtedly, with more advanced forms of this pathology, there is no question of any homeopathy as the main treatment. Although in complex treatment homeopathic remedies are quite acceptable.

As a rule, in case of mastopathy, homeopathic remedies are prescribed, which include, in fairly high homeopathic dilutions, such active ingredients like Conium maculatum (Conium), thuja occidentalis (Thuja), hydrastis canadensis (Hydrastis) and calcium fluoratum (Calcium fluoratum).


Many of our readers actively use the well-known method based on natural ingredients, discovered by Elena Malysheva, to treat mastopathy and breast formations. We definitely recommend checking it out.

Konium contains alkaloids, which have a calming, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, which may be necessary for mastopathy. Thuja, containing active components in the form of monoterpenes, has been widely used, from time immemorial, by folk medicine.

This substance is effective in benign tumors skin, with condylomas and papillomas, with various etiologies warts, and polyps. Canadian goldenseal has a pronounced, rather bright, tonic effect, and actively stimulates our immune system. It is unnecessary to talk about the benefits of calcium preparations, it is not required at all.

In connection with all of the above, we can say that for the treatment of primary forms of mastopathy, some complex homeopathic preparations containing the above components may be of real interest.

Do you still think that it is impossible to CURE MASTOPATHY forever?

From 60% of women suffer from mastopathy. The worst thing is that most women are sure that mastopathy is the norm and do not rush to the doctor ... but the risk of developing BREAST CANCER in its place is very high ... If you notice:

  • aching or drawing pains in the chest before menstruation ...
  • sensations of swelling and swelling of the mammary glands. It's like your breasts are getting bigger...
  • tension, seals and nodules. Feel the lymph nodes under the arm...
  • nipple discharge...
  • change in the shape of the breast, the skin on the nipples retracted and cracks appeared ...
  • weight change...

All these symptoms may indicate the development of MASTOPATHY. But perhaps it is more correct to treat not the consequence, but the CAUSE? That is why we recommend reading the new methodology of Elena Malysheva, who found effective remedy for the treatment of MASTOPATHY and breast restoration in general.