Medicines against papillomavirus infection. How to treat human papillomavirus in women: useful tips

HPV, or human papillomavirus, is an infectious disease that affects about 80% of the world's population of reproductive age. Outwardly, it manifests itself in the form of unpleasant growths on the skin and mucous membranes. The pathogen is transmitted only from person to person and has the ability to be in the body in a "sleeping" state for several months or several years.

The virus can make itself felt suddenly as a result of weakened immunity, stress, inflammatory disease, hormonal failure. Moreover, it poses a greater threat to the health of a woman than for a man. Why? The fact is that HPV in women causes the development of an erosive process on the cervix, which can lead to cancer. For this reason, as soon as you notice neoplasms on the body, and even more so on the labia, you should immediately consult a doctor and treat HPV.

Manifestations and diagnosis of the disease

The manifestations of HPV can vary. Starting to actively develop in the body, the pathogen leads to changes in epithelial cells. As a result, the appearance of neoplasms of various types:

  • Warts are thread-like or bump-like growths on the neck, eyelids, back of the body, under the breasts. The color changes from brown to beige. They are caused by non-oncogenic or low-oncogenic strains of HPV.
  • Genital warts. They appear on the genitals and are distinguished by a high risk of degeneration into malignant tumors. Often they are injured during intercourse, because of which they merge into one neoplasm, outwardly resembling cauliflower in their structure.
  • Flat warts - growths on the cervix, in the thickness of its epithelium.

In addition to external manifestations, when infected with HPV, women may experience a deterioration in general well-being, a feverish state, an increase lymph nodes, pain or bloody issues during sexual intercourse.

The detection of the virus is carried out using a number of examinations:

  • Palpation and visual examination on the gynecological chair through mirrors.
  • Colposcopy is the study of the cervix using a special magnifying device, a colposcope. To test for the presence of an infection, the doctor pre-treats the area of ​​​​the cervix with a solution of acetic acid or Lugol. By the nature of the reaction of the mucosa with the reagent, the specialist will be able to identify the lesion, analyze general state tissues of the cervix (presence of scars, ruptures), to differentiate a malignant tumor from a benign one.
  • Cytological examination of a smear (from the cervical canal or cervix) - allows you to see cancers in the cervical area at the time of their inception. The sampling of material is carried out by scraping cells. The material is then sent to the laboratory for analysis. To get extremely accurate results, the patient needs to prepare for the analysis in advance: refrain from sexual intercourse for two days, do not douche, do not take oral contraceptives, go to the toilet no later than three hours before the procedure.
  • PCR diagnostics (a study using the polymerase chain reaction method) - makes it possible to determine the presence of a virus in the blood with 100% accuracy, establish the HPV strain, and make a prognosis for the development of the disease. For the study, a scraping of the epithelium of the neoplasm is taken.

Based on the results obtained, the doctor will see the exact clinical picture and will be able to choose the optimal treatment for the patient.

Conservative drug therapy

To cure the human papillomavirus, a woman will have to undergo a course of combination therapy, which includes:

  • taking immunomodulatory and antiviral drugs aimed at increasing the body's natural defenses and suppressing the vital activity of the pathogen;
  • treatment of neoplasms with special gels, ointments, aerosols, solutions.

by the most effective drugs for the treatment of HPV, according to many infectious disease doctors, the following are considered:

  1. Alpizarin - its main active ingredient magniferin, obtained from the alpine kopek plant, has the ability to act on DNA-containing viruses and suppress their vital activity. It is recommended to take Alpizarin 2 tablets 3 times a day. This tool works best for initial stages disease or during a relapse.
  2. Isoprinosine is a Hungarian immunomodulatory drug with antiviral activity. At the discretion of the doctor, it should be taken 2 tablets 3 or 4 times a day for a month. After a 10-day break, the course of treatment with Isoprinosine can be repeated.
  3. Likopid is a drug with a basic active substance glucosaminylmuramyl dipeptide (GMDP), which has a strong immunostimulating effect. GMDP is a synthetic analogue of parts of the cell wall of a pathogen. As a result of ingestion, innate and acquired immunity are activated. The body begins to produce its own substances that can suppress the activity and spread of the virus. Likopid can be taken simultaneously with other antiviral and antibacterial agents because it enhances their effect. The treatment regimen is determined by the doctor.
  4. Aciclovir - inexpensive, and at the same time effective antiviral drug with a pronounced immunostimulating effect. It should be taken in courses of one tablet every four hours.
  5. Ferrovir - due to the presence in its composition of the salt of sodium deoxyribonucleate with ferrum, it stimulates an increase in local and general immunity, reduces the viral load. Treatment with Ferrovir is carried out in courses of 10 days.

These funds may have side effects in the form of vomiting, nausea, headache, decreased performance, apathy. If one of the symptoms appears, you should not immediately stop taking the drug. As practice shows, after a few days, the discomfort disappears. If the condition does not improve during this time, you need to stop drinking the pills and consult a doctor with a request to choose another remedy.

Dietary supplements as part of complex therapy

Dietary supplements (BAA) belong to a group of drugs that are not registered as medicines, however, are often prescribed by doctors for the treatment of HPV in women.

Among them are:

  • Promisan is a drug that contains indole-3-carbinol, epigallocatechin-3-gallate, as well as the minerals manganese, selenium, iodine, zinc, copper, and iron. These components, taken together, prevent the occurrence of atypical cells, increase the sensitivity of malignant tumor cells to the main therapy drugs. Therefore, Promisan is prescribed to women who have been diagnosed with HPV strains of oncogenic risk, there have been changes in the walls of the vagina or cervix.
  • Indinol is a drug with the main active ingredient indole-3-carbinol, which is able to correct the pathological processes that occur in the vagina and on the cervix. It is prescribed to prevent cervical erosion, dysplasia, normalize hormonal levels, inhibit the development of atypical cells, and suppress the vital activity of the virus. To achieve the desired result, it is recommended to take Indinol for a long time, not only for the woman, but also for her partner.
  • Indol-forte - thanks to the extracts of cruciferous plants and indole-3-carbinol included in the composition, the drug restores tissue damaged by the virus, stimulates the growth of healthy cells, and is an excellent means of preventing HPV. The course of treatment with Indol-forte takes at least a month. Adults are advised to take 1 capsule daily.

Medicines for topical application

In addition to taking medication for HPV doctors recommend that patients treat neoplasms with special means. Their choice depends on the location of the papilloma: it is strictly forbidden to use aggressive substances for the treatment of genital warts on the mucous membranes, and, conversely, sparing ointments and gels will not have the desired effect if neoplasms on the body are treated with them.

How to treat the human papillomavirus in a woman on intimate places? If during the examination on the gynecological chair the patient has changes in the cervix or vaginal mucosa, the doctor may prescribe Kolpocid gel to her. This tool has an antiviral and immunocorrective effect, it is used for intravaginal administration. Its active ingredients not only suppress viral activity, but also contribute to the rapid regeneration of the tissues of the vagina and cervix. The gel is injected at night. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Oxolinic ointment has proven itself well in the treatment of growths in intimate places. This available tool has both antiviral and antiherpetic properties, is able to suppress the activity of the pathogen. Doctors recommend treating the affected areas with oxolinic ointment twice a day for 15–60 days.

You can get rid of papillomas on the body in a conservative way - by burning out with the help of special means. These include:

  1. Kollomak is a solution based on lactic and salicylic acids. As a result of application to papilloma, necrosis of its upper tissues occurs, it gradually decreases in size and disappears.
  2. Aladar is a cream that stimulates the body to produce its own interferon, which is necessary to fight papillomavirus infection. The procedure for applying the cream to neoplasms is repeated every other day. The maximum treatment course lasts 4 months.
  3. SAN FEN ZHONG is a Chinese ointment with a double effect: it destroys the virus and burns out the growths. Unlike other drugs, it should not be left on the skin for more than 4 minutes. Wash off with warm soapy water. The first result will be noticeable after the sixth application.
  4. Stefalin is an ointment based on vegetable raw materials. Thanks to the ability active ingredients penetrate to the very root of the growth, the tool manages to destroy it from the inside. After several treatment procedures, the neoplasm dries up and soon disappears. A small tubercle remains in its place, which should also be lubricated with Stefalin until it disappears completely.

Using the above tools, you should follow some rules:

  1. Wash the pre-treated area with soapy water and dry well.
  2. Apply exclusively to neoplasms so as not to injure healthy skin around.
  3. Carefully study the instructions, do not independently extend the course of therapy and do not increase the recommended number of applications. Otherwise, you can get a severe burn and necrosis of healthy tissues.

Modern methods of destruction of neoplasms

Surgical therapy of papillomas involves their removal with special devices in a clinic. In total, there are five ways of destruction of neoplasms. Which one to choose, the specialist decides, given the area of ​​​​the lesion.

Rational ways to remove genital warts:

  1. Cryotherapy - exposure to cold (low-temperature nitrogen). It is used for the destruction of neoplasms on the labia in women.
  2. Radio wave therapy - removal of neoplasms with high frequency waves. For this, the Surgitron apparatus is used. It can be used in any area, since the effect on condyloma is targeted, healthy skin and mucous membranes are not affected.
  3. The laser method is considered the most effective. Firstly, the laser beam can penetrate into the most inaccessible places, i.e., they can remove neoplasms on the cervix. Secondly, after applying the laser, no scars remain, which is extremely important for nulliparous women, the cervix will not lose elasticity.

To remove growths on the body, thermocoagulation or a surgical method can be used.

  1. Thermocoagulation involves the complete removal of papillomas due to exposure to high temperature(burning). After the operation, a scab will remain on the body, which will eventually turn into a clean skin.
  2. It is necessary to remove the neoplasm surgically (with a scalpel) in extreme cases - when it is large. The disadvantage of this method is a long rehabilitation period, as well as the likelihood of scarring.

Surgical therapy should be carried out only in parallel with medical therapy, otherwise there is a possibility of the appearance of a neoplasm again.

The carrier of papillomavirus is every sixth person - this is indicated in the WHO data. The human papillomavirus is transmitted by contact, including sexual. Occasionally, cases of domestic HPV infection have been recorded in medical practice. Infection can occur during vertical birth (from mother to baby).

At first glance, the carriage of papillomavirus may not seem dangerous. A person complains only about and mucous membranes -.

These benign neoplasms can form on any part of the body:

  • face;
  • under the breast;
  • in the armpits;
  • on the genitals;
  • on mucous membranes internal organs, oral and nasal cavities.

The lack of therapy, with HPV, is fraught with the development of malignant tumors in men and women. The activity of the virus contributes to the development of cancer of the larynx and oral cavity.

The papillomavirus does not affect the course of pregnancy. But during this period, expectant mothers may observe an increase in the number of genital warts () or their unexpected disappearance. Accumulations of large condylomas in the genital tract and threatens with severe bleeding and difficulty in childbirth.

The most dangerous complications of infection during pregnancy include the risk of infection of the fetus during passage through the genital tract. After childbirth, the child of an infected mother develops respiratory tract polyposis. However, there have been cases when the infection in children disappeared a few months after birth.

Caesarean section slightly reduces the risk of infection of the newborn. Experts insist on such an intervention in the presence of a massive accumulation of condylomas in the genital tract of a woman in labor or when delivery is impossible in a natural way.

Conservative therapy in the treatment of papillomavirus

How to treat the human papillomavirus? Helping the patient begins with the appointment of conservative therapy.

If the wart or condyloma has not degenerated into a malignant tumor, the main focus of the doctor is on drugs that affect cells with the HPV genome.

As for immunomodulators, their use becomes possible only after establishing the patient's immune status and determining the sensitivity of immune cells to specific medicines. The appointment of antiherpetic drugs is meaningless, since they are not able to improve the condition of a person with a papillomavirus carrier.

Usually, to treat an infection, specialists prescribe:

Isoprinosine is prescribed for the treatment of human papillomavirus infection. Its active ingredient is a purine derivative, which has an immunostimulating and antiviral effect. Children are treated after 3 years of age. Indications for prescribing the drug are the presence of papillomas on the vocal cords, genitals and larynx, fibrotic manifestations of human papillomavirus infection, cytomegalovirus infection, etc.

People suffering from the human papillomavirus - reviews of Isoprinosine leave positive. Following the dosages prescribed by the doctor, it is really possible to achieve the disappearance of papillomas.

To strengthen immunity at home, tea is brewed from hop cones, oregano herb, motherwort, lime blossom, lemon balm, coriander seeds and marsh cudweed, valerian roots. The crushed components are taken in an amount of 1 tbsp. l. each, poured into a thermos and doused with 2 cups of boiling water. The next morning the drink is ready to drink. Drink it 4 p. per day in equal portions.

Hardware procedures in the treatment of HPV

Symptoms of papillomavirus infection are warts,. Get rid of them with the help of electro- and chemical coagulation, cryodestruction. possibly through radio and laser therapy.

How to cure the human papillomavirus? Chemical coagulation is carried out with Solkovagin and Solcoderm preparations.

They are good for treating manifestations of papillomavirus on the vaginal mucosa and on the cervix. These drugs are a mixture of organic and non-organic acids, but they are only effective for removing single warts. The procedure is approved for the treatment of nulliparous women. But along with its effectiveness, it is worth noting the average soreness and the possible formation of scars.

Cryodestruction, or treatment of neoplasms with low-temperature liquid nitrogen, differs in speed of carrying out and painlessness. When reducing single ones from the cervix, scars may remain on it.

What to do if the human papillomavirus has shown itself - through the appearance of flat and confluent warts on the skin? In this case, doctors use a surgical laser. The device facilitates the removal of growths at any depth without consequences - scarring and scars. Complications of the procedure can be bleeding and narrowing of the cervical canal of the uterus.

The priority direction in HPV therapy belongs to the Gardasil vaccine. The drug is able to defeat even high oncogenicity types of the virus. The vaccine minimizes the risk of developing cancer and speeds up the production of immune memory. This means that under its influence, protective antibodies are produced that were present in the body before infection.

The radiosurgical method for the treatment of manifestations of papillomavirus is performed by the Surgitron apparatus. Along with the removal of condyloma, the specialist conducts coagulation of the vessels. The excised element must be subjected to histological examination.

Human papillomavirus infection (human papillomavirus or HPV) is a common female disease, men are less susceptible to it. The papilloma virus is transmitted from a human carrier during sexual intercourse, through skin contact, and from mother to child during childbirth. When HPV is infected or activated, warts, genital warts (genital warts) appear on the human body, and gynecological diseases are observed in women. Some papillomaviruses are oncogenic. Treatment of human papillomavirus infection in women and men should be carried out with modern effective drugs.


Antiviral drugs for HPV have an antibacterial effect, preventing neoplasms from growing and spreading further.

Allokin Alpha

Active ingredient - alloferon-oligopeptide

Treatment of HPV with this antiviral drug is carried out according to clinical indications.

With HPV, the dosage is calculated as 1 milligram of the drug every 2 days. During the treatment, 6 injections should be made.

Side effects: weakness, dizziness, the formation of new elements of the rash.

Contraindications: severe autoimmune diseases, pregnancy, lactation, childhood, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


The active substance is acyclovir. Available in the form of tablets, ointment and powder.

A drug that suppresses the virus by embedding itself in its DNA and prevents it from reproducing. The best and most reliable drug for HPV.

Side effects: skin rashes that disappear after discontinuation of the drug, nausea, diarrhea and abdominal pain.

Contraindicated in hypersensitivity to acyclovir.

Interferon (Lokferon, Inferon, Interferon human leukocyte dry lyophilasate)

The active substance is interferon alfa. Available in powder form in ampoules and suppositories.

An antiviral drug for HPV is used for genital warts.

Dosage, frequency and duration of use are determined based on clinical indications.

The use of interferon alfa preparations during pregnancy is possible only in cases where the intended benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus. It is recommended to stop breastfeeding while taking the drug.

side effects: fever, headache, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, arterial hypotension, arrhythmia, drowsiness, impaired consciousness, ataxia, dry skin, erythema, skin rash.

Contraindications: with severe heart disease, thyroid gland, disorders of the liver and kidneys, epilepsy, hypersensitivity to interferon alpha.

Ribavirin (Ribavirin-Bio, Ribapeg, Ribamidil, Ribavirin-FPO)

The active substance is ribavirin. Available in the form of tablets and capsules.

It is used as an antiviral agent for the treatment of virus-affected skin and mucous membranes.

The dosage is prescribed individually depending on the clinical indications.

Side effects: headache, dizziness, general weakness, malaise, insomnia, asthenia, depression, irritability, decrease or increase in blood pressure, bradycardia or tachycardia, palpitations, cardiac arrest, hemolytic anemia, leukopenia, dyspnea, cough, pharyngitis, shortness of breath, bronchitis , dry mouth, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, constipation, taste perversion.

Contraindications: chronic heart failure, myocardial infarction, kidney failure, anemia, liver failure, decompensated cirrhosis of the liver, autoimmune diseases, untreatable thyroid diseases, severe depression with suicidal tendencies, childhood and adolescence under 18 years of age, pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity to ribavirin.


Immunomodulators are a group of drugs that activate the immune system. Under the influence of immunomodulatory drugs, the production of leukocytes is activated and the body's natural fight against the virus is enhanced.

Viferon (Laferobion)

The active substance is interferon alfa-2b. Available in the form of suppositories, ointments and gels.

An immunostimulating drug for HPV is used in the complex of general therapy for adults, 1 suppository 2 times a day after 12 hours daily for 5-10 days. The course of treatment can be continued according to clinical indications.

During pregnancy, the drug is approved for use from 14 weeks. During lactation has no restrictions.
Side effects: allergic reactions in the form of skin rash and itching, which disappear within 72 hours after drug withdrawal.

Contraindications: individual intolerance.


Active ingredients - interferon alfa-2b, taurine, benzocaine.

A modern drug is indicated for the treatment of HPV, with its help, the effectiveness of the fight against viruses increases.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the drug, 1st trimester of pregnancy.


The active substance is acid peptidoglycan. The release form is a lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for intramuscular injection.

Immune preparation for HPV, which enhances defense mechanisms in infections caused by viruses. Indicated in the correction of weakened immunity and treatment pathological conditions(warts, warts, dysplasia, and others) caused by the human papillomavirus.

Contraindications: It is forbidden to use in children under 12 years of age and in patients with hypersensitivity to the drug. It should not be used during pregnancy unless the benefit to the woman outweighs the potential risk to the fetus. Not recommended for nursing mothers.


The active substance is glucosaminylmuramyl dipeptide. Produced in the form of tablets.

An HPV medicine used in diseases accompanied by secondary immunodeficiency.

The course of treatment is carried out within 10 days, daily dose 10 milligrams 1 time per day 30 minutes before meals.

Of the side effects, an increase in body temperature up to 37.9 ° C was revealed, this phenomenon is short-term and occurs at the beginning of treatment.

Contraindications: individual intolerance, pregnancy, breastfeeding, exacerbation of autoimmune thyroiditis, diseases accompanied by severe fever or high body temperature.

Also pay attention to the list of other hidden infections in women that can cause significant harm to health.


The action of combined drugs is aimed at destroying cells with the HPV genome and restoring the function of lymphocytes during immunosuppression, which accelerates the elimination of papillomavirus due to the active synthesis of interferon.

Isoprinosine (Groprinosine)

The active substance is inosine pranobex. Produced in the form of tablets.

The drug for papillomavirus infection (HPV) in men and women, including in the genital area.

The dosage of the drug for adults is prescribed 2 tablets 3 times a day, for children - 1/2 tablet per 5 kilograms of body weight per day in 3-4 doses for 14-28 days as monotherapy.

The safety of the use of Isoprinosine during pregnancy and lactation has not been established, so the use of the drug is not recommended.

Side effects: nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, a temporary increase in the activity of transaminases and alkaline phosphatase in the blood plasma, itching, headache, dizziness, weakness, polyuria, joint pain, exacerbation of gout, an increase in the concentration of urea in the blood plasma.

Contraindications: urolithiasis disease, gout, arrhythmias, chronic renal failure, children under 3 years of age (body weight up to 15-20 kilograms), hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


The active substance is the polysaccharides of the shoots of Solanum tuberosum. Available in the form of suppositories, gel and solution for intravenous administration.

It is indicated for reduced immunity in combination with infectious diseases.

The drug against HPV, applied intravenously in a jet slowly, 200 micrograms. When papillomavirus infection is administered 3 times with an interval of 48 hours for 1 week and 2 times with an interval of 72 hours for 2 weeks.

Side effects: allergic reactions are possible.

Contraindications: severe diseases of the kidneys and spleen, lactation, childhood, hypersensitivity to the herbal remedy. Use with caution during pregnancy.


The active substance is a complex of sodium deoxyribonucleate with iron. Produced in the form of a solution.

It is used intramuscularly as part of combination therapy in the treatment of HPV.

Dosage - 5 milliliters 1-2 times a day for 10 days.

Side effects: fever, hyperemia, moderate pain at the injection site.

Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation (breastfeeding), children's age, hypersensitivity to the drug.


The active ingredient is meglumine acridone acetate. Available in the form of tablets and solution.

An antiviral drug for HPV in women and men, has a destructive effect on papillomavirus cells and at the same time strengthens the immune system.

Children and adults need to take 4 tablets every 3 days for 23 days. After that, the dose is reduced to 4 tablets 1 time in 5 days. The general course of treatment should be 3.5 months.

Side effects: allergic reactions.

Contraindications: liver cirrhosis in the stage of decompensation, children under 4 years of age, pregnancy, lactation ( breastfeeding), individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Modern antiviral drugs are available in the form of tablets for oral administration, ointments, solutions and gels for the treatment of papillomatous growths. Preparations local application intended directly for the removal of formations and have a cauterizing or freezing effect.

Attention! The result of the desire of modern manufacturers to improve their own medicines has been the emergence of highly effective drugs containing interferon, a protein that counteracts viruses and pathogens, obtained through synthesis in the laboratory.

Such drugs exclude the recurrence of warts, which patients often face after the removal of growths.

Local treatment of papillomas and similar formations is definitely recommended to be supplemented with antiviral drugs, produced in the form of tablets. These funds are designed to suppress the activity of papillomavirus from the inside. Without the use of oral antiviral drugs, the use of creams, ointments and solutions to treat growths will only be a temporary solution to the problem.

Tablets from papillomas

To date, there are many tableted antiviral drugs against HPV, which can supplement the destructive treatment of papillomas, but experts attribute the highest efficiency in this category of medicines to:

Description of ointments

Destructive treatment of papillomatous growths on human skin can be performed using the most various drugs, differing in cost, effectiveness and side effects. If you are aimed at the rapid removal of papillomas and warts, for these purposes, experts recommend using:

Indications and side effects

The use of an antiviral drug should be approached taking into account the existing contraindications and side effects. So, many tablets are not recommended for the treatment of children under three years of age, as well as patients diagnosed with gout, urolithiasis, disorders heart rate, hypersensitivity to constituent components.

Attention! It is necessary to take into account the fact that not all tablets with antiviral effects are allowed to be taken by pregnant women, as well as during lactation. During the treatment period, patients may experience unpleasant side effects. We are most often talking about dizziness, arrhythmia, nausea.

Before using topical antiviral agents, it is important to exclude individual intolerance to the composition, which can cause the development allergic reaction manifested by itching, rash and redness of the skin. Also, when processing growths, it is extremely important to exclude the ingress of funds into healthy areas, which is fraught with the formation of burns and wounds.

The cost of drugs for the treatment of HPV

On the shelves of modern pharmacies, you can find both expensive antiviral drugs and their cheaper counterparts, which are also quite effective. For example, the cost of Isopronisin reaches 660 rubles per package with 20 tablets, but you can use other well-known and affordable analogues, namely:

As for topical preparations, the price of the highly effective Supercleaner ranges from 15 to 110 rubles and depends on the volume and manufacturer. More expensive is the Panavir gel, which today is distinguished by its effectiveness and safety. Its cost starts from 160 rubles for a volume of 3 g.

When choosing effective antiviral drugs, preference can also be given to:

  • Viferon - about 170 rubles for a volume of 12 g;
  • Acyclovir - 22 rubles for a volume of 5 g;
  • Verrukatsidu - 232 rubles for a volume of 2 g;
  • Feresol - 366 rubles for a volume of 10 ml.

Each antiviral drug will be sufficiently effective only in the conditions of its appointment, taking into account the severity of the condition and individual characteristics. In this regard, it is recommended to trust the attending physician to determine the optimal therapy for papillomavirus.

The papillomavirus causes unpleasant disease, clinically manifested by growths on the skin and mucous membranes. It is necessary to treat HPV comprehensively, taking into account antiviral drugs, immunostimulants, and remove papillomas.

The human papillomavirus causes a contagious infectious disease. The causative agent is transmitted from the carrier to a healthy person in three ways - from mother to child during childbirth, by household contact, through sexual contact. The last option is the most common. Once in the human body, the pathogen is attacked by the immune system, after which it goes into a latent state.

To activate the virus, a strong immune decline must occur (hypothermia, antibiotics, stress, etc.). As soon as a favorable environment for the reproduction of an infection is established in the body, viral formations appear on the human body - warts, papillomas, condylomas. The location of the growths depends on the method of infection. For newborns who passed through the birth canal with pronounced formations, papillomatosis of the larynx is characteristic. People who become infected during sexual contact experience warts in the genital area and anus. Using other people's things leads to the appearance of warts on the hands and feet.

The virus knows how to adapt well. It is quite difficult to remove the pathogen from the body completely with the help of medicines, sometimes without surgical intervention, it is impossible.

Which doctor to contact

HPV is an infectious disease. Theoretically, an infectious disease doctor should deal with pathology. The patient should consult a general practitioner or family doctor. If papillomavirus is suspected, a referral to a specialized specialist will follow.

Condylomas in the woman's vaginal area will be examined by a gynecologist. Perhaps, in addition to the examination, a colposcopy and taking smears for further research will be required. A thorough diagnosis is necessary for formations on the cervix.

Men will go to the urologist. The penis and urethra will be examined.

Formations on the surface of the skin of the body will be examined by a dermatologist - venereologist. The doctor will identify the type of growths, conduct additional studies and prescribe the necessary treatment to eliminate papillomavirus.

To detect the type of HPV, a laboratory test is necessary. It is relevant for suspected oncogenic strains. In women, these types of HPV lead to dysplasia and cervical cancer. In men, they can cause oncology of the head of the penis. If a dangerous strain is found, observation by an oncologist may be required. If the results are negative, the patient will continue treatment in gynecology or urology.

To identify the causes of immune decline or if formations occur frequently, even after complex treatment consultation with an immunologist is required.

If a person cannot get an appointment with a therapist, you can contact a specialized doctor. If manifestations of papillomavirus occur, postponing a visit to the doctor is dangerous to health.

HPV Treatment Methods

Treating the human papillomavirus is difficult. To achieve the result, it is necessary to carry out a set of measures, which will include stimulation of immunity, suppression of the pathogen and excision of growths. This tactic helps to prevent the risk of relapse, which is often observed in older patients. For young people, removal is enough, the immune system is able to fight the infection on its own.


Antiviral drugs are necessary to suppress the infectious process. The substances that make up such drugs block the ability of the pathogen to reproduce, thereby preventing the likelihood of the appearance of new viral foci.

Viferon is the most common antiviral drug. Interferes with the synthesis of proteins by the virus, inhibiting the ability to spread. Relieves itching in the affected area. Available in the form of suppositories for rectal administration and as an ointment for external treatment. The treatment regimen is selected individually, depending on the severity of the symptoms. Analogue - Cycloferon.

Allokin Alpha is the most effective antiviral drug. Enhances the production of antibodies to the pathogen. According to statistics, 80% of patients treated with Allokin show clear improvements in a short period of time. The medicine is injected subcutaneously. The course of treatment is 6 injections.

Panavir is an antiviral agent for systemic use. Applied in complex therapy papillomavirus. Release form - solution for intravenous administration.


Medicines, the main focus of which is the restoration of the body's immune defenses, are important components proper treatment. The immunostimulator helps the body recover, create the necessary barrier.

Immunomax - stimulant immune system. The medication is used exclusively as prescribed by the doctor. It is injected into a vein or under the skin. Treatment consists of 2 stages.

Isoprinosine - an immunostimulant that helps the maturation of T lymphocytes and the active production of antibodies to the virus, restores required level immunoglobulins. Administered by injection. The average course of therapy is 2 - 8 weeks.

Genferon - medicine to restore natural defenses. Available in the form of rectal and urogenital suppositories. The main component is recombined human interferon.

Hardware methods for removing papillomas

Removal of papillomas by hardware methods allows you to effectively and quickly get rid of growths on the body. The main procedures for excision are:

  1. Laser burning. Produced by exposure to a laser beam that vaporizes the wart tissue. The advantages of the method are high accuracy and efficiency. The disadvantage is the inability to conduct histology to detect cervical cancer. The laser burns out the entire formation.
  2. Cryodestruction or freezing with liquid nitrogen. Under the influence of low temperature nitrogen, papilloma tissues are destroyed and die. Healing time takes up to 2 weeks.
  3. Radio wave excision. Removal is carried out in layers using high-frequency waves. The method is painless and bloodless. It is considered the least invasive method of treatment.
  4. Diathermoelectrocoagulation. Due to the coagulative property, the risk of blood flow and the spread of infection is completely excluded.
  5. Surgical removal. The procedure is performed extremely rarely due to trauma. If necessary, subsequent histological examination or for special indications, the option is best.

The patient can choose the technique of hardware treatment independently, taking into account the recommendations of the attending physician.

Other treatments

Removal of formations at home can be done with chemical pharmaceutical products. When choosing a drug, you should take into account the effect of drugs on the skin. For example, therapy of the intimate area should be carried out with special sparing means. Available in the form of ointments, drops, aerosols. Effective means from a pharmacy are:

  • Ferozol;
  • Dermavit;
  • Supercleaner;
  • Mountain celandine;
  • Wartner Crio;
  • Verrukacid;
  • Kondilin;
  • Epigen intimate;
  • Vartek;
  • Solcoderm;
  • Kollomak.

Purchase preparations to remove growths as prescribed by the doctor. Please read the instructions carefully before use.

Non-traditional HPV suppressive treatment involves the use of medicinal plants, herbs, food and other improvised means. An effective substance for removing warts in traditional medicine consider celandine juice. They treat damaged areas until the papillomas disappear completely. Use garlic, soda solution, citric acid, laundry soap, ammonia, iodine, kerosene.

  1. Antimonium krudum - for warts on the hands and soles.
  2. Causticum - with growths in the armpits, hands, face, ears, neck.
  3. Argentum nitricum - removal of formations on the mucous membranes.
  4. Thuja is a universal antiviral agent.

Adherents of homeopathy should consult with a specialist before purchasing medicines.

Another method of adjuvant therapy is taking vitamins. The drugs have a beneficial effect on the immune system, helping to get rid of a viral disease.

Is it possible to get rid of the papilloma virus in the body

Human papillomavirus refers to those diseases that are almost impossible to completely remove from the body. A carrier of PVI can face relapses of the disease throughout life, subject to weak immune defenses.

There is information about the self-healing of the body. This phenomenon is observed in young patients with strong immunity. HPV is exfoliated from the surface of the cervix within 3 menstrual cycles. Even without treatment in such patients, the virus clears itself 2 years after infection. This can happen if the infection manifested itself during pregnancy. In such a case, after childbirth, all clinical symptoms diseases disappear completely.

If a person pays attention to immunity, leads a healthy lifestyle, is treated correctly and in a timely manner, the risk of reappearance of growths on the body is negligible.

Prevention of re-infection is the observance of hygiene standards, the presence of a permanent sexual partner, timely treatment acute diseases and vaccination.

Treatment prognosis and possible complications

Comprehensive treatment of the human papillomavirus will remove the symptoms of the disease and introduce the infection into a "sleeping state". The main task of the patient is to follow the doctor's recommendations during the rehabilitation period, to maintain the normal functioning of the immune system.

If left untreated, there is a risk of worsening the disease. Papillomas in the mouth affect the vocal cords. Growths on the body can be injured, the introduction of pathogenic infections is likely. Condylomas in the anogenital region can damage the tissues of external, internal organs. The growth of growths leads to papillomatosis. Most dangerous complication papillomavirus - oncology.

When choosing a method of treating HPV, whether it is taking a pill or hardware treatment, a person should remember the need for diagnosis. Only a correct diagnosis can be the basis for further tactics of the doctor.