Antiviral drugs against the human papillomavirus. Effective drugs for the treatment of HPV How is the human papillomavirus treated?

There are several types of benign neoplasms, the appearance of the most common growths is caused by human papillomavirus. "Entrance gates" for infection are wounds, abrasions and other defects of the skin and mucous membranes. Used for various remedies for papillomas: pharmaceutical, homeopathic,. But this is not enough, it turns out, the result still depends on the person's confidence in the success of the treatment!

Doctor's opinion about the human papillomavirus (video)

Localization of growths is important!

The main cosmetic problems are experienced by people whose warts and papillomas have "occupied" their arms, legs, face, and. The sensations of those who have growths localized on the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, and genital organs cannot be called pleasant either. To an uninitiated person it will seem that we are talking about different diseases. But in most cases, the main cause of skin growths and neoplasms on the mucous membranes is the human papillomavirus (Russian abbreviation - HPV, English - HPV).

In order not to harm your body with inadequate treatment, consult a doctor. Only a specialist can make a correct diagnosis.

Treatment of neoplasms localized on the skin or mucous membranes is carried out by similar methods, but there are differences. It is undesirable to use on your own those means for removing papillomas that are used on an outpatient basis, not at home. To the delight of all those suffering from HPV, pharmacists produce a lot of both drugs.

It is considered a reasonable step to purchase a remedy for papillomas in a pharmacy, because the instructions list the indications, methods of application, frequency and duration of treatment. For example, if you are concerned about warts on the external and internal genital organs, then you can use special ointments, creams, gels and suppositories intended for self-treatment:

Preparations for papillomas, which are applied to intimate places:

  1. "Aldara", "Ziklara", "Imiquad"- creams with imiquimod. The course of treatment is 0.5–2 months.
  2. "Veregen" - ointment with green tea catechins. Can be used for a long time - 3-4 months.

  3. "Panavir" - gel and spray with potato shoot extract. Russian researchers consider it the best remedy, devoid of many of the shortcomings of drugs with podophyllotoxin. Treatment is carried out for 2 weeks, then take a break.
  4. "Cycloferon" - liniment of methylglucamine acridone acetate.

  5. "Epigen" - gel and spray with licorice root extract (glycyrrhizic acid). The course of treatment lasts more than 1 month.

What pills and injections help get rid of HPV?

Therapy for papillomavirus infection is effective when combined destructive treatment (removal of papillomas and warts) with the use of antiviral and immunomodulatory agents. They suppress the activity of the virus, reduce the risk of re-growth of neoplasms after removal.

Medicines for human papillomavirus:

  1. "Allokin-alpha" is an antiviral, immunomodulating agent in the form of a solution for injection.

  2. "Isoprinosine" - an immunostimulating agent, tablets from the human papillomavirus.
  3. "Genferon" - interferon. Release form - rectal and vaginal suppositories.

  4. "Viferon" - interferon, is available in the form of a gel, ointment and suppositories.
  5. "Likopid" - an immunomodulator, tablets, effective in combination with antiviral agents.

Experts are increasingly speaking in favor of a systemic antiviral treatment. The times when papillomas were only removed, without complex therapy, should be a thing of the past. It is good that new, highly efficient devices appear, for example, the Surgitron for radiotherapy. The increase in the number of infected HPV, the frequency of relapses - all this is a reason to take the disease seriously, not to consider its treatment as the prerogative of cosmetic surgery.

Pharmaceutical preparations for getting rid of skin defects

With papillomatosis, the following over-the-counter drugs are applied locally:

  1. Salicylic acid and salicylic alcohol- substances with antimicrobial, keratolytic properties.
  2. Alcohol tincture of iodine and antiseptic solution"Doctor Yod"- means that effectively fight bacterial, viral and fungal infections of the skin.

  3. Lapis pencil with silver nitrate- an ancient remedy for papillomas. Leaves a dark stain when applied to the skin. For this reason, the pencil is already losing popularity against the background of drugs that do not change the color of the skin.
  4. Ammonia- "dark horse" among drugs for papillomas. With a single application does not lead to the death of papilloma.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide- inferior to silver nitrate and liquid "" in the fight against skin defects. But it also finds admirers among fans of a healthy lifestyle.

Each type of treatment has the right to life!

Liquid nitrogen, homeopathy, folk recipes- all these means for removing papillomas are used in accordance with certain criteria. Small benign formations may disappear after a single treatment with a special pencil. When it comes to homeopathy and other areas of alternative medicine, the treatment will take longer.

Among the products from papillomas most often mentioned garlic, vinegar, potatoes, parietal egg protein. All of these remedies are often referred to as "homemade" because most of them can be found in the kitchen.

  1. Fresh chopped garlic is mixed with petroleum jelly and applied to the papilloma overnight. This composition causes a strong burning sensation, so it is necessary to protect healthy skin with an adhesive plaster, and also stick a tape on top. Garlic, a recognized antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral agent, is beneficial when taken orally.

  2. Lemon peel, mandarin. Pickle citrus peel in vinegar. After 3 days, they are taken out of the solution, applied to the papilloma at night, fixed on the skin with adhesive tape. The next day, the growth softens, peeled off the next day. If the diameter of the papilloma is more than 7 mm, then the procedure is performed 2 days in a row.

  3. Banana peel is smeared on the affected area several times a day.
  4. The recipes for using potatoes and chicken egg protein are very simple - lubricate papilloma with them during the day and at night. The selected product should be used daily for several days, or even weeks.

  5. An excellent remedy for the treatment of papillomatosis can be essential oils of tea tree, juniper, fir, cedar and thuja western (note that tea tree can give an allergic reaction). Only these funds are not taken orally and are not used on mucous membranes. It can be applied pointwise to papillomas, after dissolving 5 drops of the essential agent in a small amount of olive or other vegetable oil. A good effect is achieved by adding aromatic oils in liquid soap, shower gel, face and hand cream.

This material is posted for educational and informational purposes, is not professional medical advice or scientific material and cannot serve as a substitute for medical advice.

In contact with

Treatment of the human papillomavirus is carried out only after a medical examination. The reason for going to a specialist is often characteristic growths, which are the main signal of the development of the disease.

The human papillomavirus is manifested by characteristic formations on the body

Can papillomavirus be cured?

There are two common myths about HPV therapy:

  1. The papilloma virus is completely curable.
  2. It is impossible to get rid of this infection, it always leads to cancer and death.

The wording itself - "cure the virus" - in this case is incorrect. It is impossible to kill the strains and completely remove them from the body, but you can stop their activity or cure the disease, the appearance of which was provoked by pathogenic microorganisms.

Papillomavirus (HPV) is not always harmful to human health. Only certain types of papillomavirus present a high oncogenic risk (16 and 18). It is because of them that cancers appear.

The treatment regimen must also be drawn up by a specialist; in most cases, surgical intervention is required.

Methods for treating the papillomavirus are determined by a specialist

In total, there are more than 600 strains of papilloma, which are divided into 3 groups:

  • harmless;
  • causing warts;
  • microorganisms that cause cancer.
The most aggressive viruses belong to the latter group, and therefore they are more difficult to treat.

Symptoms manifest themselves during periods of weakening of the immune system or occur against the background of stress or the development of diseases. A carrier of the virus can transmit the infection to other people through physical contact and not even know it. On his own, a person is unable to determine the type of microorganisms, and, accordingly, to apply the necessary drugs.

Which doctor treats papillomavirus infection?

It is necessary to contact a specialist who treats the area where neoplasms (warts) have appeared. There is no universal doctor involved in papilloma therapy.

In women and men, papillomavirus infection can appear in the following places:

  • oral cavity (you need to contact your dentist);
  • intimate area (treatment will be handled by a gynecologist or urologist);
  • eyelids (ophthalmologist).

Gynecology deals with the treatment of neoplasms in the vagina and in the cervical region. In women, the virus often manifests itself in these places.

The gynecologist is engaged in the treatment of papilloma in women

Human papillomavirus treatment methods

Self-treatment of the papilloma virus is a useless and risky exercise, which is likely to lead to disastrous consequences. Some drugs can remove general symptoms infections, but competent therapy still requires a trip to a specialist.

Warts are removed by surgery or laser. In some cases, they disappear without third-party intervention.

Medical treatment

Treatment of the virus requires the selection of medications that can restore the protective functions of the immune system and overcome the disease itself.


Injections are administered intravenously. Injections are prescribed strictly after visiting a specialist. The following drugs are used for therapy:

  1. Cycloferon. The medicine is prescribed to every second patient with HPV. The drug is especially effective for medium-oncogenic viruses. Cost: about 350 rubles.
  2. Interferon alfa. A drug for raising immunity and combating dangerous microorganisms. It has anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative effects. Cost: about 120 rubles.
  3. Panavir. A herbal remedy that helps increase the body's resistance to strains. The price of the drug starts from 110 rubles.
  4. Ingaron. Solution for intramuscular injection. Stimulates immune system and fight pathogens. Cost: about 130 rubles.

All drugs from this list are immunomodulators, that is, they affect the immune system. This property is very important for the treatment of all types of papillomavirus.

Cycloferon is a common treatment for HPV

Tablets against papillomavirus

Tablets that are prescribed for HPV therapy:

  1. Isoprinosine. The drug affects the immune system and has an antiviral effect. Price: about 1000 rubles.
  2. Likopid. This drug is an effective immunomodulator. Price: from 800 rubles.
  3. Lavomax. Antiviral tablets. Price: about 300 rubles.
  4. Alpizarin. Herbal antiviral and antibacterial drug. Available in the form of tablets and ointment, which is also used to treat papilloma. The ointment is applied to the warts. The cost of the drug: about 200 rubles.
For the treatment of HPV, antiviral drugs are prescribed, as well as vitamins and antibiotics (on an individual basis).
Isoprinosine strengthens human immunity


Candles are used in cases where viral papilloma manifests itself in the intimate area. These drugs are used to treat growths that form on the cervix, genitals, and in the vagina. The most effective suppositories:

  • Genferon - about 500 rubles;
  • Betadine - from 400 rubles;
  • Viferon - the approximate price is 280 rubles.

Candles are the main medicines for the treatment of genital papilloma. They have an antiviral and immunomodulatory effect, fight edema, and eliminate warts. Suppositories are not recommended for use in children under 7 years of age and pregnant women.

For the treatment of HPV in intimate places candles are used

Ointments for HPV

Ointments with regular use can eliminate growths. Treatments for HPV include:

  1. Oxolinic ointment. Often used to destroy warts in intimate places. The tool effectively fights viruses and does not dry out the skin. Price: 30 rubles.
  2. San Feng Zhong. Ointment of Chinese origin, has a burning effect. It is easiest to buy it on the Internet. Cost: about 200 rubles.
  3. Stefalin. Quite an expensive ointment, 8 ml cost about 4,000 rubles. The drug is fast and effective. This ointment is able to remove moles and papillomas in 14-30 days (depending on the degree of damage).

Salicylic ointment can also be used for therapeutic purposes. It has a drying effect, kills germs and viruses, fights inflammation.

Oxolinic ointment is a good remedy for the treatment of papilloma


Vitamins are used to restore immunity and promote health. They reduce the body's susceptibility to pathogenic microorganisms. It is vitamins that help fight the cause of the disease. Patients are advised to take such vitamin complexes:

  • Aevit (price about 50 rubles);
  • Complivit (cost about 150 rubles);
  • Alphabet (price from 250 rubles).

These medicines contain several beneficial substances, due to which they have a beneficial effect on the entire body. The specialist may prescribe other drugs after the examination.

Vitamins improve health and immunity

What other means are used to eliminate papilloma,.

Alternative treatment

Folk recipes are used to eliminate growths. The most common and affordable method of destroying warts is to lubricate them with potato juice. This method can be used for 30-40 days. Potato juice is also used to eliminate neoplasms in the intimate area.

Lemon and Vinegar Tincture

Lemon zest mixed with 100 ml of vinegar helps well against the virus. The medicine should be left in a cool, dry place for 7 days. After that, the tincture can be applied 2-3 times a day, lubricating the warts with it. The course of treatment takes from 2 weeks.

Experts do not advise the use of traditional methods without prior medical consultation. Most types of HPV are treated by any public clinic, which you can always turn to for help.

Lemon and vinegar will help get rid of papillomas at home

Fir oil and celandine

Fresh stems and flowers of celandine must be mixed with fir oil. These components help get rid of growths, have an antiviral effect. Apply the mixture directly. Dandelion juice can be used as an additional ingredient. The course of treatment: from 10 to 40 days (depending on the degree of damage).

Pine oil has antiviral properties

The cheapest and easiest option is to lubricate the warts with ammonia. This method is only suitable for adults. Alcohol should not be used in the genital area and on mucous membranes. Not an isolated case was noted when the use of this folk method lead to extensive peeling and irritation of the skin. The advantage of ammonia is a quick action. Treatment takes from several days to 2 weeks.

Ammonia is an easy way to fight HPV


  1. Use of a condom. The contraceptive is not able to provide 100% protection against HPV, but it reduces the risk of infection several times.
  2. Vaccination. Many people are afraid to get papilloma vaccines, but this fear is unfounded and stupid. Vaccination can protect against the most aggressive (oncogenic and moderately oncogenic) types of the virus.
  3. Healthy lifestyle. This item includes a healthy diet, giving up bad habits and avoiding stressful situations. Papillomas are constantly in the human body, but they manifest themselves only during periods of a fall in the immune and nervous systems.

Vitamin complexes can be used for prevention.

Treatment of HPV in women is a rather complex process, including the use of many drugs and surgery. A common infection covers about 70% of the population. Most often, carriers of the human papillomavirus are women of reproductive age.

HPV is a group of small DNA-containing sexually transmitted viruses that cause pathological growths of epithelial tissue. There are more than 200 types of viruses, 29 of which contribute to the development of malignant transformation of epithelial cells and belong to the oncogenic class.

The presence of the virus manifests itself in the form of papillomas different kind and localization, as well as skin dysplasia. The presence of dysplasia is characteristic of the cervix, and in some cases causes the development oncological diseases this organ.

Types of HPV in women.

According to the degree and localization of the lesion, the following types of HPV are distinguished:

  • cutaneous varieties (affecting the skin)
  • musocotropic varieties (causing damage to the mucous membranes)

TO clinical manifestations cutaneous HPVs include:

  1. Flat papillomas are not oncogenic. They are raised nodules of the correct form, with a diameter of 8-10 mm.
  2. Pointed papillomas are benign formations in the form of a pink cockscomb, covered with a stratum corneum.
  3. Filiform papillomas - formations on a thin stalk, 5-7 mm in size.

Musocotropic varieties include:

  1. Bowenoid papulosis - neoplasms in the form of spots and plaques affecting the vaginal mucosa and perineal skin. Transmitted sexually.
  2. Cervical dysplasia - changes in the epithelium in the vaginal part.
  3. Condylomas are papillary warts on a stalk located in the anogenital region.

Stages and degrees of HPV in women

HPV in women has 3 stages of development:

The degrees of HPV in women are determined by the ability to cause malignant processes and are divided into:

  1. Non-oncogenic degree - viruses are not capable of developing into malignant neoplasms, since their DNA does not have a predisposition to mutations.
  2. Low oncogenic degree - virus stamps can threaten oncological processes, only if combined with other provoking factors.
  3. A high oncogenic degree is the most dangerous strain of the virus, as it leads to the development of cancer.

HPV symptoms in women

Treatment of HPV in women (the drugs used during therapy are aimed at suppressing the infection) begins after the onset of symptoms. The papilloma virus infects the basal layer of the epithelium. The epithelial layer is infected by microdamages - chemical or bacterial.

In order for the infection to develop, a few particles of the virus are enough. After infection with HPV, skin cells cease to function normally, which leads to the development of various pathologies. The incubation (latent) period of HPV in women can last from several weeks to ten years.

At this stage, the symptoms of the disease are not expressed and it is difficult to recognize.

When immunity is weakened under the influence of adverse conditions, the virus is activated and provokes the onset of symptoms. Often, the papillomavirus affects the skin and mucous membranes in the anus and genitals, upper respiratory organs, oral cavity and eyelids.

HPV symptoms in women
Manifestations on the skin
  • the formation of warts and papillomas with a variety of localization.
Vaginal lesions
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • burning sensation and discomfort in the vagina.
Pathologies affecting the mucous membranes (location - vagina, labia majora, anus, mucous membranes of the mouth and throat)
  • the appearance of genital warts;
  • the formation of papular warts;
  • development of vestibular papillomatosis (multiple development of papilloma-like growths in the vaginal area)
Other pathological processes
  • chronic cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix);
  • cervical dysplasia.

Neoplasms that appeared as a result of the presence of HPV have a different size, can be single or multiple, with a different structure and shape.

Other symptoms affecting general state, relate:

  • weakness, fatigue;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • bleeding and discomfort after intercourse.

Causes of HPV in women

The reasons for the development of HPV in a woman's body are due to many factors - external and internal. External factors include environmental factors. To internal - physiological and genetic. Infection with pathology occurs through sexual and domestic contact, or at the stage of childbirth when passing through an infected birth canal.

One of the main reasons for the appearance of the disease is a decrease in the work of the immune system, which cannot cope in the fight against the virus.

Early onset of sexual activity, frequent change of partners;

Against the background of dysfunction of the immune system, a number of provoking factors arise:

  • early onset of sexual activity, frequent change of partners;
  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • long-term use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • smoking;
  • hypothermia and stress;
  • medical manipulations: installation of intrauterine devices, abortions;
  • pregnancy or postpartum period;
  • hormonal disorders.

Diagnosis of HPV in women

HPV in women is diagnosed using laboratory, cytological, instrumental and morphological studies. Laboratory studies - the use of molecular and genetic methods for detecting the virus in cervical scrapings.

The most informative studies are:

  1. PCR diagnostics is an accurate method for detecting infection at the genetic and molecular levels. It allows you to identify all oncogenic viruses in the body. For analysis, biomaterials are used:
    1. vaginal discharge;
    2. anal discharge;
    3. mucus from the pharynx.
  2. DIGENE-test is an ultra-precise method that allows you to determine not only the presence of a virus, but also characterize it - to identify the degree of oncogenicity and concentration in the body. For research, a special brush is used that penetrates to the cervix. Through several scrolls of the instrument, vaginal discharge is collected. Then the brush is placed in a test tube with a special medium and tested in the laboratory.
  3. PAP diagnostics - helps to see the cells of the uterus, changed under the influence of HPV. For the analysis, a scraping from the cervix is ​​​​used, which is subsequently examined. PAP diagnostics helps to identify signs of atypia, dysplasia, and the presence of malignant cells.

PCR diagnostics

For cytological studies, material taken from the affected area of ​​the epidermis using a special device is used. Part of the test material is applied in a thin layer on degreased glass. The sample is then stained with drugs and the staining result is looked at, according to which the virus is assigned a specific class.

The most common classification according to Papanicolaou, according to which viral cells are divided into 5 classes. Instrumental methods include the procedure of colposcopy. The results of the method allow us to draw conclusions about the need for further diagnostics.

Colposcopy is aimed at examining the cervix. During the procedure, the organ is treated with a Lugol solution, after interaction with which the selected area changes color, indicating the presence of HPV cells. Morphological methods include histological examination of the biopsy material.

Biopsy of the cervix

Biopsy of the cervix and sampling of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal are used for:

  • when identifying HPV types with a high degree of oncogenicity;
  • with obvious signs of pathology without HPV testing.

When to see a doctor

Seek advice and medical care a gynecologist and dermatovenereologist is necessary in such cases:

  • the appearance of skin neoplasia (warts, papillomas, growths) of any kind and severity;
  • discomfort and bleeding after intercourse;
  • copious vaginal discharge of an unusual color with an unpleasant odor;
  • burning sensation in the vagina.

The above symptoms are similar to the clinical pictures of many pathologies. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a thorough physical examination to determine the causes of symptoms.

Prevention of HPV in women

Prevention of HPV in women is to follow the rules that will not allow infection with the virus, and as well as measures that help to detect the presence of pathology in a timely manner:

If the fact of the presence of HPV has been established, to minimize the progression of the virus, one should:

  • identify HPV subtypes to exclude their oncogenicity;
  • conduct regular (every 2 years) testing for oncocytology;
  • conduct oncotesting;
  • perform HPV DNA monitoring if necessary.

Treatment options for HPV in women

Treatment of HPV in women (drugs that provoke the destruction of the virus in the body have not been invented) is a complex process. Complex drug therapy can only introduce the virus into a latent state in which it is not capable of harming the body. However, HPV continues to remain in the blood.

Treatment of HPV in women occurs in 2 ways:

  1. Surgical or hardware method - used to remove the external manifestations of HPV - papillomas, warts, condylomas.
  2. Drug method - is used in the form of a scheme of drugs of different groups to eliminate symptoms and improve overall well-being.


The treatment of HPV in women involves the development of special schemes consisting of antiviral drugs, immunomodulators and local funds, contributing to getting rid of the external manifestations of the virus. Antiviral drugs have a therapeutic effect on pathogen and contribute to its suppression.

Medicines of this group are produced in different forms - tablets, suppositories, vaccines.

Drugs for the treatment of HPV in women

Antiviral drugs in the form of tablets include:

  1. Acyclovir - has the ability to inhibit the virus and transfer it to a passive (latent) stage. It is used in the treatment of manifestations on the intracavitary organs and in the genital area. Dosage regimen: 200 g 5 times a day, every 4 hours. The duration of the course is 5 days with the possibility of extension in severe cases. Cost - 50 rubles.
  2. Lavomax is an antiviral and immunomodulatory drug. The mechanism of action is to suppress the reproduction of viruses. Dosage regimen: 125 mg 1 time per day every other day. Heading dose - 20 tab. 125 mg. Cost - 130 rubles.
  3. Isoprinosine - has immunostimulating activity and antiviral action. Fights genital HPV, laryngeal papillomas and warts. Dosage regimen: 6-8 tablets 3-4 times a day. The duration of treatment is from 5 to 14 days. The average cost is from 600 rubles.

Antiviral suppositories used when the vagina or cervix is ​​affected by pathogenic processes:

  1. Genferon is a combined drug that has a local and systemic effect, manifested in the suppression of the virus with the help of interferon. Dosage regimen: vaginally 1 suppository, 2 times a day for 10 days. The average cost is 500 rubles.
  2. Viferon is an antiviral and immunomodulating agent. Dosage regimen: 1 suppository 2 times a day. Duration of admission: 5 days. The average cost in pharmacies is 250 rubles.

Ferrovir is used for intramuscular injection - antiviral drug natural origin. It is prescribed 5 ml 2 times a day for 14 days. Cost - from 2980 rubles. Immunomodulators are a group of drugs that enhance the protective function of the body.

They are used as part of complex therapy to prevent the development of complications:

  1. Licopid is an activator of innate and acquired immunity, which enhances protection against viral infections. Take 10 mg 30 minutes before meals, 1 time per day. The duration of the course is 10 days. The average price for the drug is 250 rubles.
  2. Immunomax - activates the parts of the immune system. Dosage regimen: administered intramuscularly as a solution in the amount of 200 IU. Injections are administered on days 1,2,3 and 8,9,10 of treatment once a day. Cost - 900 rubles.
  3. Gepon is an immunomodulatory drug that has antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects. Dosage regimen: 10 mg orally 1 time per day. The duration of treatment is set individually.

To combat skin defects, the appearance of which provokes HPV, cytostatics and chemical coagulants are used, which have a local effect.

These include:

  1. Podophyllin - has a burning and necrotic effect. Used to remove genital warts. It is applied externally in the form of a ready-made solution. The affected skin area must be treated 2 times a day, every 12 hours, for 3 days. Cost - 600-800 rubles.
  2. Solcoderm - used for benign superficial skin lesions. Treatment with a solution is carried out under the guidance of medical staff. The procedure is carried out once. After that, the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin acquires a dark shade and the growth cells die off. The cost of the drug is 800-1000 rubles.

Folk methods

Treatment of HPV in women (drugs do not always provide the necessary healing effect) occurs with the help of alternative medicine methods. The use of folk remedies is practiced as part of a comprehensive treatment and is aimed at eliminating papillomas and warts, strengthening the immune system. For these purposes, herbal decoctions and infusions, solutions and essential oils are used.

Application of iodine solution

Recipes traditional medicine from skin neoplasia for topical external use:

  1. Application of vinegar essence.
    Acetic acid at a concentration of 70% is applied to the affected area with a cotton swab. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day for a week. A wart or papilloma is affected by acid, becomes covered with a white growth and disappears.
  2. Application of iodine solution.
    Iodine has a drying and antiseptic effect and is used to remove small warts and papillomas. A solution of iodine is dripped onto the lesion once a day for 2 weeks. At the end of the manipulation, the neoplasm should be eliminated.
  3. The use of tincture of celandine.
    A solution for cauterization is prepared from the juice of a crushed plant and alcohol, in a ratio of 2: 1. The resulting solution is applied to the papilloma or wart 3 times a day. The duration of the course is 3 weeks. The use of celandine leads to the death and elimination of pathological formations.
  4. The use of essential oils.
    Essential oils contribute to the destruction of the shells of growths. For these purposes, thuja, sea buckthorn or tea tree oils are used. To prepare the solution, a mixture of castor oil with one of the presented types is used. The resulting mixture is applied to the affected area 2 times a day until it disappears completely.

Traditional medicine recipes to strengthen immunity:

  • Mix 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs: lemon balm, horsetail, plantain, nettle. Take 1 tbsp. l. the resulting mixture, pour 200 ml of boiling water and boil for 15 minutes over low heat. Leave the decoction for about 3 hours. Take 50 ml 1 time per day. Duration of admission - 7 days.
  • 2 tbsp. Spoons of needles pour 100 ml of water and bring to a boil. Hold on low heat for about half an hour and insist. Take 2 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

Other methods

In addition to therapeutic treatment, in the fight against HPV, surgical hardware methods are used to eliminate skin lesions.

radio wave surgery

Papillomas, warts and condylomas are eliminated with:

  1. Electrocoagulation- removal of surface formations using a special apparatus that generates electric waves. The electric knife cuts off the growths and at the same time cauterizes the vessels, as a result of which the pathological tissues are destroyed. The duration of the procedure is about 3-5 minutes. The average cost is 1000 rubles.
  2. Cryodestruction- cauterization of neoplasms using liquid nitrogen. It has a low temperature (-190C), which allows you to freeze the problem area, clog the vessels of the affected area and block the access of oxygen to the cells. This leads to the formation of a thermal burn and necrosis of the tissues of the papilloma or wart. The cost of the procedure is 1000 rubles.
  3. radio wave surgery- a method in which an apparatus with high-frequency radio wave radiation is used, which has a detrimental effect on pathogenic tissues. In this case, the excision process occurs without contact with the skin area. The flow of radio waves with the help of thermal energy penetrates into the affected area and affects it. The cost of the procedure is 1500-3000 rubles.
  4. laser removal- a method in which the removal of pathological formations of the skin occurs with the help of a beam of laser beams. The tissues of the formation evaporate and a scab forms in their place. The procedure lasts 2 minutes. Complete healing of the treated area occurs after 1 week. Cost - 650-1300 rubles. depending on the size of the neoplasm.

Treatment of HPV in women (drugs and hardware surgery does not always improve) with the development of cervical dysplasia is carried out using invasive surgical methods.

These include:

  1. Knife conization is the removal of areas of the mucosa of an organ in which the process of cancerous degeneration of cells has already begun.
  2. Removal of the cervix is ​​carried out when the pathological process spreads deep into the cervical canal or if oncology is suspected. The operation takes place with the help of knife amputation by using a scalpel.

Possible Complications

HPV can lead to the development of a number of complications. Conventionally, they can be divided into 2 groups:

The first group includes:

  • the risk of the transition of benign formations to malignant in the presence of oncogenic types of the virus;
  • the risk of developing cervical cancer when diagnosing organ dysplasia;
  • the likelihood of laryngeal papilloma growing into a tumor that causes attacks of suffocation;
  • risk of developing stomach cancer respiratory system and intestines.

The second group of complications include:

  • frequent mechanical damage to papillomas, which provoke minor bleeding and the development of inflammatory processes;
  • suppuration of the wound after removal of the papilloma due to pathogenic microorganisms that have penetrated into it;
  • the likelihood of large scars at the site of removal of large neoplasms.

Treatment of HPV in women is favorable, provided that the pathology is diagnosed in a timely manner. A set of measures, consisting of the use of drugs, hardware and invasive therapy, significantly improves the general condition of the body, but does not affect the complete elimination of the infection from the body.

Video about HPV

"It's healthy to live" about HPV:

In recent years, in Russia, as in many countries of the world, the incidence of papilloma is increasing. viral infection. The problem of its diagnosis and treatment attracts the attention of doctors of various specialties: dermatologists, gynecologists, urologists, oncologists, pathomorphologists, immunologists, virologists. This is due to the high contagiousness and the tendency to increase the frequency this disease, as well as the ability of some varieties of the human papillomavirus (HPV) to initiate malignant processes. The latter mostly concerns the genital manifestations of human papillomavirus infection.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is epitheliotropic and is found in the skin, oral mucosa, conjunctiva, esophagus, bronchi, and rectum.

There is evidence in the literature that the introduction of HPV infection occurs at the level of immature epithelial cells of the skin and mucous membranes (basal layer). The result of this introduction is cell proliferation, but without the production of viral particles, since proliferating epithelial cells are not able to support life cycle viruses. Complete replication of HPV occurs only in highly specialized cells of stratified squamous epithelium: granular, spiny skin cells, superficial epithelial cells of the cervical mucosa. Currently, about 100 types of papillomaviruses have been described. It should be noted their tissue and species specificity. Different types of HPV are associated with different types of lesions. It has been established that certain types of HPV are associated with the urogenital region. There are varieties:

  • low oncological risk;
  • average oncological risk;
  • high cancer risk.

Structure of the viral genome

Papillomaviruses belong to the papovavirus family ( Papovaviridae), affecting cattle, birds, as well as humans and capable of infecting the basal cells of the skin and squamous epithelium. Papillomaviruses are one of the most heterogeneous groups of viruses, the differentiation criterion of which is the degree of genetic relatedness of viruses according to molecular hybridization data: it ranges from 10 to 85%. The diameter of viral particles is 55 nm. The virus has no outer shell. The capsid of the virus consists of 72 capsomeres. A detailed analysis of the HPV DNA molecule became possible after the development of a DNA cleavage technique using endonucleases and analysis of these fragments using gel electrophoresis.

Papanicolaou-stained preparations revealed a specific set of features characterizing the nucleus and cytoplasm of epithelial cells (koilocytic atypia of cells) caused by the cytopathic action of papillomaviruses.

A specific cell for this infection is a koilocyte, which is an oxyphilic-stained epithelial cell with clear boundaries and a clearly defined perinuclear zone of enlightenment and numerous vacuoles in the cytoplasm.

The term "koilocytic dysplasia" was introduced by H. S. Stegner in 1981. It is assumed that these changes are the result of the reproduction of a virus that causes a violation of cell metabolism, leading to their partial necrosis with the formation of balloon-like cells.

A cytological study of the foci caused by HPV infection showed that the cellular material contained mostly non-nuclear, or orthokeratotic, cells. About 20% of the scales contain nuclei - the so-called. parakeratotic cells.

It should be remembered that morphology alone is not enough to detect HPV. In this regard, it is advisable to use the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method, hybridization in situ. Increasingly, there are reports in the literature about the definition of HPV infection in the urine using PCR as alternative method testing samples from the cervix. Along with this, one-tube nested PCR and type-specific nucleotide hybridization are used.

The PCR method is used for asymptomatic or asymptomatic forms of the disease caused by HPV infection.

Immunochemical methods can detect HPV antigens in the tissues of genital warts in 71.4% of cases, by hybridization in 96.5% and by PCR in 10% of cases.

The efficiency of DNA hybridization does not exceed the efficiency of histological examination, but it allows to identify patients with a high degree of this infection.

Clinic for HPV infection

Clinical manifestations of HPV infection of the genitals are very variable. Currently, they are divided into genital warts, papillary varieties of warts (with pronounced exophytic growth), as well as flat and inverted (intraepithelial) with endophytic growth. The last variant, also known as subclinical HPV infection, is the most difficult to diagnose, since there are no clear microscopic changes in the epithelium. In this case, to determine the clear boundaries of the lesion, special screening techniques are required.

A peculiar variant of genital warts is bowenoid papulosis and giant condyloma Bushke-Levenshtein. Genital warts (CC) are fibroepithelial formations on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes, with a thin stalk or wide base in the form of a single nodule or multiple epithelial outgrowths resembling cockscombs or cauliflower in appearance. Diagnosis of large warts does not cause difficulties. Genital warts are localized mainly in places of maceration: labia minora, vagina, cervix, urethral mouth, anus, skin. In men, OCs are located in the foreskin, on the glans penis, perinatal region, less often endouretally. The incubation period ranges from one to 12 months (average 3-6 months).

Studies of recent decades indicate that 85% of patients with typical vulvar and perineal OC have additional foci of HPV infection in the vagina or cervix, and almost every fourth of them have HPV-associated diseases - cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CVN) of various severity. One of the clinical varieties of diseases caused by HPV infection are bowenoid papules associated with HP 16, sometimes pigmented on the skin and mucous membranes of both sexes, more often resembling common warts or seborrheic keratosis. In contrast to Bowen's disease, Bowenoid papules are benign and spontaneously regress, although they may occasionally become malignant. The course is asymptomatic.

Some authors refer Lewandowski-Lutz verruciform epidermodysplasia to this group of diseases. This disease is based on local and genetic disorders associated with chronic HPV infection.

J. M. Handley and W. J. Dinsmore (1994), based on literature data, as well as their own research, proposed a classification of clinical forms of HPV infection and associated diseases ().

In the vast majority of cases, manifest forms of HPV infection are combined with other sexually transmitted diseases. According to Bernard K. and Mugi K. (1996), manifest forms of HPV infection usually occur as a result of a number of factors:

  • social;
  • infectious, associated with associations of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs);
  • associated with changes in immune status.

The most significant is the impact of HPV-associated infections of the urogenital tract: urogenital chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus and herpetic infections, dysbiotic conditions. The result of their influence on the course of HPV infection is the chronization of the process, the formation of persistent, as a rule, non-specific inflammatory changes in the urogenital area, and significant difficulties in carrying out therapeutic measures.

The significance of the presence of a concomitant infection for the treatment of condylomatosis is explained by the following circumstances.

  • The presence of STDs associated with HPV infection lengthens the duration of treatment of the latter by an average of three times.
  • In most cases, relapses are associated with the above reason.
  • Epithelization of cervical erosions after the destruction of warts can only be achieved if there is a preliminary scan for concomitant STDs and bacterial vaginosis.

The possibility of a relationship between cervical neoplasia and venereal disease has been discussed for many years. In the group of women suffering from invasive cervical cancer (CC), a higher frequency of detection of nonspecific microflora, including trichomonas and gardnerella infections, was noted. Examples of such influence have been discussed in relation to Treponema pallidum, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamidia trachomatis, herpes simplex virus type 2, cytomegalovirus, human papillomavirus. Epidemiological studies have convincingly shown that an undeniable risk factor for the occurrence of precancerous changes and cervical cancer is genital HPV infection.

Principles of treatment for HPV infection

Given the fact that specific antiviral drugs and vaccines that act on HPV are not yet available, it is generally accepted that complete elimination of the virus from the body cannot be achieved. The goal of therapy is to eliminate clinical and subclinical forms of HPV infection.

To date, in the arsenal of practitioners there are many methods for removing anogenital warts. Their effectiveness varies from 30 to 90%, but none of the methods is a panacea, since the relapse rate is quite high with any treatment method. Treatment should be strictly individual: it is necessary to select the most optimal solution in each case, sometimes taking into account the wishes of the patient himself. The problem of recurrence does not depend on the choice of therapy. Recurrences of anogenital warts are most often associated not with reinfection from a sexual partner, but with reactivation of the infection. There are three ways in which events unfold in the absence of treatment:

  • warts may resolve on their own;
  • remain unchanged;
  • progress.

In this case, the possibility of persistence of the virus in the absence of any clinical manifestations should always be taken into account.

Choosing the most optimal method in each specific case, it is necessary to be guided by four main characteristics:

  • effectiveness in this pathology;
  • relapse rate after treatment;
  • tolerability (minimum side effects);
  • ease of procedures.

In addition to the removal of anogenital warts, it is necessary to solve the following important tasks:

1. Identify and treat patients with anogenital warts (and their sexual partners) for other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

2. Screen all women with anogenital warts for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CVN) using cytology and colposcopy.

3. Support continued surveillance of CVI foci for early stages for the timely detection of their progression or the development of microinvasive carcinoma.

4. To carry out active treatment of anogenital warts, neoplasias in the early stages, proceeding with a developed clinical picture, advanced neoplasia, and squamous cell carcinoma.

In fact, the treatment of anogenital HPV lesions is aimed either at the destruction of papillomatous foci by one method or another, or at the stimulation of an antiviral immune response, a combination of these approaches is possible.

Destructive Methods

Physical destructive methods

Surgical excision. Currently used infrequently, mainly used in the treatment of malignant neoplasms, when a wide excision is needed. This method may require hospitalization due to the fact that during the excision, quite severe bleeding may occur, and a long postoperative period will require special therapy.

electrosurgical methods. These include electrocoagulation, electroacoustics, fulgation, electrosurgical excision (electroexcision) using an electric knife. Not so long ago, plasma began to be used in medicine. Our scientists have developed an original plasma coagulator (plasmaskin) EKH-1, which has no foreign analogues. Temperature measurements in plasma showed that it can reach 2000-2500°C. Such high temperatures, in turn, provide the ability to work in a non-contact mode, the operation time is significantly reduced, and thereby the necrosis zone is reduced. In addition, with such an impact, in most cases, it does not exceed pain threshold. This temperature regime provides almost complete combustion of neoplasms.

Advantages of this method:

  • availability;
  • cheapness;
  • sufficiently high efficiency;
  • the possibility of using in an outpatient setting;
  • reduced risk of bleeding.


  • the need for anesthesia
  • when using this method, infectious HPV DNA is isolated along with the resulting smoke, so it is necessary to create adequate conditions for work - vacuum smoke extraction, use of protective masks.

Laser excision. A fairly effective and safe method is the excision of warts with a laser. In practice, neodymium and CO lasers are used. When using a CO laser, the surrounding tissues are less damaged, and a neodymium laser gives a better hemostatic effect. In addition to the fact that the laser physically removes lesions, studies have shown that laser radiation has a toxic effect on HPV. Procedures require well-trained personnel. When using lasers, anesthesia is necessary - often local or local anesthesia is sufficient, which allows procedures to be performed on an outpatient basis. Laser excision and surgical methods are approximately equally effective. Laser therapy can be successfully used to treat common, resistant to other therapy warts. It allows you to stop recurrence in about 40% of patients. Studies have shown that such an ineffective result is due to the fact that CO laser is ineffective when it comes to eliminating the genome from lesions that are resistant to treatment (according to the PCR method, molecular biological cure occurs in 26% of patients).

The use of CO laser is the method of choice in the treatment of CVI. Apply laser conization of the cervix. Relapses are observed in 2% of patients. A mild method of laser therapy is vaporization, which does not cause almost any complications. Laser vaporization has been successfully used in the treatment of low-grade CVI. Relapses are observed in 4% of patients.

Laser therapy has been successfully used to treat genital warts in pregnant women. There are reports of the treatment of pregnant women at the 28-35th week of pregnancy. Most patients recovered after the first session. There were no complications during childbirth or in newborns.

Side effects include ulceration, bleeding, secondary infection, and scarring. As with electrosurgical methods, HPV DNA is shed in smoke, which also requires precautions.

Laser therapy is not widely used due to the high cost of equipment and the need to train experienced personnel.

Cryotherapy. A fairly effective and safe method involving the use of liquid nitrogen, nitrogen oxide and carbon dioxide as a refrigerant. In this case, there is a rapid freezing of both intra- and extracellular fluid, leading to lysis and cell death during thawing. Cryotherapy usually does not require anesthesia, although local anesthetics can be used if necessary. Cryotherapy can be used in the treatment of not very large warts of various localization. If the warts are multiple, then the removal should be carried out in several stages. This method is characterized by the following side effects: the development of local redness, swelling, followed by the formation of blisters and their ulceration. To reduce damage to surrounding tissues, before the procedure, the surface of the warts is treated with KY-gel, which, when frozen, makes it possible to carefully lift and separate the lesion from the underlying epithelium.

The method can be used in gynecological practice.

The combined use of cryodestruction and plasma coagulation seems to us to be extremely promising, which makes it possible to avoid the disadvantages inherent in the above methods separately.

Chemical destructive methods. This group means includes solutions of acids, alkalis, salts. Among them, ferezol, hydrogen peroxide, solutions of quinacrine and chingamin, preparations of mercury and arsenic, bismuth, preparations based on salicylic and lactic acids, acetic and nitric acids, thuja and celandine juices can be mentioned. All these means are readily available, but they have a low, poorly predictable efficiency, give numerous side effects.

Isoprinosine should be used in combination with locally destructive treatments.

The effectiveness of combined treatment of PV, according to the literature, ranges from 38 to 96%.

Combined treatments. Various methods based on the use of immune preparations in combination with laser, electrosurgical and cryodestructive effects are proposed for the treatment of manifestations of HPV infection.

The combined use of the above methods can reduce the number of relapses and thereby increase the effectiveness of treatment.

Good results have been obtained using a combined method of treating warts, including the destruction of foci by cryodestruction (exposure temperature from -160 to -180°C, exposure 40-120 s, twice) in combination with immunity stimulation. To stimulate local immunity, the affected area was treated with an emulsion containing interferon (IF), and to stimulate the immune system of the whole body, the drug kemantan was administered at a dose of 0.2 g three times a day orally for 10 days.

A combination of various destructive methods is possible. If there are manifestations of HPV infection on the skin and mucous membranes, cryopreservation is preliminarily performed for 10-30 s, which makes it possible to clearly identify the boundaries of the lesion due to the characteristic papillary surface of the lesions, which turns white. The affected area is then exposed to plasma (using the Plasmaskin apparatus).

A number of researchers the best way treatment of anogenital warts recognize the surgical removal of all visible lesions, followed by local administration of interferon. In some cases, general and local application of IF is advisable before surgical excision of extensive condylomas.

The therapeutic effect of the use of IF is absent if the disease lasts more than one year, as well as in immunodeficiency.

Currently, there are not many remedies that can be used after the use of destructive methods. In particular, the drug impran has now appeared for topical application in the area of ​​lesions after a destructive effect.

Specific antiviral therapy

Currently, there are no drugs that have a specific effect on HPV. Known drugs that suppress the replication of the herpes simplex virus (acyclovir, ganciclovir) were ineffective in the treatment of anogenital HPV infection.

Theoretically, vaccination is an ideal method for the treatment and prevention of anogenital warts.

There are reports of the effective use of IF inducers. Of interest is the topical application of a low molecular weight derivative of imiquidachinolinamine - imiquimod, which is an inducer of cytokines and, in particular, L-IF. It is used in the form of a 5% cream three times a week or daily at night until the rashes completely disappear (but not more than 4 months). Complete disappearance of warts is observed in 13-56% of cases. With daily use, local side effects more often developed: redness, swelling, erosion. The cream is especially indicated for the treatment of subclinical HPV infection. Perhaps the use of virazole.

The effect of the use of IF monotherapy is still insufficiently studied and not very high, in addition, it is necessary to take into account the high cost of such treatment. As a result, this method is not widely used in practice.

Isoprinosine. In recent years, the attention of immunologists has attracted a new immunomodulator isoprinosine, which is a complex of inosine and salts of N,N-dimethylamine-2-propanol and P-acetaminobenzoic acid. The drug can be used in the form of tablets or solution for parenteral injection. The active substance in this complex seems to be inosine, and the amino alcohol salt stimulates its penetration through the membrane of lymphocytes and other cells.

Isoprinosine has a powerful and broad immunomodulatory effect. Numerous data and extensive literature indicate that in vitro the drug significantly enhances the proliferation of T-lymphocytes induced by mitogens or specific antigens, as well as the differentiation of pre-T-lymphocytes into more mature T-lymphocytes, accompanied by the appearance on their surface of the corresponding antigens. PI also stimulates mitogen-induced B-lymphocyte proliferation. The stimulating effect of isoprinolin on the activity of natural killer cells (NK cells) in healthy people and the functional ability of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes has been proven. The drug improves the ratio of CD4+/CD8+; increases the production of IL-2 by T-lymphocytes; promotes maturation and proliferation of T-cells; activates the synthesis of IL-1 by macrophages. PI has an antiviral effect and prevents the use of ribosomal RNA for virus propagation. It should be noted that in the case of the use of isoprinolin with other immunocorrectors, it significantly enhanced the antiviral effect of the latter.

Various treatment regimens with the use of isoprinolin have been adopted, depending on the size of warts, their localization and the degree of malignancy.

Scheme 1: treatment of small, multiple genital warts with a low degree of malignancy.

The drug is taken in 2 tablets. three times a day for 14-28 days.

Scheme 2: treatment of multiple warts with separate large warts or flat warts of the cervix.

Among the chemical preparations used in our country and abroad that have a destructive effect, one can single out TCA and nitric acid, as well as a combined acid preparation - Solcoderm.

TCA and nitric acid. TCA is used in 80-90% concentration and causes the formation of local coagulative necrosis. A solution of nitric acid has a similar effect. Due to their low cost and availability, both methods are quite widespread to this day. Acids are effective for the treatment of warts of the vulva, preputial sac, coronal sulcus, glans penis, especially in cases where the use of PF and PFG is contraindicated. Cauterization is carried out once a week for 5-6 weeks. The effectiveness of the use of TCA and nitric acid is approximately 70-80%. In some cases, a local reaction may develop in the form of weeping and ulceration.

Solcoderm. Solcoderm - water solution, the active component of which are the products of the interaction of organic acids (acetic, oxalic and lactic) and metal ions with nitric

Acid. The solution contains nitrites in the amount of 0.02 mg/ml.

The properties and mechanism of action of Solcoderm are listed below, which distinguish it from other drugs of this group used in destructive methods:

  • when applied topically, Solcoderm causes immediate intravital fixation of the tissue on which it is applied;
  • the effect of the drug is strictly limited to the place of application;
  • a sign of an immediate effect is a change in the color of the treated area;
  • devitalized tissue dries up and darkens (mummification effect);
  • The "mummified" scab is torn off on its own;
  • the healing process is short and complications (secondary infection or scarring) are rare.

General characteristics of treatment with Solcoderm:

  • the drug has a precisely limited local effect on the pathologically altered tissue on which it is applied, while the surrounding tissue is not damaged;
  • the method is suitable for the treatment of various skin neoplasms;
  • the treatment is painless;
  • rapid healing, no complications;
  • treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis and does not require special equipment;
  • the absence of any restrictions for the patient.

Indications for the use of Solcoderm: simple warts, plantar warts, anogenital warts (genital warts), seborrheic keratoses, actinokeratosis, basal cell epitheliomas (basaliomas).

Solcoderm is very easy to use and quite effective for the treatment of genital warts of any localization. In most cases, a single application is sufficient.

Cytotoxic drugs

Podophyllin (PF). Pofillin is a resin derived from plants. P. pelatum and P. emodi growing in North America and the Himalayas. For the treatment of warts in the anogenital area, a 10-25% solution of PF in ethanol or benzoin tincture is used. It binds to the microtubule apparatus of the cell and inhibits mitosis, and also inhibits the transport of nucleic acids, resulting in inhibition of DNA synthesis and cell division.

The use of PF is a simple, affordable, fairly safe method of treatment that can be used on an outpatient basis, as well as independently by patients. The drug is applied once or twice a week for a maximum of 5 weeks in an amount of not more than 0.5 ml per procedure. The patient needs to ensure that water does not fall on the treated area for 4-6 hours after the procedure. PF is not recommended for use in vaginal, cervical and intraepithelial warts. According to a number of authors, the recurrence rate varies from 0 to 67%.

Approximately 10-15% of patients develop local adverse reactions in the form of weeping contact dermatitis. Particularly severe complications in the form of multiple ulcerations occur with improper self-application. As a result of prolonged or improper use of PF, patients may experience various adverse reactions, such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, symptoms of damage to the kidneys, myocardium, liver, central nervous system and bone marrow.

The use of PF is contraindicated during pregnancy, since there have been cases of teratogenic effects on the fetus and intrauterine death of the fetus.

Many researchers consider PF an insufficiently studied and crudely purified plant extract, and therefore recommend using only highly purified podophyllotoxins, and self-administration of the drug by the patients themselves is undesirable due to the above complications.

Podophyllotoxin (PFT) (condilin). PFT is the most therapeutically active PF fraction. Available in the form of solutions of 0.25, 0.3 and 0.5%, as well as in the form of a cream of 0.15, 0.3 and 0.5%.

It is usually prescribed twice a day for three days a week in a row for 4-5 weeks.

Despite the fact that PFT is better purified than PF, a high frequency of side effects has been reported with the use of PFT, especially its 0.5% solution. Most often, as a result of the use of PFT, the following side effects are observed: local inflammatory reactions (erythema, burning, soreness, itching, weeping and erosion in the area of ​​application). Although systemic side effects are not described in the literature, it is recommended to limit the use of PFT to a dose of 0.2 ml per procedure.

The disadvantages of PFT are its high cost and long duration of treatment.

5-fluorouracil (5-FU). 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) is a pyrimidine antagonist and has the ability to disrupt the synthesis of both cellular and viral DNA. For the treatment of warts of the anogenital region, it is prescribed in the form of a 5% cream. In the treatment of intravaginal warts, the drug is prescribed once at night for a week or once a week for 10 weeks. The degree of effectiveness of the drug, according to various researchers, is 85-90%. When using 5-FU, weeping erosions on the vaginal mucosa may occur, up to the development of severe weeping contact dermatitis. In the treatment of warts of the terminal part of the urethra, the cream is injected immediately after urinating at night for 3-8 days. Complete cure of intraurethral warts is observed in 90-95% of men. However, during the treatment there are many side effects: stenosis and strictures of the urethra, dysuria, ulceration. The drug is contraindicated in pregnancy.

Immunological methods

Interferon. Since the human papillomavirus persists in epithelial cells and the use of destructive methods does not guarantee against relapses, the use of IF both as monotherapy and in combination with other methods of treatment is promising in this regard.

IFs are endogenous cytokines with antiviral, antiproliferative, and immunomodulatory properties. There are three main classes of IF: leukocyte (L-IF), fibroblastic (F-IF), and T-lymphocytic (T-IF). IF can be applied topically, intrafocally and systemically (subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously). It has been established that when using IF in patients, the amount of viral DNA in the lesions decreases (according to PCR), which correlates with clinical improvement or disappearance of the lesion.

There are data concerning the use of domestic IF for the treatment of genital warts - human leukocyte interferon (HLI). It was used intrafocal (under the papilloma) at a dose of 100,000-500,000 IU, for a course of 3-6 procedures, in combination with the application of an interferon ointment with an activity of 40 IU to the lesions. CLI can be administered systemically and in the treatment of widespread lesions in combination with destructive methods.

L-IF can be considered the most effective drug for various methods, schemes and doses of administration. With the systemic use of L-IF, the complete disappearance of warts was observed in 11-100% of patients. The effectiveness of F-IF was 45-82%. The effectiveness of T-IF, shown in different studies, is much lower than that of L-IF and F-IF, and varies from 7 to 57%.

It should be remembered that the unsystematic use of various methods of treatment leads to a high percentage of relapses, however, the development of certain algorithms that take into account the gender of patients, the location and number of rashes can significantly reduce the number of relapses.

Table 1. Anogenital HPV infection and HPV-associated diseases

HPV infection

Expanded clinical forms (visible to the naked eye or not visible, but determined in the presence of appropriate symptoms):

  • warts (genital warts, flat warts, vulgar warts)
  • symptomatic intraepithelial neoplasia in the early stages - koilocytosis, dyskeratosis in the absence of dysplasia (flat warts)

Subclinical forms (not visible to the naked eye and asymptomatic, detected only by colposcopy and / or cytological or histological examination

  • asymptomatic intraepithelial neoplasia (VN) in the early stages - koilocytosis, dyskeratosis in the absence of dysplasia (flat warts)

Latent forms (lack of morphological or histological changes upon detection of HPV DNA)

Table 2. Diseases associated with HPV

Clinical and subclinical forms:

  • VL in the early stages - mild dysplasia, / + -/ koilocytosis, dyskeratosis (VL stage 1)
  • LN in the later stages - severe dysplasia, / + -/ koilocytosis, dyskeratosis (LN stage 2)
  • Advanced LN - severe dysplasia or carcinoma in situ /+-/ koilocytosis, dyskeratosis (LN stage 3, or CIS)

Microinvasive squamous cell carcinoma:

  • clinically visible or invisible, but with appropriate symptoms
  • subclinical, not visible to the naked eye and asymptomatic, revealed only by cytological and histological examination
  • latent - the absence of morphological and histological changes when HPV infection DNA is detected by molecular hybridization
  • intraepithelial neoplasia

Table 3. Classification of treatments for anogenital warts

Destructive Methods

  1. physical
    • surgical excision
    • electrosurgical methods
    • cryotherapy
    • laser therapy
  2. chemical
    • Nitric acid
    • trichloroacetic acid (TCA)
    • solcoderm

Cytotoxic methods

  • podophyllin (PF)
  • podophyllotoxin (PFT)
  • 5-fluorouracil

Immunological methods

  • interferons
  • isoprinosine

Combined Methods

  • combined application of various methods

A common pathology is currently papillomavirus infection. The causative agent of the disease affects mainly the mucous membranes of the throat, mouth, nose, and genital organs. A cure for papillomas is selected after passing an examination, during which it is possible to determine the type of virus. Modern methods of treatment allow you to get rid of only the external symptoms of the manifestation of the disease.

Causes of papillomas

Experts say that most of the population is infected with the papilloma virus, but the disease does not always manifest itself. Some people are not even aware of the infection and are only carriers. The appearance of characteristic formations on the skin indicates the presence in the body of diseases of inflammatory etiology in an advanced stage. Also, papillomas can occur against the background of severe stress.

Infection occurs not only through sexual contact (unprotected). Although this method is more common than others. You can become infected with the virus through contact with the skin of the carrier, with a kiss. The virus enters the body through wounds and scratches on the skin.


Papillomas outwardly resemble moles on a short stalk. They look unaesthetic, especially in open areas of the body. Neoplasms appear most often in the genital area, both in women and in the stronger sex. Papillomas can have various shapes: flat, pointed, filiform, in the form of a mosaic. The color of the growth is somewhat different from the skin and may be lighter or, conversely, a darker shade. Depending on the external manifestation of the disease, the specialist selects the optimal cure for papilloma.

A person infected with the virus is usually only concerned about the appearance of characteristic moles or warts. However, it was found that the internal organs are also under attack. In the process of medical diagnostics, formations on the gastric mucosa are detected, Bladder, cervix.

How is papilloma treated?

What medications are suitable for getting rid of skin growths caused by HPV can only be determined by the attending physician (dermatologist, gynecologist or andrologist). It is highly undesirable to get rid of papillomas on your own. modern medicine offers several ways to treat a pathological condition. Drug exposure is the basis of therapy. The medicine for papillomas acts on the problem from the inside, blocking the reproduction of the infection and improving the protective functions of the body.

Papillomas are removed from the mucous epithelium and skin using methods such as cryodestruction, electrocoagulation, laser and surgical removal. One of the modern methods of getting rid of an unpleasant cosmetic defect is the use of a radio knife, which cuts off not only the neoplasm itself, but also the epithelium.

Effective drugs for papillomavirus infection

It should be borne in mind that there are no medicines that can destroy the papillomavirus in the body. Properly selected medicine for papillomas can improve the state of the immune system, suppress the reproduction of the virus. It is not recommended to take such medications without a doctor's prescription.

To combat a viral infection in dermatology and gynecology, the following drugs are most often recommended:

  1. "Isoprinosine".
  2. "Cycloferon".
  3. "Interferon".
  4. Panavir.
  5. "Viferon".
  6. Ferezol.
  7. "Verrukacid".

Some medicines for the human papillomavirus are quite complex and can provoke the development of side effects. After passing the examination, the doctor determines an individual regimen for taking the drugs.

Description of the means "Isoprinosine"

One of the most effective drugs(according to many doctors) isoprinosine is considered to eliminate human papillomavirus infection. Medicine belongs to the group of antiviral and is able to directly affect the pathogen, preventing it from developing.

Correction drug pathological conditions immune system is available in the form of tablets. The active substance is inosine pranobex (500 mg). Tablets have both antiviral and immunostimulating effects. "Isoprinosine" effectively suppresses the development of HPV (the production of the enzyme dihydropteroate synthetase is blocked), and due to the stimulation of the protective function of the body, viral particles and infected cells are completely destroyed.

Treatment of papillomas with Isoprinosine

The treatment regimen and dosage are calculated depending on the type of virus. For common papillomas drug treatment happens to be enough. If warts are observed on the skin, in addition to tablets, surgical intervention is indicated.

The medicine for papillomas is taken for at least 14 days. The course of treatment can be extended up to 28 days on the recommendation of a specialist. The dosage depends on the age of the patient. Children over 12 years of age and adults should take two Isoprinosine tablets three times a day. In pediatric practice, tablets are prescribed to children from 3 years old, calculating the dose active substance depending on the weight of the child. 500 mg of inosine pranobex is shown per 10 kg of body weight. That is, if a child weighs 15 kg, he needs to take 750 mg per day. The result obtained is divided into three doses (250 mg at a time).

During surgical removal of papillomas and condylomas, it is also necessary to carry out antiviral therapy to prevent the recurrence of the disease. Before using the drug, you must familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

Natural preparation "Panavir"

Another cure for papillomas is Panavir, which is based on substances of natural origin. The tool has a wide spectrum of action and is used as a powerful immunomodulator and antiviral drug. Release "Panavir" in the form of rectal and vaginal suppositories, gel and spray for external application, solution for injection.

The active substance of "Panavir" is an extract from potato tops. It has been established that the substance has a strong immunomodulatory property and promotes the production of interferon in the body. For the treatment of papillomas, it is often prescribed in the form of a gel, which is applied twice a day. in the form of rectal and vaginal suppositories the tool, according to experts, is also effective. Candles help get rid of papillomas in the anus and vagina.

Treatment of papillomas should be started at an early stage, without waiting for the moment when they begin to increase in size. According to patient reviews, the gel is well tolerated, does not cause allergic reactions. In most cases, it helps to get rid of warts and various kinds papillomas. With a slight spread of growths, it is enough to use only an agent for external application. In more advanced cases, complex therapy is indicated.

In the form of a spray and gel "Panavir" is used in pediatric practice. This natural anti-papilloma medicine can also be used to treat pregnant women.

"Ferezol" with papillomas

You can fight cosmetic defects on the skin caused by the presence of the papillomavirus in the body with the help of the drug Ferezol. The tool is designed specifically to remove growths on the skin. The solution is effective for warts, papillomas and condylomas. However, it should also be used as prescribed by a specialist. The effectiveness of the drug is based on the cauterizing and mummifying effect.

How to use correctly?

According to the instructions, the liquid medicine for papillomas is applied directly to the affected area and they try to avoid getting the solution on healthy skin. You can first steam out the area of ​​​​the dermis with the neoplasm and allow the moisture to dry completely. Such manipulation will allow the drug to penetrate into the deeper layers of the neoplasm. You can apply the medicine with a small stick.

If papilloma has small size, then a single application of the Ferezol solution may be sufficient for removal. For large lesions, it is necessary to apply the drug several times with an interval of 15-20 minutes. On some parts of the body, such as underarms, it is dangerous to use the product due to high risk receiving a burn.

What do the doctor's say?

Experts strongly recommend that patients do not self-medicate with genital warts and papillomas. Appropriate therapy can only be determined by a doctor after the patient has been examined. The optimal cure for papillomas and warts for each patient is selected individually. Some patients may only need a drug effect on the disease, while others cannot do without the prompt removal of growths. The duration of treatment also depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the state of the immune system.

Symptoms and treatment of HPV in women

Papillomavirus is one of the most common infectious diseases. Its carriers can be people of any age. But if for men, even oncogenic strains are less harmful, then in the fair sex, the activity of the virus can lead to the onset of the oncological process in 68% of cases. Treatment of HPV in women is not much different from similar procedures in men, but some nuances still exist.

It should be noted that the activity of certain types of the virus is especially dangerous, namely 16, 18 strains, as well as 58, 59, 31, 35, 33, 45, 67, 64, which are often diagnosed in patients. All of them are manifested by growths on the skin and mucous membranes (warts, condylomas, acrochords, papillomas). In women, the treatment of these manifestations is reduced to the use of a whole range of conservative agents (local and general action), destruction methods, traditional medicine recipes.

What is the danger of HPV in women? Asymptomatic course. The development of cancer cells on the cervix leads to serious consequences, up to surgical intervention and removal of the organ. In some cases, with a belated diagnosis, the disease can be fatal.

In addition to skin neoplasms, there are such symptoms of papillomavirus (HPV) in women (see photo):

  • Sharp pain in the vulva and genitourinary system generally.
  • Periodic discharge of an indefinite nature (sometimes with impurities of blood, similar to menstruation). In this case, it is necessary to urgently visit a gynecologist.
  • Dysplasia may develop.

Also, cervical erosion is often observed under the influence of the papilloma virus in women. Symptoms of this process in the early stages do not manifest themselves.

According to statistics, cases of oncological diseases of the anus and even the vulva have recently become more frequent, which was previously extremely rare. Therefore, it is very important to start therapeutic measures in time - the treatment of the papillomavirus. For women, the first step towards a healthy and fulfilling life is frequent preventive examinations by a gynecologist. It is after examination and thorough diagnosis that the doctor will be able to prescribe a number of drugs.

Treatment of HPV in women: drugs, means, methods

Among the fair sex, the issue of a beautiful attractive appearance has always been relevant. Therefore, when the first skin lesions appear, many people ask how to treat HPV (papillomavirus) in women? It should be recalled that the weakening of the immune system immediately leads to the formation of growths on the skin and internal organs.

How does papillomavirus manifest itself in women? Under the influence of infection, a pathological division of tissue cells occurs. Formations can appear on any part of the body in the form of genital warts, flat warts or papillomas.

Used to eliminate growths conservative therapy, first of all, immunomodulators and antiviral agents are prescribed:

  • Viferon (ointment, suppositories). One of the most effective drugs that is used in the treatment of papillomavirus in women. Its action is ensured by the presence in the composition of recombinant, human alpha2-interferon. With 3-4 single use throughout the day, the course of therapy lasts about 6-8 days.
  • Cycloferon. It has a strong immunomodulatory effect. Available in the form of tablets, solution and liniment. To eliminate the signs of human papilloma (HPV) in women, treatment with Cycloferon is often prescribed. It is used both topically and orally. In some cases, injections are indicated. If growths are found on the cervix, the medicine is administered intravaginally.
  • Panavir. This tool in its composition has polysaccharides isolated from the shoots of ordinary potatoes. Gel Panavir helps to eliminate the signs of papillomas in women, and also provides the body's resistance to infections, has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

In addition to the above funds, Aldara gel, Papillock balm, oxolinic ointment, Papilight complex are also used with great success.

What is the best treatment for HPV in women? The best drugs for patients, doctors consider:

  • Likopid. Its action is equated to a vaccine. It has a pronounced immunomodulatory effect. It is applied sublingually.
  • Galavit. A universal drug that is available in different forms (candles, tablets and injection). It has a strong anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect. Often prescribed to eliminate particularly dangerous oncogenic strains of HPV (16, 18). Treatment in women in this case can take place according to an individual scheme prescribed by a doctor. Galavit is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Groprinosin. The main effect of the drug is aimed at stimulating immunoglobulin, increasing the production of lymphocytes, and inducing alpha and gamma interferon. Due to this, the manifestations of HPV in women are significantly suppressed. The reappearance of growths on the skin and mucous membranes is prevented. The drug has its own qualitative analogue - Isoprinosine.

In addition to the above drugs, the following tablets for papillomavirus in women are also prescribed: Acyclovir, Indinol, Immunomax.

Many women also use an innovative product in the form of Malavit cream-gel. Due to the natural composition and mild action, it is used to eliminate growths and edematous processes. The drug has a special effect when purulent exudate and serous secretions are detected as a result of damage to the neoplasm caused by the HPV virus. In women, Malavit cream-gel treatment is very popular.

Very often, HPV treatment regimens in women include the use of injection solutions. The best medicine this category is considered Allokin alpha. Antiviral, immunomodulatory drug with a wide spectrum of action. It is mainly prescribed to patients in whom the disease has developed into chronic form and in the case of the development of one of the oncogenic strains (HPV 51, 31, 56, 39). Treatment in women of oncogenic types of the virus is also carried out through an injection solution called Panavir.

A lot of questions arise from the fair sex about candles. Are they effective? Can HPV be treated in women with suppositories? In medical practice, methods of treating infectious lesions using suppositories are used. One of the best suppositories are Panavir, Genferon, and Betadin.

The complex of therapeutic measures may also include the means and methods of traditional medicine. Treatment of papillomavirus in women with folk remedies consists in the use of a number of herbal prescription fees. Most often it is recommended to use celandine, namely the juice of this plant. You can apply it directly to the surface of the growth. The course of such therapy is about 3 weeks with a two-time application. Aloe, onion peel, kerosene with walnuts are also successfully used.

If conservative medicine did not help solve the problem, then one of the methods of surgical intervention is used. Removal of papillomas in women is carried out using the following methods:

  • Cryodestruction with liquid nitrogen.
  • Moxibustion.
  • Chemical coagulation.
  • Electrocoagulation.
  • Radio wave removal.
  • Thermal destruction.
  • laser therapy.
  • Surgical removal of growths.

To the question of how to cure papillomavirus in women, each doctor will give a unanimous answer - it is impossible to completely cleanse the body of this virus. The point is that during incubation period The DNA of a harmful microorganism is embedded in the DNA of a person and remains there forever. As soon as the body's immune system weakens due to a serious illness, HPV activity immediately increases. There are quite effective drugs for the treatment of papillomavirus in women, which not only inhibit the development of this disease, but also significantly increase the functionality of the body's defense system.

The best way to fight is HPV prevention. For women, it comes down to a number of activities:

  • Timely vaccination (Gardasil and Cervarix vaccines are used).
  • A visit (once every six months) to a gynecologist for a preventive examination, ultrasound.
  • During sexual intercourse, do not forget about contraception.
  • Contribute in every possible way to strengthening the functionality of the immune system (eliminate bad habits, improve lifestyle, use healthy foods nutrition).

How is papillomavirus 16, 18 types treated in women?

The most dangerous for health are papillomas 16, 18 types, especially for women. To get rid of the manifestations of oncogenic strains of HPV, the patient is prescribed complex therapy. How to treat papillomavirus 16, type 18 in women?

The doctor prescribes a complex of drugs local action. One of the most effective is Solcoderm, Supercleaner, Solkovagin. In case of papillomas on the cervix, Kolpocid gel is used.

Treatment of papillomavirus type 16, type 18 in women is also carried out through the use of strong immunomodulatory drugs with the addition of mineral-vitamin complexes.

If it is not possible to eliminate the symptoms of HPV 16, 18 in women with conservative methods, then the growths should be removed. Which method to use is determined by the doctor, based on the stage of the disease, the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

Treatment of HPV in pregnant women. What methods to choose?

Pregnancy is a special period in the life of the fairer sex. At this time, the body is affected by many factors that weaken the protective function of the body. Also, the work of the hormonal system is manifested by instability. As a result of such processes, new papillomas, warts or warts may appear or develop.

HPV and pregnancy - what to do? This is the question expectant mothers ask themselves. It should be noted right away that manifestations on the skin or mucous membranes of a non-oncogenic nature rarely interfere with natural childbirth. With the localization of growths on the cervix or vaginal mucosa, there is a high risk of infection of the child during delivery. In some cases, a caesarean section may be prescribed.

Can pregnant women remove papillomas? It is also a difficult question, but there is an answer to it. Doctors note that safety for the fetus is guaranteed only with laser coagulation or cryodestruction. That is, you can remove papillomas (HPV) during pregnancy. Treatment by such methods should be prescribed only by a highly qualified specialist.

Among chemicals destruction of growths in pregnant women, the most effective and safe way is the use of trichloroacetic acid.

In general, the treatment (removal) of papilloma during pregnancy is reduced to the appointment of a complex of safe drugs. They allow not only to increase the functionality of the defense system, but also replenish the body with vitamins and microelements. For the treatment of papilloma in pregnant women, suppositories (Kipferon) are mainly used in the vagina or on the cervix. Expectant mothers are also prescribed medications that are aimed at enhancing the body's response to the invasion of harmful viruses. These drugs include interferon preparations - Kipferon, Reaferon, Viferon.

Very often, women are also prescribed traditional medicine. Raw potatoes, grated with the skin on, work best. The resulting slurry is applied to pathological growths. Also use banana peel soaked in vinegar. It is applied to the growth and fixed with a plaster for a day.

In most cases, if the formations behave "calmly", it is recommended that pregnant women wait with the treatment (removal) of papillomas until delivery. Very often, after the birth of a child, most of the growths disappear on their own.

Treatment of warts and papillomas with medicines

Is there an effective cure for papillomas and warts? This question is of concern to many, given that more than 90% of people have a virus in their body, which causes the appearance of papillomas and warts. Those who are not infected should thank their immunity.

Where do papillomas come from

It is difficult to get rid of the human papillomavirus (HPV), but it is easy to “pick it up”: contact with an infected person is enough if the skin is injured somewhere. But mostly the infection is transmitted from the sexual partner, the carrier of the virus. Another way of infection for a child is from an infected mother during passage through the birth canal.

Risk factors:

  • weakened immunity;
  • pregnancy;
  • stressful state;
  • age-related changes;
  • excess weight.

The most important factor is a weakened immune system. If the body is strong, it will cope with this infection, even if it is infected. In this case, the doctor does not prescribe drugs. Although it depends on what kind of virus the patient is infected with. Currently, about 200 varieties of them are known, among which dangerous are those that are able to degenerate into oncogenic strains. They need to be identified during diagnosis in order to start treatment on time. Other strains will only have external manifestations.

Dangerous papillomas often affect the female genital organs. The perineum, the entrance to the vagina suffers. If neoplasms appear in these places, you should definitely see a doctor. This also applies to papillomas on the neck, although they are not so dangerous. True, they create discomfort by protruding, touching objects, and can be injured, which is fraught with infection. This is ugly, so many decide to remove them.

Means against papillomas

If the results of the tests showed the presence of the human papillomavirus (HPV) in your body, but there are no external manifestations, you do not need to take medication by mouth. You may not develop skin neoplasms if you lead a healthy lifestyle, actively engage in physical education, and increase immunity.

Depending on the location of the growths, the doctor prescribes the treatment of warts and papillomas, methods for their removal. If the problem is not so serious, there are not so many neoplasms, then a decision will probably be made to lubricate the affected areas with special solutions or make applications against papillomas, under the influence of which the growths themselves will disappear.

Effective drugs from papillomas:

  1. Proteflazid is good for acute and chronic viruses. Antiviral therapy includes drugs that increase immunity, vitamins. At the same time, this will not get rid of papillomas, but only will not allow new neoplasms to grow. The virus will be suppressed.
  2. Prevents relapses after laser removal or nitrogen removal Interferon. Used to eliminate all types of growths.
  3. Trichloroacetic acid is applied only to growths. We must try so that it does not get on other, healthy areas of the skin. It is worth having talc or baking soda on hand - they remove excess acid. Usually, after 6 applications, the sores disappear (as many times it is recommended to do these procedures). If it does not help, you need to choose another method.
  4. A remedy like Podophyllin. Used for applications on the skin, where there are sores. The effect of the medicine will be noticeable if the bandage is worn for no longer than 4 hours. The drug is toxic, so it should not be used by pregnant women.

All these drugs should be taken into service only after consulting a doctor.

Self-medication is unsafe, since papilloma can degenerate into oncology.

If the HPV virus is not found in the body, you can protect yourself from infection with oncogenic strains by getting vaccinated, however, in our country this is an expensive procedure.

You can use folk remedies for warts, papillomas on the neck and in other places. Constantly lubricate the sores with the juice of celandine grass or dandelions.

Castor oil is one of the most commonly used herbal remedies. It is believed that it is better to start eliminating papillomas on a waning moon. To achieve the effect, you must not forget to increase your immunity and eat fully, observing the regimen. You will need to be patient as folk remedies require long-term treatment.

Removal methods

Removal methods: physical and chemical.

Chemical lies in the fact that special preparations are used to burn growths.

Physical methods:

  1. The most commonly used electrocoagulation. It is one of the painless and effective ways removal of papillomas. First, the site of the future operation is anesthetized, then the affected tissues are coagulated, that is, under the influence of an electric current, unnecessary formations coagulate and settle. The procedure lasts no longer than 15 minutes. Minus: it takes a lot of time to heal the wound.
  2. Cryodestruction - papilloma dies from freezing under the influence of liquid nitrogen.
  3. The surgical laser destroys the papilloma by depriving it of nutrition from the blood vessel. The method allows you to remove large neoplasms in hard-to-reach places, leaving no traces. Currently, a computer program helps to carry out this procedure. Everything you need for laser surgery has a modern cosmetic clinic.
  4. Modern medicine offers radiosurgery: radio waves are used to eliminate papilloma tissue. This method guarantees getting rid of growths without repeated rashes.

A prerequisite: before treating, make sure that the neoplasms are good. Here, histological analysis is indispensable. After the tests, the doctor will prescribe a specific therapy regimen to restore immunity.


In no case do not rip off the sores yourself, be especially careful when treating papillomas on the face. Otherwise, there may be complications: benign formations can degenerate into cancerous tumor, the place of the foci can become inflamed up to dysfunction internal organs. The presence of papillomas on the neck indicates that not everything is in order in the body: there is a violation of the function of the gastrointestinal tract, reproductive system, and kidneys. Removing does not solve the problem. IN complex treatment from HPV include: cleaning the body of toxins, strengthening immunity, women need to undergo a gynecological examination.

Be careful not to scratch the skin, the infection can also get through them. It is important to avoid stressful situations, not to overcool, to have an orderly sex life. And most importantly - to maintain immunity.

Medicines for papillomas and warts in tablets

Papillomas and warts are currently the scourge of mankind - more than a quarter of the world's population has some kind of such neoplasms on the skin, mucous membranes or other organs. And infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV) generally reaches more than 70% of all people on Earth - which is why it is so important to fight the virus, and not its consequences in the form of papillomas or warts. Local and cosmetic means and methods in this matter will be ineffective, to fight the virus, more serious drugs are needed that affect the entire body - such are wart pills.

Funds classification

At the moment, it is impossible to isolate a drug that would specifically and directly affect the activity of papillomavirus in the human body; most HPV drugs have a wide non-specific effect. However, with proper use and choosing the right combination of drugs, such drugs will help eliminate papillomas on the body and cope with other consequences of the infection. The latter is especially true for women, because some strains of HPV are responsible for the development of cervical erosion and subsequent oncological diseases. That is why the treatment of human papillomavirus infection is very often carried out not only for cosmetic purposes, but also to prevent severe and fatal consequences in the future.

So many people neglect pills for the treatment of papillomas or warts, trying only to eliminate the neoplasm on the body that interferes with them. This is a fundamentally wrong position, in this case the virus remains in the body - which means that the recurrence of the wart is almost guaranteed and its new removal will be required.

Treatment of papillomavirus infection, according to the generally accepted opinion of experts, should be comprehensive, that is, include the use of several drugs and techniques. Only a specialist can develop and prescribe the necessary scheme and the correct therapy, while self-medication may not bring the desired results and even harm. The composition of such complex therapy may include the following groups of drugs:

  1. Antiviral agents - this medicine has the ability to inhibit the reproduction of the virus in the human body, stimulates the destruction of already infected cells, and prevents the infection of new ones. Serious treatment of papillomas and warts must necessarily include this group of drugs, which can be used both topically and in the form of tablets and capsules.
  2. Immunostimulants - a group of drugs that can activate the immune system in case of its weakening (after a debilitating illness, stress, malnutrition). In the issue of eliminating HPV, the use of such funds is quite important, since in the vast majority of cases, the activation of the virus occurs just when the immune system declines.
  3. Immunomodulators - a group of drugs similar to the previous one, which does not stimulate the immune system, but only normalizes its work, which is often enough for minor and temporary weakening. This medicine creates a favorable background for the action of other drugs against HPV. Treatment of papillomas and warts very often includes such remedies.
  4. Vitamin-mineral complexes - this group of substances only indirectly helps in the fight against the human papillomavirus, but most experts consider their inclusion in complex treatment strictly necessary. Firstly, the provision of the human body with vitamins and microelements activates the immune system and other protective mechanisms, and secondly, such drugs make it easier to tolerate side effects from other HPV drugs.

Each of the listed groups of drugs includes dozens of drugs, but only a few of them, the most effective against this pathogen, are used to eliminate the human papillomavirus.


As you know, after infection of the body, HPV penetrates into cells (epidermis, oral mucosa, genital organs in women), where it stimulates division at a convenient moment. Together with the genetic material of the cell, the genome of the virus is repeatedly duplicated, which is why the formation of papillomas or warts is so beneficial for the pathogen. However, there is a medicine that can slow down its reproduction and activity in the cell - all drugs in this group belong to antiviral agents:

  1. Groprinosin (Isoprinosine) is an antiviral drug with a pronounced immunostimulating effect. This fact has become the reason that almost any treatment for HPV infection is not complete without this remedy - roughly speaking, after drinking one pill, you can take two drugs at once. The treatment of papillomavirus infection in women with the help of this remedy is very popular, especially in the presence of oncogenic strains of the virus. It is worth taking 2 tablets a day for 2-4 weeks, after which take a break for at least a month.
  2. Anaferon is an active antiviral drug with a pronounced immunomodulatory effect (unlike Groprinosin, which has a stimulating effect on the immune system). Available in the form of tablets and capsules, it is often recommended by experts for the treatment of various viral diseases - from influenza to herpes. In order for Anaferon treatment to be effective, it is better to take a double dose of the drug (8 tablets) on the first day of the course, then take 4 tablets per day for 5-7 days.

Many experts note that the use of only antiviral agents to eliminate the human papillomavirus from the body is not enough. It is very important to stimulate the immune system, normalize the work of the body's defenses - it is in this case that the chances of a complete victory over HPV increase significantly.

Immunostimulating and immunomodulatory drugs

After infection, the reproduction and spread of the virus is prevented by the human immune system, but HPV has the ability to "hide" inside the cells and stay there in a dormant state for years. And as soon as, due to certain factors, immunity begins to weaken, it is then that the pathogen becomes active and leads to the development of neoplasms - papillomas, warts, erosions in women. If the doctor determines that the decline in the activity of the immune system has become the reason for the development of such formations, and it is still at a low level, he may prescribe tablets with an immunostimulating effect.

According to medical terminology, the boundary between stimulants and modulators of the immune system is quite clear - some activate the immune system, while others only improve and normalize its work. But in fact, it is very difficult to clearly say which medicine is a pure stimulant and which is an immunomodulator. Therefore, some experts combine these funds into one group of drugs that improve the functioning of the immune system:

  1. Ribomunil is an immunostimulating drug, active substance which are components of ribosomes (special intracellular bodies). Ribomunil does not specifically activate the immune system, increases the activity of lymphocytes, macrophages, natural killers and other cells of the central link of the immune system. Thanks to this, the body begins to fight against bacteria, viruses, antitumor immunity is stimulated. Ribomunil should be taken as prescribed by a doctor - usually 0.75 mg (3 or 1 tablet) per day for 3 weeks.
  2. Licopid is an immunostimulant based on the components of the cell wall of some types of bacteria. It has a very low toxicity, and therefore a small number of side effects. Increases the body's resistance to bacteria, fungi and viruses, including human papillomaviruses. It is necessary to take 2 tablets under the tongue once a day for 10 days.
  3. Immunal and Estifan are immunomodulators of natural origin, based on echinacea crimson, whose immunostimulating properties have long been known. Estifan tablets contain 0.2 grams of dry extract of echinacea herb, while Immunal contains 0.8 grams of simply dried and chopped grass. Therefore, Estifan is used 1 tablet 3 times a day for a week, and Immunal should be used 1 tablet 4 times a day for 2-8 weeks.

Immunostimulants and other drugs that affect the immune system rarely lead to the elimination of warts or papillomas when using only these drugs. Most often they are used as a prevention of relapses after removal of neoplasms from the body or as part of complex therapy.

Vitamin and mineral complexes

Neither the fight against the virus nor the activation of immunity can proceed fully if the human body is not provided with all the necessary vitamins and microelements. That is why, in the treatment of papillomavirus infection, the vast majority of specialists prescribe special complexes, such as:

Blood test for human papillomavirus Is it dangerous to remove papillomas