Panaritium of the finger on the hand of a baby. Panaritium on the toe of a child photo

The skin on the hands of a child is very delicate and thin. It is easily injured, allowing pathogens to penetrate inside.

The immunity of the baby is still very weak and is not able to cope on its own with an aggressive attack of the infection. Therefore, in a child, panaritium is the most common disease that affects the fingers and toes.

Causes of the disease

Panaritium is a pathology resulting from infection pathogenic microorganisms finger tissues. In the people, this disease is called hair or nail-eater. Pathology is formed when staphylococcus, streptococcus or other pathogenic microflora enters soft tissues.

Panaritium of a finger in a child develops due to injury. Splinters, scratches and bruises are a fairly common phenomenon during children's games. In addition, babies often bite their nails and do not always follow the rules of hygiene.

Special structure connective tissue in the fingers and dense tendon cords contribute to the penetration of the infection deep into. There is a huge risk that it will affect the joints and bones. Due to these structural features of the tissue, the accumulating exudate is under significant pressure in closed cavities. This causes severe pain, constriction of the blood vessels, and gradual necrosis. In advanced cases, the infection affects all tissues of the finger, and it loses its function. Sometimes the disease ends with amputation.

Panaritium on the finger of a child is especially dangerous if the baby is not yet a year old. His fragile immune system is not able to give the necessary rebuff to the infection, and it develops rapidly. If timely action is not taken, serious complications arise.

So, pathology develops when an infection enters the tissue of the finger. The following factors may contribute to this:

  1. Incorrect cutting of nails.
  2. Splinters that children often drive in sandboxes.
  3. The habit of babies to suck their fingers and bite their nails.
  4. Burn or hypothermia.
  5. Unsanitary conditions.
  6. In infants - intrauterine infection with viruses or bacteria. As well as the presence of congenital anomalies.
  7. Autoimmune diseases.
  8. Intestinal infection.

The cause of panaritium on the child's foot is uncomfortable shoes, fungal diseases stop, improperly done pedicure, as well as a predisposition to ingrown nails.

Types of pathology

There are several types of panaritium. They differ in the depth of tissue damage and the location. As well as the cause of the inflammation.

Doctors distinguish between the following types of pathology:

  1. Cutaneous. Pus begins to accumulate under the epidermis, forming a bubble, in most cases filled with a cloudy liquid with blood impurities. This type of pathology does not provoke the development of severe pain, more often there is a slight burning sensation. The skin around the bubble turns red. But if it begins to increase, this indicates that the infection is spreading deeper.
  2. Herpetic. Pathology does not manifest itself for a long time. The child begins to feel pain as soon as the bubble forms. The cause of the pathology is infection with the herpes virus. You can't open the bubble. This will help the virus spread to nearby healthy tissue.
  3. Periungual. The infection is localized near the edge of the plate. In this place, panaritium in a child may occur due to poor-quality manicure.
  4. Subungual. The disease affects the tissues that are under the plate. It provokes the development of the pathology of a splinter that has fallen under the nail.
  5. Subcutaneous. The infection affects the deep layers of the dermis. Because of this, it is difficult for pus to go out, and it spreads deep into.
  6. Bone. In most cases, it is diagnosed with open fractures.
  7. articular. The cause of suppuration may be an open wound or a complication of subcutaneous panaritium. The disease affects the joint that connects the phalanges of the finger. Sharp pain appears during movement and palpation.
  8. Bone-articular. The infection penetrates into the deep layers. The ends of the interphalangeal joints are most often involved in the purulent process.
  9. Tendinous. It belongs to the most severe types of pathology. The functions of the hand are impaired, the affected finger can only be in a bent position. When you try to unbend it, severe pain occurs.

Possible Complications

Parents should seek help from a doctor as soon as they notice a panaritium of a finger or toe in a child. Delay threatens the development of the following dangerous complications:

  • inflammation lymph nodes and vessels;
  • sepsis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • putrefactive damage to the bones;
  • myositis;
  • brush phlegmon;
  • general blood poisoning.

The likelihood of developing such formidable complications should not frighten parents. Timely access to a doctor will quickly stop the development of pathology. In the event that conservative therapy is ineffective, inflammation can be stopped with the help of surgery.


Pathology develops quite quickly. First, there is swelling and hyperemia at the site of the lesion. If measures are not taken at this stage, a painful bubble with purulent contents will form. Postponing treatment in this case is very dangerous.

Symptoms of panaritium in a child largely depend on the specific type of pathology. But there are common signs that are characteristic of all types of this disease:

  1. The finger swells and the skin turns red. When suppuration worsens, it changes its hue to cyanotic.
  2. The affected area is very sore, pulsation is felt in it.
  3. Limited finger movement. Bending can cause unbearable pain.
  4. The temperature rises.


Treatment of panaritium on the hand of a child is carried out only after the disease has been accurately diagnosed. In most cases, a visual examination is sufficient for the doctor. The doctor also checks the reaction to palpation of the affected area in infants. Children who already know how to talk, tell what and how it hurts.

In the case when the doctor suspects that the process has spread deep into the tissues, he may prescribe an additional examination:

After receiving all the results, the doctor decides on the method of treatment.

Pharmacy ointments

Children most often develop a subcutaneous, near- or subungual type of pathology. If the disease was detected at an early stage, it can be fought with the help of available pharmacy ointments. Treatment of panaritium in a child is carried out using the following means:

  1. Vishnevsky ointment. It is considered the most effective remedy. The ointment quickly blocks the inflammatory process and contributes to the opening of the abscess. It is applied to the affected area and fixed with a bandage. The procedure is performed twice a day.
  2. Ichthyol ointment. The drug promotes the release of the abscess and relieves inflammation. Apply three times a day until recovery.
  3. Ointment "Levomekol". Before applying the drug, it is recommended to steam the sore finger in a bath of moderately hot water. Then a compress with ointment is applied, which must be changed twice a day. The medicine can be used after opening the abscess until complete recovery.
  4. Tetracycline and zinc ointments. The affected area is lubricated up to six times a day, alternating preparations.


Compresses and various lotions allow you to carefully and painlessly cure panaritium on a child’s hand. You need to keep them for a long time. If possible, it is recommended to leave the purulent compress overnight and change to a new one in the morning.

Most effective recipes, which allow you to quickly cope with the pathology in the initial stages of its development:

  1. "Dimexide". The solution is mixed with water in a ratio of 1 to 4. Eight-layer gauze is wetted in the finished mixture and applied to the affected area. From above, the compress is covered with polyethylene and fixed with a bandage. The procedure should be repeated up to five times a day.
  2. Castor oil. It must be heated in a water bath to a temperature of 38-39 degrees. Apply a generously moistened piece of gauze to the affected area and insulate. It is recommended to leave the compress for at least two hours.
  3. Several times during the day, apply gruel from aloe or Kalanchoe leaves to the affected area.
  4. Bake a medium onion in the oven. Use warm pulp for a compress. The bandage can be changed no earlier than after five hours.
  5. Pass a few cloves of garlic through a press and mix them with chopped onions. Use the slurry as a compress.


Hot baths with various additives relieve inflammation well, disinfect and contribute to the speedy release of pus. With their help, you can quickly cure panaritium on the toe of a child. This method of therapy is suitable for babies who do not want to walk for a long time with compresses.

For the treatment of panaritium, the following baths are used:

  1. A teaspoon of alcohol tincture of calendula or eucalyptus is dissolved in 500 ml of hot water. The bath should be hot, but not burn the baby's skin. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. It is recommended to repeat it three times a day.
  2. A teaspoon of soda is mixed with the same amount of sea salt and dissolved in a glass of hot water. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.
  3. The head of garlic is passed through a press and poured with a glass of water, the temperature of which is 80 degrees. After five to seven minutes, when the liquid has cooled slightly, you need to dip your finger into it for a few seconds. The procedure should be repeated until the water cools down.
  4. A tablespoon of natural celandine juice is poured with two glasses of boiling water. After the water has cooled, the finger is immersed in it for 30 minutes.

Antibiotic treatment

The negative impact of these drugs on the human body is known to all. But in some cases, the treatment of finger panaritium in a child is impossible without the use of antibiotics. They are resorted to when the infection has begun to spread to nearby tissues.

In the event that suppuration was provoked by staphylococcal or streptococcal bacteria, the doctor may prescribe such drugs:

  1. "Ampicillin".
  2. "Erythromycin".
  3. "Ilozon".

For the treatment of panaritium, the development of which was provoked by a fungus, antimycotic agents are used. In addition, the doctor may prescribe immunomodulators to help the body fight infection.


In some cases, the use of ointments, compresses, baths, and even antibiotics is not enough to defeat the infection. Then, for the treatment of panaritium in a child, an operation is indicated. Under local anesthesia, and sometimes under general anesthesia, the doctor opens the abscess.

The surgeon removes dead tissue and drains the viable. If necessary, introduces an antibiotic into the deep layers of the epidermis. After that, he disinfects the incisions, checks the tissues for the presence of a fistulous tract and makes a dressing. In addition, he prescribes a course of general and local antibiotic therapy.


Panaritium in a child is a pathology that is easily preventable. To protect the baby from the development of the disease, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Future mom must take care of their health during pregnancy. Avoid all those factors that can provoke the development of intrauterine pathologies.
  2. Wash your baby's hands regularly and cut their nails.
  3. Strengthen the child's immunity.
  4. Get regular checkups with your pediatrician.
  5. Timely treat all childhood diseases.
  6. Take the baby only with clean hands.

Felon- this collective concept combines various forms of acute purulent inflammation of the fingers. More often there is inflammation of the terminal phalanx. There are skin, subungual, subcutaneous, tendon, bone felon.

Cutaneous panaritium: symptoms and treatment

Cutaneous panaritium- one of the mildest forms of purulent inflammation of the fingers, in which the process is localized in the thickness of the skin under the epidermis. Symptoms of cutaneous panaritium. Exudate, accumulated in a small area, exfoliates the epidermis and shines through the surface layers of the skin in the form of a small abscess. In rare cases, you can observe the phenomenon of lymphangitis. Pain is moderate. Finger function is usually not impaired. Treatment of skin panaritium consists in removing the exfoliated epidermis with scissors without anesthesia, since the procedure is painless. A bandage with Vishnevsky's ointment is applied to the wound. The first dressing is prescribed after 24 hours, the subsequent dressings are performed 1 time in 3-4 days. Healing comes quickly.

Subungual felon: signs and treatment

Subungual panaritium usually develops as a result of stab wounds and splinters under the nail.

Symptoms of subungual panaritium: 2-3 days after the injury, redness appears in this area and twitching pains in the fingertip. Soon, the accumulation of pus under the nail becomes noticeable. The pain at this moment reaches considerable strength. Even slight pressure on the nail causes sharp pain. May suffer in some cases general state child, the temperature rises to 37.5 -38 ° C.

Surgical treatment of subungual panaritium. First, it is necessary to remove the unremoved splinter. In cases where the free end of the foreign body is absent, under local anesthesia according to Lukashevich, a wedge-shaped excision of the edge of the nail is performed. After the removal of the splinter, the inflammatory process quickly ends.

In very rare cases, when the splinter penetrated far and its end remained under the nail, wedge-shaped excision is not advisable. For the outflow of pus, a hole is made in the nail above the foreign body with the tip of a scalpel, it is removed and a hypertonic bandage is applied. The operation of removing the nail is resorted to when it is all raised with accumulated pus.

Subcutaneous felon: symptoms and treatment

Subcutaneous felon- the most common form of acute purulent inflammation of the fingers, in which the process is localized in the pulp of the terminal phalanx. Subcutaneous panaritium is more often observed in adolescents.

Symptoms of subcutaneous panaritium: The disease begins acutely. The patient feels a throbbing pain in the fingertip, the intensity of which changes with the development of the process. At the very beginning, the pain is tolerable, but then it becomes stronger, reaching its maximum severity by the end of 3-4 days. At this time, there are usually indications of a sleepless night due to sharp pains. On examination, there is swelling of the finger, most pronounced in the region of the terminal phalanx, skin hyperemia and pain on palpation. Finger straight; movements in the joints are preserved, but moderately painful. Feeling the base of the finger causes much less pain. Often, subcutaneous panaritium is accompanied by general malaise and an increase in body temperature up to 38 - 39 ° C. The focus of pus appears relatively late. Initially, necrosis develops in the depths of the soft tissues, and then suppuration.

In advanced cases, a number of complications are possible. The skin of the palmar surface is dense, due to which pus penetrates deeper rather than breaks out more easily. Therefore, the process can spread to the bone, joint, tendon sheath.

The diagnosis of subcutaneous panaritium is not difficult. To select a method of treatment, it is very important to determine whether there is a focus of accumulation of pus to be opened. The phenomenon of fluctuation (fluctuation) is difficult to identify, so you have to focus on other signs, of which the most valuable is localized sharp pain. Careful examination with a bellied probe reveals the area of ​​greatest pain. With a long course of the process, an x-ray of the finger is taken to detect bone changes.

Treatment of subcutaneous panaritium can be conservative and operative. Conservative treatment is used at the very beginning of the disease, when the pain is not so intense and the zone of greatest pain is not determined. Antibiotics are prescribed internally. From local funds the main ones are UHF-therapy and the use of heat in the form of hot baths for 35-40 minutes several times a day.

Operative benefit is indicated in cases where conservative treatment for 1-2 days does not work, pain intensifies. We consider it important to emphasize the need for an early and sufficiently deep incision to the bone. This leads to a cure if there was no abscess. With late treatment, if a zone of intense local pain is detected, especially if the patient spent a sleepless night, they also immediately provide prompt assistance.

Technique of the operation of opening panaritium. Under local anesthesia according to Lukashevich, a small incision (1.5–2 cm long) is made on the palmar-lateral surface of the phalanx. In children, given the small size of the fingers, the incisions should be gentle; at the same time, wide excision of necrotic tissues should not be resorted to. After emptying the abscess, the wound is drained with a thin rubber strip moistened with Vishnevsky's ointment. In older children with extensive damage to the phalanx, they resort to two incisions with their through drainage.

Drainage of the wound is carried out within 3 to 4 days. During this period of time, dressings with hypertonic saline are used and changed daily. The finger is fixed in the tire. After removing the drainage, an ointment bandage is applied, which is changed the next day. Further dressings become more rare: every other day, and then 1 time in 4-5 days until healing. After the subsidence of acute inflammatory phenomena, physiotherapeutic procedures (thermal baths, UHF), as well as therapeutic exercises, are prescribed.

Bone panaritium: signs and treatment

Bone panaritium or osteomyelitis, usually the nail phalanx, occurs as a complication of the subcutaneous, due to injuries, injections, abrasions, wounds, etc.

clinical picture. IN early stage signs of bone panaritium do not differ from subcutaneous, but the symptoms are more pronounced. characteristic clinical sign bone panaritium is a flask-shaped thickening of the terminal phalanx without a zone of local pain. The diagnosis is decided by an x-ray, which reveals a change in the structure of the bone. In cases where the bone panaritium remains unrecognized and is treated as subcutaneous, after the incision the wound does not heal for a long time, a fistula is formed with excessive granulations, scanty serous or purulent discharge.

Treatment of bone panaritium in children is based on the savings principle, in a hospital. Antibacterial therapy is indicated at an early stage. Surgical intervention is limited to the opening of soft tissues to the bone. The mistake should be avoided - superficial opening in the presence of pus under the skin.

The course of the process in the bone is controlled by x-rays, which are produced after 7 to 10 days. Mandatory fixation of the finger in a splint or plaster splint. Small sequesters, as a rule, resolve, and their removal by surgery is not required. The process of bone regeneration usually takes 1 - 1 1/2 months. Until the bone is fully restored, immobilization is carried out, calcium preparations and vitamins are prescribed.

Tendon panaritium: symptoms and treatment

Tendon panaritium(synovitis, tendovaginitis). Purulent inflammation of the tendon sheaths of the fingers in children is less common than other forms of acute purulent lesions of the fingers and hand. The process develops as a complication of subcutaneous panaritium as a result of late or poor treatment.

Tendon sheaths of fingers anatomical structure are not the same (Fig. 66). The vaginas of the II, III and IV fingers are isolated: they extend from the terminal phalanx to the level of the distal palmar crease and end with blind sacs.

Rice. 66. Scheme of the tendon sheaths of the hand.

The inflammatory process in them (purulent synovitis) is limited. The tendon sheaths of the I and V fingers, also starting from the terminal phalanx, do not end blindly, but communicate with the overlying synovial bags of the palm - the radius and the ulna, which pass through the carpal canal and end in the lower third of the forearm in the Pirogov-Paron space. In the event of tendovaginitis of the I and V fingers, the process extends to the indicated anatomical formations.

The clinical picture of purulent synovitis characterized by soreness, uniform swelling and hyperemia of the finger, which is in a bent position. There are no active movements in the finger, and passive ones cause sharp pain, especially extension. When palpated, the pain is uniform at the level of all phalanges, pronounced along the tendon. Feeling unwell, headache, increased body temperature.

The course of purulent tendovaginitis can have a number of complications: articular and bone panaritium, suppuration of the median palmar space, radial and ulnar tenobursitis, tendon necrosis, etc. In this regard, tendovaginitis of the I and V fingers is the most dangerous, in which there is another serious complication - “U”-shaped phlegmon , i.e., cross-simultaneous damage to the synovial bags of the I and V fingers.

Treatment of tendinous panaritium mainly surgical, but conservative measures should not be abandoned in the initial period of the disease. Carry out antibiotic therapy. Locally apply semi-alcohol compresses. Abortive effect has a puncture of the tendon sheath with suction of the exudate and the introduction of an antibiotic solution. The puncture is made on the main phalanx along the radial edge. The amount of solvent should not be large: usually 50,000 - 75,000 units of penicillin are diluted in 0.25 ml of a 0.25% solution of novocaine.

In the absence of the effect of conservative treatment(increase in pain, swelling) or with late treatment of the patient, indications are given for incisions. It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that with all types of tendon panaritium, especially if there is a need for surgical intervention, the child is placed in a hospital. Limiting the possibility of anesthesia on an outpatient basis, the tenderness of children's tissues, the risk of damaging tendons, blood vessels and nerves - all this removes the intervention for tendinous panaritium from a number of outpatient procedures. If, due to special local conditions, there is a need for incisions, then first of all they should be sparing and performed taking into account the anatomical features of the tendon sheaths. Local anesthesia or round anesthesia. A tourniquet is placed on the hand.

Technique of opening the tendon panaritium. To open the tendon sheaths of the II, III and IV fingers, two parallel incisions 1–1.5 cm long are made along the anterolateral surface of the main phalanx. Wounds are drained with rubber strips, and through one wound the drainage is advanced upwards, and through the other downwards. With tendovaginitis of the I and V fingers, incisions are also made, but since the process is usually accompanied by radial or ulnar tenobursitis, additional incisions are made accordingly (Fig. 67). Drainages and dressings with hypertonic saline are changed daily. The arm is fixed in a plaster splint or splint. After the removal of the drains (after the cessation of the discharge of pus), oil-balsamic dressings are applied, which are rarely replaced - 1 time in 2-3 days. At the same time, thermal baths with potassium permanganate, UHF, early therapeutic gymnastics. Antibiotics are used intramuscularly until the temperature normalizes.

Rice. 67. Scheme of incisions on the hand during purulent processes. The arrow shows the most superficial locations of blood vessels and nerves.

Children's guide polyclinic surgery.-L.:Medicine. -1986

Children with inflamed skin on their fingers are among the most frequent visitors to the pediatrician. From an early age, the child shows curiosity and incredible mobility, and he does not always take precautions during exciting active games. As a result, small cuts, scratches, abrasions, bruises, splinters, wounds from torn burrs appear on the delicate skin of the fingers. An infection (streptococci, Staphylococcus aureus, spores of pathogenic fungi) easily penetrates into the soft tissues through an open injury, and panaritium begins to develop on children's fingers or toes. Most often in children, the periungual ridges and soft tissues of the fingers on the back become inflamed. In some cases, panaritium appears on the fingers of newborn babies even from minor scratches, since the immune system of the baby is very weak.

The sooner you detect an injury on your child's finger and treat the skin with an iodine solution or other antiseptic, the more likely it is to avoid the development of an inflammatory process in soft tissues. In most cases, panaritium develops in children on the fingers and on initial stage diseases, you can detect redness of the skin around the injury, slight swelling, discomfort when pressing on inflamed area. If purulent discharge has not yet appeared in the focus of inflammation on the child’s finger, then panaritium treatment at home can be organized using antibacterial ointments, antiseptic solutions, anti-inflammatory baths. But if the finger begins to swell, the skin becomes very elastic and shiny, when pressing on the inflamed area, throbbing pain is felt and an abscess develops with a purulent grayish-yellow exudate, then be sure to take the child to a pediatrician.


While playing in the sandbox or on the playground, a child can grab a stick or a wooden structure and a splinter can easily stick into a finger. Together with a splinter, pyogenic bacteria penetrate into the soft tissues of the finger;

Mani Pedi.
It is necessary to cut the nails on children's fingers with special scissors and observe maximum accuracy during the procedure. The child can pull his finger and the sharp edge of the scissors injures the delicate skin near the nail plate. In addition, on the legs, give the nails a square shape, slightly round the corners and in no case cut the nails under the root.

- in the photo: panaritium on the fingers of children

- in the photo: panaritium on the toes in children


In children, felon is most often found in the following forms:

▪ Periungual.
This kind of inflammation on the finger is also called paronychia of the periungual roller. The soft tissues at the base of the nail become inflamed after a manicure is performed with poorly disinfected instruments or as a result of burrs being torn off. If you do not treat the inflamed roller with an antiseptic, then soon a purulent abscess appears near the nail;

▪ Subungual.
Under the nail, the nail bed becomes inflamed and the child begins to be disturbed by acute pain in the upper phalanx of the finger. Subungual panaritium may appear due to a splinter that has fallen under the nail of a child or after a bruise of the nail phalanx with hemorrhage in the nail bed. If you find the first signs of inflammation of the nail bed, try to see a doctor as soon as possible, since it is very difficult to get rid of suppuration under the nail plate;

▪ Subcutaneous.
It usually develops in subcutaneous fatty tissue under the dermis of the fingertip or on other phalanges of the finger on the inside of the palm. The skin on these areas of the finger is denser and purulent masses accumulate in the soft tissues without pouring out. The development of the disease is indicated by symptoms such as swelling of the finger, redness of the skin and throbbing pain in the inflamed phalanx. The subcutaneous abscess is opened by the surgeon and frees soft tissues from pus. It is important to see a doctor as soon as possible, since purulent inflammation can spread to the tendons and bone tissue of the phalanx.


If the abscess continues to spread to the soft tissues of the finger and the abscess increases in size from the purulent exudate that has collected in it, then the surgeon performs an opening of the abscess using local anesthesia. During the operation, the doctor injects an antibiotic into the tissues of the finger, cleanses them of pus and applies a bandage with an antibacterial and wound healing agent. At home, it is necessary to bandage the finger, updating the tampon with the agent prescribed by the doctor;

An effective remedy for the treatment of inflamed soft tissues, suppression of the activity of pyogenic bacteria inside the abscess and the rapid restoration of damaged finger tissues. Levomekol ointment has an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, dehydration effect on inflamed tissues. If the surgeon opened the abscess, then after the operation it is useful to treat the finger with this ointment, the active substances of which penetrate into the deep layers of the inflamed tissue;

Ichthyol ointment.
This anti-inflammatory ointment is useful to treat the child's inflamed finger at the initial stage of panaritium, when pus has not yet appeared in the soft tissues. Ichthyol ointment is also used as an antiseptic and antipruritic agent after opening an abscess. Active substances ointments penetrate into the deep layers of the tissue and neutralize the activity of pathogenic microflora already a few hours after applying the agent to the skin;

This antiseptic solution you can soak cotton swabs to bandage your finger after opening the abscess. It is recommended to change the bandage with an antiseptic several times a day;

Pain relief compress.
If swelling appears on the inflamed finger and the child is disturbed pain, then you can do cold compress. We wrap a piece of ice from the freezer in 4 layers of gauze and apply a compress to the inflammation for 15 minutes. This method will relieve acute pain and reduce swelling on the finger. In no case does a home remedy cancel a visit to the doctor if an abscess develops on the finger!

Compress for pulling out pus.
This home remedy will help draw out the pus that has accumulated in the upper dermis of the finger. We mix castor oil with juice from the pulp of aloe vera in equal proportions, slightly heat it in a water bath and soak a cotton pad. We apply a cotton pad to the abscess and fix it with adhesive tape for 2 hours, and then change the compress to a fresh one. If an abscess develops on the finger in the deep layers of soft tissue (and not superficial on the skin), then seek medical help as soon as possible;

Anti-inflammatory baths.
These baths will help to quickly restore the structure of soft tissues after removing an abscess on a finger or toe, get rid of the infection and relieve swelling. We dissolve sea salt in warm water (at the rate of 1 tablespoon of salt per 2 liters of water) and add a solution of manganese (the water will turn pinkish). Keep your finger in the bath for 15 minutes.

Panaritium is a purulent inflammation of the tissue and bones of the fingers of a person's limbs. Such a disease often leads to undesirable complications, so the pathology must be treated in a timely manner. The advanced stage of the disease becomes the cause of disability. In the early stages, the disease is easily conservative therapy.

Getting rid of panaritium on the toes of a child causes a lot of trouble (pathology is often detected in children). Parents need to carefully look at the appearance of the baby, and if you suspect a disease, contact a pediatrician immediately.

Why panaritium appears in children?

The primary source of infection is an infection that, entering the body of a child, provokes an inflammatory process in the form of panaritium on the fingers and toes of his hands and feet.

The causes of children's panaritium are divided into internal and external. The first ones include:

  • Pathologies associated with the immune system of the baby.
  • Various congenital diseases.
  • Infectious invasions during gestation by the mother of the fetus.

Among the external factors contributing to the appearance of panaritium, the following can be distinguished:

  • Damage to the tissues of the nails.
  • Strong sweating.
  • Hypothermia of the body.
  • Unfavorable living conditions, unsanitary conditions.
  • Contact with pets (cats and dogs can scratch the child, which is often the cause of infection).
  • If a splinter is stuck in the baby's finger, there is a high probability of an abscess and subsequent inflammation of this part of the body.

Disease classification

Before embarking on wellness procedures, it is important to determine the type of panaritium in order to effectively recover from the disease.

Types of pathology differ depending on the location of the lesion of the finger. The main types of the disease include:

  • Cutaneous, subcutaneous - inflammation affects the skin of the child's toe. Such a pathology is dangerous because the abscess can touch the bones and joints of the baby. Pain with skin or subcutaneous panaritium is not strong. Itching, redness, swelling appear on the damaged area. The disease is easily treated if you seek medical help in time.
  • Periungual - pus with this type of pathology appears near the nail fold. In children, a similar condition is observed due to the ingrowth of the nail into soft tissues.
  • Subungual - is formed after inaccurate cutting of the child's nails or getting a splinter under the finger. The affected area swells, hurts, pus comes out of it.
  • Articular (purulent arthritis) - is a continuation of the undertreated subcutaneous panaritium. The disease affects the articulation connecting the two phalanges of the finger. If such a pathology is ignored for a long time, then the child may lose the ability to move his fingers.
  • Bone is a very dangerous type of disease, due to which inflammation of the bone occurs. Such a pathology is sometimes a complication of subcutaneous panaritium, but may appear as an independent disease after injuries or fractures of the limbs.
  • Tendon - a severe form of pathology in which inflammation affects the tendons of the fingers. It is almost impossible to recover from such a disease. The pains are permanent, the damaged finger will be in a bent position, and it will not work to straighten it.

Symptoms of the disease

The first signs of panaritium appear immediately after the onset of the inflammatory process.

Symptoms vary depending on the type of disease, but there are common features of the course of the disease, which include:

  • The child's toe or hand will swell, become reddish. Gradually, pus forms on the damaged area, which leads to cyanosis (the skin turns blue).
  • Inflammation causes pain in the affected area. The pain keeps getting worse and doesn't go away.
  • It becomes difficult for the child to straighten the injured finger, any movement leads to increased pain.
  • The body temperature rises, frequent headaches, chills appear.
  • The skin is festering.

Drug treatment of children's panaritium

It is important to start healing procedures at an early stage in the development of pathology. It is easy to diagnose panaritium, sometimes a visual examination of the patient is enough for this.

If an abscess is suspected, the doctor may need an X-ray examination of the baby's finger, as well as a general blood test.

After examining the child and making an accurate diagnosis, most doctors prescribe the following medicines:

  • Antibiotics - remedies have many negative properties, but their use is necessary to relieve inflammation on the child's finger. Levomekol (antibacterial ointment) will help fight the symptoms of the disease. At the advanced stages of the pathology, oral antibiotics and intramuscular injections cannot be dispensed with. Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin, Josamycin, Ceftriaxone are the most effective drugs this group.
  • Various ointments - suitable in the early stages of the treatment of the disease. To the most effective means include Vishnevsky ointment and Ichthyol ointment. The use of such drugs will worsen the health of the baby in severe forms of pathology, therefore, before using these drugs, it is important to consult a doctor.
  • Dimexide - turundas with this remedy effectively relieve inflammation and soreness during panaritium. Before use, dimexide must be diluted with water (proportion - 1: 4). Next, you need to soak a piece of bandage or cotton wool with the resulting solution, and then apply it to the affected finger of the baby. It is important to keep the bandage for no more than an hour, so as not to cause skin irritation.
  • Immunomodulators - help increase immunity, fight infectious diseases. The benefits of drugs in this group for relieving inflammation are undeniable. But it is possible to give immunomodulators to a child after a medical recommendation, self-medication will lead to the development of autoimmune pathologies.

How to treat panaritium at home?

TO folk ways removing inflammation from a sick finger of a child should be resorted to after the approval of such measures by the attending physician. It will be difficult to cure panaritium on your own, although after using the following remedies, the symptoms of the disease quickly disappear:

  • Baths - help relieve redness, itching and soreness from the focus of inflammation. For the preparation of therapeutic baths, a variety of products are used that have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties (potassium permanganate, soda, salt, calendula, celandine). It is necessary to take baths every day for 10 minutes.
  • Compresses - effectively fight the symptoms of children's panaritium, remove the pus formed in the subcutaneous layers of the fingers. For healing, you can make a bandage from an onion. Aloe has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. A compress from this indoor plant should be applied to the affected area and tied with a bandage.

Ice bandage is also popular. To make it, you need to wet a piece of cloth cold water and then wrap it in ice. Such a compress is applied to the site of inflammation for 15 minutes, helps in relieving swelling and pain.

Surgical intervention

Surgical intervention is resorted to in cases where the methods of conservative therapy turned out to be ineffective and did not give the expected result.

The purpose of the surgery is to remove pus from the child's finger. To do this, the doctor performs the following steps:

  • First, anesthesia is administered to reduce pain.
  • Then the surgeon makes a deep incision on the inflamed finger of the baby and removes pus, dead tissue.
  • When pus forms under the child's nail plate, it must be removed and the wound treated with an antiseptic solution.
  • An antibiotic is injected into the operated site.
  • After surgery, the doctor will prescribe medication for the baby that will help you recover faster and heal wounds.

Why is panaritium dangerous for a child?

Panaritium on the toe of a child is an insidious disease that can develop unnoticed by parents.

With improper treatment or in the later stages of the disease, the following complications appear:

  • Loss motor function damaged finger - occurs due to the progression of the disease, when the inflammatory process affects the tendons and joints of the limb.
  • Blood poisoning is an extremely dangerous condition. Sepsis is often the cause of death of the patient due to the ingress of pus into the blood vessels.
  • Violation of the bone structure - leads to severe pain and amputation of the fingers.

Preventive actions

Panaritium is quite easy to prevent. To eliminate risk factors that contribute to the onset of the disease, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • During the bearing of the fetus, the expectant mother should carefully monitor her health, give up addictions, adhere to all the doctor's recommendations.
  • Bathe the baby every day, carefully trim his nails.
  • Each time you take the child in your arms only after washing your hands.
  • Keep pets away from children.
  • Treat the baby's pathologies in time.
  • To increase the immunity of a child - for this purpose, natural immunomodulators (honey, onions, garlic, rose hips, radishes, beets, cabbage) can be included in his diet.
  • If you find suspicious scratches on the fingers of children, contact your pediatrician immediately.
  • Wean the child to gnaw or suck his fingers, such a habit causes a variety of infectious invasions.
  • If the baby returned from a walk, having played on the playground or in the sandbox, then he needs to wash his hands.
  • Treat damaged areas of the skin with brilliant green or hydrogen peroxide to prevent the development of panaritium and the further formation of pus.

Panaritium in a child is an inflammatory process that occurs mainly in the tissues of the upper phalanx of a finger or toe. Panaritium is always preceded by small penetrating injuries of soft tissues that have not undergone proper treatment disinfectants, especially with damage to the epidermis in newborns.

Most of the wounds children receive on the street, in natural conditions for aggressive pathogenic microflora. The skin of a newborn baby is thin, easily damaged, and the immune system is not yet able to cope with the attack of pathogenic microflora on its own.

Common in the environment, types of staphylococcal and streptococcal bacteria infect the deep layer of the skin, causing inflammation and suppuration - panaritium. Panaritium healed by local therapy in newborns is prone to frequent relapses at an older age.


The causes of panaritium are always associated with infection of injured soft tissues fingers and toes in children. There are many ways to get infected:

  • Scratches left by animals are the most frequent cases of infection of deep tissue layers with pathogenic microflora, which lives in abundance on the claws of domestic and street cats and dogs.
  • Splinters driven into sandboxes can also infect the tissues of the baby's fingers. Again, the source of infection are animals, for which sandboxes often serve as a place to defecate.
  • Untreated cuts, scratches, abrasions of the finger resulting from a fall during street games.
  • Many babies lick, suck their fingers, bite their nails, injuring the top layer of the skin, thereby providing an unhindered path for infections to the deeper layers of tissues.
  • Inaccurate or infrequent trimming of nails, ingrown nails in newborns often cause cuticle injuries, and later - periungual panaritium.

If a child is prone to chronic fungal diseases of the foot and nails, the risk of panaritium increases many times over.


Forms of panaritium differ depending on the location, depth of tissue damage and the cause of inflammation. The classification includes the following types: tendon, articular, bone, herpetic subungual, nail, periungual, subcutaneous felon.


Subungual panaritium damages tissues located under the nail finger or toe. The causes of suppuration are mainly associated with the ingress of a splinter under the nail.

Even if the foreign body can be removed, there is a possibility that, along with the splinter, pathogenic microflora got under the nail plate, due to which subungual panaritium subsequently occurs.


Periungual felon - "paronychia" - is characterized by the appearance of a purulent bladder in the area of ​​the nail. It occurs as a result of inaccurate manicure or ingrown nails in the tissues of the finger.


Subcutaneous felon affects the deep layers of the skin in the area where the phalanges of the fingers connect to the inner surface of the palm. The skin here, even in children, is denser, corns can form. As a result, the accumulated purulent masses cannot come to the surface, the subcutaneous panaritium spreads deeper to the tendons, joints and bones.


Tendon panaritium - tendovaginitis - the most severe suppuration of tendon cysts And. Treatment of tendovaginitis is long, complicated, and sometimes ineffective. With a tendon panaritium, the finger swells strongly, becomes immobile, the child is tormented by severe pain when trying to unbend the affected phalanx. The consequences of the disease are dysfunction of the finger, and sometimes the whole hand.


Articular felon - purulent articular arthritis - affects the joint connecting the two phalanges finger. The cause of suppuration is a complicated subcutaneous panaritium. If there is no treatment for a long time, the joint may lose mobility forever.


Osteoarticular panaritium occurs as a result of the active progression of the articular form of the disease. inflammation gradually spreads from joint to bone by damaging bone tissue.


Bone panaritium directly affects bone tissue e arms or legs. Occurs without previous stages of suppuration, as a result of bone damage and infection with open fractures or as a complication after subcutaneous panaritium.


Herpetic panaritium, caused by infection with the herpes virus, may not manifest itself outwardly for a very long time. If the bubble does appear, the child will first feel pain in the phalanx of the affected finger, and cavitary vesicles will appear 2-3 days later.

It is forbidden to open a herpetic formation. The virus is highly contagious and spreads quickly over the surface of the skin.


Panaritium symptoms develop quickly. First, the deep layers of the skin become inflamed, the surface of the skin turns red. If there is no treatment, a purulent process begins. A vesicle with cloudy grayish-yellow pus forms. The area of ​​​​the abscess hurts a lot, burns. At this stage, treatment should not be postponed, the inflammation will worsen, the abscess will grow, penetrating even deeper into the tissues.

Different types of panaritium show their specific symptoms. But there are common signs indicating an acute purulent inflammatory process:

  • The finger of the hand, foot swells, swells, the surface of the skin becomes very red. If suppuration is aggravated, the color of the skin becomes bluish.
  • The inflamed area hurts a lot, the pain is throbbing, constant, intensifying.
  • The mobility of the finger is limited, the child cannot bend, unbend the affected finger, every movement brings pain.
  • Because of acute inflammation the temperature rises.


Treatment of panaritium should be started at a very early stage, as soon as the first symptoms become noticeable. Then you can do without surgery, limiting yourself to conservative methods of therapy. Treatment at home is possible.

Conservative treatment is effective only during the serous-infiltrative stage of suppuration. Methods of local hypothermia, UHF-therapy, sessions of electrophoresis, ultrasound are used. At home: baths with salt and soda, dressings based on alcohol and drugs.

At home

Is it possible to treat purulent panaritium at home? As a rule, the occurrence of suppuration requires an immediate examination by a pediatrician. Attempts to cure panaritium on your own at home are not recommended.

Due to the rapid progression of the disease, too late or improper treatment with ineffective drugs, folk remedies, can result in serious complications. If the panaritium reaches the bone tissue, the finger will have to be amputated.

To use any remedy at home, you must first consult with your doctor. If the disease is at an early stage and develops slowly, parents may be allowed to treat the child on their own, use folk remedies as an additional therapy.

If the patient begins to feel severe jerking pain, the temperature rises, it is better to call an ambulance or take the child to the trauma department.


With panaritium, you can use Ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky's ointment after opening the abscess. At acute form diseases, treatment with ointments will only exacerbate the process. The use of Vishnevsky's ointment at the stage of abscess formation contributes to the spread of inflammation to the surrounding tissues.


Warm baths with potassium permanganate relieve inflammation, disinfect. Baths do daily for 5-7 minutes. Dilute potassium permanganate with warm water to a light pink color, lower the sore finger into the solution and hold for a while.

You can take baths with calendula. Add alcohol tincture of calendula to warm water, hold the inflamed finger in the bath for 7 minutes. Calendula can be used for subungual and okolongetovy panaritium.

Trays with salt and soda must be applied carefully so as not to burn the delicate baby skin with the ingredients. It will take a liter of hot water, a temperature of 70 ° C. Dissolve a tablespoon of salt and the same amount of soda in water, mix thoroughly. Keep the sore finger in the bath twice a day for 15 minutes.

Treatment with baths is considered quite effective. with celandine. First you need to prepare a decoction: pour a teaspoon of chopped celandine into half a liter of warm water, boil for 10 minutes on low heat, cool to 70 ° C. It is not necessary to filter the decoction. Means to apply 2-3 times a day, for 15 minutes.

Panaritium on the toe can be treated with baths with the addition of alcohol tincture of eucalyptus. Pour a teaspoon of eucalyptus tincture into half a liter of hot water. There is also a recipe for a decoction: a tablespoon of fresh leaves per liter of water, or two teaspoons of dry ones. Boil on low heat for 10 minutes, cool to 70 ° C. Do the procedure 2-3 times a day for 15 minutes.


Pus-pulling compresses are worn for a long time. The bandage is applied to the sore finger after therapeutic baths. For a compress, you can use levomekol ointment, dioxidine ointment is also suitable. The compress is fixed tight enough to avoid slipping.

At home, panaritium can be treated with onions. Cut a medium onion, bake in the oven until the pulp becomes very soft, or boil in milk. Put an onion compress on the abscess, fix it firmly. The dressing should be changed after 5 hours. With the help of such a tool, the abscess will ripen and come out faster.

Accelerate the maturation of the abscess and castor oil helps to facilitate the release of contents. The castor oil bottle is preheated. In warm castor oil, a piece of cotton wool is moistened, applied to the abscess, fixed with a bandage. The compress is changed every 2 hours.

Aloe has unique healing properties. Aloe vera is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. From the fleshy part of the aloe leaf, you need to remove the skin, remove the thorns. Crush the pulp so that the juice is formed. Apply aloe to the inflamed area, fix with a bandage.


Pharmaceutical preparations are considered more effective than folk remedies.

  • Recommended reading: Follicular keratosis in children


Lotions with a solution of dimexide are used in cases where warm compresses or baths are contraindicated for the patient. Dimexide penetrates well through the skin, is a powerful antiseptic. Doctors often use dimexide for the construction of a purulent dressing.

Dimexide is used as follows: moisten a cotton swab in a solution, apply to the inflamed area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe finger. If after the use of the drug there are adverse reactions, dimexide is canceled.


Treatment of children with antibiotics by parents is often perceived negatively. However, with panaritium, the antibiotic will become one of the most effective means. Treatment will necessarily include an antibiotic if suppuration is provoked by streptococcal or staphylococcal bacteria.

Panaritium of fungal origin should be treated with antifungal drugs, an antibiotic will not help here.


To strengthen the ability of the immune system to fight bacterial pathogens use immunotherapy. The child is prescribed a course of antistaphylococcal gamma globulins, staphylococcal toxoids, injections of hyperimmune antistaphylococcal plasma.

  • Interesting to read: onychodystrophy of nails in children

If treatment with folk remedies and drugs at home at the serous-infiltrative stage did not bring results, acute suppuration develops, then the attending physician will insist on an operation.


The operation is performed using local anesthesia. Sometimes used alternative methods anesthesia, including general anesthesia. The doctor makes tissue incisions in the affected area, removes dead skin, injects an antibiotic local action into the deep layers of the epidermis.

Viable tissues are drained, the incisions are disinfected, followed by dressing. Before bandaging, the doctor carefully examines the incisions, whether there is a fistulous entrance to the deeper layers of tissues in the tissues, where the suppuration focus is located.

In order for the incisions to heal faster and re-infection does not occur, a course of local and general antibiotic therapy- antibiotics and antiseptics.


It is quite difficult to cure purulent diseases, and when treated only with folk remedies, it is almost impossible. Panaritium is a dangerous disease, so treatment should be carried out only under the strict supervision of a doctor. A running purulent process leads to terrible consequences:

  • If the panaritium affects the tendons, the child will forever lose the ability to freely move the affected finger.
  • Purulent diseases are often complicated by sepsis - blood poisoning, which in half of the cases ends in death.
  • Panaritium progresses rapidly, spreads deep into the tissues, affects the bones. It is likely that improper treatment of the disease will eventually lead to the amputation of the diseased finger.

Panaritium in children.

Causes of panaritium in children:

  • splinters;
  • burrs;

Why is the disease dangerous?

Symptoms of panaritium in children.

Treatment of panaritium in children.

A mild course of panaritium in children is carried out on an outpatient basis. Until an abscess appears, dry heat is prescribed: UHF. magnetotherapy. darsonval. To reduce pain, anti-inflammatory drugs (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen) and antiseptic treatment (Brilliant greens, Iodinol) are indicated. You need to take care of your hand, do not let the baby play with it. After treatment, a loose bandage is applied. If necessary, the doctor prescribes antibacterial agents(Amoxicillin. Ceftriaxone. Cefuroxime).


  • cut burrs;
  • get splinters on time;

Panaritium in newborns

The causes of panaritium in infants are divided into internal and external.

The development of a purulent process in the skin or bone tissue in a newborn can be provoked by the following reasons:

  • autoimmune disorder,
  • intrauterine pathology,
  • intrauterine infection with some viral and bacterial diseases,
  • intestinal infection.

External factors that can cause the development of inflammation in infants:

  • injury to soft tissues, nails and nail bed,
  • skin irritation,
  • increased sweating,
  • hypothermia of the body,
  • keeping in unsanitary conditions,
  • pet scratches.

Panaritium is distinguished by its rapid development. Parents can easily detect it in their child by redness of the skin and the appearance of an ever-growing abscess.

Depending on the type of disease, there are also differences in clinical picture. However, babies cannot voice what is bothering them. Let us name only the external manifestations of panaritium:

  • increased moodiness of the baby,
  • redness and blueness of the skin around the abscess,
  • swelling and swelling of the damaged arm or leg,
  • increase in body temperature.

Diagnosis of panaritium in a newborn

An external examination will be enough for a doctor to diagnose. To identify the causes of the disease are assigned:

  • general analysis of blood and urine,
  • limb ultrasound,
  • radiography.

If panaritium is secondary, then it must be treated in a hospital setting. In the absence of proper therapy, inflammatory processes in a baby can progress rapidly and cause a number of complications:

  • immobilization of an injured finger or other joint,
  • putrefactive damage to the bones,
  • to stop which requires amputation of the affected part of the body,
  • sepsis, which in most cases ends in death.

What can you do

If suppuration occurs, you should consult a pediatrician. Self-squeezing of pus can be unsafe for a number of reasons:

  • incomplete removal of pus,
  • additional skin injury
  • introduction of other infections.

The formation of an abscess can also indicate more severe pathologies, for this reason it is important to see a pediatrician.

If you decide to treat yourself, since local inflammation was definitely caused by a splinter or scratch, then follow all the safety measures:

  • before and after the opening of the abscess, disinfect the skin,
  • carefully open the abscess with a sterile instrument (microtweezers or needles),
  • apply an anti-inflammatory agent.

If the cause of the inflammation is not clear, then you do not need to self-medicate. Show the baby to the pediatrician and follow all his appointments.

What does a doctor do

The attending physician develops a therapeutic regimen, taking into account the causes of the disease, the presence of concomitant and underlying pathologies, and other features of the infant organism.

In the event of the development of the disease internal reasons if possible, treatment will be prescribed to eliminate them. The following points for the treatment of panaritium are:

  • removal of symptoms of the disease,
  • pus removal,
  • anti-inflammatory therapy
  • surgical intervention,
  • restoration of immunity with the help of vitamins and immunomodulators.

At the serous-infiltrative stage of the disease, more conservative methods are used:

  • half-spirit bandages,
  • soda and salt baths (you must strictly observe the proportions so as not to burn and cause irritation of children's skin),
  • hypothermia,
  • UHF therapy,
  • medicinal electrophoresis,
  • radiotherapy,
  • ultrasound treatment.

Panaritium is fairly easy to prevent. To avoid this disease, you should:

  • during pregnancy, monitor the health of the mother,
  • avoid factors that contribute to the development of intrauterine pathologies and abnormalities (bad habits, self-medication, non-compliance with medical recommendations, etc.),
  • wash the baby regularly, cut nails,
  • always take the baby only with clean hands,
  • protect from communication with pets without your presence,
  • treat childhood diseases in a timely manner,
  • strengthen baby's immunity
  • carry out the prevention of any infectious diseases,
  • regularly show the baby to the pediatrician.

Ingrown toenail and panaritium in a child

Sometimes in the first weeks of a child's life, parents notice with concern that the skin around the base of the toe or on the hand becomes inflamed, something like a red roller (the so-called ingrown nail) is formed.

There is nothing to worry about here. This is a completely harmless skin injury, and if topical disinfectants are applied immediately, the infection will not spread further. Applications should be done so that the disinfectant gets both on the lower part of the nail and on the skin around it.

A more serious disease is panaritium, because here we are already talking about an abscess that quickly develops between the base of the nail and the skin around it. Sometimes it is difficult to avoid suppuration, and in such cases, a surgeon should be consulted, who will open the abscess and at the same time prescribe antibiotic treatment.

Panaritium is very rarely observed in infants, more often in children who have already left infancy. As soon as you notice any inflammation, immediately consult a doctor: treatment started on time will avoid suppuration.

Too frequent repetitions of inflammatory processes in the area of ​​​​the nails may be evidence of some immunological weakness of the child. In most cases, immunity strengthens with age, but it is still necessary to draw the attention of your pediatrician to recurring inflammations.

Causes of panaritium in children

Panaritium is called purulent inflammation of the tissues of the finger. The causative agent of the disease is most often staphylococcus, in more rare cases panaritium develops due to the activity of streptococcus or mixed flora. Various minor injuries of the finger are related to the development of the disease - scratches, abrasions, injections, splinters. Often panaritium occurs at the site of a roughly torn burr.

Symptoms and signs of panaritium in children

Panaritium is characterized by very severe pain. The skin in the area of ​​inflammation is red and swollen. Due to severe pain, the function of the finger and hand suffers. The child tries to keep the finger in a sparing (half-bent) position. Exist different kinds panaritium: skin, subcutaneous, articular, bone, subungual, tendon, etc.

Treatment of panaritium in children

If a child has a superficial panaritium, it is sometimes enough only local treatment. If the child has developed a deep panaritium, there is a need for general treatment prescribed by the doctor (antibiotic therapy, symptomatic agents, etc.).

  • soak the affected finger in warm water. The duration of a warm bath is 15-20 minutes (longer baths are also allowed). The procedure effectively reduces or completely eliminates pain in the finger, significantly speeds up recovery. Warm baths. should be done as early as possible, as soon as inflammatory changes are detected in the skin of the finger, pain occurs. Sometimes one timely warm bath is enough to cope with panaritium;
  • periodically give the child warm baths with the addition of table salt or baking soda. Salt or soda solutions help to quickly remove tissue swelling, which means relieve tissue tension and relieve pain. Salt and soda solutions also have an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. With developed suppuration, warm soda baths should be done at least twice a day;
  • in warm water used for baths, you can add a few drops of an alcohol solution of iodine;
  • use warm bath sea ​​water. You can prepare sea water by dissolving 1-1.5 teaspoons of natural sea salt in warm water (natural sea salt is purchased at a pharmacy in kilogram bags);
  • at the very beginning of the disease, when a focus of inflammation only appears on the finger, this focus should be treated with one of the ointments of antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action: prednisolone, hydrocortisone, hyoxysone, decamin, erythromycin, tetracycline, gentamicin, etc .;
  • regularly apply a cotton or gauze sterile napkin soaked in freshly squeezed walnut oil to the focus of inflammation. You can squeeze the oil out of the walnut kernel using a garlic press (a few drops of oil are enough for the procedure). A napkin applied to a sore finger should be fixed with a bandage or plaster.


Comments: 1

We were prescribed Ilon ointment from panaritium. I smeared my daughter's finger in the morning and evening and periodically soared in a soda solution. It's all gone in a week.

Panaritium is a purulent inflammation of the superficial and deep tissues of the fingers and toes. In case there is no effective treatment this disease of the finger, the abscess can cause quite important complications.

Subcutaneous panaritium of the fingers is an accumulation of pus in the subcutaneous tissue on the phalanges. The most popular localization site is the terminal phalanx of the finger, its palmar side and the nail fold. Panaritium tendon, bone and periungual are the most complex forms of the disease. Primarily, they appear with deep wounds or with the upcoming spread of subcutaneous panaritium. Treatment in such cases is complicated by the depth of penetration of the infection.

Panaritium nail has two varieties: periungual, or paronychia, and subungual.

Doctors are stunned! The rash is gone forever!

Rub any evening into the skin.

Symptoms of the disease

Any kind of panaritium has certain external indicators, but non-specialized symptoms are characteristic of all, which are easy to find out at home. They appear in both adults and children. Among the characteristic manifestations to be mentioned:

  • Incessant throbbing pain in the phalanges of the fingers or toes.
  • Intense redness of the skin around the area of ​​pain. The finger looks swollen or swollen.
  • Limited mobility of fingers or toes. Due to swelling and pain, it is difficult to move the fingers.

Nail panaritium of the finger quite often appears with poor-quality manicure. Along with this, the nail fold swells, turns red and becomes sick. In the future, the skin around the nail rises, pus begins to shine through it.

Tendon inflammation is characterized by swelling and redness not only of the finger, but of the entire hand. The movements are very painful, the pulsation in the finger improves when lowering it down.

Like any inflammatory process, subcutaneous panaritium on the finger leads to an increase in temperature and a deterioration in the non-specialized condition. Independent treatment at home should not be carried out, it is imperative to contact an expert who will recommend an ointment for the child and prescribe antibiotics.

Circumstances of the origin of the disease

The development of panaritium occurs in most cases from the penetration of pathogens of purulent infection (much more often than staphylococcus aureus) into tissues during industrial and domestic microtraumas (cuts, abrasions, cracks, injections) on the finger. In some cases, the role of the causative agent is Escherichia coli, coli putrid infection, streptococcus. Treatment for panaritium is highly dependent on the type of bacteria.

The accompanying circumstances that determine the development of a purulent or putrefactive process are as follows:

  • constant exposure to irritants;
  • severe pollution;
  • constant actions that cause a violation of microcirculation (cooling, moisturizing, vibration);
  • skin maceration;
  • toxic effect of substances and some metals.

These factors contribute to the free penetration of infectious pathogens into the tissues and the formation of panaritium in a child and an adult. In addition, they provoke the origin of the disease and disorders in immune system child, metabolism, and endocrine diseases, hypovitaminosis.

A child's skin is much narrower and softer than that of an adult. It is especially prone to various scratches and injuries. Based on this, during games and walks, children should not be let out of sight. In addition, the smallest scratch or wound on the child's finger should be treated with a disinfectant, otherwise the inflammatory process will have to be treated for a long time.

Particular attention should be paid to the nail fold, since many children have a habit of biting their nails or sucking their fingers. In newborns, this disease is also seen, for the most part, in the nail area. Here the circumstance much more often lies in the inaccurate cutting of the child's nails.

The infection in the child's body spreads too quickly, and if treatment with antibiotics and dimexide is not started in a timely manner, complications will appear.

Possible complications

If the inflammation is started or treated incorrectly at home, using only ointment and baths, then complications may appear in the form of damage to the deep tissues of the finger. In a child, this process goes quite quickly. When the inflammation moves from the finger to the tendon, it may lose mobility due to tissue necrosis.

Bone panaritium is terrible for the future development of stiffness in the affected joint. Based on this, in addition, having tried to treat yourself with dimexide and taking some improvement in the condition, you still need to consult a doctor so that he makes the correct diagnosis.

How to cure panaritium

It is possible to treat nail and subcutaneous panaritium at home, but under the supervision of a doctor and only at the initial stage.

For a child, it is better to start with the procedures for applying lotions from herbs and baths. As lotions, it is possible to use infusion of calendula, chamomile, celandine. Herbs are brewed in the ratio of 1 spoon per cup of boiling water. A cotton swab is impregnated with a cooled infusion and applied to the finger, fixing it. Baths are prepared using potassium permanganate or saline-soda solution. In sufficiently hot water (60 degrees), potassium permanganate is diluted until a pale pink color is obtained, after which the child's finger is lowered in that direction, held for some time, dried, applied ointment, bandaged. When using a saline-soda solution in a glass of water, a spoonful of salt and the same amount of soda are completely diluted. During the treatment of the bath, it is possible to change.

Not to mention folk remedies probably conservative treatment of panaritium with dimexide. To do this, tampons soaked in a solution are applied to the inflamed area. Dimexide treatment is prescribed in the form of lotions in the event that warm compresses are prohibited. At origin allergic reactions rinsing with dimexide should be temporarily stopped.

If no improvement is noted at home, neither baths nor ointment help, and the symptoms intensify, then they resort to surgical intervention. It is performed under local anesthesia and is contained in the dissection of finger tissue, removal of dead areas and the introduction of bactericidal drugs.

Nail, and skin and subcutaneous felon on the finger can be treated in the clinic. And suddenly the diagnosis of articular, tendon or bone panaritium is confirmed; treatment in the surgical department of the polyclinic is demonstrated. With a complication of such a disease as panaritium, the treatment is very long.

Disease prevention

The main method of prevention of panaritium is the exclusion of traumatic factors - the action of substances, skin maceration, waterlogging and hypothermia. At the end of the walk, carefully examine the hands and feet of the child. The nail fold should also be examined for damage, since the nail panaritium is the most painful. If microtraumas are found in a child, prompt treatment with antiseptics is needed. At home, to determine the origin of the disease, go to press on the tissue near the wound, if pain appears, immediately begin treatment and use an antiseptic ointment.

And a little about secrets

Have you ever tried to get rid of dermatitis? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, the victory was not on your side. And it goes without saying that you understand firsthand what is:

  • again to refuse the evening with friends because of the hateful rashes;
  • wake up in the morning with another itchy plaque in a new place;
  • constant unbearable itching;
  • severe dietary restrictions;
  • inflamed, bumpy skin, spots.

Now answer the question: does it suit you? Is lichen possible to endure? And how much money have you already “leaked” for ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to finish with them! Do you agree? Just on the basis of this, we decided to publish an exclusive interview with Vladimir Levashov, in which he revealed the secret of salvation from dermatitis and psoriasis. Read the interview.

This summer, our family was not without brilliant green. They smeared everything with it: cuts, scratches, abrasions. But perhaps the biggest problem was inflammation on the finger of the eldest son. The boy spends the whole day in the yard, running, climbing, so he drove a splinter somewhere. He did not confess in time, we did not pull it out, as a result: painful redness appeared near the edge of the nail. This time the green didn't work. As the doctor said, panaritium in children can be cured by treatment with an antiseptic, but not in the case of my Andrey. The surgeon had to open the focus and remove the pus.

This incident greatly spoiled Andryusha's holidays. I was shocked to learn from the doctor that even small children have panaritium if they often suck their fingers!

And the parents may be to blame. How? Read the article further, I will also tell you when panaritium can be treated in children at home, and in which case the help of a doctor is needed.

Causes of panaritium in children.

Panaritium is called inflammation of the periungual bed. Depending on the spread of the infection, inflammation can affect the skin, subcutaneous tissue, spread under the nail, and even involve the joints, bones, and tendons.

Not every injury or damage to the skin leads to inflammation, much depends on the protective factors of the child's body, the pathogenicity of the microorganisms that have penetrated the wound. Most often it is Staphylococcus aureus - a natural inhabitant of human skin.

Causes of panaritium in children:

  • injury, skin cuts around the nail bed;
  • splinters;
  • burrs;
  • thumb sucking and constant maceration;
  • careless cutting of nails.

Why is the disease dangerous?

Infection with panaritium in children can spread both deep into the finger, moving from superficial to deep, and along the tendons, spreading along the hand to the forearm. The latter option is most dangerous for babies, as there is a risk of generalization of the infection and the occurrence of sepsis.

Symptoms of panaritium in children.

Depending on the form of the disease, the symptoms will differ, but first of all they always appear:

  • pain;
  • edema;
  • redness of the skin around the nail.

Until an abscess has formed, the disease can be treated conservatively.

With the appearance of pus, the pain becomes strong, throbbing, does not allow sleep at night. Most often, the child gives a sparing position for the finger, holding the affected hand with the brush up.

At the same time, there are general symptoms: weakness, fever, sometimes to high numbers, appetite disappears.

With a skin form, a tense bubble with a cloudy liquid appears at the site of injury. With periungual panaritium, a roller appears in children, which is able to open on its own. After that, the temperature drops, and the wound gradually heals.

The most severe pain occurs with subungual inflammation. Due to the nail plate covering the focus, the pus is not able to come out on its own.

Most often, children develop subcutaneous panaritium. Its danger is that pus is able to penetrate to the bones, tendons and joints. The deep form is severe, with fever and chills. The finger swells, acquiring the appearance of a “sausage” with a bone form and a “spindle” with an articular one. Movement is very limited and painful.

Treatment of panaritium in children.

Even with a mild form, do not self-medicate. It happens that it is the parents who are carried away folk medicine, translate the superficial form of the disease into a deep one. Treatment is carried out by a surgeon at the place of residence.

A mild course of panaritium in children is carried out on an outpatient basis. Until an abscess appears, dry heat is prescribed: UHF, magnetotherapy, darsonval. To reduce pain, anti-inflammatory drugs (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen) and antiseptic treatment (Brilliant greens, Iodinol) are indicated. You need to take care of your hand, do not let the baby play with it. After treatment, a loose bandage is applied. If necessary, the doctor prescribes antibacterial agents (Amoxicillin, Ceftriaxone, Cefuroxime).

If the condition worsens, hospitalization is indicated. Deep panaritiums are treated promptly. The focus is opened, pus is removed, treated with an antiseptic. If necessary, leave glove drainage. Antibiotics are required. In parallel, symptomatic therapy is carried out: taking antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, drip infusion according to indications.

To prevent complications, the main task of parents is to suspect panaritium in a child in time and take it to a doctor. And then strictly follow his recommendations.


In order to prevent the occurrence of the disease, it is necessary:

  • treat all wounds and scratches on the fingers of children;
  • carefully trim the nails, rounding them on the hands and leaving them straight on the legs;
  • cut burrs;
  • get splinters on time;
  • wean babies from thumb sucking.