How to cure thrush after childbirth. Thrush in women after childbirth: signs, treatment

Vaginal candidiasis is a common occurrence faced by women of all ages. Enhanced reproduction of the candida fungus occurs under certain factors, among which is pregnancy. Thrush after childbirth, if it was during the bearing of a child, persists and continues to manifest itself with unpleasant symptoms.


Thrush after childbirth should be cured in a short time, otherwise complications cannot be avoided. Antifungal therapy is also required during the period of bearing a child. It consists of taking medicines allowed for pregnant women.

Treatment of vaginal candidiasis is performed using systemic and local funds. Medicines of the first group are intended for oral administration, they enter the intestines, where the fungus lives. Further them active substances penetrate into the blood and spread to all tissues of the body. Such therapy is considered the most effective, but during pregnancy it is used in severe cases - due to the toxic effect. In pregnant women, candidiasis is treated with topical preparations. To this group belong vaginal tablets, candles, creams, ointments.

At the beginning of pregnancy - up to the 12th week - experts prescribe suppositories from thrush Natamycin. They are non-toxic, but their effectiveness is low. Before childbirth, therapy is carried out with such medicines:

  • Miconazole;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Isoconazole.

The duration of the use of suppositories and the dosage is prescribed by the gynecologist. Given that the carrier of candidiasis is a man, he must also undergo treatment. To do this, Fluconazole tablets are taken orally, and the genitals are treated with ointments and creams based on clotrimazole.

Treatment of thrush in women after childbirth is carried out with the same drugs as during pregnancy. When prescribing medications, it is important to know whether the woman is breastfeeding or the child is on artificial nutrition.

During lactation, candles Livarol and are allowed. If the nipples of the breast are affected by candidiasis, they must be treated with Pimafucin cream. In such cases, experts recommend not breastfeeding until complete recovery.

After taking antimycotic agents, it is imperative to undergo a course of therapy aimed at restoring the intestinal microflora. For these purposes, take probiotics, bifidobacteria, lactobacilli.

Bifidumbacterin suppositories are used to restore the vaginal microflora and normalize the acid-base balance.

Folk remedies

Can help relieve symptoms of thrush folk treatment- the use of medicinal decoctions and infusions for douching and washing. If there are no prohibitions on vaginal irrigation during pregnancy, these procedures will be the most effective.

  1. and warm water in a ratio of 1:10. A room temperature solution is used for douching for 7 days in a row.
  2. Burdock root. 5 st. l. dry raw materials pour 1 liter of water, leave for an hour.
  3. Succession, oak bark, nettle. Take 2 tbsp. l. each ingredient, pour hot water, boil for 5 minutes. Used for irrigation.
  4. Chamomile with celandine. 1 st. l. herbs pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour and douche.

Based on natural honey, you can prepare tampons. If there is no allergy to this product, it can be used to get rid of the signs of candidiasis. A swab from a bandage should be moistened with liquid honey and inserted into the vagina. This procedure is carried out at night, and in the morning they are washed with infusions of herbs.

For the prevention of thrush before childbirth, you can wash daily with a decoction of chamomile, succession, sage.

Vaginal candidiasis is a disease that is dangerous for pregnant and lactating women. To avoid complications and unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to treat and prevent a fungal infection.

Postpartum candidiasis - this problem often overshadows the first joys of motherhood, complicates the process of recovery after pregnancy. Doctors say that the fungal disease develops literally every third woman.

Breastfeeding mothers must understand that standard therapeutic methods are not suitable for them. Yes, a self-selected antibiotic will have the necessary effect on the pathogenic microflora, but it can have a detrimental effect on the health of the baby.

Symptoms and causes of thrush after childbirth

In most cases, the pathology is caused by endogenous (internal) factors. In recent women in labor, this is a weakening of the immune system, due to the restructuring of the hormonal background. Possible reasons also include:

  • microtrauma;
  • endocrine problems;
  • uncontrolled intake of drugs (glucocorticoids, antibiotics, cytostatics).

Typical symptoms of urogenital candidiasis are:

  • unbearable itching, burning in the groin;
  • white curdled discharge from the vagina;
  • dysuria (pain during urination).

It should also be borne in mind that thrush after childbirth can develop in other places. In the presence of favorable conditions, Candida albicans actively multiplies in the interdigital, axillary, cervical and anal folds, under the breast and on the nipples, on smooth skin and oral mucosa.

When alarm bells appear, such as: a white coating on the tongue, small vesicles on the body that turn into erosive areas, hyperemia of the nipples, gums and tongue, you need to contact a dermatovenereologist.

Diagnosis and features of drug treatment of thrush after childbirth

Preliminary conclusions are made on the basis of examination of the patient. The doctor must make sure that it is candidiasis that is the problem, and not dermatitis, lichen, streptococcal or another type of infection. The diagnosis is confirmed by microscopy data.

The main difficulty in the treatment of thrush after childbirth is that oral administration of powerful antimycotics is strictly prohibited for nursing mothers. The main focus is on local therapy: creams and ointments. There are a number of drugs for the treatment of candidiasis that are approved for use after childbirth during lactation, for example, Hexoral solution, Terzhinan vaginal tablets.

In order to prevent the development of pathology preventive actions must be done during pregnancy. Main tasks: to prevent an imbalance of microflora, to strengthen the immune system. By agreement with the doctor, expectant and newly-made mothers can drink vitamin complexes, if necessary - probiotics, follow a diet.

Folk remedies for the treatment of postpartum thrush

The most common "home" methods of treatment with a pathogenic fungus: and wiping the affected areas (inguinal folds, nipples) with various antiseptic solutions. Usually women use vinegar, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide.

Doctors insist on the inadmissibility of such manipulations. The main danger is a burn of the skin or mucous membrane.

Permissible local use of herbal teas, characterized by antiseptic properties (based on green tea, chamomile, sage).

  • cystitis, cervical erosion and infertility (with the urogenital form of the disease);
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • general decrease in immunity.

The ability to reproduce theoretically should not create complications for the mother's body - as well as those considered to be a normal state. In practice, in the first days, women often do not feel at all natural, but they can break loose or leave fatal complications “as a keepsake”.

Thrush after childbirth is also more common than is commonly thought. For every 3rd woman, it is temporary, occurring at a certain stage of gestation or lactation, and for every 7th woman, it requires treatment for more than 2 weeks.

It is rare that a woman has not experienced an exacerbation before conceiving a child. Its pathogen lives on, and as part of another healthy one. It even has the benefit of keeping the local pH “acidified” and unfavorable to outside pathogens.

His attempts to multiply are blocked by bifidobacteria and lactobacilli that do not have pathogenic properties. Thrush begins not because of the "mutations" of the candida themselves, but because of changes in the properties of their environment - a deterioration in overall resistance, the death of their antagonists.

Beneficial bacteria are most often killed due to the abuse of local antiseptics or treatment. In case of postpartum injuries (ruptures, incisions), both components are available. The third factor is a temporary shift in the balance of the environment towards the alkaline side. This is due to a hormonal shift that triggers lactation, and all the same stitches with the need to process them.

Another significant point is itself. The general defense is busy healing ruptures and monitoring "awakened" mammary glands (it always keeps a close eye on the tissues that produce any substances, since this behavior is typical of cancer cells).

Plus, some of her bodies (macrophages, lymphocytes, leukocytes) are now going to breast milk to pass on to the child. But immunity cannot take on an infinite number of new tasks. And thrush in women after childbirth often becomes the result of his hard work on 3-4 “fronts” in addition to his usual duties.

Symptoms and signs

Candidiasis after childbirth does not begin suddenly - rather, it develops within 12-20 hours. In a periodically aggravated infection, there are precursors that are easily recognized by patients over time.

If they change depending on the new stage of life (like the appearance of a child), then only slightly. There are first increased and dryness in the vagina, between the labia minora. Then they begin to grow and:

  • burning pains around the urethra when emptying;
  • burning in any part of the infected area when rubbing underwear and clothes, acts;
  • sour ;
  • similar to curdled milk or fine-grained cottage cheese from the vagina;
  • a similar type of plaque.

Easily damaged weeping blisters may appear, the affected area looks inflamed, the local temperature is elevated. is constant and does not depend on the time of day. Among all the features of how thrush manifests itself after childbirth, in the form of itching and whitish lumps of pseudomycelium are the most characteristic.

How to treat thrush after childbirth: drugs and scheme

General intake of any during breastfeeding is not recommended. Both main classes (azole derivatives and active antibiotics) penetrate biolactate, and some of them are highly toxic.

It is necessary to treat thrush after childbirth only locally, avoiding application to unhealed scars and cracks (so as not to increase the absorption coefficient). Suitable for this, gel and. With this approach, their entry into the systemic circulation will be negligible. What resources can be used?

  • Pimafucin - on the "base" of the antibiotic natamycin. The absence of contraindications for use by nursing mothers is indicated on the packaging even for its tablets (it is almost not absorbed by the walls). When using and the more safe. The treatment regimen for them consists of 1 suppository daily, at night, plus a cream - during the day, as needed (increased itching), for the entire affected area, except for the vagina, no more than 4 times a day, for a maximum of 3 weeks. A package for 6 suppositories costs 540 rubles. and above, cream (tube 30 g) - 332-340 rubles.
  • Nystatin is a relatively old antibiotic, but rarely causes resistance in Candida. Produced in tablets, and. Gestation and breast-feeding are indicated in the instructions for it among the contraindications, but - because their effect on the embryo has not been tested in real conditions. Laboratory studies have not revealed any negative effects; absorption close to zero should also be taken into account. Candles with nystatin are administered 1 pc. in the morning and in the evening, the ointment is applied up to 3 times a day until the thrush is completely gone, plus another 5 days. The treatment regimen does not exclude the joint use of both forms, although it recommends limiting itself to 2 applications of the ointment per day. Suppositories can be bought at a price of up to 75 rubles, a cream - up to 100 rubles.
  • - uniquely safe, because it is herbal and applied only locally. The drug is in the form of a spray, contains extracts of aloe (the plant is recognized as a remedy for increasing resistance even in scientific medicine) and spices of oregano with thyme (rich in antiseptics with an action activating local blood flow and "delivery" of protective bodies). It also contains coconut components (caprylic acid is a natural antibiotic and a component of many fats that improves their storage) and inulin is a polysaccharide present in many plants, a nutrient medium for antagonist bacteria of the fungus of the genus Candida. The spray is applied to the affected areas in the mornings and evenings, for 7 days (longer is allowed). It costs 990 rubles.

Of the drugs, the use of which even locally can be a bad idea, it is worth highlighting suppositories from thrush after childbirth. It is a combination of prednisolone (an antihistamine steroid), the fungicide ternidazole, and 2 antibiotics, neomycin with nystatin. A complex preparation, good only for mixed infections.

With a general drop in resistance, Terzhinan may be unsafe due to the similar action of prednisolone (it will relieve itching, but the spread of the fungus can become explosive). It also differs in increased toxicity to the liver (Klion-D, Candide B6, Canison). And if you really choose among the azoles, then it is considered the safest (, Diflucan).

Prevention of the onset of candidiasis

The body of a recent woman in labor most of all needs high-grade animal proteins, especially gelatin - a material for the construction of protective bodies and regeneration after injuries. You should also not deny yourself butter and lard - breast milk is extremely saturated with cholesterol, and the body first needs to take it somewhere.

It is undesirable to take even herbal immunity stimulants orally before the end of lactation (they penetrate into breast milk and can make the child allergic). But among the most important for the defense system are A, C, D and E. It is also necessary to monitor the usefulness of the diet in terms of the content of minerals selenium, zinc, iron from animal (vegetable are not suitable!) sources.

Understanding that you have thrush is very simple. There are several obvious symptoms. The first of these is a white curdled coating and discharge, as well as itching, severe irritation, severe pain during urination. After childbirth, most often the thrush worsens due to the fact that the woman's hormonal background changes dramatically, and the woman also experienced severe stress during the birth of a child. At the same time, the microflora begins to be disturbed and then the fungus begins to multiply very quickly. If thrush was observed before childbirth, during pregnancy, and if you did not have time to cure it, then most likely this unpleasant disease will be transmitted to the child during childbirth. Infection occurs when the child passes through the birth canal. It is there that the Candida fungus very quickly penetrates the body of the crumb. After that, the baby can quickly develop oral thrush, and when the woman breastfeeds him, she will also be infected again. She will first begin to appear irritation on the nipples.

Of course, the disease is very unpleasant, but there is good news: it is very easily and quickly treated. In addition, if there was no thrush before, but it appeared during feeding, then in no case should the child be weaned from the breast. To do this, it is enough to undergo a course of treatment for both the child and his mother. No need to self-medicate, it is better to entrust this matter to doctors. And so that you don’t have problems with thrush again, you need to periodically take preventive measures.

Signs of candidiasis

With the development of a fungal infection, women are concerned about:

  • itching, swelling and burning of the genitals;
  • frequent, painful urination;
  • the appearance of a rash on the mucous membranes of the vulva;
  • the formation of erosion when combing soft tissues;
  • white, cheesy discharge with a sour smell.

Thrush after childbirth can affect not only organs genitourinary system but also chest. The nipples swell, become covered with whitish scales, itch, and cracks form on them. During the application of the child to the breast, the woman experiences a stabbing, sharp pain that radiates to the arm. Discomfort is caused by friction of tight clothing, hygiene procedures, and even ordinary touch.

Why does postpartum candidiasis occur?

Thrush can be caused by:

  • long-term use of antibiotics, hormonal drugs;
  • allergy to intimate gels, underwear;
  • vaginal douching;
  • mechanical trauma of the mucous membranes of the vagina;
  • intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • helminthic invasion;
  • postpartum stress;
  • exacerbation chronic diseases internal organs;
  • hormonal imbalance.

Candidiasis often affects women during pregnancy, this is due to a decrease in local immunity of the vagina and changes in hormonal levels. If adequate treatment of thrush has not been carried out during childbearing, then the symptoms of the infection persist after childbirth. This condition is dangerous for the health of the child, since the baby can become infected with candidiasis during passage through the birth canal.

Difficult childbirth, surgery, suturing also lead to disruption of the normal microflora of the vagina and contribute to the development of thrush.

Treatment of candidiasis

If thrush occurs after childbirth, you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid infection of the child. Many medicines are contraindicated for women who are breastfeeding, as the medicines enter the bloodstream and breast milk. It is recommended to carry out local treatment vaginal suppositories or antifungal ointments.

During lactation, it is allowed to use the following suppositories:

  • Pimafucin is prescribed to eliminate the symptoms of thrush, vulvitis, vulvovaginitis. The average duration of treatment is 3-6 days. With the defeat of candidiasis of the external genital organs, local treatment of the mucous membranes with Pimafucin cream is carried out. During menstruation, therapy is stopped.

  • Candles Bifidumbacterin contribute to the restoration of normal microflora and acid-base balance of the vagina after treatment with antibiotics, antifungal agents. The drug populates the mucous membranes with useful lactobacilli, can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

  • Suppositories Livarol is an antimicrobial, antiseptic. With intravaginal administration, it is poorly absorbed into the systemic circulation, and has a local therapeutic effect. Candles are used 1 time per day for 3-5 days, during the treatment of chronic thrush, the course can be increased to 10 days.

Pimafucin cream is necessary to lubricate the nipples in case of breast candidiasis. Before feeding, the skin is thoroughly washed with baby soap. And also for antiseptic treatment, a solution of sodium tetraborate is used, it can be added to water when washing the external genitalia. Hygiene procedures relieve itching, burning and swelling of soft tissues.

With an advanced or chronic stage of thrush, it is necessary to simultaneously take antifungal tablets inside and perform local therapy with suppositories, ointments. For the period of treatment, breastfeeding should be abandoned. Medicines should be taken under the supervision of a physician.


Childbirth and the postpartum period is a huge stress for female body. The hormonal system is being rebuilt, which requires a lot of energy costs. Therefore, it is not surprising that the body's defenses are reduced and allow the development of many infections that were previously in a latent (hidden) state.

The course of childbirth can also cause the development of candidiasis of the genital organs. Bleeding, surgery - all this affects general condition body of a woman in labor, affecting her immune status and increasing the risk of developing thrush.


If all the conditions for the development of the disease have been created, it will quickly make itself felt, so it is impossible to skip the thrush, taking care of your health.

The main signs of urogenital candidiasis after childbirth are:

  • Itching and burning in the vulva;
  • Curdled white discharge from the vagina;
  • White plaque;
  • Painful urination.

If these symptoms are detected, a woman should immediately contact a specialist doctor. If you delay the visit to the doctor, you can not only increase the duration of treatment, but also infect the child with candidiasis. The point is that at acute form diseases, fungal particles can circulate in the blood and enter different tissues of the body, including the mammary glands, and be excreted in milk during lactation.

Treatment of postpartum thrush

To drugs local action include the same pimafucin and nystatin, but in the form vaginal suppositories and creams. They are combined with systemic drugs and are the drugs of choice during pregnancy and lactation.

More information about the treatment of thrush during lactation can be found in the article thrush during lactation.

Recently, there has been much debate about the continuation of lactation in the treatment of thrush. But experts still believe that breastfeeding should be excluded for the period of treatment.

Firstly, this reduces the risk of infection of the child with candidal stomatitis with subsequent complications. And secondly, even the most harmless drug is an additional burden for a child's body that has not yet been adapted. Therefore, it is better to refuse breastfeeding during the treatment period.


You should not run thrush, considering it a non-dangerous disease. First of all, do not forget that this is an inflammatory process, which, without treatment, tends to spread to the nearest tissues, organs, causing their dysfunction. So, running urogenital candidiasis can spread to the entire genitourinary system.

However, this is far from the most severe complications. this disease. Thrush can also become fertile ground for the development of a secondary bacterial infection that is difficult to treat. All this in general can lead to infertility.

Among the complications of candidiasis after childbirth, the infection of the child from the mother with all the ensuing consequences is distinguished. Therefore, it is still better to refuse breastfeeding for the period of treatment, even if the child has already become infected. It can also cause re-infection of the mother with breast candidiasis in the mother.


A qualified specialist is obliged to explain to a woman after childbirth. How to take care of your own body in the period after childbirth, observing the rules of personal hygiene. It is also worth listening to his advice on the diet: do not pass on sweets, eat more vitamins, sour-milk products.

It should be remembered that the health of the mother is the guarantee of the health of the child.

Causes of candidiasis

Conditionally pathogenic microorganisms - fungi of the genus Candida - are constantly present in the body. Get the opportunity to intensify their activities with a decrease in immunity. The body ceases to counteract the growth of fungi, painful symptoms appear.

The risk of developing thrush increases when exposed to several adverse factors.

Thrush provocateurs:

  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • the use of gaskets;
  • means for intimate procedures;
  • condom use;
  • the presence in the diet of sweets, flour products based on yeast;
  • drinking beer, kvass;
  • hypothermia;
  • intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • infected sexual partner.

In addition to vaginal candidiasis in women, thrush of the chest and oral cavity may develop after childbirth. The reasons are similar. But breast thrush develops more often in the presence of oral candidiasis in a child. Then the fungus gets into the cracks in the nipples, begins to multiply.


The manifestation of thrush has one characteristic feature - the presence of white curdled discharge with a sour smell. As well as unbearable itching, which intensifies towards evening.

Symptoms of thrush of the genital organs:

If thrush is caused by the action of external factors - synthetic underwear, pads, hygiene products, unpleasant symptoms intensify after contact with a provocateur.

Symptoms of breast candidiasis:

  • discharge;
  • white coating on the nipples;
  • pain during feeding;
  • the presence of cracks;
  • puffiness;
  • redness.

Oral thrush is rare in women. Only if oral hygiene is not observed.

Symptoms of thrush are individual. They may appear stronger or weaker. In the absence of proper therapy, frequent relapses occur, candidiasis becomes chronic.

Mom's treatment

There are a huge number of drugs for the treatment of candidiasis, but the whole difficulty lies in the fact that active ingredients penetrate into breast milk, so breastfeeding is a contraindication.

Symptoms of candidiasis vary. From slight itching with whitish discharge. To terrible problems with urination. In the first case, you can do folk recipes which is what experts advise. In the second case, you will have to undergo a full course of therapy for candidiasis and transfer the child to artificial feeding, express breast milk.

Do not forget that thrush is an investigative disease. In order to finally get rid of the painful symptoms, to prevent relapses, it is necessary to direct efforts to strengthen the immune system. It is not so easy to cope with candidiasis against the background of hormonal changes, because after the end of feeding, the hormones will again be restructured. In this case, it is necessary to minimize the effect of negative factors, try to rest, get enough sleep. So that the body does not weaken completely.

Rules for the treatment of thrush during breastfeeding:

  • Stick to a diet. Do not eat a lot of sweets, flour products. Yeast-based pastries, kvass, beer, carbonated drinks are prohibited.
  • Do not use medicines without expert advice. Even if these are candles of local influence.
  • To defeat genital thrush, it is necessary to normalize the intestinal microflora. This body is responsible for the absorption of useful components, vitamins, minerals, strengthening immunity.

Even such safe, at first glance, drugs as vitamins, probiotics can harm the child, cause an allergic reaction. You should not start treatment without consulting a specialist. Carefully monitor the child's condition - behavior, skin. In the presence of rashes, bloating, capriciousness, tearfulness, therapy should be discontinued.

Treatment for breastfeeding folk remedies

Therapy for thrush should be comprehensive - diet, good rest, good sleep. Local painful symptoms are eliminated with the help of traditional medicine recipes.

These are the safest and most effective means for the treatment of candidiasis during pregnancy, lactation. If the therapy does not give the desired result, it is necessary to undergo a full treatment with medicines, antifungal drugs. It is not recommended to do this on your own.

Special preparations

It is forbidden to use pills to inhibit the vital activity of fungi during breastfeeding. If they cannot be dispensed with, the child is transferred to artificial nutrition while therapy is being carried out. It is allowed to use topical antifungal drugs in the form of suppositories, ointments, creams.

When breastfeeding, candles Terzhinan, Pimafucin, Livarol, Clotrimazole are prescribed. Suppositories are inserted into the vagina at bedtime. The course of therapy is from 5 to 14 days. If during treatment the child develops allergic reaction- skin rashes appear, therapy should be stopped, consult a specialist.

Cream preparations work in a similar way. It is allowed to use Candida, Monistat, Hexoral, Nystatin ointment. It is necessary to use twice a day - in the morning, before going to bed. The average course duration is 10 days.

Whether it is necessary to treat the husband and how?

Men often act as carriers of candidiasis, the disease is hidden or with mild symptoms, which periodically makes itself felt. One of the causes of thrush in breastfeeding women is an infected partner. To get rid of candidiasis completely, to prevent mutual infection, both partners need to be treated. How to treat a husband if his wife has thrush?

In the presence of painful symptoms, men are recommended ointments, topical creams. The drugs eliminate itching, burning, swelling, redness, normalize the process of urination, inhibit the activity of pathogens. The tool is used twice a day for 10 days. Relief comes after the first application.

The most effective drugs:

  • Nizoral;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Kanizol;
  • Candide;
  • Agisten;
  • Nystatin ointment;
  • Pimafukort;
  • Miconazole;
  • Zalain;
  • Triderm.

An absolute contraindication to the use of any drug is individual intolerance to the components. Before active use, a test should be carried out.

Both in the presence of painful symptoms, and in its absence, it is recommended to undergo drug treatment tablets. Modern antifungal drugs act quickly, just one tablet is enough to reduce the level of opportunistic microorganisms to an acceptable level. An example of such drugs is Futsis, 150 mg is taken 1 time.

If a man’s thrush is in full swing, in order to get rid of it, an integrated approach is needed. Be sure to follow the diet, the rejection of bad habits, especially alcohol. Eliminate physical, emotional overwork. Take drugs to normalize the intestinal microflora, vitamins, in severe cases, immunostimulants.

Possible Complications

In the absence of qualified treatment, candidiasis becomes chronic. The frequency of relapses depends on the body's defenses. With a weakened immune system, a fungal infection spreads to neighboring organs.

Fungi penetrate through the urinary ducts into the bladder. Inflammation begins, cystitis develops. The aching pain in the lower abdomen or cramps joins the painful symptoms of thrush. Frequent urge to urinate, false urges present, feeling full Bladder. Cloudy urine appears with an admixture of blood. The general state of health worsens, the temperature rises to 37 degrees Celsius.

Recurrent thrush disrupts the functionality of the reproductive system, which in severe cases leads to infertility. Of course, if a woman has given birth to a second child, she does not plan to give birth again, she cannot be frightened by infertility. But against the background of recurrent thrush, the state of health worsens, the quality of life decreases, sexual intercourse does not bring pleasure.

The fungus can be localized on any part of the body, in any organ. The consequences can be the most serious. Infection of the kidneys, heart, gallbladder, brain, skin. At first glance, a harmless thrush leads to terrible diseases of internal organs and systems.

All of this can be avoided. If you seek help from specialists in a timely manner, take appropriate measures, follow the rules of prevention.

How to prevent thrush after childbirth?

To stop the reproduction of a harmful fungus, it is necessary to direct efforts to strengthen the immune system, normalize the intestinal microflora, and eliminate the influence of negative factors.

The diet of a nursing woman is different from the usual. But, if the child does not have a tummy ache, there is no allergic reaction, the mother can afford to eat a lot. Sweets, coffee, flour products provoke thrush. They should be excluded. Be sure to eat dairy products, drink green tea. These products improve the functionality of the intestines, increase the amount of milk, and have a beneficial effect on the baby's body.

In order for the body to get stronger, to begin to fight fungi on its own, it is necessary to rest, get enough sleep, try not to be nervous. The second most common cause of candidiasis is prolonged depression, postpartum stress, lack of sleep. To strengthen the immune system, spend more time outdoors.

What causes postpartum candidiasis

The disease is caused by the fungus Candida albicans. It is detected during examination of smears in 95% of patients. This fungus belongs to the conditionally pathogenic microflora of the human body. The habitat of the fungus is the mucous membranes and intestines, but its amount is controlled by lacto and bifidobacteria.

The causes of thrush after childbirth are:

  1. Hormonal changes in pregnant women and young mothers. Violation of the ratio of progesterone and estrogen affects beneficial bacteria and helps the development of the fungus.
  2. Antibiotics. Antibiotics are contraindicated for nursing mothers, but if the birth was difficult, antibiotic suppositories are prescribed. This suppresses the normal microflora of the vagina, reduces the number of lactobacilli and creates favorable conditions for fungi.
  3. Intimate hygiene. Discharge after childbirth, stagnation in the pelvic organs, a change in the acid-base balance in the vagina contribute to the development of thrush.
  4. Diseases of the exchange. With diabetes, thrush after childbirth occurs more often.
  5. Decreased general immunity. This happens with lack of sleep, overwork, stress, malnutrition.

There are also common factors that contribute to the development of candidiasis (tight synthetic underwear, an allergic reaction to pads, poor personal hygiene). They become the cause of the disease.

Types and forms of the disease

After childbirth in women, signs of thrush may appear suddenly and occur both in acute and in chronic form. Depending on the area of ​​​​increased development of the colony of the fungus, candidiasis is divided into several types.

Candidiasis of the genitourinary organs

More often occurs in nursing mothers, it is associated with a change in the level of hormones in the blood. The reasons are inadequate treatment of thrush in a pregnant woman and a decrease in overall immunity. Treatment of thrush in a woman after childbirth is mandatory, as it leads to infection of the child.

breast candidiasis

It occurs as a result of infection from a child, or non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. The child becomes infected while passing through the mother's birth canal. He has oral candidiasis. When sucking, the fungus enters the microcracks of the nipple and finds a favorable environment for reproduction there.

oral candidiasis

Thrush after childbirth in the mouth is less common. The reasons are a general decrease in immunity, malnutrition, insufficient sanitation of the oral cavity.

intestinal candidiasis

The main development factor is a decrease in the overall resistance of the organism. It is more common during treatment with corticosteroids, antibiotics, in patients with diabetes mellitus or other serious illnesses.

Symptoms of candidiasis after childbirth

Symptoms of thrush in women after childbirth depend on the location of the lesion and the form of the disease. Young mothers have a burning sensation, itching in the intimate area. Allocations can be whitish, insignificant or plentiful (white cheesy). On examination, signs of inflammation are found - redness of the mucosa, swelling.

If there is a breast lesion, then when feeding a child, a woman feels severe pain, which increases with emptying and gives into deep tissues mammary gland. The nipple turns red, the skin over it is shiny, a rash or white coating appears.

The development of thrush in the oral cavity causes discomfort, pain when eating. White or red spots appear on the mucous membrane.

Intestinal candidiasis is characterized by indigestion, frequent stools. One of the symptoms is periodic itching in the anus.

How is postpartum candidiasis treated?

What to do if a woman has thrush after giving birth? Seek medical attention first, especially if you are breastfeeding. Antifungal drugs can pass into breast milk. Therefore, the doctor prescribes the treatment.

Contacting a specialist will allow you to take a smear on the flora (determine the causative agent of the disease), identify its sensitivity to medicines. Sometimes the symptoms of thrush and other diseases of the genitourinary system are similar. Depending on the result of the analysis, therapy is prescribed. The following treatments are used for candidiasis:

Medical treatment

How to treat a woman when thrush is detected after childbirth depends on whether the sick child is breastfeeding or not.

  • local therapy. It is necessary to do douching, washing with solutions of soda, manganese, decoctions of medicinal herbs. Vaginal suppositories, creams with an antifungal drug inhibit the vital activity of the fungus and relieve inflammation. In the case of breast candidiasis, an ointment, gel is used. With candidiasis of the mouth, irrigation of the mouth or gargling can be done.
  • General therapy. Antifungal drugs of general action are prescribed. They should not be used while breastfeeding. In the case of a complicated course of the disease and the absence of the effect of local therapy, it is necessary to transfer the child to artificial nutrition.

If the child is infected during childbirth and the mother develops breast candidiasis after this, breastfeeding can be continued. The doctor will tell you how to treat the baby. The child is prescribed drops or ointments for thrush.



Thrush after childbirth is a fairly common cause of discomfort in the genital area. Candidiasis colpitis can occur both latently and asymptomatically, and with a vivid clinical picture.

Thrush is an indicator of immunodeficiency, not a sexual infection. And many conditions after childbirth can lead to the depletion of protective forces. Treatment of thrush should be comprehensive, including both systemic and local preparations, as well as changes in some hygiene habits. What to do and how to deal with candidal fungus?

Read in this article

Reasons for the appearance

Normally, a woman's vaginal secretion may contain fungi of the genus Candida, which cause thrush. Under a combination of circumstances, they begin to actively multiply, and their stay is no longer harmless, symptoms of inflammation appear. This happens due to. So, the following conditions can lead to the development of candidal colpitis:

  • Frequent infectious diseases or exacerbation of chronic pathology. All this aggravates the existing symptoms of immunodeficiency and leads to the activation of Candida.
  • An increase in blood glucose levels. Often women after childbirth do not even suspect that they have the first signs diabetes second type. And predispose to this overweight, disruption of the pancreas, etc. And if the weight of the child at birth was more than 4 kg, then the young mother is included in this risk group and should be on the alert.
  • Overweight. Extra pounds contribute to a change in the hormonal background of a woman, the systemic immune response decreases. The imbalance leads to a change in the properties of the vaginal epithelium, as a result of which the content of sour-milk sticks decreases, and candida “come” in their place.
  • Breast-feeding. During lactation, the level of all hormones decreases, the activity of the pituitary gland is aimed at producing prolactin. With a relative estrogen deficiency, a girl may feel slight discomfort and dryness during sexual intercourse. Also, female sex hormones affect the rate of regeneration of the vaginal epithelium and provide an acidic environment. And with their lack, the likelihood of dysbiosis and candidal colpitis increases dramatically.

Therefore, having episodes of this pathology during pregnancy, it is impossible to say unequivocally whether the thrush will pass after childbirth.

  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Fungi of this genus are not only in the vagina, they inhabit and oral cavity, and the entire gastrointestinal tract, and skin, etc. Therefore, dysbiosis in the body will lead to permanent problems with thrush, just here its manifestations are most noticeable. On the part of the intestines, this is flatulence, loosening of the stool, and others.
  • Sexual infections that cause inflammation in the vagina and local immunodeficiency. As a result of the reproduction of pathogens, the acid-base balance changes, which leads to the death of sour-milk sticks. Their niches are occupied by other microbes, including fungi. Therefore, until the woman is examined and the STI is cured, the thrush will recur.
  • Excessive hygiene. Douching, using and changing them irregularly, as well as the constant wearing of synthetic underwear and tight underpants, also provoke the development of thrush. This happens due to the creation of anaerobic conditions (without oxygen) or due to the facilitated entry of the intestinal flora into the vagina (for example, when wearing a thong).
  • Exhaustion of the body entails a general immunodeficiency state which often happens after childbirth. At the same time, any factors, even insignificant and not previously causing problems, will cause dysbiosis and the reproduction of candidal fungi.
  • Injury to the genital tract during childbirth, insufficiently clear comparison of tissues. This leads to loose closure, resulting in pathogenic microorganisms much easier to get into the vagina. Often it helps to get rid of the problem in such situations only Plastic surgery, but first you should try various techniques to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor.
  • Endocrine diseases lead to a violation of the hormonal profile, which affects the body's ability to fight infections. Most often, hypothyroidism leads to recurrent thrush.
  • Hypovitaminosis, most of all A and E. It is these substances that are responsible for the renewal of the mucous membranes. With their deficiency, the desquamation of the vaginal epithelium and self-purification slow down.
  • Taking medicines. More often antibacterial drugs cause dysbiosis and subsequently thrush. This is also facilitated by the use of steroids, cytostatics and some others. For preventive purposes, if it is necessary to use such drugs, antifungal drugs or substances to normalize the microflora (for example, bioflor) should be taken.

If thrush appears after childbirth, you should consult a doctor. Only he, after examination and examination, will be able to establish the true cause of the violations and prescribe the most effective treatment.

Watch the video about the disease:

Thrush symptoms

Thrush can manifest itself in different ways depending on the form of its course. So, in a chronic course, a woman may either not be disturbed by anything, or there will be separate unpleasant sensations, periodically intensifying, namely:

  • Feeling of itching, tingling in the area of ​​the labia, the entrance to the vagina, perineum.
  • The volume and nature of the discharge increases: they become more abundant, have a curdled appearance, sometimes just significant white leucorrhoea, with a sour smell. If against the background of thrush there are still some sexual infections, then the clinical picture changes. The discharge may become yellowish or even greenish in color, with an unpleasant, putrid (purulent) or fishy discharge.
  • It is also possible redness of the cover of the labia, perineum. With severe itching, scratching may appear.

Thrush can have a continuous relapsing course, when some of its symptoms are constantly present. Most often, all symptoms are aggravated in the second phase of the cycle, especially on the eve of menstruation.

An acute episode of thrush has a much brighter clinical picture: severe unbearable itching, redness and swelling of the genital organs, etc. Here it is necessary to provide assistance as quickly as possible, since candidiasis brings considerable anxiety to a woman.

Treatment for hepatitis B

Acute or chronic thrush after childbirth, the signs of which are not always noticeable on their own, must be cured. Only a specialist can provide reliable and high-quality therapy. Indeed, often subclinical forms are a kind of marker for the presence of another pathology, for example, glucose tolerance.

Before starting therapy, you should undergo at least a minimal examination. It includes:

  • a general blood test, a study of glucose levels;
  • swabs for flora from the vagina, and also preferably ORC;
  • bacteriological seeding for the most common sexually transmitted infections.

If necessary, the list can be expanded.

Sometimes, in order to get rid of candidiasis, you just need to normalize blood sugar or lose weight. And without this, any treatment will be ineffective and temporary.

We treat mom

Often it is not enough to use only suppositories for thrush after childbirth, it is desirable to carry out systemic antifungal, immunostimulating treatment. You should also consider whether a woman is breastfeeding a baby, the range of drugs in this case is much narrower.

For a single episode of acute candidiasis, it is enough to take oral medications. Fluconazole is effective (flucostat, diflucan, mycosyst and others), but it penetrates in large quantities into breast milk, so other drugs should be used during lactation. If necessary, you can replace it with nystatin, but even for this, it is recommended to temporarily stop breastfeeding.

During lactation, even an acute episode of thrush is best treated with suppositories. It is safe to use ginezol, pimafucin, terzhinan.

To therapy chronic candidiasis the vagina should be treated more reverently, often several courses are needed, which depends on the prescription, the severity of the manifestations and the presence of concomitant pathology.

In this case, systemic treatment should be combined with local treatment, as well as immunostimulating drugs should be used.

For example, you can consider the following scheme (allowed during lactation also):

  • Terzhinan one suppository at night for 10 days for three cycles in the second phase.
  • Courses with interferon rectally for 5-7 days in the first phase of the cycle.
  • Preparations based on lactobacilli systemically for at least 2-3 months, for example, Linex or Bioflor (two tablespoons three times a day).

But each case should be considered individually.

Should I treat my husband and how

Candidiasis is not a sexual infection, but the fungus from the vaginal mucosa, of course, gets on the penis of a man and can contribute to the development of discomfort in him. But even in their absence, it is better to carry out preventive treatment of thrush. For this, a single dose of 150 mg of fluconazole will be sufficient, you can combine this with the use of nystatin ointment if it has itching, burning, white plaque, etc.

Possible Complications

Often, candidal colpitis appears in a woman during pregnancy, which is provoked by many factors (immunodeficiency, hormonal changes, and others). And many believe that thrush goes away after childbirth on its own. But this is more the exception than the rule. Stress, lack of sleep, reduced physical activity contribute to a further decrease in the body's defenses, and the disease only progresses.

In addition to general discomfort, including during sexual intercourse, candidiasis contributes to the development of a secondary infection in the genital tract up to adnexitis, cervicitis.

Chronic candidiasis is involved in the formation of general immunodeficiency.

Many mothers are worried about whether it is possible to harm the baby, infect him with thrush. With proper hygiene, the fungus will not cause violations in the baby.

Prevention of the appearance of fungi

What can be done to minimize the appearance of thrush? The main recommendations will be as follows:

  • It is necessary to strengthen the immune system by various methods: walks in the fresh air (with the restriction of sweet, smoked, pickled), sufficient rest, etc.
  • Maintain hygiene without overdoing it. It is better to give up various intimate creams, oils, soaps. Daily pads, synthetic underwear - all this is a provocateur of the development of pathology.
  • Timely undergo an examination by a doctor and treat both gynecological and general therapeutic profiles.

Thrush is an indicator of immunodeficiency in a woman. Often this problem is encountered after pregnancy and the appearance of a baby, which is facilitated by hormonal changes, lack of sleep, psycho-emotional stress, etc. If thrush appears after childbirth, what treatment should be decided together with the doctor. Only a specialist can prescribe effective schemes and identify all provoking factors to prevent relapse.