Disease of the internal organs with blackening of the teeth. The best dentistry in Ulyanovsk

A snow-white smile, which is also often called "Hollywood", is quite often the dream of many people and an excellent decoration for the appearance and presentability of a person. In order to really be awarded such a high-profile name, it must meet many criteria, including the correct bite, and even dentition, and white and clean enamel, and the absence of plaque on the teeth. But, not everything always corresponds to the norms, in this article we will try to figure out what to do if the tooth enamel still began to darken.

The main objective of the article is to replenish knowledge about teeth and tooth enamel, about the causes and consequences of its darkening, as well as about ways to prevent this process.

Characteristics of tooth enamel

The tooth itself is made up of several components. The first three are hard tissues (enamel, dentin, dental cement), the fourth element is soft tissue (tooth pulp). As for enamel, it is considered the surface layer of the tooth crown, and consists of minerals that provide high hardness (this hardness alone still has a drawback - a fairly strong brittleness). The thickness of the enamel depends on the place where it is located. The thickest sections are located in the upper part of the dental crown and reach two and a half millimeters. Enamel is characterized by being almost translucent, so the visible color is often influenced by the dentin. A healthy tooth is characterized by the yellow color of dentin, but with age it still noticeably darkens.

Darkening and staining of enamel

These two concepts are interrelated. Most often, dental patients in their assumptions confuse the process of darkening the tooth itself and the staining of tooth enamel. While many coffee, wine, and cigarette drinkers are well aware of how these things affect discoloration, it's easy enough to get rid of this stain with a regular toothbrush.

Nowadays, there are many fairly affordable ways to whiten teeth. A specialist who is professionally proficient in this skill will qualitatively eliminate all coloring substances that remain on the enamel after drinking wine, cigarettes and coffee.

As for its structure and properties, it itself is translucent and has a slightly noticeable white tint. The color of the teeth that we observe directly and perceive as the color of the enamel is most often the color of the dentin, which is under the tooth enamel. Sometimes, even professional whitening or good and diligent care does not help to see snow-white smile, because the enamel will be in order, but since it is translucent, darkening of the dentin is observed (it occurs due to age-related or painful changes, or from genetic heredity).

And if the problem is observed even in spite of everything external methods, then the reasons must be sought inside the body.

The main factors of tooth darkening

There are enough factors due to which a person's teeth change their color. If he determines the one that suits his case, then he can quite easily prevent further negative consequences. The list of the main causes of darkening of the teeth can include:

  1. Failure to comply with basic hygiene rules: one of the most common causes. Due to such inactivity, plaque accumulates on the teeth, which consists of microorganisms and the remnants of the food that a person consumes throughout the day. If this approach to personal dental hygiene is repeated from day to day for a long time, then over time it can lead to compaction and darkening of all residues. The compacted shell covers and distorts the natural color of the tooth. Outwardly, they will appear darker and duller.
  2. The second most common reason is tobacco smoke: due to its properties and the content of resinous substances in it, the composition of the smoke gradually covers the teeth in layers and they turn yellow. This type of plaque is best removed by a non-contact cleaning at the dentist and has no side effects in the form of pain or harm. Dentists recommend that smokers do it at least once every six months.
  3. Also, eating coffee, black tea, berries, juices, and products that contain dyes of natural or synthetic origin can also lead to a change in the color of tooth enamel. Do not rush to give up all this. All you have to do is brush your teeth regularly after meals and use a whitening toothpaste to keep your smile white. Otherwise, this will lead to the fact that sooner or later the condition and color of the tooth enamel will no longer allow them to return to their former whiteness by independent actions and you will have to seek help from specialists and carry out a professional teeth whitening procedure.
  4. Caries is the fourth most common cause of tooth discoloration. It itself is formed as a result of the interaction of two factors. Firstly, it is not enough good dental care or its complete absence. Secondly, it is the abuse of sweets. In combination, these phenomena lead to the development of caries, which ultimately causes stains on the teeth, which eventually become pigmented and darken (it is recommended to treat a tooth in the event of caries immediately after the appearance of pain and stains).
  5. The tooth changes in color due to the substances used in the filling. More modern remedies do not have such a side effect, but those that were used literally ten years ago are still capable of giving a similar side effect. Darkening in many patients of dental clinics is the result of “metal fillings” from amalgam. Modern fillings do not have such shortcomings, therefore, if they are present, it is advisable to contact a specialist and replace them.
  6. A tooth injury can lead to darkening: this occurs due to damage to blood vessels and nerves.
  7. Tooth discoloration is provoked by the intake of certain types of antibiotics (for adults they are not dangerous in principle, since they accumulate only in the rudiments of teeth that form in the fetus), therefore such an antibiotic as tetracycline is forbidden to be taken by pregnant women.
  8. A disease called fluorosis: occurs in people who live in areas where drinking water contains too much fluoride.
  9. Heredity: diseases that were passed on to you from your parents can also affect the general condition of the teeth, despite all the efforts in hygiene.
  10. Aging: with age, the teeth darken and their shape undergoes changes (only a correction from a specialist will help here). Over time, teeth are subject to natural abrasion, but modern dentistry can offer many ways to restore the former beauty of a smile through the service of “teeth restoration” and prosthetics.

Prevention of darkening of the enamel

After the patient gets rid of the darkening and restores the whiteness of the tooth enamel, any qualified dentist will explain to him the need for preventive measures that are aimed at preventing the recurrence of such a scenario in the future.

The most important recommendations will be the implementation of high-quality and diligent brushing of the teeth several times a day, namely in the morning, at night before going to bed and after each meal. There are recommendations on the time you should spend on this process (the procedure takes at least 3 minutes). Yes, a toothbrush is not always at hand, so in such cases you need to rinse your mouth with warm water, rinse, or chew gum for no more than five minutes.

You should also read the recommendations on choosing the most useful toothbrush for maintaining the quality of your teeth. Its average hardness will not only keep your teeth clean after eating, but will also ensure the safety of tooth enamel in the long term.

It is worth considering carefully the choice of toothpaste. Depending on the specifics of the region of residence (is there a lot of fluoride in local water) and on individual characteristics, you need to choose a toothpaste with one content or another and with certain properties to eliminate problems. Don't believe the advertisements toothpaste has a composition that allows you to solve all problems at once. A quality paste from an honest manufacturer will promise to eliminate up to 2-3 problems, depending on the composition itself.

Regular consumption of clean water is useful (after each meal and during the day you need to drink one and a half to two liters).

If a snow-white smile is dear to you, then you need to minimize the use of drinks with dyes, as well as tea and coffee (the same goes for juices). But one moment solves the problem. If you get used to drinking these teeth-bad drinks through a straw, you'll be fine.

In the fight against the small plaque accumulated during the day, vegetables and fruits help well. Therefore, cucumbers, carrots and apples are the best friends of teeth.

It would be useful to mention folk methods for the preservation and whiteness of teeth (sage and basil must first be crushed and transferred to a tightly closed jar). When used as an additional remedy, these plants not only enhance the whitening effect, but also have an antibacterial effect and prevent the development of bleeding from the gums. A couple more useful properties have fenugreek seeds. A decoction made from them is used to rinse the mouth, which ultimately leads to whitening and strengthening of tooth enamel. The infusion can be prepared independently from the following elements: coriander (2 teaspoons), mint leaves (three spoons), anise seeds (1 spoon). All this is poured with 600 milliliters of boiling water and infused for half an hour (it is better to store the broth in the refrigerator). Also, 1-2 times a month, you can brush your teeth with the addition of sea salt or soda to the paste. At the same time, after the procedure, it is recommended to rinse the oral cavity very carefully and not to abuse the number of attempts in 31 days, otherwise you may face the detrimental consequences of enamel destruction with large abrasives.

Dental diseases are a very unpleasant problem, at least once present in the life of every person. Someone is uncomfortable with increased sensitivity of the teeth, someone has crumbling teeth and it is not clear what to do in this situation. And someone suffers from the fact that he has a blackened tooth. This is a fairly common symptom to look out for.

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Why does the tooth turn black?

Tooth discoloration (red, clear, black) is a common problem in dental practice. Most often this happens due to the installation of insufficiently high-quality seals, which contain tin. The use by the doctor of old materials stored in violation of the specified conditions also leads to the rapid appearance of dark spots on the teeth. The death of the pulp and nerve is also reflected in the appearance of the teeth - they gradually turn black. A visit to the dentist will help to carry out timely treatment and prevent complete destruction of the tooth, even if it has already partially rotted.

In addition to problems directly with the disease of the teeth, it is worth noting the darkening of the teeth due to smoking and the abuse of coloring drinks, such as tea, coffee or colorful soda. In addition, the following diseases lead to blackening of the teeth:

  • Caries - manifests itself in the form of small black spots on the surface of the teeth. With further progression, the dentin darkens and collapses, which leads to the formation of a large carious cavity.
  • Endemic fluorosis - reflects an excessive amount of fluoride in the water used. The disease begins to form in infancy, so you need to carefully monitor the amount of fluoride consumed. As a result, chalky spots, streaks and dark areas on the tooth surface appear on the teeth.
  • Congenital non-carious lesions - in this case, not only can there be a dark shade of enamel, but also an irregular shape and structure of the teeth.
  • Tetracycline teeth are a phenomenon characteristic of children whose mothers often took antibiotics of the tetracycline group during pregnancy. In this case, certain areas of the baby's teeth are painted in dark colors even in the womb.

How to prevent blackening of tooth enamel?

The most effective method is regular prevention. It is better for smokers to gradually give up this habit. It is worth using coloring products more carefully, thoroughly cleaning your teeth after that. It is necessary to visit the dentist at least once a year for a detailed examination. oral cavity(this will save not only the darkening of the tooth, but also help prescribe a treatment for bad breath).

Proper nutrition also plays an important role. It’s great if you can include plenty of calcium-containing foods in your diet. When purchasing toothpastes, it is better to prudently study their composition, avoiding large amounts of fluoride. After consulting a dentist, you can start taking medications prescribed by your doctor.

What to do about blackened teeth?

First of all, visit a dental clinic to check for the presence and prevention of caries. After treatment with the use of modern materials, you can forget about this problem for a long time. Especially do not delay the visit if a healthy tooth or a tooth that only seems so hurts.

An interesting solution to get rid of the dark color resulting from smoking or an excess of fluoride is bleaching. At home, a gel-filled kappa containing carbamide peroxide is used for this. A noticeable result can be detected after a period of three to six weeks. Professional dental whitening gives faster results. However, it must be taken into account that in this case the enamel will become excessively hypersensitive.


Black teeth: why it happens and how to avoid it

Normal plaque may not even be noticed, but serious discoloration of the enamel can be a huge problem. Blackening of teeth in adults is not uncommon. Why it happens?

People tend to ignore many dental problems, but blackening of the teeth is not something to be overlooked. In addition to the fact that dark plaque outside or inside the tooth significantly spoils appearance smiles, it is also a signal of serious diseases that may not be associated with dentistry. What to do if the teeth turn black or the front tooth darkens?

Dark enamel in children

In children, black plaque may appear within one night, even if the child has not complained about anything before. Children older than a year are more likely to suffer from such phenomena. The most intense staining remains on the inside of the teeth. Many mistakenly believe that if a tooth has turned black, then caries has begun. This is far from always the case.

What to do if the tooth is blackened from the inside or outside? It is impossible to remove plaque just like that, even with the help of thorough and intensive cleaning. Help from professional procedures is not guaranteed: over time, it can be replaced that the tooth turns black again from the inside.

What can cause enamel discoloration? There are several factors why a tooth suddenly turned black:

  • prolonged use of antibacterial drugs;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • wrong toothpaste: young children should absolutely not use toothpaste containing a large amount of fluoride;
  • weak immunity (plaque looks like black mold).

Problems of intrauterine development can also play a certain role. So, darkening is possible if the mother did not eat well (there was little calcium in the food and too much iron or fluorine); suffered from infectious diseases or used potentially dangerous drugs.

What to do? The only way out is to see a doctor and remove the black plaque, this dentist will consider it possible. It is highly likely that after a while the dark spots will return again.

Why does this happen to adults?

Why do adult teeth usually turn black? Ordinary plaque in adulthood is not a pathology, and its main cause is poor oral hygiene. The danger to enamel color is the following:

  • bad habits: due to smoking, tobacco tar is deposited on the enamel, staining tartar or dense soft plaque. Most often, the problem occurs in hard-to-reach places for cleaning. The color and soon the appearance of spots will depend on several factors: the number of cigarettes smoked daily, individual characteristics and the quality of cleaning;
  • manifestations of serious diseases, including inflammatory processes, viral infections, liver or spleen disease;
  • use of potentially dangerous antibacterial drugs. The most dangerous is tetracycline: it affects not only adults, but also the development of the fetus;
  • drug use;
  • serious violation of the acid-base balance in the mouth;
  • biliary tract disease;
  • regular contact with particles of heavy metals;
  • frequent use of strong black tea or coffee.

If the tooth has darkened and now it hurts, ordinary caries cannot be ruled out. A severe carious lesion can be anything from yellowish to dark brown or black. There is only one thing to do here - immediately contact the dentist, until the microbes that multiply in the carious cavity have led to inflammation of the soft tissues or the root.

With partial destruction of the crown part (which often happens with eights - wisdom teeth), patients often notice that the inside of the tooth is now black. This indicates the rapid destruction of tissues; it will not work to remove the darkening on your own.

How to get rid of black plaque

What to do if the tooth is blackened and hurts? The only option is to see a doctor. Any painkillers to which the body does not have a negative reaction will help to temporarily cope with the pain.

You can simply get rid of plaque with the help of professional toothbrushing Air Flow. A one-time procedure will not work: it is recommended to repeat it at least once a year. During cleaning, all soft deposits and superficial pigmentation will be removed from the enamel, the teeth will become a couple of shades lighter. The benefit is not only aesthetic, but also practical: plaque is a source of bacteria.

It is imperative to monitor the quality and regularity of ordinary home hygiene procedures. Smokers, for example, can purchase special pastes that dissolve plaque within a few minutes. But it is often impossible to use such products: their composition is quite aggressive, and eventually the enamel may suffer.

You should also be careful with conventional whitening pastes: most of them contain small hard abrasive particles, which, although they remove pigmentation from the surface of the teeth, again, negatively affect the enamel and can leave micro-scratches on it.

The best option is to stop smoking and reduce your consumption of colored drinks.

As a preventive measure, it is useful to use special mouthwashes. It is recommended to use them immediately after eating, smoking or drinking drinks that are harmful to enamel. A mouthwash is not a complete replacement for brushing, but it will help clean your mouth when a toothbrush is not available.

Can be used to lighten enamel folk methods. The main thing is to choose the right recipe and make sure that the components will not allergic reaction. It is advisable to consult a dentist before such self-treatment - perhaps he will suggest more effective and useful methods.

Have beautiful, healthy, white teeth #8212; every person's dream. However, in reality, we expose them to powerful influences that can make a smile far from white. First of all, the color of the teeth is influenced by the products that we consume, strong coffee and tea, as well as smoking. All this contributes to a change in the color of the enamel and makes it darker.

However, there are often situations when single teeth change their color much more strongly than their surroundings. Even slight differences in shade are very striking, especially when it comes to the front teeth in the smile zone of a person. What to do if a tooth has darkened?

Causes of darkening

  • injury;
  • pulp necrosis;

Dead tooth #8212; one in which nerves were removed. Even if the treatment has been correct, the malnourished pulp is unable to recover, causing the enamel to tarnish and become more brittle. If the treatment was of poor quality and traces of organic matter remained in the root canals, the decomposition process will continue, due to which the surrounding dentin will be stained. This is why a dead tooth darkens.

Secondly, it is necessary to determine the causes that caused the darkening. Correct identification of the source of the problem #8212; an important first step towards its solution. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a specialist who, on the basis of anamnesis and clinical picture set a course of action and suggest treatment options.

How to whiten a discolored tooth

Can a dead tooth be whitened? The first option that is considered when it is necessary to restore the lost color of the visible part of the crown is endodontic bleaching. Of all the alternatives intracanal bleaching requires the least intervention in the tooth structure and is easy to perform. Therefore, its advantages include an affordable price #8212; from 1500 rubles for the procedure.

However, this option also has limitations. namely:

  • the result of whitening is unpredictable and will be visible only after treatment;
  • it may take several sessions of using the whitening gel;
  • the action of the active agent on dentin weakens its structure, makes the tooth brittle;
  • the bleached tooth remains dull and may differ from its neighbors;
  • there are serious contraindications to whitening.

Here's what the process looks like in detail:

Often an alternative to intracanal bleaching is direct composite restoration. In general terms, this procedure involves the formation of an artificial structure #8212; fillings #8212; the size of the entire visible surface of the tooth. Of the advantages, one can single out the speed of # 8212; restoration can be completed in one visit #8212; and affordable price #8212; from 3000 rubles. But you need to remember about the disadvantages:

  • composite material has a rather short service life;
  • it readily absorbs dyes and quickly loses its attractive appearance;
  • reworking the restoration affects the integrity of the tooth.

Another option #8212; veneer. This is a very thin translucent ceramic plate. which sticks to the visible surface of the darkened tooth. In the process of preparation, a layer of enamel is removed, equal in thickness to the structure being made. In the case of careful work, a tooth with a veneer is almost impossible to distinguish from a natural one. At the same time, the processing of the crown for its installation is minimal. Such an intervention does not reduce the overall strength of the tooth structure.

Here's what it looks like:

The negative properties of veneers include:

  • high cost due to the large amount of work and materials;
  • if the darkening is strong, then it can be seen through the veneer;
  • Veneers are not recommended for dead teeth due to their fragility.

Finally, the most radical option #8212; installation of an artificial crown. The problematic tooth is ground, casts of both jaws are made and an individual crown is made. The advantages of this method include reliable protection of the tooth from external influences. When using pins, such a design will withstand much greater loads than a native fragile tooth or veneer. In addition, cosmetic defects can be corrected, if any.

  • high price due to expensive materials and a large amount of work;
  • several visits to the doctor are required.

As seen, modern medicine offers a wide range of tools to solve the problem of tooth discoloration. Main #8212; correctly determine the cause and take into account factors specific to each individual patient.

Read also:

What to do if the tooth has darkened

There are many reasons why teeth change color. Among the main negative factors are highlight the effects of food coloring, cigarettes, strong coffee or tea, poor oral hygiene. But in such situations, the shade of most teeth in the mouth changes. What can be assumed if one tooth has darkened? Firstly, the death of the pulp and the staining of the inner cavity of the tooth with decaying tissues (the tooth acquires a dull gray tint). Secondly, the development of caries under the filling inside the crown of the tooth (dark areas are visible). Thirdly, the use of specific drugs during tooth treatment that stain the tooth over time (resorcinol-formalin paste). Fourth, a metal post or metal filling can often cause staining of the surrounding tissues of the tooth (gray tooth). Fifth, after the restoration anterior tooth the doctor recommends avoiding food and drinks containing dyes (coffee, strong tea, red wine or jam). Failure to comply with this instruction may lead to a discoloration of one of the teeth on the first day after treatment.

What to do if the tooth has darkened

As a rule, the darkening of the tooth is caused by the development of caries or the death of the pulp. In such cases, to restore the shade, it is necessary to carry out preparation and endodontic treatment (cleaning and filling the canals). With the complete removal of the altered tissues and the qualitative selection of the color of the filling, the tooth will again acquire its original appearance. Often darkening of the tooth develops some time after its injury. This is due to the staining of dental tissues with blood that appears when the neurovascular bundle of the pulp breaks, and the products of its decay in the future. Characteristic for this situation will be not only a change in the color of the tooth crown, but also the formation of a gray-blue "rim" along the edge of the gum. Restoring the color of the tooth in this case is possible only with the help of a veneer (“veneer”) or an artificial crown. When staining the tooth with metal elements or drugs, you can try to whiten the tooth. The tooth is preliminarily prepared, if necessary, the nerve is removed and the root canals are treated, and then the tooth is internally lightened by placing cotton balls with special bleaching agents into the cavity. Many options for teeth whitening and to select the most suitable method, it is better to consult a dentist.

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Causes of darkening

Of course, the cause of the darkening of an individual tooth can also be the formation of plaque from smoking or the penetration of coloring pigments into the enamel. But a significant difference from the rest in most cases speaks of its internal problems. This happens if a tooth darkens after an impact or after a nerve is removed. What to do?

The color of the tooth is influenced not only by the color of the enamel, but also by the color of the underlying dentin. If the dentin has changed color, then this shade will show through the transparent top layer.

Among the causes of darkening, we can distinguish:

  • development of caries, including secondary caries;
  • staining of the pulp with the materials used in the installation of the seal;
  • translucence of structures used in the restoration of crowns (pins);
  • injury;
  • pulp necrosis;
  • incorrect treatment.

If the tooth has darkened after an impact, a nerve removal field, a filling, or other intervention, this may provide information about probable reasons changes. Often the tooth darkens after the removal of the nerve and filling the canals. Incorrectly performed endodontic treatment leads to serious consequences.

A dead tooth is one in which nerves have been removed. Even if the treatment has been correct, the malnourished pulp is unable to recover, causing the enamel to tarnish and become more brittle. If the treatment was of poor quality and traces of organic matter remained in the root canals, the decomposition process will continue, due to which the surrounding dentin will be stained. This is why a dead tooth darkens.

What to do with a discolored tooth?

First, if the darkening is caused internal reasons such as pulp necrosis or improperly performed endodontic treatment, the cause of the problem must be eliminated. An untreated tooth can lead to serious consequences, up to its complete loss and the spread of infection to healthy neighbors and gums. With such a development of events, treatment will be long and expensive.

Secondly, it is necessary to determine the causes that caused the darkening. Correctly identifying the source of a problem is an important first step towards solving it. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a specialist who, based on the anamnesis and clinical picture, will establish a course of action and offer treatment options.

The simplest treatment option in case of darkening due to the development of caries. Then, by completely removing the affected tissues and selecting the correct shade of restoration material, the tooth acquires its original color and does not stand out from the surrounding. In addition, with this scenario, it remains alive, which has a positive effect on the strength of dentin and enamel.

The situation is slightly different when the damage is such that it has led to the death of the tooth. A dead tooth with removed nerves requires a special approach to treatment. Since its strength characteristics change, this affects the selection of treatment methods.

Fortunately, advances in dentistry allow the use of various techniques to restore the whiteness of a smile. There are several main ways:

  • intracanal bleaching;
  • direct restoration;
  • veneer;
  • crown.

Causes of black plaque

  • The main cause of black plaque is smoking and frequent drinking of coffee. When plaque accumulates at the base of the teeth, coloring matter penetrates into it very quickly. Over time, when this sticky mass hardens, it darkens and adheres strongly to the enamel, turning into tartar;
  • Sometimes black plaque is caused by long-term use of antibiotics;
  • Diseases of the spleen and liver, inflammation internal organs, viral infections and biliary dyskinesia can also cause black plaque on the inside and outside of the teeth;
  • Black plaque on the teeth is typical for workers in metallurgical enterprises, metalworking shops, etc. At such enterprises, condensate from particles of heavy metals is constantly in the air. These particles, when inhaled, settle not only on the internal organs, but also on the teeth, staining the usual plaque;
  • If black plaque appears in children, then this is a sign of dysbacteriosis. Usually, in children under three years old, it disappears on its own, in the process of the formation of the intestinal microflora, or is eliminated along with the loss of milk teeth at a later age;
  • The most terrible cause of black plaque on the teeth is drug addiction, but we are talking more about the complete destruction of all organs, including teeth.

What to do if the teeth are blackened

First of all, if you find black plaque on one or more teeth, do not panic. Today, almost every dental problem can be treated. Of course, the treatment process can be lengthy, but in the end you will still get a perfect snow-white smile.

Of course, for the removal of black plaque, you should consult a dentist. It is he who will be able to carry out the procedure for cleaning the teeth, which has several options.

  • The simplest procedure for removing plaque that has not yet hardened is a sandblasting system, which washes plaque from the teeth with a mixture of baking soda and water. This method significantly weakens the enamel of the teeth, moreover, it is not applicable to hard plaque or tartar. But the cost of such cleaning is quite low;
  • If you want to avoid damage to the enamel, you can try laser cleaning, a painless procedure that leaves the enamel intact and the gums do not bleed. True, this procedure is expensive, and not all clinics have the equipment for it;
  • You can clean your teeth from black plaque using ultrasonic cleaning, which allows you to remove hard formations painlessly and non-traumatically;
  • If the plaque is soft, the teeth are also often whitened with various chemical compounds.

If for one reason or another you cannot see a doctor, and the plaque is not too strong, then you can try to remove it at home. For example, use fluoride toothpastes and an electric toothbrush held at a 45° angle to the tooth surface - the vibrations will enhance the cleaning effect of the brush.

You can try rubbing a mixture of a three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide and activated carbon or soda into the enamel. True, it should be borne in mind that this method greatly destroys the enamel.

Prevention of the appearance of black plaque

So that black plaque does not appear on the teeth, you must forever refuse, or at least minimize the consumption of strong tea and coffee. It is also worth giving up smoking, as it is especially active in forming plaque.

If you can’t give up bad habits, then try to diversify your diet with solid foods, especially vegetables with fiber. Their chewing is a daily natural cleaning of the enamel from any plaque. It is also important to brush your teeth regularly and use mouthwash and floss.

It will be useful to visit the dentist regularly - he will be able to recognize the beginnings of plaque and quickly eliminate them before they turn into tartar.

Wisdom tooth blackening

Very often, black plaque appears on the wisdom teeth. It is problematic to remove it from there, since the wisdom tooth is very poorly located in the jaw. That is why it is best to leave this tooth as it is - it is still not visible when smiling. Well, if the tooth gives you inconvenience, then it is generally worth removing it - this is what is most often done with wisdom teeth.

How to get rid of black tooth enamel?Professional help

At home

Prevention of darkening of teeth

A person with a direct and open, bright, snow-white smile is conducive to himself and looks successful. Many want to become its owners, but even the naturally light enamel in an adult becomes dark over time and even becomes covered with black spots. There are several reasons for this. By knowing why your teeth are getting dark, you can find the best way to prevent this phenomenon or the method of whitening the enamel that will be most effective.

Why do adult teeth turn black?

Hygiene and its lack

They know about the need to brush their teeth modern society even small children. However, the most common cause of blackened teeth in adults is poor hygiene. Failure to follow the seemingly elementary rules of brushing your teeth leads to the accumulation of plaque on the enamel, which consists of harmful and beneficial bacteria living in food debris.

If plaque is not carefully brushed off, it forms an increasingly dense layer that is initially soft and dirty gray, but then condenses, hardens and darkens, turning into tartar deposits.

Plaque on the teeth

Important! The plaque layer makes the surface of the tooth visually much darker, overlapping the original color of the enamel. Teeth look unpleasantly dirty and dull. Bacteria accumulate under the plaque and deposits of tartar, which contribute to the occurrence of caries, damaging not only the enamel, but also the dental tissue, and even the roots.

Caries and discoloration of teeth

A common and important cause of blackening of teeth in adults is caries. In turn, it is a consequence of poor hygiene or excessive abuse of products containing sugar. After the onset of the carious process, which first affects the enamel layer, punching a “gap” in it, softening the coating and tooth tissues, demineralization of the teeth occurs.

Changes in the optical density of dental tissues. On the initial stage it is almost not noticeable - the enamel is covered with light softened spots. But then the spots darken and turn black, capturing and affecting larger areas.

With generalized caries, there is a rather rapid and severe destruction of many teeth at once in the oral cavity.

By the way. Caries can develop not only on the surface of the tooth, but also inside, under the filling. In this case, the tooth tissue turns black from the inside, and on the outside it becomes all bluish-black,

How to avoid carious darkening of teeth? Treat a carious lesion initial stage until the spots have darkened, and the tooth has not begun to react to thermal stimuli or to hurt under mechanical stress.

Black teeth in smokers

One of the reasons why teeth turn black, or rather, first turn yellow and then turn dark brown, teeth in adults can be called smoking. And it doesn't matter if a person smokes cigarettes, cigars, or even chews tobacco. Tobacco products contain resins that contain a coloring pigment. Resinous substances are also part of the tartar, because smoking people are often not enough standard hygiene procedures, and it is necessary to use special toothpastes. But, in addition, the resins form dense and heavy deposits on the enamel, which can be completely removed only in a clinical setting.

Smoking leads to heavy dental deposits

food browning

It is probably difficult to find a person who prefers only pure water to all existing drinks, who never drinks coffee, tea, juice or wine. There are many products containing a potent coloring pigment. It's almost impossible to avoid them.

These include:

  • coffee;
  • some herbal teas;
  • Black tea;
  • juices of fruits and berries of blue (purple) color;
  • Red wine;
  • drinks and products containing synthetic dyes.

Solid non-mineralized plaque is pigmented plaque. Most often it is observed in patients who smoke, drink coffee, tea

Ideally, so that the tooth enamel does not darken under the influence of the coloring pigment, you should stop using products in which it is present. But many of them, especially berries and fruits, and coffee and tea, contain useful substances necessary for the health of the body, including teeth.

Avoiding Coloring Foods and Drinks for Whiter Teeth

By the way. Not only red wine, but also any alcoholic beverages change the microflora in the mouth. After their use, acidity increases. An acidic environment promotes the rapid reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. They form a plaque, due to which the tooth enamel blackens.

Wrong treatment

Dental treatment that is not carried out according to the rules can also cause a discoloration of the tooth to dark. The hue changes under the influence of substances that are part of some filling materials. If root canals are filled with these materials, the entire body of the tooth will become dark and dull, and no amount of bleaching will help to lighten it.

Dental treatment that is not carried out according to the rules can also cause a change in the color of the tooth to dark.

Today, fewer doctors use such fillings, but those who are accustomed to working with this material can place patients with pigmented fillings, since the material for them continues to be produced today.

By the way. Metal fillings, including silver amalgam, are still widely used by dentists in America, Israel and some other countries.

Trauma and necrosis of dental tissues

Sometimes the cause of the blackened tooth is trauma. Mechanical damage to the tooth entails damage to the nerves and blood vessels. Blood stained with hemoglobin enters the cavity of the tooth. The shade of the enamel changes immediately. It then darkens even more as the damaged tissue undergoes necrosis and decay. A tooth blackened from the inside as a result of injury, according to the dentist, is often removed surgically, replacing it with a prosthesis or crown, if only the dental tissue is damaged, and the roots must be restored.

Radiation necrosis of teeth

black teeth from drugs

Some medications are capable of staining the tooth tissue in a dark color from the inside. In particular, tetracycline contributes to darkening of the teeth. True, it is not dangerous for adult teeth, since it only affects children's teeth at the stage of their formation. However, although this antibiotic will not stain adult teeth black, it should not be taken by pregnant women. A child whose mother took tetracycline during pregnancy may develop dark permanent teeth when they grow up.

Tetracycline teeth

In adults, the enamel may also darken when long-term use iron preparations.

Diseases that change the color of the enamel

There are diseases that cause the enamel to become dark rather quickly. One of the most common is fluorosis. It affects residents of regions whose drinking water contains too much fluoride. Fluorosis can also be acquired by drinking constantly fluoridated bottled water and using a cleaning paste with a high content of this substance.

Dental fluorosis

In the case of fluorosis, whitening will not have the desired effect. To restore the whiteness of the enamel, you will have to undergo a series of therapeutic procedures or seek the help of an orthopedist to install masking pads.

Fluorosis, treatment

Also, some hereditary and chronic diseases can cause darkening of teeth in adulthood.

Teeth darken from the inside when:

  • kidney disease;
  • gastritis;
  • diabetes
  • diseases of the spleen;
  • liver diseases;
  • abscesses;
  • progressive anemia;
  • viral infections.

In the presence of these pathologies in the body, the metabolism is slowed down, and this is reflected in the teeth, causing darkening of the enamel.


Tooth color is a genetic trait. For people of different races and nationalities living in different places on the planet, it will be different. But it will also differ even among two representatives of the same race, if the parents of one by “inheritance” from their ancestors received white teeth, and the other - dark. There is nothing you can do about this, except for the installation of veneers.

Tooth color is hereditary

By the way. Aesthetic prosthetics is indicated if the color of the teeth is really too dark, so much so that it prevents a person from living normally in society.

For plate dentures, which are installed frontally on the tooth surface, previously sawn, porcelain and ceramics are used - materials that can be given any desired degree of whiteness.

Removable plate prosthesis

Age and color of enamel

With age, pigmentation increases not only of the skin, but also of tooth enamel. It darkens, even if throughout your life you carefully looked after it and monitored the preservation of its whiteness.

For people who at a respectable age want to keep their teeth white, modern dentistry can only offer aesthetic prosthetics. As in the case of genetic darkening, the process is not reversible, and there is no point in subjecting teeth to clinical whitening.

Aesthetic prosthetics is indicated in old age

Harmful work

People who work at metallurgical enterprises, plants that are part of the heavy industry group, even with full observance of all plumbing standards, have constant indirect contact with heavy metals. Their impurities are present in the air, they settle in the form of condensate on all surfaces. This gradually stains the enamel dark.

Harmful work

Improper nutrition

Store-bought products contain preservatives. They, along with other synthetic substances they contain, have a negative effect on the metabolic processes occurring in the liver. Because of this, the composition of saliva and the acid-base balance change. The altered quality of saliva makes it impossible to control the washing away of food residues and promotes the growth of bacteria. An acidic environment creates favorable conditions for the formation of black plaque.

Improper nutrition

But this process is gradual and manageable, unlike excessive consumption of foods containing sugar. The love of sweets is not the prerogative of childhood. Many adults consume large amounts of sugar-containing foods every day. Glucose is broken down in the mouth and an oxidative reaction occurs that damages the enamel. Cracks and pores appear in it, which are inhabited by pathogenic organisms.

By the way. To break down carbohydrates, the body must contain enough calcium. If this element is not enough, it is taken from the dental tissue. That is why sweets not only contribute to the external darkening of the teeth, but also destroy them from the inside.

How to make teeth white

Nobody likes black teeth. Everyone wants to have white, or at least light-colored tooth enamel. There are many ways to remove the blackness of the teeth. The solution to the problem depends on the cause of pigmentation.

Table. Causes of blackening of teeth and ways to eliminate them

Poor hygiene

Regular brushing your teeth twice for at least three minutes with a properly selected brush and paste. The use of rinses that restore the alkaline level of the oral cavity.
So that the teeth do not turn black due to caries, it must be treated in a timely manner, carefully sealing the lesions.

Smoking and food pigmentation

There is no need to give up sources of vitamins. Simply, if you know that your teeth are black because you drink a lot of coffee or like grape juice, you need to take care of regular cleaning of the enamel and its lightening so that dark pigment does not accumulate on the surface of the tooth and the upper layers of the enamel coating.

The same applies to smokers - it is necessary to use enhanced hygiene practices and special pastes.

Coloring fillings

When visiting a dentist for a filling, ask what material he plans to use and whether this will affect the final color of the tooth.
If trauma to the teeth could not be avoided, it is immediately necessary to contact the dentist, to take an x-ray of the tooth, without waiting for necrotic processes to develop.


If you suspect an increased intake of fluoride, you can do an analysis of drinking water. The use of fluoride-containing pastes and preparations should be avoided.

Genetics and age

Here, therapeutic methods will not help, but with excessive pathology, you can turn to prosthetics and solve the problem in an orthopedic way.

Heavy metals

People working in hazardous industries are advised to use whitening chewing gum, periodically use semi-abrasive toothpastes and eat vegetables and fruits for mechanical and chemical cleaning of tooth enamel from heavy metal deposits.

Improper nutrition

Limiting sugar intake will not only have a beneficial effect on the figure and general health, but will reduce the likelihood of oxidative processes, and maintain normal calcium levels, maintaining the light color of tooth enamel.

The process of enamel darkening can be stopped or at least slowed down in most cases. In order not to use radical methods later and not harm the health of your teeth for the sake of their snow-white beauty and radiance, start proper dental care as early as possible, and periodically visit the dentist for clinical cleaning of plaque and tartar.

Video - Why teeth darken

A black tooth is a reason for a bad mood and a reason to immediately think about your own health. To solve the problem, you need to know why he turned dark, what external or internal influences led to such discomfort, and by changing them, conquer others and please yourself with a snow-white smile.

Darkening of molars and milk teeth

Darkening of the teeth can affect both adults and children at any age, it manifests itself suddenly or gradually. The problem can affect the front row or wisdom tooth, darkening occurs over the entire surface or only at the base, from the outside or back, from the inside of a living tooth or under a filling.

The reasons, as well as the visible manifestations of blackening, are diverse: hereditary predisposition, adverse external factors, the state of the organism itself (digestive and the immune system), bad habits, medical effects.

Causes in adults

An adult, having the necessary information, is easily able to analyze why he has a dark tooth and what to do about it:

  • Substances that cause darkening of tooth enamel and crowns enter the oral cavity. Nicotine resins cause particular harm here - it is much more difficult for long-term smokers to maintain a healthy smile. Strong tea, coffee also have the ability to degrade the natural color.
  • Violation of the acid-base balance in the mouth, from which saliva loses its bactericidal properties and does not adequately prevent the occurrence of plaque. Over time, it will become noticeable how it turned black. An excess of sweets in the diet, alcohol abuse, the use of foods with a high content of preservatives and synthetic additives contribute to the appearance of black teeth.
  • Irregular and poor oral hygiene. The advice of dentists - to use a toothbrush 2 times a day and rinse your mouth after eating - is not followed by everyone. As a result, plaque accumulates, darkens.
  • Caries is a disease in which pigmented spots first appear on the surface, and then the teeth inside acquire carious hollows, which must subsequently be hidden under a filling.
  • Taking medications - some antibiotics with prolonged use cause blackening of the tooth from the outer surface. Strongly able to change color and iron preparations, especially used in liquid form.
  • Diseases affecting the whole body - disorders in the liver, spleen, viral infections, diabetes and other diseases that disrupt the proper metabolism. Teeth in such cases also become vulnerable and blacken from the inside, which indicates a violation of their nutrition. This includes age-related changes - many older people have individual metabolic characteristics.
  • Medical intervention. When treating a tooth, removing a nerve, the natural color of tooth enamel is not always preserved. If low-quality filling material is used, or the work is performed by a low-skilled specialist, the risk of acquiring black teeth increases - over time, it becomes clear how the tooth has turned black under the filling.
  • Violation of integrity as a result of trauma - damage to the nerve, blood vessels, a broken off tooth fragment can lead to tissue necrosis, the appearance of a black tooth.
  • Unfavorable external influence. Workers in the metallurgical industry, forced to constantly contact with heavy metals, they gradually accumulate foreign impurities in their bodies, so the presence of black teeth is a frequent occurrence in this environment.
  • Hereditary predisposition and congenital features. In some cases, dark tooth enamel is a natural reality.
  • Drug addiction is an extreme case of the degradation of the human personality, the destruction of the biochemical organism in general and teeth in particular.

Why do children's teeth turn black?

Changing the color of enamel in children can occur in different cases:

  • Night feeding - evening oral hygiene loses its effectiveness.
  • Intestinal dysbacteriosis can lead to the appearance of a border around the gums from the outside or inside.
  • Priestley's black plaque is the result of the normal activity of bacteria that are part of the healthy microflora of the children's oral cavity. The darkening of the enamel in this case disappears on its own as the child grows.
  • Improper oral care, use of fluoride paste.
  • Taking antibiotics future mother during pregnancy (milk teeth are laid before birth).

In addition to the listed specific causes of darkening of teeth in children, their first teeth have common properties with permanent ones. As in adults, blackening of the teeth can be observed due to acid-base imbalance, chronic diseases, carious destruction, individual characteristics, the use of foods and medicines that contribute to the appearance of black teeth.

How to get rid of black tooth enamel?

To restore the original whiteness of black teeth, you can seek help from professionals or use experience traditional medicine which offers alternative methods getting rid of health problems for those who for various reasons do not reach the doctors. How effective simple recipes if the tooth has darkened, you can check it yourself, but they will not replace the work of a specialist.

Professional help

A consultation with a dentist will clarify the situation about the need and expediency of treatment and prevention of the oral cavity. A dark tooth can only be an aesthetic problem or require surgical treatment, especially if it hurts.

If the discoloration has occurred inside under the filling, the doctor will suggest effective methods treatment: replacement of old material, bleaching at the canal level, use of crowns, attachments, installation of a veneer, etc. Separately, experts stipulate the treatment of a black wisdom tooth - it is advisable either not to touch it, or completely remove it.

Professional whitening of black teeth on modern equipment has not only aesthetic value, but also performs a preventive function - plaque is removed before it can provoke caries. Dental clinics offer their patients 3 main whitening methods in case of tooth enamel darkening. The choice of the most appropriate type of tooth blackening removal depends on the recommendations of the attending physician and the financial capabilities of the patient:

  • ultrasonic cleaning. Quickly, efficiently, painlessly, even hardened plaque can be removed where the tooth has turned black. The result can be kept for about 5 years.
  • Air Flow - cleaning with a soda jet. Unhardened plaque is easily removed, but only in easily accessible places. The procedure is recommended to be carried out every six months.
  • Laser whitening. This procedure is recommended for a large accumulation of tartar, old dark layers. The effect lasts up to 7 years.

At home

You can independently use the available ways to make your smile more attractive:

  • With a solution of hydrogen peroxide with a teaspoon of soda, wipe the tooth surface with a cotton pad. Then rinse your mouth thoroughly with warm water. It is not recommended to abuse the procedure in order to avoid damage to the enamel.
  • Chopped burdock root and bean peel in equal proportions pour boiling water and leave for 2-3 hours. Rinse your mouth with warm infusion several times a day.
  • Use homemade tooth powder made from sea salt and sage leaves.
  • Buy a special toothpaste designed for smokers that helps get rid of the discoloration of the enamel of the teeth.

Prevention of darkening of teeth

Prevention is more important than cure. Proper oral care, balanced nutrition, sufficient calcium intake in the body, competent and timely treatment of chronic and acute diseases, giving up bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol), regular visits to the dentist 1-2 times a year - and there will be no problem with darkening of the teeth.

Caries is a dental disease that is characterized by the destruction of hard tooth tissues (enamel and dentin). At the initial stage, the disease is asymptomatic, but over time, a cavity forms in the dental tissues. This causes severe discomfort, pain and further leads to tooth loss.

In dentistry, several types of caries are distinguished depending on its localization: fissure (the earliest stage in which only enamel is affected), contact (caries on the side of the tooth or destruction of the lateral surfaces of neighboring teeth), ring (circumferential damage to enamel and dentin) and cervical. The latter variety is considered the most dangerous, since the destruction of hard tissues occurs near the most vulnerable spot - the root of the tooth.

What is cervical caries?

Cervical caries is a carious process that is localized at the very base of the tooth and affects its neck and adjacent tissues. This disease is considered one of the most severe in dentistry. Its danger lies in the fact that cariogenic microorganisms quickly penetrate into the deepest tissues and provoke root damage.

Cervical caries should be treated immediately! Timely therapy will avoid tooth loss and the development of such serious diseases as pulpitis, gingivitis, periodontitis.

There are several reasons for tooth decay. The disease, as a rule, is provoked by the same factors as other types of caries. However, there are also features. Consider the main causes of cervical caries.

  1. Poor oral care. Gingival caries occurs as a result of improper brushing of teeth. This is due to the fact that the root zone is difficult to reach for a toothbrush.
  2. Anatomical features of the enamel near the gums. In the basal areas of the teeth, the enamel is very thin, so it is strongly exposed to the harmful effects of cariogenic organisms.
  3. The genetic predisposition to gingival exfoliation causes the formation of “gingival pockets”, where food debris accumulates over time. As a result, carious cavities appear and caries develops under the gum.
  4. Violation of the secretion of the salivary glands. Saliva in the human body performs a protective function. Decrease in the amount of saliva produced leads to a decrease in the level of protection of teeth from the harmful effects of bacteria living in the oral cavity. There are the following causes of impaired salivation: regular use of drugs, chemotherapy and some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Radical caries may indicate endocrine dysfunction (development of diabetes mellitus or disruption thyroid gland). After diagnosing the disease, the dentist is obliged to refer the patient for examination to the endocrinologist.

One of the features of the disease is that defects are often localized in the “smile zone”. In patients with cervical caries, there are no less psychological and aesthetic problems than in people who have a broken off part of the tooth. That is why cervical caries of the anterior teeth must be treated immediately.

Radical caries in children: features

Caries on the neck of the tooth, as a rule, develops in middle-aged people (after 30 years). In some cases, such a defect occurs in children. Cervical caries in a child affects milk teeth and most often covers the entire neck. In this case, all tissues are involved in the carious process, so the tooth is completely destroyed and must be removed.

Symptoms of the disease at different stages

There are four stages of caries in the root zone.

  • The first stage is the formation of a white or dark spot on the tooth enamel near the gum.
  • The second stage is superficial. It is characterized by further destruction of hard tissues, roughness and darkening of the enamel. In the second stage, caries near the gums can be seen with the naked eye.
  • The third stage is the middle one. It is characterized by the destruction of enamel and the beginning of damage to the dentin.
  • The fourth stage is deep. In the last stage, caries damages the deepest tissues (including the root) and reaches the pulp.

The fourth stage is deep

The initial stage of the disease is asymptomatic. Then the first visible signs of disease progression appear. If the tooth is blackened near the gum, then you should immediately consult a dentist. This is the first symptom indicating the presence of caries in the root region of the tooth. At the first stage, the treatment of cervical caries is painless and without complications.

At the next stage of the progression of the disease, there is an increased sensitivity of the tooth to changes in temperature during meals and a pain reaction to mechanical stimuli. Lateral caries is difficult to recognize on its own. Defects with such localization are diagnosed during examination by a dentist or when pain occurs.

At the last stage of the disease, a noticeable dark hole is formed - a hollow in the tooth. In some cases, the carious cavity can partially go under the gum. This leads to food getting under the gum and severe pain during chewing. Deep caries is accompanied by the destruction of all tooth tissues and causes the development of pulpitis.

Features of the treatment of the disease

An experienced dentist can treat root caries in the first stage without drilling. In this case, the doctor performs professional cleaning, removes plaque and stones. Then remineralization (restoration) of the enamel is carried out with a special tool - a gel based on calcium and fluorine. After several sessions of remineralization, a complete regeneration of the outer shell of the tooth occurs.

At more severe stages of the development of the disease, treatment is carried out by the same methods as for other types of carious damage to the teeth. However, the procedure can be complicated by the fact that there is caries near the gums.

The process of surgical dental intervention includes several stages.

  1. Anesthesia. The defect is too close to the gum and during drilling, any movement of the dentist can cause severe pain the patient, therefore, before the procedure, the gums are frozen using a special tool.
  2. Tooth cleaning from plaque and calculus. During the procedure, the dentist determines the color of the future filling.
  3. At the next stage, the doctor gently pushes the gum if it is affected by a carious process.
  4. Then the dentist proceeds to the design of the carious cavity and removes all dead tissue.
  5. Next, the cavity is treated with an adhesive - a special substance that promotes adhesion of different materials (tooth surface and fillings).
  6. In the next step, the dentist fills the cavity with a filling. It is applied in layers and each layer is exposed to a photopolymerization lamp. Then the doctor grinds and polishes the filling, giving the tooth its natural anatomical shape.

In the future, teeth need constant care. A carious process in the neck area can occur even next to the installed filling. In addition, with improper care, there is a risk of secondary caries.

Disease prevention

Prevention of cervical caries includes a set of special methods to prevent the spread of the carious process.

  • People over 30 years of age are more at risk of developing this disease, so they should visit the dentist regularly. Diagnosis of a defect at an early stage increases the likelihood of a successful outcome of treatment.
  • Proper oral care is the key to dental health. Teeth should be brushed twice a day. For cleaning, use a brush made of quality material, and non-whitening toothpaste.
  • To prevent the disease, a special remineralizing toothpaste from cervical caries can be used, which promotes enamel regeneration.
  • Regular use of dental floss reduces the risk of caries in the root zones.
  • Prevention of the disease includes folk methods: rinsing the mouth with a decoction of special herbs, gum massage.
  • Healthy lifestyle. Dental health directly depends on a person's lifestyle and nutrition. Balanced diet, giving up alcohol and smoking significantly reduce the risk of developing serious dental diseases.

Everyone wants to have a bright and snow-white smile and therefore there is a huge range of methods for this - from moderate (such as the use of special toothpastes and lacquers for teeth) to very drastic (installation of "artificial teeth" or implants). Therefore, when the color of tooth enamel changes, a person is covered with understandable anxiety. Meanwhile, the darkening of tooth enamel, especially sudden, is not only an aesthetic inconvenience, but can also serve as a symptom of a number of diseases - both the teeth themselves and the whole organism as a whole. Therefore, it is important to understand the causes of this phenomenon in order to understand when, in order to correct the darkening of tooth enamel, it is enough to change your lifestyle a little, and when you should run to the dentist, or even to a doctor of a different profile.

If you notice that you have darkened tooth enamel, then first of all it is necessary to correctly characterize the appearance of such changes. For example, local darkening of the tooth enamel in one place, especially if this stain is rough to the touch, is a sign of the initial stage of caries. If this process is allowed to take its course, then in the future, a recess is formed at the site of local darkening, and in advanced cases, a hole with the development of inflammation, pain and swelling. Therefore, if such a stain is found, you should immediately contact your dentist for qualified help.

Slightly more difficult situation when such spots many, or when the darkening of the tooth enamel is a monochromatic discoloration of the entire dentition. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon, from quite harmless to quite formidable. Of course, the cause should be found out when proper oral hygiene care is observed - if a person does not brush his teeth regularly and does not visit the dentist, then you should not be surprised at darkened teeth.

To begin with, you should carefully analyze your diet. Drinks such as red wine and coffee can lead to discoloration, and excessive consumption of them can significantly change the color of the surface of the teeth. And if coffee and strong tea create a strong film on the surface of the enamel, which can be removed by intensive cleaning at the dentist, then red wine pigments, with the help of acids, penetrate into the very structure of the enamel, so it will be extremely difficult to remove them from there.

widespread causes darkening of tooth enamel is smoking. With a long smoking period, as a rule, resin deposits are observed on the inner surface of the molars in the form of yellowish-brown spots. But sometimes yellowing of the entire enamel is also possible.

Staining and darkening tooth enamel may cause and receive some medicines, including antibiotics, antiseptics (such as chlorhexidine), anti-allergy and blood pressure. Therefore, if you take any medicinal product and noticed a darkening of the tooth enamel - be sure to ask your doctor or in the instructions for the drug if this is possible side effect and how it can be fixed. A similar darkening of the enamel can also occur after a visit to the dentist - often sulfur and silver compounds are used as filling materials, which can react with oral substances and thereby form a black, hard-to-wash plaque on the teeth. With the active use of therapeutic fluoride-containing toothpastes or other sources of fluorine, chronic poisoning with this element may develop, the first symptom of which is the appearance of yellowish spots on the tooth enamel.

In addition to influencing themselves teeth, the cause of darkening of the tooth enamel may be some general processes in the body. For example, darkening of the enamel in conjunction with the development of sensitivity in many people develops in the spring. This is due to the lack of many vitamins and, mainly, minerals, which leads to thinning of the enamel. Through thinner enamel, dark underlying tissues begin to shine through, which creates the impression of darkening of the teeth. For the same reason, tooth enamel darkens in many severe debilitating diseases. If the darkening of the teeth is observed against the background of a long-term general malaise, then you should immediately consult a doctor and fully examine the entire body - this can be a symptom of a large number of dangerous conditions, from reduced immunity to cancer.

It can also be a sign of oral dysbiosis. In this condition, by morning, a significant layer of plaque accumulates on a person’s teeth, sometimes of a dark, brown hue. Brushing your teeth eliminates it and returns the enamel to its normal color, however, if this condition is not treated for a long time, a number of waste products of microorganisms can penetrate deep into the enamel and cause it to turn yellow.

As we can see, the reasons darkening of tooth enamel it can really be a lot, but if you properly care for your oral cavity and monitor the condition of your body, you can maintain a white smile for many years.

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If you try to smile in such a way that your teeth do not show; if, when laughing, you lightly cover your mouth with your hand, and in childhood you could not get rid of the experiences caused by the impossibility of meeting the generally accepted ideals of beauty for a long time, then such a problem as darkening of your teeth is familiar to you firsthand.

Dentists can talk about a considerable number of cases from practice when one person with a dark yellow or even slightly brownish tint of enamel has healthy teeth that do not require treatment, while another, sparkling with a snow-white smile, has initial signs of caries or gum disease, leading over time to the loss of part of the dentition. Why it happens?

In this article:

Causes of changes in the shade of enamel in adults

Remember who you most often see dark teeth? That's right, those who like to drag on a cigarette. The more a person smokes per day, the higher the likelihood that the shade of the crowns will change for the worse.

Smoking, coffee, tea

Enamel darkens due to the damaging effects of resins. Also, it's bad for your teeth. high temperatures. Therefore, the decision to replace an ordinary cigarette with an electronic one will not be a way out: the risk of finding an unpleasant change in the shade of the enamel after a couple of years remains. Smoking contributes to the darkening of all teeth, but the negative effect on the front ones is especially noticeable.

The danger of losing a Hollywood smile lies in wait for those who prefer strong black tea and coffee to all other drinks. Coloring pigments penetrate deep into the fabric, so the white color is gradually replaced by yellow and then brown. On the edges of the teeth, the dentist notes plaque.

smoker's teeth

You will not be able to cope with this scourge on your own. Of course, the baking soda and peroxide recommended by traditional healers will reduce pigmentation, but you will get a short-term effect.

For smokers and connoisseurs of real coffee, special pastes have been developed that prevent (to some extent) discoloration of the enamel:

  • Lacalut white;
  • Blend-a-med;
  • Rembrandt anti-tobacco;
  • ROCS Coffee and tobacco.

These pastes break down the protein coating, preventing it from being eaten firmly, while protecting the enamel. But they cannot protect teeth from darkening by 100%. In addition, the constant use of pastes weakens crowns. It contains aggressive substances that can cope with a specific plaque. Simple hygienic pastes cannot do this.

Harm of alcohol for teeth

The acid-base balance is disturbed in the mouth. The environment becomes acidic, which promotes the growth of bacteria.

Brown color or blackening may appear on the outside and inside. Only from the inside we do not see this, but the spectacle from the outside is sad. The body gives a signal: not everything is in order with it. If no action is taken, the next stage will be caries.

Poor dental hygiene

We got up in the morning, brushed our teeth, had a snack, ran to work. And there - numerous coffee breaks with sweets or cookies, after which, of course, no one brushes their teeth and does not rinse their mouths - except that chewing gum sometimes comes to hand. In the evening, brush your teeth - and sleep. Everyone does this, but these measures are not enough.

Take care of the beauty of your smile with:

  • rinse aid;
  • floss;
  • gum health gel.

Rinses kill bacteria and prevent the formation of plaque. They are convenient in cases where it is not possible to clean with a paste.

With the help of dental floss, we remove food debris from hard-to-reach places. You can choose between waxed or unwaxed floss. The first one is recommended for beginners: it is easier to work with such material. After making a loop of the thread, wrap it around each tooth and sweep out everything that remains in the interdental spaces. Once the habit is formed, switch to unwaxed floss, it cleans better.


We suspect caries when pain appears. Tooth aching from cold, hot, sweet or spicy. At this stage, it will already be necessary to treat with the use of a drill, drilling a cavity and applying a seal. Caries in the early stages does not give pain, but the tooth changes externally: it darkens, spots are noticeable.

A tooth devoid of a nerve can also undergo carious changes. There will be no pain - but some of its parts will darken. It is likely the development of caries under the filling. The disease is manifested by a violation of the color of the enamel. Only a doctor will detect a carious cavity, and often diagnoses it after opening the tooth and removing the old filling.

Darkening of a pulpless tooth

Caries most often captures:

  • areas at the roots and necks of teeth;
  • junctions, if the teeth fit snugly together;
  • chewing surfaces of molars.

Caries is easier to treat when the tooth has just begun to darken and there is no nerve damage.

Serious illnesses

Sometimes no amount of hygiene helps to cope with the discoloration of the crowns. The reason is metabolic diseases, for example, problems with the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus. The risk group also includes patients with gastrointestinal problems.

In their presence, the composition of the microflora of the oral cavity is transformed. The result: a change in the shade of the teeth, violations of the structure. The gums become weak and loose. Periodontitis develops. The teeth become loose, the bone tissue becomes thinner, the enamel becomes brittle.

What to do in such a situation? Treat the underlying disease immediately. As soon as remission is achieved, the color of the enamel can be corrected, and then they will stop darkening sharply, as the prerequisites for this will disappear.

dark teeth

Taking medication

First of all, these are tetracycline antibiotics.

The intake of gonadotropic hormones (sometimes women need them), which cause swelling of the oral mucosa, plays a role. Gum disease may worsen or appear for the first time hereditary diseases. Discoloration, caries, thinning of enamel are possible consequences.

Heavy metals

Everyone has heard about harmful industries. It is no coincidence that employees are entitled to a preferential pension: the effect of heavy metals on the body is unfavorable, sometimes unpredictable. When inhaled, the vapors darken the enamel. However, this is the most harmless consequence.

Improper nutrition

Teeth darken in iron deficient people after starting medications that increase hemoglobin levels. But this does not always happen - perhaps this is an individual reaction, and another drug needs to be selected.

Teeth darken if there is little calcium in the diet, and also if a person consumes mostly soft foods. This phenomenon is due to the formation of plaque. If you include strong apples, raw carrots, crackers, nuts in the menu, the plaque will be removed and the teeth will stop changing color.

In addition, remove excess sugar from the diet - its excess creates favorable conditions for the accumulation of bacteria. The result is dark plaque and caries.

Poor quality fillings and nerve removal

Have you noticed that the pulpless tooth is getting darker? The reason is when the doctor removed the inflamed nerve and proceeded to the channels, but failed to clean them to the end. As a result, inflammation began, which led to the darkening of the tooth from the inside.

In this case, put aside whitening pastes: they will not help. Only endo-whitening will be effective: the tooth is opened, the filling material is removed, the medicine is placed and the patient waits for 4-5 days. If during this time the tooth brightens, the active gel is removed, the channels are closed again and a filling is placed. If there is no effect, the procedure is repeated.


Tooth trauma

Blackening occurs due to hemorrhage in the tissue. Methods of influence: expectant tactics or endobleaching. You may need to install veneers.

endemic fluorosis

Uncommon disease. It is observed in areas where there is a lot of fluorine in the water. Excess content leads to thinning of the enamel, its destruction. Dark spots, specks, depressions are visible on the teeth.

The disease is treated by applying a special gel that promotes tissue remineralization. Dentists recommend that such patients purchase a filter and drink only filtered water in order to eliminate the damaging effects of the microelement. Try also brushing your teeth with fluoride-free toothpaste.

Age and heredity

Certain changes occur with age. In all people, the enamel turns yellow, in some it darkens. By the way, this does not mean that it is getting weaker: on the contrary, older people are less prone to caries, since the structure of their tooth tissues is changing.

But if hereditary metabolic disorders have appeared, it is worth undergoing a diagnosis.

Genes may be responsible for darkening of teeth. There is a special term - determination. It means that the genes of each person contain information about some features of his appearance.

Remember biology: there are dominant traits and recessive ones. So, dark teeth are a dominant trait. Does the child have dark teeth? This means that a dominant trait, linked to the X chromosome, has come out. If one of the parents has dark teeth, then it is highly likely that the child will have the same. But the enamel color of mom and dad can be light, and the baby is dark. Why? The gene of a grandmother or grandfather (or even a more distant relative) just showed up. Such are the jokes of nature!


Darkening of the color of the enamel may be due to the reception psychotropic substances. The addict's body is destroyed, irreversible changes occur. Violations occur at all levels, so dark teeth are just the tip of the iceberg. The situation is much more serious.

Darkening of teeth in children

Is your baby-baby only teething, but they are already dark? Remember if you were sick during pregnancy. If you are breastfeeding and feeding him, night feedings can affect the color of the enamel of the growing milk teeth.


The relationship between the body of the mother and the child is so close that everything can affect:

  • angina;
  • SARS;
  • kidney disease;
  • painful toxicity.

In this case, the baby's teeth grow already affected by caries. You need to see a dentist. He will not drill anything - he will only apply paste.

Persistent dental plaque

The raid happens:

  • soft;
  • hard.

The first is peeled off if you use the toothbrush and floss correctly. The second is filmed in the doctor's office. Priestley's raid also happens in children - it is not dangerous.

Passion for sweets

Children love cakes, sweet juices, yoghurts, chocolates... If you let them eat it all to their heart's content, you will soon see the result: dark plaque on milk teeth. The next stage is the appearance of soreness and carious cavities. Take your baby to the doctor and strictly limit the consumption of sweets.

Antibiotics and iron preparations

Parents, bringing the child to an appointment, when asked by the doctor about what his diet and treatment regimen has been like recently, they recall: they gave iron preparations to raise hemoglobin. It turns out, as in adult patients, such drugs sometimes cause a change in the shade of the enamel.

The same applies to antibiotics. Not all antibacterial drugs affect the color of the teeth, but some are able to change the shade: in children, tooth tissues are more susceptible to drugs than in adults.

Treatment in the doctor's office

Dark plaque or pigmentation is removed by means of modern dentistry:

  • chemical bleaching;
  • laser whitening;
  • airflow.

All of them cope with the darkening of the teeth, if it is caused by external causes or diseases.

Consider a number of points:

  • whitening teeth with these methods is possible only in the complete absence of caries and gum disease (in the acute stage);
  • you can not whiten fragile teeth and with many fillings - this will cause thinning of the enamel, chipping of the fillings and the appearance of cracks.

Ultrasonic cleaning

If the pulpless tooth has darkened, you will need endo whitening.

Video about how professional cleaning is carried out:

Pigmentation removal at home

Try the following recipes.

Recipe 1

  1. Take ½ tsp. soda.
  2. Fill it with ½ tsp. hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Massage your teeth.
  4. Rinse your mouth thoroughly.

Use the method no more than 1 time in 1-2 weeks.

Soda for cleaning teeth

Recipe 2


  • ½ st. l. dry sage leaves;
  • ½ st. l. sea ​​salt;
  • foil.

Put the ingredients on foil, wrap and bake in the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 180 ° C. Cool the mixture, crush and massage your teeth. Apply 2 times a week.

Recipe 3

Crush an activated charcoal tablet and brush your teeth with this paste.

Teeth whitening with activated carbon

And then go over your teeth with a brush with hygienic paste. For 2-3 applications, the effect will be.

Darkening of teeth is not a disaster. Nowadays, this problem can be dealt with. If you have no time to make an appointment with the dentist, try homemade recipes. But still, it would be better if you seek the help of a professional: only he will establish the true cause of the change in the color of the enamel and competently eliminate it.

And for prevention, take good care of your teeth, treat gum disease, and include more solid foods in your diet.

And, as always, the video is about how to deal with a change in the shade of the enamel. Please take a look if you have a minute!

First you need to figure out exactly how the tooth turned black. This is very easy to determine. Carefully inspect your smile, if the teeth are uneven in color and the darkening comes only from above, like a film, then this is a colored plaque that you could not remove during cleaning.

If a tooth has darkened from the inside and differs in color from others, this is a signal of the development of secondary caries under the old filling or problems after previous canal treatment. Now let's look at each reason in more detail.

  1. Tea, coffee and cigarettes. The main enemies of a snow-white smile are strong dyes. Strong tea and coffee have the most powerful coloring effect. Also, the teeth quickly turn yellow and become covered with a dense black-brown coating when cigarettes are abused. If you smoke a lot, drink only strong coffee and tea, then you will have to make a lot of efforts to maintain a snow-white smile. Ideally, you need to quit smoking, limit the use of tea and coffee.
  2. Tooth trauma. Possible damage to the tooth internal bleeding or the death of the nerve, the tooth will be black inside, so you can change its color only after careful processing of the canals, and with a strong darkening, intracanal bleaching will help.
  3. Poor quality fillings and a removed nerve. If, after installing the seal, a dark rim appears around it, then it urgently needs to be changed, since the tightness of the connection is broken. The darkening of the tooth after the removal of the nerve is quite natural, it ceases to receive nutrition, acquires a grayish tint.

Black plaque on your teeth not only ruins your smile, but can also cause cavities if you don't fix the situation. Do you want your teeth to always be white and healthy? Visit the dentist regularly and you will never know about toothache, black plaque and other troubles.

Black teeth in children

Black teeth in adults are a completely understandable phenomenon, but the darkening of teeth in a baby confuses parents. A small child can also darken his teeth, even if you carefully monitor his hygiene, and your baby does not have chronic diseases. Dark spots and dots on milk teeth require attention, since if left untreated, permanent teeth may suffer later.

If you notice dark stripes on your teeth near the gums in your child, then this is the so-called Priestley plaque. Its appearance is associated with the development of the digestive system and disappears with age. However, a consultation with a pediatric dentist does not hurt.

Darkening of teeth in children can occur for the following reasons:

  1. microbial biofilm
  2. early caries
  3. dysbacteriosis
  4. lack of calcium
  5. genetic predisposition
  6. malnutrition (an abundance of sweets, soda)

The main cause of the appearance of black plaque and caries in childhood is malnutrition. Sweets are loved not only by people, but also by microbes.

Sweet food negatively affects the condition of the enamel, such products lead to the appearance of a dense microbial film. Of course, you can’t completely refuse sweets to a child, but you need to control him.

Black teeth in a child - a signal to visit the dentist. The baby must be taken for a preventive examination, since diseases of the teeth, gums and various pathologies at this age develop much faster than in adults.

Have you decided not to ignore the problem and make an appointment with the dentist? Then, at the first appointment, tell him absolutely everything about your health, lifestyle, bad habits, so that the dentist can as accurately as possible determine the cause of black plaque on your teeth.

When the teeth turn black after the removal of the nerve, due to caries or another disease, treatment and restoration of the tooth is required. Our dentists always try to save even a hopeless tooth. If the front teeth are blackened, then their beauty can be restored with the help of veneers, and chewing teeth are restored with the help of inlays or crowns (teeth changed in color are more often restored with crowns).

The method of treatment is selected strictly individually, depending on the cause and general condition oral cavity.

  1. If black stripes or spots appear on the teeth due to improper care, professional hygiene is prescribed. In our clinic, you can sign up for a "denticure", your teeth will be freed from plaque, and your smile will again be attractive.
  2. If your teeth are blackened due to food coloring, then a professional or home whitening, the use of special pastes and the exclusion of coloring products from your daily menu
  3. If the teeth are blackened due to caries, then sanitation with further restoration of the tooth and preventive procedures are necessary to strengthen your teeth. No dentist will remove black teeth without understanding the cause.

In order for your teeth to always be white, healthy and you never know what black plaque and toothache are, it is necessary to ensure proper and thorough oral care. Consult a dentist who will teach you how to properly brush your teeth, pick up a brush and paste, and also tell you what you need to pay special attention to.

What can be done with black teeth at home?

Proper hygiene will help change the shade of your teeth, as well as limiting the use of coffee, tea, cigarettes and other coloring products. Brush your teeth regularly additional funds oral hygiene (rinse, irrigator, dental floss), and your smile will change. But the result, of course, will be much weaker than with professional hygiene and whitening.

The Internet is replete with articles on the topic of changing the shade of teeth. folk remedies. We recommend that you do not self-medicate and contact your dentist immediately after you notice black spots on your teeth.