Signs and treatment of breast mastopathy in women. What ointments are most effective for external treatment of mastopathy of the mammary gland

Many women over the age of 30 experience mastopathy. The main reason for its appearance is a hormonal imbalance in the body. As complex therapy the doctor prescribes drugs for internal use, injections, as well as external agents. Mastopathy cream is a mandatory component complex treatment. It contains hormonal extracts or extracts of medicinal herbs that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that relieve swelling and redness.

Additional funds for the preparation of mastopathy in the form of a cream, ointment or gel help to get rid of the problem locally. Thanks to external means, it is possible to reduce the dosage of tablets, thereby minimizing the impact on the internal organs and speeding up the treatment.

The principle of using the cream is quite simple. A small portion is applied to the area of ​​the breast along with inflammation, avoiding the area of ​​the nipple. While rubbing the drug, you can make a light massage, without excessive pressure on the reddened areas. Correctly distribute the cream with stroking movements from the bottom up and from the center to the periphery. It is recommended to use the funds twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. Such therapy helps to stop the growth of existing foci of inflammation and prevent the formation of new ones.

Breast cream for mastopathy has practically no contraindications, with the exception of intolerance to individual components in the composition. Unlike tablets, external preparations act only on the area of ​​neoplasms, without touching internal organs and without changing the hormonal background. Which cream to use will be advised by the doctor, based on the results of tests and diagnostics.

How to choose the right breast cream for mastopathy

Most effective drugs those that contain the hormone progesterone. Their main task is to reduce the amount of estrogen. They correct the hormonal background of a woman, contribute to the gradual resorption of fibroids, and reduce swelling.

The selection of this or that cream should be performed only by a mammologist after a comprehensive diagnosis of the patient. Self-medication can not only not lead to proper results, but also aggravate the situation. The rules for choosing a cream include:

  • all medicines are purchased only with full certification in pharmacies. Never buy drugs in the markets, from friends or through illegal Internet sites. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the quality and originality of the cream;
  • each medicine has in its composition components that are suitable for one woman, but cause persistent intolerance in another. To avoid allergic reactions, strictly follow the doctor's recommendations, do not buy a cream for mastopathy on your own, the name of which you heard from a neighbor or girlfriend;
  • it is especially important not to self-medicate with hormonal drugs. Such funds have contraindications, for example, pregnancy and concomitant diseases.

Properly selected creams, together with internal preparations, can positively affect the results of treatment in a short time and prevent the further spread of the inflammatory process.

Overview of the most effective creams and ointments for mastopathy

As spring remedies, doctors prescribe ointments and creams of two groups: hormonal and herbal. The use of the former allows you to reduce the amount of hormones taken in tablet form, speed up treatment without complications. Creams based on herbal extracts are safer for women, their action is softer, they have practically no contraindications.

The drug is available in the form of a gel or ointment. It contains 1% of the hormone progesterone and natural ingredients that do not cause side effects. The main task of "Progestogel" is to restore the disturbed hormonal background, reduce the inflammatory process, the causes of which are excessive production of estrogen. Also, the drug has a general strengthening effect on the body.

After application, the drug is quickly absorbed into the tissues, providing a therapeutic effect. At the same time, its components do not penetrate into the blood, which makes the cream absolutely safe for patients of any age. Treatment with Progestogel cream for mastopathy lasts on average 12-14 days. Every day in the morning and at bedtime, the drug is applied to the area of ​​​​the mammary gland and rubbed into the skin with soft stroking movements.

Cream-wax Healthy from mastopathy

The cream is produced by a Russian pharmaceutical company for the treatment of diffuse and nodular mastopathy. It is highly effective at all stages of the disease. Cream-wax "Healthy" from mastopathy includes only natural ingredients:

  • bee venom reduces pain;
  • beeswax is involved in tissue regeneration;
  • propolis nourishes the skin with useful substances, has an antibacterial effect;
  • olive oil in general has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin of the chest;
  • horse chestnut extract stimulates the growth of healthy cells;
  • Siberian cedar resin relieves puffiness, promotes healing.

Cream-wax "Healthy" from mastopathy can be used to treat or prevent breast disease. The cream reduces swelling, pain in the chest area, eliminates cystic formations.

The drug stops the appearance of discharge from the nipples, improves skin condition. The use of the drug in a course helps to restore the shape of the breast, tighten the skin. Because the cream contains bee products, it has contraindications for use for women with allergies to these components. It is allowed to use the “Healthy” cream-wax from mastopathy during pregnancy and lactation. The drug is applied twice a day for 14-30 days.

Cream MastofitEvalar

The drug belongs to the group of non-hormonal and is used in the complex therapy of the disease. Cream for mastopathy Evalar is often prescribed for diffuse and nodular forms to normalize metabolic processes, reduce painful manifestations and prevent fluid stagnation in tissues. The composition of the cream includes the following components:

  • broccoli concentrate is an antioxidant, oncoprotector and detoxifier;
  • extract from fucus saturates tissues with iodine, helps to dissolve cysts and prevents swelling of breast tissues;
  • vitex fruit extract saturates the body essential oils and iridoids;
  • pork, badger, mink fats;
  • glycerol.

Mastofit cream can be used not only for the treatment of mastopathy. It is prescribed for mastitis, and also as a prophylactic against breast engorgement during PMS (premenstrual syndrome).

Apply the cream 1-2 times a day inflamed areas lightly massaging until completely absorbed. The treatment time is up to 2 months. Do not use the drug during pregnancy and lactation.

Breast cream is used for the nodular form of the disease, pain and discharge. The composition of the cream includes only natural ingredients:

  • lanolin;
  • vitamin E;
  • red palm oil;
  • beeswax;
  • D-panthenol;
  • coltsfoot extract, succession;
  • marsh cinquefoil extract.

Together, all these components have an excellent therapeutic effect. Regular use of the cream "Healer" for mastopathy can reduce swelling, eliminate pain, and restore damaged breast tissue. Also, the drug is used to prevent skin aging, restores blood circulation, and prevents tissue disorders.

"Healer" is applied 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks. If necessary, the duration of the course can be increased.


Non-hormonal multifunctional agent for the treatment of various external and internal breast diseases. When applying the cream "Apilak" from mastopathy, pain decreases, improves appearance mammary glands. Additionally stimulates cellular metabolism, improving tissue trophism.

It is necessary to carefully apply the cream in the presence of neoplasms, because royal jelly, which is part of the composition, can stimulate their growth.

Also, "Apilak" is used for neurodermatitis, dryness and skin irritation. The cream for mastopathy is inexpensive, but effective. The remedy copes well with the swelling of the mammary glands during PMS. The drug is applied at least 2 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. Contraindications include intolerance to bee products.

Cream for mastopathy Fitol

The drug is made on environmentally friendly herbs. Acts on the problem in a complex way:

  • reduces inflammation;
  • stimulates tone;
  • anesthetizes;
  • prevents the formation of new cysts.

The composition includes glycerin, beeswax, ferula, sophora, aconite. The cream for mastopathy "Fitol" is applied 2-3 times a day, applied in a thin layer on the chest. The course lasts from 1 to 3 months twice a year.

Doctors do not prescribe the ointment in the form in which it is found in pharmacies because of its direct purpose - the removal of purulent masses through the skin. The use of the drug is carried out only in the composition with other components. Vishnevsky limiters have positive feedback from women suffering from mastopathy of the mammary glands.

For the treatment of the mammary gland, recipes are used, which include a certain amount of Vishnevsky ointment:

  1. Three parts of the ointment are mixed with 7 parts of fir oil and baby cream. The mixture is applied to a gauze cut, applied to the inflamed area and wrapped with a film. The bandage is changed 3-4 times a day;
  2. A cabbage leaf is smeared with Vishnevsky's ointment and applied to the chest. Fix with a plaster or wrap with a bandage, wrap with a film on top. Make lotions 2-3 times a day.

It is contraindicated to use ointments from mastopathy during pregnancy and lactation.

Celandine ointment

In addition to pharmacy names, preparations prepared independently at home are widely used. They are no less effective than pharmaceutical creams, and the cost is inexpensive and accessible to everyone.

To prepare an ointment from celandine, take 1 kg of a fresh plant during its flowering period. Raw materials are sorted, washed and passed through a meat grinder. The resulting composition is filtered through a double layer of gauze, and the resulting juice is mixed with melted butter or lard until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The celandine ointment is transferred to a clean glass jar and stored in a dark, cool place. It is better to prepare the drug in a small amount, which is enough for several applications.

The composition is applied to the affected area, covered with a film and fixed. You need to walk with the ointment for at least 3 hours, then rinse with warm water. Apply 2 per day.

You can prepare an ointment from dry celandine. For this, 1 tsp. chopped herbs mixed with 2 tbsp. l. melted butter and heated in a water bath. After cooling, the composition is rubbed into the chest, covered with a gauze bandage and fixed with a scarf or bandage. Leave it on for 4 hours, then wash it off with warm water. The course of treatment lasts 12 days.

Propolis ointment

Propolis has long been famous for its anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. Therefore, the best cream for mastopathy is prepared using this component. The drug can be purchased at pharmacies or prepared by yourself.

  1. In a ratio of 1: 2, crushed propolis and deodorized oil are mixed. A well-ground mixture is heated in a water bath until completely dissolved. The resulting composition is stored in the refrigerator. Apply at night by rubbing into the inflamed area for 2 weeks.
  2. Honey 1 tbsp. l., propolis oil 1 tbsp. l., the yolk of one egg. All ingredients are mixed until smooth. The agent is applied to the mammary gland, which is wrapped in a warm scarf.
  3. In equal parts, take sea buckthorn oil and propolis. Mixed and heated in a water bath for 30 minutes. Strained and cooled agent is applied to the mammary gland 1-2 times a day.

It should be remembered that the best therapeutic result can only be achieved by an integrated approach.


The use of this or that drug for mastopathy requires careful study of the instructions. In addition to the fact that the composition of creams for mastopathy includes substances prohibited for use during pregnancy and lactation, some components are contraindicated in pathologies of the liver and kidneys. Also, you can not use funds in the presence of malignant tumors, inflammatory processes in the body, especially purulent ones. The selection of a complex for the treatment of mastopathy can only be carried out by an experienced doctor after collecting a complete history of the patient.


The selection of an ointment for mastopathy should be done by a gynecologist or mammologist. The specialist selects the dosage and frequency of use of the drug. The ointment will be effective only in combination with other drugs prescribed by the doctor. Local therapy for the treatment of mastopathy is not enough.

Forms of mastopathy

About 30-40% of women aged 30-45 experience mastopathy. This is a benign disease of the mammary gland, caused by the growth of its tissues and sometimes pathological secretion. Types of mastopathy are distinguished depending on the results histological examination and changes detected on palpation. In total there are two forms of this disease:

  • diffuse. This is an early stage of mastopathy, when there are areas with a normal structure, enlarged and atrophied lobules in the mammary glands. Seals, small cysts are also formed, ducts expand, collagen fibers grow. Ointments are prescribed only for diffuse form.
  • Nodal. Its feature is the predominance of fibrous tissues and cystic elements. Against this background, lobules and epithelial cells grow, lining the inner surface of cysts and milk ducts. If atypical elements are found, then mastopathy is regarded as a precancerous condition.

The mechanism of action of external agents

The basic treatment for mastopathy includes systemic hormone therapy. Its basis is the introduction of injections or taking drugs in tablets. This normalizes hormonal metabolism. Ointments, creams, gels are intended for external use. Them healing effects are achieved by normalizing the hormonal balance in the mammary gland.

When applied topically active substances are not absorbed into the blood, but directly affect the pathological areas. Various substances are present in the composition of external agents, due to which the preparations have the following actions:

  • relieve pain, swelling, inflammation;
  • block the production of prolactin, stopping the imbalance;
  • increase the resistance of breast tissues to inflammatory processes;
  • reduce the feeling of heaviness in the chest;
  • contribute to the resorption of cysts and fibroids;
  • enhance the effect of systemic drugs.

How to choose an ointment for the mammary glands with mastopathy

A self-selected remedy is not a guarantee of its effectiveness. Each ointment contains components that are effective for one woman, but absolutely useless for another. For this reason, the right medicine is chosen according to the following rules:

  • Purchase external products only at a pharmacy, even if the cost is higher there.
  • Choose a remedy with your doctor, based on individual characteristics, examination results and laboratory tests.
  • Be careful with hormonal-based products, as they affect hormone levels. Such drugs have many contraindications, including pregnancy. First you need to consult with a mammologist.
  • Be sure to study the composition of the product so that it does not contain components to which you are allergic.
  • Do not buy drugs on your own on the advice of a friend or neighbor.

Effective ointments for mastopathy in women

Pharmacy external remedies for mastopathy are represented by ointments, gels, creams and even wax. Preparations are divided into hormone-containing and conventional. Effective ointments from mastopathy:


Active ingredients


Price, rubles


natural progesterone

Relieves swelling and pain, improves the structure of epithelial and connective tissues.

Effective both at a young age and with menopause.

Application with a spatula.


  • troxerutin;
  • triethanolamine;
  • carbonar.
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • relieves the feeling of heaviness, swelling;
  • tones small capillaries.

The effect appears gradually.

  • can not be used in the 1st trimester of pregnancy;
  • poorly absorbed.


  • troxerutin;
  • indomethacin.
  • strengthens small vessels in the chest;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • relieves inflammation, relieves pain.

When applied to the skin, it makes it yellow.

Has side effects:

  • headache;
  • allergy;
  • subcutaneous hemorrhages.


  • heparin;
  • benzocaine anesthetic.
  • painkiller;
  • vasodilating;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antithrombotic.
  • low price;
  • well resolves hematomas;
  • ease of use.
  • high fat content;
  • may cause redness and burning of the skin.


Seaweed extract, pork fat, soybean oil, glycerin.

  • moisturizes the skin of the chest;
  • relieves discomfort before menstruation.

Does not affect the level of hormones in the mammary glands.

It is a dietary supplement, not a medicine.

226 for 50 ml

  • panthenol;
  • vegetable extracts;
  • tocopherol;
  • beeswax.
  • enhances blood circulation;
  • reduces swelling, inflammation, discomfort in the chest.

Has no contraindications.

The effect on pregnant and lactating women has not been studied.

180 for 50 ml

Royal jelly extract

Removes swelling, starts the regeneration of the epithelial tissue of the mammary glands.

  • helps with redness and cracks in the nipples;
  • has no contraindications.

Has no evidence of effectiveness.

Popular homeopathic ointments

Please note that homeopathic remedies are prescribed individually for a specific patient, and not for the treatment of a specific disease. It should be noted that today homeopathy is no longer considered an unconventional method of treatment. In addition, at homeopathic medicines fewer side effects. With mastopathy, the following are used from such remedies:


Active ingredients


Price, rubles

  • mummy;
  • extract from resin;
  • grape seed oil;
  • malachite extract.
  • relieves inflammation and a feeling of heaviness;
  • reduces soreness of the mammary glands.

Natural composition.

Efficacy in the treatment of cystic and fibrocystic mastopathy not proven.

240 for 75 ml



  • echinacea;
  • arnica;
  • belladonna;
  • hypericum;
  • chamomile;
  • comfrey;
  • yarrow.

Relieves swelling, inflammation, pain.

Has no contraindications.

If abused, it can cause dermatitis or allergies. The effect of the gel on pregnant and lactating women has not been studied.

Ointment based on calendula

Calendula extract

Calendula ointment for mastopathy:

  • suppresses pain;
  • has a local immunostimulating effect;
  • improves regeneration processes.

Prevention of malignant neoplasms in the breast.

Not detected

Is it possible to use Vishnevsky ointment for the treatment of mastopathy

Vishnevsky's ointment contains tar, castor oil and xeroform. Due to these components, the drug has antiseptic, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects. This tool helps to accelerate suppuration and quickly bring pus out. Mastopathy is a disease in which cysts form in the mammary glands. They are filled with fluid, not pus. When treating mastopathy with such a liniment, the connective tissue is reborn. This leads to the transformation of the diffuse form of mastopathy into nodular.

Instructions for use

The course of treatment depends on the type of drug, the stage of mastopathy and the condition of the woman. On average, treatment with medication and homeopathic ointments lasts 5-9 months. A small portion of the product should be distributed over the skin of the breast, avoiding the nipple area. Features of their application:

  • You can apply the product in combination with a light massage, but without squeezing the glands.
  • It is necessary to distribute the drug with stroking movements from the bottom up from the center to the periphery.
  • It is forbidden to apply ointment to scratches, pimples, bruises and abrasions.
  • The procedure is repeated 1-2 times a day.
  • In between treatments, try to cleanse the skin to prevent irritation.
  • Nutrients with vegetable juices, propolis and honey in the composition are best used before bedtime.


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Mastopathy significantly complicates life, and doctors' forecasts are not always optimistic, but the situation can be controlled by successfully combining the experience of traditional healers and achievements traditional medicine. In parallel with taking oral hormonal and herbal preparations, a cream or ointment for mastopathy is prescribed. You can buy them in pharmacies, health shops or cook them yourself using plant materials and available products.

The use of ointments for mastopathy: advantages and contraindications

The combination of modern drugs in tandem with well-known and proven means traditional medicine allows you to succeed in curing the disease. Their benefits and effectiveness have been proven, despite the duration of the treatment process. True, there are advantages and disadvantages here.

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Benefits and proven effectiveness

  1. Firstly, local treatment natural remedies in the form of ointments has not only analgesic, but also anti-inflammatory, decongestant, absorbable and disinfecting effect.
  2. Secondly, some pharmaceutical ointments for mastopathy in women contain hormones that do not allow to grow fibrous tissues and normalize the functioning of the mammary gland.
  3. Thirdly, the choice of types of ointments is quite wide, which allows you to quickly choose the right remedy.
  4. Fourthly, external medicines are easy to prepare at home, spending a minimum of money on the purchase of ingredients.

Therapeutic ointments for mastopathy

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Contraindications for use

It is important to consider that the use of such traditional medicine is not always desirable. And there are good reasons for that, which women should definitely be aware of, given the advice of experts. So, an ointment for the mammary glands with mastopathy is not prescribed and is not taken with the following symptoms:

  • various inflammations of the mammary gland;
  • the presence of an oncological diagnosis;
  • increased body temperature;
  • allergic reaction to components;
  • dry or wet rash.

Popular ointment "Progestogel"

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"Progestogel" - a pharmaceutical preparation

With mastopathy, it is very important to relieve pain. To do this, they often prescribe an ointment for progestogel mastopathy. It reduces the level pain due to the hormone progesterone. Penetrating into the breast tissue, this active ingredient, which is part of the product, stops unwanted processes in the epithelium, blood vessels. It is important that the drug does not enter the general circulation and does not change the general hormonal background.

A creamy agent or gel is applied to the problem area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary gland and rubbed into the skin with light movements until completely absorbed. The maximum dosage per dose should not exceed 2.5 g.

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Testimonials from real women

Instead of visiting a doctor, women often use the advice of experienced people. And then, having tried a lot of means on themselves, they despair. After all, the dangerous process is dragging on and progressing. But, following the doctor's prescriptions, many recognize that the ointment for the mammary glands from mastopathy is a good help.

Wrapping the breast after applying ointment

Galina, 40 years old: “I have been treated for a long time and to no avail. Used all possible ointments. Of course, only one of their use did not lead to anything. After all, after I stopped smearing them, the terrible pain and other unpleasant sensations returned. But in combination with medications prescribed by a doctor (and I had to take a long course), they gave an excellent result. The main thing I liked about them was the analgesic effect.”

Lyudmila, 34 years old: “The disease appeared a few years after the birth of the child. For a long time, nothing helped. I lost a lot of time because I was self-medicating. I don’t know what would happen next, but I went through a full course of medications and drugs prescribed by a mammologist. The results of the ultrasound were very encouraging. It turns out that in mammary gland there were no problems, that is, everything passed. Special thanks to Prozhestozhel. After rubbing, which I did according to the instructions, the aching, pulling pains quickly disappeared.

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How to prepare medicine with your own hands - effective and simple recipes

In addition to medicines produced in the factory, there are a lot of proven in practice folk recipes. Using them, you can quickly and easily prepare effective remedies at home. If you remember that rubbing alone does not help in complete healing, the home healer has advantages:

  • they do not have side effects and are easy to manufacture;
  • useful herbs and substances are introduced into their composition;
  • they are recommended not only by healers, but also by specialists.

Ointment from propolis

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Healing ointment from propolis

Propolis ointment for mastopathy has long proven itself, it is easy to prepare it with your own hands: make a mixture of alcohol tincture of propolis, petroleum jelly and lanolin (1: 5: 5), apply the mass to the fabric, apply to the chest and hold for 3-4 hours.

An ointment is also prepared from vegetable oil, propolis and beeswax (25 g of olive and linseed, 50 g of sunflower). The oil is heated in a water bath, a bag with small propolis is placed in it for half an hour, then 25 g of beeswax are added.

Recipes using herbs and other substances

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Assistant to women from celandine

Celandine is poisonous, but in case of illness, it turns into an assistant in minimal doses. There are many recipes with its use, here are the most effective:

  1. Dry celandine (2 tablespoons) is crushed, mixed with olive oil (2 teaspoons).
  2. The ground grass (1 teaspoon) is mixed with butter (butter or cocoa butter, 5 teaspoons), kept for 5 minutes in a water bath, cooled.
  3. A fresh plant is ground, the juice is squeezed out and mixed in equal proportions with heated suet.
  4. Dry celandine is crushed, poured with boiling water of the same volume and put butter (2 tablespoons) and camphor (1 teaspoon).

Mammography - breast diagnostics

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Fibrocystic disease is the first signal not only of danger, but also that it is time to go to the clinic. The sooner an accurate diagnosis is made, the greater the chance of successful treatment.

Mastopathy predominantly affects women 20 years of age and older. At the same time, those who have not had time to give birth to a child are more likely to get sick.

  • The disease is characterized by cyclicity and attachment to the menstrual cycle.
  • Some types of mastopathy can degenerate into breast cancer.
  • It is necessary to be treated comprehensively, combining the methods of traditional and traditional medicine (juices, tinctures, poultices, compresses, ointments).
  • Seals often appear after injuries, abortions, against the background of hormonal disorders.

From an early age, it is important for a woman to lead a healthy lifestyle (and these are not beautiful words), it is useful to eat and get rid of bad habits.

Doctors say that ointments are effective on early stages, they are more suitable for relieving symptoms, but do not eliminate the cause. Despite the safety and the minimum number of side effects, self-medication started without a visit to the doctor is unacceptable in this situation. Only after the examination can one understand whether this or that remedy of traditional medicine is suitable for the patient and whether it is worth wasting time on ointments.

It is necessary to treat mastopathy in a complex way: medicines and external means. The latter perfectly complement drug therapy, soothing pain and relieving inflammation. In this article we will talk about oils and ointment for mastopathy, which help well. In addition, when rubbing these funds, the chest is massaged, due to which congestion resolves.

Purchased ointments, creams and gels

Pharmacies are the easiest way to get a cure for mastitis. In any one you can find about a dozen ointments, gels and creams for mastopathy in various price categories. Some of them are based on one component, others are based on several.

It has a resolving effect, relieves inflammation, heals micro-wounds and sores. From 250 rubles.

Propolis ointment

Homeopathic external remedy. Starts the process of tissue regeneration, restores damaged skin, has antipruritic properties. From 200 rubles.

Gel Progestogel

A special remedy for mastopathy based on natural micronized progesterone - the most important female hormone. Improves moisture absorption by the skin, cleanses and expands the milk ducts. From 700 rubles.

Apilac cream

An effective non-hormonal external remedy for mastopathy, which soothes aching pain and improves the appearance of the mammary glands. Additionally stimulates cellular metabolism, improving tissue trophism. The price is only 150 rubles. Apilac is considered the best cream of its kind for mastopathy in terms of price and quality.

Cream Mastofit

Eliminates puffiness, discomfort; relieves pain. It refers to dietary supplements, therefore it is used more often for prevention, rather than treatment. From 280 rubles.

Cream-wax "Healthy"

Popular in recent times. Approved for use in pregnant women, because it has an absolutely natural composition. The consistency of the cream-wax is very delicate, so the product is easily absorbed. The cost is from 990 rubles.

Oils from mastopathy

Adherents of natural remedies can use oils. They definitely do not have any chemistry, and the oil structure allows you to gently massage mammary glands giving the effect of resorption.

It is most often used for mastopathy. This is an effective proven tool. Camphor oil is used as follows:

Black cumin oil

Purchased is used more often. Black cumin oil is rich in vitamins that are beneficial for women's health. You need to apply it in the morning and evening: a few drops are rubbed over the mammary glands. The excess is then removed with a paper towel.

Burr oil

Helps with fibrous and diffuse mastopathy. Used cold, so store it in the refrigerator. Burdock oil is absolutely safe, does not cause allergies even in women with very sensitive skin.

Linseed oil

It is also used to lubricate the chest. It has a wound healing effect, rich in vitamin E, has anti-inflammatory properties.

Folk outdoor remedies

In the absence of the opportunity to buy a ready-made ointment, cream, wax or gel against mastopathy in a pharmacy, you can use traditional medicine recipes.

burdock leaves

You will need fresh burdock leaves, which must be beaten off for the appearance of juice. The leaves are applied to the chest at night. In the morning they are thrown out, and the chest is immediately lubricated burdock oil.

Alternative: grate burdock, pour over pork fat and stir. You will get an ointment, which can also be used for mastopathy.

Grate medium-sized raw beets along with the peel. Squeeze out excess juice, and apply the cake on the chest in the form of a compress. Keep the night. If a woman sleeps on her stomach, it is not recommended to use this recipe, otherwise you can stain the laundry. By the way, the chest after such lotions will be reddish.

Mixture of medicinal herbs

We mix 50 g of coltsfoot, 30 g of celandine, 30 g of wormwood, 2 cups of rye flour. We fill with whey so that a steep dough is obtained. Cakes from it are superimposed on the mammary glands in the form of night compresses. In the morning, lubricate the chest with propolis ointment or black cumin oil.

Salt compress

Dissolve 100 g of table salt in a liter of boiled warm water. Moisten a cotton cloth in the resulting solution and apply to the mammary glands for 30-40 minutes a day. The compress relieves pain and resolves stagnation. After the procedure, we lubricate the breast with any gel or oil.

Rules for the use of ointments from mastopathy

All external remedies used for mastopathy should be used only after consulting a doctor. Self-medication is very dangerous, because the breast can react in different ways.

Apply any ointment, gel, compress or oil to clean, dry breasts. If it is not possible to take a shower, then it is better to skip the procedure. Otherwise, along with the remedy, sweat and salt can penetrate into the milk ducts, which is highly undesirable for mastopathy.

Allocate diffuse and nodular mastopathy. The latter is treated exclusively through surgical intervention. With a diffuse form, treatment of the problem breast with drugs is indicated. local action causing resorption of the overgrown tissue. As part of such therapy, ointments, creams and gels for mastopathy are used, which are combined with hormonal drugs and vitamin complexes. The duration of the course of treatment and the type of medication is selected by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the case.

The action of local drugs

The drugs used in diffuse mastopathy are based on synthetic hormones. Such drugs normalize the level of progesterone and estrogen, with an imbalance of which growth of the mammary glands is noted. Active ingredients these drugs are absorbed into the muscle and connective tissue of the breast and inhibit the active synthesis of hormones.

Also, with diffuse mastopathy, the use of herbal medicines is indicated. These medications are prescribed to suppress the symptoms of the disease: pain, swelling, inflammation. A number of drugs help eliminate small cystic growths and prevent discharge from the nipples.

The use of local preparations has little effect on general condition organism. Medicinal substances do not enter the blood, but have a local effect only on problem areas. In this regard, local hormonal therapy rarely causes side effects and well tolerated by patients.

Features of local therapy

The frequency of use of drugs for mastopathy is determined by the doctor. Usually, drugs are recommended to be rubbed into problematic up to two times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the individual characteristics of the disease and is 4-8 months.

It is not recommended to replace synthetic hormones with traditional medicine. The latter are applied within symptomatic treatment. Traditional medicine does not cause tissue resorption, but eliminate pain and reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process. Such drugs must be rubbed into the problem chest at least twice a day. Treatments folk remedies lasts much longer than hormone therapy.

Rub medicines recommended by performing soft, massage movements. Pressing on the mammary glands is prohibited, as this causes pain and enhances the inflammatory process. The preparations should not be applied to the nipples, areolas and areas where there are open wounds.

List of drugs

Diffuse mastopathy is often treated in a complex way. With such a pathology, the use of a group of drugs that act both on overgrown tissues and eliminate concomitant symptoms is indicated. If the prescribed medications do not work, the treatment is adjusted.


"Progestogel" is based on a synthetic analogue. The gel is not used if malignant tumors, nodular growths are diagnosed in the mammary glands and during pregnancy. In rare cases, Progestogel is combined with hormone pills, since the latter enhance the effect of the drug.

The gel normalizes the level of content in the mammary glands, simultaneously strengthening the walls of small capillaries. "Progestogel" eliminates puffiness, suppresses pain, restores the state of connective and epithelial tissues.

Treatment with this drug lasts at least three months.

The medicine is applied to the chest using the applicator that comes with the kit. It is recommended to treat the mammary glands with Progestogel once a day. The gel is allowed to be combined with other drugs, with the exception of hormonal drugs. "Progestogel" is also prescribed to eliminate symptoms and prevent diseases of the mammary glands during menopause.


"Apilak" is available in the form of a gel and tablets. The drug does not contain hormones, and therefore the drug must be combined with other medicines against diffuse mastopathy. The agent in the form of a gel is prescribed for initial stage the development of the disease.

The basis of "Apilak" is an extract from the royal milk of bees. Additionally, the composition of the drug includes glycerin and paraffin. These substances stimulate the regeneration of the epithelial tissue of the mammary gland and eliminate swelling. Extraction accelerates the healing of cracks. Also the drug relieves the feeling of heaviness in the chest and red spots.

Traumeel S

"Traumeel S" is used for fibrous mastopathy and with cystic neoplasms in the mammary glands. The drug is available in the form of an ointment for external use, tablets and intravenous injections. With mastopathy, "Traumeel C" of local action is mainly used. The medicine is one of the homeopathic, as it does not contain hormones.

The cream suppresses the inflammatory process, due to which swelling and pain disappear. This effect is provided by chamomile, comfrey, arnica, belladonna and other plant substances that are part of "Traumeel S". The drug should be rubbed into the problem gland no more than twice a day.


"Healer" consists of natural ingredients: extracts from medicinal plants, beeswax. Also included in the preparation are panthenol and tocophenol. "Healer" is not a hormonal drug, so it rarely causes side effects.

The cream is not recommended for use in cystic neoplasms in the breast in view of the low effectiveness of the drug in such disorders. The substances that make up the drug increase blood flow in the chest, thereby reducing the intensity of the inflammatory process and, as a result, swelling and pain disappear.

The only contraindication to the use of "Healer" is the increased sensitivity of the body to the individual components of the drug. With caution, it is recommended to use drugs for women during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

"Healer" should treat problematic mammary glands up to three times a day. The drug is most effective in the second phase menstrual cycle and after ovulation. The duration of treatment with "Lekarem" is 1-2 weeks.

Mastofit Evalar

This type of medicine is also available in tablet and cream form. The drug, like "Apilak", refers to dietary supplements, so the drug should be combined with hormonal agents.

The basis of Mastofit is soybean oil, pork fat, seaweed extract and glycerin. The drug is recommended for symptomatic treatment, as it is not able to normalize the level of hormones in the mammary glands. The cream eliminates swelling and pain that occurs before menstruation.

The agent must be applied to the affected gland 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined depending on the characteristics of a particular case and does not exceed three months. The medicine is not recommended for patients with pathologies. This is explained by the fact that the gel contains iodine in high concentration.


Cream-gel "Malavit", like most other drugs, acts as a supplement to hormone therapy. The medicine contains an extract from resin, grape seed oil, mummy and malachite extract. The drug suppresses foci of inflammation, thereby stopping pain, eliminating the feeling of heaviness and swelling.

Cream-gel is not recommended for cystic neoplasms. It is necessary to treat the mammary glands with the drug up to three times a day. With intense pain, the medicine should be used up to five times. The duration of treatment is 2-3 weeks.


"Indovazin" has the form of an ointment and a gel. The drug is based on troxerutin and indomethacin, which strengthen tissues and capillaries and suppress inflammation. The remedy is effective against edema and breast engorgement. At the same time, medicinal components accelerate blood flow and eliminate pain.

The duration of treatment and the dosage of Indovazin are determined on an individual basis. The product is not recommended to be applied for more than 10 days in a row. If the allowable dosage is exceeded, headaches, symptoms allergic reaction, hemorrhages inside the chest.


Ointment "Troxevasin" is prescribed to eliminate foci of inflammation. The product contains triethanolamine, troxerutin and carbonar. The drug is recommended to be combined with hormonal drugs and vitamin complexes.

"Troxevasin" accelerates blood circulation, strengthens and tones the walls of blood vessels, eliminates the feeling of heaviness and swelling. The ointment should be applied up to two times a day, avoiding contact with open wounds. "Troxevasin" is not prescribed for the treatment of mastopathy in the second trimester of pregnancy.


Cream wax is based on bee venom and wax, propolis extract, resin and horse chestnut. "Healthy" is prescribed for the prevention of mastopathy and introduced into the complex therapy for diffuse growth of breast tissue. Cream wax is approved for use during pregnancy and lactation.

The product is applied up to two times a day for three months. Treatment with a cream allows you to eliminate swelling, get rid of breast engorgement and pain, strengthen small capillaries.

The drug "Healthy" is contraindicated in patients who have identified intolerance to honey.


Despite the fact that the Zorka cream was developed for the treatment of pathologies in cows, the drug gives a certain result during the treatment of mastopathy in women. The composition of the drug includes vitamins, antioxidants, biotin and phospholipids. These substances moisturize the surface of the skin, stimulate metabolic processes in connective tissue and tone the blood vessels.

The cream is applied in the form of compresses once a day. The drug is recommended to be applied until the symptoms of the disease disappear completely.

Topical drugs for mastopathy have a less serious effect on the body. but these drugs are not always effective. Therefore, creams and ointments are recommended to be combined with systemic medications.