Pain in the fingers of the left hand. Pain in fingers

We try not to notice the ailments, if the pain from them can be tolerated. We ignore symptoms that at first glance seem harmless, and we may miss the onset of a dangerous disease. Pain in the smallest finger - the little finger - may seem like an innocent ailment, but meanwhile she may indicate a serious disorder in the body. Be more attentive to your health and find out why the little finger on your hand hurts and what to do about it.

The role of fingers in human life is difficult to overestimate: with their help we work, eat, take care of ourselves, perform a million other equally important functions and do not even notice how these little hard workers work every day.

It is not surprising that over time, you can feel pain in your fingers, both in all at once, and in each individually.

At risk for finger disease in the first place are those whose work is related to fine motor skills: seamstresses, jewelers, home craftsmen who make jewelry and other handmade products, those who have to type a lot on a computer, but this does not mean that others cannot feel a sudden and, at first glance, causeless pain in their fingers.

Ask your question to a neurologist for free

Irina Martynova. Graduated from the Voronezh State Medical University. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical intern and neurologist of BUZ VO \"Moscow Polyclinic\".

Maximum load falls on the joints of the fingers, and the little finger suffers most of all. Pain that has arisen both in the left and in the right hand may indicate a simple overwork or become a signal of the onset of a serious pathology.

Consider the main reasons why the little finger on the hand can hurt.

tunnel syndrome

This ailment is classified as a disease nervous system and refers to compression-ischemic pathology. In the elbow joint, inflammation occurs due to a bruise of the shoulder, elbow or hand. Prevalence specifics this disease due to the fact that the ulnar nerve stretches from the shoulder and ends with the fingers, so it is not particularly difficult to injure it and such an injury occurs everywhere.


The cause of injury to the ulnar nerve can be normal actions associated with flexion and extension of the arms, playing sports or performing monotonous mechanical actions for a long time.

In addition, an elbow resting on the armrest for several days can lead to inflammation of the nerve, for example, while traveling, working at a computer with the elbow hanging off the table, bruises and fractures.

Expert opinion

Filimoshin Oleg Alexandrovich

Doctor - neurologist, City Polyclinic Orenburg. Education: Orenburg State Medical Academy, Orenburg.

The cause of inflammation can be neoplasms: spurs, cysts, osteophytes inside the elbow joint, which compress the nerve endings and muscle fibers.

Symptoms of cubital tunnel syndrome

The very first symptom is numbness of the inside of the forearm, wrist and two fingers on the hand - the ring and little fingers. Fingers partially lose sensitivity, it becomes difficult to control them, movements seem uncertain, the grip of any object is not strong.

If you do not start treatment immediately and do not suppress the pain, a pulling pain throughout the arm will be added to the numbness, it is most severe in the elbow and intensifies when the arm is bent, for example, during a telephone conversation, when a person is forced to bring the receiver to his ear.

The pain becomes stronger if the arm was at rest for a long time, after sleep, if the elbow was bent at this time.

Diagnosis and treatment of ulnar tunnel syndrome

If ulnar tunnel syndrome is suspected, the therapist will refer the patient to a neurologist. He, in turn, will ask the patient about the reasons that, in his opinion, led to painful sensations, find out if there were injuries or actions in the past that could cause carpal tunnel syndrome.

After that, the doctor will visually examine the sore arm, feel it, find the most painful areas and determine the movements that cause the most pain, conduct a series of tests for the mobility of the radial nerve. Already these actions will be enough for him to make a diagnosis.

Expert opinion

Astafiev Igor Valentinovich

Neurologist - City Pokrovskaya Hospital. Education: Volgograd State Medical University, Volgograd. Kabardino-Balkarian State University them. HM. Berbekova, Nalchik.

If the specialist suspects the presence of neoplasms, he will give a referral for ultrasound, MRI, X-ray, EMG or ENMG.

The first thing the patient should do to start treatment is to temporarily abandon the actions that led to the onset of pain. If the symptoms are caused by working at a computer, you should change the position of the body and hands: prevent the elbow from hanging off the table, place a small pillow under the arm, or wear a special bracelet that protects the wrist from sagging.

In addition, the doctor will prescribe the intake of B vitamins, prescribe the use of an ointment with an anti-inflammatory effect. You will need to use it for 2-3 weeks, even if the symptoms go away much earlier.

The patient will be shown the execution exercise, which will help get rid of the disease and in the future will have to be performed as a prevention of relapse.

radial tunnel syndrome

radial tunnel syndrome occurs due to increased mechanical stress on the radial nerve, which runs through the entire arm.

Causes and symptoms

The development of radial syndrome may be associated with injuries and bruises that led to damage to the shoulder or carpal region, benign and malignant tumors of bone and cartilage tissue, inflammation of muscle tissue.

Symptoms differ from cubital tunnel syndrome. They are felt as a strong burning sensation and intense pain in the shoulder and in the hand, which gives into the fingers when you try to move them.

This syndrome is not characterized by numbness of the fingers, the pain is much stronger and is not accompanied by tingling.

Treatment of radial tunnel syndrome

Treatment is in many ways similar to that of cubital tunnel syndrome. The doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs: ointments and injections to relieve not only external symptoms, but also cure inflamed areas, the presence of which led to disturbing symptoms. Methods of physiotherapeutic influence, medical gymnastics are applied.

With the help of the operation, problems associated with neoplasms are solved. Surgery is also resorted to in cases where conservative treatment has shown to be ineffective.


Pain in the little finger and wrist is typical along with a severe headache.

If the pain is concentrated precisely in the area of ​​​​the little finger, it has a tingling and pulling character and an average intensity, then we can talk about the defeat of the lower part of the cervical and upper part of the thoracic vertebrae.


Pain in the little finger with cervical osteochondrosis increase gradually, within a few months. At the initial stage, the signs of the disease are usually ignored - this is a pulling pain in the shoulder, stiffness of the fingers, and periodically swollen wrist.

Osteochondrosis affects the right or left hand usually one. Gradually, the pain spreads further from the shoulder, covering the neck, elbow, hand and fingers.

The pain from insignificant develops into stabbing and very sharp, which is no longer tolerable.

Diagnosis and treatment

The danger of osteochondrosis is that outwardly it disguises itself as a number of diseases, the diagnosis is complicated by the similarity of symptoms with other diseases. The patient may begin to receive treatment for something that does not really bother him, and in the meantime, the defeat of the cervical spine can go into a chronic stage.

It is worth thinking about osteochondrosis if, along with pain in the hand and fingers, the following symptoms are observed:

  • , "flies" before the eyes, ;
  • weakness in the limbs, the inability to sometimes perform simple actions because of this;
  • pain in the heart, palpitations;
  • decrease in the speed of reactions, acuity, hearing.

If you suspect osteochondrosis, you should visit a therapist to start.

An experienced doctor by palpation will determine the approximate localization of the damage and the nature of the pain and give a referral to an osteopath and a neurologist.

It has been noticed that people who have pain in the little finger on their right hand turn to specialists faster, since insufficient mobility and pain in the working limb interferes with their normal life. Those who start to get sick in their left hand often go not to a therapist, but to a cardiologist, as they confuse problems with the spine with heart disease and begin to be examined in the wrong place.

With a confirmed diagnosis, complex therapy is prescribed. First of all, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs aimed at alleviating the pain syndrome and treating the focus of inflammation.


A bruise is a lesion of soft tissues, while the bone remains intact. The stronger the bruise, the faster its symptoms appear and the easier it is not to confuse it with another disease.

Symptoms of a bruised little finger

  • the site of injury is swollen;
  • redness or blueness at the site of impact;
  • pain when trying to move a finger;
  • with severe bruises, a hematoma may appear, its color varies from red to black.

First aid and injury treatment

First of all, it is necessary to ensure the immobility of the hand where the injury occurred. You need to apply cold to the affected finger - any item from the freezer will do. On the skin at the site of impact, you need to draw an iodine grid to remove swelling.

To reduce the discomfort associated with a bruise, you can put a bandage on the injured finger, but not too tight so as not to cut off blood circulation.

If the pain is very severe, you can take a general pain reliever such as ibuprofen.

If unbearable pain does not go away with time and does not subside within a few days, you should consult a doctor to rule out the possibility of a fracture.

Other reasons

Pain in the fingers, in particular, in the little fingers, can bother both hands, but most often the disease affects one of them. Other reasons why pain may occur include:

  1. Lack of vitamins and wrong way of life. Hypovitaminosis leads to a deterioration in the state of the whole organism as a whole, it can also manifest itself as pain in the little fingers.
  2. Deterioration of the nervous system due to the negative impact of bad habits: smoking, alcohol, eating large amounts of junk food.
  3. Poor circulation due to wearing tight clothing or accessories, such as a tight watch strap.
  4. Being outdoors in winter without gloves or mittens for a long time, contact with cold water or snow.

Symptom cannot be ignored if it occurs more than once and you notice its progression over time.

When do you need immediate medical attention?

Costs seek medical attention immediately if the pain in the little fingers arose suddenly, it is sharp and unbearable, radiates to other parts of the body, and prevents you from moving your hand.

In the case when the pain is of medium intensity and does not bother you often, but only periodically, you should have a supply of anti-inflammatory drugs with an anesthetic effect on hand: these are creams and gels, for example, Dolgit, Nise, Fastum gel, ointment based on bee venom.

It should be remembered that the sore hand should not be heated, a heating pad or a hot compress should be applied, but it should be cooled, for example, with an ice bag.

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And yet we strongly do not recommend that you self-medicate. By stopping the symptoms and ignoring the root cause of the disease, you risk getting big health problems, and in the future, no doctor will give you a guarantee of a full recovery. If the pain symptom appears frequently, go to the doctor and start a complete comprehensive examination of the body, in which case you will definitely find out the cause of the pain in the little fingers.

Quick Diagnosis

  • Tunnel Syndrome:numbness of the little finger and adjacent area, loss of sensation, pulling pain in the whole arm.
  • Radial tunnel syndrome:severe burning and pain in the shoulder and hand.
  • Osteochondrosis:growing pain, first in the tip of the little finger, then in the whole little finger, then in the arm.
  • Injury:swelling, pain of moderate intensity, hematoma, redness, swelling.

The brushes are considered the most moving part human body. Thanks to the large change in the range of motion, it becomes possible to perform the finest work using the smallest details. That is why it is important to keep the brushes always healthy. Today, many people, including the younger generation, complain of joint pain in the fingers. In some cases, it becomes so strong that a person literally loses the ability to perform habitual movements.

general information

The human hand can be divided into three independent sections: the wrist, metacarpus and fingers. The wrist is made up of eight tiny, irregularly shaped bones. All of them are located in two rows. The metacarpus is represented by five tubular bones, each of which has a base, body and head. The bases connect to the wrist, and the heads form joints with the phalanges of the fingers. The latter, in turn, consist of three phalanges. The exception in this case is the thumb. It has only two phalanges.

Human hands are considered extremely thin and at the same time precise instrument. Fingers are exactly the means that allows for coordinated movements. Without them, a normal life is not possible. All these movements are due to the mobility of the joints. However, due to the high daily activity, this area is at high risk of completely different ailments, mechanical damage and injuries. Joint pain in the fingers, as a rule, accompanies this kind pathological changes. Treatment in this case depends solely on the factor that provoked the onset of discomfort.

Main reasons

According to experts, pain in the joints of the fingers can be caused by a variety of reasons. Below are the most common violations:

  • Arthritis.
  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Bursitis.
  • Mechanical damage and injury.
  • Osteomyelitis.


Arthritis refers to acute or chronic inflammation of a joint. Isolated lesions of the fingers are very rare. As a rule, in such patients, the pathological process also affects other joints. Arthritic pain in the affected area is characterized by severe intensity. They occur not only when the fingers move, but also at rest. In addition, in the areas affected by arthritis, there is the appearance of severe edema, a change in the usual shade of the skin.


This disease is formed due to the sequential destruction of cartilage tissue in the area of ​​the articular surface. In the case of this pathology, painful discomfort initially occurs only after prolonged physical exertion. Then, with the progression of the disease, the intensity of pain increases, it can appear even at night.

This is a fairly common problem. Even minor damage can become the impetus for its development. In the process of developing the disease, the fingers can change their usual shape, while bending to the side.

Rhizarthrosis. With the development of this disease, the joint located at the base of the thumb, which also connects the wrist to the metacarpal, is affected. This ailment occurs due to overload of this area. Pain in the joint of the thumb, visual deformation of the bones are the most common symptoms of this pathology.


Inflammation of the so-called articular bags of the fingers, accompanied by the accumulation of fluid in their cavity, is called bursitis. This pathology is characterized by painful sensations in the affected area, the appearance of edema, redness. The main symptom of bursitis is the formation of a rounded swelling in the joint area, which is characterized by a soft texture. It is easily determined visually.

With a long course, bursitis often passes into the chronic stage. In this kind of situation, the deposition of salts in the affected area joins the inflammatory process. All this, as a rule, provokes pain in the joints in the fingers.

If the cause of the problem was a hand injury, then pathological microflora often joins the inflammatory process. In this case, we are talking about the development of purulent bursitis. It is accompanied by fever, headache and weakness throughout the body.

Trauma and mechanical damage

The displacement of the bones in the joints is called a dislocation. Most often, athletes have to deal with this problem. It is accompanied by the following symptoms: severe swelling of the affected area, joint deformity and severe pain.

The most common injury is a dislocation of the thumb on the hand. Such a separate location exposes him every time to a blow for any wrong move. The thumb is characterized by a powerful ligamentous apparatus, however, and it is distinguished by a certain load threshold, after exceeding which stretching occurs. All this entails displacement of the articular surfaces.

The most common cause of thumb dislocation is an unfortunate fall onto an open hand. It is very easy to determine the presence of this problem, since the externally affected area looks deformed. Severe thumb joint pain can interfere with normal activities, work, and sports. The skin in this part, as a rule, acquires a reddish tint.


A purulent process affecting the joints and nearby soft tissues is called osteomyelitis. This pathology develops due to the penetration into the body of bacteria that constantly produce pus.

Acute osteomyelitis, as a rule, begins with an increase in temperature to 40 degrees. The patient's condition deteriorates very quickly, which is caused by serious intoxication of the body. In addition, the patient may experience the following symptoms: joint pain in the fingers, chills, loss of consciousness, vomiting.

During the first two days, the pain syndrome gradually increases in the hands. Active finger movements are usually not possible. Pathology is rapidly progressing, which is expressed in the occurrence of edematous phenomena in the muscles of the hand and even the forearm. The skin in the affected area becomes purple.


Timely seeking advice from a specialist, diagnosis, as well as competent treatment- all these factors make it possible to determine the disease and prevent its further progression, the development of serious complications. Ignoring pain in the joints of the fingers is not worth it, since even a minor pathology can lead to a complete loss of movement and make the patient disabled. The following diagnostic steps may be required to identify the problem:

What should be the fingers?

Regardless of the true cause of the pathology, therapy should be complex and solve three problems simultaneously: treatment of the main disease, restoration of the primary function of the hand and relief of pain.

Of course, the fight against this or that ailment depends on its nature. In each case, the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment. However, the relief of discomfort in the hand and its functional development are subject to general rules.

To relieve discomfort, modern medicine offers a variety of medications. Most often, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ketanov, Nimesulide, Ortofen) are prescribed.

To eliminate pain due to autoimmune diseases (for example, rheumatoid arthritis), glucocorticosteroid hormones are used. They have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect and relatively quickly bring the desired relief.

Slightly increase the effect medicines can special ointments containing anesthetic components ("Fastum-gel", "Indomethacin").


In conclusion, it should be noted that the pain of the joints of the fingers should not be ignored. The treatment offered modern medicine, most often proves effective in combating this problem. The main thing is to seek help from a doctor in a timely manner and undergo the necessary diagnostic examination. Be healthy!

If pain is felt in the thumb, then this may be a sign of dangerous diseases. Sometimes a person even has to go to the hospital, since it is simply impossible to cure some ailments at home.

Causes of pain

Pain in the thumb can occur for a variety of reasons. Doctors divide pain into 2 categories, namely inflammatory and mechanical. Pain of an inflammatory nature is characterized by prolonged stiffness of the hands, which can persist for a long time. In addition, additional symptoms may be observed, namely:

  • puffiness;
  • redness in the joints;
  • flexibility disorder.

Mechanical pain may be accompanied by signs of local inflammation, but they are less pronounced. Often, patients simply do not notice them. There are various diseases that can cause pain in the joints of the thumbs. The reasons for this may be hidden in diseases such as:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • psoriatic arthritis;
  • gouty arthritis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • Raynaud's syndrome.

In addition, gout can also provoke the onset of soreness, the cause of which is a violation of the metabolism of uric acid. With insufficient excretion of this substance from the body, it accumulates in cartilage and joints, impairing their functioning.

Causes of pain when moving fingers

Very often there is pain in the thumbs, the reasons for this can be very different. Such a violation occurs with such problems as:

  • pinched nerves;
  • arthrosis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • tunnel syndrome.

Basically, pain occurs during flexion and extension of the fingers. If pain is often observed, and other symptoms also appear, then you need to consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

The course of osteoarthritis

If pain is felt in the thumb, and small seals appear, then this may be a sign of osteoarthritis. Seals form right next to the nail. Experts call this disease knotty fingers.

In the place where the nodule is formed, there are strong painful sensations, reminiscent of burning nettles. The skin around the seal becomes reddish. The disease is mainly observed in people over 40 years of age.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is considered a fairly common disease in which pain in the thumb becomes simply unbearable. If soreness is very often observed for a long time, then it is necessary to consult a doctor for additional diagnostics.

The causes of this condition can be viral or bacterial infections, colds, flu, hypothermia, overheating, stressful conditions. The risk group is mainly women, regardless of age. During the course of this disease, the fingers on the hands are very swollen, redden and numb.

Psoriatic arthritis

Pain in the joint of the thumb can occur with psoriatic arthritis. Before the joints of the fingers are affected, there is severe swelling, as well as psoriatic lesions of the skin.

During the course of this disease, the skin becomes covered with whitish scales, and a little later pain in the phalanges of the fingers, in particular, the thumb, joins. Pain in the joints can be very strong, so painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are required.

Gouty arthritis

With gouty arthritis, pain in the joint of the thumb is very disturbing, manifesting itself mainly at the base. Soreness and swelling can be in the toe. The pain is so severe that a person cannot even move normally and it is cutting in nature. Those affected turn red and are very sore. A person's temperature rises sharply, weakness, headache and severe fatigue appear.

Men are mostly at risk, as gout affects them more than women. This disease is characterized by sharp and severe pain, therefore, it is important to consult a doctor immediately after the onset of discomfort.

Raynaud's syndrome

Raynaud's syndrome is the most common cause of pain in the right thumb. When this disease occurs, numbness of one or more fingers is observed. If you raise your hand up, then the pain and numbness will increase even more.

A similar disease occurs mainly when carrying a child, taking hormonal and contraceptive drugs, frequent and prolonged stress, which, among other things, can also provoke arthritis.

Risk factors

There are certain factors that provoke the occurrence of pain in the thumb, which include:

  • hormonal changes;
  • hereditary factors;
  • impaired immunity;
  • infections;
  • deterioration of metabolism;
  • the impact of external factors;
  • injury.

It is possible to determine the presence of a certain disease only if the correct therapy is prescribed by a rheumatologist or traumatologist.

Main symptoms

Pain in the right thumb may be due to a leak various diseases, which are accompanied by additional symptoms, in particular:

  • the formation of nodes at the site of the joints;
  • pain on pressure;
  • sharp pain;
  • change in the skin;
  • temperature rise;
  • deterioration of motor skills;
  • the formation of inflammation and tumors.

Initially, you need to establish the causes that provoked discomfort and only after that, prescribe therapy.

Carrying out diagnostics

Before carrying out the treatment, it is necessary to determine exactly why the pain in the thumb of the left hand arose. Therefore, people experiencing pain in the joints and discomfort when bending the limbs require such types of diagnostics as:

  • blood biochemistry;
  • tomography;
  • radiography;
  • general analysis of urine and blood.

The occurrence of a certain discomfort when bending the fingers can be a sign of dangerous diseases. Ignoring the problem can have serious consequences. Often there is a loss of movement. As a result of this, such a problem can lead to the fact that a person cannot bend his finger, as well as provoke disability.

Features of treatment

Many diseases provoke pain in the thumb. Treatment is selected purely individually, depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease. Used in rheumatoid arthritis hormonal preparations, in the presence of gout - medicines, designed to remove urea, and with lesions of the spine, it is important to eliminate compression of the nerve endings.

If symptoms of joint diseases are observed, then you should immediately seek help from a doctor. Arthritis can get worse, and soreness will only increase significantly, and well-being will worsen. Psoriasis, gout and many other pathological processes do not go away on their own and often have very serious consequences. Therefore, self-medication is not recommended. Only a qualified doctor will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate therapy.

Medical treatment

If during the course of inflammatory processes there is pain in the joint of the thumb, treatment involves taking painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

With significant pain, hormonal corticosteroids are used, which can be injected directly into the joint cavity. In osteoarthritis, chondroprotectors are prescribed, which provide nutrition to the cartilage tissue and help prevent the process of its destruction.

The use of folk remedies

Some treatments can also be used traditional medicine, which will complement the therapy and eliminate pain in the joints of the fingers. Well helps to cope with discomfort ointment prepared on the basis of bay leaf, juniper needles and butter. Every day you need to massage the affected fingers with the resulting remedy until the pain disappears completely.

Compresses made from fermented milk products and chalk help well. Compresses are applied at night. Boiled oatmeal is considered a similar remedy. Inside, you can consume birch sap, as it contains many vitamins, as well as other useful substances that have a good effect on the joints and the entire body.

Additionally, other treatment methods can be used, in particular, such as mud therapy, physiotherapy, paraffin therapy, massage, ultrasound.


Pain in the joints of the fingers may indicate a violation of performance or certain disorders in the body. First of all, you need to abandon physical activity, as this can only aggravate the course of the inflammatory process. Physiotherapy techniques are quite effective in the fight against diseases of the joints.

These techniques include resonance therapy, electrophoresis with novocaine and electrosleep. During the period of remission, it is necessary to carry out a therapeutic effect through massage, manual therapy sessions, smearing with mud and therapeutic exercises. In addition, it is recommended to visit the sources in sanitary-resort conditions. Treatment in a sanatorium is prescribed only after a thorough examination of the patient.


It is important to follow a special diet during therapy, which helps to cope with joint pain. It is recommended to consume fish and seafood, as the substances contained in them contribute to the normalization of mineral metabolism. Apple cider vinegar causes the excretion of salt and alkalization of the blood.

Nature has carefully presented man with a perfect tool that is capable of performing the most delicate, jewelry work - the hand. As a rule, pain in the fingers occurs in old age, delivering many unpleasant minutes. Unfortunately, increasingly younger representatives modern society consumption and sedentary lifestyle, complain of painful symptoms. Why it happens?


Experts identify many factors that cause pain in the bones of the hands:

  • congenital and acquired injuries;
  • arthrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • infections;
  • blood diseases, polycythemia;
  • gout;
  • hormonal changes;
  • bursitis;
  • damage to the cervical spine;
  • vibration disease.

Each of the factors has its own symptoms. Diseases of the bones of the hands are often associated with diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Pain in arthritis

Chronic or acute illness joints, accompanied by inflammation, pain, in some cases, redness and swelling of the skin.

Most often, arthritis accompanies the joints of the whole body, has a symmetrical course.

With arthritis, the joint changes its shape, deforms, loses mobility, crunches under load. In the medical world, there are several types of arthritis. Among them are psoriatic, rheumatoid, gouty arthritis. The cause is many systemic diseases of the body:

  • lupus erythematosus;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • metabolic disease;
  • rheumatism;
  • psoriasis.


This disease is a degenerative - dystrophic process, which results in the destruction of cartilage and articular tissue. The pain first occurs only after physical exertion and subsides at rest. With the progressive course of the disease, the pain is constantly disturbing, even during a night's rest.


  • morning stiffness in the joints;
  • crunch in the joint at the slightest movement;
  • restriction of mobility;
  • seals along the edges of the joint space are painful.

Since the joints of the hand and fingers are graceful and thin, arthrosis affects them quickly enough. As a result of the disease, the shape of the joint changes, the fingers are bent, deformed, and lose the ability to function in the previous mode.

Very often arthrosis of the hands and fingers is a consequence of diseases of the spine. For example, osteochondrosis or hernia in the cervical and thoracic do not allow blood to circulate normally. In this case, a number of pathologies that affect the entire body develop. Hands and fingers are no exception. Painful sensations in this case can develop in one hand. The pain and numbness often affects the little finger and ring finger, but can spread to all fingers and the hand.

Diseases of the vessels of the hands

With physical exertion, this ailment is reflected in the joints, which react with pain, cramps, increased fatigue, and stiffness in movements. The person may experience a sensation of tingling and numbness in the fingers. At this time, the skin turns pale, the fingers become cold. All symptoms of impaired circulation make themselves felt. The disease progresses rapidly. The nail plate thickens, the pain becomes chronic or occurs at the slightest load, affecting all the small bones of the hand and wrist. The arteries narrow more and more, the fingertips are always cold. It is characteristically difficult to feel the pulse on radial arteries located in the wrist area.

Raynaud's syndrome

It can act as an independent disease, and a concomitant disease. This disease is characterized by acute attacks, accompanied by burning pain, numbness of the fingertips, pallor of the skin. The factors that provoke an attack include neurosis, hypothermia, stress, trauma. Violation of the blood flow with frequently repeated attacks leads to tissue necrosis, which, of course, is the main danger. It is necessary to contact a specialist in time. Which during the tests will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

This syndrome can cause pain in the hands and fingers. As a rule, the ring finger and little finger suffer. The pain gets worse when pressed. The reason is a violation of blood circulation and compression of the ulnar or radiocarpal nerve as a result of injury. With the development of the disease, there is a decrease in joint mobility, a change in their shape. Muscles atrophy, the hand takes on a clawed appearance.


Since the number of factors due to which a person may experience pain in the area of ​​​​the hand, wrists, fingers is quite high, the cause must be sought in each specific case. Sometimes the process of identifying the disease takes a long time. In order not to miss it, it is necessary to consult a doctor at the first alarming symptoms. Only he can choose an individual treatment aimed at eliminating the underlying disease. For example, the inflammatory process that caused pain in the joints is eliminated with the help of antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, hormones.

With dystrophic lesions of the joints and cartilage tissue, chondoprotectors and auxiliary measures are prescribed in the form of massage, physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises, acupuncture. Numerous gels, ointments, injections, tablets help to relieve pain syndrome. Traditional medicine as an auxiliary treatment has proven itself positively. In this case, the treatment is systemic. Prevention is needed twice a year. When the inflammation is removed, the pain is leveled.

So, why does pain appear in the joints of the fingers, and how to treat this problem? Rheumatologists divide all joint pains into 2 large categories: mechanical and inflammatory.

  1. Inflammatory pains are characterized by manifestations of prolonged stiffness in the morning, which can persist for an hour or more. Pain decreases with movement. In addition, with inflammatory pain, patients also note other symptoms: redness in the joints, swelling, a decrease in the range of movements performed, impaired flexibility.
  2. Mechanical pain may be accompanied by signs of local inflammation. But the latter, as a rule, are insignificant and poorly expressed. Often patients do not even notice them.

Let us consider in more detail why the joints of the fingers hurt, and what diseases can provoke this symptom.

    onic autoimmune inflammatory systemic disease that mainly affects the small joints of the body, but it is possible that large joints are involved in the pathological process and internal organs. Pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis accounts for 5-7% of all cases. The metacarpophalangeal joints of the index and middle fingers become inflamed. The joints swell, redden, the skin over them becomes hot to the touch. The joints hurt a lot, a person cannot even clench his hand into a fist. The lesion is often symmetrical on both hands. A characteristic feature is that the inflamed joints hurt in the morning or in the second half of the night, this is accompanied by stiffness of movements in the hands. By evening, the pain is gone.
  1. Psoriatic arthritis. It appears on the surface of the outer cover - the skin. Pain in the joints of the fingers occurs in the area of ​​the distal phalanx. It is manifested by swelling to the extent of acquiring fingers in the form of sausages, which have a red color with a slight cyanosis. Symptoms of psoriasis are characterized by difficulty in extending the hands and thumbs.
  2. infectious arthritis. Systemic symptoms during the development of this disease may be completely absent. The development of the disease is characterized by the appearance of acute pain, which can last from several hours to several days. The affected joint is hot to the touch. In some cases, you may experience fever, as well as chills.
  3. Gout is a fairly common disease that mainly affects people over 50 years of age. The cause of gout is a violation of the metabolism of uric acid - the latter is poorly excreted from the body and is deposited in the joints and cartilage, interfering with their normal function. A characteristic symptom of gout is intense burning pain.

  4. Osteoarthritis is a non-inflammatory deformity of the joints, characterized by their thickening and limited mobility. This disease is closely related to the estrogen background, therefore it is typical for older women. Among the causes of osteoarthritis, the following are distinguished: hereditary predisposition, metabolic disorders in the body, professional stress, and others. The main symptom of the disease, in addition to pain in the joints of the hand, is the formation of subcutaneous nodules and edema. They contribute to the appearance of a characteristic deformity of the fingers: thickening in the middle and general form spindle.
  5. Stenosing ligamentitis. Pathology is similar to two ailments at once - arthritis and arthrosis. Only an X-ray can determine the true cause. The clinic of the disease is quite typical. It hurts to bend and unbend the wrists. Sometimes the clenched palm can jam. When unbending, clicks are clearly audible.
  6. If you are worried about pain in the joint of the thumb, the most probable cause may be rhizome. Its appearance is associated with a significant overload of the joint, infection, intoxication and trauma. Already on examination, the diagnosis is beyond doubt: a specific point of pain, increased pain during a characteristic load - turning a key, opening lids, rotating door handles. At the initial stage of the disease, the thumb on the hand hurts only after exertion, as the disease develops, the pain occurs at rest. Gradually, the joint is deformed, active actions become impossible.

  7. Rheumatism is known for very unpleasant sudden sharp pains. He brought this sharpness of his manifestations to the joints of the fingers, also accompanying the whole process with redness, swelling and impaired freedom of movement. Add to this the possible rash and fever, and a complete picture of the disease will be drawn, the treatment of which is already possible only with the help of a doctor.
  8. Pain in the joint of the index finger can lead to the so-called tunnel syndrome, which is most often diagnosed in young people. It appears when you work at the computer for a long time. Almost all professionals whose activities are related to such an occupation, sooner or later may experience similar symptoms.

Risk factors

Factors affecting the development of various diseases of the joints of the fingers:

  • hormonal changes;
  • pathology of the immune system;
  • various hereditary factors;
  • infections (often chronic);
  • metabolic disease;
  • exposure to various harmful factors, such as: frequent exposure of hands to cold water (for a long time), etc.;
  • microtraumas that occur as a result of trauma to the hands (most often in athletes or on a slave that requires special physical exertion).

Determine if the patient has a specific disease that causes pain in the joints of the fingers, and prescribe proper treatment only a traumatologist or a rheumatologist can.

Pain with flexion and extension of fingers

Pain during flexion may indicate the presence of the following diseases:

  • pinching of the vertebral nerves;
  • stenosing ligamentitis;
  • arthrosis of the joints;
  • tunnel syndrome;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • tendovaginitis.


Signs of serious diseases of the joints of the fingers are the following symptoms:

  1. The appearance of nodular formations in the joints;
  2. creaking of fingers;
  3. Pain on pressure;
  4. Sharp piercing pains;
  5. change in skin color (redness);
  6. Difficulty in fine motor skills;
  7. Increase in body temperature;
  8. Joint transformation;
  9. Seals at the bend of the finger;
  10. Difficulty squeezing the finger;
  11. The development of inflammation and tumor formations around the joints;
  12. Wavy pains (discomfort increases at night and almost disappears during the day).

Knowing the causes of joint pain will help find a way to cure and take preventive measures.


Before figuring out how to treat pain in the joints of the fingers, it is necessary to correctly diagnose. Therefore, people who experience joint pain and severe discomfort when bending upper limbs the following diagnosis is recommended:

  • blood biochemistry;
  • radiography;
  • CT scan
  • blood test (general), urine;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging
  • checking blood for the presence of rheumatoid factor, purines, antistreptococcal antibodies in it.

The occurrence of discomfort when bending the fingers should not be ignored. Ignoring the problem can have serious consequences. Often there is a loss of active movements. And subsequently, such a seemingly insignificant problem as the inability to bend a finger can lead to disability.

What to do if there is pain in the joints of the fingers?

It is worth contacting a specialist surgeon if:

  • Severe joint pain does not go away even after the use of painkillers;
  • Joint pain is accompanied by an increase in general body temperature or other pathological symptoms (conjunctivitis, skin rash, etc.);
  • Pain in the joints appeared after an injury and is accompanied by severe swelling, as well as deformities of the contours of the joint;
  • Pain in the joints of the fingers does not disappear for a week.


If pain occurs in the joints of the fingers, treatment should first of all be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease. If pain in the joints of the fingers occurs due to an inflammatory process, antibiotics, hormones and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

With a dystrophic lesion, first it is necessary to restore the damaged articular cartilage with the help of chondroprotectors and auxiliary measures: massage, manual therapy, physiotherapy.

Medical treatment

In inflammatory processes, the patient is prescribed a course of painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (indomethacin, ibuprofen, piroxicam, voltaren and many others).

For severe pain, hormonal corticosteroid drugs are used, which can be injected into the joint cavity. With osteoarthritis, chondroprotectors are prescribed for long courses, which nourish the cartilage and help stop its destruction.

Pain in the joints of the fingers indicates a malfunction or some kind of failure. First of all, you need to step back from doing any physical activity.

Physiotherapeutic methods are important and effective in the fight against pathogens of diseases of the joints of the fingers. These methods include: electrophoresis with novocaine (exposure to current), resonance therapy and electrosleep.

During remission, a therapeutic effect on the fingers is carried out by conducting a massage session, smearing with mud, manual therapy and therapeutic exercises. It is also recommended to visit hydrogen sulfide, radon, mud springs in sanatorium conditions. Treatment in the sanatorium is carried out without exacerbation of arthrosis and is prescribed only after a thorough examination by a specialist.


Foods that help with joint pain:

  1. Fish and other seafood. The calcium, iron and phosphorus contained in them contribute to the normalization of mineral metabolism;
  2. linseed oil or fish fat. The omega-3 fatty acids included in these products improve the condition of blood vessels and help restore fat metabolism;
  3. Apple cider vinegar promotes the process of alkalization of the blood and the removal of salts.

In addition, add to your diet:

  • salad;
  • radish;
  • egg yolks;
  • currant;
  • nuts;
  • fruits and juice of pomegranate;
  • figs;
  • cauliflower;
  • olive oil;
  • ginger;
  • low-fat natural cheeses.

It should be limited or excluded completely: high-fat dairy products, sweets, pastries, spicy or salty dishes, mayonnaise, smoked meats, strong tea and coffee, as well as products that contain oxalic acid (spinach, sorrel, rhubarb).

Folk remedies

At home, you can try some folk remedies, which can complement the main treatment, and relieve pain in the joints of the fingers.

  1. Bay leaves and juniper needles are crushed, and then added to the butter. Hands should be massaged daily with the resulting ointment.
  2. A compress of crushed chalk and a fermented milk product (kefir, fermented baked milk) should be applied at night. Boiled oatmeal can be used in the same way.
  3. Inside you can take birch sap. It is a source of many vitamins, useful substances, which positively affects not only the joints, but the whole body as a whole.
  4. A tablespoon of olive oil mixed with a few drops of fresh garlic juice should be drunk in the morning before the first meal. Thus, inflammation can be removed during exacerbation of pain in the joints of the hands.

Do not forget about other non-drug methods of treatment: physiotherapy, mud therapy, massage, paraffin therapy and ultrasound.


They help to keep the musculoskeletal system in good condition, are quite simple and do not require much time. A few minutes a day can give you a disease-free old age.

Remember: the answer to the question of why the joints of the fingers or toes hurt and what to do about it should worry you in the first place. Trust the doctor, but keep the situation under control yourself. How to treat joints, in what way - only you decide.

Causes of pain in the joints of the fingers

There can be quite a few reasons why the joints of the fingers hurt. Etiology pain symptoms in the hands includes the main causes:

  • inflammation;
  • trauma and mechanical causes;
  • non-inflammatory pathologies.

Inflammatory processes

Arthritis of the joints of the fingers

Arthritis is an acute or chronic disease of the joint and surrounding areas. Typical symptoms are intense pain in the joints of the fingers during movement and rest, swelling and hyperemia of the skin in the diseased area, crunching in the fingers during exertion, limited mobility, deformity and temperature rise locally, at the site of inflammation.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis: a systemic autoimmune pathology of a chronic nature, which causes pain in the fingers in 5-7% of cases of pain manifestations. Rheumatoid arthritis usually affects the small joints of the skeleton, although it can also affect the larger ones - knees, ankles, elbows. Occurs at any age. The disease is manifested by swelling, redness, hot skin in the area of ​​the metacarpophalangeal joints of the index and middle fingers. Dense rheumatoid nodules are felt under the skin in the diseased area. Severe pain does not allow the patient to bend his fingers into a fist. Symmetry of the lesion is characteristic - if the disease affected the right hand, after a while the lesion will appear on the left hand. The pain usually manifests itself in the second half of the night and in the morning. Stiffness and limited movement are added to the pain. Pain subsides in the evening. Rheumatoid arthritis with a long-term lesion leads to a typical picture of the deformation of the hands - the so-called "boutonniere hands", "hands with a lorgnette", "swan neck".
  • Psoriatic arthritis. One of the manifestations of psoriasis is a systemic skin lesion. It is characterized by an inflammatory process in all finger joints at once, most often in the nail phalanges. Characteristic: the joints are deformed, elongated, the lesion is not symmetrical, the area is hyperemic, the joint swells. The pain is concentrated in the distal phalanx of the finger. There is also problematic extension of the hands and thumbs. Psoriatic lesions also affect the joints of the feet and toes.

  • Infectious and septic arthritis. This type of disease occurs when the joint is infected with bacterial or viral agents, in the case of sepsis, trauma, with a violation of the integrity of the skin. Such arthritis can affect one or more joints, and depending on the degree and severity of the disease, it manifests itself in different ways. The disease may not have systemic symptoms. Among characteristic features infectious inflammation - acute pain lasting from a couple of hours to several days, local or general fever. Launched infectious arthritis with the addition of purulent inflammation is manifested by chills, fever, severe intoxication with critical temperature indicators. In children and young patients, the symptoms of arthritis are more pronounced than in older patients.
  • Gouty arthritis. It occurs as a result of impaired metabolism of uric acid, when it is deposited with salts in the articular tissues, which causes dysfunction of the organ. It occurs mainly after 50 years, in male patients with a high content of meat in the diet (meat is the main source of purines, in violation of the metabolism of which gout appears in the body). The onset of gouty phenomena is characterized by pain localized in the big toe, which then spreads to other joints, including the hands (multiple lesions suggest gouty arthritis). The area of ​​the affected joints is hyperemic. An acute attack of gout lasts an average of two days to several weeks and is manifested by intense, burning and tearing pain in the arm, severe swelling and a local rise in temperature. With the chronicization of the process, pathological seals - tophi over the joints are formed in the future.

Stenosing ligamentitis

Another cause of pain in the fingers that occurs when the annular ligament of the fingers becomes inflamed. According to clinical manifestations, the disease is similar to arthritis and arthrosis, the diagnosis is differentiated by x-ray examination.

Expressed numbness, burning, pain in the joints of the fingers, all fingers hurt, except for the little finger. The pain is not localized in one joint, but diffused throughout the finger. At the same time, the finger is swollen to cyanosis, does not unbend without effort. The hands bend and unbend with difficulty, sometimes it is impossible to straighten the fist. The extension of the hand is accompanied by clicks due to the loss of elasticity of the ligament. Symptoms intensify at night and at dawn, during the day the pain decreases, sometimes disappears completely.


Purulent-necrotic process in the bones and joints, with the capture of the bone marrow and periosteum, caused by pus-producing bacteria.

Symptoms of the disease: systemic, quite severe already at the beginning. Severe intoxication causes a rise in temperature with chills, nausea and vomiting, headache, worsening general condition. Pain in the affected joint and surrounding area. As the disease develops, pain in the joints and in the hands intensifies, the muscles of the hand swell, a venous pattern appears on the skin, and the movement of the fingers is limited. Over time, the listed symptoms may weaken, which indicates a chronic process. Examination of the affected area may reveal fistulas, with meager secretions pus, fistulas can merge with each other into the subcutaneous canals, also in the advanced chronic stages of osteomyelitis, the bones are bent and the limbs become motionless.


Inflammation of the joint bag, with accumulation of fluid in the joint cavity.

The disease is characterized by the appearance of a mobile swelling in the place of the diseased joint, soft and painful on palpation; the temperature rises locally and the skin becomes severely hyperemic. In the case of a traumatic etiology of bursitis, a purulent infection may join, in which case the pain becomes intense and spreads to the entire arm, the head hurts, bouts of constant nausea are observed, and the general condition worsens.

An infectious-inflammatory disease, often a complication of tonsillitis, may be accompanied by pathologies from the heart. It often affects large joints, but can also occur in small ones.

Symptoms of rheumatism: sharp pains in the finger, with impaired mobility, the joints swell, there may be a general rise in temperature, a rash on the body.

De Quervain's disease

The ligament of the thumb is inflamed. The disease is manifested by pain in the wrist joint, radiating to the forearm, shoulder, neck, aggravated by the load on the hand. The area of ​​the diseased joint is characterized by swelling, pain on palpation.


Acute or chronic inflammation of the tendon sheaths of the fingers. There is pain when bending the fingers, a crunch when moving, swelling in the diseased area.

Non-inflammatory phenomena


Osteoarthritis, with multiple lesions - polyosteoarthritis. A non-inflammatory process that deforms the joints, leading to the destruction of articular cartilage. Most often occurs in women over 50 years of age, as it is associated with a decrease in estrogen levels. The causes of osteoarthritis can be metabolic disorders, genetic predisposition, stress associated with the profession.

The disease is characterized by the formation of edema and nodules under the skin, contributing to the deformation of the joints of the fingers. The deformity develops like a spindle - the finger is thickened in the middle, or has a knotty appearance. The movement in the fingers is limited, passes with a crunch. Hands are tied in the morning. Pain in the joints of the fingers appears during exertion and subsides at night, although if osteoarthritis goes away with venous blood stasis, then there may be aching dull pains at night. Clinical manifestations osteoarthritis begins in the area of ​​​​one joint, in the future it spreads to all fingers. A secondary lesion in osteoarthritis captures the joints on which the load was distributed during inflammation of the first joint.


Rhizarthrosis is a type of osteoarthritis that affects the thumb joint. The cause of rhizathrosis are previously transferred infections, joint overload, trauma, intoxication.

The disease is quite recognizable - the localization of pain and its intensification with a characteristic type of load: opening covers, turning door handles, turning the key in the lock. At the beginning of the disease, pain in the finger occurs during exertion, as it develops, it also appears at rest, then joint deformity with restriction of movement joins it.

Cervical osteochondrosis is a disease characterized by dystrophic phenomena in the vertebrae of the cervical spine, which causes deformation of the cartilage and, as a result, compression of the nerve roots that innervate the arms.

Symptoms: Sharp, cutting pains, with a sensation of an electric discharge along the left or right hand passing through the elbow and wrist joints to the fingertips. Numbness and goosebumps in the fingertips, aggravated along with pain during stress on the spine. Tilts of the head, sneezing, and coughing can also make the pain worse.

Angiospastic peripheral crisis

Angiospastic peripheral crisis. Spasm of blood vessels, which occurs most often with hypothermia.

With it, there is pain in the fingers, with coldness of the hands, cyanosis, changing to severe hyperemia.

When squeezing or trauma to the wrist joint, the joints of the fingers can also hurt.

It is characterized by paroxysmal pain in the fingers, impaired movement. If whitening of the fingertips joins the pain, then this indicates the occurrence of Raynaud's syndrome, which includes intense burning pain after injury, stress and hypothermia, as well as white fingertips. It can affect both one hand - left or right, or both. A complication of the pathology is tissue ischemia in the fingers due to impaired peripheral blood flow.


Pathology caused by an increase in the number of blood cells can be primary, secondary and pseudopolycythemia:

  • Primary is characterized by an increase in the formation of leukocytes, erythrocytes and platelets.
  • Secondary, or reactive, appears in diseases that are not initially associated with blood.
  • Pseudopolycythemia occurs when there is a decrease in the amount of blood plasma.

Symptoms: numbness, itching and pain in the joints of the fingers, common manifestations are skin itching, headache, insomnia.

Injuries and mechanical causes of pain in the fingers

Dislocation of the finger

A frequent occurrence leading to the appearance of pain in the fingers. The most common is a dislocation of the thumb.

It is determined by the unnatural position of the finger, sharp pain, protrusion of the phalanx of the finger from the joint, reddening of the skin and a rise in local temperature.

vibration sickness

An occupational disease that occurs during long work with devices that have a vibration mechanism. Has stages of development:

  • At the first stage, pain in the fingers, numbness, tingling, goosebumps periodically appear.
  • Vibration sensitivity decreases, vascular tone changes, sensitivity disorders and pain become permanent. Join initial symptoms vegetative dystonia.
  • Pain and impaired sensitivity are manifested by seizures, vasomotor manifestations are intensified, leading to vascular spasm and whitening of the fingers.

Occupational disease appears in young people who spend a long time at the computer. Manifested by pain in the joints of the index finger.

Why else can the joints of the fingers hurt

  • Morning stiffness, swelling and pain in the fingers indicate the onset of joint diseases, which can be accurately determined by medical examination methods.
  • Pregnancy and the postpartum condition can cause pain and swelling of the joints, which may indicate a lack of calcium, joint diseases, an increase in the synthesis of relaxin - a hormone involved in softening and weakening of the ligaments, pinching of the median nerve, fibromyalgia - a disease that accompanies depression.
  • After active physical activity - such pains indicate vascular disease, in addition, convulsions, numbness and rapid fatigue of the fingers can be detected. The skin is pale and cold, the nails thicken, the amount of hair on the arms thins. Chronization of the process leads to the inability to feel the pulse, the blood circulation of the hands is disturbed, pain appears even with a low load or is observed constantly.

Factors contributing to the appearance of lesions of the joints of the fingers and pain:

  • Metabolic and hormonal disorders.
  • Nutritional deficiencies.
  • Autoimmune lesions.
  • Gender and age.
  • Injuries.
  • Smoking.
  • Heredity.
  • Stress.
  • How to treat finger pain

    First of all, you need to treat the underlying disease. Which doctor to contact depends on the preliminary diagnosis, the therapist can make it, and then refer patients with pain in the fingers to one of the specialized specialists - a neuropathologist, traumatologist, rheumatologist, hematologist or surgeon.

    Since the treatment of diseases of the joints of the fingers sets the elimination of pain as one of the tasks, courses of medication are prescribed for almost all diseases, most often non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which act as analgesics and relieve inflammation. These drugs include:

    1. Diclofenac.
    2. Nimesil.
    3. Indomethacin.
    4. Ibuprofen and others.

    Also, treatment is prescribed depending on the type of pain:

    • If severe pain NSAIDs are not removed, and in case of autoimmune pathologies, corticosteroid drugs can be prescribed, with the introduction into the joint bag. These are Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, Metipred.
    • With mild inflammation with moderate pain, local anesthetics can be used in the form of ointments with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.
    • Degenerative-dystrophic diseases, for example, osteoarthritis or cervical osteochondrosis, include prolonged courses of chondroprotectors in therapy, Teraflex, Structum to restore cartilage of the joints.

    • Extreme manifestations of the pain syndrome suggest the possibility of prescribing narcotic analgesics.
    • Physiotherapy in the form of electrophoresis with novocaine, resonance therapy and electrosleep helps well with impaired motor activity of the joints and contributes to recovery after treatment of the underlying disease. Also, physiotherapy methods include massages, mud wraps, therapeutic exercises, ultrasound, thermal and microwave treatment. Outside of periods of exacerbations, treatment is prescribed in sanatoriums.

    Polyosteoarthritis of the fingers, "knotty fingers"

    Polyosteoarthritis of fingers gives approximately 40% of all cases of pain in the fingers. People are ill at least 40-45 years old (people under 40 years old suffer from this disease in extremely rare cases), but people aged 50-55 years and older are especially often sick with polyosteoarthritis of the fingers. Women get sick much more often than men.

    For polyosteoarthritis of the fingers, the occurrence of special nodules (the so-called Heberden's nodules) on the back or side surface of those joints that are closer to the nails. Heberden's nodules most often develop symmetrically, that is, on the right and left hands at the same time and in the same places. However, they can form on any fingers, from thumbs to little fingers.

    During the formation of Heberden's nodules in the joints under them, burning and pain may occur; sometimes these joints swell and turn red. But in a third of patients, the formation of Heberden's nodules occurs asymptomatically, without pain and burning.

    In addition to Heberden's nodules, with polyosteoarthrosis, painless nodules appear on those joints that are located approximately in the middle of the fingers (proximal interphalangeal joints). These are Bouchard's nodes. They are spindle-shaped, develop very slowly and, with rare exceptions, almost do not hurt.

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    - approximately 5-7% of all cases of pain in the fingers. People of any age are ill, but most often those who are over thirty. Women get sick about 5 times more often than men. The disease develops, as a rule, after severe stress or after the flu, severe colds, infections or hypothermia.

    Rheumatoid arthritis most often begins with inflammation and swelling of the metacarpophalangeal joints of the index and middle fingers (i.e., with inflammation of the joints located at the base of these fingers, in the region of the protruding bones of the clenched fist). Inflammation of the metacarpophalangeal joints in most cases is combined with inflammation and swelling of the wrist joints.

    Inflammation of the fingers and wrist joints in rheumatoid arthritis is symmetrical, that is, if the joints on the right hand are affected, then the same joints on the left hand are almost certainly affected. In most patients, the process often involves other joints of the fingers and toes, as well as large joints - knee, elbow, ankle, etc.

    At the same time, for rheumatoid arthritis the most typical inflammatory rhythm of pain: joint pain intensifies in the second half of the night, in the morning. In the afternoon and in the evening pains usually weaken a little.

    Very often, the listed symptoms are accompanied in rheumatoid patients by a feeling of weakness, fever, weight loss and chills, that is, the disease often leads to a general deterioration in the patient's well-being.

    R‘RѕR»RµRµ RѕRѕRґSЂRѕR±РЅРѕ Рѕ ревмR°С‚РѕРёRґРЅРѕРј артрите >>

    Psoriatic arthritis

    Psoriatic arthritis- less than 5% of all cases of pain in the fingers. The disease affects most often people aged 20-50 years. In most cases (but not always), the disease develops in people who already have skin psoriatic manifestations - dry, scaly reddish spots on the body or on the scalp (psoriatic plaques).

    For the defeat of the fingers in psoriatic arthritis, the so-called "axial inflammation" is characteristic, when all its joints swell at once on any finger. The finger itself turns red and looks like a sausage. A similar pathology is called “sausage-shaped” finger.

    In psoriatic arthritis, axial inflammation can occur in any finger. But note that with this disease, inflammation of the fingers on the right and left hands is most often asymmetrical, that is, fingers on one hand are usually affected; and sometimes on two hands at once, but then on one hand one fingers and joints become inflamed, and on the other hand - completely different.

    For more on psoriatic arthritis, see Chapter 19.

    Gout or gouty arthritis

    Gout, or gouty arthritis - less than 5% of all cases of pain in the fingers.

    People call gout a deformity of the big toe, which usually develops in women. But in fact, this is not gout, but arthrosis of the big toe. But the "classic", real gout (gouty arthritis) often occurs in men. Women suffer from gout several times less often.

    And although true gout does often (but by no means always) begin with long-suffering big toes, it can affect any joint, both in the hands and feet.

    Gouty arthritis usually appears between the ages of 20 and 50. The first, as already mentioned, the joints of the toes or the knee or ankle joints are more often inflamed. On the hands, the joints of the thumbs become inflamed more often than others (but any other fingers can also become inflamed - both on one hand and on both).

    Inflammation of the joints with gout occurs in the form of attacks. In most cases, a gouty attack happens quite unexpectedly: it usually begins against the background of full health, most often at night. The pain in the joints during a gouty attack is often very acute: according to the stories of patients, "it makes you want to climb the wall." The affected joint turns red during such an attack, the skin over it becomes bright red or purple and hot to the touch.

    Although in some patients, especially in women, the attacks are milder, without reddening of the joint and without such acute pain. But in any case, an attack of gout occurs unexpectedly and lasts from 3 to 10 days; then it suddenly passes as if nothing had happened. However, after some time, the attack just as suddenly repeats itself again.

    This paroxysmal course of the disease is the hallmark of gouty arthritis.

    R‘RѕR»RµRµ RїRѕRґСЂRѕR±РЅРѕ Рѕ РїРѕRґR°РіСЂРµ >>

    Tenosynovitis de Quervain

    Tenosynovitis de Quervain- Approximately 5% of all cases of pain in the fingers. This is an inflammation of the ligaments and "small" muscles in the area of ​​​​exclusively the thumb. Other fingers with de Quervain's tenosynovitis do not become inflamed.

    De Quervain's tenosynovitis can occur at any age in both men and women. Characteristic symptoms: pain at the base of the thumb and under it, where the thumb touches the wrist joint.

    Pain can occur spontaneously, "out of the blue", but most often they appear with a load on the thumb, when trying to press thumb on something or when trying to grab something with the thumb and forefinger. In addition, the pain intensifies when the thumb is extended towards itself, i.e. towards the elbow.

    For more on de Quervain's tenosynovitis, see Chapter 6.

    Rhizarthrosis - arthrosis of the thumb

    Rhizarthrosis- Approximately 5% of all cases of pain in the fingers. Rhizarthrosis affects the joint located at the base of the thumb and connecting the metacarpal bone of the thumb with the radiocarpal joint.

    Usually, rhizarthrosis is one of the manifestations of polyosteoarthrosis of the fingers, and then it is not difficult to make a diagnosis. But in about 20-30% of cases, rhizarthrosis occurs as an independent disease, usually in people who are constantly heavily loading or once extremely overloading the thumb. In this case, it can be quite difficult to distinguish rhizarthrosis from de Quervain's tenosynovitis, since the symptoms of these diseases coincide by almost 90%.

    In such a situation, it will help us to distinguish rhizarthrosis from de Quervain's tenosynovitis by deforming the bones of the diseased joint, which is clearly visible on examination and clearly recorded on an x-ray (with de Quervain's tenosynovitis, only a change in the soft tissues above the joint can be detected on an x-ray - and even that is extremely rare).

    For more information about rhizarthrosis, see the chapter on RїRѕR»РёРѕСЃС‚еоартрозу пальцев СЂСѓРє.


    Pain in the joints of the fingers, as a rule, is a symptom of diseases of the hand, but it can be a manifestation of general pathology and diseases of other organs. Therefore, finding out the cause of this condition is the main point in the diagnosis. There are several factors that in most cases become decisive in the development of polyarthritis with hand involvement. These include:

    1. Gout.
    2. Systemic lupus erythematosus.
    3. Osteoarthritis.
    4. Injuries.
    5. tunnel syndromes.
    6. Peritendinitis.

    In addition, pain in the hands can occur not only due to local inflammation of the articular areas, but also be the result of coronary heart disease, osteochondrosis, and peripheral nerve diseases. Why such a symptom develops, only a doctor can say.

    If the joints of the hands hurt, first of all, you need to determine the cause by identifying possible risk factors in the patient. This is necessary not only for early diagnosis, but also for preventive measures.


    Taking into account a large list of diseases that can cause pain in the joints of the fingers, it is possible to make an initial assumption about a particular pathology on the basis of a medical examination. Revealing clinical symptoms and their comparison with similar manifestations of other diseases will help in making the correct diagnosis.

    As a rule, patients pay attention to the fact that several joints hurt or one finger is swollen, seals (“bumps”) may appear in different parts of the hand. If inflammation is present, then, in addition to pain, the following will appear to varying degrees:

    • Swelling of the periarticular region.
    • Redness of the skin.
    • Increase in local temperature.
    • Joint dysfunction.

    Polyarthritis occurs as a result of a general pathology, when several joints are involved in the inflammatory process, and therefore the disease will have a more severe course. If a separate joint is affected or one finger is swollen, this is usually the result of a local process or injury.

    Any disease involving the joints of the hand requires a clear differential diagnosis because further treatment will depend on it.

    Joint inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis is of autoimmune origin. Pathology affects, as a rule, people of young or middle age and is characterized by a chronic course. The central manifestation in the symptomatology is polyarthritis with damage to the small joints of the hand. Therefore, if the patient has more than one finger swollen, but several, “bumps” appear on them, then you can think about this disease.

    Features of rheumatoid arthritis on clinical examination will be:

    1. Symmetry of the lesion on the right and left hand.
    2. Stiffness in the morning for more than half an hour.
    3. Characteristic deformation of the joints: the thumb is like a “boutonniere”, the index finger is in the form of a swan neck, the hands become like walrus fins.
    4. Restriction of mobility.

    Pain in the joints of the fingers is permanent, aggravated by exertion. There is local pain on palpation and transverse compression of the hand. In addition to polyarthritis, the rheumatoid process is characterized by damage to other organs: the heart, pleura, kidneys.

    The pronounced activity of the pathology becomes the basis for determining the disability group, since the functional abilities of the patient are sharply limited.

    Previously transferred angina in the absence of adequate treatment can later cause rheumatism. This disease occurs in the form of polyarthritis with damage to the heart by the type of endomyocarditis and the nervous system (small chorea). In this case, not only the joints of the fingers are affected, but also large joints: knee, ankle, wrist. Rheumatic inflammation is characterized by the following features:

    1. Migratory nature of the pain.
    2. Asymmetry of the articular lesion.
    3. Rheumatic nodules (small subcutaneous "bumps") in the periarticular region.
    4. Rash in the form of annular erythema.
    5. Signs of intoxication: fever, weakness, headache.

    If, for example, swollen knee-joint of the right leg in combination with inflammation of the thumb of the left hand or other areas, pain and discomfort in the region of the heart, against the background of elevated body temperature and after suffering a sore throat - rheumatism is highly likely.

    The danger of such a pathology lies in the risk of adverse cardiovascular events (acquired malformations, cardiac failure).


    A common cause of arthritis is gout. Joint inflammation is caused by metabolic disorders with a defect in uric acid metabolism. In this case, its deposition occurs in various tissues with impaired excretion from the body. The disease is accompanied by such manifestations:

    1. It debuts with arthritis of the big toe with sharp pain.
    2. There is a deformation of the first metatarsophalangeal joint.
    3. The joints of the fingers and other areas hurt.
    4. Movements are limited during an exacerbation of the process.
    5. In the area of ​​​​the joints and ears, subcutaneous salt deposits appear - tophi or gouty "bumps".
    6. The development of urolithiasis is characteristic.

    If at first only the big toe was swollen and inflamed, then later polyarthritis with a chronic progressive course is formed.

    To prevent complications, it is necessary to diagnose the disease in time in order to start specific treatment.


    If an elderly patient has pain in the joints of the hand, this may be a manifestation of osteoarthritis. In this case, degenerative-dystrophic processes occur in cartilage, bones and other tissues. Often, pathology leads to a significant limitation motor function when patients cannot make complex finger movements and engage in activities that require the active participation of the hand.

    Most often, the pathology is accompanied by the following symptoms:

    1. Pain has a starting and mechanical character, since it occurs at the beginning of movement and intensifies with load.
    2. With the progression of the process, unpleasant sensations remain at rest.
    3. There is stiffness in the hand and other parts of the skeleton.
    4. Characterized by crunching and friction in the joints during movement.
    5. The fingers are deformed, "bumps" are formed - Heberden's and Bouchard's nodes (on the nail and proximal phalanges, respectively).
    6. There are difficulties in flexion and extension in the joints.

    The generalized process leads to polyarthritis with damage to various anatomical zones of the musculoskeletal system.

    When large joints are affected by osteoarthritis, patients often have to register for disability, since the limitation of movements reaches its maximum severity.


    The defeat of the hands is often found in the practice of traumatologists. There can be a wide variety of injuries: wounds, fractures, dislocations, bruises, sprains, torn ligaments and tendons. In everyday life, the defeat of the right hand, which is most active in most people, is more common. In this case, the most common injuries are the thumb and index finger.

    If, as a result of damage, any joint hurts and swells, other symptoms may be noticed during the examination:

    1. Abrasions, bruises, hematomas in the area of ​​injury.
    2. Redness or pallor of the skin.
    3. Limitation or impossibility of movements in the finger.
    4. Gross deformity at dislocations.
    5. Sensation of crepitus at fracture.
    6. Soreness on palpation and load along the axis.

    When the first symptoms appear after an injury, you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid the development of complications.


    It is necessary to treat diseases of the joints of the hands strictly differentiated - depending on the diagnosed pathology. To achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to use etiotropic, pathogenetic and symptomatic agents with individual approach to each patient. In any case, treatment should be based on modern and most effective methods to achieve optimal results. Therefore, in complex therapy articular pathology use:

    • Medical treatment.
    • Physiotherapy.
    • Therapeutic exercise and massage.
    • Operation.

    Which of the methods to give preference in the treatment of the disease, only the doctor will tell based on the results of the examination.

    Medical treatment

    In the therapy of many pathological conditions Emphasis should be placed on medication. This will most quickly eliminate acute manifestations and will have a supporting effect, preventing further progression. If the joint is swollen, painful and disturbing to the patient, the doctor recommends the use of such drugs:

    1. Painkillers (local anesthetics or general analgesics).
    2. Anti-inflammatory (Diclofenac, Nimesulide, Meloxicam).
    3. Decongestants (L-lysine aescinate).
    4. Absorbable (Lidase, Trypsin).
    5. Muscle relaxants (Mydocalm).

    Having eliminated acute manifestations, it is possible to replace injections with tablets, as well as use medications. local action- ointment, gel, balm. Also, in some cases, rubbing and compresses are shown. Rubbing the ointment into the affected joint, you can not worry about systemic side effects, since the drug acts locally on the pathological focus.

    Many diseases require specific therapy, which is aimed at eliminating the causative factor and affects the mechanism of pathology development. Therefore, it is reasonable to use:

    • Cytostatics and hormones - for rheumatoid arthritis.
    • Antibiotics - for rheumatism and reactive arthritis.
    • Hypouricemic agents - for gout.
    • Chondroprotectors - for osteoarthritis.

    Treatment should be based on standards of care and clinical guidelines. Doses and course of treatment with drugs are prescribed only by a doctor.

    It is possible to apply physical methods of exposure for hand injuries, osteoarthritis, chronic gouty arthritis, tunnel syndromes, peritendinitis. It is not recommended to use them in pathology, which is accompanied by systemic autoimmune processes. With a sluggish chronic inflammatory process, the following procedures can have a good effect:

    1. Electro- and phonophoresis.
    2. Magnetotherapy.
    3. laser treatment.
    4. Paraffin and mud therapy.
    5. Balneotherapy.

    The choice of method is based on the indications and comorbidity that the patient may have. The physiotherapist will advise you on the optimal course of treatment.

    Therapeutic exercise and massage

    Exercise therapy occupies an important place in the treatment of any pathology of the musculoskeletal system. It is necessary to do exercises with damage to the joints of the hands. If a finger is swollen, and movements cause pain, pre-use drugs in tablets or apply an ointment. Only after the elimination of acute manifestations can you start classes. Perform special exercises to develop interphalangeal, metatarsophalangeal and radiocarpal joints.

    Massage can reduce symptoms, relieve muscle spasm and improve blood circulation in the affected area. It can be prescribed for many diseases and injuries. In this case, elements of stroking, rubbing and kneading are used.


    Some injuries have to be treated surgically. The operation is indicated for severe injuries of the hand: comminuted and multiple fractures, soft tissue ruptures. Perform stitching of tissues, sometimes resort to the technique of osteosynthesis. With the accumulation of blood or other fluid in the joint, it is punctured, followed by washing the cavity with antiseptics.

    When the joints of the hand hurt, one or more fingers are swollen, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner. Early and accurate diagnosis of the pathology will allow for adequate treatment that will save the patient from disturbing symptoms.

    Joints on the fingers hurt what to do

    Pain in the fingers is a common symptom that may indicate the presence of rheumatoid arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome and damage to the cervical region.

    Pain in the fingers is a common symptom that may indicate the presence of a variety of inflammatory, traumatic or degenerative diseases. Why this happens - only a doctor can determine, but there are a number of accompanying signs that help to understand what a person is suffering from. Consider the most common causes of pain in the fingers of the upper extremities.

    This localization of pain can have various sources. The most common cause of unpleasant pain in women 40-60 years old is carpal tunnel syndrome. Let's analyze the accompanying signs of this disease.

    carpal tunnel syndrome

    This disease is characterized by burning pain and, which are aggravated by physical exertion. Moreover, four fingers suffer more often, only the little finger is not subject to pain. Also, a person may feel numbness and swelling, which is concentrated on the palmar surface.

    Attacks of this disease occur mainly at night. There are practically no external signs of this disease. The exception is a slight swelling in the area of ​​​​the hand and cyanosis. Only complex anti-inflammatory treatment, and sometimes surgery, will help to remove such sensations. , ketoprofen and nurofen will help in the fight against pain.

    Cervical injuries

    Both a woman and a man can face such a problem. The pain will cover all fingers and the little finger as well. Also, this problem can be characterized by numbness due to pinching or damage to nerve fibers.

    A distinctive feature of this phenomenon is that the pain occurs either only in the right or only in the left hand, depending on the localization of the lesion of the nerve endings.

    Dislocation of fingers

    Another common cause of pain in this area is a dislocation. The main symptom accompanying pain is the protrusion of the finger from the joint. Pain with such an injury is sharp. The patient cannot move the affected finger. The big toe is the most commonly affected. Joint reduction, weekly immobilization, therapeutic exercises and conventional painkillers, such as paracetamol, ibuprofen, will help relieve these unpleasant symptoms.

    Rheumatoid arthritis

    Such an ailment, in addition to pain during flexion, is characterized by swelling, redness, and inflammation in the joints. Such a disease develops simultaneously in the right and left hand. The skin in the affected area becomes dry and lifeless.

    In most cases, rheumatoid arthritis starts with symmetrical joints. An example would be the index finger of both hands. Unpleasant sensations, such as stiffness, appear mainly in the morning.

    Rheumatoid arthritis progresses very quickly, so treatment should be carried out when the first symptoms appear. The consequences of rheumatoid arthritis are the curvature of the hands and fingers. The right therapy for early stage can lead to a full recovery. In the treatment, hormonal and antimetabolic agents (prednisolone, methotrexate) are usually used.

    Gouty arthritis

    This disease spreads not only on the legs, it affects the bones of the fingers. Gouty arthritis also occurs in women, but in most cases, its target is the male body. In women, the disease is much milder than in men.

    Pain in gouty arthritis is acute and very difficult to relieve. In addition to painful symptoms, this ailment is manifested by inflammation, redness and an increase in local temperature, sometimes numbness of the skin is possible. Sometimes patients complain to the doctor: - I feel like I burned them. It is with a burn that you can compare gouty arthritis in sensations.

    Gouty arthritis is caused by excessive consumption of animal foods, medicines for arterial hypertension. To identify this disease, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis to determine the level of uric acid.

    Psoriatic arthritis

    This disease is quite rare. Only 5% of all finger problems are related to this disease. It is characterized by damage to all joints on one finger at the same time. Moreover, it applies to both the thumb and the middle finger. The pain is accompanied by an inflammatory process and has a aching type. In the treatment, strong hormonal or antipsoriatic drugs are often used, such as Methotrexate, Evetrex.


    Wear and tear of the articular cartilage sometimes causes pain and numbness in the fingers. More often than others, the middle and thumb of the left or right hand are affected. The spasm occurs when the fingers are bent. Women suffer from this disease much more often than men.

    Many patients do not feel pain and burning sensations during the formation of osteoarthritis nodules. Some patients, on the contrary, complain directly about these symptoms. To relieve pain in osteoarthritis does not mean complete healing, it is necessary to eliminate all symptoms. Usually it is possible to relieve pain with drugs based on paracetamol and therapeutic exercises.

    Vascular diseases

    A decrease in the patency of blood vessels and, accordingly, the speed of movement of blood through them, can also cause pain in the fingers. Associated symptoms of circulatory disorders are:

    • weakness;
    • heaviness in the hands;
    • thickening of nails;
    • pallor of the skin of the hands;
    • numbness in the fingers.

    These problems are caused by constant physical exercise directly produced by the fingers.


    This disease can be triggered by an infection resulting from improper trimming of the cuticle, as well as injuries or splinters. With such a disease, the fingertips suffer.

    Unpleasant symptoms describing this ailment:

    • jerking pain;
    • redness;
    • puffiness;
    • elevated body temperature.

    A similar ailment can affect both the index finger and the little finger. If you find such signs in yourself, a person should immediately consult a doctor so as not to provoke sepsis. It is important to open and drain the abscess. In the treatment, antibiotics are also used, for example, amoxiclav, tsiprolet.


    An increase in the number of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets in the blood is also manifested by pain in the fingers.

    One of the constant signs of this disorder is numb fingertips. This symptom is associated with an increase in blood volume and an increase in its viscosity. The manifestation of polycythemia can be carried out both in the left and in the right hand.