Tablets from thrush in women list. List of drugs for the effective treatment of thrush

Thrush - treatment quickly and effectively is possible only if you contact a medical facility in time for qualified help. The onset of the disease is provoked by the activity of yeast-like fungi Candida, so it is also known as candidiasis. The pathological process is accompanied by burning and severe itching in the genital area, curdled discharge with an unpleasant odor appears.

In a small amount, the fungus Candida is present in the body of a perfectly healthy person. Pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply rapidly against the background of weakened immunity and the acidic environment of the vagina. Thrush occurs due to a violation of the normal microflora. The number of beneficial bacteria decreases, and the harmful ones increase, which leads to the development of the inflammatory process.

The main causes of thrush:

  • taking medications from certain pharmacokinetic categories (hormonal contraceptives, cytostatics, antibiotics);
  • the presence of somatic diseases (cirrhosis of the liver, chronic bronchitis);
  • a sharp change in climatic conditions;
  • pregnancy;
  • severe weight loss;
  • hormonal imbalance in the body;
  • private stresses, nervous shocks, experiences;
  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • wearing synthetic underwear;
  • use of poor quality sanitary napkins, etc.

With vaginal candidiasis, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed, which is accompanied by the appearance of microcracks, redness, and swelling. Under the influence of urine there is a burning sensation, severe itching, painful sensations. The acute course of the disease lasts about two weeks. If you do not take therapeutic measures, thrush will become chronic.

If you suspect candidiasis, you should immediately consult a doctor. To make and confirm the diagnosis, he conducts a gynecological examination on a chair, takes a smear, which he then sends to a laboratory test. An additional technique is bacterial culture. Normally, the amount of the fungus does not exceed 104 CFU / ml. If the results showed a higher content of the pathogen, thrush is diagnosed and therapy is prescribed.

Treatment of thrush quickly and effectively at home

With candidiasis, therapy is aimed at reducing the intensity of symptoms, normalizing the vaginal microflora, and increasing local and general immunity. It is imperative to identify and eliminate the cause of the development of the pathological process. Treatment of thrush at home should be carefully considered.

A positive effect can be achieved with the help of complex therapy, which may include:

  • taking medications;
  • the use of external agents (ointments, creams, baths, douches);
  • physiological procedures;
  • prescription drugs traditional medicine;
  • normalization of the diet, diet.

Do not self-prescribe any medications. The treatment plan is developed by the doctor. This is the only way to quickly and effectively get rid of the disease.

Tablets from thrush

The use of tablets is the fastest and most effective way to cure thrush, regardless of the form of the disease. In most cases, doctors prescribe drugs in cases where it was not possible to achieve a positive result after the use of external agents. The advantage of tablets is speed. But it should be borne in mind that almost all drugs have an extensive list of contraindications and can cause adverse reactions.


Well help drugs for thrush in the form of candles. They are especially effective on initial stage development of pathology. The active components of the drugs penetrate directly into the focus of the disease, destroy pathogenic microorganisms, contribute to the enhancement of local immunity. When inserting suppositories into the vagina, hygiene rules must be strictly observed. The duration of the course of treatment depends on the chosen agent and on the concentration in it. active ingredient.

Ointments against candidiasis

The principle of operation of ointments is the same as that of candles. When applied topically, they have a negative effect on the fungus, destroying it and suppressing the ability to reproduce. Pharmacies offer a wide range of drugs that can be used during pregnancy. Ointments are effective in cases where thrush occurs in acute form. If the disease has passed into the chronic stage, it is not advisable to use them.

Treatment of thrush with folk remedies

Traditional medicine is especially relevant for candidiasis in pregnant women, when most drugs are contraindicated.

  • Decoction for washing the genitals. Break the oak bark into pieces, put in a glass or enameled container, pour water. Leave the remedy to infuse overnight, then strain. Before washing, dilute with warm water in a ratio of 1:1.
  • Douching. For one liter of water, take 2 tbsp. l. baking soda and salt. Combine the components, mix, put on a small fire, bring to a boil. Cool the finished product, add a few drops of iodine. The medicine is divided into 12 procedures. Douche daily in the morning and evening, preheating the solution.
  • Therapeutic baths. Pour 100 g of pine buds with 10 liters of water, put on a small fire, bring to a boil, boil for half an hour. Leave the product for an hour to cool, strain. Then pour warm water into the bath, pour the decoction into it, steam the genitals for 20 minutes. The course consists of at least 6 procedures.
  • Medications for oral administration. For internal use, you can use tincture of eucalyptus. 15 drops diluted in a glass of water, drink 3 times a day. To strengthen the immune system, teas from raspberries and rose hips are used.

efficient folk remedy against thrush is a natural laundry soap. With its help, you can quickly get rid of uncomfortable sensations. Grate a quarter of the soap, make a concentrated solution, rinse the genitals, rinse with clean, warm water after an hour.

Proper nutrition during thrush

Women diagnosed with candidiasis need to normalize their daily diet. Products containing yeast (sweets, pastries, flour products, pizza, etc.) should be removed from the menu, because they contribute to the reproduction of the fungus and the progression of the pathological process.

Must be present in the diet:

  • greens (cilantro, parsley, salads);
  • vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, eggplants);
  • fruits, especially citrus fruits;
  • dried fruits and nuts;
  • milk, cottage cheese, cheese;
  • a fish;
  • lean meat;
  • olive oil.

The basis of the diet should be cereals, light soups, vegetable side dishes steamed or baked. Do not be afraid to add hot peppers and garlic to your meals, they have powerful antibacterial properties. A properly formulated diet will help not only cure thrush, but also strengthen the immune system, and normalize weight.

Top 10 effective remedies for candidiasis

If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to quickly cure thrush, keep in mind that you can do it without using medications almost impossible. The selection must be approached very carefully, because most of them have contraindications. Before prescribing medications, the doctor conducts a thorough diagnosis, determines the causes and stage of the disease. Below are the drugs that are considered the most effective and safe.

NameRelease formAverage price in pharmacies
Diflucancapsules, powder500 rub.
Pimafucinsuppositories, cream350 rub
clotrimazoletablets, solution, cream, ointment, suppositories100 rub.
Livarolvaginal suppositories500 rub.
Hexiconsuppositories, tablets250 rub.
Mycosistcapsules, solution for intramuscular injections500 rub.
Epigen intimatespray, gel550 rub.
Terzhinanvaginal suppositories, tablets450 rub.
Mycomaxcapsules500 rub.
Polygynaxemulsion, vaginal suppositories600 rub.

Before starting the course, you should carefully read the instructions for use. Some drugs are potent, prescribed only in advanced cases, while others contain active ingredients in low concentrations, which allows them to be used to treat thrush even during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

How to achieve a quick result in the treatment of thrush?

In order to quickly achieve a positive result, it is necessary to influence the disease in a complex way. First of all, it is necessary to establish the cause of the development of the pathological process. Be sure to follow the rules of personal hygiene, use household or tar soap, soda solution, herbal decoctions. Synthetic underwear will have to be replaced with comfortable, loose products made from natural materials.

During the treatment of thrush, you need to protect yourself from stress, follow a special diet, and take measures to increase immunity. They will help to cope with the unpleasant symptoms of traditional medicine, good sleep, active rest. Medications take strictly according to the scheme, and only those prescribed by the attending physician. A complex effect on pathology is the only way to quickly cure thrush and prevent the development of dangerous consequences.

2 Combined action

Thrush, or candidiasis, is one of the most common diseases among women. On the initial stages it is safe, but in advanced cases it entails irreversible consequences. Often, it is transmitted sexually from men. However, the reasons for its appearance can also be a decrease in immunity, contact with chemicals, wearing tight underwear, metabolic problems, taking antibiotics.

It is necessary to treat the disease with antifungal drugs. More often, these are tablets, suppositories, capsules, creams and solutions. The advantages of the former are in the rapid action, elimination of the disease everywhere (and not just in the focus), and the ability to adjust the dosage. It is worth noting that therapy and the choice of medications depend on the severity of the symptoms, the duration and causes of their appearance, as well as on the contraindications that the patient has. Therefore, only a specialist can prescribe certain tablets.

Pharmacies sell many different drugs against thrush. Some are available without a prescription. It is impossible to determine which medicine is better in a particular case. This can only be done by a doctor after consultation and examination. The main thing is that it is effective and safe for the patient. As a rule, antifungal agents fight inflammation, eliminate itching, restore microflora and increase immunity.

In the rating below, we placed the most prescribed tablets for candidiasis, which have positive patient reviews. Their effectiveness has been proven in practice. Preparations are divided into categories depending on the method of application.

There are contraindications. Check with your doctor.

The best oral thrush pills

5 Nystatin

Best for thrush prevention
Country Russia
Average price: 62 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

One of the cheapest but effective means. Kills fungal microorganisms, while not absorbed into the digestive tract. Allowed for pregnant women, but as a last resort. Quickly suppresses the first symptoms of thrush. Best used as a preventive measure. For example, after prolonged use of antibiotics or surgical intervention in the digestive tract.

Patients treated with Nystatin report positive results. According to reviews, the active substance quickly penetrates into the focus of inflammation, eliminating the causes of the disease. Often after using the remedy, side effects occur in the form of vomiting and allergies. But this is typical only for cases of long-term treatment.

4 Fluconazole

The most affordable pills
Country Russia
Average price: 18 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The most common inexpensive drug among patients. It has many positive reviews due to its powerful action. Active ingredient inhibits enzymes that promote the reproduction and vital activity of the fungus. Effective for mild thrush. For a single dose, it can completely get rid of the problem. Fluconazole is also suitable for other degrees of the disease. The dosage and duration of treatment, in this case, is prescribed by a specialist.

The advantages of women's pills include fast action, reduced symptoms, long-term results, restoration of natural microflora, and low cost. During treatment, care must be taken to avoid overdose. The drug may cause hallucinations.

3 Pimafucin

The safest drug
Country: Netherlands
Average price: 536 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Pimafucin is the best safe and, at the same time, very effective drug for the treatment of candidiasis. It is prescribed to women during pregnancy and lactation. Available in various forms, including a cream for men. Side effects practically does not cause, with the exception of individual cases.

To achieve the best result, experts recommend Pimafucin tablets in combination with other dosage forms drug, for example, candles. Patients like that the remedy is harmless and quickly gives a positive effect. Fights many pathogens of fungal infections. The undoubted advantage is also the possibility of therapy for men.

2 Diflucan

Tablets at chronic form thrush
Country: France
Average price: 1,031 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Diflucan is the simplest remedy for candidiasis. Effective in chronic and acute form. One tablet completely eliminates the symptoms and further development illness. This is one of the best drugs, powerfully working in the focus of infection. A wide spectrum of action allows you to cope with various kinds of fungi.

Doctors willingly prescribe Diflucan to many patients. It is worth noting that the tablets are among the most powerful, therefore, they have serious contraindications. Not compatible with some medications. They are forbidden to be used by pregnant and lactating women, people with heart and kidney diseases. Adverse reactions rarely occur. In general, the medication is tolerated without consequences.

1 Nizoral

Best efficacy for any severity of the disease
The country: Belgium - Italy - Russia
Average price: 350 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The tool is suitable for both local and systemic treatment. It is a good inexpensive analogue of expensive tablets. Effective against most common fungal pathogens. Penetrating into the blood, the active substance quickly spreads throughout the body, destroying harmful cells in different foci. The advantage of Nizoral is its high efficiency in any degree of severity of thrush.

According to patients in the reviews, the drug eliminates the symptoms of the disease in a short time, restores the microflora. Of course, due to its powerful action, it has serious contraindications and side effects. It is not recommended to take pills on your own, without consulting a doctor. If you follow the instructions exactly, you can get rid of the problem in a few days.

The best vaginal tablets for thrush

5 Clotrimazole

Best price. most popular drug
Country Russia
Average price: 30 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

One of many medicines, which can be used without consulting a doctor. Available in several versions (cream, ointment, tablets, powder). Most women prefer vaginal tablets. In their opinion, they are the most effective forms available. They have a wide spectrum of activity. Safe for pregnant and lactating women.

Additional benefits include the possibility of using Clotrimazole by men. Of course, in the form of a cream. In the reviews, patients indicate that the drug is well tolerated, does not cause adverse reactions, and is compatible with other drugs. Also, the drug attracts with an inexpensive cost. High efficiency and low cost makes Clotrimazole even more in demand among patients.

4 Klion-D 100

Effective for vaginitis of mixed origin
Country: Hungary
Average price: 360 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The active components of the composition are metronidazole, miconazole nitrate. Presented as vaginal tablets. When introduced into the vagina, after 6-12 hours they are found in the blood. They are prescribed by a doctor when several causes of thrush are found in a patient. One of the best tablets that simultaneously has an antimicrobial, fungistatic effect. The drug successfully copes with diseases caused by unicellular - dysentery amoeba, intestinal Giardia.

In diabetes, a doctor's consultation is necessary for the use of the medicine. Not recommended for girls under 12 years of age, women in the first trimester of pregnancy, lactation, leukopenia. Before use, it is advised to moisten the vagina with clean water, insert the tablet deeper. Best time for the procedure - late evening before bedtime. The frequency of manipulations is 1 time per day, 1 piece for 10 days. For a reliable result, in special cases, an additional intake of medication is recommended not only for the patient, but also for her man. Lactose intolerance is considered the basis for replacing Klion-D with another drug.

3 Neotrizol

Penetrates bacteria, destroys it from the inside
Country: India
Average price: 476 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The problem is solved by the most effective method - the agent penetrates into the cell and has a blocking effect on protein synthesis, which reduces the survival of microbes. Contains neomycin. antibacterial agent from the group of aminoglycosides. They, in turn, are effective fighters against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. The drug is prescribed for vaginosis, vaginitis of bacterial origin. Use before surgery, childbirth, the introduction of intrauterine contraceptives.

Tablets are administered at bedtime, 1 piece. After the procedure, they remain horizontal position quarter of an hour. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor, the standard period is 8 days. At the onset of menstruation, the introduction is not interrupted. Elimination of symptoms is not considered a reason for interrupting treatment. After completing the course, the doctor examines the patient and decides whether to complete or extend the treatment. Neotrizol comes with a special applicator for administration. Together with the tablet, they are placed in a container with warm water for 2-3 seconds, after which they are inserted deeply into the vagina. The applicator is released and removed. It is necessary to immediately wash it with a water-soap solution, dry it and set it aside until the next time. According to patients, the drug is tolerated without negative consequences.

2 Terzhinan

Combined action
Country: France
Average price: 428 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

One of the oldest, cheapest and prescribed drugs. Differs in the combined action directed to elimination of pathogenic microbes and fungi. The main substance is ternidazole, which quickly and effectively treats candidiasis. There are practically no contraindications, for which Terzhinan received recognition from a large number of patients.

Ease of use is also important. Since the release form is vaginal tablets, they are used at bedtime once a day. The course is 10 days, during which time the woman completely gets rid of the symptoms and causes of the disease, as well as possible relapses. At the same time, the tablet completely dissolves and does not flow out. Terzhinan is allowed during pregnancy and lactation (except for the first trimester), side effects are rare.

1 Irunin

The most effective vaginal pills
Country Russia
Average price: 348 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

A modern remedy for the fight against thrush. By destroying the cell membrane of fungi, it treats all types of candidiasis. It accumulates on the walls of the internal genital organs, thereby having a highly effective long-term effect. The course of therapy is 1 or 3 days. In this case, the therapeutic effect continues over the next few days.

Such a powerful effect cannot but have a downside. Adverse reactions are manifested in the form of a violation of the activity of digestion, nervous system, sense organs. There are many contraindications, especially for women of reproductive age. The drug is toxic, therefore, it can cause deviations in the development of the unborn fetus. Before use, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

There are not many women who have never encountered such an unpleasant problem as thrush. This disease is characterized by a recurrent nature: once it appears, a candidal infection returns under favorable conditions for it. Tablets from thrush for women suppress the reproduction of fungi, but in order to prevent re-infection, it is necessary to complete the treatment and not forget about prevention.

The fungus Candida - the causative agent of thrush - can affect the mucous membranes, skin, and even internal organs person. The most common localization of candidiasis in women is the vagina and external genitalia. The thrush confidently takes first place among inflammatory diseases in gynecology. Fungi are a normal component of the female microflora, but with a decrease in immunity, opportunistic organisms multiply beyond measure and cause vulvovaginitis.

Traditional medications for candidiasis local action: suppositories, ointments, tampons. Antifungal components are in direct contact with the vaginal mucosa, destroying yeast colonies. but modern methods treatments are based on complex therapy: suppositories - as an aid and oral tablets - as the main one.

Broad-spectrum drugs taken orally quickly suppress the infection in all foci at once, because it is no secret that candida often enters the genital tract from the intestines. Moreover, it is desirable to take antimycotics not only for a woman, but also for her partner.

The main groups of oral tablets from thrush

Tablets against thrush contain different active substances that differ in spectrum and mechanism of action:

  1. Polyene antibiotics are compounds with broad antifungal activity: natamycin, nystatin, levorin, amphotericin B. Based on these components, drugs Nystatin, Pimafucin, Levorin, Fungison are produced. This group of drugs destroys the membranes of yeast cells, as well as protozoa (amoebae, Trichomonas). Polyenes are prescribed for the treatment of thrush and its prevention during long-term antibiotic therapy.
  2. Azoles are synthetic substances that inhibit the growth and reproduction of yeast-like fungi, dermatophytes and other pathogens of mycoses. In tablets for thrush, triazole derivatives are used: fluconazole, voriconazole, itraconazole. Ketaconazole, which is part of a number of antifungal drugs, is currently excluded from the systemic therapy of candidiasis due to high toxicity and is used, like other imidazole derivatives, as local agents. On the basis of azoles, Diflucan, Mikosist, Irunin, Nizoral and their numerous analogues are manufactured. These medicines are suitable for the treatment of acute and chronic thrush.

5 most popular pills for thrush

Pharmacies sell dozens of drugs for vulvovaginal candidiasis. Which pills for thrush in women are better and more effective in a particular case should be determined by a gynecologist. The choice of the drug and the treatment regimen depends on many factors: how long ago the symptoms of candidiasis appeared, for the first time or repeatedly, how pronounced they are, what provoked them, the number of relapses of the disease per year, as well as the available contraindications.

Nystatin is a polyene antibiotic that is active against Candida fungi. It does not have a systemic toxic effect, is practically not absorbed in the digestive tract and can be used in children and, in case of urgent need, in pregnant women.

In recent years, this drug has rarely been used directly in the treatment of thrush, since it is less effective than modern facilities. It is not prescribed for the treatment of chronic candidiasis - with long-term use fungi develop resistance to nystatin, and it becomes more difficult to get rid of the disease.

But this medicine is best suited for the prevention of thrush during antibiotic therapy with penicillin and tetracycline drugs and after operations on the digestive tract. The standard course is 2 weeks with a dosage of 250,000 - 500,000 units 4 to 8 times a day.

Nystatin contraindications:

  • sensitivity to components;
  • severe liver pathology;
  • pancreatitis;
  • ulcer disease.

When taking, side effects such as allergies, dyspepsia, chills, and vomiting are possible. The cost of Russian and Belarusian Nystatin tablets is within 100 rubles per pack of 100 tablets.

Pimafucin - an antibiotic from the group of polyenes, contains the substance natamycin (100 mg), which has a fungicidal effect against most fungal pathogens. Tablets are absorbed in the intestines, allowed for women during pregnancy and lactation.

The drug is recommended for the treatment of chronic candidal vaginitis in combination with other antifungal agents, for example, suppositories of the same name. Oral administration of Pimafucin contributes to the sanitation of foci of infection in the vagina and intestines. Treatment regimen: 1 tablet 4 times a day, duration - from 10 to 20 days.

The drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to its components, rare side effects in the form of nausea and diarrhea do not require discontinuation of therapy and gradually disappear on their own. A package of Pimafucin (Dutch company Astellas) costs about 450 rubles, the minimum course requires 2 packs.

Nizoral - tablets based on an imidazole derivative - ketoconazole - act against different types fungi, including Candida. Analogues of the drug are Mycozoral, Ketoconazole, Oronazole, Fungavis. These drugs are indicated for recurrent thrush with the ineffectiveness of therapy with other means.

Reception Nizoral: 2 tablets simultaneously with food 1 time per day, the duration of the course is at least 7 days. Ketaconazole is toxic, has many side effects, is prohibited for children, women during pregnancy and breastfeeding and patients over 50 years of age. Tablets can not be used simultaneously with hepatotoxic, antiarrhythmic, sleeping pills, antacids and a number of other drugs. The cost of packaging starts from 500 rubles for 10 pieces.

Irunin is an antifungal agent of the latest generation based on itraconazole for the treatment of almost all types of mycosis. It has a fungicidal effect, destroying the cell membrane of fungi.

Preparations with itraconazole - effective pills from the milkmaid. The active substance accumulates in the walls of the vagina and continues to work after the end of therapy for another 2 days with a three-day course of admission, and 3 days with a one-day course. In the first case, patients take 1 capsule per day, in the second - 2 tablets 2 times immediately after meals.

The effectiveness of Irunin and its analogues (Orungal, Rumikoz, Itrazol) has a downside in the form of many restrictions and side effects. These drugs are not prescribed to children, elderly patients, pregnant women, lactating women. Women of reproductive age during treatment should be carefully protected, since the toxic effects of itraconazole can cause fetal abnormalities.

Also, tablets are contraindicated in:

  • liver failure;
  • nephropathy;
  • lung pathologies;
  • hearing impairment;
  • taking medications that enhance the effect of itraconazole.

When treating thrush with Irunin, reactions from neurology, digestion, sensory organs, skin, hematopoietic and movement systems are possible, in women - menstrual disorders. 6 capsules of Irunin can be bought for 400 rubles.

According to statistics, Diflucan is the most popular medicine for thrush in acute and chronic form. 150 mg of fluconazole in its composition have a powerful fungistatic effect: they quickly suppress the growth of candida and other fungi. In mild cases, 1 capsule is enough to get rid of the symptoms of vaginitis. With recurrent thrush, 1 tablet is indicated every month for six months or more, if necessary, more frequent use is allowed.

Azole-based preparations should be taken with plenty of water, and with weak acidity of gastric juice - with acidic drinks. Hypersensitivity, pregnancy, breast-feeding, heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease, taking certain medications are contraindications to treatment with Diflucan.

In the list of side effects:

  • dyspepsia;
  • change in taste sensations;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • allergic reactions;
  • convulsions;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • dysfunction of the liver;
  • hematopoietic pathology.

One capsule of Diflucan 150 mg can cost from 450 rubles and more. Fluconazole products are also available in tablets with lower dosages - for longer courses of treatment.

Inexpensive tablets against thrush

If you ask a pharmacy for good pills for thrush, most likely the pharmacist will offer the most expensive and advertised ones. Considering that many ladies experience unpleasant symptoms more than once a year, the cost of treatment can add up to a pretty tidy sum.

but cheap pills from thrush for women are no less effective, you just need to know which ones are suitable to replace the prescribed ones. Instead of the prescribed drug, you can buy a similar, but more affordable one. It is enough to clarify the name of the active substance with the gynecologist, and the choice will expand significantly: antifungal generics are no worse than the original in quality. In addition, the prices for the same drug can vary significantly between pharmaceutical companies, and domestic drugs cost several times less than imported ones.

So, in addition to the well-known Diflucan, pharmacies have other 150 mg capsules with the same composition:

Name of the drug Manufacturer price, rub.
Promed, Russia 15
Vertex, Russia 28
Kanopharm, Russia 47
Stada, Germany 83
Teva, Israel 169
Sandoz, Switzerland 171
Mycoflucan Dr. Reddiz, India 194
Pharmstandard, Russia 201
Diflazon Krka, Slovenia 225
Mycosist Gedeon Richter, Hungary 300

If the doctor prescribed Pimafucin, there is no alternative to the tablet form of this drug, but you can look for a replacement for suppositories, which are almost always prescribed in addition: Ecofucin or Primafungin will cost less.

If necessary, drink a course of expensive Nizoral (1500 rubles. 30 tablets), you can save money if you buy:

  • Mycozoral - 590 rubles. for similar packaging;
  • Fungavis - 200 rubles. for 20 pieces;
  • Ketoconazole - 510 rubles. (3 packs of 10 capsules).

Cheap tablets for thrush based on itraconazole are produced by the Russian company Biocom: 362 rubles. per pack of 14 capsules. Other drugs with a similar dosage are 2 or even 3 times more expensive:

  • Irunin - 774;
  • Itrazol - 786;
  • Rumikoz - 954;
  • Orungal - 2300.

Treatment of thrush with pills

Before treating thrush, you need to make sure that the symptoms of inflammation are caused by Candida fungi, and this is impossible without a visit to the gynecologist and a smear test for vaginal microflora. As a rule, for the first time, candidiasis is eliminated by local means (candles Pimafutsin, Livarol, Terzhinan and others). Such therapy is not carried out during menstruation. In this, and also in a number of other cases, the doctor may prescribe a capsule with fluconazole once and again after 72 hours.

Patients with chronic thrush usually unmistakably determine the onset of a relapse themselves. A long experience of coexistence with this problem does not eliminate the need to visit a doctor. However, in such a situation, self-medication is acceptable in order to suppress the exacerbation “in the bud”.

Instructions for the use of tablets from thrush, recurring 4 or more times a year, prescribe the following scheme:

  • 150 mg fluconazole on days 1, 4, 7 and 10;
  • 1 capsule every month, preferably on the first day of the cycle.

During the period of exacerbation, the tablets are combined with local remedies: a suppository in the morning and at night for 10 to 14 days. At the same time, the sexual partner should also be treated.

Life after thrush: how to avoid a relapse

It is important not to stop therapy when symptoms disappear - the prescribed course must be completed to the end in order to avoid recurrence of the disease. Since most systemic antifungal drugs are toxic, it is not recommended to drink them without a good reason.

Also, with untreated thrush and indiscriminate intake of antimycotics, fungi develop resistance to drugs. Each relapse is more difficult to treat, sooner or later effective drug may stop working altogether. In such cases, you should not experiment with all the medicines sold in the pharmacy. It is better to take an analysis and find out exactly which active substance the pathogens are sensitive to.

If chronic thrush is activated while taking antibiotics, hormones, immunosuppressants, Nystatin can be used for prevention simultaneously with therapy, after consulting with the doctor.

To prevent candidiasis in the future, provoking factors should be avoided:

  • hypothermia;
  • improper hygiene;
  • the use of aggressive detergents;
  • douching;
  • wearing tight underwear, synthetics;
  • excessive consumption of carbohydrates;
  • messy connections.

In fact, vaginal dysbiosis leads to thrush, so strengthening general and local immunity is a mandatory item in prevention. Fungal infection attacks female body at the moment when it is weakened due to illness, pregnancy, acclimatization, hormonal failure or stress.

With persistent candidiasis, you need to reconsider your lifestyle: move more, follow a low-carb diet, stop using soap and shower gel in intimate hygiene - there are special tools for this.

It does not hurt women with thrush to be attentive to the reaction of their body to certain factors. This helps to understand what specifically provokes the symptoms of candidiasis and avoid such situations. For example, the day before the patient froze, ate sweets, swam in a chlorinated pool or had contact with a new partner, and in the morning she found itching and curdled vaginal discharge.

If the thrush continues to recur regularly, in addition to the gynecologist, other specialists should be examined:

  1. Take a blood sugar test. Candida feed on glucose, and its high level may indicate a latent course of diabetes.
  2. Check the level and ratio of sex hormones.
  3. Treat intestinal dysbacteriosis.
  4. Restore the normal microflora of the vagina. Treatment with local probiotics can only be carried out outside the exacerbation of thrush.

In a healthy body with a strong immune system, opportunistic candida is suppressed naturally without taking pills for thrush.

is a fairly common disease. The causative agent of thrush is Candida fungi - conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. A certain amount of them is present in the microflora of the vagina all the time. Until the physiological norm is exceeded, the disease is in a "sleeping" state. When certain conditions are created, the fungus begins to actively multiply, provoking the development of pathology. Effective treatment of thrush requires an integrated approach and should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

Systemic drugs

Systemic antifungals come in the form of capsules or tablets and are meant to be taken by mouth. Their active substances are absorbed from the intestines into the blood, penetrating into all cells of the body. They are necessary for a general effect on all possible foci of infection and on fungi located in the thickness of the vaginal walls.

Rapid treatment of thrush is carried out by two groups of drugs: with fungistatic and fungicidal actions. Medicines of the first type destroy the synthesis of new membranes in fungi, stopping the process of reproduction. A more effective method of treatment is the use of fungicidal tablets - they damage the fungus and destroy it.

Important. The duration of the course of treatment depends on the drug and the concentration of candida in the microflora. Already after 1-2 days of taking the medicine, it is possible to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of thrush, but therapy cannot be stopped. Premature cancellation of the course will provoke a second exacerbation.

Systemic remedies for thrush are used with frequent relapses of the disease, and if local treatment does not bring the desired result. Such drugs have a significant number of side effects. They are toxic and are not used during pregnancy and lactation.


A fast and effective broad spectrum antifungal agent. The drug is very strong, and the entire "course" of treatment consists in taking one tablet. The active ingredient is fluconazole, which stops the reproduction and growth of fungi.

Not only pregnant and lactating women will have to refuse to take the drug. The list of contraindications includes diseases associated with the kidneys and liver. Diflucan is not compatible with other medicines. If thrush is provoked by diseases that require “their own” treatment, it is necessary to choose another fast-acting remedy against thrush.


The active ingredient is fluconazole, which inhibits the growth of fungi. This drug also provides quick relief for thrush: one capsule is enough, which contains 150 mg of the drug. It is advisable to drink the medicine on an empty stomach. Substances are rapidly absorbed and are equally effective in candidiasis oral cavity and genitals.

With frequent relapses of the disease, prophylactic use of the drug is possible - one capsule once a month. The duration of such therapy lasts up to a year. Side effects rare when taken. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug is dangerous by the occurrence allergic reaction.


The active substance of the same name disrupts the synthesis of new fungal cells, stopping the process of reproduction. Available in the form of capsules (taken after meals) and syrup (taken before meals). The average course duration is 7 days. The activity of the drug persists for 2-4 weeks after the end of therapy.

Adverse symptoms occur with an overdose or individual intolerance to the components of the drug. The patient is faced with headache, nausea, itching and hives. With the appearance of alarming symptoms of allergies, it is necessary to choose another drug.

Nystatin tablets quickly and effectively treat thrush: the active substance stops the process of reproduction of fungi and creates a barrier around them that prevents microorganisms from eating. This provokes their rapid death. You need to take one capsule every three days, the duration of the course is determined individually.

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In chronic thrush, it is often impossible to use Nystatin: the fungus gets used to the substance and stops responding to it. When used according to the instructions, the product works almost instantly.


Oral use of the drug allows you to remove pathogenic fungi throughout the body, which significantly reduces the likelihood of relapse. At the initial stage of the disease, a single dose is sufficient, a tangible effect will appear after 12-20 hours. Chronic thrush requires a longer use - up to 14 days.

Contraindications include lactase deficiency and individual intolerance to the components of the drug. If used incorrectly, side effects are possible - hives, liver problems, dizziness and nausea.

Local therapy

As local medicines against thrush in women, drugs are used to treat the vagina - vaginal suppositories and tablets, gels, ointments and solutions. Such agents do not have a systemic effect on the body. Active substances affect the vaginal mucosa, do not penetrate into the bloodstream and are not excreted from breast milk. This makes it possible to carry out treatment during pregnancy and lactation.

Among the possible side effects are a violation of the microflora of the vagina and contact types of dermatitis. Pathogenic fungi quickly "get used" to drugs and with regular use, the drug loses its effectiveness. Well local treatment with chronic thrush lasts longer than with systemic therapy.


Antifungal antibiotic, available in the form of a cream or vaginal suppositories, which are considered one of the most effective ways thrush treatment. The active substance is nitamycin, which penetrates into the deep layers of the mucosa and destroys the fungi present there. The drug affects pathogenic microorganisms, practically without affecting the natural microflora of the vagina.

Therapy can be started at any stage of the disease. Symptoms subside after the first dose. In most cases, one package of medication is enough (it includes three vaginal suppositories). Introduce one suppository after hygiene procedures at bedtime.


Spray Epigen is not an independent drug, but is used in complex therapy. The composition includes glycyrrhizic acid, which enhances the effect of antifungal medicines. Additional benefits include the elimination of unpleasant symptoms and the acceleration of the healing process of irritated mucosa.

Using a special nozzle, Epigen is sprayed inside the vagina 3-4 times a day. Needs to be emptied first bladder so that the remaining liquid does not come out during a trip to the toilet. After use, the nozzles are washed with soap and dried.


The active substance is ketoconazole, effective against any fungal diseases. The drug is used for acute or chronic candidiasis, as well as for the prevention of infections caused by the fungus. During therapy, it is necessary to stop drinking alcohol, and sexual intercourse is possible only with barrier contraception - the partner may develop an allergy.

With relapse or chronic thrush, the course of treatment is 10 days, with an acute form - by suppository for five days. To facilitate insertion, the candle may be moistened with water; special lubricants should not be used.


Release forms - gel and ointment for external use. The advantages include ease of use, low side effects and gentle action; to the minuses - a negative effect on the liver and low efficiency with a deep fungal infection. Pimafukort can be used by both men and women.

Thrush, or vulvovaginal candidiasis, is an inflammatory process caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. These infectious agents are opportunistic pathogens and are normally always present in the intestinal and vaginal microflora. However, with a decrease in immunity and other adverse factors, they can begin to actively multiply. This process is accompanied by the appearance of itching, redness, irritation and curdled discharge on the mucous membranes of the genital organs, which causes a woman severe discomfort and a desire to get rid of them as soon as possible.


Types of drugs for the treatment of thrush

If symptoms of thrush are found, you should consult a doctor and pass the tests necessary to confirm the diagnosis. A wide range of remedies for thrush that exist today, as well as their active advertising, promising to cure the disease forever after taking one pill, often misleads women. This contributes to improper self-prescribing of drugs, delaying recovery, the transition of the disease to a chronic form, and even the development of complications.

Before starting to treat thrush, it is important to perform a culture of a smear taken from the genital organs of a woman, to accurately identify the causative agent of the disease and determine its sensitivity to the available antimycotic active ingredients. In most cases, the cause of thrush is the fungus Candida albicans, but there are other fungi of this genus that can cause an inflammatory process on the external and internal female genital organs. For example, Candida glabrata, which are more resistant to most of the antifungal drugs used. Only a doctor will be able to choose the right medicines and treatment regimen, taking into account contraindications, the age of the patient, and the presence of other concomitant diseases.

Medicines for the treatment of thrush in women can be local or systemic. They are found under various trade names, but they include active substances of two main groups:

  1. Azole derivatives - fluconazole, clotrimazole, miconazole, ketoconazole, itraconazole, econazole, sertaconazole, fenticonazole, isoconazole. They have fungistatic (slowing down the growth of fungi) and, to a lesser extent, fungicidal activity (completely destroying fungi). The mechanism of their action is associated with the inhibition of fungal enzymes necessary for the synthesis of ergosterol - the main structural component fungal cell membrane. As a result, the permeability of cell membranes increases, which leads to lysis of the fungal cell.
  2. Polyene antibiotics - levorin, nystatin, natamycin. The mechanism of action consists in strong binding to ergosterol, disruption of the integrity of the fungal cell membrane, loss of cells important for the existence of compounds and its subsequent lysis.

Local preparations are available in the form vaginal suppositories, capsules or tablets, creams, ointments. They are used alone for mild forms of the disease and the absence of complications or as part of complex therapy with antifungal agents for oral use in severe thrush.

Systemic drugs are available as capsules or tablets for oral use. They have an effect on the entire body, including the focus of inflammation. Such funds are used in the chronic form of the disease, accompanied by frequent relapses, as well as in acute primary candidiasis with a severe course.

Principles of treatment of thrush

After the therapeutic course prescribed for thrush (not earlier than 2 weeks after its completion), you should re-do microscopic examination smear from the vagina to monitor the effectiveness of the therapy. If during treatment a woman experiences any side effects or an allergic reaction, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Treatment for chronic thrush characteristic symptoms diseases appear more than four times a year, is a more complex process compared to the acute form. The most effective is an integrated approach, including the treatment of concomitant diseases that contribute to the development of candidiasis ( diabetes, chronic infections, hormonal imbalance), and taking the following medicines:

  • antifungal drugs of local and systemic action;
  • probiotics that normalize the intestinal microflora;
  • means for restoring the microflora of the vagina (acylact, bifidumbacterin, vagilak, lactonorm, vagiflor, gynoflor);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • drugs that strengthen the immune system;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes for general strengthening of the body.

Treatment of chronic thrush takes several months. After its completion, maintenance therapy is prescribed to prevent exacerbations. It may consist of intermittent (once a week) use of antimycotic vaginal suppositories and oral tablets (once a month or more often).

Systemic drugs

Of the systemic agents for thrush, a woman is most often prescribed tablets or capsules containing fluconazole at a dosage of 50, 100 or 150 mg. These include:

  • flucostat;
  • diflucan;
  • mycosist;
  • mycomax;
  • ciscan;
  • diflazone;
  • fucis.

In the acute form of thrush, a single dose of fluconazole at a dose of 150 mg is sufficient to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, which is associated with long-term maintenance of high concentrations. active substance in blood plasma.

In addition to fluconazole, preparations based on itraconazole (irunin, orungal, itrazol, rumikoz, canditral), ketoconazole (nizoral, mycozoral, fungavis, oronazole), nystatin and natamycin (pimafucin) can also be used for systemic use.

A significant drawback of all these drugs, despite their high efficiency, is the inability to use for the treatment of thrush in pregnant and lactating women, a large list of contraindications and side effects, including:

  • disorders of the digestive tract (nausea, diarrhea, flatulence, pain in the abdomen);
  • toxic effects on the liver and kidneys;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • high risk development of an allergic reaction.

Seizures and other neurological reactions may develop.

Topical preparations

Among the local drugs for the treatment of thrush, vaginal suppositories or tablets are mainly used. They are inserted into the vagina in the supine position and bent knees with a finger or with a special applicator once or twice a day. In some cases, along with them, the application of antifungal ointments or creams on the external genitalia and washing or douching with special antiseptic solutions(cyteal).

The main advantage of local remedies is the minimum number of possible side effects and contraindications, as well as a direct effect on the focus of infection. The disadvantages include some inconvenience in use: the need for a woman to be in a horizontal position for 20–30 minutes after the administration of a tablet or suppository, which is not always possible, a high chance of staining underwear or sheets with the resulting suppository residues even if daily pads are used.

Local therapy of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system not only allows you to destroy pathogens, but also inevitably leads to an imbalance in the beneficial microflora of the vagina and a decrease in local immunity. If you do not make a quick recovery of lactoflora, activation of conditionally pathogenic microflora is possible, which will lead to an exacerbation of thrush or bacterial infections. For the same reason, antifungal therapy for vaginal candidiasis may not be effective enough. Therefore, after the first stage of treatment aimed at eradicating the infection, it is important to carry out the second stage - to restore the balance of beneficial microflora with the help of Lactoginal capsules. It is the only registered in the territory Russian Federation tribiotic drug. Lactoginal quickly restores pH, vaginal microflora and protects against re-aggravation of bacterial vaginosis and thrush for a long time. Two-stage therapy has recently become the gold standard for the treatment of conditions accompanied by pathological discharge. Many experts are confident that only this method allows for a pronounced and long-term healing effect, strengthen local immunity, which serves as a prevention of subsequent exacerbations. one

Preparations based on clotrimazole

This group of medicines for thrush includes:

  • tablets, cream or vaginal suppositories "Clotrimazole";
  • cream and vaginal tablets "Kanesten";
  • cream and vaginal tablets "Kandibene";
  • cream and vaginal tablets "Antifungol";
  • vaginal tablets "Candide B6".

Clotrimazole, when applied topically, penetrates well into tissues. With thrush, it is used at a dosage of 100 mg, 2 tablets per day for 3 days or 1 tablet per day for 6 days. It is effective not only against a wide range of fungi, but also against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, Trichomonas.

Clotrimazole is contraindicated in women in the first trimester of pregnancy, during menstruation and with hypersensitivity to the active substance.

Drugs with nystatin

The most famous representatives of this group used in gynecology are Nystatin suppositories and ointment, Terzhinan vaginal tablets and Polygynax vaginal capsules. They are contraindicated in women during pregnancy and individual intolerance. The advantage of nystatin is that the fungus does not develop resistance to it. They need to treat thrush for at least 7 days.

Suppositories "Nitstatin" are available in a dosage of 250,000 or 500,000 IU. Terzhinan vaginal tablets are a complex antimicrobial and antifungal agent. In addition to nystatin, it contains the antibiotic neomycin, the anti-inflammatory drug prednisolone, and the active compound ternidazole against anaerobic flora. Polygynax is also a complex preparation consisting of nystatin and two antibiotics (neomycin and polymyxin B).

Means based on miconazole

Miconazole for local application used in the form of a cream and vaginal suppositories. Suppositories with a dosage of the active substance of 100 mg are used for thrush 1 time per day. The course of treatment is more than two weeks. On the basis of miconazole, a number of antifungal agents are produced, additionally containing metronidazole, which has antibacterial and antiprotozoal activity. These include vaginal suppositories "Klion-D 100", "Neo-Penotran", "Metromicon-Neo". Analogues of miconazole include cream and suppositories "Ginezol 7", "Gino-Daktarin".

Medications with ketoconazole

Ketoconazole and its well-known analogue livarol for thrush are used for 3-5 days at a dosage of 400 mg, 1 suppository per day, which is administered at night. They can be used in both acute and chronic forms of candidiasis, with mixed fungal-bacterial infections, disorders of the vaginal microflora.


To treat thrush, a drug with a polyene antibiotic natamycin, Pimafucin, is widely used. It is available as oral tablets, vaginal suppositories, and cream. Pimafucin is well tolerated, non-toxic, can be used for women during pregnancy at any time and during lactation. The dosage of the active substance in suppositories is 100 mg, they are used once a day at night for 5-8 days.


One of the most important areas of treatment of inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system is the destruction of pathogens. Such therapy inevitably provokes a violation of the natural balance of the vaginal microflora, a weakening of local immunity, and, as a result, the development of thrush (vaginal candidiasis) or other fungal and bacterial infections. That is why it is important to restore the normal lactoflora of the vagina as soon as possible.

After the first stage of treatment, the purpose of which is to destroy the infection, as a rule, the second is prescribed - restoring the balance of beneficial bacteria with the help of special preparations. One of them is the drug Laktozhinal, the only tribiotic drug officially registered in the Russian Federation today. Laktozhinal restores the vaginal microflora and the normal acid-base balance of the mucosa, preventing the development of vaginosis and candidiasis.

Such two-stage therapy has recently been considered the gold standard for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitals. Experts say that this method gives a long-term therapeutic effect, strengthens local immunity and prevents new exacerbations.

When treating thrush, to speed up recovery and reduce the growth of pathogenic flora, a certain diet should be followed. Need to exclude:

  • sweets (cookies, sweets, chocolate), including sweet fruits and fruit juices;
  • white bread, muffins, pasta, premium wheat flour products;
  • products containing yeast;
  • spices, spices, spicy dishes.

Unsweetened fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir, yogurt) containing live cultures of beneficial bacteria are recommended. They will contribute to the formation of a healthy intestinal and vaginal microflora and prevent the reproduction of the fungus.

In order to successfully treat thrush, the right choice of underwear, panty liners and cleansers is of great importance. Briefs must be made of natural cotton fabric and have a "classic" shape. Beautiful, lacy, but made of synthetic, breathable fabric, thongs will help create a greenhouse effect, additional irritation and mechanical injury to inflamed tissues.

Panty liners used should be fragrance-free, as should intimate hygiene. This will help prevent the development of an allergic reaction. For washing or douching with thrush, after consultation with the doctor, you can use herbal infusions of chamomile, oak bark, calendula, sage, which have an antiseptic and healing effect. You need to wash yourself with thrush often.

1. There are contraindications. Before use, consult your doctor.

Video: About thrush and how to treat it